Individual and general sets of product packaging. Individual and general sets of packaging items Packing list in 1s 8.3

With the release of new versions of popular configurations, even programmers have many questions, and of course users have no less. In this article I want to talk about how to set up packaging in Trade Management version 11.1. This setting is needed, for example, for organizations that buy goods wholesale in boxes and crates and sell them individually at retail. Or vice versa, let’s say the supplier indicated pieces in the receipt documents, but in fact the goods are in cardboard boxes. You receive it individually, but intend to sell the entire batch in boxes at once. The question arises: how to configure it so that the program automatically converts some storage units into others?

First, you need to check the settings on the “Administration” tab, in the “Item Settings” section and if there are no checkboxes, you need to check them.

In the “Inventory and Purchasing” section, check the “Assembly/Disassembly” checkbox if you plan to sell at retail. This topic is beyond the scope of this article, but in short, after installing this bird, the document “Assembling (disassembling) goods” appears with which you can assemble and disassemble kits. For example, a box of goods arrived, you disassembled it into pieces, put it in another cell in the warehouse and sell it individually at retail.

So, we checked the settings, let's move on. On the Master Data tab, at the very top, on the left, click “Settings and reference books”. We will be interested in two reference books: “Packaging sets” and “Units of measurement”. In the “Units of Measurement” directory, we will add from the classifier the necessary units in which the items are recorded; in the “Packaging Sets” directory, we will create, accordingly, sets of packaging. For example, a set of packages is a block, with a unit of measurement - pieces. There can be many blocks, they are different, so for each item in the nomenclature you can individually set your own packaging. Or you can immediately specify in the Item Type settings which packaging will be used and it will be substituted for all items of this type.

Now we make the arrival of goods in pieces.

We sell goods in blocks.

We look at the report “Remaining goods in warehouses”

Now we’ll do the opposite - we’ll buy the goods in blocks.

Let's look at the report.

Video on the topic.

That's how it works. If you have questions and need answers, write comments, if you need advice, call. All the best!

Often items are supplied in packages. allows you to maintain records in the context of product packaging. To use packages, you need to check the box next to the “Nomenclature Packaging” item in the subsystem “Master data and administration” / “Setting up master data and sections” / “Nomenclature” / “Accounting sections”. The use of item packaging is configured both in the item type card (the “Default Values” tab) and directly in the item itself. In the item card, after recording it, there is the ability to indicate item packaging, as shown in the figure below.

Both a common set of packaging (which can be used in the nomenclature of another group) and an individual set can be used. The list of general packaging can be viewed in “NSI and administration” / “NSI” / “Item classifiers”. In this example, the general set of nomenclature “Water Packaging” is used. If you click on the “List” hyperlink, you can see the composition of the selected package and edit it, as shown in the figure below.

Receipt of items in packages

Receipt of the “Mineral Water” product in a package of 3 pcs. can be reflected as follows, as shown in the figure below. The result will be the presence of the “Mineral Water” item in the warehouse, consisting of 3 pieces, which can be seen using the “Remains and availability of goods” report, called from the item card or from the reports of the “Warehouse and Delivery” subsystem.

Storing items in different units of measurement

There are cases when we can purchase mineral water in packages and sell it for bottling in liters. For example, we only purchase water in 1.5 liter bottles. To do this, it is necessary to indicate that you can indicate the number of liters in the documents and fill in how many liters are in one bottle, as shown in the figure.

In order for rounding to work during recalculation, it is necessary to set the permissible error during automatic rounding, which is set in “Master data and administration” / “Setting up master data and sections” / “Nomenclature” / “Units of measurement” / “Tolerable deviation during automatic rounding”.

When selling 2.95 liters (2.95 / 1.5 = 1.966 pcs), 2 pcs will be written off when rounded to 5% (if the rounding is lower, then an error will be displayed indicating that the error exceeds the maximum value set in the settings An example of writing off 2.95 liters is shown in the figure below.

Help in setting up item storage

Can’t set up inventory accounting in 1C Trade Management yourself? Still have questions? Call and we will help you!

When transporting goods by road, a consignment note is issued - consignment note. There are several unified forms of TTN, but mostly they use the standard interindustry form No. 1-T. TTN in 1C 8.3 Accounting is in the invoice for the sale of goods. A special form is used to fill out vehicle data. Read in this article how to fill out and print the TTN in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Read in the article:

The consignment note consists of two sections – commodity and transport.

In the product section, information on the transported product is indicated, including name, unit of measurement, quantity, price per unit, total amount. All this data is available in 1C 8.3 in the invoice for the sale of goods. Some parameters are entered into the product section manually, for example - article number, number of pieces, weight of cargo.

In the transport section, information about the delivery time, carrier, vehicle, and driver is indicated. To enter data for this section, use the “Delivery” form. How to issue a TTN in 1C 8.3 Accounting in 5 steps, read in this article.

Step 1. Configure 1C 8.3 to generate TTN

Go to the “Main” section (1) and click on the “Functionality” link (2). The “Program Functionality” window will open.

In the window that opens, go to the “Trade” tab (3) and check the box (4) opposite “Delivery of goods by road transport”. You will be able to create a TTN in 1C 8.3 only if this checkbox is checked. Now you can start forming the TTN in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Step 2. Go to the sales invoice, on the basis of which you need to create a TTN

TTN in 1C 8.3 Accounting is in the invoice for the sale of goods. . However, to generate a consignment note, you need to add some data to the invoice.

Open the sales invoice for which you need to generate a delivery note. To do this, go to the “Sales” section (1) and click on the “Sales (acts, invoices)” link (2).

A list of previously created invoices will open. Select the one you need and click on it (3). An invoice will open for which you will form a TTN.

Step 3. Fill out the “Delivery” form in 1C 8.3 in the sales invoice

In the invoice that opens, click on the “Delivery” link (1). A data entry form will open.

In this form please indicate:

  • consignee. By default, the buyer of the goods is indicated as in the sale, but you can select another counterparty;
  • shipper. By default, your organization is indicated, but if necessary, you can also specify another counterparty;
  • carrier. By default this field is your organization, change if necessary;
  • delivery address;
  • accompanying documents. Here you can indicate quality certificates, packing lists, and other documents accompanying the cargo;
  • car make;
  • vehicle registration number;
  • Full name of the driver who transports the cargo;
  • the driver's license number;
  • a brief description of the cargo being transported. Indicate a short name of the cargo, for example “Batteries”.

Click "OK" (2) to save the data. Now the sales invoice contains all the data for generating a consignment note.

Step 4. Open the consignment note in 1C 8.3

In the sales invoice, click on the “Print” button (1) and click on the link “Billing note (1-T)” (2). The bill of lading form will open.

In an open TTN, you have the opportunity to add missing information to the cells. For example, you can manually add data to the "mass, t" field. To do this, click on cell (3) and enter the required data.

Changes that you made to cells manually are not saved in 1C 8.3. Therefore, after entering data into the cells, immediately print out the TTN (see below).

Step 5. Print the delivery note in 1C 8.3

To send the TTN to the printer, click on the “Print” button (1). Please note that the consignment note consists of two or more sheets. Therefore, you can use double-sided printing.

What is this article about?

In this article, we will look at the possibilities of warehouse accounting that are used in serious organizations - grouping goods into packing lists:

  • Create a packing slip
  • Acceptance and movement of goods in packing slips
  • Unpacking goods
  • Shipment in packing slips


The article was written for two editions of 1C: Trade Management - 11.1 And 11.2 . If you use these editions, great - read the article and implement the functionality discussed.

If you plan to start implementing UT 11, then most likely a more recent edition will be used. Interfaces and functionality may vary.

Therefore, we recommend taking the course Practical tasks of level 1C: Specialist in UT 11, KA 2 and 1C: ERP 2, this will help you avoid mistakes and loss of time/reputation.

Statement of the problem

The Techno-plus company is engaged in the wholesale trade of computer equipment. The company has two wholesale warehouses: Wholesale and Logistics. Warehouses use an order-based document flow system for the shipment and acceptance of goods. All company processes are reflected using the 1C: Trade Management 11 program.

Sales are carried out from two warehouses. If the required quantity according to the customer’s order is not available, an order is placed with the supplier at the Logistics Warehouse. After the goods arrive from the supplier, they are either shipped to the customer or moved to the warehouse from which the shipment will take place.

When accepting and shipping goods, packing slips are used. That is, a product (or several products) upon shipment is packed into boxes and sent to the client.

The goods also arrive from the supplier and arrive in boxes containing several goods. In advance, the supplier relations manager registers the packing slips that the supplier sent to us.

When moving between our own warehouses, packing slips are also used.

Storekeepers print a barcode label on all outgoing packing slips.

What you need to get

Show the functionality of the system for using packing slips when accepting and shipping goods.

Demonstrate the use of packing slips when selling, purchasing, and moving merchandise between warehouses, as well as creating and printing packing slip labels.

Solving the packing slip problem

In the release of the UT 11.1.7 program, the ability to accept and ship goods using packing lists has been added.

To enable this feature, go to the program section (in UT 11.2 these are the settings of the “Warehouse and delivery” section) and check the “Several warehouses” and “Order warehouses” checkboxes. After this, the “Packing slips” checkbox we need will become available.

Let's go to the "Regulatory and reference information" section and create two warehouses:

  • Wholesale warehouse
  • Logistics warehouse
  • In both warehouse cards, on the “Main” tab, set the warehouse type as “Wholesale”. On the “Order scheme and structure” tab, check the boxes for using the order document flow scheme “On receipt” and “On shipment”.

    Let's create a “Customer Order”.

    When filling out the “Products” tabular section of the order, use the Fill in collateral button. Since there are no goods and they need to be ordered from the supplier to the Logistics Warehouse, in order for the received goods to be immediately reserved for a specific customer order, we will select the “Separate” supply option.

    You can learn more about this security option on our website in the free article “Separate Order Security” ().

    According to the described situation, the “Order to the supplier” is placed at the Logistics Warehouse. The “customer order” arrived at the Wholesale warehouse. That is, goods will need to be moved between warehouses while maintaining reserves.

    To maintain the correct chain of separate accounting, based on the “Customer Order”, we will create a “Movement Order” document from the Logistics Warehouse to the Wholesale Warehouse.

    When filling out the tabular part “Goods” in the “Movement Order”, use the Fill in collateral button and select the “Separately” collateral option.

    After this, the supplier relations manager draws up the “Order to Supplier” document based on the “Movement Order”.

    The supplier reported (by sending a spreadsheet with information on the packing list) that the ordered goods were packed in one large box with the barcode “112233” and sent to the Logistics Warehouse.

    In this case, it is the supplier relations manager who must enter information about incoming packing slips. Then, upon acceptance, the storekeeper can simply scan the packing slip number, and all the information will be loaded into the receipt order.

    To register the supplier's packaging items, go to the section Purchasing – Supplier Packing Lists.

    Let's create a new supplier packaging location. Let's press the button Create.
    Let's indicate the packing slip code as "112233".

    A new table window will open in front of us, where we can copy columns from an external file via the clipboard.

    Let's copy the information about the item and quantity from our file and paste it into the required columns.

    Since the name of the supplier's item and the name of the item in our database are the same, the program automatically matched the downloaded data with the information base data. That is, as we see, the columns “Nomenclature” and “Quantity” were filled in automatically.

    If the names of the supplier's item and the name of the item in the database do not match, for example, like this:

    That is, we will have to manually compare the downloaded data with the data in the information base - select other packing lists or existing items in the database.

    Since we are already creating a packing list, we need to specify the nomenclature. Let's fill in the "Nomenclature" column.

    Let's press the button Move and close.

    The expected goods from the supplier will be transferred to the tabular part of our packing list.

    Let's check the packing list by pressing the button Carry out.

    The next day, the ordered goods arrived at the Logistics Warehouse.

    Let's go to the section Warehouse - Receipt.

    Let's select the required warehouse, select our “Order to supplier” and create a new order.

    In the “Receipt Order”, click the Search by barcode button or the F7 key. In real work, storekeepers usually use barcode scanners and simply scan the barcodes of incoming items/boxes/items.

    In the barcode entry window, indicate the value of the created supplier packing slip – “112233”. Let's press the button OK and the tabular part of the order will be filled with packing space.

    Let's review the document.

    To see what products are on the packing list, just click the button By product, and we will switch to viewing mode for the contents of the packaging.

    The purchasing manager can analyze the receipt of goods at the warehouse using the report “Execution of orders for the receipt of goods” (section Purchasing - Inventory and Purchasing Reports).

    As you can see, according to the “Supplier’s Order”, the goods have been received, but not processed.

    That is, the purchasing manager must, based on the “Order to the supplier,” create a document “Receipt of goods and services.” Let's create and post a document.

    After this, based on the previously created “Movement Order” document, we will issue a document for the movement of goods.

    Since warehouses use an order-based document flow scheme, based on the “Movement” it is necessary to create a “Goods issue order”.

    Let's go to the section Warehouse - Shipping.

    Let’s select the Logistics Warehouse, place the cursor on the “Movement of Goods” document and create a new “Output Order”.

    Let's say that the supplier's packing list was unpacked at the warehouse because the product needed to be checked.

    When moving between our warehouses, storekeepers decided to pack the items being moved into separate boxes (packing slips).

    To do this, you need to select the products one by one in the tabular part of the document and click the button Pack.

    As a result, two packing slips will be displayed in the tabular part of the “Expense Order”.

    If any product was accidentally packed in the wrong packaging location, the packaging location can be unpacked by clicking on the button above the tabular part Unpack.

    For packaging lists, the UT 11 program allows you to print labels.

    Let's create a new label. Let's go to the section Administration – Printable forms, reports and processing – Label and price tag templates(in UT 11.2 this is the section “Research data and administration”).

    In the Label Assistant form, create and save a new label called Packing List Label.

    In the section Administration – Warehouse and delivery Let's specify the label template we created as the default label for printing packing slips.

    So, the label has been created.

    Now let’s go to the “Warehouse” section and on the action panel of the form we will launch the “Print labels on packing lists” processing.

    A processing window will open in front of us. As you can see, the label template is filled by default according to the specified settings.

    Using this processing, we can print labels both for already created packing slips and generate new packing slips.

    By “generate new packing bins” we mean that first the storekeeper takes a box (packing list/bin), generates a code for it, puts a label with the code on it and puts the goods in the box. After that, in the “Expense Order”, instead of goods, he selects packing slips. To generate new packing slips, use the button in processing Generate.

    In our case, packing slips were created first. To print labels for them, you need to add them to processing using the button Add.

    After adding the necessary packing slips to processing, click the button Seal. A window with label printables will open. To output information to the printer, click on Print again.

    So, we arranged the shipment of goods (packing lists) from the “Logistics Warehouse” to the “Wholesale Warehouse” and printed the labels.

    Now you need to accept goods for transfer at the “Wholesale Warehouse”.

    Let's go back to the section Warehouse - Receipt, indicate the warehouse “Wholesale warehouse” and, based on the “Transfer Order”, issue a “Receipt Order for Goods”.

    As when receiving goods from a supplier, we fill out the order using the Search by barcode button (F7).
    Let's execute the order. The “receipt order for goods” will look like this:

    So, the goods from the supplier have been accepted and moved and can now be sent to the client.

    Let’s open the “Customer Order” and based on it we will post the document “Sales of goods and services”.

    Now we need to ship the goods from the warehouse according to the sales we created.

    Open the “Shipment” processing again (section “Warehouse”).

    Based on the “Sales” document, we create a “Receipt order for goods”. We will pack the goods sold in two packing slips. As a result, we will receive the following order:

    If necessary, we print labels.

    We can view all created (incoming and outgoing) packing lists in the “Warehouse” section in the corresponding items in the navigation panel.

    So, we looked at the use of packing lists in the purchase-movement-sale chain of goods. Demonstrated the creation of packing slips, as well as the creation and printing of labels for packing slips.

    The settings, as we see, are not complicated, and the functionality will be useful for companies that use an order-based document flow scheme and pack goods in special packaging (packing lists/places).