How to write a description about yourself sample. Characteristics from a place of work for an employee: a sample of how to write a production characteristic

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Any institution that a person encounters will always be interested in his capabilities, skills, abilities and other data that may be useful to him in the workplace. All this data is entered into a special document - a characteristic. The need for it is dictated by the fact that, on the basis of this data, a decision is made to satisfy applications and accept for work, study, or, justified, refusal.

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The characteristics are usually written by the head of the enterprise; in any case, it is the manager who endorses it, and he also bears responsibility. But in practice, either the person appointed by the manager or the employee himself, who needs to draw up this document for himself, works on the drafting. In any case, before signing, the information must be checked for compliance, since, after all, this is an official document.

The specification briefly describes:

  1. official (labor success, professional qualities, reprimands, penalties)
  2. human social activity
  3. business and moral qualities (leadership, relationships with colleagues).

Types of characteristics for employees

The characteristics are different, and the writing depends on why and for whom this information was needed. For example, a credit institution is completely uninterested in what successes a person has achieved on the production front, just as there is no point in providing information about the creditworthiness of the person being characterized to a higher educational institution.

So how to write a profile correctly?

Everything is actually not difficult. The description itself, in principle, is written quite naturally, like an autobiography, like an essay, the main thing is to adhere to the plan of the main sections.

Let's start by choosing the direction (where this document will be needed - within the institution, or to external structures).

  1. Internal characteristics are needed to influence an employee within the organization (such as rewarding, promotion, discipline, dismissal).
  2. External characteristics are provided outside the organization (to a potential employer when changing jobs, to banking institutions, to educational institutions, to law enforcement agencies, to the military registration and enlistment office). In this case, the document simply must contain the personal data of the employee, who must give his written consent to their use, processing and transfer to third parties.

Next, you need to know exactly where and why the characteristics will be provided. For example, if the goal states “at the place of requirement,” then this means “anywhere,” and naturally, the most general information can be indicated, without specific clarifications.

The basic framework of any characteristic for an employee looks something like this:

  • At the top of the sheet the name, date of compilation, and outgoing number are indicated;
  • Questionnaire. Last name, first name, patronymic of the person characterized in the nominative singular case. His position, marital status, year of birth.
  • Stages of professional development of an employee. It is necessary to create a chronology from the moment of hiring, production achievements, participation in projects, scientific or technological developments, contributions made to the development of the enterprise, and any activity of the employee to date;
  • It is also necessary to indicate information about penalties and awards in the description. For objectivity of information, this section lists all titles, certificates, awards, reasons and methods of penalties. Actually, this information is entered into the work book (personal file) and free access to it is available to the personnel department, who is usually assigned to compile characteristics.
  • All the employee’s skills and abilities, his professional and team relationships, conflict tolerance, leadership qualities, etc. are listed here.
  • Purpose of the characteristic. This point does not need any comments - it simply indicates where the document is being submitted.
  • At the bottom of the sheet are the visas (with a transcript) of the responsible employee who compiled the description and the manager, and a round seal of the institution is required.

Example of characteristics for an employee

Here we provide an example of drawing up such a document. Please note that there is no special standard for it, and you can compose a characteristic either based on an example with a strict standard (first example) or in a free manner (second example of a document).


Production characteristic - example

Production characteristics - another sample

Hello! In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the employee.

Today you will learn:

  1. When a characteristic is needed;
  2. What are the characteristics?
  3. What design rules apply to characteristics.

What is an employee characteristic

A character reference is a document that contains an assessment of an employee’s qualities (both personal and professional), and may also contain information about a person’s social activities.

The compilation of characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee or at the request of any external organizations.

The requirements for this document are not regulated at the legislative level; there are only general drafting rules specified in GOST R 6.30-2003.

Why do you need a characteristic?

In many ways, its content depends on where the characteristic is intended. If it is provided at the request of a banking organization or the police, an assessment of the employee’s moral qualities will be quite sufficient.

If it is drawn up in order to provide it at a new place of work, then such qualities of the person must also be revealed that will indicate that he is an excellent, highly qualified specialist.

What are the characteristics

All characteristics are generally divided into 2 large groups: external and internal. Internal ones are usually used only in the company in which they were issued. They are compiled if you are transferred from one department to another, promoted, and so on.

External type characteristics are more common. They are provided to third-party organizations, banking institutions, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

Regardless of what type the reference is, it must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization that issued it.

Who prepares and signs characteristics

The employee’s immediate supervisor is responsible for preparing the characteristics. If the organization is small and there is only one manager, then he is responsible for resolving issues with characteristics.

The document will be signed by the one who created the reference; if the organization has a personnel department employee, he will also sign the document.

How to write a description correctly

First of all, let's figure out what components should be contained in a typical characteristic.

So this is:

  1. Name. In our case, this is a “characteristic”.
  2. Last name and initials of the employee. Must be written in full.
  3. The position held by the employee. Also no abbreviations.
  4. Employee age. In principle, an optional item to indicate.
  5. When the employee started and when he finished working in the specified position.
  6. Achievements in the profession, awards (if any).
  7. Information about whether the employee passed or received additional training. education.
  8. Information about penalties (if any).
  9. Information about the employee’s job skills and abilities.
  10. Information about personal qualities (most often about mobility and stress resistance, level of conflict).

Characteristics from the place of work are either written by hand or printed on a computer. They are usually printed on an A4 sheet.

The points that we talked about earlier should be fully reflected in the document, and the writing of the employee characteristics should be completed by indicating where and for what purpose it will be provided.

Also, do not forget to indicate the date and year when the reference was compiled, and then do not forget to put the organization’s stamp.

The specification does not have an expiration date; it can be provided at the place of request at any time. But if suddenly it is lost, you can re-compile it at any time.

During the process of consideration of a case in the courts in which an employee of your organization is participating, his or her characterization from the place of work may be required.

Note that this type of characteristic is one of the most complex types. There are situations when the characteristics will determine what decision the court will make against a person. In this regard, such a description is often made not by a personnel service employee, but by the manager himself.

The reference for the court is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. Be sure to indicate the person’s marital status, indicate the number of children and the age of each. Please also include information about your education and military service.

The description should also include data that characterizes the person’s personal qualities. Moreover, it is necessary to reflect both positive and negative ones. This is an important section; the participants in the process judge your employee by it.

In addition, the description must contain a note that it was drawn up for presentation to the judicial authorities. It is signed by the head and employee of the HR department.

Ultimately, the characteristic is recorded in the outgoing documentation log and assigned a number.

Production characteristics

It characterizes the skills, abilities and abilities of a person. Often, based on it, they decide whether to hire an applicant or not.

This characteristic is usually given by the head of the company in which the person worked. At the same time, if an employee has reprimands or penalties, these should also be reflected.

There are a number of requirements for writing this characteristic:

  • When compiling, be sure to indicate the date and serial number of the characteristics;
  • In chronological order, reflect the stages of the employee’s professional development;
  • Reflect the existence of penalties and awards to the employee;
  • Complete the document with your signature or the signature of your manager and affix the company seal.

You should also not ignore the negative characteristics of the employee. Unfortunately, in some cases it is necessary to draw up such documents.

In any case, even a negative characteristic must be objective. No matter what kind of employee you are, you don’t need to express your emotions towards him in your character reference.

As for the writing structure, it will be the same as that of a regular characteristic. Only each point is viewed from a negative perspective.

In practice, such a description is rarely given to an employee, even if he has committed an offense. It is clear that if you write such a description of a former employee, it is unlikely that anyone will hire him.

Therefore, for the most part, employers try to simply part with a problem employee, but not have a negative impact on his future life.

Example. Wealth accounting specialist I. has been working in our company for two years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is generally characterized as an employee with low professional potential. Periodically violates deadlines for completing instructions and reporting deadlines. I. was repeatedly subjected to disciplinary sanctions and received reprimands several times. Conflicts with colleagues and refuses to help new employees. He categorically refuses to participate in the public life of the company.

Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor

This document can be drawn up for both internal and external use. In the second case, such characteristics must be provided by those employees who in the future plan to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and so on.

Such a characteristic reflects information that shows the person in the best light and reflects the best qualities of the honorary employee. It is imperative to emphasize the fact that the person is fully qualified for the position held.

Also, if the characteristics will not be used within the company, then you can consult with the employee himself on how best to compose it. There is no violation in this.

Qualification characteristics

This is a kind of standard of specialist qualifications. This document formulates all the basic requirements for the qualifications of workers. This document is used mainly for government agencies and organizations.

This characteristic contains:

  • Description of the meaning of the profession;
  • Working conditions;
  • Psychological and physiological nuances of the profession;
  • Requirements for specialist training.

These characteristics are currently used in professional selection, as well as in employment in government agencies, in particular in the fields of education, culture and healthcare.

What is better not to do when preparing a specification

Although there is wide scope for creativity when writing characterizations, you still need to adhere to some simple writing rules:

  1. You should not use overly emotionally charged expressions, much less offensive ones. Whether you are happy with the employee or not, follow business etiquette.
  2. The information in the description must be truthful and reliable. It is unacceptable to reflect information about a person’s political and religious beliefs, as well as nationality.
  3. Control your literacy. If you find an error, rewrite the text again. It is important to remember that if the rules listed above are ignored, the employee will be able to appeal the document at any time.


Today we told you how to write an employee profile. The text of the characteristic can be either positive or negative. But in any case, the document must be as objective and unbiased as possible.

Job references are no longer as popular as they used to be, but they are not completely losing ground. Many employers do not require it for employment; they prefer a resume. It is believed that the text in the description is too dry and unsuitable for understanding the person.

The characterization is not emotional; it is only a brief assessment of the professional and business aspects of a person’s personality.

What is a job description?

Such a document is a brief description of the worker’s work, professional and personal components. The employee can be either active or retired. A reference may be necessary in different situations: to a bank to apply for a mortgage, to many authorities, to judicial authorities. Certain types of characteristics may be required when workers travel or transfer to other locations.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

As usual, it is compiled either by the director of the organization himself or by a human resources specialist. Depending on the purpose of writing the characteristics, there are two types of composition:

Internal is written (most often) for:

  • Transfer to other vacancies;
  • To encourage or punish a person;
  • When receiving a rank or title, in order to determine whether he can perform official duties;
  • Assist in defining new labor requirements;
  • Before going on a long, important business trip, etc.;

Such employee data, intended for use within the organization, is collected according to a general template. At the same time, the bias is towards labor detail. Based on the purpose of writing, you can assess the employee’s creative abilities, write what he strives for, what he expects from a new day, from a new position, provide information on how best to apply such qualities, etc.

Often characteristics for an individual organization become an element of a portfolio. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the details of the executive person at whose request the characteristic was prepared.

The external characteristics of the employee will be written only when the employee submits a request. Without such a characteristic, you may not be admitted to an educational institution, or you may not be able to get a mortgage or loan. The most unpleasant reason when such a description may be needed is the suspicion or accusation of an employee of administrative/criminal offenses. In such matters, the employee’s financial situation, his personal qualities, how he manifests himself at work with his superiors and colleagues, whether he is a good person or not, may be important. Marital status and relationships with clients/customers may be important. What information needs to be taken into account and displayed can be found out from the employee himself or from the person who requested this characteristic.

Sample characteristics for a good employee

There is no legally approved form for writing a reference from a place of work, but there is a generally accepted sample. It consists of three parts.

First part (personal information): full name;

  • Date of birth;
  • Organization data, full details (not necessary when using letterhead);
  • The employee's length of service in this organization.

The second part (we describe the employee’s experience in more detail):

  • steps up the career ladder. (all transfers, demotions, promotions are important);
  • we write all encouragements, reprimands, certificates, letters of praise;
  • indicate why specific measures were applied;
  • We indicate what training the employee received while working (advanced training courses, seminars, etc.).

Third part (Personal characteristics):

  • what professional positive qualities does he have?
  • what types of work you have encountered, how you cope in stressful situations, how quickly you achieve your work goals;
  • how to find a common language with clients;
  • How does one find a common language with colleagues? - ability to work, etc.

Example of filling out a positive characteristic


(name of the company, firm or organization)

(company address: zip code, city, street)

(company details)



to _____________________ for submission to ____________

(Full name employee), works in ( organization) (your position) With ( date of employment).

IN (date) year received an education in his specialty ( your level of education), which is certified by a state-issued diploma issued ( name of educational institution) .

He served in the military with " number » month year and by " number » month year in the service area No. ___. Upon graduation, he was enlisted in the reserves with the military rank " rank ».

Seed position: Single /married /divorced , children No /has age floor .

To work in ( organization) got a job at number » month year . Employee ( Full name) has proven himself well even in stressful situations, while maintaining an optimistic attitude. Never ( Full name) was not noticed in a stressful state, did not violate labor discipline. The team treats him very well, ( Full name) always come to the rescue and support colleagues even in the most difficult situations. Does not use alcohol or drugs. Avoids conflicts. A very sociable and open person with high ambitions, capable of making independent, informed decisions.

The reference was issued to provide _________.

Director ( signature) / (full name)

You can end there, but no one can stop you from adding something of your own to the description.

Video on writing characteristics

A job description is a document that is used to provide in different places and situations. Knowing the peculiarities of its preparation will help in situations where you need to check how correctly it was drawn up for you. Also, such information will be useful if you need to draw up a reference yourself and then have it approved by the employer. In our article we will talk about all the design features of this document.

○ What is a job description?

A job description is a description of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

The peculiarity of this document is that there is no established form; it is filled out voluntarily by the employer. However, it often happens that they approach this task formally, resulting in a standard document that raises doubts about the validity of the specified facts.

But since this document is required in many cases, you need to know how it should be drawn up, so that in case of non-compliance with the standards, require a new characteristic.

○ Why is the characteristic required?

This document may be required in many cases, for example:

  • When applying for a loan from a bank.
  • When applying for a job.
  • When transferred to another department.
  • In case of problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, when returning rights after deprivation).
  • In a trial where a positive characterization can help justify or reduce a sentence, etc.

○ Types of characteristics.

There are different types of this document, differing in content. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Positive and negative.

Characteristics of an employee can be either positive or negative. In the first case, the best qualities of a person are described - personal and professional. Most often compiled when:

  • Entering a new job or educational institution.
  • Promotion.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Payment of remuneration.
  • Submission for an award.
  • Applying for a loan.

A negative characteristic is the opposite and indicates business qualities and personal traits that interfere with the effective implementation of work activities. A similar characteristic is drawn up in the following cases:

  • Disciplinary action.
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies or judicial authorities.
  • Presentation to banking structures.

This document may have a negative impact on the employee’s future career.

Assessing the quality of work.

This type of characteristic is important when an employee gets another job. It increases his chances of getting a vacancy, provided that the document indicates the positive qualities of the employee.

In this case, the employee’s personal qualities are not specified; the emphasis is on his professional achievements.

Internal and external.

The characteristics are also divided according to the place of provision. It may be needed within the organization (when transferred to another department, nominated for an award, issued a disciplinary sanction, etc.).

The employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their job duties (declares gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, nominates them for the title of the best in the profession).
(Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, the document can be presented outside the enterprise (at a bank, law enforcement agencies, court, etc.). A characteristic can either help or hinder an employee.

○ How to write a characteristic?

Despite the absence of a set form, there are certain requirements for the preparation of this document.

Rules for document preparation.

The specification must include the following information:

  • Document name.
  • Full name of the employee.
  • Position without reduction.
  • Age of the employee (optional).
  • Start of work in this position.
  • Achievements in professional activities (gratitude, awards, if any).
  • Information about advanced training and taking additional courses.
  • Data on penalties applied (if any).
  • Information about the employee’s professional skills and abilities.
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • Date of compilation.
  • Signature of the head and seal of the organization.

Basic requirements.

The specification is drawn up in printed form on standard A4 paper. Standards of business ethics and the Russian language are used. It is important that the information provided is reliable.

Despite the absence of punishment for providing an incorrect description, the employer may encounter certain problems when sending such a document to law enforcement agencies, banking institutions or courts.

Sample characteristics from the place of work.

This document can be submitted to various authorities. Compiled directly by the employer or HR department employee. It is allowed to be executed by the employee himself, provided that the document is subsequently approved by his superiors.

An example of such a characteristic can be found here.

To assess the business and personal qualities of an employee, a characteristic from the place of work is used. This document also provides information about his official activities. Characteristics may be required when moving from one department to another or when changing jobs; as a rule, it can be requested either by large organizations or government agencies; in a small company, most likely they will not even remember about such a document.

The types of characteristics for an employee, depending on the purposes of application, may be the following:

  1. External– can be drawn up at the request of a third-party organization or the employee himself to present this document at the place of request, for example, they can be used for military service in a military registration and enlistment office, in a municipal organization to make a decision on the admission of an employee, if they want to apply various measures to the employee rewards or punishments, etc.
  2. Internal– they are used for the internal needs of the organization, for example, to impose incentives and disciplinary sanctions on an employee, when transferring between departments to provide complete information to the manager about his future subordinate

In these cases, the document is drawn up according to the general rules, however, there are other types of characteristics, for example, or, which are necessary if an administrative penalty or criminal case is initiated against a citizen. They can play a key role when the court makes a decision, so when writing them, special attention is paid so as not to harm the person. A production characteristic can also be applied to an employee.

Sample description from place of work

To write the document, it is used in A4 format and is drawn up, as a rule, by the immediate supervisor of the characterizing employee or the human resources department. The document is signed either by an authorized person or by the director of the organization.

The structure of the document should contain the following points:

  • Heading, it is necessary to indicate the details of the enterprise, as well as the date of preparation of this document, after which the word “CHARACTERISTICS” is written in the center of the sheet below, followed by a descriptive part.
  • Employee profile information– this section is the first paragraph of the document, it contains information about in whose name the reference is issued, indicating his full name, patronymic and surname, his date of birth and information about his education.
  • Assessment of work activity– this paragraph indicates information about the date of employment of the employee in the organization, the history of his career ladder, if any, indicates the most significant results of his work activity that he achieved in his workplace and the contribution that he made to economic development.
  • Characteristics of various employee qualities, this can indicate business, personal, psychological qualities, professional competence, level of performance, leadership qualities, etc., as well as information about penalties or incentives:
    • Personal qualities are expressed in the level of general culture and education, his ability to conduct relationships in a team.
    • At assessment of professional level of training work experience, ability for self-education, general erudition, professional knowledge, knowledge of the legal framework and regulations, etc. are taken.
    • Performance level is determined by his activity in the course of performing the tasks assigned to him, the timing of their completion and quality, the ability to make effective decisions, behavior in difficult, non-standard and stressful situations, the ability to bear responsibility for making decisions, etc.
    • Assessment of business qualities occurs based on his ability to maintain business relationships with partners and colleagues, his analytical skills, the ability to plan his work, as well as the ability to manage a team, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation, and so on.
  • Conclusion of the document is written for an external characteristic, in this paragraph the purpose for which it was compiled is written, for example, “given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office” or “at the place of requirement,” etc.

A lot can depend on how correctly, completely and reliably the document is drawn up, both on making a positive decision about hiring a citizen for a new job, and on his career ladder in a new place. You should not describe only the positive aspects, but omitting the negative ones, it is better to show the real situation without adding things that do not exist.