How to develop hearing types of hearing. Musical ear

The nature of musical hearing

Types of musical hearing

Among the numerous varieties of musical hearing, distinguished according to certain characteristics, the following should be noted:

Development of musical ear

The most direct development of musical ear is dealt with by a special musical pedagogical discipline - solfeggio. However, musical ear develops most effectively in the process of active and versatile musical activity. For example, it is advisable to develop rhythmic hearing through special movements, breathing exercises and dance.

The development of musical hearing in children has a very important aesthetic and educational significance. But in a number of cases, even children with good musical abilities do not show a great desire to develop their musical ear through special educational programs. The task of parents and teachers in such cases is to provide musically gifted children with appropriate conditions and opportunities for the development of their musical ear in some more free mode and in some more relaxed creative atmosphere.

At present, several computer programs have already been created (“Ear Master Pro”, “Music Examiner”, the “Musical Arcades” kit, “Ear Gryz”, etc.), which are intended for independent training in the development of musical hearing. But these programs, of course, should be considered only as an additional aid to classes on the development of musical ear, which are conducted under the supervision of experienced and qualified teachers.

See also



  • Maykapar S. M., Musical ear, its meaning, nature, features and method of proper development, M., 1900, P.,. 1915.
  • Maltseva E., Basic elements of auditory sensations, in the book: Collection of works of the physiological and psychological section of the State Hymn, vol. 1, M., 1925.
  • Teplov B., Psychology of musical abilities, M.-L., 1947.
  • Nazaykinsky E., On the psychology of musical perception, M., 1972.
  • Garbuzov N., Zone nature of pitch hearing, M.-L., 1948.
  • Karaseva, M. V."Solfeggio - psychotechnics for the development of musical hearing." M., 1999 (2nd ed. 2002).
  • Starcheus M. S. Musician's ear. - M.: Moscow. state Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2003.
  • Kirnarskaya D.K. Musical abilities. - M.: Talents-XXI century, 2004.
  • Stumpf S., Die Anfänge der Musik, 1911 (Russian translation “The Origin of Music”. L., 1927).
  • Stumpf K., Tonpsychologie, 1883, Bd. 1, 1890, Bd. 2 (“Psychology of musical perceptions”).
  • Meyer M. F., Contributions to a psychological theory of music (1901).
  • Meyer M., The Musician's Arithmetic (1929).
  • Meyer M., How we hear: How tones make music (1950).


  • “Types of musical hearing” on the site “Musicians about classical music and jazz”
  • “MusTeacH is a free online program for developing musical abilities”


  • Musical terms
  • Music education
  • Acoustics
  • Capabilities
  • Musicology
  • Psychology of perception
  • Musical aesthetics
  • Aesthetics
  • Cultural studies

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Gait
  • Bass, Anetta Yakovlevna

See what “Musical ear” is in other dictionaries:

    MUSICAL Ear- (English music hearing) pitch hearing, i.e. the ability to perceive, represent and reproduce the height of musical sounds and their sequences. Absolute pitch is the ability to recognize and reproduce the pitch of sounds without comparing...

    musical ear- a person’s ability to perceive individual qualities of musical sounds, to sense functional connections between them. Types of musical hearing: absolute ability to determine the absolute height of musical sounds; relative definition... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    hearing- noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? hearing and hearing, what? hear, (see) what? hearing, what? rumor, about what? about hearing; pl. What? rumors, (no) what? rumors, what? rumors, (see) what? rumors, what? rumors about what? about rumors perception by authorities... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    hearing- hearing, m. 1. only units. One of the five external senses, which gives the ability to perceive sounds, the ability to hear. The ear is the organ of hearing. Acute hearing. “A hoarse scream reached his ears.” Turgenev. “I wish for glory, so that your ears will be amazed by my name... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    Musical hearing- a person’s ability to fully perceive music, a necessary prerequisite for composing and performing activities. S. m. the basis of music. thinking and music. assessment activities. The typology of S. m. has not yet been fully developed. Can… … Music Encyclopedia

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  • Musical ear, its meaning, nature and characteristics and method of proper development. Issue No. 24, Maykapar S.M. , We present to the attention of readers a book by the famous Soviet pianist, composer and teacher S. M. Maikapara (1867-1938). The author explores the phenomenon of musical hearing, its nature and... Series:

How often do we hear from mature, accomplished people that they have absolutely no hearing or that a bear stepped on their ear. But is ear for music really an exclusively innate quality or can it still be developed even at a very young age?

Musical hearing is an exclusively human ability to perceive, reproduce and compose musical compositions. Many people believe that if they cannot sing correctly or cannot learn to play a musical instrument, then they do not have an ear for music. Is this really true? Let's figure it out.

Is it even possible to develop an ear for music if a person has no innate talent?

It turns out that musical ear, like any other human ability, is subject to development and training. The job of hearing is to memorize certain musical structures and endow them with meaning. That is, the “presence” of an ear for music is the application of certain knowledge in practice plus developed auditory memory.

The absence of an ear for music in the overwhelming majority of cases only indicates that a person does not have knowledge about the basic aspects of music education. At any age you can learn to sing and play a musical instrument. The age-related features of hearing development are only that at an earlier age it is much easier to develop musical abilities than at a more mature age. In principle, this applies not only to musical education and the development of musical ear; as we all know, children learn any interesting activity faster, be it skating or cycling, than adults. But you can develop an ear for music at any age, it all depends on your hard work, desire and patience.

The method of developing musical ear includes improving several types of hearing. In order to develop an ear for music, learn to sing beautifully and hear the structure of musical melodies, you should develop such types of hearing as rhythmic, melodic and internal.

  1. The sense of rhythm and tempo of a melody is rhythmic hearing. To develop rhythmic hearing, read poetry syllable by syllable to music, dance and sing to a well-known simple melody.
  2. Melodic hearing is the perception and understanding of the structure of a melody, its organization, it is an awareness of the movement of music.
  3. Inner hearing is the ability to imagine musical compositions in the mind, in thoughts, hear them internally and reproduce them from memory. To develop melodic and inner hearing, you should take up such an academic discipline as solfeggio. In this case, an appointment with a music teacher is necessary. Solfeggio involves singing melodies, intervals, modes, scales and chords. You will also learn to memorize the sound of melodies, determine intervals and rhythmic compositions by ear, and write notes by ear - the teacher plays a melody, and you try to decipher it note by note.

If you do not have the opportunity to sign up with a professional music education teacher, then you can use specialized Internet sites, for example, muz-urok or earmaster, or programs for the development of musical hearing - Noteris, Ukhogryz, etc.

And most importantly, since developing an ear for music will not be possible in one or two days, you should systematically (every day!) do this for at least one year. Listen to beautiful high-quality melodies, try to repeat the same musical notes after professional performers, listen, memorize and play music. Any hearing is subject to improvement and development. The ability to hear and reproduce musical compositions depends only on your desire and performance.

Our friends who teach singing - including those who are “not at all capable” - never tire of explaining that this label is ridiculous and stupid. And it is the insults received from those who shouted at you “shut up” that most interfere with singing, and not some natural reasons.
The ability to sing, that is
A). don't be afraid to sound at all
b). control the pitch of the sound
- can be fully developed through exercises that are not at all difficult.

Original taken from lyosia V

A wonderful article about voice control and a video of one of the works from Alexey Kolyada’s training “Opening the Voice”. I am pleased to share:

Original taken from araviya c I have no “ear for music”! What does this mean and what to do about it?

I sang a lot as a child. At the age of 7-8 I sang in a folk art studio, at 9 I tirelessly twirled in front of the mirror, inventing dances and memorizing pop hits and more and more new songs. And then someone kind told me that I sing badly, and that in general I have no voice. No, of course there is one, but not for singing. They told me this persistently, and I myself heard that I don’t always sing the way the voice from the tape recorder sings. And a little later I learned that in order to sing beautifully and accurately, you need to have an ear for music, which I also lack, along with the voice. I heard this many times - at school during music lessons, in my family, among friends and acquaintances. By the age of 15, I clearly knew that I couldn’t sing, because by doing so I would darken the mood of those around me. Moreover, I still don’t understand when exactly that same notorious bear did his vile thing to my ear and left me without singing, because I was singing and I liked it! Apparently, the collective opinion of others about my singing abilities and my own defeats had a crushing effect on me. And then I stopped singing and just sounding for a long time.

And a couple of years ago I suddenly learned that the lack of an ear for music, which I am endowed with, has nothing to do with hearing! The point is completely different - in ability to accurately match pitches an audible sequence of sounds (or remembered) and the sounds that the person himself makes. Actually, it is the absence of this ability that is called “lack of ear for music.”

In essence, the ability to sound at the right pitch, due to the lack of development of which many people stop singing, is a simple muscle coordination task. Some people master it quickly and easily even in childhood. About them, the lucky ones, I was often told that they had an ear for music. To this, however, they added that this skill comes from nature. And since not everyone is given it by nature, you shouldn’t try to do anything with your voice. And I, of course, calmed down and didn’t rock the boat, because nature didn’t endow me with such wealth. And she took it for granted.

Of course, for some, the simple advice “don’t sing - there’s no hearing” is not enough. They persevere and sing. Although this desire, as experience shows, does not always lead to good consequences. After some time, without developing the ability to sound accurately, you can get a fair amount of grievances, complexes, despair and uncertainty- everything that manifests itself in cases when a person fails at something, and those around him laugh at him. Or they do something offensive.

Actually, with such baggage, it’s time to neglect the ability to sound and sing, thinking that this is the lot of gifted people. However, we should not forget that the so-called “ear for music” is an ability, which means it can be developed. That’s what they once told me, adding that in fact, everyone has an ear for music, just not everyone has it developed.

In the video presented below, I filmed and successfully tested one of the possibilities of working with this ability - the ability to accurately correlate in pitch the sounds that a person hears and that he himself makes. This a simple exercise that everyone can do, once seemed to me simply impossible and terrible. Now I, who was once afraid to open my mouth and sing any melody, do it easily and simply. With this exercise a person learns to sound higher and lower, changing the pitch of the sound, which is precisely a necessary condition for the development of a “musical ear.”

When performing this exercise, difficulties may arise: for example, it turns out that the voice in some places becomes uncontrollable and seems to sound on its own, and not very accurately and not very beautifully. At the same time, it is noticed that in this case tensions appear in the human body, due to which it is not possible to accurately change the pitch of the sound. I’ll tell you a secret, these bodily tensions, as it turns out, are the very accumulated grievances and other troubles that manifest themselves during any attempt to sing in an unfriendly environment. A little work and hunting to sound accurate– and these tensions will quickly go away. In the video, the guys don’t show how to work with tension, but they show and tell you in detail how to master the ability to sound higher and lower. And I think we’ll show you how to work with stresses later.
Good luck!

If you think that “an elephant has stepped on your ear” and you will never be able to perceive the sounds around you the way people who are gifted with an ear for music from birth perceive them, then you are deeply mistaken. Developing an ear for music is not as difficult as you might think. And today we will give you some tips to help you do this.

First, let's look at the types of hearing. To develop an ear for music, we need to hone:

  • Rhythmic hearing. That is, learn to hear and feel the rhythm.
  • Melodic ear is the ability to understand the movement and structure of music and hear its subtleties.
  • Relative - hearing that allows you to understand the size of musical intervals and pitch.
  • Inner hearing is the hearing that allows you to clearly imagine music and individual sounds in your thoughts.
  • An ear for intonation that allows one to understand the character and tone of music.

Of course, there are many more types of hearing, but we will focus on these five, since they are enough to acquire an ear for music.

So, what do we need to do to train these types of hearing?

1. Musical instrument

The ideal way to “pump up” all types of hearing is to start learning to play an instrument. This way, you'll remember how each note should sound, train your sense of rhythm, and generally begin to understand music better. But since you most likely don't have time to learn how to play a musical instrument, let's move on.

2. Singing

If you don’t have a piano at home, find an online version on the Internet and play scales on it several times every day and sing them along with the piano. As you begin to feel confident with scales, move on to intervals, chords, and simple melodies. The main thing is don't be shy. If you are afraid that someone will hear you, try to train while you are alone at home. But in fact, there is nothing shameful here! Just remember karaoke bars, where people, to put it mildly, without voice or hearing, sing so loudly that they can be heard outside the bar.

3. Meditation

We called this point that because the exercise we are about to tell you about is very similar to meditation practices for beginners. It will help you develop awareness of sounds.

Walk outside without headphones, trying to catch snippets of conversations, the noise of trees, the sound of cars, the sound of heels on the asphalt; the way a dog shuffles its paw on the ground; the way someone shakes out a blanket on the balcony... you will notice that you are surrounded by so many sounds that it’s hard to believe. At home, spend five minutes a day listening to the humming of the refrigerator from the kitchen, the sound of water in the pipes, the conversations of your neighbors, the noise from the street.

4. Voices

When talking to a person, try to remember his voice. You can also watch movies, memorizing the actors' voices, and then listen to parts of the movie and try to name the character based only on his voice.

Try to notice the manner of speaking of your interlocutor, the timbre of his voice; When remembering a conversation with someone, try to pronounce the interlocutor’s phrases in your head in his own voice.

5. Learn to hear music

Of course, it’s very nice to listen to music and not think about anything. But if your goal is to develop an ear for music, then try to delve into the music you listen to. Learn to separate one musical instrument from another; study how a guitar sounds under different “gadgets” so as not to confuse it with other instruments; also learn to distinguish different modes of the synthesizer from other musical instruments; listen to how real drums and electronic drums sound.

This practice will not only help you develop an ear for music, but will also teach you to hear music more subtly, which in turn will give you even greater pleasure from listening to it. There is one side effect of this practice - most likely later you will not want to listen to what you are listening to now, you will want something more complex and voluminous. And this is great, because isn’t this the main indicator of your progress?

6. Rhythm

There is such a cool thing called a “metronome”. You can buy it for yourself or find an online version on the Internet. Every day, practice with a metronome, tapping with your finger (arm, foot, whatever), the rhythm that it sets for you.

Once you feel comfortable with the metronome, move on to recognizing rhythm in music. Start with music that contains drums; it’s easier to determine the rhythm using them. And then move on to working with music that does not contain noise instruments that allow you to easily determine the rhythm (classical music, for example).

Another enjoyable way to improve your sense of rhythm is dancing. Enroll in a dance studio or dance at home for your own pleasure.

7. Sound source

If you have a helper for this task, great! Close your eyes and ask someone to walk around you in and outside the room and make sounds (voice, hand clap, ringing a bell, etc.). And every time your assistant makes a sound, you should try to understand from which direction it is coming. A fairly simple task if you and your assistant are in the same room, but once he starts walking around the apartment, you will notice that it becomes more difficult for you to determine where the sound is coming from.

If you don’t have someone who can help you with this, then you can do the following. Go outside, sit on a bench somewhere and listen to the sounds around you, as in the third exercise. Only this time you will also need to understand from which side this sound is coming.

Programs and applications

Of course, there are many programs for developing your musical ear, and we have collected the best of them.

1. Eartheach

An excellent application containing exercises on scales, chords and intervals. Perfect for those whose ear for music is already more developed. You can also download the PC version.

The principle is very simple - you need to play the melody that you just heard. The application can also be downloaded on Android and iOS.

A simple game that will help you remember notes. Also on the right you can find many more games to develop your ear for music.

Musical ear

- a set of abilities necessary for composing, performing and actively perceiving music.

Musical hearing implies a high subtlety of perception of both individual musical elements or qualities of musical sounds (pitch, volume, timbre), and functional connections between them in a musical work (modal sense, sense of rhythm, melodic, harmonic and other types of hearing).

Among the various types of musical hearing, distinguished according to different characteristics, the most important are:

There is a widespread belief that an ear for music is something almost unique - a gift from God, and a person who has an ear for music is very lucky. After all, he can sing, play music, and in general, he is, in a sense, the chosen one.

How many people experience a feeling of inferiority when it comes to music, declaring: “a bear stepped on my ear.”

Is it really such a rarity - an ear for music? Why do some people have it and others don't? And in general, where did it come from in humans? Why did he even appear? Maybe it's some kind of psychic ability?

It is worth remembering that human abilities do not arise just like that. Every ability we have comes from vital necessity. Man learned to walk on two legs because he needed to free his hands.

The situation is approximately the same with an ear for music. This function appeared when living beings needed to communicate using sounds. In humans, an ear for music developed along with speech. In order to learn to speak, we need to be able to distinguish sounds by strength, duration, pitch and timbre. Actually, it is this skill that people call musical ear.

Types of musical hearing

Absolute pitch

The ability to recognize any note by ear (do, re, mi, etc.) and reproduce it with the voice without prior tuning. This also applies to sounds performed not only on musical instruments (siren, telephone call, knocking on a metal pipe, etc.).

Relative hearing

It differs from absolute in that in order to determine or sing notes by ear, a setting is required - a sound or chord, relative to which the scale will be mentally built.

Melodic ear

The ability to hear and understand the structure of a melody (pitch, direction of movement and rhythmic organization), as well as reproduce it with a voice. At a higher level of development - write down with notes.

Develops in the process of learning music.

Harmonic hearing

The ability to hear harmonic consonances - chord combinations of sounds and their sequences and reproduce them with the voice in unfolded form or on a musical instrument.

In practice, this can be expressed, for example, in selecting an accompaniment to a melody by ear, even without knowing the notes, or singing in a polyphonic choir.

Its development is possible even with the initial absence of such ability.

Inner hearing

Internal representation of correct pitch intonation, without vocal reproduction.

  1. Inner hearing, uncoordinated with voice. Entry level.
    In practice, it is expressed in the selection of a melody, possibly with accompaniment, by ear on an instrument or by understanding errors by ear in the piece being studied.
  2. Inner hearing coordinated with voice. Professional level. The result of serious solfeggio training. It involves hearing and pre-hearing musical text and the ability to work with it without a musical instrument.

Develops in the process of learning music.


Mental planning with the inner ear of the future pure sound, rhythmic figure, musical phrase. Used as a professional technique in vocals and for playing all musical instruments.

Is it possible to develop an ear for music?

We use our ear for music, and a very accurate one, all the time. Without it, we wouldn't recognize people by their voices. But we can tell a lot about our interlocutor from his voice. It gives us the opportunity to determine what mood the person we are talking to is in, whether he can be trusted, and much more. Nonverbal, that is, nonverbal, characteristics of speech sometimes give us much more information than spoken words.

Is it possible to say in this case that someone has no ear for music? Of course not! Every person who has learned to speak independently has an ear for music.

Lack of hearing for music is as rare as, for example, congenital blindness!
Of course, for some it may be very well developed, and for others it may be worse, but the vast majority of people have developed their ear for music quite well enough to practice music and achieve excellent results without special intensive training to develop their ear for music. The problem is that musical ability is often judged by a person's ability to sing. If you don’t know how to sing, it means “a bear has stepped on your ear,” “you have no ear for music.”

But to sing, it’s not enough to hear well. You also need to be able to control your voice well. And voice control needs to be learned in the same way as drawing, dancing or swimming.

And, besides, if you hear that you sing poorly, then everything is definitely fine with your hearing!
And, finally, if you love music and listen to it, then you have a normal ear for music, you don’t have to worry about this.

An ear for music, like any function of our body (for example, the ability to swim), develops only when we actively use it. Playing a musical instrument or singing will help you quickly develop your ear for music. By the way, Dmitry Kabalevsky devoted his life to debunking the myth about the uniqueness of musical hearing. He developed a whole system that proved that every person can and should be taught music. And the results of his activities showed that almost anyone can successfully make music.

Specialists are engaged in the development of musical hearing. discipline - however, musical ear actively develops primarily in the process of musical activity.

One of the methods for developing intonation hearing is through movement, breathing practices and dance. Various manifestations of musical hearing are studied in musical psychology, musical acoustics, and psychophysiology of hearing. Hearing is dialectically related to general musicality, expressed in a high degree of emotional sensitivity of musical phenomena, in the strength and brightness of the imaginative ideas and experiences evoked by them.

If you have a desire to make music in one form or another, cast aside any doubts about your abilities, act, study, and success will definitely come to you!