How wealthy people live. “All our billionaires are notorious collective farmers with meager imagination,” says Lena Miro

From time to time, the question will occur to someone - how do they live, these rich ones?

In this article I will not answer you how the rich live... But I will tell you where you can find the answer!

Even if you don’t have rich friends and acquaintances, and you can’t establish close contacts with wealthy people, you can create a fairly detailed, voluminous and realistic picture of the life of the “average” rich person by gleaning knowledge from several sources.

How do rich people live?

Do you want to imagine what a rich life looks like, but you can’t? In order to solve this problem, it is enough to spend money on a glossy publication - at least one, or better yet several. These could be magazines about interior design, architecture and landscape, travel, expensive cars, gourmet recipes, beauty salons and haute couture fashion.

Flip through the glossy pages, plunge into the atmosphere of luxury, and you will gain a fairly vivid and voluminous idea of ​​a rich life. Please note that it is recommended to buy real magazines. The online version will not give you the full experience.

However, there are also such rich people who, despite their status and savings, which allow them to live dozens of lives without working a single day, continue to save every penny. For example, they re-brew tea bags, visit the public pool and rent swimming trunks. But this is more the exception than the rule.

How do the rich feel? Do they have feelings? Are they capable of love? Is it true that they cry? What can bring tears to these “rulers of the world”? In order to at least partially get an answer to these questions, it is enough to watch another television series about the lives of the rich. There you can get a general impression of the emotional lives of rich people.

Watch candid interviews with stars - almost all of them are wealthy people. You will be surprised how similar the feelings of rich people are to the feelings of the less fortunate part of humanity. However, it is possible to grasp the special specificity of the emotional and other problems of wealthy people.

Take a look. Of course, in the films everything is a little different from what it really is. But I think there is some truth there too.

Better read Forbes. He will lift the curtain on a question that worries a lot of people: “How did they do it? How did the rich get rich? How did they come to the life they have now? Yes, yes, everyone who is not in deep apathy or has not gone into spiritual practices, or to whom something else out of the ordinary has not happened, is interested in this question...

How to start living richly?

Despite the widespread saying that “if you haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with,” people still strive for chic and wealth, and do not lose hope for a better life. Therefore, the question “how to start living richly” has been asked, is being asked and will be asked throughout the history of mankind. But if the answer to this question were simple, unambiguous and easily implemented in practice, we would no longer have to read this article and try to picture the life of the rich in our imagination.

We ourselves would begin to live richly, and if we were lucky, we would also be healthy and happy. And they would hardly spend time on the Internet, because, you see, in our time the Internet is one of the options for low-budget pastime. It has a lot of interesting things, but the screen and keyboard cannot compare with traveling on VIP tours, designing another villa on the seashore, playing in a casino with millions of bets, etc., etc.

The principles of achieving wealth are briefly described in the article: Rest assured, if you set a goal to get rich and go towards it with great persistence, such a short “manual” will be enough for you for the first time.

But, by the way, I watched a video of a program about the life of the rich on Rublyovka, several episodes in a row - it’s addictive.

My plans are not to limit myself to this article, but to write a whole series of motivating articles about a rich life. The houses, interiors and cars of the rich, their leisure and entertainment, the appearance and style of rich people and much more on this topic - all this is worthy of close attention and study. I think it will be interesting, and we will be able to get complete and reliable information about how the rich live!

Almost all people dream of living richly and not denying themselves anything. Having a lot of money, a person gets a large number of opportunities for self-realization, business development, and the implementation of his most daring endeavors.

How to live richly?

Money solves not only practical issues, but also gives self-confidence and creates a sense of security. Having a lot of money, a person stops worrying about the future and about the many small financial problems that for the general mass of people form the basis of their daily life (paying bills, saving for children’s education and for vacation, planning large purchases, etc.) .

Rich people have influential friends and move in certain circles, attend social events, often travel around the world, constantly go to expensive restaurants and buy clothes only in branded stores. Rich people invest in luxury real estate, cars, and jewelry.

Where do the rich live?

Rich people live in luxury city apartments located in prestigious areas, or in their own mansions. Typically, they have both. A wealthy person will definitely buy an apartment in an elite quarter, in a building with all the amenities and a large area of ​​apartments. The mansion will be built or purchased in a prestigious gated community, where the neighbors will be equally successful people.

Rich people often purchase real estate abroad, the availability of which allows them to make a profitable investment and increase the level of comfort while vacationing in another country.

Where do the rich vacation?

Wealthy tourists prefer to vacation in civilized European countries, characterized by a comfortable, quiet life and a high level of service. The most popular holiday destinations for rich people are the French Riviera and the Caribbean. Vacations in Bali are very popular among wealthy tourists, where you can rent a villa with individual service.

Wealthy people prefer to travel comfortably to their vacation destinations. Having a lot of money allows them not to think about how much it will cost to rent a private jet, the price of which is unaffordable for ordinary people. A rich person can also easily afford to purchase a yacht or travel on an expensive liner.

According to the editors of the site, rich people live in a special world in which there are no minor everyday problems and financial difficulties.
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How do the rich live?

Many people are quite interested in the topic that concerns the lives of rich people on our planet. We tend to imagine that the rich live in extreme luxury, which is practically unaffordable for most people. We often see what expensive things rich people surround themselves with. Very often we see the luxury of stars and showmen, but the life of businessmen is not so often described. How do rich businessmen live?

How do foreign businessmen live?

It is worth saying that it is necessary to divide rich businessmen into ours and foreign ones. The fact is that most foreign businessmen accumulated wealth thanks to their achievements, their ability to conduct business, and their cunning. Often many of the richest people do not allow themselves very great luxuries. They bought what they wanted at the very beginning, and they are quite happy with it. For example, Warren Buffett. His house is generally quite modest and cost 31 thousand dollars. He does not have expensive yachts, too expensive cars and believes that expensive things distract from the main business. Many such examples can be given. But this mainly depends on the character of the person himself. Thus, Bill Gates' house is valued at $53 million. The area of ​​its buildings is about 0.6 hectares. And the territory of the house itself is located on two hectares. Moreover, a sufficient number of spruces, maples and other trees are planted on this territory, creating the impression of a breathtaking landscape. Gates' home includes a 4-car garage and a family tech play area. The walls of the houses are made of wood, and the supports of the building are polished so that they shine like satin. But the most exciting thing about Gates' house is that the walls inside the house are equipped with a variety of sensors and lights that change color depending on the owner's mood. It seems that the walls are undergoing some kind of instant renovation, changing their color. If we discuss how rich people live using Gates as an example, we can give more than one example.

Life of Russian businessmen

As for our rich businessmen, most of them became rich as a result of the redistribution and appropriation of property inherited after the collapse of the USSR. That is, at one point they successfully became rich. Of course, these businessmen were the people who were in power in the USSR. They got this wealth at a much lower price than their foreign colleagues. And given our mentality, each of our businessmen lives as luxuriously as possible, sparing no money either on houses or on expensive cars. And the places where rich people live are very often fenced off from others, and entire areas of houses are formed into which only the rich have access. A special feature of our businessmen is the purchase of houses abroad in prestigious areas of cities in a particular country. Thus, Abramovich owns estates in the UK, USA and France. Moreover, he has the world's longest yacht, Eclipse (169 m), and a personal Boeing 767 aircraft.

Videos of how rich people live will show you this question clearly. One of them is on this page.

How rich people live in different countries of the world

Yesterday's post aroused curiosity: what kind of interiors do the rich people from around the world live in? After all, despite globalization, national and cultural characteristics should be manifested in the environment of elite homes, and everyone’s ideas about beauty are different. The richness of decor or minimalism, favorite styles and even colors - not only personal tastes are manifested in everything, but also the traditions of a particular culture. As you would expect, the mini-study confirmed all the stereotypes :).

Sheikhs of the Middle East they love outright pomp and luxury. To be convinced of this, just look at the interiors of the palace of the Saudi Sheikh Saoud Al-Shaalan. But with harmony, everything is somehow not very good, at least for my taste, instead of unity of style there is discord.

"New Russians"Rublyovka people traditionally respect Rococo and Baroque in the interior. It seems that they were all taken to the Hermitage as children, and this excursion left an unforgettable mark on their minds. More gilding, more stucco! The house, the interiors of which are shown in the photo below, is two years old ago it was sold for 100 million dollars. I don’t know if it was bought: the interiors are luxurious, but it’s hard to imagine the life of a modern person in them.

Also luxury, but of a completely different type: this apartment in Venice although it is sold 10 times cheaper than the mansion on Rublyovka, it also looks 10 times better. Yes, Italians They also love chic, but for them old things and exquisite decor are not an end in themselves, but a means of giving their home individuality. It is comfortable to live in such an interior, and at the same time it is pleasing to the eye. The secret of elegant luxury is the skillful combination of different elements and the cult of the principle of convenience.

For Japanese with their lack of territory, luxury is primarily an abundance of square meters, and therefore the most expensive apartment in Tokyo for 21.8 million dollars, it impresses primarily with its size. As for the interior, it is minimalist with elements of traditional culture.

Columns in the bathroom and a plastic water ladle, solid gilding in the bedroom and an excess of rich red plush, and the apotheosis - the living room, where literally every inch is decorated: welcome to the presidential residence Zimbabwe. Interestingly, there is literally nothing in the palace that would be associated with Africa. This is understandable: the dream of every African is to live like a white colonialist :).

But this is Hollywood, or rather, the most expensive mansion in Los Angeles . It seems expensive, but it still gives the impression of good decorations, and nothing more.

Although, when compared with the crazy gilding of the penthouse Trump , then the interior is quite decent :). Trump loves gold almost as much as the millionaires from Rublevka :).

Gifted with a rich imagination and subtle taste, a resident of Magadan, who has turned a three-room apartment of 78 square meters into a royal home, is keeping up with Trump as best he can.
The TV, however, is old, but the food jars in the kitchen are gold-plated :).

And for a snack - a little genuine glamor: the best interiors of the palaces of the rich Romanian gypsies :).

As one of my friends liked to repeat, “May I live like this!”

Zulu huts worth millions

On February 15, it became known that South African President Jacob Zuma agreed to voluntarily resign. One of the reasons for this was the accusation of the politician and his entourage of embezzlement of state property.

The scandals surrounding Zuma did not start yesterday. Several years ago, human rights activist Thuli Madonsela accused the head of state of wasting funds from the treasury on the reconstruction of his own residence. In his 444-page report, Madonsela called the politician’s mansion a “showcase of flashy luxury” amid widespread poverty. On the territory of Zuma's ancestral village, where he lived with his wives (polygamy is legal in South Africa), houses appeared in the form of traditional Zulu huts with bulletproof glass, a helicopter pad, a swimming pool, an amphitheater, a candy store and cattle pens, The Guardian reported. In total, $23 million was spent on furnishing the housing of the president and his family.

The private estate of South African President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla.

Another luxury home was discovered by Jacob Zuma in 2017 in Dubai. Villa L35, with 10 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, a swimming pool and an 11-car garage, decorated with marble, mosaic and gold, is located on Lailak Street, which is called the street with the most expensive postcode, The Sunday Times reported. By the way, another former African leader, Robert Mugabe, became Zuma’s Dubai neighbor.

President Jacob Zuma and his wives Nompumelelo Ntuli, Thobeka Madiba and Gertrude Sizakele Khualo.

Nardus Engelbrecht/Gallo Images/Getty

I take all my treasury with me

In January 2017, former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh, who lost the election, left the country he had ruled for more than 20 years since 1994. True, the politician did not fly away empty-handed. And we are not talking about the copy of the Koran that he kissed while standing on the steps of the gangway. Along with him, Jammeh took $11.4 million from the state treasury, effectively bringing the country to the brink of financial disaster. In addition, a cargo plane took off from the airport in the capital Banjul, carrying several expensive cars and luxury items, The Washington Post reported.

Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is leaving the country after 22 years in power.

Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images

Yahya Jammeh was born into a poor family in a small Gambian village, but when he took the presidency in 1994, he did not deny himself anything. For example, a politician owned a fleet of Rolls-Royce cars, each of which had his name embroidered on the headrests. At the same time, the average annual income of Gambians, according to the World Bank, is $460.

In 2008, the issue of homosexuality attracted Jammeh's attention. “Homosexuality is Antichrist, Antiman, Anticivilization. Homosexuals have no place in The Gambia. If we catch a gay man, he will regret that he was born,” the president said. In 2012, Jammeh purchased a mansion in Washington for $3.5 million, and his daughter attended a private school in Manhattan, where a year of education cost more than $40,000. By the way, same-sex marriage is legalized in the states of Washington and New York.

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh and First Lady Zeinab Jammeh.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

All the best - to loved ones

In November 2017, 93-year-old Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was placed under house arrest and resigned, and his wife Grace, considered the most likely successor, fled the country. Mugabe ruled for 37 years, and today his country is one of the thirty poorest in the world. At the same time, the wife of the ex-president was famous for her extravagance. Soon after her wedding in 1996, the first lady of Zimbabwe was nicknamed Gucci Grace for her passion for expensive items and jewelry.

According to The Daily Mail, in 2014, Grace Mugabe spent almost $3 million on luxury purchases. The first lady of Zimbabwe acquired 12 new diamond rings, 62 pairs of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes, several dozen new Gucci items and a Rolex watch worth $112 thousand. During one of her visits to London, where Mugabe stayed in a suite at the 5-star Claridge's Hotel, she was asked how she could explain spending so much on designer shoes. “I have very narrow feet and I can only wear shoes Ferragamo,” responded Grace Mugabe.

© Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis via Getty Images

© AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi

Also in 2014, the Mugabe couple married their daughter Bona. The party with 4,000 guests cost more than $4 million. Only $700 thousand was spent to repair the road in the capital Harare leading to Mugabe's mansion.

The President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has ruled the country since 1979, pampers his son no less. Incumbent Vice President Teodorin Obiang officially earns less than $100,000 a year, but he owned millions of dollars in property: a mansion in Malibu and in the prestigious 16th arrondissement of Paris, a collection of sports cars, a private Gulfstream jet and items from the collection of Michael Jackson. for $2 million. Part of Obiang’s property, however, was seized and sold after a trial on corruption and misappropriation of public funds.


Rich rulers of poor African countries can afford not only luxurious mansions and expensive cars, but also entire harems. The king of Swaziland, Mswati III, can boast of the most extensive - he has several dozen wives. At the same time, in 2001, he issued a decree on chastity in the country, prohibiting girls from having sex under 21 years of age. Those who violated it were fined one cow. By the way, the king himself also paid a fine when he married an 18-year-old girl shortly after the right to chastity came into force.

King Mswati III of Swaziland (center).

Ihsaan Haffejee/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images