Extraordinary people of the planet. TOP – Unusual people of the world

A person is surprised by everything that goes beyond the ordinary. But if actions cause approval or condemnation from others, then unusual abilities only cause surprise, delight or disgust. Amazing people have superpowers, talent, gifts, or maybe something else? Where do they live? How do their destinies turn out? And who are the most amazing people in world history?


The name of this musician is known all over the world, as he made a huge contribution to the development of music around the world. The works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are immortal classics and the cultural heritage of all mankind. born in 1756 in Western Austria. The child had phenomenal hearing and memory. Wolfgang's father was a musician, and his only sister was also into music. The parents devoted a lot of time and effort to the home education of young Mozart, but the father’s main goal was to make his son a great composer.

Mozart masterfully played all the instruments of his time, although he was afraid of the trumpet since childhood: its loud sound terrified him. Already at the age of four, Wolfgang wrote his first plays. In total, during his 35-year life, Mozart gave the world more than 600 works.

William James Sidis

For those interested in the question of who are the most amazing people in the world in history, we present you to learn about the American child prodigy, born in 1898. William James Sidis is considered the most intelligent man who ever lived on earth. At the age of one and a half, William read newspapers on his own; before his eighth birthday, the little genius managed to write 4 books. Sidis' intelligence level was estimated at 250-300 points, this record has not been broken to this day.

In the history of Harvard, William Sidis is listed as the youngest and most gifted student, who entered the university at the age of 11 (previously they refused to accept him because of his age). His fellow students were amazing people and outstanding personalities who made significant contributions to the development of physics, mathematics and other sciences. But young William stood out among them. He lectured, wrote treatises, and studied languages. But his abilities aroused envy and aggression from those around him: he was threatened with physical harm, prison and a mental hospital. Growing up, Sidis was forced to hide his genius and even quit his job every time he exposed himself. This brilliant man died at the age of 42 from

Scott Flansberg

The most amazing people in the world live among ordinary people and in ordinary cities. For example, in the state of California you can meet Scott Flansberg, known as the “human calculator.” This American proved to millions of viewers live that he is capable of solving any mathematical operation faster than a regular calculator.

The part of the brain that is used to do mathematical calculations is located slightly higher and much larger in Scot than in most people. Scientists are struggling with the question of whether the abilities of a mathematical genius are innate or whether he was able to develop them to such an extent. In any case, today he is the fastest known mathematician-accountant.

Robert Pershing Wadlow

In order to become famous throughout the world, it is enough to be born smart, talented or tall. American Robert Pershing Wadlow, thanks to his enormous height, joins the list of “Unusual and Amazing People.” Photos of the giant Wadlow confirm his height and title as the tallest man in history.

Robert was born into an ordinary family, where his parents and other relatives were not tall. And even before he was four years old, he looked like all his peers. But then the boy began to grow rapidly, and by the time he reached adulthood, his height reached 254 cm and weight 177 kg. Fortunately, Wadlow was already so famous that they made shoes for him in size 37AA for free.

Of course, such changes could not but affect the giant’s health. He had to struggle with crutches and fight a number of ailments. Doctors did everything possible to save the young man. Died at the age of 22 in his sleep. His compatriots remembered Robert as a gentle giant. 40,000 Americans attended his funeral, with 12 pallbearers.

Zydrunas Savickas

To get into the “Amazing People of the World” category, some had to put in a lot of effort, primarily physical. Today, the current champion of various sports competitions and holder of the title “the strongest man on the planet” is the Lithuanian weightlifter Zydrunas Savickas.

Zydrunas became interested in sports from childhood; already at the age of 14 he decided that he wanted to be a leader in every day, the Lithuanian hero trained, step by step moving towards his goal. Of course, he did not immediately get prizes in world tournaments. But today he is known as a multiple champion and He performs squats with 425.5 kg on his shoulders and bench presses 286 kg.

Daniel Browning Smith

Perhaps each person has some hidden abilities that could glorify him or simply be useful. But since many do not know about their talents, do not believe in them, or do not develop them, the world is very closely watching individuals who have managed to discover and develop special abilities in themselves.

The most amazing people, according to the majority, are those who have abilities that set them apart from the crowd - be it talent, intelligence, extrasensory or physical abilities. Daniel Smith, nicknamed the “rubber man,” amazes audiences with his flexibility, which is what made him famous throughout the world.

Daniel was born into an ordinary American family; his abilities were first discovered at the age of 4 while playing with other tomboys. The boy’s parents, who noticed their son’s peculiarities in time, showed him to professionals, and, according to their instructions, Daniel began to work day and night. In the family, work was always revered, and the determination of the future “rubber man” could be envied.

Today, Smith performs mind-boggling feats, bending and fitting into the smallest of spaces. But he doesn’t like fame, he doesn’t give interviews, but only invites everyone to the circus to watch his performances.

Tim Cridland

It’s hard to imagine whether it’s painful for Daniel Smith to “put himself” in an aquarium, but it’s not at all possible to realize that it’s possible to voluntarily subject one’s body to torture. But it seems Tim Cridland is not at all afraid of physical pain. Since school, he has been trying to inflict physical harm on himself.

According to scientists, Tim's pain threshold is much higher than that of other people. Due to this, he does not feel or tolerate physical pain more easily. Taking advantage of this “gift”, Cridland took the stage name “Zamora - the King of Torture” and, in front of the amazed and even shocked spectators, swallows fire, pierces himself with swords, drives needles and knitting needles under the skin. Thanks to this, he is a permanent member of all lists, which include only the most amazing people in the world.

Michelle Lotito

Fame came to Lotito as a true Frenchman through his gastronomic preferences. Amazing people not only have superpowers, but also unusual ideas.

How could it occur to a 9-year-old boy to eat a glass glass to gain favor with his friends? Although this glass, one might say, became the first dish on his unusual menu.

To date, Lotito has already eaten a lot of “goodies” - bicycles, shopping carts, televisions, glass. It took Michel two years to eat a plane (Cessna 150)! All he needs is throat oil and water. According to the Frenchman, he does not experience any discomfort or consequences from such dinners. Studies have shown that Mr. Eat It All's stomach has adapted and has walls twice as thick as they should be. Those who are not afraid of hunger.

Chuck Feeney

The most amazing people in the world throughout history have been glorified in various ways, having unusual data and abilities. But isn't it amazing the generosity and kindness that some members of society show towards others? In the modern world, where the majority can only talk about charity and the injustice of the distribution of economic resources, there are people worthy of respect.

So, Chuck Feeney does not have any superpowers, unless you consider kindness, generosity and complicity as such. The billionaire started his business from the very bottom: selling alcohol to sailors, he quickly established his network. Within a few years, he hired a fairly large number of workers and opened his points in different countries. His fortune grew rapidly, but the lion's share of it went to charity.

Today Feeney is 81 years old. He donated $6 billion to education, health care, nursing homes and science. Although he still has one and a half billion left, the rich man lives very modestly: in a rented apartment, without even having a car. Chuck intends to donate the remaining funds to charity.

The thing to note about Chuck Feeney is that he is a very humble benefactor. For fifteen years he gave away his money anonymously. When it became impossible to do this, Chuck still “didn’t show up” and didn’t give interviews. Feeney's humility breaks the stereotype that all amazing people want fame. By the way, Chuck’s actions inspired several of the richest people on the planet to follow his example.

Rachel Backwis

Another amazing person who does not have any gift, but only a huge and kind heart is Rachel Backwis. This little girl did not have a fortune to give to those in need, but she was able to not only sacrifice what was dear to her, but also find a way to make adults think and do their part to help children.

In the city of Seattle, where eight-year-old Rachel lived, a lecture was held on the lack of drinking water and infant mortality (up to 4.5 thousand babies die every day). The girl was shocked by the information and pictures she saw at the lecture, and decided to help somehow.

Rachel's mother created a charity page for her daughter on the Internet. The girl on social networks urged relatives and friends to donate the money they wanted to spend on a gift (Rachel’s birthday was approaching) to charity. The girl hoped to raise $300 to save 15 children, but she only managed to raise $220. Rachel was very upset, but knew that she would raise more money for her next birthday. However, fate decreed otherwise.

A few months after her birthday, nine-year-old Rachel went on vacation with her parents. They were involved in a terrible accident where more than 20 cars collided. Doctors tried to save the girl's life, but they failed. Interestingly, no one else died in that accident except Rachel.

This accident and Rachel's story hit the media, and people from different countries learned about the heroic and kind girl, whose last wish was to help dying children. Unfortunately, she was unable to celebrate her tenth birthday and raise the desired amount. But this amazing act and sincere human kindness united strangers and gave a powerful impetus. The company that Rachel launched became the largest: a huge amount was received in a short period of time. With the money that came from different parts of the world in the name of the girl and to save children, more than 60 thousand human lives were saved!

It is important to note that Rachel has always been a kind and sympathetic child, and this is not her only contribution to helping strangers. At the age of eight, she cut her long braids several times to donate them to children with cancer and those who were bald after chemotherapy. And after the tragedy, Rachel became a donor: her organs saved a seriously ill child.

Amazing stories of amazing people are fascinating, food for thought and calls to action.

There are enough people on our planet, but how many of us are unusual? Some are born this way, others acquire strange properties or skills after some circumstances. Most often, such people do not attract much attention, and even scientists are unable to properly explain the phenomena of some of them. But among such unusual people there are real “stars” who manage to become famous throughout the world. Moreover, such a topic as the TOP 10 unusual people has always attracted people, otherwise there would not be so many cabinets of curiosities in the world.

1. Sadhu Amar Bharati

This man, considered a saint in India, has been holding his right hand above his head for 40 years, not lowering it since 1973. Actually, because of this position, the arm has long ceased to be a normal limb; it has dried out and become bony, which is not surprising if it has not moved at all for so many years. Long ago, he raised it as a sign of worship before Shiva. They say that until 1970 this man lived an ordinary life - he worked, had a family with three children. In general, a typical middle-income Indian.
But one day he suddenly felt that he no longer belonged to himself or his family, but was needed by the god Shiva. At first, he simply went to wander along Indian roads, but after wandering for several years, he raised his right hand above his head and vowed that he would not lower it for 40 years, and this was in 1973. They say that he did this to renounce his sins and as a sign of humility, but some go further in their guesses, believing that this is his way of protesting against wars on the planet. And in this not very comfortable position, Bharati has existed for four decades. However, now he really no longer owns it - over decades of complete inactivity, it has literally mummified, turning into a bone, covered with dry skin and with curls of long nails.
Bharati himself admitted later that at first he suffered greatly from pain; apparently, his body did not share such severe ascetic beliefs with his head. But the Hindu endured because he could not afford to break his vow.

2. Jill Price

This American woman has an incredible memory, as she remembers literally everything that happened to her after the age of 11. She is able to tell on what day this or that program was on TV. Ask her what was shown on TV, for example, at noon on September 9, 2001, and she will accurately name the program that happened that day. She was the first to receive an unusual diagnosis of hyperthymesia - when an individual is able to remember and reproduce with unprecedented accuracy the events of his own life, that is, he has ideal autobiographical memory.
In the spring of 2000, she emailed Dr. James McGaw, who documented her unique abilities, which began to manifest themselves at the age of 11. At first, experts did not believe her words, but began to study the capabilities of her memory. Based on historical almanacs, they prepared a list of questions. She was able to answer what happened at various points on the TV show and when asked when Elvis Presley died. The answers to all questions were extremely accurate, which amazed the specialists. Moreover, she noticed inaccuracies that were made when creating the almanac. The woman was never given a cure for her excessive memory.

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3. Zhang Ruifang

There are completely inexplicable physical anomalies, such as the 100-year-old Chinese woman Zhang Ruifang from Henan Province, who suddenly developed a horn. When she already celebrated her 100th birthday in 2010, an ordinary horn began to appear on the left side of her forehead. After 2 years, the horn grew by 7 centimeters. We can only try with a shudder to imagine what a person with such “decoration” feels and sympathize with the Chinese woman.
The relatives were even more concerned by the fact that after the first horn, almost symmetrically on the other side of his forehead, a second horn began to appear. At the same time, a woman’s horns are no different from similar parts in animals, and at the same time they continue to grow. After such disturbances, the old woman was admitted to the hospital for examination, but so far the doctors can only throw up their hands to the sides, unable to explain this unpleasant miracle of nature. However, medicine knows of cases when seals resembling convex tubercles formed on the human forehead. But for these to be real “full-fledged” horns - we have never seen anything like this before!

4. Thai Ngoc

Born in 1942, Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngoc is striking in that he has not slept at all for 40 years. According to the ever-awake Vietnamese himself, the cause of his loss of sleep was a fever that he suffered in 1973. No matter how hard he tried to fall into the arms of Morpheus: he drank medicines, heavy doses of alcoholic drinks, but nothing made him close his eyes even for a minute.
Surprisingly, a person deprived of sleep feels good, even at an advanced age he continues to work physically, and even carry heavy bags over long distances. Due to lack of sleep, he has a lot of free time, which he devotes to agricultural work. There are, however, suggestions that he falls asleep on the go for a few seconds or minutes, without noticing it. The doctors did not fail to examine such an unusual patient in more detail and did not find any serious abnormalities in his body’s functioning, with the exception of problems with the liver.
In ordinary cases, as is known, chronic lack of sleep leads to exhaustion, irritability and lethargy, but nothing of the kind is observed in Thai Ngoc.

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5. Sanju Bhagad

6. Michelle Lotito

At the age of 9, Michel ate a glass glass to conquer his peers, and began giving public appearances in 1966, during which he swallowed everything: carts from department stores, bicycles, televisions, even a small airplane (all, of course, in crushed form). At the same time, Lotito did not complain about the negative consequences of his meals, although they were made from harmful materials. He ate up to 900 g of inorganic materials per day, diluting them with mineral oil and drinking a large portion of water. If at first he carefully crushed his “food”, then he lubricated his throat with oil and filled it with water after absorbing decent pieces. As a result, from 1959 to 1997, he recycled about 9 tons of metal. Doctors checked the condition of his body and made sure that his digestive system had adapted well to such a diet. His stomach was twice as thick as normal. Michel had to tinker the longest with the Cessna 150, which he overhauled in 2 years. But in 2007 he still died.

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7. Tim Cridland

The unique thing about Tim Cridland is that he does not experience pain. At school, he was nicknamed the king of “torture” because he amazed his classmates by calmly enduring any cold or heat, and also piercing his hands with needles. Now he is shocking audiences across America with his scary tricks. But first he had to seriously study anatomy, because even such a person should not lose his head. Tim's examinations showed that his pain limit was significantly exceeded compared to ordinary people. In all other respects, he is no different from us. For example, piercing the body with hairpins, he receives the same damage, and if the show fails, he may well die without experiencing pain. What he didn’t show: swallowed swords and fire, pierced himself with swords, lay down on sharp nails, and much more. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

8. Supatra Sasupphan

In 2000, a very unusual girl, Supatra Sasupphan, was born in Thailand, who now lives in Bangkok. She suffers from hypertrichosis, a rare disease that results in increased hairiness on the body and face. As the girl grows up, her hair only becomes thicker. This disease has no cure, and attempts to use a laser have led nowhere. The anomaly deprived the girl of a normal life - she often had to hear unflattering comments and ridicule from “not too distant people.” In addition, she has to constantly cut her hair so that it does not interfere too much with her daily life. Only over time did those around her change their cruel attitude towards Supatra - perhaps they simply got used to her appearance and stopped perceiving it as ugliness.

9. Abigail and Brittany Hensel

Siamese twins still surprise people, as do Abigail and Brittany Hensel, born in the USA in 1990. They have one body for two, and in it there are: 2 hearts, 3 kidneys, 3 lungs, 2 stomachs, 2 spines with a spinal cord, which converge in a single pelvis, but there is only one liver, as well as the circulatory system. Each sister strictly controls only her own part of the body, that is, she can only control the nearest arm and leg. But at the same time, the sisters developed good coordination of movements, so they learned not only to run and walk, but even to drive a car and a bicycle. Mentally, they are completely ordinary - they have different interests, characters and tastes. But both dream of becoming doctors and having children.

10. Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has the unique ability to withstand very low temperatures. He calmly ran a marathon in the snow barefoot, and set a record for staying in a bathtub filled with ice, staying there for almost 2 hours. He also climbed the snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he was awarded the title “Ice Man.” Hof himself claims that he is able to not feel the cold at all, and meditation helps him with this. Scientists who examined him indeed found that he was able to mentally control his autonomic nervous and immune systems, thanks to which he was able to easily withstand the effects of hypothermia.

There are many strange and interesting things in our world. And even among the people who populate this world, there are such unusual individuals that neither scientists nor medical luminaries are able to explain these human phenomena. Our top 10 most unusual people in the world will present you with just such phenomenal personalities.

10 The fattest man

Carol Ann Yager currently holds the championship in the weight category. Already at 20 years old she weighed 727 kg. With such a body weight, the girl was unable to move. Several special devices have been created for Carol to make her life easier.

9 Man Magnet

Body of a 70-year-old Malaysian Lewa Tou Lin It has magnetic properties and firmly attracts metal objects (spoons, forks, irons, etc.). Liv's body can even handle a car by pulling it on a chain. Doctors and scientists just shrug their shoulders, not knowing how to explain this phenomenon.

8 The man with the most elastic skin

Human skin has the ability to stretch. For example, in a woman during pregnancy. Or, with age, the skin becomes more flabby, stretches more, and wrinkles form. But that comes with age. However, there is a disease when the skin has increased elasticity - this is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Doctors made this diagnosis Harry Turner, whose skin can stretch up to 16 cm.

7 Boy with giant hands

An eight-year-old lives in India Kalim, whose hands are gigantic. This fact causes a lot of inconvenience for the boy. After all, such hands are not able to perform in everyday life or during children's games those basic things that are available to an ordinary child. The size of the hands from the base of the palm to the tip of the middle finger is 33 cm. The weight of each hand reaches 8 kg. Medicine is powerless in this situation, since doctors cannot even make an accurate diagnosis of Kalim.

6 The woman with the largest natural breasts

How many women dream of having large and lush breasts. To make their dream come true, there are many ways to enlarge breasts, ranging from traditional herbal treatments to plastic surgery. But Annie Hawkins, also known as Norma Stitz, in January 1999, she broke the world record, becoming the woman with the largest breasts. Moreover, natural breasts, the volume of which is 175 cm.

5 Man without pain

Each person has a certain “pain threshold”, which indicates his susceptibility to pain. Tim Cridland is an exception to the rule. His body feels no pain at all. Therefore, Tim can safely pierce his hands through thin knitting needles. His body is able to withstand very high temperatures. It was all children's pranks at school. Now Tim is touring America, shocking audiences with his incredible stunts.

4 Gymnastics champion born without legs

Jen Bricker, American gymnast who was born without legs. Due to a physical disability, her parents abandoned her. The girl was adopted by a married couple, giving her their last name Bricker. They enrolled their adopted daughter in a sports school when Jen turned 16 years old. The girl idolized artistic gymnastics, and with her the famous American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales. As it turned out, it was the call of blood. It later turned out that Dominic and Jen were sisters. At age 27, Jen Bricker won the competition and became the state gymnastics champion.

3 The man who doesn't sleep

In Belarus, in the city of Minsk, there lives a man who experienced clinical death. The consequence of this unpleasant moment in his life was a complete lack of sleep. Yakov Tsiperovich doesn't sleep at all. Almost 70 different films have been made about the life of this man and this phenomenon. Doctors examined him, scientists studied him, but they could not explain what was happening.

Radhakrishnan Velu from Malaysia has the strongest and strongest teeth. Holding the cable between his teeth, he moves various vehicles. His heaviest “achievement” is a train consisting of six cars with a total weight of 297 tons.

Such people live among us. For some of them it is easy, but for others it is difficult to live with the fate they have been given. But they live: they find use for their abilities, benefiting from it; set goals and break records; become famous.

Unusual people of the world have always attracted attention, and it is worth noting that strange abilities are common, but some cases are unique, and they have gone down in history. As this same story testifies, “masterpieces of nature” have been encountered throughout the existence of mankind, and many strange abilities cannot be rationally explained, but they exist, and one would like to know more about them. So what are they like?

The most flexible person

The most flexible man on the planet can twist his body like crazy. His name is Daniel Browning.

He began to get out at the age of three, but at first he thought that this was the norm, and only after a while he discovered that only he could do this and his talent was worthy of applause.

When Daniel turned 18, he joined a circus troupe after running away from home. Today the guy makes a living doing tricks in which he “turns himself inside out.” He can twist every bone of his body, contrary to the laws of anatomy and common sense. He can easily climb into a box, squeeze into a tennis racket without a net, stand on the back of his hands and even... move his heart across his chest.

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Magnet Man

A living magnet named Liv Tou Lin turned 70 years old. He became famous for being able to drag a car using an iron chain, which he attached to an iron plate on his stomach.

The ability to attract metal, according to the hero himself, was passed on to him by inheritance, since his sons and two grandsons have the same abilities. Even scientists cannot explain this strange phenomenon: the Malaysian’s skin is fine, and there is no magnetic field around him.

Feeling no pain

Tim Cridland doesn't know what it's like to experience physical pain. As a schoolboy, he had already begun to surprise his classmates with ruthless tricks, piercing his hand with needles, and easily endured cold and heat.

Today, Cridland performs terrifying stunts in front of millions of American audiences, piercing himself with spears. This has already gone down in history; Tim proudly bears the status of the most “painless” person on the planet.

In order to improve his talent and learn how to perform crazy stunts, Tim had to delve into anatomy, because when admiring glances are on you, safety comes first.

Repeated studies have proven that men have a significantly higher pain threshold compared to the average static person. Moreover, his body is resistant to damage, and even piercing himself with hairpins, the likelihood of death is minimal.

Foreteller Nostradamus

Although Nostradamus lived in the 15th century, every person in the 21st century knows him. Initially, the predictor sought himself in various sciences, making a significant contribution to the field of pharmaceuticals, including the plague.
At about age 50, Nostradamus felt that he could see the future. The first prediction was the death of the king - everything came true quickly and exactly as predicted.

Since then, this great man has predicted many events that have come true, as if according to a pattern. Surprisingly, Nostradamus even prophesied his own death and told his friends about it. Most of the predictions outlived their creator for several centuries and continue to be interpreted today.

Hypnotist and telepath Wolf Messing

It is no secret that there have been unusual people at all times, but such as Wolf Messing so far. He was an incredible man and a great hypnotist. Calling himself a telepath, he gathered huge halls and held performances. Very soon the authorities noticed him, and even Stalin checked Messing “for lice,” and it must be said that the telepath passed the test. The “Leader” set him a difficult task: to rob a bank in broad daylight and calmly get out, using exclusively his abilities. Wolf Messing did an excellent job, after which rumors spread about his incredible power to suggest and read thoughts.

Vanga - great seer

The Bulgarian healer and seer Vanga is from the 20th century, and it is impossible not to mention this woman. She healed people from incurable diseases, and saw the future, although she was blind. Vanga explained her gift very simply: when a person stood in front of her, deceased relatives gathered around him, asked questions and willingly answered her. And the seer simply transmitted information to the living. Amazing, isn't it?

Sinkh-Abu - lord of snakes

The most unusual people are not only those who can predict the future. For example, the talent of our next hero is that he is not afraid of even the most terrible and poisonous snakes. And the point is not at all in character, but in the characteristics of his body.

Previously, Singh-Abu was an employee of a terrarium, where he was bitten by a cobra and... the bite did not affect his health at all, but any other person could have died!

As medical examinations have shown, Singh-Abu’s blood does not belong to any of the four blood groups! Moreover, its composition is so unique that in the body snake venom is divided into substances that are absorbed by the human body.

Frank White - knows everything about time

This is a man-clock, so in real life, for the past 50 years, he has managed perfectly well without them. Frank guesses the time right down to the seconds, and always gets it right. Even at night, if you wake him up abruptly and ask him about the time, he will tell you everything with accuracy. These are living biological clocks, and now they are in our history!

Prahlad Jani - a man who feeds on the “holy spirit”

Until the age of seven, Prahlad was no different from his peers, but then something happened that shocked everyone, including doctors. The thing is that the boy stopped drinking and eating. His health was absolutely normal, his body was developing as expected.

Scientists and doctors became interested in such an incredible phenomenon of the world, and, having found no deviations, they were seriously surprised.

Today, a man with such incredible abilities is already 90 years old, he leads a secluded life and feels very well, without eating or drinking anything. According to Jani, he feeds on the “divine heavenly elixir.”

Video about the most unusual people in the world


These are the most unusual ones. They changed our worldview, and some were able to predict the future. Today, the heroes of our article become heroes of films and television shows, but the main thing is that they proved to everyone how unique a person can be. To know that there are such unusual people among us is at least interesting! Read all the most interesting things in the world only on Barfika!

Incredible facts

You can find many unusual things in the world.

Below we will talk about the most unusual people which can cause a smile, surprise or even shock.

These people were included in the Guinness Book of Records or became famous with the assistance of the media.

Rubber boy

Jaspreet Singh Kalra

At the age of fifteen, this guy became known as "Rubber Boy" He can turn his head 180°.

Inseparable friends

Sambat and Chomran

Under the bed of a boy named Sambat, his mother discovered a very small snake. Then Sambat was only 3 months old. Since then, the boy and the snake Khomran - inseparable friends: they eat, sleep and play together.

The biggest mouth

Francisco Domingo Joaquim

This resident of Angola is the holder of the title "The world's largest mouth."The size of his mouth is 17 cm,which allows him to do 14 times in 1 minute place and remove a 0.33 liter can.

Woman with horn

Zhang Ruifang

This 102-year-old woman from China, Henan Province, is famous for her real horn, who grew up with her on the forehead. The anomaly surprises scientists, especially since the horn has been constantly growing for several years (it has already reached a mark exceeding 7 cm).

Anvil Man

Gino Martino

The American artist and wrestler can shock you with his ability rack your brains objects such as concrete blocks, iron bars, baseball bats. Doctors say that Gino has super strong skull.

The man who doesn't sleep

Yakov Tsiperovich

About 70 different films were made about this man from Belarus (Minsk), because Yakov Tsiperovich, after clinical death, not only did not die, but also I stopped even sleeping. After numerous examinations, scientists and doctors confirmed this fact, but could not explain it.

Longest hair

Tran Van Hay

A resident of Vietnam had longest hair in the world (6.8 m). He had his hair braided in thick braids since he was 25 because it was so convenient for him. Chiang Van Hei died when he was 79 years old.

Man with raised hand

Sadhu Amar Bharati

Hindu Sadhu Amar Bharati in 1973 raised his right hand above his head, bowing to the god Shiva. Since then he hasn't put it down.

Airport like home

Mehran Karimi Nasseri

This Iranian refugee lived from 1988 to 2006 in the terminal of Charles de Gaulle airport (France). It was Mehran Karimi Nasseri who came up with the idea for the famous film “The Terminal”.

Longest nose

Mehmet Ozyurek

The owner of the longest nose, as recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is Mehmet Ozyurek, a resident of Turkey born in 1949. In 2010, it was determined that his nose was as long as 8.8 cm.

Best karateka

Masutatsu Oyama

Legends were made about the owner of the 10th dan of karate, an outstanding master, the creator of the Kyokushinkai style and karate teacher Masutatsu Oyama. This is the man who smashed with the edge of his palm 4 bricks or 17 layers of tiles.

Behind the back of the great karateka there are about 50 fights with bulls, of which he killed three without any weapons, and Broke the horns of 49 bulls.

The fattest man

Carol Ann Yager

This woman is the undisputed record holder for the most weight in history. Carol Yeager's weight at age 20 was 727 kg. With such weight, she could not even move, so several special devices were created for Carol.

The man who remembers everything

Jill Price

A woman who remembers literally everything in her life to the smallest detail, starting from adolescence. Jill Price remembers when she woke up, what she ate, any songs, smells or places she was. If you think it's "cool", then Jill perceives her gift as curse.

Using self-hypnosis

Alex Lenkei

He decided to use his mind rather than anesthesia. Using self-hypnosis, Alex Lenkay can block all pain after and before the operation, being fully conscious.

The most alive of the dead

Lal Bihari

We are talking about a farmer born in 1961 who lives in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Lal was mistakenly officially dead from 1976 to 1994. With his own death certificate in hand, he fought the Indian government bureaucracy for 18 years to prove that he was the living one.

Lal Bihari even founded Association of the Dead for the victims of such terrible mistakes by Indian officials.

Embryo in the embryo

Sanju Bhagat

He suffered from a strange condition known as fetus in fetu(embryo in embryo). Sanju Bhagat had a twin brother in his belly for many years. At first, doctors assumed that it was a tumor, but after operating on the unfortunate man, they removed parts of the dead baby.

Japanese inventor

Yoshiro Nakamatsu

A famous Japanese inventor claims to be the world leader in the number of inventions. (more than 3,000). Perhaps Yoshiro Nakamatsu's most famous invention is the computer floppy disk. And the main goal of a scientist is to live more than 140 years.

The man who eats metal

Michael Lotito

For the first time, a 9-year-old French boy ate TV. Then Michael Lotito learned to swallow rubber, metal and even glass.

He surpassed himself and got into the Guinness Book of Records when he ate a whole airplane, however, it took him two years. Doctors note the fact that Michael is still alive only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of an ordinary person.

Tooth King

Radhakrishnan Velu

A Malaysian man is famous for being able to move various vehicles by himself and only teeth. The biggest load that Radhakrishnan Velu pulled was a whole train, consisting of six cars and having a mass 297 t!