The hunter wants to know where he is sitting. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits: About the symbolism of color

There are not many people in the world who remember everything easily and never complain about their memory.
We have to remember things. We use pieces of paper, notebooks, mobile phones, computers, etc. But we can often use mnemonics to remember information.
Mnemonics or mnemonics- this is the art of memorization, a set of special techniques that facilitate memorization.
Special phrases or verses are used - memory sticks.
Below is a collection of memos collected on the Internet. Memos from various fields of knowledge: physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, Russian language.

The most famous memorabilia are about the colors of the rainbow. Let's start with them.
To remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow, there are mnemonic phrases in which the first letters of each word correspond to the first letters of the name of the color. Looking down the rainbow, from the outside to the inside of the arc:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple.
The most famous memorization of this kind is the phrase:
Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.

How Once Jacques the Bell-Ringer With His Head (City) Broke the Lantern.

And more modern, Internet options :))
Every Designer Wants to Know Where to Download Photoshop!
Every Admin Wants to Know Where the System File is
Every Educated Zhzhist Knows Where to Watch Friendly Tape

And like this:
Cat Donkey Giraffe Bunny Blue Stitched Sweatshirts
Carlson Again Cheerfully Planned Something Nasty With Meatballs.
Every Educated Woman Eats Hot Raw Meatballs for Breakfast.
Autumn is creeping. The heat was eclipsed by the depth. Fuji is turning blue.
(Haiku style)
As you can see, many new options have been invented))

In English:
Roygbiv is an acronym in English used to remember the primary colors of the light spectrum.
This is the name of a fictional character, each letter of whose name corresponds to the first letter of each color of the rainbow:
Roy G. Biv (R ed, O range Y ellow, G reen, B lue I ndigo, Violet)
Red - Red, Orange - Orange, Yellow - Yellow, Green - Green, Blue - Light Blue, Indigo - Indigo, Violet - Purple.

For better memorization, English-speaking children learn the decoding of this acronym:
"Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain".
Translation: "Richard of York fought in vain."
Mnemonic phrases are also known in astronomy, mathematics, biology...

To remember star classes: One Shaved Englishman Chews Dates Like Carrots.
In order from hot to cold(O, B, A, F, G, K, M).
English version: "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me".
When classes R, N and S were later added, the phrase became "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now... Smack."
Order of planets in the solar system-
We Know, Yulia’s Mom Got on Pills in the Morning!
(M-Mercury V-Venus W-Earth M-Mars S-Jupiter S-Saturn U-Uranus N-Neptune P-Pluto)
On a Frosty Evening Climbed Jung's Mast, Trying to See an Unfamiliar Port

Masha Broom Chalked the Earth, A Yura Sat at the Spider Hole. Added: A-belt of Asteroids.

Periods-eras in the development of the living world of Earth

During their student years, some people memorized the order of geological periods by learning a phrase. "Every excellent student should smoke cigarettes; you, Yura, are small - drink tea at night".
Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, Quaternary periods.

PI number

There have always been a lot of memorizations for the number P.
If you try really hard, you can read it right away: Three, fourteen, fifteen, ninety-two and six. 3, 1415926

I know this and remember it perfectly - and many signs are unnecessary to me, in vain -
3, 14159265358
Or: What do I know about circles - 3,1416.
The number of letters in each word corresponds to the value of the number "Pi"
How swollen I am and want to get drunk as hell after these stupid reports that cause severe depression. 3, 14159265358979

Memo for the number "e" to the 15th decimal place (e = 2.718281828459045...)
Two commas, seven versts is not a detour (2,7) + two Leo Tolstoys(Year of birth of Tolstoy 1828 ) + rectangular isosceles triangle (angles of an isosceles right triangle - 45, 90, 45). It's hard to remember, but it's possible...
Square root of two is equal to 1.4142135624... You can remember its value using the following memory stick:
I'm Katya, I'm a fool, but I found the root of two))
Differentiation of a product
: d(UV) = U∙dV + V∙dU - “Strangle and into the water.”

Bisector- this is a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corners in half.
Median- a monkey, it goes from side to side and divides the sides in half.
Height- This is a cat without a tail, which, like a crowbar, falls from the top to the side at a right angle.

Sine of angle defined as the ratio opposite to this corner leg to hypotenuse
Cosine- attitude adjacent leg to hypotenuse.

To avoid confusion, you can use the following association:
Cosine - JOINT-door attached(adjacent leg) to the jamb. Those. Cosine angle-ratio adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.
Well opposite gets sine.

Derivatives of sine and cosine are found according to the formulas:
(sin a)" = cos a And (cos a)" = -sin a.
You need to replace the sine with a cosine, the cosine with a sine, and take into account the sign. You can write it like this:
Blue joint andJamb - blue

Roman numerals

M s 1000 D we eat 500 C tips 100 L look 50 X good 10 V well-mannered 5 I to individuals
We give 1000 500 Juicy100 Lemons 50 Enough 10 Vall 5 Iх
Average speed thermal motion of a particle v=sqrt(3kT/m) remembered as "three cats for meat"(m is the mass of the Brownian particle, v is its speed, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, sqrt - square root).
Without strength and a path, I won’t be able to find work.

Newton's three laws:
1) if you don’t kick it, it won’t fly
2) as you kick, it will fly
3) as you kick, so will you get
Indicator litmus red - indicates acid It's clear!
Indicator litmus blue - alkali here, don’t stand gaping! Phenolphthalein ovated in alkalis crimson.
About sulfur
Sulfur, sulfur, letter S, 32 - specific gravity.
Sulfur burns in the air - We get anhydride.
Anhydride plus water - This will be an acid.
Ethyl alcohol formula
H2O is not our motto, ours is C2H5OH.

Organic chemistry
Let's remember, friend, both you and I, how they differ alcohols -
In them carbon And hydroxide, And every alcohol burns easily.

Smells nice aldehydes, But the group C(H)O will give them away.
IN ketones there is a group CO, But that’s also nothing...

We say calmly: fat. And by the way, he - ether,
He's from acids And glycerin.
This is the picture we have...
OVAL- for memorizing the four largest rivers of Russia - Ob, Volga, Amur and Lena.
Cities of Holland

Amsterdam, Haarlem, Sardam
The Hague, Leiden, Rotterdam

Tributaries of the Danube:
"Sava, Drava and Morava,
Tisa, Drysa, Seret, Prut -
They all flow into the Danube!

Toponymy is an interesting topic!
In St. Petersburg, behind Vitebsky Station, there are a number of parallel streets - Ruzovskaya, Mozhaiskaya, Vereyskaya, Podolskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Bronnitskaya and Bataysky Lane. You can remember their order if you use the taxi driver code phrase: "Once ve maybe But ver it under crowbar gray dtsu bro dyachey ba Lerines?" or Once ve maybe But ver it empty words ba Lerines?
And here are some more phrases invented by taxi drivers:
Squirrel Will Just Dry the Loaf(Bel urban, Bud Apest, Buh arrest, Pr azhskaya and WITH Ofiyskaya - Kupchina streets, south of St. Petersburg).
Fedya ate Sweetly, Thinking How to Give Dunya a Gift - st. Fuchika, st. Bela Kuna, Slavy Ave., st. Dimitrova, Chestnut Alley (now Plovdivskaya), Danube Ave., st. Yaroslav Hasek, st. Oleko Dundich.
Avenues- Sciences, Northern, Lunacharsky, Enlightenment, Suzdal (in the north of St. Petersburg) gave rise to an unforgettable phrase: On North e Moon A Pros That Suz"was".
In the same area:
Avenues Cultures, Rudnev, Artists, Yesenin, Engels - Every Innovator Wants to Experiment Every Day.
Maybe someone will come up with a phrase for the streets of the Petrograd side, crossing Bolshoy Prospekt?
(Ordinary, Plutalova, Barmaleeva, Podrezova, Podkovyrova, Polozova, Lenina. And - Lakhtinskaya, Gatchinskaya, Oranienbaumskaya, Kolpinskaya, Rybatskaya, Ropshinskaya...)

"Wake up, Sinister Undertaker, - the Tone of the Organism is raging, Depriving Your Own Language of an Immeasurable Share of Pessimism"- a phrase used by medical students to remember the sequence of cranial nerves (olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, sublingual).
Like this fibula(fibula)
Move along the mandible(lower jaw)
So that the cerebrum can hear(brain)
how the cranium rings(scull).
Treatment of myocardial infarction(first aid) MONA or NONA
M- morphine N- IV drug
ABOUT- oxygen (oxygen)
N- nitroglycerin under the tongue
A- chew and swallow aspirin
Frequent cause of atrial fibrillation is three HP:
cardiosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, mitral stenosis
For a cardiogram - overlay standard leads starting from the right hand Each Woman is Angrier Trait (red yellow green black)

Russian language
Memos from Certificates

He Gave the Escort Experts the Application for the Airport.
The dancer and dancer love to pamper their children.
Set the dishes on the kitchen table and let the kittens dance.
The driver and I set off through the mud and, skidding for a long time in the mud,
We broke through to the communications department - the printer sent us blinds.

Vowel alternation at the root
If after the root there is A, At the root there will always be And.
Here's an example, remember: Did you wipe your feet? - Wipe!
Collect, wash, bully - Take a closer look: If the name is in the word Ira,
So the root has the letter I.
Eeyore rule(for roots with alternating vowels): if after the root A, write I at the root. For example, shine.
Either, something, somehow, - That, after all don't forget to write with a hyphen,
As a preposition with the word from. (from behind, from under)
Put on and dress
ABOUT to do (who?) On hope On to do (what?) O hope
Socks and stockings
Short socks- word long: socks, Long stockings - short word: stocking.
The gypsy stood on his tiptoes and tutted at the chicken: Tsyts!” - words where “y” is written after “ts”

Here's an old rhyme for memorizing words where instead of "e" it was necessary to write "yat"":
B(e)ly, b(e)d, b(e)d b(e)s
Killed b(e)money in l(e)s,
L(e)shim by l(e)su he b(e)gal,
R(e)dkoy with hr(e)nom gave...

The word DAAMAN (da-am-an) indicates which syllable is stressed in three complex verse sizes: DActyl - 1st syllable, AM fi brachy - 2nd syllable, AN pestle- 3rd syllable.
Henry VIII was married six times. The fate of his spouse is learned by English schoolchildren using the mnemonic phrase: “divorced - executed - died - divorced - executed - survived.”

Official languages ​​of the UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) unites almost two hundred countries of the world. What language do you use to communicate during your work and publish official documents? Six languages ​​were selected for this purpose. You can remember them using a simple memory stick:
AFRICA- English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

Sequence of Latin letters on a chessboard(ABCDEFGH), (or the beginning of the Latin alphabet) - the phrase used is: “You will give the artist Bim a Compass, His Last Name is Zhe-Ash.”

Chess knight problem
You need to go around the entire board with your knight in such a way that you visit each square exactly once. Both the solution itself and remembering the answer is a rather difficult task. To remember the moves, grandmaster Vasily Panov composed a poem.
Each pair of words encrypts a chessboard field: the first word is a column, the second is a row. For example: Autumn is growing red - a1, With Valuable Gifts - c2
Autumn turns red with valuable gifts,

Another Life-Giving Day.

Chervonyat bread with yellow cords,

Crystal Waters Philosophical Canopy...

Fully here:

Russian flag colors
To remember the colors of the flag, you can use the memory cards below.
Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the corresponding flag color:
White, Blue, Red.

Delirium of the Gray Mare. Hippopotamus Ate Crocodile. The White Tsar defeated the Red Turks on the Blue Sea.
BoSYAK or BASIC - the order of the stripes of the Russian flag is determined by the consonants of these words.
And if from bottom to top: KGB. Red, blue, white

For those who change time
Time “In Spring - Forward, In Autumn - Back”
And in conclusion, let’s see how foreigners remember Russian words:

English memos for Russian words
“I love you!” - “Yellow Blue Bus!”
"Serve Coffee" - "church"
"Horror Show" - "good"
"My On Ass" - "mayonnaise"
"Chess Knock" - "garlic"
"True Bar" - "pipe"
“Our device is Korea” - “get dressed quickly”
"PaleMan" - "dumpling"

The artists of the world famous “Circus of the Sun”, or Cirque du Soleil, had to learn Russian words during a tour in Moscow. This is how they did it.



In this phrase, the initial letter of each word corresponds to the initial letter of the name of a certain color.

  • TO every- Red
  • ABOUT hunter- Orange
  • AND wants- Yellow
  • Z nat- Green
  • G de- Blue
  • WITH goes- Blue
  • F adhan- Violet

The colors in the phrase are listed according to the order of the colors in the rainbow, from red (the longest wavelength visible light) to violet (the shortest wavelength visible light).

Other options

There are designs similar in purpose, in which the colors are listed in the same sequence.

  • TO mouth O anyway, and Irafu, h Ike G blue With sewed f Ufaiki.
  • TO ak O once AND ak- h lantern G tin With broke f onar.(Saying translated from English.)
  • TO every O shaper and wants h nah, G de With sway f Photoshop.(In a modern way.)
  • TO I eat O can be felt and cruel h over there G onga With resistance f atality?(Philosophical option.)
  • TO cook O circles and arcy h curtain G luons, With creating f Luids.(From particle physics.)

Analogues in other languages

  • In English there is an acronym: Roygbiv (Red - red, Orange - orange, Yellow - yellow, Green - green, Blue - blue, Indigo - indigo, Violet - purple), performing the same functions. For better memorization, the mnemonic phrase “Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain” was also invented.
  • In Azerbaijani: Qövsi-qüzeh N ur S açır, Y erdənsə M in Göz B axır (Translation: The rainbow glows brightly, and thousands of people watch with fascination from the Earth)
- Qövsi-qüzeh - Qırmızı (Red) - N ur - N arıncı (Orange) - S açır - S arı (Yellow) - Y erdənsə - Y aşıl (Green) - M in - M avi (Blue) - Göz - Göy (Blue) - B axır - Bənovşəyi (Violet)

See also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Every hunter wants to know” is in other dictionaries:

    - “EVERY HUNTER WANTS TO KNOW. . .”, USSR, film studio IM. A.DOVZHENKO, 1985, color, 76 min. School film, melodrama. Schoolboy Petya Ochkin, after an unsuccessful launch of an airplane model, wandered into a film studio in search of money. Having learned that filming requires... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    - (option: where the pheasants sit) a mnemonic phrase used to remember the primary colors of the visible spectrum of light radiation. In this phrase, the initial letter of each word corresponds to the initial letter of the name of a certain color. Every... ... Wikipedia

    The phrase, the initial letters of the swarm, allow you to remember the sequence of colors in the solar spectrum: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Violet... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasants Sit- Using the initial letters of words, remembering the entire expression, it is easier for the student to navigate in the order of the colors of the spectrum... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    This term has other meanings, see Rainbow (meanings). Rainbow over Lake Ladoga ... Wikipedia

    - (b. November 30, 1937, Moscow), Russian composer. People's Artist of Russia (1999). Laureate of State Prizes of the Russian Federation (1993 for the film “Urga”, 1995 “Burnt by the Sun”, 1999 “The Barber of Siberia”); Graduated from the Moscow Choir School (class... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    - (b. 10/03/1938, Kyiv), editor. Graduated from Kyiv University (1978). 1975 THERE IN THE FAR, BEYOND THE RIVER 1977 BEFORE THE EXAM 1981 AN APPLE IN THE PALM 1983 THE WORLD CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS 1985 VOLODYA BIG, VOLODYA LITTLE 1985 EVERY HUNTER WANTS TO KNOW (see... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    - (b. 09/02/1940, Gorlovka, Donetsk region), actor. Graduated from the acting department of the I.K. Karpenko Kary KGITI (1965). Since 1965, he has been an actor at the Kyiv Film Studio named after A. Dovzhenko. 1965 VIPER 1968 ANNYCHKA 1973 ONLY “OLD PEOPLE” ARE GOING TO BATTLE (see GOING TO BATTLE... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Contents 1 The main method of memorization in modern mnemonics 2 History ... Wikipedia

    Mnemonics (Greek τα μνημονιχα the art of memorization) (mnemonics) is a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate the memorization of necessary information and increase the volume of memory through the formation of associations (connections). Replacing abstract... ... Wikipedia


  • What does the handwriting say? Graphology for Beginners, Judith Norman. Every hunter wants to know... That is, everyone wants to know the true character of his fellow men. Indeed, life is much easier if you know for sure: you can rely on this person, and with this...

In order to remember some meaningless sequence or composition of something, people have long been using mnemonic phrases or memory cards. So I decided to make a complete list of such phrases. So:

  1. TO every ABOUT hunter AND wants Z nah, G de WITH goes F adhan(the first letters correspond to the colors of the spectrum).
    Another option: "How Once Jacques the City Beller Broke the Lantern".

  2. What do I know about circles(the number of letters in each word corresponds to the value of the number “Pi” - 3.1416).
    Another option: “I know this and remember it perfectly - “pi” many signs are unnecessary for me, in vain”(respectively 3.14159265358).
    And here is a pre-revolutionary phrase: "Whoever, jokingly and soon, wishes Pi to know the number, already knows" (3,1415926536).

  3. OVAL– a hint for remembering the four largest rivers in Russia - ABOUT bi, IN olgi, A Mura and L ena.

  4. In St. Petersburg, behind the Vitebsky station, there are a number of parallel streets - Ruzovskaya, Mozhaiskaya, Vereyskaya, Podolskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Bronnitskaya and Bataysky Lane. It is impossible to remember their order unless you use the taxi driver code phrase: "Once ve maybe But ver it under crowbar gray dtsu bro dyachey ba Lerins?"
    And here are some more phrases invented by taxi drivers:

    • “The Squirrel Will Just Dry the Loaf” (Bel urban, Bud Apest, Buh arrest, Pr azhskaya and WITH Ofiskaya).

    • Avenues - Nauki, Severny, Lunacharsky, Enlightenment, Suzdal gave rise to an unforgettable phrase: On North e Moon A Pros That Suz"was".

    • Avenues of Culture, Rudnev, Artists, Yesenin, Engels - “Every Innovator Wants to Experiment Every Day”.

  5. In order for children to be able to remember the sequence of Latin letters on a chessboard (ABCDEFGH), the phrase is used: “You will give the artist Bim a Compass, His Last Name is Zhe-Ash.”

  6. "Ivan gave birth to a girl, he ordered her to carry a diaper" a phrase for memorizing Russian cases.
    Another option: "Ivan Rodionovich Give me your pipe to smoke."

  7. Memo for the number "e" up to the 15th decimal place (e = 2.718281828459045...)
    Two commas, seven versts is not a detour (2,7) + two Leo Tolstoys(Tolstoy was born in 1828) + rectangular isosceles(angles of an isosceles right triangle are 45, 90, 45).

  8. "The gypsy stood on tiptoes and tutted at the chicken: Tsits!" a phrase for memorizing words where “s” is written after “ts”.

  9. And here is an old rhyme for remembering where instead of “e” it was necessary to write “yat”:
    B(e)ly, b(e)d, b(e)d b(e)s
    Killed b(e)money in l(e)s,
    L(e)shim by l(e)su he b(e)gal,
    R(e)dkoy with hr(e)nom gave...

  10. The average speed of thermal motion of a particle v=sqrt(3kT/m) is remembered as "three cats for meat"(m is the mass of the Brownian particle, v is its speed, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, sqrt is the square root).

  11. Phrase "One shaved Englishman chewed dates like carrots" helps astronomers remember the spectral types of stars in order from hot to cold (O, B, A, F, G, K, M).
    English version: "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me", because then classes R, N and S were added, the phrase turned into "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now... Smack."

What mnemonic phrases do you know? Add more!

P.S. And finally, the old story about party mnemonics:
Even under Soviet power, in one of the military schools, during lectures on the History of the CPSU, a colonel-lecturer dictated a mnemonic rule for remembering the composition of the first Marxist group in Russia: “Plekhanov, Ignatov, Zasulich, Deitch, Axelrod - take the first letters of their surnames, add them up and for life remember what happened."

P.P.S. Update: Continued in