I had a dream that I was robbed. Dream Interpretation - Thieves

Not all dreams are good. The same can be said about their interpretation. Waking up after a negative dream, you want to erase it from your memory. But, having forgotten this, is it possible to avoid the previous consequences in reality? As multiple cases show, no. Therefore, it is better to prevent the situation than to solve it. The dream book will tell us about this. Robbery, crime, theft in a dream - this is what we will talk about in our article.

Seeing a robbery from the outside

Have you watched a robbery take place in a dream? This means that in real life you are overly gullible. What can the dream book advise? A robbery is usually dreamed of when the dreamer is surrounded by a person who is trying with all his might to put a spoke in the wheels. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.

This dream also has a number of other meanings. Firstly, it may mean that in the near future you will get rid of the attacks of a person unpleasant to you. Secondly, such a vision may mean that you owe the state (failed to pay taxes). Thirdly, a robbery in a dream can promise serious trouble. Soon you will be faced with a huge number of problems that will not be so easy to solve. What can the dream book advise in this situation? The robbery happened on the street, at home, at work - it doesn’t matter. In any case, you will need help from friends or relatives. The dream book also advises not to neglect the services of strangers.

If in a dream you stand and watch a person being robbed, it means that in life you are principled and firm. That is why you have many enemies trying to harm in any way.


If you are attacked by several robbers on the street, then expect disappointment in the near future. And this will happen because of a situation that you cannot influence in any way. In this case, the dream book advises not to get involved in dangerous matters and intrigues. This won't bring anything good.

A dream in which robbers overtook you on the street means worries related to your health. In this situation, you should not rely on the advice of strangers or resort to such actions that will only do harm. The most rational and effective way would be to see a doctor. The dream book speaks about this.

A robbery on the street, which was accompanied by beating and desecration, means that in reality you will suffer humiliation and sorrow. In this case, the dream book advises you to forget this situation, otherwise the accumulation of resentment can lead to depression or the commission of a crime.

If in your dream you are trying to hide from a thief, then in reality you are trying to get rid of negative energy. Also, this night vision can predict fear of someone. This person regularly puts pressure on you mentally, and you, unfortunately, cannot resist him for unknown reasons. What does the dream book advise in this case? The robbery that you are trying to avoid in your dream acts as protection from a hated pest. Be bolder and stronger.

Home robbery

What can the dream book tell us about this dream? Robbery of an apartment indicates that troubles and disappointment await you. After this situation, you will have to get out of this for a long time and restore your reputation.

If in your dream you saw a robber in your home, this means that someone is plotting against you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps you will be able to find out who this scoundrel is.

What else can the dream book tell? The interpretation of dreams in which a robbery took place in your home may be different. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere haunted you in your night vision. For example, if you watch a thief climb into your window, then your spouse is cheating on you.

If you see a thief sneaking around, this means that soon all your hopes will come true. For the most part, this will concern work issues. For example, a project you have been working on for a long time will bring profit.

To see that you are being robbed in your own home by people you know well means to have been robbed completely by those whom you have always trusted.

What else can the dream book tell us? Robbery of an apartment - cooling of relations with the other half. In the near future you will have serious quarrels and scandals. Damage to relationships with children due to an absurd situation is also possible. Disrespect on their part will be felt constantly, but, alas, this situation cannot be corrected.

Resist the thief

If after the robbery you set off after the “uninvited guest,” then expect that in the near future they will haunt you both at work and in personal relationships. What does the dream book recommend? Robbery of a house in this case means your desire to improve the situation. Don't stop under any circumstances.

A dream in which you prevented a robbery suggests that profit awaits you in the near future. But this will only happen when you truly learn to help people in need.

Catch a thief

Have you caught the criminal? This is a good sign. Soon all your competitors and attackers will be defeated.

A dream in which you are being pursued by a robber is interpreted in the opposite way. In this case, you should be extremely careful.

If you catch a thief in your home, this means your distrust of others. As the dream book says, in this case this is what is needed.

If in a dream you caught and punished a thief, it means you need to be more lenient towards others.

If the thief is the dreamer himself

Were you the robber? You will be able to solve the problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Only in this case you should not rely only on your knowledge and strength. It is better to listen to the advice of experienced people. Maybe their advice will be decisive in your life.

Also, this dream can be interpreted in a slightly different way. If you watch yourself robbing a person, then soon all your hopes and plans will turn into dust.

If in a dream you robbed someone and went on the run, this means that your health is under attack. Visit a doctor immediately!

Do you steal money in your sleep? This means that in reality you will ruin your reputation.

What if you rob a bank? This means material difficulties and problems.

Accusation and persecution of the dreamer

What interpretation can the dream book give us? The robbery ended in pursuit - therefore, the meaning of such a vision in this case will be negative. Here theft acts as a warning against participating in a situation that will have a bad impact on the future fate of the dreamer.

If in a dream you see the police pursuing you for committing a robbery, this indicates that soon there will come a moment in your life when everyone around you will turn their backs on you.

Have you been charged with theft? Expect failure in all matters due to minor troubles.

If you are robbing a premises with someone, then in reality you will set up

If you watch someone else get punished for robbery, then you should treat people more favorably.

Happy dreaming!

shotgun as described - Seeing a shotgun in a dream in reality foreshadows family clashes. Shooting from it means experiencing resentment and humiliation due to the fact that your needs will be treated with indifference by those who, as part of their duty, are simply obliged to provide you with all possible help and support. To see someone else shooting from a shotgun means that in reality you may be robbed. Carrying a shotgun over your shoulder means you will find protection and help from people who will empathize with your needs. Hiding a shotgun in a dream from some bandits means falling in love at first sight. Going hunting with this weapon means infidelity. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

castle as described - If you dream of an ancient castle in the form of a fortress with towers and a drawbridge, this portends the fulfillment of desires. Living in it means that over time you will own a significant fortune and will have the opportunity to live in accordance with your own desires and tastes. Wandering around the castle completely alone means you are threatened with arrest and imprisonment. Walking along it with a guide portends unexpected happiness. Standing in front of a closed castle means encountering obstacles in reality. If the castle is neglected and overgrown with greenery, you should consult a doctor without relying on self-medication. A ruined castle foreshadows heated debates on political topics. Seeing a castle on fire in a dream promises the most positive consequences of the changes that have come in your life. To be the owner of a castle in a dream means to win a court case and thus finally disgrace one’s slanderers. Experiencing boredom and satiety while living in a castle - such a dream portends a serious illness. Leaving the castle while going on a trip means that in reality you will be robbed or robbed on a tip from people around you. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

carbine as described - If you dreamed of a carbine, then this portends that soon you will need to act decisively and without much thinking, only in this case you will avoid troubles and provocations. Shooting from a carbine in a dream means that in reality you may be robbed or robbed. Buying a carbine in a dream foreshadows terrible scenes of jealousy, for which, however, there is a serious reason. Hiding a carbine from bandits in a dream means that in reality you will be protected and helped by strangers, but very warm-hearted and selfless people. An old, broken or rusty carbine is a sign that you will fall madly in love and everything else will fade into the background. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

spoon as described - Seeing a wooden spoon in a dream foretells a stomach illness. An aluminum spoon means that you will not be bothered by worries about your daily bread, a steel one - to the happy consequences of unpleasant events, a silver one - you will receive an invitation to a dinner party, a gold one - you will receive patronage. A broken spoon is a sign of a sad event in the family of your good friends, a holey spoon means you will be confused in an unusual situation. Buying spoons in a dream means you will soon become unexpectedly rich. Lose your spoon and you will be robbed. Eating liquid with a spoon means the normal course of affairs; solid, which is usually eaten with a fork, means confusion due to incorrect accounting. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

tear according to description - Tearing a newspaper or kindling magazine in a dream foretells the appearance of a successor to your family. Tearing a valuable book in your hearts out of anger means that in reality you will forget to do something very important. If in a dream a hundred dollar bill is torn before your eyes, it means that in reality fame and success await you. Seeing torn curtains in a dream is a sign of a shameful scandal in front of numerous neighbors. Tearing expensive wallpaper in a dream, catching it with something sharp, foretells that in reality you will be forced to give in to the advances of a man who turns out to be your accidental companion on the train. If in a dream you are crossing an abyss on a rope that suddenly breaks, in reality you will take part in an extremely risky undertaking that could end very badly for you. Torn threads foretell that trouble awaits you due to the treachery of your friends. A torn handkerchief means quarrels with a loved one over petty trifles. A torn blanket portends unfavorable circumstances in a matter that is important to you. Tearing clothes in a dream is a warning about caution in dealing with unfamiliar men, especially for a young girl who is inexperienced in matters of love. If your tights are torn in a dream, this means that separation from a loved one will push you to connect with other men. Torn and scattered beads foreshadow the company of an unpleasant person. A torn tent through which the rain penetrates means worries and worries about children. If in a dream your brand new gloves were torn, in reality you will be robbed or robbed of a significant amount. Tearing a letter in a dream is a warning that your reputation is threatened by the spread of false gossip. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

basin as described - Carrying a basin of water in a dream foreshadows joyful events in the near future. Wash your hair in a basin - to an unexpected acquaintance, soar your feet - in reality you are planning something evil, bathe a child - to household chores, wash in a basin - you will be robbed, wash dishes - you will deceive your husband in his own interests. A copper or brass basin in which you make jam is a caring lover, faithful, reliable friends. Aluminum basin - troubles in love, enameled - you will find yourself in a stupid position. New basin - give vent to your anger; old, rusty or bent - unsuccessful completion of the job, leaky - you will be very lucky. Throwing away the basin means you will blurt out a secret. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

drum on the door (knock). according to the description - Hearing in a dream how someone is furiously drumming on the door, and at the same time you know for sure that it is a stranger - you will be robbed., Family dream book

drug addict by description - To see a drug addict in a dream - you will be robbed., Family dream book

In a dream, being robbed is almost always bad. In general terms, this image warns: you will show weakness and will not be able to make the right decision. The dream book will tell you why the plot in question is being dreamed about more specifically.

Mr. Miller and his dream book claim: did you happen to be robbed in the night? You will need all the courage and perseverance to stand up for what is right in the real world. For dishonest and treacherous people, a dream always promises misfortune and loss.

Did you dream that you were robbed? In reality you are afraid of something. Dream characters will tell you where the threat really is hiding.

Did you steal unnecessary trinkets or unimportant items in your dream? You subconsciously feel that there is an ill-wisher nearby, but his efforts will not bring serious damage.

Why do you dream that something important and valuable has been stolen? The dream book believes that there is a real danger of losing something.

What was stolen?

Did you dream that you were unlucky to be robbed? Remember carefully what exactly was stolen from you. The symbolism of a dream theft will indicate an area of ​​life that is under threat.

  • Money is a financial matter.
  • Gold - position, respect.
  • Precious jewelry - partnership, love affair.
  • Wearable things are friends, their own priorities.
  • Furniture - home, family/kinship relationships.
  • Technology - absence, lack of information.

Get ready...

Did you dream that all the food was taken out of the house? The dream book prophesies the untimely death of a friend or loved one.

Seeing yourself being robbed means the death of your closest relative. Being robbed in a dream sometimes literally means losing your parents.

For young girls, theft in dreams promises malice and envy in reality; for all others, the same image prophesies the revelation of the secret plans of enemies.

Don't miss out!

Why dream of theft? Sometimes this is a sign of impending ruin and a series of serious failures.

Did you dream about a brazen thief? The dream book believes that you have been given time to correct your mistakes.

Did you manage to catch a robber in a dream? At the current stage, you are able to do what previously seemed incredible and unattainable. Use this opportunity wisely!


Why do you dream about theft in general? In some cases, the image should be interpreted literally. However, in reality what will be stolen from you is not material values, but something more significant, but illusory: an idea, love, rights, freedom, etc.

Being robbed sometimes literally means that you will lose peace and will be very worried. This is a reflection of fears about one’s own future or failure in one’s chosen business.

In a dream, did you see that you were robbed by dead people? The dream book prophesies: in reality you will experience mortal horror.

Is it time to get married?

Sometimes the interpretation of a dream is more positive. Being robbed in your dreams at night means successful deals, high-paying jobs and strong relationships.

If a woman dreams that she was robbed, then she will certainly get married and in the shortest possible time. Seeing that something valuable has been stolen is a sign of a gift or a pleasant surprise.

In a dream, did you manage to rob yourself? The dream book is sure that you risk losing money or being defeated due to your own stupidity.

This vision is often dreamed of on the eve of important life changes or a new stage.

The more things you have lost, the more significant and clear the changes in your life and organization of affairs will appear.

If you were robbed in a dream, pay attention to what exactly you were missing, how important and valuable it was, and what happened next.

It matters whether the stolen item actually exists or whether it belonged to you only in a dream. This is how the dream book interprets this vision most often.

Petty theft or loss

If you dreamed that a thief stole something not very valuable from you, then expect minor changes in your life. Perhaps you will do something differently than you are used to, or you will buy something better.

Why dream that a thief stole your phone or smartphone? This vision predicts changes in your communication, environment and connections. If your smartphone was the only means you used to communicate with your friends and relatives, then soon you will either stop communicating with them, or you will receive a new similar means of communication as a gift, only completely different.

If you dreamed that you were robbed and your money was taken away, for example, your purse or wallet was taken out, expect humiliation, dismissal from work and other troubles. What you dreamed about may predict an unexpected receipt of money, a transfer to another position, and other benefits. So not everything is as bad as it might seem in the dream.

If you were robbed in the market or on the street and your gold jewelry was taken away, you may lose what you consider dear to you. Especially if the jewelry actually exists and you value it.

This dream often predicts the loss of a fiancé, husband, or loved one who gave them to you, ruin and a sharp deterioration in your financial situation.

Lose your bag, shoes, cosmetic bag, wallet

If, while swimming in the sea or pool, you find that your things are missing, wait for a change that will force you to completely change your life.

Or buy yourself new clothes that really suit you. If you dreamed that you were robbed while you were swimming in the sea, taking a shower or being in a sauna, then the upcoming change will be related to your material well-being.

This plot promises a win, a successful marriage for the girl, a change of job or some interesting offer. Sometimes such a night vision symbolizes new unplanned purchases that will make you very happy. In other situations - to a significant improvement in your financial situation or an unexpected gift.

What does it mean to have a dream in which you were robbed and the entire contents of your purse or cosmetic bag were stolen? Theft of cosmetics most often dreams of new knowledge about beauty, which will force you to give away to your friends the products you used before.

Most likely, this will be a passion for a new cosmetics brand that you will like more than other personal care products. But some girls cannot find the usual lipstick or mascara in their purse - to the envy of others or the jealousy of a boyfriend or husband.

What does the dream book say if you were robbed and took away everything your bag was filled with, leaving it empty? This vision often dreams of emotional devastation or great losses. For some people, the plot predicts a change in lifestyle or recreation, depending on where exactly the theft occurred.

Losing the food you collected to prepare dinner is a surprise. If there was a wallet in the bag, expect material loss. Discovering that documents you used at work or keys are missing is a bad sign. Most likely, you will never need them again due to an unpleasant change, such as downsizing.

Lose clothes, wardrobe items, underwear

The interpretation of this dream largely depends on whether it was an open abduction or not. If your clothes were secretly stolen while you were resting, or a dress or underwear was pulled out of your closet, this may mean that someone is guessing about your secrets.

An open robbery in which you are forced to undress indicates a big scandal, as a result of which you will have to confess to something or remove some kind of protection from yourself.

Perhaps your secret plans will be calculated or revealed by someone. Pay attention to what exactly was stolen in the dream. If you were secretly robbed and only one or a few things were taken from your wardrobe, there is a person who is very interested in the details of your personal life. If your blouse you wear to work or your uniform is missing, in reality someone will do everything to make you lose your place. Finding yourself without a dress, especially a beautiful one or an evening one, means someone will reveal your personal secret. Very often this plot is dreamed of envy and obstacles in your personal life.

But if instead of your usual outfit you find something expensive and very beautiful, this dream is a sign of new novels or profits.

If you don’t find your underwear, your intimate secret will be revealed by someone.

Robbery of an apartment or house

Hearing that you have been completely robbed is a sign of great and joyful changes. However, quite often such a dream does not predict anything for you except rumors and gossip, as well as the assumptions and envy of others.

But if, upon arriving at your home, you see that there is nothing there, this means that a change awaits you very soon. It could be related to buying or selling a new home, winning the lottery, moving to another city, or staying with relatives or friends.

Being robbed at work may dream of unexpectedly receiving money. Modern books indicate that you will receive enough money so as not to deny yourself anything.

However, if you have any shortcomings, the interpreter writes that such a dream could threaten you with dismissal and other troubles. So try to solve your problems as soon as possible so that you don’t have to look for a new job.

Seeing that someone else's apartment has been robbed is a bad sign. You will learn unpleasant news about this family or news that will make you jealous. But in some situations this dream turns out to be prophetic.

Steal yourself

If in a dream you were not robbed, but you robbed someone, it means that you consider it unfair that some benefits do not belong to you, and you want to get yours back. To accurately understand such a dream, pay attention to what exactly you stole.

Stealing smartphones, phones - you pretend to communicate and are offended if you are not given enough attention or if those who are interesting do not want to be friends with you. Deprive someone of a laptop or tablet, computer - you want to gain access to some information.

Taking someone else's cosmetics and personal belongings - women dream that they want to be the best in their environment and master all the secrets of someone else's beauty. For a man to steal cosmetics is a claim for attention or jealousy.

If you stole gold jewelry and valuables, then in reality you want to receive financial compensation for what was not yours. Stealing money means poverty. Stealing a fur coat or clothes means a need for protection or compliments.

To deprive someone of everything that is in the house or apartment - your feeling of hatred towards someone will reach its climax. You will resist with all your might the prosperity and happiness of others. Stealing underwear is a sign of illegal intimate relationships.

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