The Powers That Be: The most influential people in the world. The richest people in the world: who they are and how they achieved success TOP richest people in history

Who are they, the people whose names never leave the pages of Forbes, and whose rapid careers are admired by millions? Who promises to break records in terms of wealth this year and who should we, “mere mortals”, look up to? We present to your attention the TOP 10 richest people in the world 2018 of the year.

10 Michael Bloomberg

The ranking of the world's richest people of 2018 opens with the former mayor of New York, American Michael Bloomberg with a fortune of $47.5 billion. The main source of his income is the Bloomberg LP corporation, which provides information services. Like the vast majority of the richest people on the planet, Bloomberg is actively involved in charity and donates funds to various causes.


The brother of a person one step higher in our ranking. The 76-year-old man's net worth is $48.3 billion. The main source of profit is the same Koch Industries holding, founded in 1940.
Both brothers are members of the Republican party, which they actively sponsor. They spare no expense on education, in every possible way supporting gifted students who come from poor families.


Eighth place in the list of the richest people in the world 2017 according to Forbes is occupied by American Charles Koch, whose fortune was estimated at 48.3 billion. Together with his brother, this 81-year-old man owns Koch Industries, a diversified holding company that has grown into a tiny oil refinery founded by his father. In addition to his business interests, the billionaire, despite his advanced age, is interested in politics and regularly donates funds to charity.

7 Larry Ellison

The 72-year-old American has increased his fortune by $13.3 billion over the past year, bringing his capital to $61 billion.

Mr. Ellison is a famous software developer who, despite his talent, was never able to graduate from university. He was made a billionaire by Oracle, which is now focusing its activities on improving cloud services.

Ellison's hobby is sailing, in which the richest man on the planet willingly invests money. He also spares no expense in charity: last year, the businessman promised the University of California $200 million for the creation of an effective cure for cancer.


Another representative of the ranking of the richest people in the world in 2017 is a Mexican billionaire with a capital of $65.1 billion. The main source of income for this 77-year-old man is the Telecom company. In addition, Mr. Slim invests in Mexican development, mining, and consumer goods. He also owns 17 percent of The New York Times.

5 Mark Zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires in the world, whose net worth is $72.9 billion. The source of such an impressive amount is the world famous social network Facebook, which Mark created at the age of 19, almost 13 years ago.

Today, the billionaire is actively involved in the management of his brainchild and oversees major acquisitions of other Internet giants. Not long ago, the Zuckerberg couple became parents, and therefore they promised to donate 99 percent of their wealth to charity.


The 80-year-old Spaniard boasts a fortune of $76.4 billion, which has increased by $4.3 billion in the last year alone. Retail brought serious prosperity to this man, and he receives the lion's share of his capital thanks to his ownership of shares in the Zara company, which he and his now deceased wife founded back in 1975.
From dividends alone, Ortega receives $400 million a year, successfully investing the money he earns in real estate.


The third position in the list of the richest people in the world in 2018, according to Forbes magazine, belongs to businessman Warren Buffett with a fortune of $85.6 billion. The 86-year-old's billions come from Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett's holding company owns a certain percentage of shares in more than 60 companies. The billionaire, who made his first investment at the age of 11, invests in companies such as IBM, Wells Fargo, Coca-Cola and others. Together with Bill Gates, the man founded the Giving Pledge company, to which he promised to donate 99 percent of his capital.


By the end of 2017, Bill Gates, for the first time in 4 years, lost the title of the richest person on the planet, taking second place in the Forbes ranking. His net worth is estimated at over $90.8 billion. The 61-year-old owner of the IT giant Microsoft created his brainchild 40 years ago, and today he owns 3 percent of the shares of his native corporation. His other investments include Canadian Railways, a well-known American engineering company, Republic Services (a waste recycling company), and the famous auto dealer AutoNation. However, Mr. Gates considers the work of a charitable foundation, created to improve the situation in the healthcare system and help overcome hunger in third world countries, to be a priority area of ​​his activity.

1 Jeff Bezos

This successful man's fortune is estimated at $98.6 billion. He is the creator of Amazon, whose stock was the fastest-growing stock last year. Thanks to the rapid rise in price, the businessman’s assets increased by 33.8 billion. Due to the large increase in the capital of the online retailer, Bezos rose in the ranking from third to first place, becoming the richest person in the world in 2017-2018.

The 53-year-old billionaire, among other things, owns a company that develops rockets. The man dreams in the future of launching the production of space shuttles that will carry passengers in space. Bezos's hobby is raising the wreckage of NASA spaceships from the depths of the sea.

Forbes magazine annually publishes a list of the most influential people. Among the first names there are always the names of politicians and representatives of big business. Sometimes the top three do not change over a long period. It's no secret that big politics is done behind the scenes. Strategic decisions are also important, the geopolitical game that has always been played in the world.

Forbes ranking 2020

Forbes analytics rely not only on politically important decisions and reshuffles in the political arena, they also study the ranking list of the American magazine Time, which in the spring of each year publishes a list of the 100 most influential people in the world in order to answer the question of who is making history today.

1. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

The leader of China comes from a difficult family. His father was an ally of Mao Zedong and held important positions, so Xi Jinping formally belongs to the inner-party clan of princes called Taizidang. In the 60s, the family came under repression and was expelled from the capital. Knowing what deprivation and poverty are, the future leader of China managed to rally the people around him.

The most powerful person in the world is the leader of China

He managed to change life in his own country in many ways. On the wave of economic and income growth, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China skillfully carries out reforms; the specifics of the internal policy of the Communist Party are officially included in the Constitution.

2. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

From 2013 to 2016, Vladimir Putin occupied the first line of the rating. The period from the beginning of 2000 to the present day is called the Putin era in Russia. He significantly strengthened the country's role in the foreign policy arena, strengthened the army and increased weapons. Under him, the borders of the Russian Federation expanded due to the annexation of Crimea.

Russian President V. Putin

Western politicians consider him one of the most influential persons in the political arena; currently there is active competition for Russia's zones of influence. Speaking about Vladimir Putin, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of interference in the US presidential election, which is being actively discussed.

3. Donald Trump, US President

No one believed that Donald Trump, one of the richest men in the United States, would become president. Rumor has it that there was some outside intervention here, but no one has voiced direct evidence. Running the richest and most powerful country in the world requires Trump to take decisive steps.

Trump is a unique figure in politics

Despite the difficulties, he pursues an active economic policy and tries to improve the lives of ordinary Americans.

4. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

Today, many have begun to forget that Mrs. Merkel is the first female chancellor in German history. She received approval for her work and was re-elected to 4 lines in 2012. Today it is obvious that Angela Merkel's popularity among politicians and citizens is falling. The reason lies in the unstable situation with migrants and a dual foreign policy, with which not everyone agrees.

The era of Angela Merkel is coming to an end

However, the period of her administration coincided with the strengthening of Germany's position in Europe.

5. Jeff Bezos, head of the American company Amazon

In 2018, Forbes named the Amazon founder the richest person on the planet. His fortune is estimated at $135 billion. Bloomberg puts the figure at 150 billion. Bezos is actively expanding the scope of his economic interests, increasing his zone of influence not only in the United States, but also in the world.

Today Bezos is the richest man on the planet

6. Pope Francis

After Francis became the new pope, he launched a process of reform of the Catholic Church. He believes that the community lives too conservatively. Actively participates in political life, meeting with prominent figures and supporting campaigns to reduce violence in the world.

Dad tries to clearly formulate his position on every issue

He strongly opposes euthanasia, abortion, and the legalization of same-sex relationships. He criticized clergy who refused to baptize their children to single mothers.

7. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Philanthropist Bill Gates actively helps those in need and has earned respect in American society. His entourage speaks of him as a modest person, but the entrepreneur lives in a huge house, the cost of which exceeds $125 million without the cost of land.

Bill Gates has long retired, but continues to remain in the spotlight

Considered the most respected person on the planet.

8. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

The de facto ruler of the largest country on the Arabian Peninsula and the youngest Minister of Defense in the world. In politics, he actively supports the US position on most issues.

The main contender for the throne of Saudi Arabia

Currently, the issue of change of power in Saudi Arabia is acute. Some of the elite are in favor of removing the crown prince, but this can only be done after the death of the king. Time will tell whether Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud will retain power in his hands.

9. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

The seventh place in the top is taken by the leader of India. It is noted that he is a controversial figure in politics. Despite the excesses, it receives support thanks to the country's rapid economic growth.

Narendra Modi at one of the meetings

In foreign policy he acts cautiously; under him, India is systematically increasing its armaments and building a fleet.

10. Larry Page, co-founder of Google

As a scientist and entrepreneur, Page has earned a net worth of $40.7 billion. Previously, he held higher positions in the Forbes list for several years in a row. Larry Page is not just a rich man, he has regained the influential post of chief executive officer of Alphabet, which controls Google platforms.

Larry Page - influential business person

TOP 10 most influential people in Russia

1. Vladimir Putin

The first place, undoubtedly, is occupied by the president himself. Both foreign and domestic policies depend on it. Recently, he has often been criticized for raising taxes, the retirement age and other unpopular reforms.

President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia OJSC German Gref

The head of the country's largest commercial bank is an influential businessman. He is very careful in his actions, which is why the bank operates successfully both in the CIS and in Europe.

Mr. Miller's annual income exceeds $17 million. The Chairman of the Board of PJSC Gazprom actively influences the state of the domestic market and the external position of the country.

Working visit to Turkmenistan

The list of “most influential people” also includes the executive director of Rosneft. For a long time he worked in the Presidential Administration. He was the only representative of Russia on the list of the 100 most influential people on the planet according to Time magazine.

One of the most influential figures in Russian politics since 2000.

The Russian Prime Minister occupies fifth position. From 2008 to 2012 he served as president of the country. He is credited with unpopular reforms in the country, including the latest increase in VAT to 20%.

YES. Medvedev in 2008

6. Vladimir Bogdanov

Vladimir Leonidovich took a long time to get to his position; he has been drilling all his life and knows very well the specifics of managing an oil and gas company. Controls OJSC "Surgutneftegas".

The head of Surgutneftegaz strengthened his position by 2018.

Honored Economist of Russia, before joining the Bank of the Russian Federation, she worked for a year as an assistant to V.V. Putin. Advocates for an economic model based on private investment in competitive areas.

8. Alexander Bortnikov

The general and head of the FSB is an influential person in any country. He was not included in the US sanctions list and visited the country several times.

Alexander Bortnikov

9. Oleg Belozerov

The statesman, the head of Russian Railways, replaced Vladimir Yakunin in his post. With his arrival, companies began to actively fight corruption. Recommended as a contender for the post of Minister of Transport.

Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

10. Vagit Alekperov

The co-owner of the oil company Lukoil is engaged in social and scientific activities, and is considered the main industry magnate in the country. He is a collector of rare coins.

Vagit Alekperov

Rating of the 100 most influential people in history

The book by American-born astrophysicist M. Hart presents his own version of hundreds of the most influential personalities in the world history of mankind. From the writer's point of view, it looks like this:

  1. the prophet and central figure of Islam, Muhammad;
  2. scientist Isaac Newton;
  3. the central figure in Christianity, Jesus Christ;
  4. spiritual teacher in Buddhism, Buddha;
  5. Chinese philosopher Confucius;
  6. supreme Apostle Paul;
  7. Chinese dignitary Cai Lun, who may have invented paper;
  8. German pioneer Johannes Gutenberg;
  9. Christopher Columbus, explorer and navigator who discovered America to Europe;
  10. physicist A. Einstein;
  11. microbiologist Louis Pasteur;
  12. scientist from Italy Galileo Galilei;
  13. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle;
  14. mathematician Euclid;
  15. Jewish prophet Moses;
  16. naturalist and traveler from England Charles Darwin;
  17. the first emperor of China, founder of the Qin dynasty, Shi Huang;
  18. ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus;
  19. Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus;
  20. the first chemist Antoine Lavoisier;
  21. Roman Emperor Constantine I;
  22. engineer and mechanic James Watt;
  23. physicist Michael Faraday;
  24. scientist J. Maxwell;
  25. Christian theologian Martin Luther;
  26. first US President George Washington;
  27. German sociologist and economist Karl Marx;
  28. aircraft designers Orville and Wilbur Wright;
  29. Mongol Khan Genghis Khan;
  30. economist Adam Smith;
  31. poet William Shakespeare;
  32. naturalist John Dalton;
  33. commander Alexander the Great;
  34. Emperor of France Napoleon I;
  35. inventor Thomas Edison;
  36. the founder of microscopy, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek;
  37. dentist William Morton;
  38. radio technician Gugliermo Marconi;
  39. Fuhrer of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler;
  40. philosopher Plato;
  41. revolutionary Oliver Cromwell;
  42. scientist Alexander Bell;
  43. inventor of penicillin, Alexander Fleming;
  44. philosopher John Locke;
  45. pianist and creator of his own works Ludwig van Beethoven;
  46. one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Werner Heisenberg;
  47. chemist Louis Daguerre;
  48. independence fighter Simon Bolivar;
  49. mathematician Rene Descartes;
  50. sculptor Michelangelo;
  51. Pope Urban II;
  52. companion of the prophet Umar ibn al-Khattab;
  53. Indian ruler Ashoka;
  54. Christian Aurelius Augustine;
  55. physician William Harvey;
  56. creator of nuclear physics E. Rutherford;
  57. reformer and theologian John Calvin;
  58. a monk who was actively involved in botany and studied heredity G. Mendel;
  59. head of German science Max Planck;
  60. English surgeon Joseph Lister;
  61. inventor Nikolaus Otto;
  62. conquistador F. Pizarro;
  63. conquistador Hernan Cortes;
  64. US President Thomas Jefferson;
  65. Queen Isabella I of Spain;
  66. leader of the USSR Joseph Stalin;
  67. commander Julius Caesar;
  68. William I the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy;
  69. psychologist Sigmund Freud;
  70. physician Edward Jenner, who created the smallpox vaccine;
  71. physicist V. Roentgen;
  72. composer Johann Bach;
  73. founder of Taoism Lao Tzu;
  74. poet and educator Voltaire;
  75. astronomer Johannes Kepler;
  76. physicist E. Fermi;
  77. mathematician from Switzerland L. Euler;
  78. thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
  79. philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli;
  80. economist Thomas Malthus;
  81. US President John Kennedy;
  82. researcher Gregory Pincus, creator of oral contraceptives;
  83. founder of Manichaeism Mani;
  84. the man who made the world believe in the power of revolution, Vladimir Lenin;
  85. Chinese Emperor Sun Wendi;
  86. navigator Vasco da Gama;
  87. Persian king Cyrus II;
  88. Emperor Peter I;
  89. Chinese politician Mao Zedong;
  90. philosopher Francis Bacon;
  91. industrialist Henry Ford;
  92. philosopher Mencius;
  93. founder of the ancient religion Zarathustra;
  94. Queen Elizabeth I of England;
  95. the first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev;
  96. the unifier of Egypt, Menes;
  97. the king of the Franks, Charles the Great, who received the nickname during his lifetime;
  98. poet Homer;
  99. Emperor of Byzantium Justinian I;
  100. preacher Mahavira.


  1. The most powerful people in the world according to Forbes are Xi Qinping, Russian President Vladimi Putin and US leader billionaire Donald Trump.
  2. The list of the most influential people in Russia is headed by President V. Putin, German Gref and Alexey Miller.
  3. According to the book of the same name published twice, the top three of the 100 most influential people in the history of the world look like this: the prophet of Islam Muhammad, Isaac Newton and Jesus Christ. These people turned the world upside down.

Who are the richest people in the world - Forbes in 2019 published another list of the top 100 dollar billionaires. There are 2,153 people on the planet who have achieved billionaire status. Currently, due to economic problems and weak stock markets, the number of rich people is showing a downward trend. Although the wealth of billionaires fluctuates constantly, the top 20 richest people in the world remain unchanged.

Top 20 richest people in the world according to Forbes

Compared to the previous year, the total number of billionaires in Forbes magazine's ranking has decreased by 55 people, and now the list of the richest people in the world is 2,153. Among them, the twenty who are the richest people in the world stand out. The ranking of dollar billionaires, the 20 wealthiest tycoons, was compiled according to the authoritative American magazine Forbes:

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The richest Russian according to Forbes in 2019

And the richest Russian according to Forbes in 2019 was Leonid Mikhelson. His net worth is estimated at $24 billion, which is 5.46 times less than the wealth of the richest American.

Leonid Mikhelson is the richest Russian in 2019 according to Forbes magazine

Jeff Bezos is the richest person in the world 2019

Jeff Bezos is the executive director of the online trading platform Amazon. He is now ranked first in the ranking of super-rich people on earth according to Forbes. He is the only one who has a twelve-figure fortune. His net worth is reported to be approx. US$131 billion. This amount is astronomical, and Mr. Bezos easily overtakes Bill Gates, who is in 2nd place. It has maintained its rating since 2017.

Born on January 12, 1964 in the large city of Albuquerque, Jeff could not boast of a happy start. He never saw his father abandon his family. From the age of 4, the boy was raised by his stepfather, a Cuban immigrant, who gave his adopted son his last name. He became a good father to the child, helping him develop his innate, extraordinary technical abilities. From scrap materials, he invented a solar battery, an alarm system, and a microwave oven. He created his creations in the garage.

Despite his love for astronautics, D. Bezos received his education in the field of electrical engineering and IT, graduating from Princeton University. After ordinary work in the IT field on Wall Street, the future billionaire got a job at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co, where he achieved the post of top manager. In the last days of 1994, D. Bezos founded the Internet project, starting a business by selling books. It is now the world's largest marketplace for cloud infrastructure supplies.

Bezos also fulfilled his childhood dream of space by founding Blue Origin, a private company specializing in space tourism. In addition, the billionaire acquired The Washington Post publishing house, gradually transferring printed products to the digital environment. Thus, Bezos became the owner of three major projects:

  • IT company Amazon;
  • Aerospace Corporation;
  • largest publishing house.

What is the secret of Mr. Jeff Bezos, who went from a young garage inventor to a world-famous owner of a multi-billion dollar fortune? The wealthy oligarch says his companies strive to provide the public with a fair deal. This billionaire captain of industry firmly believes that his quest to prove the best quality with the best possible services at the lowest possible price has driven his company to achieve the astronomical success achieved by Amazon.

In the words of entrepreneur Bezos: “There are two types of companies. Those who work to take more money from you, and those who work to take less. We are for the second.” Thus, according to Bezos, Amazon strives to provide the best price combined with the best possible service for less money charged to consumers. This is one of the basic principles of achieving wealth, according to Bezos. When others are sacrificing service and quality by raising the price, one should consider improving the quality, service and lowering the price.

Photo of the richest man in the world

On his Instagram @jeffbezos, Jeff shares with his subscribers vacation photos, ideas, work moments, and a success story.

Who is the richest person in the world in 2018?

If in 2017 the ranking of the world's richest people was headed by Bill Gates with his $86 billion fortune, then already in 2018 he was seriously displaced by Jeff Bezos with a capital of $112 billion. The reason for the record jump in capitalization was the rapid growth of shares (almost 60%) of Bezos’ brainchild, Amazon.

The net worth of the richest man in the world and how he earned his capital

In 2018, according to Forbes, D. Bezos’s earnings reached the highest level – $160 thousand per minute. The size of a billionaire's fortune is constantly changing. Shares (16%) of the web giant Amazone bring him about 125 billion dollars, another 21 billion regularly comes from his second and third projects. The richest man in the world today has a fortune of $131 billion, having made a profit of $19 billion over the past year. So far, the billionaire holds the highest position among the top rich people in the world, despite his divorce from his wife.

John Rockefeller is the richest man in the history of mankind

D. Bezos is by far the richest person in the world, Forbes states this fact. But no one has yet managed to reach the size of John Rockefeller's capital. This is the richest man in the history of the world, whose fortune was estimated at 340 billion dollars at the time of his death. The oil tycoon and founder of major corporations was born into a poor large family and achieved his wealth on his own.

John Rockefeller is the richest man in history

His father's upbringing helped him acquire the skills of a businessman.

He began working at the age of seven, carefully recording all his financial affairs on paper.

Thanks to commercial savvy, logical thinking, and the ability to carefully keep accounts, the future billionaire was able to tame money and make it work for himself. His oil company, Standard Oil, became the largest monopoly in American history. At the same time, Rockefeller allocated 10% of profits to the church until the end of his life and actively participated in charity.

Forbes magazine annually compiles a popular ranking of the planet's billionaires, which determines who is the richest person in the world; in 2018, the ranking included 2,124 businessmen with a fortune ranging from $1 to $112 billion. Let's look at the top ten.

Bezos tops the Forbes list, rightfully, as one of the richest people of 2018, having increased his net worth by $39 billion over the past year. The main, first ideological creator of the online store He is the only owner of a twelve-figure fortune on the planet - $112 billion. Having been successful in the financial sector for many years, Jeff took a risk (1994) with his successful career on Wall Street, deciding to develop an Internet platform and was not mistaken; his rapid success brings profit to this day. Bezos's large income last year was due to increased demand for the brand's shares. The multi-billionaire at the top of the list has a passion:

  • To astronautics;
  • Development of modern equipment for passenger transportation of citizens beyond space;
  • Passion for “sea excavations”, retrieving the remains of the NASSA space shuttles from the depths.

2nd place. Bill Gates

Once one of the richest people in the world according to the Forbes rating, he ranks honorably second among the top ten richest people of 2018. The well-known company Microsoft brings a stable income to Gates, who owns 3 percent of the corporation's shares. His fortune is estimated at $90 billion, additional income comes from investments aimed at several progressively developing areas: Canadian Railways, the processing company Republic Services, a car dealer plant. Gates' focus on charitable goals is worthy of praise; special attention is paid to the healthcare system and the poverty of second world countries.

3rd place. Warren Buffett

At the age of 87, Buffett reached the third level of the ranking of wealthy people on the planet ($84 billion). The main way to increase his capital is by investing in many popular companies, such as:

  • Coca-Cola;
  • Dairy Queen;
  • Bank of America;
  • Many others, more than fifty of them.

Buffett began his career quite early - at the age of 11, investing dollars borrowed from his parent into shares of several companies; his wait was crowned with success. Charity is not alien to this entrepreneur, who has created a family foundation. Despite his sedate age, Buffett continues to actively participate in the affairs of his company, investing, and cooperation with the largest corporations in the United States of America.

4th place. Bernard Arnault

A French capitalist, a connoisseur of true luxury, Arnault returned in 2018 to the Top 5 ranking of rich people ($72 billion). His famous company has the right to sell luxury items from the world's most famous brands:

  • Hennessy;
  • Louis Vuitton;
  • Christian Dior.

By the way, speaking of the latter, the Arnault family entered into a deal with the fashion house in 2017, thereby becoming the sole holders of the Christian Dior fashion brand, which brings a lot to the budget. An increase in demand and sales for luxury products by 13% (about $42 billion) contributed to Arnault rising to fourth place in the ranking.

5th place. Mark Zuckerberg

Despite many conflicting reviews about the famous Facebook network, of which Zuckerberg is the founder, pressure from government structures (the Russian-US controversy after the presidential election), the company's shares began to rise steadily. The estimated fortune of the young genius, who is included in the ranking of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes magazine, is at just over $70 billion. The full owner is actively engaged in his activities (in the area of ​​IT development), collaborating with other popular projects such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus VR (modern virtual reality devices).

6th place. Amancio Ortega

The Spanish textile tycoon, 80 years old, is a shareholder of the largest Zara holding, one of the main components of his capital. Ortega opened his first business with his wife in his first marriage, sewing bath accessories and cutting underwear at home, then mastering the entire Spanish market. 2017 brought a financial loss of $1.3 billion due to a decline in the company's stock prices. An additional tool for stable income to one’s fortune ($70 billion) are annual investments, about $400 million, in real estate of the largest city centers:

  • NY;
  • Miami;
  • Barcelona;
  • London;
  • Madrid.

7th place. Carlos Slim Helu

In addition to this American ranking, Slim Elu is considered the richest man in Mexico ($67 billion) in 2018. Owns a controlling stake in the largest Latin American mobile operator. The unprecedented rise of America Movil shares by 39 percent in 2017 had a significant impact on his financial well-being. He is the holder of a 17% stake in the business newspaper The New York Times, and also receives investments from real estate (real estate firm), the consumer market, and the mining segment.

8th place. Charles Koch

An influential American, Koch, who has weight in US politics, business, and philanthropy. A successful 82-year-old entrepreneur, he increases his wealth ($60 billion) by making profits from the production of the oil refinery and other areas of the Koch holding. The family contract, together with his brother, owns the huge, profitable corporation Koch Industries, where Charles Koch presides as chairman of the board of directors.

9th place. David Koch

Slightly inferior to his brother Charles, David Koch topped the top ten “richest people in the world 2018.” The stability of his income is provided by Koch Industries, founded back in 1940 by their father. The company has many industries, in various fields:

  • Oil refining;
  • Construction of a pipeline system;
  • Large-scale production of paper products, glasses, and other profitable projects.

The Koch family pays special attention to the field of education, allocating significant funds for charitable needs, such as developing programs and receiving grants. David Koch's fortune is estimated at $60 billion.

10th place. Larry Ellison

Rounding out the top 10 richest and most influential people on the planet, according to Forbes magazine, is Larry Ellison, a former CIA employee and former CEO of his own business project, Oracle. Net profit for the previous year amounted to $6.3 billion, the main source of income was Oracle assets (price increase by 18%). The company is engaged in cloud technologies. The entrepreneur is a fan of yachting (sailing), and also actively cooperates with charitable organizations. His fortune is estimated at 58.5 billion.

Complete Forbes list

In total, the list of dollar billionaires according to Forbes contains more than two thousand names! You can get acquainted with it by following the link. Unfortunately, it is not possible to translate such a long list, so you will have to read it in English. The list can be sorted by name, age, condition, field of activity and nationality.

The richest man in the world earned more than $3,000 per minute in 2019. His fortune is estimated at $131 billion. And this, oddly enough, is not Bill Gates, who has been recognized several times as the wealthiest person in the world.

The richest people in the world, included in the TOP 10, own more than half of all the world's money. This is data that was published in the IMF report in 2017. Since then, the situation has not changed dramatically. However, new faces have entered the list of the world's richest people.

TOP richest people in the world

According to Forbes, the richest people in the world have long held their positions in the TOP 100 ranking. But the TOP 10 ranking is constantly changing, depending on global market trends.

Thus, the richest person in the world in 2020 is Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon. Its closest competitor needs to work hard to overtake it. Considering that the popularity of the Amazon service is growing every year, experts predict that Bill Gates will lag even further behind.

Success stories: how to become the richest

It is interesting to know how rich people made their fortunes so that they know in which direction they need to move to repeat their feat. Studying another person's success story can often lead to the results you need.

The rapid growth of his income is due to the sharp rise in the price of his company's shares. In 2017, Amazon's value increased by 59%. The businessman is constantly improving the quality of his service, which makes it very popular in the world.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet

The entrepreneur spent his entire life creating networks for international sales. But he decided to create Amazon only at the end of 1994. He also has a company called Blue Origins, which is developing projects to develop space tourism.

Jeff Bezos is actively involved in charity work. Every year he spends millions of dollars to fight cancer. He also founded the Bezos Family Foundation, the funds of which go to investments in the scientific and educational fields.

Its fortune is based on successful competition with other software companies. Today, most people use Windows on their computers. The use of licensed software and the release of games and other programs by Microsoft increase the income of the organization and its founder.

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.

He also has a corporation called Corbis, which specializes in the creation of licensed photographs and videos. Its main idea is that over time people will decorate their homes not with paintings, but with electronic versions of them. Today there is active cooperation with leading museums in the world.

bgC3 (Bill Gates Company 3) provides a research center. The entrepreneur invests a lot of money in it to develop software technologies and information security.

Bill Gates is also the founder of the largest charitable foundation named after himself and his wife. The foundation's mission is to improve the world's healthcare system and fight hunger.

It owns more than 60 companies. He invests in various companies, acquiring shares, which allows him to earn income in the long term. Entrepreneurs are most interested in ambitious startups. As Warren Buffett himself says, his intuition about where to invest helps him to be included in the ranking of the richest people in the world.

Warren Buffett is the most famous investor of our time.

Warren Buffett's income has increased significantly since Donald Trump took office. He introduced some tax breaks, which led to a reduction in the costs of this entrepreneur.

Buffett has authored many books related to income generation. He himself is very conservative, so he tries not to invest in areas that are incomprehensible to him. That is why he became one of the last who began to invest money in IT technologies and still ignores cryptocurrencies.

Bernard Arnault

His company has founded more than 70 famous global brands that are controlled by LVMH. His income directly depends on the level of sales. Therefore, his position in the ranking of the richest people in the world is unstable. Back in 2017, he was not included in the ranking of the 10 richest people in the world, but over the year his income increased so much that he was able to immediately take 4th place according to Forbes.

The businessman himself has been awarded several times for his contribution to art in various countries. This is one of the least famous personalities in the world. He tries not to give interviews. If journalists manage to meet him, he remains taciturn.

Mark Zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires in the world. The growth of his income is due to the growth of shares of the social network Facebook. Many entrepreneurs are fighting to get shares in his corporation. A distinctive feature of Mark Zuckerberg is that he is only engaged in the development of this company, without trying to found new brands.

It is worth noting that Mark Zuckerberg receives a salary of only $1. All other income is dividends from his company. Despite his wealth, he leads a modest lifestyle. Today he has a wife and child.

Amancio Ortega

His company, Zara Industries, has more than 200 stores in almost 50 countries. The Zara brand is well known and very popular. Expanding online sales opportunities can increase company revenue.

Today, Zara offers cooperation under a franchise agreement, which can significantly increase the number of branded stores in various countries around the world. Favorable terms of cooperation increase interest in the company, which allows Amancio Ortega to increase his income.

The businessman himself was able to fulfill his dream - to create his own unique business model, which allows him to create high-quality clothes at affordable prices. Many people today study this man's success story in business schools. At the moment, he has completely retired and is retired, enjoying life.

Carlos Slim

It owns the largest cellular operator in Mexico. He also has stakes in the mining industry and foreign telecommunications companies. An entrepreneur is constantly looking for new ways to diversify his income. In this regard, a 17% stake in The New York Times was once purchased.

Carlos Slim invests in various areas. It has interests in mining, chemicals, construction and other areas of the economy. Moreover, he buys not only shares of Mexican companies.

The entrepreneur himself is a widower. He has 6 children, three of whom hold positions in his business empire. He did not inherit millions, but he always had a stable income and sought to increase his wealth. Throughout his life, Carlos Slim was distinguished by frugality and a modest lifestyle.

Charles and David Koch

They are co-owners of Koch Industries, which works to create wealth in various industries. They once bought shares from their brothers in order to take control of their father's organization after his death. Today this company employs more than 100 thousand people. The products they produce are successfully sold not only in the USA, but also in Latin America, Europe and Russia.

These brothers are quite intelligent and calm. Their main merit lies in the fact that they inspire each of their employees that their work is their property. Therefore, everyone is obliged to work in such a way as to preserve their capital and increase it.

It is worth noting that this approach and a generous inheritance helped the brothers build a successful business empire.

Larry Ellison

He is considered the second person after Bill Gates in the field of software production. Its software is actively used in financial, credit and other commercial structures. It helps to establish business processes. Today, the company is actively developing cloud technologies, which has allowed its share price to increase by 18%. He left the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors, becoming the technical director of the organization.

The businessman always demanded complete dedication from his employees, as a result of which his company became one of the most dynamically developing in the world. As head of the corporation, he pursued an aggressive policy. Customers were often deceived, and any methods were used to fight competitors. The decision to leave the post of head of Oracle is connected with another marriage.

The richest people on the planet for 2018.