Technological map of classes, small genres of folklore, proverbs. Lesson: “Small genres of folklore

Lesson: “Small genres of folklore” - page No. 1/1

Lesson topic: “Small genres of folklore”

(riddles, chants, proverbs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, songs)

The purpose of the teacher's activity: create conditions for repetition, generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge of small genres of folklore, as one of the literary genres and as a means of developing their interest in reading and the need for it.



Work on developing an idea of ​​the variety of folklore genres, their purpose and main features.


To promote the development of skills to identify and distinguish small genres of oral folk art;

Develop the skill of using them for their intended purpose in various situations, create motivation to independently compose your own “small” works based on folklore.


Introduce children to the world of folk art as a source of enrichment and reading experience, and the ability to understand the power of words;

To form love for the Motherland with the help of folklore works;

To promote the education of aesthetic feelings in children.

Planned results (PUR):

Personal: apply the rules of business cooperation: show patience and goodwill, trust in the interlocutor (participant) in a specific activity;

meta-subject e:

regulatory– accept and save the learning task; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers; plan their joint actions;

educational– repeat, expand, systematize and generalize their knowledge about small genres of folklore; highlight the features of each genre, formulate answers to the questions posed, and apply methods for solving a creative problem;

communicative– use constructive ways of interacting with others, the ability to work in groups;

subject: learn to consciously perceive and distinguish works of folklore (proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, songs, fables, chants, counting rhymes).

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

Welcome, dear guests!

For today's lesson

In our painted mansion

(Children each go to their own group and sit down quietly.)


Look carefully around you, what made you happy, or maybe alarmed you, in the decoration of our office?

(many antique items that were previously used by peasant families)

To what people do they all belong? (to Russian)

This means that the conversation today will be about Russian, about the people.

Tell me, what time of year is it now? (winter)

That's right, guys, it's winter. Do you know that in the old days in Rus' there was such a custom, when in late autumn the entire harvest was harvested, and grain was poured into the bins, the residents all gathered together to while away the long autumn and winter evenings, gatherings and evenings were held.

Outside the window there is biting frost, an angry wind, a blizzard, and in the hut the firewood is crackling in the stove, it is warm and cozy. You look who is sitting at the spinning wheel, who is embroidering a pattern, who is sculpting from clay, who is carving spoons from wood. As they say - “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” So they amused each other. Sometimes they start singing, sometimes they exchange jokes, they ask riddles. So now you can guess my riddles:

What is my name, tell me:

I often hide in the rye,

A humble wildflower,


The sun beats on a blade of grass,

With the wind it breaks into the sky.

But not hot at all

White rays of the sun.

It blooms in May,

You will find him in the forest shade:

On a stalk, like beads in a row,

Fragrant flowers hang.

What are the riddles about? (about flowers)

Today we will remember and make another unusual flower, which is called “living”. This flower has proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, songs, fables, chants, rhymes instead of petals.

- How can they be called in one word? (folklore)

Indeed, these are small genres of oral folk art, or folklore. These works reflect folk wisdom.

Let’s have a get-together today where we’ll try to feel the beauty and depth of these small works.

In order for you to be interested in working in class, each of you took your place in one of four groups. I hope that at the end of our lesson we will also reap a rich harvest of knowledge and skills, since you have a lot of work ahead of you. So, guys, have a happy journey along the roads of folk art!

Each group receives assignments from me that you must read, discuss and complete together.

What rules for working in a group do you know?

That's right, be attentive, listen to each other, help, complement your comrades' answers, work together. Each completed task will add a petal to our flower.

Group work

( children receive tasks, discuss and complete them, write down the genre of the work on a petal )

1 group1 task:

Get the sentences right. Read them expressively. Name the genre they belong to. Explain their meaning.

An old friend will grind everything down.


A proverb is a bright and figurative work of a small genre. The proverb educates, teaches, instructs in the right actions, and ridicules human weaknesses. Your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers were brought up on proverbs and sayings.

What proverbs do you know?

Group 2 – 1 task:

Guys, what is a riddle?


Riddles are a great treasure of humanity. They collected both wisdom and knowledge. It is no coincidence that in fairy tales the heroes so often ask riddles. A riddle is a problem that needs to be solved, guessed. Wisdom has always been held in high esteem.

Group 3 – 1 task:

The Greek rode across the river,

He sees a Greek - a cancer in the river,

The Greek put his hand in the river,

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

Open, Varvara, the gates,

Cutting firewood on the grass in the yard.

Tongue twisters

A tongue twister is a specially selected phrase that is very difficult to pronounce. Tongue twisters teach you how to speak and pronounce words correctly. Previously, this genre was called “pure talk”. The authors of tongue twisters sought to ensure that the child learned to pronounce words correctly, with pleasure.

Tongue twister is a fun school. Here's how one poet wrote about it:

Who wants to talk

He must reprimand

Everything is correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will reprimand

So correct and clear

So that it is clear to everyone.

4 group1 task:

Read the works expressively. Determine the genre.

(sing a song)

Bye-bye-bye-bye -

Masha, Masha, go to sleep.

Close your eyes tighter,

Go to sleep quickly.

Close your eyes, close your eyes -


Tell me, when do people sing?

What groups can the songs be divided into? (audio recording)


Every nation has lullabies, round dances, wedding and other songs. They are sung at the cradle of a child, on holidays and on days of sadness. These songs have lived among the people for many, many years.

Physical exercise "Boyars"

-Boyars, have we come to you?

Young people, we have come to you.

- Boyars, why did you come?

Young people, why did you come?

- Boyars, we need a bride,

Young people, we need a bride.

- Boyars, which one is dear to you?

Young people, which one is cute to you?

- Boyars, this one is dear to us.

Young people, this one is dear to us.

1 assignment for the whole class:

Read the work expressively and determine its genre.

The fox ran through the forest,

The fox lost its tail.

Vanya went into the forest

Found a fox tail.

Lisa came early

Vanya brought berries,

She asked me to give her tail.


These are fictitious stories that were not created to deceive anyone. Against. A fable can be called a fairy tale, a fiction, a lie. Very often in fables the author reports where he has been, what he has seen and with whom he has spoken, although it is clear that this is not true.

2 exercise:

Read the works expressively. Determine the genre.

Sunshine, get ready!

Red, show yourself!

Come out from behind the clouds

I'll give you a bunch of nuts!


Calls are small children's songs. All phenomena and forces of nature: the sun, rainbow, thunder, rain, wind, as well as the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter - live in the call as living beings.

3 exercise:

Read the works carefully. Determine the genre.

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.


The mice pulled the weights.

Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -

The mice ran away.

Counting books

Counting tables appeared a long time ago. Nobody wanted to do dangerous and difficult work. This is where they came up with the counting rhyme. So in ancient times, counting played a serious role; it was close to a spell.

- Guys, do you know the counting rhymes?

Primary consolidation. Reflection.

At the very beginning of the lesson, I told you that we will also harvest, so be careful. Everyone will take a piece of paper from my basket on which the work is written, read it and determine the genre, and then put it in this wonderful bag.

2. The turnip was important,

Each grandmother marveled.

3. Rainbow-arc,

Don't let it rain

Come on sunshine

Red bucket.

5. The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes.

6. Morozushka-Frost!

Don't drag yourself home by the nose,

Don't knock, don't bother,

And draw on the windows!

8. Vanya-Vanya, simplicity

I bought a horse without a tail.

I went to get married

Tied the trough.

The trough breaks,

The wife smiles.

9. Grandma bought beads for Marusya

10. Live forever and learn.

11. Bye-bye, bye-bye,

And the night will have an end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in cribs until morning.

13. Shyshel-myshel,

He took it and left.

Well done guys, we have reaped a rich harvest. But winter is just beginning, so frosts, snowstorms, and snowdrifts await us. I really want everyone to be healthy, so I suggest you make amulets.

What do you know about amulets, what are they?

Each of you will now make a doll - a fever, they will protect and protect us through the long winter. Look carefully at the sequence of their manufacture, read and get to work, help each other.

(music sounds)

I hope our dolls will help us and all those we love, pity, and respect.

Lesson summary.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Remember and name what we did in today’s lesson (remembered and repeated small genres of folklore, created a “living flower”, petals of which are small genres, made amulets for health and strength).

I want to thank you all for the lesson, well done, you worked very well.

Those guys who understood everything and liked the lesson, pick up the red flowers.

Guys who had difficulty with the tasks, pick up the blue flowers.

(draw a conclusion)


Guys, read the tasks and choose what interests you.

Differentiated tasks.

  1. Compose a work of a small genre of folklore.

  2. Learn works by heart.

  3. Draw an illustration for the work.

  4. Make a doll-amulet.


Education is carried out according to the program “Primary school of the 21st century”

4 hours a week.

Lesson - consolidation

Lesson Description

Students work on repeating and summarizing the material they have learned about folklore. The lesson talks about small genres of Russian folk art. The work includes audio recordings of songs. At each stage of the lesson, students repeat the features of small genres of folklore, which allows them to develop expressive reading skills, develop thinking and oral speech.

Description of multimedia components

Computer, Internet resources, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Power Point.

Methodological note justifying an innovative approach to the learning process

The goal of an innovative approach to the educational process is to develop students' abilities to master new experiences based on the targeted formation of creative and critical thinking, which is why innovations in teaching are so widely used.

The lesson is built on the basis of personality-oriented learning technology.


Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters: a popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. T.I. Tarabarina

Russian folklore: main genres and characters. Publisher: University Book, Logos, 2007. S.I. Selivanova

Russian folklore. – Moscow, 1938 Uchpedgiz. Yu. M. Sokolov.

In a healthy body, cut once.

An old friend will grind everything down.

Patience and work are better than the new two.

Measure seven times, healthy spirit.

She trims everyone in the world, but doesn’t put it on herself.

What kind of artist applied leaves, grass, and thickets of roses to the glass?

It shines, sparkles, warms everyone.

A painted yoke hung over the river.

The Greek rode across the river,

He sees a Greek - a cancer in the river,

The Greek put his hand in the river,

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

Open, Varvara, the gates,

Cutting firewood on the grass in the yard.

Bye-bye-bye-bye -

Masha, Masha, go to sleep.

Close your eyes tighter,

Go to sleep quickly.

Close your eyes, close your eyes -


The fox ran through the forest,

The fox lost its tail.

Vanya went into the forest

Found a fox tail.

Lisa came early

Vanya brought berries,

She asked me to give her tail.

Sunshine, get ready!

Red, show yourself!

Come out from behind the clouds

I'll give you a bunch of nuts!

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.


The mice pulled the weights.

Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -

The mice ran away.

  1. Who comes, who leaves, everyone leads her by the hand.
2. The turnip was important,

Each grandmother marveled.

You can't go around it in one day.

3. Rainbow-arc,

Don't let it rain

Come on sunshine

Red bucket.

4. White sheep beat drums.

  1. The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes.
6. Morozushka-Frost!

Don't drag yourself home by the nose,

Don't knock, don't bother,

And draw on the windows!

7. The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.

8. Vanya-Vanya, simplicity

I bought a horse without a tail.

I went to get married

Tied the trough.

The trough breaks,

The wife smiles.

9. Grandma bought beads for Marusya

10. Live forever and learn.

11. Bye-bye, bye-bye,

And the night will have an end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in cribs until morning.

12. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do.

13. Shyshel-myshel,

He took it and left.

14. Leaves are falling from aspen trees, a sharp wedge is rushing in the sky

Small genres of folklore - proverbs and sayings Teacher of Russian language and literature Kopylova Elena Ivanovna FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 6". TAJIKISTAN.

Oral folk art. Folklore. Folklore is folk art, a set of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life in English. folk – people, lore – wisdom, knowledge

Small genres of folklore are small-sized folklore works. Lullaby song Pestushka Nursery rhyme Joke Catchphrase Sentence Counting book Tongue twister Riddle

What small genres of folklore have you not named yet? Proverb A short saying that evaluates a phenomenon, event, or person. A proverb expresses a complete thought. Proverb Part of your sentence that makes your speech brighter and more expressive. Part of your judgment.


Thematic groups of proverbs Love for the Motherland The bird that is not happy with its nest is stupid. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow. The Russian does not joke with a sword or with a roll. Literacy and learning Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost. Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future. Live forever and learn.

Hard work and laziness Patience and work will grind everything down. You can't get bread by lying down. A small deed is better than a big idleness. Land and peasant work. They plow the arable land without waving their hands. As is the fiber, so is the fabric. Whose land is his bread.

Family Love and advice, and no need. Husband and wife are one soul. So that the owner smells like wind, and the hostess smells like smoke. Nature and signs The snow is deep - the year is good. Spring day feeds the year. March is deep and May is wet - there will be porridge and loaf.

The Word The Word is not a sparrow; if it flies out you won’t catch it. If you say it, you won’t turn it back, if you write, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t put it back. About friendship An old friend is better than two new ones. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A good brother can make you crazy.

Task 1. Continue the proverbs. He is not afraid of work,... He takes on everything,... You need to bend down,... Take on everything - Don’t take on your own business, but... Judge people not by their words, but... Don’t sit idly by,...

Task 2. Include sayings in sentences. To kick the bucket; take the bull by the horns; out of the blue; seven Fridays a week; without a year a week; easy to remember; get out of the water unscathed.

Task 3. Choose proverbs that are synonyms. You can't grow turnips without care.

The teacher creates conditions for familiarization with oral folk art (rhymes, rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings)

Students identify the features of each genre, formulate answers to the questions posed, and apply methods for solving creative problems.



Primary school teacher

first category

Serikova Elena Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution secondary school s. B. Ekaterinivka

Saratov region

Atkarsky district.

Lesson topic: Small genres of folklore

(rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles, proverbs and sayings)

The purpose of the teacher’s activity:create conditions for familiarization with oral folk art, to identify the reading experience of first-graders about fairy tales that talk about houses.

Planned results of UUD:

personal: apply the rules of business cooperation: show patience and goodwill, trust in the interlocutor of the activity.

Meta-subject: regulatory : accept and maintain the learning task: adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers; plan their actions;

educational : get acquainted with small genres of folklore, highlight the features of each genre, form answers to questions posed, apply methods for solving creative problems,

communicative: use constructive ways to interact with others,

Subject : learn to consciously perceive and distinguish works of folklore.

Lesson script

1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

On the board there is an exhibition of pictures depicting a box, a knapsack, a tueska, a wooden plate, a grip, a towel, a wooden spoon, fragments of wooden carvings, lace, napkins.

Look at the exhibition, All these items were created by skillful hands of people, Which of them do you know?

Many of them are still used today. People have forgotten or don’t know some items.

What objects have you encountered in fairy tales? (knapsack, box)

The teacher reads excerpts from fairy tales by V. Belov “Rodnichok”, M, Mikhailov “Forest Mansions”.

Guess the riddles.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint:

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

There is no river or pond_

Where can I drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

Here the teeth click and click,

A gray wolf appeared.

I put on a white skin,

There are so many kind, funny and memorable oral folk works in the world.

They were created in ancient times, when people were mostly illiterate, and were passed down from grandmother to granddaughter, from father to son. As they said, word of mouth.

That is why all these fairy tales, epics, and songs are called works of oral folk art. The Russian people are rich in it. For a long time, buffoons roamed Rus' - they knew how to sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale.

2. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

In the old daysThere was such a custom in Rus'. When the entire harvest was harvested in late autumn and the grain was put into the bins, the residents all gathered together to while away the long autumn and winter evenings and held gatherings.

It’s a frosty blizzard outside, and inside the stove the wood is crackling and it’s warm. Some sit at the spinning wheel, some embroider patterns, some sculpt from clay, others carve spoons from wood. As the Russian proverb says, “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” It was fun! They start singing a song, they exchange jokes, they ask riddles.

Let's have a get-together too. Let's try to feel the beauty of works of oral folk art. Buffoons, your way out!

Please, dear guests!

Songs and rhymes await you!

Interesting riddles!


3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Game "Rhymes"

Pre-prepared children read nursery rhymes by heart.

Cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb.


Silk beard.

Why do you get up early?

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandfather Egor is coming.

On a horse myself

Wife on a cow

Children on calves

Grandchildren on baby goats.

The fox walked through the forest,

The fox tore the stripes,

The fox weaved bast shoes:

Two for my husband, three for myself,

And some bast shoes for the kids.

The teacher reads nursery rhymes that are given in the reader.

What nursery rhymes do you know? Tell me.

Now treat yourself to a word of wisdom.

Game "Proverbs".

Buffoons name words. The guys must make up a proverb from the paired words they are given.

fun time (It's fun time)

labor - a pond (Without labor you cannot take a fish out of a pond)

case-master (Delo-master is afraid)

donuts - cones (For a worker - honey donuts, for a lazy person - fir cones)

friend - take care (No friend - look, found - take care)

Work in groups.

Make up a story based on one of the proverbs you have compiled.

Differentiated task.

a) Reading exercise. Independent reading of proverbs and sayings in a reader

b) Completing tasks in the workbook.

c) Illustrating proverbs and nursery rhymes.

Physical education minute.

(A Russian folk song sounds. Children play the game “Loaf”.

Game "Buffoons"

The teacher reads the tongue twisters in a book, and the children match the texts with the illustrations.

Learning tongue twisters.

In a tongue twister, sounds that are difficult to pronounce are deliberately combined in one phrase.

Tongue twister is an ancient game that helps develop speech.

The teacher gives the children different commands to read the tongue twisters aloud:

Game "Riddles"

Oh-lyuli, ta-ra-ra-ra!

Come in, kids!

Yes, think, dare,

Guess all the riddles

A riddle is a game, and a competition, and entertainment, and learning.

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster,

Friends, I invite you

Get to the riddles quickly!

What is a riddle? A riddle is a problem that needs to be solved, guessed. In a riddle, the object is not named, but described. And from these signs you need to guess what we are talking about.

(Riddles in which a description of an object or phenomenon is given by listing its various features)

His caftan is green,

And the heart is like red.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

And he himself looks like a ball. (watermelon)

What characteristics of a watermelon are indicated in the riddle? (color, taste, shape)

(Riddles where the description presupposes a brief description of an object or phenomenon)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (sky)

(Riddles that use negative comparison)

It flies, not a bird, howls, not a beast. (Wind)

(Riddles that use metaphors in their descriptions)

Four brothers live under one roof. (table)

The teacher reads riddles from the textbook. Children do research.

Where did the riddles come from?

Riddles were born a long time ago, in those days when an ax was considered wealth. Many troubles beset a person then: lightning would strike, a forest fire would break out, wolves would attack the herd. Our ancestors thought that trees, grass, and forest animals all understood human language. And in order to deceive nature, hunters, fishermen and shepherds came up with a special “secret language”. It was from this that riddles were once born.


What small genres of folk art have you encountered today? What was the most difficult task? The most interesting? What genres of folk art have been left unattended? (songs, counting rhymes.)

Competition of experts (work in groups)

Using a counting rhyme, select a participant in the “Small Genres of Folklore” competition.

Representatives from each team read expressively a riddle, a nursery rhyme, a tongue twister, or a proverb of their choice. The rest must say which genre it belongs to.

5. Lesson summary.

Man lives on earth. It is small, the earth is huge. A man loves his land, because he cannot live without the smell of leaves, a ringing song, without streams, without the blue furry head of a cornflower in the field, without folk tales and songs that his mother and grandmother sing to him. This person is each of you.

The more we value the past

And we find beauty in the old,

At least we belong to something new.

Sections: Literature

Class: 5

Lesson objectives:


  • introduce the origin and nature of riddles;
  • reveal the wisdom, instructive meaning and perfection of the form of proverbs and sayings;


  • develop the ability to guess and write riddles;
  • develop students' logical thinking;
  • Educating:

    • to introduce children to the active assimilation of universal human values, moral, intellectual and emotional culture;
    • to cultivate love for the Motherland, one’s people, the country’s past, spiritual wealth and native language;

    Lesson objectives:

    • create a good mood in the lesson that promotes emotional perception of the material;
    • enrich students’ speech with the help of riddles, proverbs, and sayings;
    • learning the ability to analyze the meaning of riddles, proverbs, sayings;


    The class is decorated like a Russian hut, a screen, a multimedia installation, and a presentation “Folklore. Small genres of folklore. Riddles. Proverbs. Sayings.”

    Practical significance and relevance:

    Lesson structure:

    1. Organizational moment.
    2. Introduction to the topic.
    3. Main part (representation of genres).
    4. Bottom line. Grading.
    5. Homework.
    6. Reflection.

    Lesson progress

    Folk music is playing.

    Guys, at the beginning of the lesson, let's listen to ourselves, our mood and reflect this with the help of signs. What is your mood like: good or bad?

    If it’s good, then pick up the sun, if it’s bad, pick up a cloud. (Guys’ self-esteem). Slide No. 1.

    Today we will teach the first lesson of several lessons dedicated to folklore. In elementary school you already addressed this topic.

    How do you understand what oral folk art is? (Students' answers).

    Write down the topic of the lesson and the concept of folklore in your notebooks. Slide number 2.

    Folklore (in the first meaning) is folk art. There are verbal, musical and dance folklore. Folklore (in the second meaning) is a set of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. Slide number 3.

    Folklore is always melodic, often accompanied by movements or dances.

    Folklore is a living, constantly renewed phenomenon. In it, along with the most ancient genres, there are relatively new forms.

    Small genres of folklore (lullaby, nursery rhyme, riddle, proverbs, sayings, ditties, teasers, chants, counting books, tongue twisters, fairy tales, petes.) Slide No. 4.

    (Student reads aloud).

    Which genres are you already familiar with? (Students' answers).

    Today we will talk about riddles, proverbs, sayings.

    A riddle is an expression that needs to be solved. Write it down in your notebook. Slide number 5.

    Most of the riddles are based on metaphor. It strengthens the sign of the guessing object, comparing it with another, making it brighter and more distinct.

    Metaphor (from Greek - transfer) - a figurative meaning of a word, based on the similarity or opposition of one object or phenomenon to another. Slide number 6.

    (Student reads aloud).

    Now let's look at how the riddle is constructed. Slide number 7.

    Guys, let's try to make a riddle about snow together.

    What is he like? (Students' answers) White Fluffy Cold. You can replace the word “snow” with another: Blanket Carpet Bedspread We say: snow is falling, lying, covering the ground. From these signs you can make a riddle : White fluffy the blanket covered the whole earth. But this is too easy to guess, all the signs are indicated . What if so? Slide number 8.

    The riddle used to be associated with secret speech. Anyone who knew how to solve them owned secret speech and had the key to understanding the structure of everything in the universe. But even today the mystery is not dead and surprises us with its diversity.

    Guys, I offer you a creative task.

    Row 1 - using the laws of the genre, come up with riddles about items of clothing, musical instruments, foods, etc.

    Row 2 – depict the riddles in the form of drawings, but so that they are recognizable.

    Row 3 - give examples of riddles that are asked in fairy tales . Slide number 9.

    Physical education pause

    “What gold are Russian proverbs!..”

    A.S. Pushkin

    Guys, now we’ll talk about proverbs.


    • Brief wisdom about life
    • Contains instructive meaning
    • Completed Judgment
    • Characterizes a person’s actions, lifestyle
    • Decorates speech Slide number 10.( The student reads aloud).

    Unlike riddles, proverbs offer not a question, but an answer, a ready-made form of behavior.

    - Guys, what proverbs do you know?(Students' answers).

    Next task “Explain the meaning of the proverb”

    Take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age.

    Learning is beauty, ignorance is simplicity.

    What I learned was useful.

    Learning is better than wealth . Slide No. 11.( Reasoning guys)

    Guys, try to compare the themes of the proverbs and the proverbs themselves. Slide number 12.

    And now I offer you texts for which you must choose proverbs yourself.

    Nina said something in confidence to her friend. She couldn’t resist and told her neighbor at her desk, who shared it with someone else. Soon everyone knew about it. (In secret to the whole world).

    Kolya watched the children slide down the high mountain. He wanted it too. But he saw how hard it was for the guys to climb the mountain, but how joyfully they flew down.

    (If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled). Slide number 13.

    “What a luxury, what a meaning, what sense is there in every saying of ours!..”

    A.S. Pushkin.

    Guys, now we are moving on to the next genre - the saying.


    • Accurate judgment
    • Part of a judgment, unfinished sentence
    • Gives an assessment of a person’s actions, but does not teach
    • Expresses feelings Slide number 14.(Student reads aloud).

    Guys, try to explain the meaning of the sayings

    The language will take you to Kyiv. Seven do not wait for one. The truth stings the eyes. (Reasoning of the guys). Slide number 15.

    Guys, now try to distinguish a proverb from a saying.

    • Put potatoes in okroshka, and put love into action.
    • A mosquito won't hurt your nose.
    • More action - less words.
    • The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.
    • Everything has its time
    • It is not the gods who burn the pots. Slide number 16.(Students complete the task in writing.)

    Guys, please tell me what role do proverbs and sayings play in our lives? Slide number 17.(Students' answers).

    Final task. Determine what type of small genres of folklore the given texts belong to . Slide No. 18.

    • The sieve hangs without being twisted by hand.
    • He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
    • The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.
    • Seventh water on jelly.

    Lesson summary. Grades for work.

    Homework to choose from:

    • Write riddles.
    • Write an essay about your native land, ending with a proverb.
    • Create a little book “Small genres of folklore”. Slide number 19.

    Folk music is playing.

    Guys, remember the beginning of the lesson and raise a sign that will now indicate your mood . Slide No. 20 .

    Technological map of a literature lesson in 7th grade
    Theme F.I.Tyutchev. The world of nature and the world of the human soul. The poem “What are you bowing over the waters...” (perception, interpretation, evaluation).
    Goals To form an idea of ​​the poetic world of F.I. Tyutchev
    Continuing to develop in students the skill of independently formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson. Expanding students’ understanding of the analysis of poetic text. Introduce an algorithm for formatting the analysis of poetic text.
    Teach to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.
    Main content of the topic
    Terms and concepts Updating knowledge about the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev, acquaintance with the facts of the poet’s biography, perception, interpretation, evaluation of the poem “What are you saying over the waters...”. Determination, based on this poem, of the features of the poet’s depiction of the natural world, analysis of vocabulary and tropes, expressive reading of the poetic text, comparison of the poetic text with works of painting and music, creation of a draft written analysis of the poem. Composition, style, symbolism, central image, lyrical character, artistic means (antithesis, default, epithets, personification, rhetorical question), visual possibilities of vocabulary, philosophical lyrics. Planned result
    Personal skills Meta-subject skills Subject skills
    - interest in studying the topic;
    - desire to read poems by F.I. Tyutchev; - emotional and value-based attitude to poetic texts;
    - creative attitude to the design of the analysis of the poem read;
    - understanding of success in studying the topic. Cognitive skills:
    - reveal the meaning of the words composition, style, symbolism, central image, lyrical hero, artistic means (antithesis, default, epithets, personification, rhetorical question), visual possibilities of vocabulary, philosophical lyrics. - determine the features of F.I. Tyutchev’s lyrics and justify his opinion;
    - determine the image of the lyrical hero and justify your opinion;
    - independently formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson;
    - determine the conditions for preparing the analysis of the poem read and justify your opinion;
    - use acquired knowledge to formulate an analysis of the poem read Regulatory skills:
    - carry out the educational task in accordance with the goal;
    - carry out the educational task using a plan, algorithm;
    - perform self-test and self-assessment of the educational task;
    - correlate the result with the goal.
    Communication skills:
    - formulate a statement, an opinion within the framework of an educational dialogue;
    - interact adequately in a team when performing a learning task;
    - negotiate and come to a common opinion when working in a team; - use speech means to present the result of an activity. Working with poetic text:
    - conduct research on the text of the poem;
    - analyze composition, language, artistic means.
    Prepare an analysis of the poem you read.
    Organization of educational space
    Interdisciplinary connections Resources Form of work
    IZO: landscape sketches.
    Music: lute music, Richercar, S. Rachmaninov “Concerto No. 2”. Information material: text of F.I. Tyutchev’s poem “What are you saying over the waters...”; memo “Analysis of poetic text”
    Demonstration material: multimedia presentation “F.I. Tyutchev”
    Frontal, individual Stage I. Motivation for activity
    Goal of activity Problem situation Planned result
    Motivate to study the topic.
    Stimulate the desire to penetrate the world of moods of the lyrical hero, learn to listen to the intonations of poetic lines. “Bright Spot” (through the creation of an emotional mood) Against the background of a fragment from the 2nd concert, S. Rachmaninova reads the poem “I love a thunderstorm in early May”: - Whose lines are these? What poet managed to overhear the play of young thunder in the May blue sky? Who caught the voice of streams in the general spring chorus of nature? - Yes. This poem comes to us in childhood. Do you know any other works of this poet? - What are we going to talk about today? What goal should we set for ourselves?
    - Today we will try to enrich ourselves with knowledge about this poet, penetrate into the features of his poetic world, analyze one of his poems, in order to eventually prepare for written work on the analysis of a poetic text. Personal skills:
    - show interest in studying the topic;
    - show a desire to learn how to analyze a poem.
    Stage II. Educational and cognitive activity
    Objectives of the activity Sequence of study Diagnostic tasks
    - interest in the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev; - emotional and value-based attitude towards the lyrical hero of poetry;
    - the desire to learn how to analyze poetic text.
    Update skills:
    - correlate poetic text with illustrations and musical works;
    - construct statements that are understandable to others.
    Introduce the concept of “philosophical lyrics”.
    - determine the features of F.I. Tyutchev’s poetry about nature and justify your opinion;
    - determine the meaning of the concept “philosophical lyrics”, correlate it with the lyrical works of F.I. Tyutchev and justify your opinion;
    - conduct research into the poetic text of a fairy tale and present the results in the form of a coherent oral and written statement;
    - draw up an analysis of the poem using an algorithm;
    - interact adequately with classmates when completing a learning task. Teacher's message
    F. Tyutchev is a contemporary of A.S. Pushkin. And although Pushkin, at that time the publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, accepted Tyutchev’s poems with amazement and delight, literary criticism appreciated them only 14 years later, and he himself never sought to publish his poems. The poetic star of Tyutchev appeared in the firmament of Russian literature quite suddenly. Fyodor Ivanovich could say about himself in the words of the famous English poet George Byron: “One fine morning I stood up famous.” And this “beautiful morning” was the morning of the publication of the first issue of the Sovremennik magazine for 1850, where N.A. Nekrasov’s article “Minor Russian Poets”, which later became famous, was published. It proclaimed the emergence of a major poet in Russia. By this time of his rescue from oblivion, Tyutchev was 46 years old. And 4 years later his first collection was published. - It was once said about Tyutchev that he was “a poet through and through.” This is true. For him, poetic creativity was not a tedious work requiring coercion and effort, but a natural process of life, like breathing. His impressions immediately became poetic, everyday reflections developed into philosophical conclusions. A state of creative inspiration always accompanied him. And the lines were born (reading the epigraph):
    Not what you think, nature: Not a cast, not a soulless face - She has a soul, she has freedom, She has love, she has language...
    - How do you understand them? - We think while reading these lines, because mindless admiration of nature was alien to Tyutchev himself - the poet’s mind intensely searches in nature for what makes it similar to man. Tyutchev’s nature is alive: it breathes, smiles, sometimes dozes, is sad about something, laments. Therefore, Tyutchev’s poems about nature are poems not only about nature, but also about man, his moods, anxieties and the eternal beauty and harmony of living things. - Now, by reading and analyzing the poem, we will try to understand how they harmoniously merge together, mutually penetrating into each other man and nature, nature and man. - Now you will hear a poem: what compositional parts would you divide it into? What vivid pictures and images appear in your imagination? (reading the poem “What are you getting at...”)
    - Some artists tried to depict a willow tree: whose vision do you think is closer to Tyutchev’s? Why?
    - Let's return to the poem. You created pictures with words, and they turned out really alive. How did this living image come about? Thanks to what artistic means?
    - Let's turn to the central image of the poem - the willow tree. Why, when calling her, does the poet use a word with just such a diminutive suffix -ushk? (willow, not willow, willow?)
    - Choose similar-sounding nouns with the same suffix.
    - Even this one word contains some kind of feeling. Which one? - Would you like music to be played while reading this poem? Which? What musical instrument do you hear?
    - Which of the musical fragments, in your opinion, best suits the poem?
    - Who would like to try reading a poem against the background of music?
    - And yet, what type of music did we choose? - Where does the sadness come from?
    - Why did the poet use a figure of silence? What should the reader think of? - Why does the stream laugh at the willow?
    - What is opposed to what thanks to the adversative conjunction “but”?
    - Can this poem be classified only as landscape poetry? And which one? - Is it only about willow?
    - What philosophical idea lies at the center of the poem?
    Stage III. Intellectual and transformative activities
    Activity goals Task Planned result
    Update the ability to perform tasks in accordance with the goal.
    - formalize the analysis of a poetic text in the form of a coherent statement; - use speech means to present the result of the activity. The stage of intellectual and transformative activity includes:
    choosing a method of activity (independently or using a rough plan);
    self-organization to complete the task:
    - activity planning;
    - completing the task;
    - presentation of performance results.
    Independent work on the analysis of poetic text:
    - Using the approximate plan for analyzing a poetic text, try to combine our thoughts into a coherent statement. Personal skills:
    - show a desire to formalize the analysis of a poetic text in the form of a coherent statement.
    Cognitive skills:
    - use different sources of information;
    - use acquired knowledge to formulate an analysis of a poetic text. Regulatory skills:
    - carry out tasks in accordance with the goal;
    - navigate different ways to complete a task.
    Communication skills:
    - use verbal means to present the result of an activity.
    Subject Skills:
    - formalize the analysis of a poetic text in the form of a coherent statement.
    Stage IV. Monitoring and evaluation of performance results
    Test task Self-analysis and self-assessment of the student Result of the activity
    - Perform a written analysis of the poem according to plan (in the final version). ReflectionChildren's opinions (in chain):
    - What new about the poet Tyutchev did you learn in today’s lesson?
    - Which part of the lesson was the most interesting for you?
    - What is most difficult for you in this form of work, like analyzing a poem? Personal skills:
    - realize success in studying the topic.
    Regulatory skills:
    - correlate the set goal and the obtained result of the activity;
    - evaluate the results of your own activities.