Exercises for developing attention in younger schoolchildren. Educational portal

Letter for you!

Goals: development of attention, memory, thinking; acquaintance with the summary of popular children's books.

Description. The teacher reads a letter from a fairy-tale hero without naming him. The children's task is to remember the name of the author of the letter.

Option 1

“Hello, boys and girls, my young friends! I'm sure we know each other.

I'll tell you about my life. I lived very poorly, barely making ends meet, but one day I learned a magic word with which you can get into a cave where robbers kept countless treasures. I am a modest person and took only three bags of gold, although the treasures were more than enough to decorate a hundred royal palaces.

The chieftain of the robbers decided to take revenge on me - in the eastern city there is nothing easier than finding out about someone who has recently become rich. The robbers came up with an insidious plan to get even with me, but thanks to a faithful maid, I managed to avoid a sad fate.

Say my name! (Ali Baba.)

Option 2

“Good afternoon, children!

I'll tell you about myself. I am a poor girl, from a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. My evil stepmother decided to destroy me, because she wanted to be the first beauty in the world and could not allow me to surpass her in beauty. Fortunately, my stepmother’s servant, who was assigned to kill me, turned out to be a kind man and saved my life. And then I found shelter in the house of seven dwarves.

My new friends worked as miners in the mountains, and I was busy with housework. We were very good together, but the magic mirror that my stepmother had told her that I was still alive. And the evil woman did not calm down until she found our forest hut and treated me to a poisoned apple. As soon as I took a bite, I fell to the ground dead.

The dwarves were very sad about me. Shedding bitter tears, they put me in a glass coffin, which they left standing on a high mountain. There the handsome prince saw me. He fell in love with me and persuaded the dwarves to let him take me with him. And on the way to the palace, a miracle happened: due to the road shaking, a piece of a poisoned apple, which, fortunately, I did not have time to swallow, fell out of my throat, and I came to life. That was joy!

Do you guys recognize me? (Snow White.)

Option 3

"Hello guys! You have probably heard about me, since I am the heroine of a Russian folk tale. Should I tell you about myself?

I lived with my mother and father, I did not know grief, and after the death of my dear mother, my father married another, thought to give me a new mother, but he gave me an evil stepmother.

The stepmother had two daughters, evil, bad and picky. My stepmother loved and cherished them, but they all tormented me with work, scolded and scolded me. Only I was getting prettier and prettier every day.

One day, when the fire went out in our house, they sent me to Baba Yaga, my stepmother’s relative, for fire. I thought that I would never come back, because Baba Yaga eats and chews people, only the bones crunch. If it weren’t for the magic doll that my mother gave me before her death, and not for the black girl who worked around the house for Baba Yaga, I would never have returned home.

I didn’t meet the prince, like Cinderella, no one awarded me gold, but still the fairy tale ended very happily for me.

So what’s my name?” (Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

Option 4

“My little friends, you, of course, know me!

I was born from a magical grain of barley. It was magical because my named mother grew from it not barley, but a beautiful tulip. When the flower bud blossomed, it turned out that I was sitting in the middle of the tulip. The kind woman took great care of me. I was born for happiness. How scared and sad I became when the old toad decided to marry me off to her nasty son! Luckily, cute little fish saved me.

Then a new disappointment awaited me - the cockchafers did not want to accept me into their society. They thought I was ugly because I didn't look like them.

When winter began, I found shelter in the hole of an old field mouse. She was kind and only wanted the best for me, and therefore thought that it would be just wonderful if I married her mole neighbor. But if I became the wife of a mole, I would be forever deprived of sunlight and warmth. Fortunately, I managed to save a cute chirping swallow from death, who, out of gratitude, took me to the blessed warm lands. There I made friends with beautiful elves and, having married the most beautiful of them, became the queen of flowers. And for my wedding, the elves gave me transparent wings. They gave me a new name - Maya.

What was my name at first?” (Thumbelina.)

Option 5

“In Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary family named Svanteson: dad, mom, Baby, his older brother Bosse and his older sister Bethan. Why did they become the heroes of a fairy tale by a famous Swedish writer?

I will say without modesty: solely because of me. After all, I am an incomparable man in the prime of his life! And even with a propeller: look, I press a button located on my stomach, the propeller blades begin to rotate... Oops! Now you can have some fun!

Oh! Something fell here... It shattered... Calm! Only peace! It's an everyday matter. And for me personally it’s time to go home. I, you know, live on the roof. The path is not short, and you will somehow clean up and figure it out without me...

I really fell in love with the Kid, we had a lot of fun with him, you know. Therefore, the book about us turned out to be very thick and cheerful. After all, I love making jokes on people, and, mind you, I never repeat the same joke twice. Guess who is the best joker in the world? I’m also the best nanny in the world, the best fireman in the world, an inventor, a dog breeder, a magician, the best grandson in the world and a pie fighter (by the way, Miss Bok is right in saying that flour spoils your appetite).

Who am I? (Carlson.)

Option 6

“In some families, nannies are invited to care for children, who are also called teachers or governesses. They look after young children and help parents raise them. I am one of the most wonderful governesses in the world - the heroine of a fairy tale by an English writer.

The lives of little Londoners Jane, Michael, John and Barbara changed dramatically when a new nanny appeared in the Banks family home.

The children immediately guessed that I was extraordinary. Not only that, I was carried by the east wind! Imagine that I rode along the railing of the stairs to the second floor (adults say that you can’t slide down the railing, and this is true, but they don’t forbid anyone to climb up them, since this is completely impossible). And then - I have a magic carpet bag from which I take out all sorts of different things, although this bag seems completely empty. And the main thing is that I have a lot of amazing friends.

As you read the book about the little Bankses, you will become part of incredible adventures before I, the wonderful and mysterious nanny, flies away, caught by the west wind.

Be sure to read Pamela Travers's book About Me. Now say my name." (Mary Poppins.)

Option 7

"Hello guys! You've probably heard of me. I'm small and ugly. Only my heart is kind and brave, and if I undertake to help someone, I will definitely see it through to the end.

My master is Ivan. I served him no worse than Sivka-Burka served his master. Together with Ivan, we got the magical Firebird, whose feathers all seem to burn with fire, and brought it to the king. Then, by royal order, they found and brought the beautiful Tsar Maiden to the palace, then went in search of her ring, which lay in a chest at the bottom of the ocean. To do this, we had to go up to heaven and visit the palace of the Tsar Maiden, where Mesyats Mesyatsovich rests during the day, and the Sun itself at night, and then the miracle Yudo the fish-whale and other inhabitants of the sea waters helped us get the ring. And most importantly, thanks to me, Ivanushka escaped the cruel death to which he

sentenced the ungrateful king, and turned into such a handsome man that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen.

Did you guess my name?” (The Little Humpbacked Horse.)

Option 8

“The Belgian writer Maurice Maeterlinck spoke about us, brother and sister, in the play “The Blue Bird,” which adults liked so much that they turned it into a wonderful Christmas fairy tale. Why Christmas? Yes, because the action takes place around Christmas.

If you saw us, you would decide that your brother is Thumb, he looks so much like him, and you would definitely mistake your sister for Little Red Riding Hood. Our father is a woodcutter. Like all children in the world, we really love to receive gifts and eat sweets, but we rarely manage to do this, since our father is very poor. And they wrote a book about us because the most incredible fairy-tale adventures happened to us.

Our fairy neighbor's granddaughter fell ill, and this fairy asked us to go to a magical land to find the Blue Bird - only she could help the poor girl recover. We walked around the entire magical land, visited the Land of Memories and the Kingdom of the Future, but we could not find the magical Blue Bird.

We were very sad because we passionately wanted to help the sick girl. We had a bird at home. We loved her very much, but still decided to give the bird to the girl, because we thought: what if this bird will be able to help the sick? The most amazing thing is that when we gave the girl our bird, it suddenly changed color and turned blue!

We looked for the Blue Bird in distant magical lands, but it turned out that she was nearby!

Say our names." (Tyltil and Mytil.)

Word game

Target: development of attention, thinking.

Description. The teacher invites children to decipher words made up of the letters of a given word using a code.

The word "candy"

Encrypted words:

e) S F Q W S R.

Answers: a) vaga; b) grass; c) skin; d) joke; d) jacket.

The word "platform"

Encrypted words:

Answers: a) container; b) dad; c) shovel; d) ladder; d) grater.

The letters fell apart

Target: development of attention and thinking.

Description. Children are asked to assemble words on a given topic from “scattered” letters.

Female names


Answer: Irina, Natalya, Larisa, Olga, Ekaterina, Oksana, Elena, Anna, Maria, Victoria.

Male names


Answer: Vadim, Anton, Andrey, Anatoly, Igor, Yuri, Mikhail, Valery, Boris, Grigory.

Academic disciplines


Answer: literature, mathematics, natural history, physical education, technology, drawing, zoology, geography, physics, music.



Answer: zebra, rat, bear, rabbit, cow, pig, giraffe, hippopotamus, crocodile.

Bed dress


Answer: pillow, pillowcase, sheet, duvet cover, blanket, mattress, blanket, feather bed, mattress, feather bed.



Answer: saw, shovel, scythe, axe, rake, plow, pliers, plane, watering can, hammer, pitchfork.

Sport equipment


Answer: sleds, skates, skis, chess, ball, stick, bicycle, dumbbells, jump rope.



Answer: armchair, sofa, bed, stool, table, chair, wardrobe, bedside table, sideboard, chest of drawers.


Target: development of attention and logical thinking.

Description. The words spoken by the characters in the work are written in random order on the board. The teacher reads the text, stopping in those places where the speech of the characters should be heard. After re-reading, children substitute words that are suitable in meaning.

Words of the main characters

. “Tell me: what would you do that you should not do if the donkey were not immediately returned to you?”

. “What would I do? I would buy myself another donkey. But now tell me: would it be reasonable with my skinny wallet?”

. “If the donkey is not brought to me immediately, something terrible will happen, I will do something that I should not do.”


The mullah's donkey was stolen. The angry victim runs through the bazaar and shouts at the top of his lungs: _______

The crowd of curious people is noticeably frightened by these words, and suddenly the donkey appears near the mullah, although no one saw who brought him. Nevertheless, everyone is glad that the matter ended so successfully. But then one respectable man asks the mullah: _________

Then the mullah replied: ________

(Eastern history.)


Target: development of attention, memory, thinking.

Description. Children are invited to find an error in the Russian proverb (if there is one) and correct it.

Business takes time, fun takes a minute. (Hour.)

A saying is a flower, a proverb is a seed. (Berry.)

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid. (Not nice.)

The day is long until the evening, when there is nothing to eat. (Do.)

One mind is good, but two is ugly. (Better.)

You can't smear the porridge with oil. (You'll ruin it.)

You can’t even pull a pike out of a pond without difficulty. (Fish.)

And St. Petersburg was not built right away. (Moscow.)

Don't say "yay" until you've jumped over. (“Gop.”)

In close quarters, but not in ambush. (Offended.)

Chickens are counted in the spring. (In autumn.)

Finished the job - rest safely. (Go for a walk.)

Measure seven times - cut seven times. (One.)

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. (Dark.)

The spool is small, but it will still be useful. (Dear.)

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. (That's right.)

Drinking tea is not burning wood. (Chop.)

It will be spring on our street. (Holiday.)

You over-salted the porridge yourself, so you can disentangle it yourself. (Brewed.)

Every man to his own taste. (That's right.)

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled. (Carry.)

Labor feeds, but laziness does not. (Port.)

Moscow is the capital of all cities. (Mother.)

Fear has big eyes. (Great.)

It's good at a party, but bad at home. (Better.)

Don't rush with your feet, hurry with your actions. (Tongue.)

Once you lied, another time you lie too. (They won't believe it.)

The cowardly bunny gets a stump from the wolf. (That's right.)

He who undertakes everything succeeds in everything. (Nothing works.)

The pear does not fall far from the apple tree. (Apple.)

Money can't help my grief. (With tears.)

They do not look at a given horse's teeth. (That's right.)

What goes around comes around. (You will reap.)

You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth. (That's right.)

Murka knows whose meat she ate. (Cat.)

Life is given for extreme things. (Kind.)

Out of boredom, pick up an ax. (Case.)

Pick one berry at a time and you'll get a jug. (Body.)

Two are plowing, and the rest are waving their hands. (Seven.)

If you chase three birds with one stone, you won’t catch a single one. (Two.)

Don't put off until tomorrow what you want to do today. (Can.)

Learning to read and write is always useful. (That's right.)

An old friend is better than two friends. (New two.)

The word got lost!

Target: development of attention, memory, thinking.

Description. Among the words in each line there is one that was not discussed in this tale. The children's task is to find out this word and also name the fairy tale.

Gerda, Kai, roses, sleigh, kiss, eternity, key. (“The Snow Queen”, H.-C. Andersen.)

Flour, dough, window, wolf, hare, fox, rooster, grandfather, woman. (“Kolobok.”)

King, queen, pumpkin, fairies, feast, gifts, sixteenth birthday, spindle, dream. (“Sleeping Beauty”, C. Perrault.)

Godfather Pumpkin, Professor Pear, Countess Cherry, little Cherry, King Pea, Master Grape, maid Strawberry, Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato. (“Cipollino”, D. Rodari.)

Princess, kingdom, rain, feather beds, pea, walking boots, prince. (“The Princess and the Pea”, H.-C. Andersen.)

Pies, apples, river, sister, mash, wolf, hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga. ("Swan geese".)

Masha, forest, hut, chair, fox, spoon, bowl, bed. ("Three Bears".)

Girl, box, pie, egg, stump, bear. ("Masha and the Bear".)

Mom, grandmother, girl, hare, wolf, basket, pies, forest. (“Little Red Riding Hood”, C. Perrault.)

Alyonushka, Ivanushka, falcon, hoof print, kid, merchant, witch. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

Grandfather, woman, girl, Kashchei the Immortal, fire, snow, cloud. ("Snow Maiden".)

Signor Tomato, Karabas Barabas, Tortila, Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon, Duremar. (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino”, A. Tolstoy.)

A tail, a balloon, bees, honey, condensed milk, a mirror, a gun. (“Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, A. Milne.)

Mole, swallow, ghost, elves, mouse, chafers, toad. (“Thumbelina”, H.-C. Andersen.)

Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, sleigh, fish, fox, wolf, cart, tail. (“The Fox and the Wolf.”)

Stepmother, sisters, prince, astrologer, king, fairy, watch, shoe. (“Cinderella”, Ch. Perrault.)

Orphan, cow, One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed, apple tree, sorcerer. (“Khavroshechka.”)

Buns, jam, boy, ghost, housekeeper, motor, kikimora. (“Baby and Carlson”, A. Lindgren.)

Mill, magic lamp, donkey, king, princess, cat, boots, ogre. (“Puss in Boots”, Ch. Perrault.)

Barmaley, Ava, Bumba, genie, Kika, Chichi, Tanya, Vanya. (“The Adventures of Doctor Aibolit”, K.I. Chukovsky.)

Van, girl, Gingema, Bastinda, Totoshka, Goodwin, merman. (“The Wizard of the Emerald City”, A. Volkov.)

Donkey, dog, cat, rooster, elephant, musicians, robbers. (“Musicians of Bremen”, Brothers Grimm.)

Village, buckets, pike, stove, king, Nesmeyana, gnome. ("By magic".)

Trough, dugout, seine, sea, old woman, old man, granddaughter. (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, A. Pushkin.)

Chuvash Republican Institute of Education

Department of Preschool and Primary Education


on this topic:

“Development of voluntary attention in younger schoolchildren”

Scientific director- Art. teacher

departments of preschool and

primary education

Kulyeva A.R.

Done – Alexandrova N.V.

teacher of secondary school No. 12 in Cheboksary

Cheboksary 2007

Difficulties in developing voluntary attention in younger schoolchildren

Objective of the project:
To compile a methodological portfolio of diagnostic techniques for studying the properties of voluntary attention, as well as correctional and developmental exercises for the development of voluntary attention.

Project objectives:

  • Study the features of voluntary attention as a mental process;

  • Analyze the results of examination of children for the development of voluntary attention using various diagnostic techniques

  • Develop a series of tasks to develop voluntary attention

Section 1. Features of attention as a mental process 4

Section 2. Diagnostic techniques for studying voluntary attention. 8

Section 3. Corrective and developmental exercises for attention 14

Conclusion 21

Literature 22

Appendix 1 24

Appendix 2 25


For more than two years I have been working in a classroom where most of the children are experiencing great difficulties in their studies. I often hear from parents: “He can learn, but he makes stupid mistakes due to inattention.” And often they are indeed right. Unable to quickly concentrate his attention, remember what is necessary and weed out what is unimportant, the child often “drifts” in the boundless sea of ​​information.

The mistake we make as teachers and parents is that we often repeat to children: “Be careful!”, without thinking that the properties of attention need to be developed gradually and constantly.

After examining the students in my class, I came to the following conclusions.

The “Intertwined Lines” test showed that only 30% of students had stable attention, 40% made 1-2 mistakes, and the remaining 30% even made more than 2-3 mistakes.

The “Corrective Test” test was aimed at identifying the volume and stability of attention: not a single student completed the tasks without errors, 80% made 2-3 errors, the rest - more than 4.

The “Digital Table” test revealed the speed of distribution and switching of attention. The average time for completing a task in the class is 53 seconds, above the norm for 40% of students.

The results of the examination proved to both me and my parents that the main reason for failure or poor performance at school is the insufficient level of development of cognitive processes, including voluntary attention.

This project seems relevant to me, as it allows us to answer the question that concerns me and the parents of my class: “How to develop voluntary attention in younger schoolchildren?”

Section 1. Features of attention as a mental process

Very often in elementary school we repeat: “Be careful!” In conversations with parents, we often explain the reasons for a student’s failures as inattention. But if we are asked what exactly a child should do to become attentive, we often get off with general phrases, since we are not ready to answer these questions. The reasons for such difficulties lie in the special content of attention as a mental process, and even more so in the attention of younger schoolchildren.

Attention is the direction of a person’s mental activity, its concentration on objects that have a certain significance for the individual. There are two different types of attention - voluntary and involuntary.

With involuntary attention, a person’s mental activity rushes in one direction or another as if on its own, without conscious volitional efforts, without the individual’s prior intention. It’s not for nothing that this type of attention is called passive.

Involuntary attention arises under the influence of two types of factors: external - the characteristics of objects and phenomena - and internal - the attitude of the individual to certain facts, phenomena, objects, events, thanks to which they become attractive.

Among the external causes of involuntary attention, the strength and intensity of the stimulus plays an important role. Anything unusual, pulsating, or moving also attracts attention.

Voluntary attention is attention associated with a consciously set goal, with volitional effort. The formula here is simple: “I need to be attentive, and I will force myself to be attentive, no matter what.”

External conditions also influence the organization of voluntary attention; there is a clear routine, a good rhythm of work, and all extraneous stimuli are eliminated.

The main types of attention - involuntary and voluntary - are closely related to each other and sometimes transform into each other.

Many modern teaching aids interpret attention as the concentration of consciousness on one object while simultaneously distracting it from others. But attention does not exist independently without perception, memorization, thinking, moreover, these processes themselves “turn on” only if attention has arisen. Therefore, it is impossible to work on developing attention in its pure form. It turns out that in order to be attentive you need to feel well, remember well, and think well. True, this same theory leaves teachers the opportunity to develop the properties of attention: volume, stability, switchability, distribution, concentration.

The volume of attention is understood as the number of symbols perceived by our consciousness at once. For younger schoolchildren it does not exceed three or four characters, and for some even less. Since the amount of attention is directly related to the size of the focus of optimal excitability in the cerebral cortex, its pedagogical correction has limited possibilities. Therefore, teachers should simply take into account the small attention span of children rather than try to increase it through pedagogical means. It increases only with the development of the child’s brain. Consequently, we, teachers, need to limit the visualization in the lesson to just three or four aids, and organize the explanation of new material into blocks that do not exceed the child’s attention span.

Sustainability of attention determines the time of maintaining the concentration of consciousness on any object. In younger schoolchildren, attention span increases only at the age of 9-10. At the beginning of the educational process, it lasts from 7 to 12 minutes. For the teacher, this means that the explanation of new material with all the preparatory work should last no more than 7 minutes. From the point of view of psychological age characteristics, it would be a mistake to think that the more preparatory exercises we select, the better the children will understand the topic. This can only happen if the time limit has not been exceeded.

Another feature of attention is fluctuation. This means that the period of sensory clarity is reversed, i.e. stability of attention weakens. In such cases, children “listen” to our explanations, even if they are not distracted from the educational process. It is useful to use the following pedagogical technique: the student answers the question “What are you doing now?” After this, stability of attention returns.

Switchability of attention is understood as the ability to distract consciousness from one object and move it to another. It is easy to see how difficult it is for younger schoolchildren to do this. Switching attention is easier to train than other properties. To do this, you should change the types of activities and types of tasks from lesson to lesson.

Distribution of attention means the presence of two focuses of attention at the same time, i.e., the concentration of consciousness on two different objects at the same time. This property is necessary, for example, when writing a commented letter (the child speaks and writes at the same time), when checking his own work (you need to read what is written, look for spelling, check with the text), etc. A very useful and necessary property for studying! But you need to remember that it is not formed until the age of 7. Only by the age of 8 does the distribution of attention between two objects become the norm, if one of the necessary mental actions is at least to some extent automated.

The distribution of attention is inversely related to another property - concentration. This is the ability to keep consciousness on one object in the presence of irritating (distracting) factors. There are reasons that make our attention more superficial. Some of these reasons are physiological in nature. These include the presence of adenoids in the child. Another group of reasons is pedagogical in nature and associated with erroneous upbringing in early childhood. For example, a child, overwhelmed with toys, does not study the properties of the toy and does not learn to play with it, but waits for more and more new ones. The most common pedagogical mistake was and remains the TV, now the computer has been added to it. The fact is that changing frames requires a superficial look; a concentrated look when looking for a long time causes a headache. Children easily develop this superficial view and transfer it to other activities.

Thus, a teacher can influence children’s attention through the development of other mental processes or through the formation of attention properties

(theory of S. L. Rubinstein 1).

There are other views on the nature of attention. For example, P. Ya. Galperin believes that attention has its own content, and defines it as the action of control over mental activity.

Control can be taught. To do this, you need to explain to the child that he can mentally break down his learning activities into parts and notice the completion of each of them. For example, when doing homework, a child plans: “I’ll learn mathematics, then Russian, then reading... For mathematics, I’ll learn a rule, solve a problem, make examples...”

Thus, attention cannot be developed at all. We need to clearly understand what quality of attention we want to improve.

Section 2. Diagnostic techniques for studying voluntary attention.

Grade sustainability attention.

Intertwined Lines Test

The child is offered a drawing that shows 10 intertwined lines. Each line has its own number at the beginning and at the end. However, these numbers do not match. You need to follow each line with your eyes from its beginning to the end and name the line number on the right and left. Operating time, errors and failures are recorded.

Test "Corrective test"

The child is offered a table with letters (any symbols), in which he must find and cross out a specific letter. The time spent on completing the task and the number of errors are recorded.







For a more thorough examination of students, you can use a table with a large number of characters or newspaper text.

Research protocol for assessing the stability of attention

Student ________ Class _________ Date ___________

Age ________ Gender _________

The accuracy of the task is calculated using the formula:

Productivity Accuracy





Less than 1011


Less than 70










































The indicator of stability of attention A is calculated by the formula A=B+C, where B and C are scores for productivity and accuracy.

Grade volume dynamic attention

To conduct the study you will need Gorbov tables– tables measuring 35x35 cm, where numbers from 1 to 25 are randomly scattered in each cell, a stopwatch and a pointer. The child receives instructions to find and show all the numbers in order as quickly as possible.

Grade switching attention

To conduct research you will need tables Gorbova-Schulte size 49x49 cm with numbers from 1 to 25 in black and from 1 to 24 in red, stopwatch and pointer. The child receives instructions to show and name black numbers in ascending order from 1 to 25, and red numbers in descending order from 24 to 1. The time and errors of the subject are recorded in the protocol. A single evaluation criterion reflecting the indicator of attention switching is calculated using the formula

where A is the indicator of attention switching, T and C are the time and error scores, respectively.

Analysis of experimental data shows the degree of expression of individual differences, i.e. to what extent the data obtained during the examination of one subject differ from the group average


You can also determine the speed of distribution and switching of attention using “ S-test".

The child is given a form with various elements of figures and whole figures - standards. He must look carefully at the elements of the figures and, comparing them with standards, complete them with one or two strokes to complete figures.

The number of correctly completed figures, as well as the speed of completing the entire task, are assessed.

This section presented diagnostic techniques that allow us to study the level of formation of various properties of voluntary attention in children. Having identified this level, we, together with parents, can create an individual program of correctional classes and developmental exercises for each student.

Section 3. Corrective and developmental exercises for attention

Techniques for developing attention

The most common reason for a student to fall behind in school is the lack of development of cognitive activity, weakness of cognitive processes, lack of motivation, etc. This lesson offers basic procedures for corrective work to develop attention. Among the proposed exercises both in this chapter and in subsequent ones there are modifications of techniques proposed by N.V. Tseng and Yu.V. Pakhomov, adapted to school conditions 2.

Exercise 1. “WHO IS FASTER?”

  1. Students are asked to cross out any frequently occurring letter, such as “o” or “e,” in a column of any text as quickly and accurately as possible. The success of the test is assessed by the time it takes to complete it and the number of errors made - missing letters: the lower the value of these indicators, the higher the success. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage success and stimulate interest.

  2. To train switching and distribution of attention
    the task should be changed: it is proposed to cross out one letter ver
    tick line, and the other - horizontal or on a signal
    alternate crossing out one letter with crossing out another.
    Over time, the task can become more difficult. For example, cross out one letter, underline another, and circle the third.
The goal of such training is to develop habitual, automatic actions, subordinated to a specific, clearly understood goal. The time of tasks varies depending on age (younger schoolchildren - up to 15 minutes, teenagers - up to 30 minutes)

Exercise 2. “OBSERVATION” Children are asked to describe in detail from memory the school yard, the path from home to school - something that they have seen hundreds of times. Junior schoolchildren make such descriptions orally, and their classmates fill in the missing details. Teenagers can write down their descriptions and then compare them with each other and with reality. This game reveals the connections between attention and visual memory.

Exercise 3. “CORRECTURE”

The presenter writes several sentences on a piece of paper with omission and rearrangement of letters in some words. The student is allowed to read this text only once, immediately correcting mistakes with a colored pencil. Then he passes the sheet to the second student, who corrects the mistakes left with a pencil of a different color. It is possible to conduct competitions in pairs.

Exercise 4. “FINGERS”

Participants sit comfortably in armchairs or on chairs, forming a circle. Interlace the fingers of your hands on your knees, leaving your thumbs free. On the command “Start”, slowly rotate your thumbs around one another at a constant speed and in one direction, making sure that they do not touch each other. Focus on this movement. At the “Stop” command, stop the exercise. Duration 5-15 minutes. Some participants experience unusual sensations: enlargement or alienation of the fingers, an apparent change in the direction of their movement. Some will feel very irritated or anxious. These difficulties are associated with the unusual nature of the object of concentration.

Exercise 5. “FLY”

This exercise requires a board with a nine-square 3x3 playing field marked on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine). The sucker plays the role of a “trained fly” here. The board is placed vertically, and the presenter explains to the participants that the “fly” moves from one cell to another by giving it commands, which it obediently carries out. Using one of four possible commands (“up”, “down”, “right” or “left”), the fly moves according to the command to the adjacent cell. The starting position of the “fly” is the central cell of the playing field. Teams are given by the participants one by one. The players must, constantly monitoring the movements of the “fly”, prevent it from leaving the playing field.

After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each participant imagines in front of him. If someone loses the thread of the game or “sees” that the “fly” has left the field, he gives the command “Stop” and, returning the “fly” to the central square, starts the game over.

“Fly” requires constant concentration from the players, however, after the exercise is well mastered, it can be complicated. By increasing the number of game cells (for example, to 4x4) or the number of “flies”, in the latter case, commands are given to each “fly” separately.

Exercise 6. “SELECTOR”

For the exercise, one of the game participants is selected - the “receiver”. The rest of the group - the “transmitters” - are busy with everyone counting out loud from different numbers and in different directions. The “receiver” holds the rod in his hand and listens silently. He must tune in to each “transmitter” in turn. If it is too difficult for him to hear this or that “transmitter,” he can make him speak louder with an imperative gesture. If it’s too easy for him, he can turn down the volume. After the “receiver” has worked enough, he passes the rod to his neighbor, and he himself becomes the “transmitter”. During the game, the baton makes a full circle.


Participants are divided into two groups: “interfering” and “attentive”. “Attentive” ones are placed by the leader along the perimeter of the hall, facing the center, and receive distinctive insignia (armbands, ties, etc.). Everyone is given instructions: your task is to portray, play, like an actor, to enter the role of a person who is completely focused on some kind of internal work and does not notice his surroundings (the presenter shows the facial expression of a person with an empty, absent look). You must get used to this role and, standing with your eyes open and your ears open, not notice what others are doing. To make it easier for you to cope with the task, try to vividly imagine that you are watching an exciting movie or taking part in a dangerous journey. Be consistent in your role: when the exercise ends (at the command “stop”) and you are questioned, assert and convince others that you were really absorbed in your thoughts and did not see or hear anything. Clear? Those who interfere will receive a task during the exercise. Ready? Let's start!

The exercise lasts 5-15 minutes. During this time, the leader, together with the “interferers,” organize a series of provocative actions. They chant slogans, appeals, act out skits, tell jokes, stage the end of classes and leaving the hall, pretend to be animals, ask the “attentive” for alms, and so on. At the same time, the leader makes sure that the actions of the “interferers” do not turn out to be too effective. He forbids touching the “attentive” and at critical moments helps them maintain their role. Then the command “Stop” follows, and the discussion begins. The exercise should be used in already established groups where there is an atmosphere of creative enthusiasm
An exercise to develop the ability to switch attention.

Various words are called to the child. He must, by agreement, respond to certain words. For example, when a word denoting an animal is encountered, as agreed, stand up. Then the task becomes more complicated; conditional signals are given simultaneously for two groups of words.

Exercise to develop concentration

For classes you need two pairs of paintings containing 10-15 differences, several unfinished drawings or drawings with ridiculous content

Attentiveness and good memory are the basis for successful schooling. These qualities can and should be developed at any age, and every parent should help their child with this.

How to develop memory and attention in a schoolchild? The exercises below should be performed regularly, but unobtrusively. A little student should not be tired, tired, or in a bad mood. Otherwise, there will be no result from the classes.

Reading- a universal way to develop memory, literacy, and attentiveness. What you read should be retold or memorized. It is necessary to use not only visual, but also auditory memory. Voiced phrases and sentences are easier and faster to remember. The child can read aloud or listen to the parent.

Games- will help the student develop in an interesting and exciting way. Chess, checkers, backgammon and even cards require concentration, activate memory and form logic. Well-known and popular board games, such as Monopoly or Mafia, have a positive effect on the intellectual development of a child.

If you don’t have the necessary equipment, you can get by with your imagination. “Cities” (the parent and child alternately name the cities), “Guess the Animal” (one of the players shows the animal, the other guesses) and many other speech games will help the little person spend time profitably.

Language learning– one of the best exercises for the brain. The need to assimilate new information forces the hemispheres to actively work and use additional memory reserves. In the future, knowledge of a foreign language (or even several) will definitely be useful to the student.

Crosswords– the excitement associated with completing the activity is intertwined with the need to remember, answer questions, and guess.

Mental arithmetic– not only develops mathematical abilities, but also promotes the development of ideas, visual memory, and forms the imagination. You should start with the simplest examples, gradually complicating the tasks. It’s especially easy for schoolchildren to count money, which parents should take advantage of. Let the child count the change in the store, the amount of food in the basket, the cost of bus travel for the whole family.

In order to avoid childhood absent-mindedness, adults must ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The student must sleep fully (at least 8-9 hours a day);
  • the distribution of physical and mental stress should be even;
  • playing sports promotes active access of oxygen to the brain, which has a positive effect on well-being, memory and attentiveness;
  • After school, the child needs rest (at least 2-3 hours).

The development of memory, attentiveness and intelligence will help the student avoid problems in school.

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Very often, parents of elementary school students are faced with the need to develop attentiveness in their child. After all, successful learning will not work without this. Due to age characteristics, it is still difficult for a child of 7-8 years to concentrate his attention for a long time. However, students who already cope with this solve the tasks set by the teacher much faster and easier. Special games and interesting exercises can help develop mindfulness.

What is attention like?

It is customary to distinguish three types of attention:

  1. Involuntary- appears unexpectedly, on its own. This is a response to something that is bright, catchy, makes a lot of noise, arouses interest, but quickly disappears as soon as the object becomes ordinary. This type of attention predominates in children under 7 years of age.
  2. free attention - the baby learns to control himself, doing not what is interesting to him at the moment, but what is necessary. He learns to focus on the task at hand. When starting school, voluntary attention begins to develop.
  3. Post-voluntary attention appears when the baby is already carried away by the task and does not need any effort to concentrate on it.

Attention is also divided into visual, auditory and motor-motor.

To develop each of these types, you can select appropriate games and exercises.

Features of conducting classes

  • Choose the right time. You should not distract your baby if he is passionate about something. It's better to wait until he finishes his activities.
  • Ask your household members not to disturb you and your baby during the lesson.
  • Before starting class, let your child fulfill basic needs: drink, go to the toilet, put away toys.
  • Use non-standard methods to captivate your baby. It is better if they are accompanied by a lot of positive emotions on your part. Exercises should be interesting, understandable and accessible.
  • Start with step-by-step instructions to follow. Make sure your child completes each task to the end.
  • Control your emotions. Classes should be held in a friendly atmosphere. You should not criticize your child, scold him, or raise your voice at him. Encourage, praise, smile, say kind words, provide the necessary help if required.
  • All mental functions are interconnected. The better a child’s speech and memory are developed, the easier it will be for him to concentrate on anything. Therefore, it is necessary to take care not only of the development of the baby’s attentiveness, but also of his general intellectual development - train memory, develop speech.
  • Systematic and regular training is very important. You are unlikely to achieve success by practicing “once in a while.”

Useful games and exercises

To increase concentration.

Correction test

Offer your child a piece of paper with text printed on it. The font should be large. Ask your child to find as many of the same letters in the text as possible (for example, the letter “a”) and cross them out with a pencil. The task is completed for a while. A child 7-8 years old should have time to look through 350-400 characters in 5 minutes and should make no more than 10 mistakes. At the same time, the parent must control the baby, making sure that he searches strictly line by line. You need to devote 7-10 minutes to exercise every day. Gradually it can be made more difficult by increasing the number of letters to 5.

Encrypted letter

The baby is offered a sheet of paper with a set of letters of the Russian alphabet. You need to find words among them.


  • Labyrinths of different difficulty levels.

  • Graphic dictations - drawings in cells.

The following games develop motor-motor attentiveness and the ability to switch.

Game “Edible-Inedible”

The presenter’s task is to throw the ball to the players while calling out the words. If the presenter names an edible object, then the player needs to catch the ball, but if it is inedible, the ball is pushed away.


Players sit next to each other and place their hands on the knees of their neighbors to the right and left. You need to alternately clap your palms at a given pace. The first and last players tap the knee twice and play continues in reverse order. A player who misses his clap or loses his tempo is eliminated from the game.

Forbidden Movement

At the beginning of the game, all players agree on some movement that will be prohibited, i.e. it cannot be repeated. Next, the presenter quickly shows the players various movements that they must repeat after him. The player who repeated the forbidden movement becomes the leader.

Game "Floor-nose-ceiling"

Ask your child to point to what you name. Name and show with him. When your child begins to easily cope with a task at a fast pace, make it more difficult. Now you can name one thing and show another. It should only show what you say.

For auditory attentiveness:

Find a match

You need to take an even number of identical opaque bottles. Fill them in pairs with different contents. For example, two bottles - with sand, two more - with small stones, two more - with rice, the next ones can be filled with coins, various cereals - peas, beans, semolina, twigs, rustling candy wrappers. There are many options you can come up with. Take yourself one bottle with each filler, and give the other bottles to your baby. Shake one of your bottles; your baby should listen carefully to the sound it makes. Now ask your child to find a match among his bottles based on the sound of yours.

Young children can be asked to find identical mittens.


Ask your baby to clap the suggested rhythm after you. Gradually make the task more difficult.

Guess the sounding object

Show your child the sounds of different objects. These can be wooden spoons, rattles, various musical instruments. Now ask him to turn around and guess what it sounds like.

Visual attentiveness develops:

Remember and tell

Place 5 different toys in front of your baby and ask him to remember them. Ask your baby to turn away or close his eyes and hide one of the toys at this time. After the baby opens his eyes, he must name which toy is missing. Gradually complicate the task by increasing the number of toys to 10. This game can be played in another version. The toy should not be hidden, but their order should be swapped.

Didactic game “Paired pictures”

With the help of such a game, the child will quickly learn to look for similar pictures. Playing is the best way to learn some rules, poems and develop attention with your child. But! As soon as the child gets tired, the game should be stopped and continued after a few hours or the next day.

Repeat the sequence

Cut out various geometric shapes from colored cardboard. They should differ in shape, color and size. Now lay out a certain sequence of them in front of the child and ask him to remember. Next, you need to mix all the figures into one pile and ask the baby to repeat the sequence that was in front of him. Start with 5 figures. Gradually complicate the task by increasing their number.

12 years is the age when a child’s learning abilities are almost at their highest level. That is why parents should not stop there: your task is to develop the child intellectually further. How to do this - read on.

How to develop attention in a child

How to develop attentiveness in a 12 year old child? To do this, you can perform special exercises that train this skill. The set of mindfulness classes for children 12 years old includes the following exercises:

  1. "Don't get lost." The exercise develops concentration and teaches how to distribute it correctly. Let the child count out loud, for example, from 1 to 31, but do not include numbers with the number 3 in the count. Instead, he should say “I won’t get lost.”
  2. "Observation". This exercise helps develop visual memory. The child needs to describe from memory the details of the way to school, the yard near the house, his room or class. In general, any place he happens to be. The description is done orally.
  3. "Fly". This exercise is also aimed at developing concentration. It is carried out in a playful way.

To complete it, you need to take a board and draw a field with 3x3 cells on it. You will also need a piece of plasticine. He will play the role of a fly. Now place the board vertically and let the child move the fly around the squares in accordance with the commands you give him. For example: “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”. The starting position of the fly is a square in the center of the board.

How to develop attentiveness in a schoolchild is written in specialized literature on child development and popular psychology.

How to improve memory in a 12 year old child

How to develop memory in a 12 year old child? To do this, you need to focus on several aspects.

If a 12-year-old child has a poor memory, he should read a lot. Don’t let your children sit for a long time at the computer; it’s better to interest them in a good book, show by example that reading should become an integral part of life for a child.

Effectively train your memory and develop new skills. If a child learns a new sport or starts playing some musical instruments, this will help him cope with the problem of poor memory. Another option for improving memory and attention in a schoolchild is to let your son or daughter learn poems and passages from prose works by heart. Also be sure to increase your child’s vocabulary. You can do this with the help of board games like Scrabble.
Among other things, memorizing numbers is good for memory development. Let your child try to remember the birth dates of all relatives - this will be a great way to train his memory.

How to develop logic in a 12 year old child

To develop logic in a child, you need to conduct intellectual debates with him more often, discuss various books and films. Let the child draw conclusions about the plot he watched or read and its characters; this also trains logic.
A good way to train logical thinking and attention is board games. For example, chess and checkers, Monopoly. Also, a child of 12 years old can already solve Sudoku - this is an excellent option for practicing logic.
Communicate with your children as equals, build trusting relationships with them, discuss social problems, and seek advice. All this will help in the development of your child’s intellectual abilities and give him a good incentive for further growth: this way he will feel like an adult and independent.