Evening dawn. Evening dawn prayer

Evening coolness
The heat is over
And the waves rush up
To the seashore.
And a bunch of seagulls
Circling astern
Us with foamy moisture
The surf caresses.

Evening surf
He sings about the sea and about love.
You are next to me -
How long it took me to find you!

Separation is cruel
Played with me
I'm so lonely
It happened sometimes.
Treated my soul
Heart peace
Found it while listening
Evening surf.

Evening surf
He sings about the sea and about love.
You are with me again -
The best is yet to come!


The evening city is resting,
Relieving the burden of vanity.
The neon light in the alleys is melting
Under the power of the sky of darkness.

Minibuses rush through the streets
Bring the suffering home.
Another day passes
In the usual rhythm, in succession.

The evening city opens
Places of leisure where always
Anyone can choose according to their taste
An easy way to have fun.

How happy are the townspeople's children,
With the simplicity accessible to the hour,
Habits of finding joy,
Empty in wasting time.

The evening city invites
Opening the gates wide;

The evening sunset is shrouded in a variety of colors.
Evening sunset paints a picture of nature
Like a gifted artist.
Its evening landscape is beautiful.

The endless expanse of the sea
Beautiful with a leisurely dark blue wave
And the ripples of the dark wave enchant my gaze...

In the distance you can see mountains in a bluish fog
And slightly shrouded in a foggy haze and as if they
Separated from the golden sky
And scarlet-crimson sunlight.

Blue sky with scarlet-silver and gray tints
Snowy purple...

The evening wind brought coolness.
During the day the room was so hot.
There is no one with me now,
And it’s unlikely that anyone else will.

Balcony door open and sky,
While it is light, you cannot see all the stars.
I could remember those who weren't there.
There is no desire to want this.

The cognac is poured, I'll drink it alone,
But still don’t get drunk now.
I'm in no hurry to fill the evening with night.
I have nowhere to rush yet again.

The clock will strike and silence will fall,
Only a rustle from the curtains, and in the window,

Evening sea. Quiet waves
They rumble softly about sunny days.
The breath of the sea is leisurely, calm
Carries away from the heat on light wings.

Evening is thickening around you imperceptibly,
And subtle freshness in the silence of the night
A soft coolness falls on your shoulders.
They stand motionless, as if in a ghostly dream,
Columns of trees - against the backdrop of sunset;

An unknown blues flows through the twilight.
Flutter of speeches and staccato surf,
And the beach air has an iodine taste.

Scattered by the light of a distant port
Colored garland of coastal...

The evening train slides like a black snake,
A candle falls into the arms of the streets
Silent moon, the wine in the glass warms
Bacchae whispers, from under the starry cloak
The architect of the sky looks tired.
She walks along a thin rut
Your destiny, leafing through the priceless gift -
To lie down with passion in the ashes of the night networks.
The fire screams, the winds of discovery whistle,
She knocks her step into midnight jazz
She will slide along the blade of events,
Burnt out again, again.
The evening train lands like a dark bird,
Sweetness breaks her hair into...

The name of several settlements: Vechernyaya Zarya village in the Khomutovsky district of the Kursk region. Vechernyaya Zarya is a village in the Dmitrovsky district of the Oryol region. Vechernyaya Zarya is a village in the Trosnyansky district of the Oryol region. Vechernyaya Zarya farm in... ... Wikipedia

evening dawn- A faint glow in the western sky immediately after sunset, caused by the effect of scattering of sunlight by atmospheric dust particles... Dictionary of Geography

"Evening Dawn"- EVENING DAWN Masonic monthly. the magazine, (1782-83), was published by the circle of N.I. Novikov (although his personal participation is sometimes denied), served as a continuation of the Morning Light. Name was symbolic. character: as a result of original sin, human... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Monthly publication in favor of those established in St. Petersburg. Catherine and Alexander schools, which contains the best passages from ancient and modern writers, opening a path for man to know God, himself and his positions, which... ...

As the evening dawn is, so is another day. See AGRICULTURE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

- (2) 1. Light coloring of the sky at sunset: The night will darken for a long time, the dawn has sunk, the darkness has covered the fields, the tickle of glory has succeeded, talk about galling. 10. The evening has extinguished the dawn. Igor is sleeping, Igor is vigilant, Igor is measuring the fields from the great Don to... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

ZARYA, dawn, wine. dawn and (rarely) dawn, pl. dawn, female 1. Light color of the horizon before sunset and sunrise (without defining the morning color of the horizon). Morning, evening dawn. Dawn (morning) is busy. Dawn (evening)… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Zarya- and, plural zo/ri, dawn, w. 1) In Slavic mythology: Zarya Utrennyaya and Zarya Vechernyaya, goddesses, sisters of the Sun. Synonyms: Di/va, Di/viya 2) Bright illumination of the sky above the horizon before sunrise and after sunset. Morning dawn. Evening dawn. From... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

The phenomenon of dawn occurs due to the existence of the earth’s atmosphere, the upper layers of which reflect light some time before sunrise (morning dawn) and some time after sunset (evening dawn), and consists of a gradual intensification (pre... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

dawn- And/; pl. zo/ri, dawn, zorya/m and zo/ryam; and. see also glow 1) a) Bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise and after sunset. Morning, evening dawn/. Dawn/ flares up. Flying like dawn... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Evening dawn, S. Gunod. Reprint sheet music edition of Gounod, Charles "Cr?puscule". Genres: Melodies; Songs; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the piano. We have created...
  • Evening dawn, S. Gunod. Reprint sheet music edition of Gounod, Charles`Cr?puscule`. Genres: Melodies; Songs; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the piano. We have created...


A monthly publication “in favor of the Catherine and Alexander schools established in St. Petersburg, containing the best passages from ancient and modern writers, opening a person’s path to knowledge of God, himself and his duties, which are presented both in moral teachings and in examples thereof, that is, small stories, anecdotes and other works in poetry and prose, serving as a continuation of "Morning Light" - a magazine published in 1782 by N. I. Novikov in Moscow monthly. In chronological order, it was not a continuation of "Morning Light", but " Moscow monthly publication." The publication was dedicated to three former curators of Moscow University: I. I. Shuvalov, I. I. Melissino and M. M. Kheraskov. Its direction was mystical-didactic, which Novikov followed in the second half of his journal activity. From The journal's staff can be named: F. Klyucharev, V. Galenkin, I. Lyapin, F. Pospelov, M. Antoksky, I. Sofonovich, P. Sokhotsky, A. F. Labzin.

Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what EVENING DAWN is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    a monthly publication “in favor of the Catherine and Alexander schools established in St. Petersburg, containing the best places from ancient and modern ...
  • ZARYA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, wine. dawn and (obsolete) zorya, pl. dawn, dawn, dawn and (obsolete) dawn, w. 1. Bright illumination of the horizon in front of...
  • ZARYA in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -i, pl. z"ori, dawn, zh. 1) In Slavic mythology: Morning Dawn and Evening Dawn, goddesses, sisters of the Sun. Synonyms: D"iva, ...
  • ZARYA in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dawn, wine dawn and (less often) dawn, plural. dawn, w. 1. Light color of the horizon before sunset and sunrise (without definition...
    404601, Volgogradskaya, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    404549, Volgogradskaya, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    399422, Lipetskaya, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    357963, Stavropol, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353825, Krasnodar, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353415, Krasnodar, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353131, Krasnodar, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    175315, Novgorodskaya, ...
  • ZARYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    143922, Moscow, ...
  • ZARYA in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    - shine, …
  • ZARYA in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    - reflection of the sun's rays in the air before sunrise and after sunset (Gen. 32:26). The appearance of the dawn of morning and evening, beautiful...
  • ZARYA in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a natural change in the colors of the sky that accompanies sunset and sunrise...
  • ZARYA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    daily newspaper, published in St. Petersburg. since 1900 by V.V. Yarmonkin in a spirit hostile to progressive...
    "ZARYA", Russian sailing and motor schooner. Arctic exp. E.V. Tolya (1900-02) in the region of the New Siberian Islands. On Sept. 1902 ran aground and...
  • ZARYA in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZARYA, military a signal played by a trumpeter (with a drummer) or an orchestra after evening...
  • ZARYA in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    DAWN, a natural change in the colors of the sky that accompanies sunset and sunrise...
  • EVENING in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "EVENING MOSCOW", daily. social-political newspaper, since 1923, Moscow. Basic as an organ of the Moscow City Council, later as an organ of the mountains. Kommunistich. party and the Moscow Soviet. ...
    dawn", dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn", ...
  • ZARYA in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    dawn", for"ri, dawn", dawn"th, dawn", dawn"m, dawn", dawn"ri, dawn, dawn, dawn"mi, dawn", ...
  • ZARYA in the Dictionary of epithets:
    Bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise or after sunset. About color, degree of density. Scarlet, crimson, crimson, white (obsolete), pale, cherry, ...
  • ZARYA in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • ZARYA in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || at dawn, neither light nor dawn, one dawn will drive out, another...
  • ZARYA in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    aurora, hesperus, morning star, origin, zimtserla, zorenka, dawn, zoryushka, beginning, dawn, light, signal, ...
  • ZARYA in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. 1) a) Light coloring of the horizon before sunrise and sunset. b) The time of appearance of such illumination on the horizon. 2) ...
  • ZARYA in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • ZARYA in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • ZARYA in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dawn, -and, wine. dawn and (obsolete) zorya, pl. dawn, dawn, ...
  • ZARYA in the Spelling Dictionary:
    zar`ya, -`i, wine. dawn and (obsolete) dawn, pl. dawn, dawn, ...
  • ZARYA in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    morning or evening military signal played by an orchestra or bugler, trumpeter, drummer Play dawn (zorya). Tattoo. dawn bright illumination of the horizon...
  • ZARYA in Dahl's Dictionary:
    robin, robin, etc. see glow...
  • TIME OUT, OR EVENING MOSCOW in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2008-11-22 Time: 17:40:21 Quotes from the work “Time Out, or Evening Moscow” (author Victor Pelevin ...
    evening, daily verification of privates and sergeants in units of the Soviet Armed Forces. With P. v. the company duty officer lines up...
  • PS 140 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Bible. Old Testament. Psalter. Psalm 140 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 …
  • HESPERUS in the Dictionary-Reference Book of Who's Who in the Ancient World:
    The evening star, to whom Sappho dedicated one of her most beautiful poems. Only a distorted fragment of this work has reached us, by accident...
  • PAUSTOVSKY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Konstantin Georgievich - Soviet writer. Son of a railway engineer. He studied at Kiev, then at Moscow universities. He was a worker at metallurgical plants...
  • SWITZERLAND in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Swiss Confederation (German: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, French: Confederation Suisse, Italian: Confederazione Svizzera). I. General information Switzerland is a state in Central Europe, ...
  • PORTUGAL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Portugal), Portuguese Republic (Republica Portuguêsa). I. General information P. is a state in the extreme southwest. Europe. Located in the western part of the Iberian...
  • SPAIN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Espana); official name is the Spanish State (Estado Espanol). I. General information I. is a state in the extreme southwest. Europe. Takes 5/6...
  • ISRAEL (STATE) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • EVENING NEWSPAPERS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    newspapers, a type of daily periodical press that complements morning publications in the mass media system. In Western Europe and the USA V. g. ...
  • EVENING EDUCATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    education, one of the forms of training specialists of higher and secondary qualifications, skilled workers, as well as training of youth and adults in secondary ...
  • TYPHUS ABDOMINAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • NOVIKOV NIKOLAY IVANOVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    famous public figure of the last century, b. 26 Apr 1744 in the village of Avdotyino (Bronnitsky district, Moscow province) in a family of sufficient...
  • NOVIKOV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Nikolai Ivanovich) - famous public figure of the last century, b. 26 Apr 1744 in the village of Avdotino (Bronnitsky district, Moscow province) ...


(Sunset and sunrise colors) - a complex set of light phenomena observed in the atmosphere before the onset of night or day. Caused by rays of the sun that do not reach the observer directly, but illuminate the upper layers of the visible part of the atmosphere. Observations show that these phenomena stop completely when the sun's decline becomes greater than 18°. Cm. Twilight.

  • - Compound...

    Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Art by Pokhlebkin

  • - “MORNING DAWN”, Russian. lit. an almanac published annually in St. Petersburg in 1839-44. Ed. V. A. Vladislavlev. In the almanac published. poem. L. “Dead Man’s Love” and “Valerik” ...

    Lermontov Encyclopedia

  • - see Morning Star...

    Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

  • - see Venus...

    Marine dictionary

  • - see Evening or morning dawn...

    Marine dictionary

  • - a monthly publication “in favor of the Catherine and Alexander schools established in St. Petersburg, containing the best passages from ancient and modern writers, opening a person’s path to knowledge of God, himself and...
  • - works of students of the University Noble boarding school: a collection published in Moscow from 1800 to 1808. A total of 6 books were published...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - "" - a collection of works by students of the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, published in Moscow in 1800-08. Among the authors are V. A. Zhukovsky, A. I. and N. I. Turgenev, A. F. Merzlyakov...
  • - "" - a sailing schooner of the Russian merchant fleet...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - whom. Don. About a man who works from morning to evening. SDG 2, 15...
  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px;font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   utρο ...

    Dictionary of Church Slavonic language

  • - The dawn will drive you in, the dawn will drive you out...
  • - Zarya Orina, Zarya Skaryna, take from the servant of God baby N. tongues and roars day and night. ...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Don. Planet Venus. SDG 1, 63...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. they say Joking. Hangover. Maksimov, 38...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - sunset, sunset,...

    Dictionary of synonyms



From the book Love for a Distant: Poetry, Prose, Letters, Memoirs author Hoffman Viktor Viktorovich

III. EVENING DAWN Nun gluhn wie Gold der Wolken Saume. Georg Bachmann The clouds that were gray in the morning - Carving of purple crowns. I am full of shouts of proud faith. Intoxicated beyond measure with dreams. Now the pressure and competition, the intoxicating tenderness of the word. - And the infinity of rejoicing, And intolerance

Chapter twenty-eight EVENING DAWN

From Lermontov's book: One between heaven and earth author Mikhailov Valery Fedorovich

Chapter twenty-eight EVENING DAWN The mysterious year of 1841 On April 14, 1841, Lermontov left St. Petersburg for Moscow and three days later was in his hometown. The grandmother made a new attempt to obtain pardon for her grandson. On April 18, she wrote to Sofya Karamzina: “Fearing

20. Voyage of the schooner “Morning Dawn” from the Yenisei to St. Petersburg (1877)

From the book Domestic seafarers - explorers of the seas and oceans author Zubov Nikolay Nikolaevich

20. Voyage of the schooner “Morning Dawn” from the Yenisei to St. Petersburg (1877) In 1877, on the initiative and at the expense of Mikhail Konstantinovich Sidorov, the sailing schooner “Morning Dawn” was sailed from the Yenisei to St. Petersburg. The length of the “Morning Dawn” was 56 feet, width 14 feet,

Jacob Boehme Aurora, or Morning Dawn in Ascent, or...

From the book Aurora, or Morning Dawn in Ascent, or... author Boehme Jacob

Jacob Boehme Aurora, or Dawn in Ascension, or... The root or mother of philosophy, astrology and theology, or Description of nature, how everything was and how it became in the beginning: how nature and the elements became created, also about both qualities, evil and good; where everything has its beginning, and how

336. "Siddur" "Makhzor". Morning service / “Shacharit”. Midday service / "Mincha". Evening service / “Maariv”. Additional service on Saturday and holidays / “Musaf”

From the book The Jewish World [The most important knowledge about the Jewish people, their history and religion (litres)] author Telushkin Joseph

336. "Siddur" "Makhzor". Morning service / “Shacharit”. Midday service / "Mincha". Evening service / “Maariv”. Additional service on Shabbat and holidays / "Musaf" The word siddur is usually translated as "prayer book", although in Hebrew the term more likely means "orderly".

From the book Twilight of the Idols. Ecce Homo (collection) author Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm

Morning Dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1 This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that the smell of gunpowder is even faintly felt in it - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially if we assume some subtlety

Morning dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice

From the book Ecce homo. How to become yourself author Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm

Morning Dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1 This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that the smell of gunpowder is even faintly felt in it - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially if you have some sensitivity

Morning dawn. Thoughts on morality as prejudice

From the book Ecce Homo. How to become yourself author Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm

Morning dawn. Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1 This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that the smell of gunpowder is even faintly felt in it - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially if we assume some


From the book The Garden is the Breadwinner author Dubrovin Ivan

DRINK “MORNING DAWN” Sort and wash the cherries, cook syrup from juice and water with sugar. Add lemon juice and stir. Let it brew. Add fresh whole cherries and lemon wedges. Cool the drink before serving. You will need: cherry syrup -

"Variety". The dawn of new art?

From the book The Myth of the Eternal Empire and the Third Reich author Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich

"Variety". The dawn of new art? Möller van den Broek's monograph on variety shows can be considered to a certain extent as a document highly typical of that time. By his own admission, this work was for Möller an attempt

The magazine “Evening Dawn” is a reflection of the ideas of J. Boehme

From the book Masons. Volume 1 [large encyclopedia] author Team of authors

The magazine “Evening Dawn” is a reflection of the ideas of J. Boehme Getting acquainted with the basic ideals of Schwartz, we see a certain system of worldview. All these ideas, which only occasionally appear in the Moscow Edition, appear with complete clarity and not vaguely on the pages of the new


From the book Articles from "Arabesques" author Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

MORNING DAWN (Options for PD2, Pog, PMsk, 1842) Let's start with a brilliant product of typographic luxury, a light, sparkling flower, welcoming the coming year 1842. PD2 (white); a. Let's start [with] a brilliant production<едением>b. Let's start ~ typographic luxury PD2 (black); Pog, PMsk, 1842 -


From the book Comments on works author Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

REVIEW FOR THE MOSCOW MAN (MORNING DAWN) In his review, Gogol devoted too little space to the literary side of the almanac. Pogodin crossed out the beginning and the end, changed the wording of several phrases and contributed an extensive analysis of the works included in the almanac. Review in print

We sing songs to you, evening dawn!

From the book 33 ways to reprogram the body for happiness and health. Avatar method by Blavo Ruschel

Chapter 89 Morning dawn.

From the book Koran [translation of meanings] by Muhammad

Chapter 89 Morning dawn. Mecca. Thirty verses. In the name of the merciful, merciful God. 89.1 I swear by the morning dawn and ten nights, 89.2 I swear by the pair and the one, 89.3 I swear by this night that is coming, 89.4 (Isn’t this an oath for the prudent?) 89.5 Haven’t you seen how