Enrollment in a state educational institution. How to apply to school through State Services: instructions

It seemed like your baby had just started walking. And the memories of the first time the baby correctly pronounced the letter “R” are still very fresh. We remember well how he cried and clung to your hand when he was left alone in the kindergarten for the first time...

And suddenly you realize that, that’s it, the child has grown up, he’s going to school soon! Here a completely understandable question arises: How to enroll your son or daughter in first grade?

Many mothers and fathers take their child’s education very seriously, which, incidentally, is correct. The most important thing here is not to overdo it, not to go too far. After all, sometimes you can find courses to prepare children for school... almost from the age of 3. And you won’t surprise anyone with the preparation of children of five or six years old.

However, this is an adult decision. The advantage of early preparation is that parents are determined in advance with the school . Moreover, you can choose which educational institution to send your child to in the same way - based on the stories of friends or reviews on the Internet.

A small legal digression. It must be remembered that The school administration is obliged to accept the child. Even though he did not attend preparatory classes or attended them at another educational institution.

Having decided on the school, we proceed to further actions. There are two ways to enroll your child in first grade - by bringing an application directly to the school or using the Internet.

Let's consider both methods.

Register for school online in 5 steps

Online registration is carried out via portal "State Services" http://pgu.mos.ru/ .

Recording starts normally from mid-December to avoid queues.

Personal appeal to school

In case of personal application, registration takes place in two stages.

  1. From the beginning of March to the end of July
    During this period, registration is carried out at the educational institution to which your residential address belongs. Even if you suddenly find yourself assigned to the most elite school in the city, the administration will not be able to refuse admission.
  2. From the beginning of August to September 5th
    During this time period, you have the opportunity to register your child in a school that does not belong to your place of registration. If for some reason you do not like the nearest school or like another one located far from home, you can apply to the chosen institution.

The division of registration into two stages is provided for the reason that the advantage of admission to an educational institution is given to citizens registered near this school.

Also, certain categories of citizens have a preferential right to register:

  • children from large families;
  • from police and military families;
  • federal and regional beneficiaries.

What documents will be required upon admission to school?

They may ask for different documents, but they will definitely require:

  1. document confirming the identity of the child’s parent (or guardian);
  2. original birth certificate of the child;
  3. medical card with notes on vaccinations;
  4. certificate of registration at the place of residence.

Now you know how you can enroll your child in school!

All that remains is to choose which one.

We answer popular questions about enrolling first-graders in school

— Are there entrance exams for admission to 1st grade?

There are no exams for first-graders to enter school.

However, some schools (both state and non-state), with specialized programs or with in-depth study of certain academic subjects, have the right to conduct a special selection of future students with abilities in these subjects.

Information about the conditions for admission to such educational institutions should appear no later than March 10. As a rule, it is posted on websites or on information stands in school foyers.

— When does admission to 1st grade end?

Admission to the school usually continues until September 5th of the current year. The order to enroll first-graders in school is issued no earlier than the first of August.

All orders from the school management regarding the admission of children to this school must be open.

— How do children with citizenship of other countries enter 1st grade in Russia?

Both foreign children and children who do not currently have citizenship must bring all the documents from the main list indicated above upon admission to school, but they must be translated into Russian. Translations must be notarized without fail.

If a child has a non-Russian birth certificate, electronic enrollment in school is not possible. In this situation, parents must personally contact the educational authorities at their place of residence.

— The child does not have registration. How to enroll him in first grade?

First of all, parents need to contact the passport office at the child’s place of residence in order to register.

Then, on a general basis, you need to contact the school with an application for admission to the first grade.

— If a first-grader is not accepted into a chosen school other than his place of registration, will he be accepted into a school in his area?

According to the Law, all first-graders are required to be admitted to school in a designated area.

— Does a child have advantages when entering the first grade at a school where an older child is already studying?

If this educational institution is not located at the place of registration, then the child’s admission in any case depends on the availability of free places and on the date of submission of the application for admission. The fact that a brother or sister is studying at this school does not matter.

— Can a grandmother or grandfather apply to admit a child to first grade?

Yes, of course, if they are the legal representatives of the future first-grader.

— If a child is under six years old at the time of submitting an application to enroll in first grade, how to resolve this issue?

For permission to record a future first-grader and to resolve this issue, you must contact the district education department.

— Is it necessary to fill out two applications for admission of a child to the first grade - to a selected school not at the place of registration and to a school that is territorially assigned?

No, you do not need to submit two applications, and when registering an application electronically, the system itself will delete the later one, leaving one.

The child must be admitted to the territorially assigned school in any case if the parents submit an application no later than August 1.

It is necessary to remember: if you are late with your application, children from other areas who wish to study here may be enrolled in the free places at the school.

— When are future first-graders enrolled in selected schools that are not territorially assigned?

Until July 31, the school accepts applications for admission to 1st grade from parents of children living in the assigned territory.

From the first of August, applications for admission to the first grade are accepted from everyone from other areas. Admission of these children is subject to availability.

If the school has already finished accepting children from an assigned area before July 31, children from unassigned areas can be accepted into vacant places until August 1.

Starting school is an important and exciting period for both parents and older children. A clear understanding of the school registration procedure in 2018 will help you survive this time with minimal loss of time and nerves.

Primary general education is compulsory and guaranteed by the state for every child upon reaching a certain age. If a child turns 6.5 years old on September 1, 2018, he can be enrolled in school. The upper limit for a future first-grader is 8 years of age. The education law also states that a child should not have medical contraindications for education.

If parents/legal representatives want to send their child to school earlier or later than the specified age range, they must write an application addressed to the head of the school. This appeal will be considered by a higher executive body of state power. To enter the first grade before the age of 6.5, a child will have to demonstrate (prove) his unique abilities and advance in development of his peers.

Application deadlines

For various categories of future first-graders, deadlines for submitting an application to the school have been determined. This helps to avoid the rush in the educational institutions themselves and problems with the software when applying online. The time frame is determined by the order of the Education Committee of the Russian Federation.

For the 2017-2018 academic year, the following periods were indicated:

  • Parents of children with priority rights to enrollment in an educational institution submit documents from December 15, 2016 to September 5, 2017. When submitting an application after January 20, the priority status is lost, and enrollment in the school will be carried out on a general basis, subject to the availability of vacancies. In 2017, applications in this category will be accepted from December 15.
  • Those registered in the area assigned to the educational institution submitted applications starting January 20th. Reception of documents from parents of preschool children in this category ended on June 30th. If for some reason the application was not sent within this period, the decision on the issue of admission to the school was carried out in accordance with the general procedure.
  • From July 1 to September 5 – the time during which parents of children not registered in the area where the school is located submit electronic applications. Unfortunately, such a child will be able to get to a desk only if there are empty seats in the class.

With a high degree of probability, these are the deadlines for submitting applications online that we should focus on in the coming year.

Parents who have definitely decided on a school for their child can choose a simplified admission procedure - attending a preparatory class. Classes most often begin in September, less often in August. After they are completed, parents must write an application for the transfer of their child from preparatory to first grade. Electronic submission of documents is not provided for this situation.

The following categories of children have priority right to enroll in school:

  1. Children of active police officers who were dismissed due to health reasons, were injured while on duty, or died due to a service-related illness.
  2. Children of employees of the following departments: executive, fire or customs services, state drug control. Preschoolers of retired employees who have been injured or died in the line of duty also have an advantage.
  3. Children of military personnel - active, discharged for medical reasons, or. You can take advantage of this benefit both at the place of permanent registration of the military family and when moving to a new place of service.
  4. Children who are dependent on public service employees listed in the first three paragraphs.
  5. Younger brothers or sisters of older children already studying at an educational institution, as well as preschoolers whose parents are employees of the educational institution.
  6. Children whose parents work in the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee or are judges have priority when entering a boarding school.

To confirm the priority right to enroll in a school, you must submit a certificate from your parents’ place of work, a service ID card, or a military personnel ID card.

Step-by-step procedure for registering for school online

From mid-December 2017, an electronic application form for enrollment in school will be available. Parents of future first-graders need to complete only three steps: send an electronic version of the application, bring original documents and wait for the decision on enrollment or refusal. The most important step is to fill out and submit the form for enrollment in school in 2018 on the public service portal - www.gosuslugi.ru.

Important! The electronic service is available after authorization in the Unified Federal System of Identification and Authentication - ESIA. If parents do not yet have such an account, they must create it in advance and go with the original documents (passport and SNILS) to the nearest MFC (multifunctional center).

Since the primary factor is the territorial principle when enrolling in a school, its proximity to home, you don’t have to try to fill out the form in the first minutes of the long-awaited date. Also on the portal you can create and save a draft, and send it on the desired day, depending on what category the child belongs to.

Electronic registration for enrollment in school in 2018 looks like this step by step:

  • You need to go to the government services portal (log in) and select your location manually or automatically.
  • Select “Education” from the service catalog. Then - “Enroll in an educational institution”, after which the service card “Enrollment in an educational institution (enrollment in school)” will open. On this page you need to click the “Get service” button.

  • After redirecting to the municipality page (for regions), the system will prompt you to create a “New Draft”.
  • Then you should select initial enrollment in 1st grade and click the “Next” button.

  • At this stage, the missing applicant data is filled in (some of it will be automatically entered after authorization on the site). It is mandatory to fill in all fields marked with an asterisk - * and click the “Next” button.
  • In the form that opens, you must enter all the information about the child. If errors were made during the process of filling out the questionnaire, for example, an incorrect input format or all the information was not entered, then this step will be highlighted in red and it will not be possible to send the questionnaire.

  • The next step asks you to select an educational institution (no more than three options), after which you should proceed to submit an application.

  • Before clicking the “Submit Application” button, the user will be offered a preview of the application for the purpose of final verification of all data. If an error was made in any of the previous steps, you can return to the desired tab and enter the correct information.
  • When you click the “Submit Application” button, a completed application with an assigned number will appear.
  • After refreshing the page using the F5 key, the application status should change to “Accepted by the Office.”

You can track changes in status in your personal account on the government services portal.

Within three days after submitting the application form online, you must bring the originals of the following documents to the educational institution to verify the information:

  1. Identity document of the parent or legal representative of the child.
  2. Birth certificate of a preschooler, SNILS and a document confirming his registration at a specific place of residence.
  3. Foreigners or stateless persons must submit documents confirming the applicant’s relationship and his right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. For children with disabilities - a medical report and recommendations of the PMPC (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).
  5. Documents confirming the right of priority enrollment.
  6. For children under 6.5 years old and over 8 years old - a decision of the executive body.

Important! The decision on enrollment or refusal is sent to your e-mail in PDF format. If the answer is positive, the letter will indicate the deadline for receiving original documents for the school to prepare an administrative act.

The original documents can also be taken to the MFC, from where the courier will take them to the educational institution. For foreigners, all documents must be translated into Russian and notarized.

Register for school offline

To register a future first-grader, you can use not only the capabilities of the government services portal, but also simply come to the school and, with the help of a specialist, fill out the necessary papers. You can check the address of the educational institution assigned to the registration address in the education department. For the convenience of parents, many accept documents from 8.00 to 19.00, but it is better to check the exact time with a specific educational institution.

Important! Grounds for refusal to accept documents may be the presence of corrections, erasures in the application, failure to provide a complete list of documents, offensive language or threats against specialists or officials of the institution, the presence of serious damage to the submitted documents, etc.

Of course, the number of people signing up for first grade online is growing every year. But huge queues of parents storming schools on February 1 (the first day of accepting applications) are already a familiar sight, especially in the regions. Therefore, it is much more convenient and easier to take advantage of the opportunity without leaving home to fill out and submit the application form for enrollment. And after some time, after receiving confirmation, begin the pleasant chores of preparing for the future student’s school.

Video: Novosibirsk residents stay awake at night trying to enroll their children in school

Every year, on the eve of September 1st, the rush begins when a child enters first grade. The number of educational institutions, providing the opportunity to choose, provokes panic among parents of future first-graders: “Will we get into the school we want?” In order to resolve the situation at the initiative of the government, a government services portal was created in 2009 - http://www.gosuslugi.ru.

How the portal works

The government services portal significantly saves your time

The task of e-government is to simplify as much as possible the procedures for contacting government authorities in connection with various life situations: obtaining a foreign passport, applying for a pension, enrolling in medical or educational institutions, etc. In addition, on the website you can find a feedback form, that is, ask specific officials in departments with questions of interest. To start using all e-government services, you need

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Select your location in the box above.
  3. Determine status (individual or legal entity).
  4. Select the desired section in the “Categories” lists and act according to specific instructions to obtain the necessary information or service.

The public services portal significantly facilitates interaction with municipal and government departments and allows you to resolve a particular issue online, without wasting time in queues.

Video: how to register on the public services portal

How to enroll your child in school

Registration for school through the public services portal takes only a couple of minutes

According to the latest data from the Public Opinion Foundation, 14 million Russians use the government services portal.

One of the most popular e-government services is school enrollment. This can be done by parents or guardians if the child is already six years old, as well as by the child himself if he is already 14 years old, but in the latter case the appeal concerns only additional education (clubs, sections, studios). If parents do not have the opportunity to submit an application on their own, this can be done through the District Information Support Service, the addresses of which can be found on the website of the local education department. The clear advantages of submitting an online application to an educational institution are the following:

  • no queues;
  • the opportunity to enroll a child in several schools at once (according to the rules of the portal - in three: one at the place of residence and two to choose from), and then choose the most suitable one;
  • guaranteed admission to an educational institution at the place of residence.

To take advantage of the full range of services of the state portal, first of all, you need to create your personal account, that is, register. This must be done in advance so that there are no problems or delays with enrolling in school. To register you will need the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • passport details;
  • SNILS number;
  • telephone;
  • email address.

To enroll in school, follow the instructions:

  1. Find out when school enrollment in your district opens (usually applications are accepted until February, and applications are processed and classes are formed until August).
  2. Fill out the application form for the child (his/her last name, middle name, number, series of birth certificate, address will be required).
  3. Select an institution from the proposed list of geographically nearby schools. After this, a list of other educational institutions will become available.
  4. After successful registration, a confirmation letter will be sent to your email.

Applications are usually reviewed within a month, and then an invitation to meet the school’s teaching staff and a list of required documents for admission are sent to the email address specified when registering on the portal. This package must be provided no later than a week from the date of receipt of the invitation. If there are no places at the preferred school, the child will automatically be enrolled in an educational institution at the place of residence.

Rules for registering a child for school preparation

With the public services portal you can even choose the direction of school preparation courses

Parents who want their child to be fully prepared for first grade try to send him to school preparation. These courses have many advantages, the most significant of which can be considered

  • soft adaptation to a new stage in children’s lives;
  • getting to know the teacher, the requirements of the educational institution, the team of children;
  • mastering basic academic skills that will have a positive impact on academic performance, and therefore on the child’s self-esteem.

For the last few years, registration for preparation for school has been taking place at the preschool institution that the child attends. In addition, in 2011, by decree of the Russian Government, a decision was made to unite schools and kindergartens into a single educational complex. However, even if the kindergarten is located at a school, it is not a fact that the child will be automatically enrolled in this school. It is also possible that parents do not plan to send their child to this particular educational institution. Therefore, it makes sense to take care of choosing preparatory courses at the school you intend to enroll in. To do this, you can use the government services portal. The registration procedure is identical to completing an application for admission to school. But the processing time for applications is from April to September. In October, as a rule, courses begin. At the same time, some schools begin preparatory classes in January, so it is better to check the dates of registration and start of classes on the portal.

We arrange a transfer from one school to another

Soon it will be possible to transfer a child from one school to another through the government services portal

Among the prospects for the development of the public services portal, the possibility of transferring a child to another school will soon appear. By submitting an electronic application for transfer to another educational institution, you will be able to:

  • be confident in the objectivity of the refusal (data on applications and their consideration are public);
  • monitor the consideration of the application (in what time frame, who handled the application);
  • do not go to school several times just to talk to the director and find out the list of required documents.

However, in any case, if you transfer your child to a lyceum or gymnasium, that is, educational institutions for which admission is based on entrance exams, then filling out an online form is not enough; you need to be present in person.


The government services portal will improve the quality of service for its subscribers

The essence of creating a public services portal is that a citizen has the opportunity not only to avoid queues in various types of institutions, but also that all registered users on the site must receive a response from the department to which they applied. Thus, control over the timing of processing applications becomes public. Applications to educational institutions are no exception. Information about admission or refusal of admission to the school will be sent by email within 30 days from the date of application. In addition, the letter must explain the reasons why admission to the educational institution was denied.

Video: how to apply for admission to first class through the public services portal

The government services portal for educational institutions is a promising innovation that not only speeds up the settlement of formalities, but also aims to ensure that admission to schools is as objective as possible.

The first time in first grade in Moscow is a lot of joyful troubles and worries for children and their parents. But first you need to choose a suitable educational institution and write an application to enroll your child in the queue. Moscow residents can do this not only in person, but also online. You can enroll your child in school in 1st class through the mos.ru portal, as well as using the State Services website.

When does recording start?

Most often, people begin collecting information and creating waiting lists in the winter. This is due to the fact that half of the academic year has passed and there is data on the number of free places in educational institutions for the next year and the permissible workload.

Therefore, parents wishing to apply to schools in person or online are advised to do so sometime from mid-December 2017 for a start date of September 1, 2018.

How to apply online to enroll in a school?

Enrollment of a child in the first grade of school is possible if the parent or legal representative of the child first uses the electronic school enrollment service. For these purposes, several convenient and accessible Internet resources for the provision of public services have been created.

Via mos.ru

Residents of the capital are well aware that through the Moscow City Services Portal they can solve a variety of problems.

Application for admission of a child to school in 1st class is formatted as follows:

Via Gosuslugi.ru

The electronic services of the State Services Portal are varied and almost limitless. If you want to use electronic enrollment at school, follow the following procedure:

Registration of the service

Enrolling in school online is an accessible and popular service that requires a minimum of time and is mandatory. authorization through State Services or the portal of the mayor of Moscow.

List of documents

In order to correctly fill out the application form for admitting your child to first grade, you will need to have the following documents on hand:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of permanent or temporary registration;
  • passport of the parent and other legal representative.


Service for enrolling a child in first grade for the next school year free.


After the child’s mother or father has submitted an application to enroll him in first grade, the wait for the result will not be long. Within 1 month, you will receive an SMS message or letter to your email address (the notification method is determined at the stage of filling out the application) from each of the educational institutions.

There are two options for the content of this letter:

  • an invitation from the school listing the conditions for admission to the educational institution;
  • refusal to admit a child to this particular school due to lack of free places.

Why is it better to register online?

If you have not yet mastered the joys of online government services, it’s time to start studying them. Enrolling in school online has a number of advantages:

  • no need to attend many schools;
  • you can resolve the issue without leaving your home or office;
  • a list of all secondary educational institutions in Moscow is available;
  • timely notification of admission to school or refusal.

Where can I see my electronic queue for school?

There is no such queue as, for example, in preschool institutions for admission to first grade. All children who are supposed to start studying according to their age (at least 6.5 years old at the start of the school year) will be enrolled in schools and begin classes on time.

You can track the progress of your application in your personal account on the Mosuslugi or Gosuslugi website. It is important to understand that after a maximum of 30 days, a decision will be made on the application, and your child will be enrolled in the chosen alma mater for the next 11 years.

Enrolling your child in first grade in 2018 will not be difficult if you carefully read our article. We have tried to collect complete information about where to apply to enroll in first grade, how and when to enroll in school, what documents need to be provided and which school to choose.

When and how can you enroll your child in school in 2018?

Nowadays, enrolling a child in first or other grades is quite simple, and there are two ways to do this:

  • electronic form of recording on the State Services portal
  • personal application directly to the educational institution

In the case of the first option, parents can do everything without leaving home. However, it is worth keeping in mind that within three days you must bring a package of documents to the educational institution that you have chosen to educate your child. We will talk a little later about what documents are needed to register for school.

If you decide to apply in person, immediately take originals and copies of documents with you so as not to come to school again. After all, this visit is often accompanied by real stress for the parents of future first-graders, since in many large cities the queues at educational institutions have to be filled within 24 hours. At the same time, it is not always possible to get to the director the first time.

Deadlines for submitting an application for admission of a child to first grade

Please keep in mind that depending on which school enrollment option you choose, your application deadline will vary. For example, an entry through the State Services portal opens approximately from December 15. That is, in order for your child to be able to start school on September 1, 2018, you can apply for admission to the first grade from December 15, 2017. The deadline for submitting an application for enrollment in a school may vary depending on the region.

Application deadlines in different cities of Russia may also differ, so find out more accurate information directly on the website of the educational institution of your choice, or on the website of the local education department.

There are different deadlines for those planning to apply in person. From the first of February Documents are accepted for children to attend the school at their place of registration. These first-graders are enrolled without waiting lists until until the first of July. By this time, the administration of the educational institution must post lists of all accepted children and the remaining free places. Until the fifth of September First-graders from other districts are being accepted. However, it often happens that by the beginning of summer all the places are occupied, so the administration may refuse children who do not live in the microdistrict where the chosen school is located. In some cases, the management of the educational institution agrees to a meeting, and, if there are free places, can admit your child to school, even if you do not live in that area. In this case, the application is accepted by the school administration from July 1 until the start of classes, but no later than September 5. However, in some cases schools may begin accepting applications for available places earlier than 1 July. Information about this will be posted on the school website.

How to enroll your child in school through State Services

The easiest way to enroll your child in school is through the State Services portal. Electronic registration via the Internet allows parents to save their time and register for school in literally fifteen minutes. Of course, for this you must be registered on the State Services portal and have a personal account there. The service is provided free of charge.

In order to carry out some operations in your personal account on the State Services portal, you must have a verified account.

There are three ways to do this:

  • by mail
  • in the multifunctional center “My Documents”
  • using an electronic signature or UEC.

The easiest and most accessible way to confirm your account in State Services is to contact the nearest branch of the Multifunctional Center (MFC “My Documents”). By contacting the MFC with your passport, you confirm your identity and your account on the State Services portal. After this, all services on the portal will open to you and you can start enrolling your child in school.

Please note that this service is not available in all regions of Russia.

What do you need to register your child electronically for first grade in 2018?

  • create an account on the State Services website and confirm it in one of three possible ways
  • select from the list a suitable educational institution that is available to you at the child’s registration address
  • form an application and send

If you have no problems with this, then all you have to do is fill out an electronic application indicating the chosen school. Keep in mind that electronic registration allows you to select up to three educational institutions, and one of them must be in your neighborhood, i.e., at the child’s place of registration. Scanned copies of documents must be attached to the application, and the originals must be delivered to the educational institution within three days.

To enroll your child in first grade via the Internet, you will need the following documents:

  • parent's identification document (usually a civil passport)
  • child's birth certificate
  • a document (certificate) confirming the child’s registration address (the address must match the one specified in the application)

It is noteworthy that the response to the application comes to your personal account and to the email address specified when registering on the State Services portal. If you are denied enrollment in an educational institution not in your neighborhood, then the school located next to your home will definitely be obliged to admit the child. Its administration will send you an invitation to first class in your personal account.

Attention! Submitting an application for enrollment in a school through the State Services website does not constitute the final admission of a child to first grade.

Registration for the first grade of a general education institution in 2018 is made on this page of the State Services portal

Advice: if you decide to submit applications electronically, carefully read the instructions on the State Services portal.

Enrollment in other classes of an educational institution

What documents are needed to register for first class in person?

If you are collecting a package of documents for a personal application to an educational institution, then you will also need the originals. and copies. Naturally, you will take the originals with you, and copies will be attached to the application. Mandatory documents that must be provided immediately include the following:

  • an application from the parents or any other authorized representative of the child (to be filled out on the spot);
  • birth certificate (you must have the original and a copy on hand);
  • the passport of the person writing the application and its copy (in the case of formalized guardianship, you will need papers confirming this fact);
  • a certificate of the child’s place of residence and a copy of it (the address must match what you indicated in the application).

If you submit an application electronically through the State Services portal, then the list of documents will remain the same, with the only difference being that you will not need copies of documents for electronic registration.

Parents should also know that until the thirtieth of August You must bring to school:

  • insurance policy for a future first-grader
  • two color photographs
  • medical card with vaccination certificate.

The last document causes some difficulties for a certain category of parents. The fact is that children who go to preschool receive a medical card on the spot. Parents will only have to reassure her from their local pediatrician. But children who were educated at home until first grade will undergo a medical examination on a general basis by appointment. This process often takes several months and may not be completed by the deadline indicated on the school website due to the fact that many specialists go on vacation during the summer. Therefore, parents of such children should take care of a medical examination in advance. If you have the opportunity, you can undergo a medical examination in a private clinic. Here you will also receive a vaccination certificate. Parents who oppose vaccinations will immediately have a refusal form pasted into their child’s medical record.

This question is almost the most important for the mother and father of the future first-grader. After all, quite a lot depends on which educational institution your child will go to, and therefore his choice should be taken as seriously and responsibly as possible. We offer you several criteria by which you can and should choose your future school:

  • Teacher. Often parents want to go to first grade with a certain teacher who has an impeccable reputation. And this approach is correct, because the first-grader’s attitude towards school and the educational process as a whole will depend on the first teacher. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a teacher, talk to your friends, listen to reviews and get to know the teacher personally. From him you will receive information about the school curriculum in which students will be trained and about other important nuances of the educational process. By talking to the teacher in person, you can get an idea of ​​his temperament. After all, sometimes failures in mastering the material are a direct consequence of discrepancies in the psychotypes of the teacher and the student. For example, a melancholic first-grader will find it difficult in the lessons of an active teacher with a choleric or sanguine psychotype.
  • Rating of the educational institution. These lists are updated annually and are compiled according to several criteria. If your chosen school takes a leading position in the ranking every year, it is worth considering it as an educational institution for your child.