Marriage fiction where everyone turned out to be honest. “Marriage Fiction” - real people or actors

It's clear that this is a setup! I'll take it in order:

firstly, I don’t know any people who, having learned that they were being watched and filmed with the permission of their better half, would not have punched that half in the face and would not have sued the whole gang that was running around with cameras around!
To film a person, you need permission from the person being filmed; a husband or wife cannot give this, they do not have the right to decide such issues for another person.

secondly, well, listen to how the characters and the presenters speak! It is clear to a fool that he is muttering a pre-prepared text! You can hear it in the intonation! There is most likely no money for expensive actors who can speak without falsehood, so either students of theater institutions or, by advertisement, people who dream of “becoming famous” participate. But alas and ah, neither the actors nor the presenters have enough skill!

thirdly, “talking on the walkie-talkie.” This is absolutely hilarious! It will only work for those who have never heard real conversations on the radio: security guards, taxi drivers, police, etc. Don't talk on the radio so long and at length, it clogs the channel! Where are the call signs, excuse me? People working with a walkie-talkie must have call signs in order to understand who you are talking to and who exactly is talking to you! In addition, any schoolchild has the opportunity with a children's device to go to the channel of super-specialists and cause a stir! It is unlikely that they use encrypted channels; permission to use them must be obtained from the police and government. If they use public channels, then where is the interference from the overlap of neighboring channels, for example, the same channel of truckers? Brad, in short...

Fourthly, equipment. Cameras and hidden microphones. Where does a mediocre program get so much money? Can we also include here the salaries of those people who carry out surveillance, they follow the object around the clock? I am silent about everything else.

Even if you go crazy and assume that this action is not a setup, but filmed with real people, then the feeling is disgusting!!!

I don't understand those people who publicly allow to strangers meddle in his life and shake his dirty laundry in front of the cameras for the amusement of the whole country! Yes, people eat... Unless they are very smart people.

I would burn with shame if the whole country were shown the difficulties of my personal life, isn’t it a shame for those who start hunting for their other half?

How else have the organizers of this program not been inundated with lawsuits from the cheating parties for illegal filming, interference in privacy and, by the way, the blame for the broken family can also be pinned on them!

Moreover, winning such a case is a piece of cake, plus, let’s not forget the moral damage. However, it will need to be confirmed by certificates from doctors about poor health, receipts for medicines and a divorce certificate.

A very stupid and disgusting program, I came across it a couple of times while flipping through channels, the impression was formed, I won’t watch it again even at gunpoint!

Don't let yourself be fooled!

This TV show on the DTV channel evokes a strong reaction from viewers. Champions of morality are indignant: ugh, what disgusting - spying on people and convicting them of adultery. Hunters of the “little yellow”, on the contrary, do not miss a single episode of the program, hoping to see someone they know in it.

The program has become so popular that it has now been decided to show it daily. On weekdays, channel viewers DTV can see a program with new presenters, and on weekends Denis Grebenyuk And Grigory Kulagin“they go hunting” for unfaithful spouses.

About what happens behind the scenes popular program– in an exclusive conversation between a Vokrug TV correspondent and presenters Grigory Kulagin and Denis Grebenyuk.

If the investigation machine is running, the truth cannot be hidden!
- Denis, Grigory, where did the idea of ​​​​creating such a show come from - is it a Western or Russian format?

DG: The format, if I may say so, is global...
GK: ...And the idea lay, as they say, on the surface. It was a sin not to use it, which is what we did. We know that similar programs exist on television in other countries. I wouldn’t like to praise myself, but it seems that we managed to create a project with a very strong detective and psychological component.

This is true. But many accuse your program of having dummy participants who are only acting out “treason” in front of the cameras.

DG: We show real events happening to real people.

- The problem of jealousy is a problem of self-love. Do people with complexes turn to you?

GK: There are a lot of clients, however, for us they are not a homogeneous mass. We analyze each case in detail and recommend something that can save a person from the investigation. Yes, yes, we are trying to dissuade them, because if the investigation machine is running, the truth will sooner or later be revealed. While being ready for the beginning, not everyone is ready to find out the whole truth, to understand “how everything started.” Among our clients was a magician who suspected his assistant wife; a student who reported a lustful professor; a lot of office workers - a sign of the times. Were beautiful girls- it was difficult to imagine that they could be cheated on. And he was even gay.
DG: Not all cases that we deal with end up on air: we try not to shock Russians, who for the most part are rarely loyal to “same-sex” preferences - so such cases are rarely aired.

- Who comes with suspicions more often – husbands or wives? Are there many such people or do you look for them during the day?

GK: The percentage of husbands and wives who come to us is almost equal. The girls are a little more worried. And we have a lot of clients, we don’t have to look for them.
DG: We receive a lot of letters, and people just come up on the streets asking how and where to apply to get into the program. I responsibly declare that all applications received by the program’s e-mail box are considered.

How a twin framed his brother

- Grigory, how are observations carried out - where do you start, where do you end?

GK: We usually start with external surveillance, looking at who the suspect communicates with and where he goes. Often the first days become productive. If there is no clarity, we use “heavy artillery” - hidden cameras, wiretapping, special mobile communications equipment. And, of course, our main trump card is talented operatives.

- Do you exclude the possibility of error - the person is faithful, and you have collected evidence to the contrary?

GK: This cannot be. Although there was a case - we were following a person, and his twin brother was cheating. But this is already from the category of exotic, of course.
DG: Yes, the girl who contacted us knew nothing about the fact that her husband had a brother - the brothers had a complicated relationship.
Well, to the exotic cases we can add a recent attempt to prank us: a young man came to the program, who then, in the process of our observation of his wife, transformed, “played” her lover. In the new television season, viewers will see this amusing episode of the program and find out whether we managed to guess everything.

We are constantly threatened

Isn't it disgusting to rummage through someone else's dirty laundry? How do you relax after a particularly dramatic shoot? What kind of “protection” do you put on your psyche?

GK: We love sports, and sometimes a little wine in the evenings wouldn’t hurt.
DG: Keyword- "A little". As for “dirty laundry”, this is, without a doubt, an amusing cliche, but I would not apply it to what we do. There are dirty laundry, and there are problems in people's relationships - and sometimes they need help sorting them out. Well, protecting the psyche is a matter of habit, although it’s not always possible to immediately disengage.

Aren't you afraid of ruining other people's lives? The feeling of responsibility and guilt does not torment you, because there are different, accidental betrayals?

GK: Since a person contacted us, it means he suspected something. If the betrayal was accidental, the program will not work at all; constant communication is necessary for the investigation. But we don’t destroy other people’s lives—they do everything themselves.
DG: We don’t hang labels and don’t blame “traitors” for all their sins. If the betrayal was accidental or other arguments in defense of the cheater are obvious, we always present them to our client. Having calmed down a little, man of sense will probably accept correct solution: It just takes time sometimes. We simply help to find out the truth: but it just so happens that we state its emotional moments. And people’s lives, as you say, are ruined not by the truth, but by the lies that they initially decide to commit at some point.

- What about revenge on the part of those who were deceived and deceived? Didn't they threaten you or try to bribe you?

GK: We understand the world we live in. You shouldn’t try to seem the bravest and talk everywhere about your own fearlessness. Of course, we fear for our lives; people are different. You just need to be prepared for different turns of events.
DG: The faces of those people we can’t find mutual language During the filming process, the audience, as you know, does not see: special “masks” are applied. We do not show the faces of people who do not agree to this: in this way, we brush aside a certain number of problems. We are more often able to come to an agreement with those whose faces you see. You have to hear threats, yes. But you need to understand at what moment they sound: often they are only emotions.

Sex is not proof of guilt

- People say: a good leftist strengthens a marriage. Has it ever happened that your clients have forgiven cheaters?

GK: Of course, and we are proud of such episodes. You can learn more about these cases from special issues"Marriage Fiction." There we talk about what happened to our heroes over time.

- Who compromises more often in relationships – a man or a woman?

GK: Women are more inclined to compromise, although immediately after the truth comes to the surface, no one is ready for a constructive dialogue. Need time.
DG: We must understand that a compromise is a kind of temporary measure. Sometimes it takes wisdom to find it, sometimes compromise is nothing more than a delusion. One of the partners may perceive it as an indulgence.

- What do partners appeal to when trying to save their family: children, money, years?

GK: Children, if you have them, and, oddly enough, living space.
DG: Children - yes, living space - sometimes, but the years - indeed, sometimes do not allow everything to be crossed out at once.

Men, when they are caught cheating, often say a mysterious phrase: “She means nothing to me. It's just sex." What is absolute, 100% proof of betrayal for you?

GK: Probably still sex, but to a greater extent and what people say to each other.
DG: Sex is not always a betrayal, but its fact hurts the most and, unfortunately, is never forgotten.

Man is the executioner of his own happiness

- Tell me the most terrible story of broken happiness.

GK: The most scary tale for each his own, man is the architect of his own happiness, himself and his executioner.
DG: Yes, it would be quite cynical to divide stories into less and more terrible: it is always someone’s tragedy - although worse things happen in life.

- Have you become disillusioned with the institution of marriage in general?

DG: I wasn’t disappointed, because I know many positive examples of it. I think so do you. You know, sudden movements are not always useful. Let’s say that in some specific case, from the outside it seems that the wife who cheated on her husband did it cynically and maliciously. Even if after this we want to tell her husband: “Old man, well, you see, she doesn’t love you: leave her,” we still ask the person the question: “And if she repents, what will you do?” Not everyone has the determination to break up, even if in front of the camera the person gives the impression of being decisive - knowing what to do. But the moment will come when a person will be left alone with the need to make a decision, and this is where the main difficulties will arise. It still seems to me that in some cases it is useful to break up: happiness is definitely ahead, you yourself are its author.

You have been taught by the bitter experiences of many people. What conclusions did you draw for yourself? Are you married? With what eyes do you look at your companions - as potential “cheaters”?

DG: We look at our companions as those whom we can, need and enjoy trusting – which is what we advise everyone to do!

- Top tip married people?

GK: Give each other joy.
DG: Nothing to add!

Interviewed Irina Davidenko

The windows are resting =)

exposes human vices, curious at first

nonsense, invasion of privacy, washing dirty laundry for the whole country, obvious staging

How much [oh] television dumps on us every day! And he gives it away at face value. This show is supposedly based on real events! Sorry, but how stupid do you have to be to send your problems somewhere, to some lousy program? I am sure that millions of people would prefer to figure out the current situation themselves.
Let's start with the fact that the presenters behave like a fan. They reek of falsehood. Well, they don’t like their brainchild.
The people responsible for the monitoring equipment... are clearly starving students who are paid 500 rubles.
All this surveillance is like a matinee in kindergarten. And even then, the performances there are much better. Well, really, the girl/guy doesn’t notice how a strange guy is following them from the very house?!?!
What about breaking into an apartment/car to install hidden cameras? Yes, they are simply professionals at breaking into other people's apartments!
And finally, what makes this show worth watching. Fight. In this program, just like in the Windows program with Dmitry Nagiyev, oh, you're a mess and you're off...
And the finale? The viewer, stunned by the battles between the spouses, is given the finale - what happened next, how they solved their problems. And then everything is sad - a husband with knocked out teeth, a mistress in a cemetery, a lover castrated, a wife in intensive care, and in general they are all happy.

People get paid to play

If you remember the criminal code, it will immediately become clear that this program is the role of actors. Like all courts. All this is done for the people, so that they can watch, learn and not get caught. Nowadays detective agencies are very common; they monitor and extract information. Remember, no one has the right to listen or film you without your consent. This is considered an illegal invasion of privacy. And even more so, disclose or show this information to strangers. Those. It turns out that in order to release a true program like this, the authors would have to write and request a bunch of permissions, half of which would be banned and such actions would be considered illegal.
You can watch it like wow, or how to avoid getting caught cheating. And the best thing is to love each other and not change.

Cheap staging!

Watch the episode 2011 01 12 film time 23:08 and you will see a hidden camera on the door of NIVA to piss yourself!!!
The “object” is being watched on foot by 4 agents, although one of them is dead))), and the installation of hidden cameras))), and such emotions are “not feigned”))), and the conversation on the radio is finally a hit!!!
Well, the presenters are above all praise!

Why is everyone disgusted, they themselves are no less good

exposes human vices

I'm not sure this isn't staged

"Marriage Fiction"or something else, but it doesn’t matter, you can come up with a lot of different names, such programs have always been and will be, for one simple reason, that only there all human vices are exposed, only by watching this program can you say what kind she (a) scoundrel, so cruelly deceived her beloved, and in the meantime you can sit in an embrace with your mistress and discuss it together.

I don’t speak for everyone, but I myself know which of my friends, acquaintances or even neighbors walk right or left, pretending that they are faithful and devoted only to their spouse, and here you don’t even need to hire any special agents, many and for free, especially envious people will hiss behind your back that “horns” are sprouting on you.
Thanks to this program, I hope that many people will think about it and understand how disgusting it is to deceive a person, because you yourself can be deceived at any moment.
And I don’t care if it’s a show or reality, human vices remain unchanged.

Cheap abomination

nonsense, I’m not sure that this is not a staged act, washing out dirty laundry for the whole country

Ugh! I can't stand this show. I watched it a couple of times purely by chance, and now if I come across it, I try to change the channel as quickly as possible at the speed of light. She is disgusting through and through, and it doesn’t matter to me at all whether it’s a setup or not. In any case, I have no idea what level you have to stoop to to watch this. Personally, everything about it irritates me: the stupid dialogues on the radio and between the participants, with such a serious look, as if they were engaged in government espionage; The participants are annoying, both those who supposedly “apply” there and those who are being observed. Both of them demonstrate a low decline in morals: those who “order” surveillance, and those who “cheat.” Both are disgusting. These also irritate me final scenes, when “all the cards are revealed” and the “offended party” throws a scandal. This is just out! Personally, it’s unpleasant for me to observe other people’s hysterics at the level of market traders, half-naked girls of dubious appearance and degraded men who cannot even put two words together, are not responsible for anything, and often throw hysterics no worse than women. Of course, I understand that for every product there is a buyer. But still, television is a structure that can influence the views of society and raise or, on the contrary, lower it cultural level. This same transfer simply completely decomposes him.

Vile setup!

nonsense, invasion of privacy, washing dirty laundry for the whole country

It's clear that this is a setup! I'll take it in order:

firstly, I don’t know any people who, having learned that they were being watched and filmed with the permission of their better half, would not have punched that half in the face and would not have sued the whole gang that was running around with cameras around!
To film a person, you need permission from the person being filmed; a husband or wife cannot give this, they do not have the right to decide such issues for another person.

secondly, well, listen to how the characters and the presenters speak! It is clear to a fool that he is muttering a pre-prepared text! You can hear it in the intonation! There is most likely no money for expensive actors who can speak without falsehood, so either students of theater institutions or, by advertisement, people who dream of “becoming famous” participate. But alas and ah, neither the actors nor the presenters have enough skill!

thirdly, “talking on the walkie-talkie.” This is absolutely hilarious! It will only work for those who have never heard real conversations on the radio: security guards, taxi drivers, police, etc. Don't talk on the radio so long and at length, it clogs the channel! Where are the call signs, excuse me? People working with a walkie-talkie must have call signs in order to understand who you are talking to and who exactly is talking to you! In addition, any schoolchild has the opportunity with a children's device to go to the channel of super-specialists and cause a stir! It is unlikely that they use encrypted channels; permission to use them must be obtained from the police and government. If they use public channels, then where is the interference from the overlap of neighboring channels, for example, the same channel of truckers? Brad, in short...

Fourthly, equipment. Cameras and hidden microphones. Where does a mediocre program get so much money? Can we also include here the salaries of those people who carry out surveillance, they follow the object around the clock? I am silent about everything else.

Even if you go crazy and assume that this action is not a setup, but filmed with real people, then the feeling is disgusting!!!

I don’t understand those people who publicly allow strangers to meddle in their lives and shake their dirty laundry in front of the cameras for the amusement of the whole country! Yes, people eat... Unless they are very smart people.

I would burn with shame if the whole country were shown the difficulties of my personal life, isn’t it a shame for those who start hunting for their other half?

How else have the organizers of this program not been bombarded with lawsuits from the cheating parties for illegal filming, interference in private life, and, by the way, the blame for a broken family can also be pinned on them!

Moreover, winning such a case is a piece of cake, plus, let’s not forget the moral damage. However, it will need to be confirmed by certificates from doctors about poor health, receipts for medicines and a divorce certificate.

A very stupid and disgusting program, I came across it a couple of times while flipping through channels, the impression was formed, I won’t watch it again even at gunpoint!

Don't let yourself be fooled!

Well, if it’s true, then it certainly surprises me how people decide to take such a step. After all, in essence, personal life is affected (albeit sometimes immoral) and space of people, and is broadcast throughout the country. After such reality shows, it seems to me that there is simply no place for a normal marriage anymore. After all, these people who were followed continue to live they can be seen by acquaintances, friends, employers... This may actually be a stain on the whole life, and who then break this life.
The presenters consider their mission to be kind of noble - they help people not to be deceived and not to become cuckolds. But it seems to me that in order to identify betrayal, it is not necessary to hire a whole squad of detectives. Of course, it will take more time without them, but there is no need to disgrace the whole camp .
In general, at first it was interesting to watch, as if it was something new. But then it somehow became disgusting. Just another rinsing of dirty laundry, nothing more.

We had problems with the complaint submission module, we fixed everything, so if something doesn’t work, you can write again and apologize for the inconvenience. Your opinion is important to us, leave comments.

How legal are the actions of journalists, are the privacy of personal life violated? P.s. Please do not question whether this is a show or not. Just assess the situation. They either install a hidden camera, or secretly record conversations, etc.

Secondly, I’ve been on stage since childhood, and I know well what it’s like to play life situations, so I’m 100% sure these are not actors. Marriage Reading” - well done, keep it up. It's all pure bullshit :))) Shown with different angles plot…. In my opinion, the presenters of this program are themselves preoccupied, who have not had anything sexually for a long time. BECAUSE THEY JUST CAN’T :)))) But you have to earn money somehow. Lish sometimes finds it interesting to watch this show if there is nothing else to do.

In parallel with the performance of our students, filming was going on television programs for the DTV channel “Marriage Fiction” and the TVC channel for the program “In the Center of Attention”. By the way, similar experience acting Already visited our girls who recently took part in the filming of the action-packed series “Detective Brothers”. As a child, I had two favorite programs: Windows and Forbidden Zone (on TNT)…

Of course, I agree that DTV is unlikely to kill the rating program itself. No one will spend huge amounts of money on real surveillance, no one will risk getting sued to protect their privacy, and all this for the sake of 10 minutes of video that is shown to us on the program. It’s absolutely impossible to watch the new ones!!! I'm afraid almost everyone doesn't like it - no one will watch (I definitely turn it off when I see Irina or Vladimir, I don't even watch showdowns), the program will lose its rating and it will be closed. I also believe that there is no need to insult anyone, although Irina infuriates me no less than many of the citizens gathered here.

Justice is truth in action” - every episode of the program begins with this quote from Joseph Joubert. On Videomore you can watch the program “Marriage Fiction” for free in good quality.

To film a person, you need permission from the person being filmed; a husband or wife cannot give this, they do not have the right to decide such issues for another person. But alas and ah, neither the actors nor the presenters have enough skill! In addition, any schoolchild has the opportunity with a children's device to go to the channel of super-specialists and cause a stir! If you remember the criminal code, it will immediately become clear that this program is the role of actors.

Episode structure

And sometimes you see such people - it’s immediately clear that the game is very bad. Write to the moderator - in the upper left corner is home-personal-suggestions-exit. Removing information from the user is possible only with the consent of the editors.

Almost all the episodes followed the same pattern - in private detective agency a client approached who suspected his spouse or partner of cheating. After this, the preliminary results were communicated to the client, after which the client almost always agreed to further investigation. Then this video information was conveyed to the client, who almost always staged a scene of jealousy, which was also demonstrated.

My favorite is Marriage Fiction. I've been watching it since season 1. But my aunt begged me to watch Marriage Fiction with her, and I also really got involved. The program Marriage Fiction introduces something fresh and unusual into my life! Thanks to Marriage Fiction, I fall out of the ordinary!

The young men, one of whom has a surprisingly nasty goatee in the form of a thin stripe on his chin, show the material to the client. Second point: I don’t know the law on private investigative activities, but I doubt that detectives have, for example, the right to install hidden cameras in other people’s apartments, offices, etc. And now a damn lot of paper is covered with reports about her movements: The Goat stopped at one store, ate this, bought that. It even seems to me that they came up with half of it.

If this program is of the same plan, it’s definitely a production. The whole staged show...maybe they just take some real life story and make a performance out of it. Proof of this, they have already said here that our old friend Tikhomirov was featured in one of the issues of marriage fiction... Today, or rather yesterday, I already saw our mutual friend Tikhomirov!

Good evening! And the show, I don’t remember verbatim, is conducted by judges, the participants are the prosecutor’s office, like criminals. And think not only about the meaning of the concept of “secret”, but also about the most important thing - what are the consequences of its disclosure. This was written hastily, “for the elite,” and practical application These “norms” in “broad” jurisprudence are still a long time coming. This is interesting: in England the concept of medical confidentiality is described on 48 pages... A fragment of personal life - yes. Secret personal life - definitely yes, and for outsiders its disclosure (against the will of the person) is theoretically punishable. If this fact becomes known to the other party under the law on operational-search activities, then it becomes a family secret...

This TV show on the DTV channel evokes a strong reaction from viewers. On weekdays, viewers of the DTV channel can see a program with new presenters, and on weekends Denis Grebenyuk and Grigory Kulagin “go out hunting” for unfaithful spouses. Denis, Grigory, where did the idea of ​​creating such a show come from - is it a Western or Russian format? GK: There are a lot of clients, however, for us they are not a homogeneous mass. We analyze each case in detail and recommend something that can save a person from the investigation.

For this purpose, the program Marriage Fiction was created, the hosts of which are busy investigating cases of adultery. The alleged traitor will be under professional surveillance and, with the help of the latest listening equipment, the fact of adultery will be established or refuted.