First singing lessons for children. Teaching singing to children of preschool age. Each ability develops to a greater or lesser extent in various types of musical activity: perception, performance, creativity. Wide possibilities in forming

Safarova Olga Vladimirovna, musical director of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3"

One of the tasks of integration educational areas"Music" and "Health", is to preserve and enhance the physical and mental health of children. My task is like music director– create full-fledged conditions for maintaining the health of children, develop interest in activities that include health-saving technologies, introduce these technologies into the daily educational process and consolidate the skills and abilities of children in order to improve physical health, voice and music data, as well as the health of the child’s psyche and comfortable state in the educational process.

Play on metallophones your own combinations of intonations and rhythms and try to reproduce them in singing

Among all the activities your child has to choose from sports and dancing to book clubs and intelligence - should it be signed or taught? If you have an interest, private lessons can become great way introduce them to music and gain self-confidence. But apart from valuable musical talent that your child may develop, consider any additional benefits you may not have thought of.

I will dwell on the use of health-saving technologies in the process of learning to sing.

VOICE is a kind of indicator of human health. Owners strong voice are generally in good health. Singing is useful in any case, even if there is neither hearing nor voice. This excellent tool to relieve internal stress and for self-expression. Correctly delivered singing has a positive effect on the formation of posture, strengthening of the vocal cords, respiratory and articulatory apparatus. Vocal lessons actively develop children's voice, expand its range, improve mobility, intonational flexibility, timbre brilliance. Children doing singing activity more responsive, emotional, receptive and sociable. Possession of the voice makes it possible to momentarily express your feelings in singing. And this emotional outburst charges the child with vital energy.

Increased self-esteem Improved learning and focus skills Enhanced brain function, math skills and general intelligence Enhanced listening, speaking and communication skills Enhanced leadership skills Enhanced artistic awareness and creativity Enhanced ability to express ideas and communicate with others through music. With this little peek into what singing lessons can do for your child, the next important question which you are probably asking is: The price is not set in stone, of course.

Exercises are distinguished by a variety of harmonic coloring, melodic turns, bright musical images.

Why do some voice teachers charge a higher rate than others? Consider the following factors. The first major factor is the specific experience of your teacher. Sometimes youth voice teachers charge a higher rate because this age group requires a special teaching method. Especially for children under 10 years old, the teacher needs patience and experience to keep the student's interest and hone them. musical ability. Ultimately, finding a voice teacher who is good with kids is critical to your child's success and deserves the extra fees they may charge for their specialty.

Working with sound (pitch, longitude, strength), rhythm, breathing, intervals, emotionally expressive, figurative saturation of the song not only leads to a psychotherapeutic effect, but also forms, corrects a person’s personality, increases immunity to stress, harmonizing the interaction of all the most important zones.

Consider the child's singing range when choosing a singing repertoire.

You can find a family friend who loves to sing and is good with children, but these two qualities alone do not make a qualified voice teacher. Instead, you'll want to choose an instructor who has formal training. Some teachers have a certificate that they have earned in a few months, while others may have completed a bachelor's or master's degree in music that took four years or more to earn. The more training and experience a voice teacher has, the more they can charge.

Student proficiency. . If your child hasn't taken singing lessons in the past, you can probably find an instructor who teaches beginner-to-intermediate material. No matter what level of knowledge the instructors say they are teaching, however, look for someone who uses a proven teaching technique with some evidence of why it works. Specific methods you want your child to learn from early stage, include proper breathing, staying on the pitch, voice projection, and vocal endurance.

Carefully use the extreme sounds of its operating range.

The condition under which the correct singing sound of the voice is possible is the singing attitude (the correct posture of the child while singing). With the correct position of the body, an installation is developed to use the breath in an organized manner, while the muscles of the larynx have the opportunity to develop and strengthen properly.

You might assume that you need to work with a vocal teacher who is proficient in the style you want your child to learn - be it opera, country, gospel, broadway, classical or jazz. While it is true that there is a huge difference between a country singer and opera singer, standard basic techniques serve as building blocks for all types of singing styles. Keep this in mind as your child grows and their singing talent expands. Until then, choosing a teacher who can teach the basics is a perfectly adequate choice - and can often save you money.

Singing- an ideal treatment for children with speech disorders, improves their articulation and rhythm. With the help of vocals, you can influence the internal organs - after all, while singing, children have a soft massage of the throat, vibration occurs in the lungs, which in turn affects blood circulation. Singing relieves stress and helps children get rid of fears.

Of course, the length of your lesson will also affect the price you pay. Children tend to have a smaller attention span than adults, which is why most youth voice educators recommend starting with 30-minute or 45-minute sessions. As your child progresses to more advanced methods, it is recommended to increase the length to an hour, allowing more warm-up time at the beginning of the lesson. Of course, consult your teacher for his recommendation on this matter.

If you live in an area of ​​the country with a higher cost of living, you can expect your singing lessons to be more expensive. teachers living in big cities tend to have higher rates than in smaller rural areas. However, this does not necessarily mean that you are at the mercy of higher rates if you live in New York or Los Angeles. Another option is to sign your child up to take lessons with a teacher who leads in live, in video chat. This could be the perfect solution and save the chauffeur from your child with another weekly activity.

Singing with previous breathing exercises has a psychotherapeutic, healing and even healing effect on children: it has a positive effect on metabolic processes; contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system; improves the drainage function of the bronchi; restores disturbed nasal breathing; corrects various deformities developed in the course of diseases chest and spine.

So, are you ready to get your child on the path to developing his or her natural singing talent? Now that you know the answer to the question "How many singing lessons for children?", you can move on to the next step - find your teacher! With a great singing teacher guiding your child along, you can set him or her up for success - and a lifetime of learning and fun!

If your son or daughter loves to sing, a private teacher can teach him or her how to sing properly and be excited about learning! Shaking tense muscles, dancing to the beat, making animal sounds, keeping it simple, opening your heart is something kids do naturally all the time.

In music lessons, along with the developments of B. Tolkachev and K. Buteyko, it is possible to use simple exercises A.N. Strelnikova.

Also interesting is the fact that in Lately the theory of the tremendous influence began to be confirmed vocal singing on the body. During the performance of the song, there is a soft massage of the throat, vocal folds, lungs, bronchi, diaphragm, which, of course, trains and strengthens the human body, develops the vocal apparatus, speech, and regulates breathing. And the sound absorbed by other internal organs stimulates their work.

The education program is carried out during the entire stay of the child in kindergarten in all regime processes, in games, in the classroom, in his free time

This, in turn, makes it easier for most children to learn how to sing correctly and properly. Be that as it may, it can sometimes seem difficult to find ways to effectively support your young singer. Here is a list of 10 ways to support your child.

Coordination of hearing and voice is the most important condition for the development of children's singing abilities

People, especially children, will strive to match the quality that is expected or even just called them. Telling your child that you are proud of them simply for choosing to take or name this song, that they worked on "beautiful", can make their whole week. On the other hand, one harsh, overly critical word could make him want to quit altogether.

Powerful positive influence music affects both healthy and sick children. Often aggressive, with unpredictable behavior, children, having crossed the threshold music hall, transform, listen, calm down.

I teach children to sing freely and easily, their voice develops and strengthens, lingering songs that develop breathing are especially useful for children.

Encourage healthy conversational habits

What we call "voice" is really a group of different muscles and tissues working together to create sound. They can be quite resistant in adults, but in children they can be easily damaged, sometimes temporarily and sometimes permanently. Encourage your child to learn and practice healthy conversational habits.

No whispering No screaming No vocal boy. No tension or belt. Listen for the swelling of the vocal folds - the uneven vocal tone, the breath, the roughness - and have your child enter the " low voice for several days, where their voice is warm but low. She could pretend to be talking to a secret tale or bug right in front of her nose.

Learning a song with children occurs mainly in the traditional way - on chairs in front of the teacher, as well as standing or sitting on the floor or carpet in the form of a circle. For the pupils to become interested, it is necessary to show the song and learn it in a playful way.

Game options for displaying the song.

1. Showing a song with movements - pauses.

Selecting and learning songs

"Healthy Diet" means something different for everyone. One that supports singing includes a variety of non-dairy fluids for hydration, raw vegetable and fruits to fight inflammation in the vocal folds and surrounding tissues, and to focus and concentrate the fish. But what's great about highly nutritious food is that it can even make a difference. Sit down with your child, look at her schedule and plan workout sessions. They are not very long, but they should be daily. The sense of self-awareness affects the singer's voice more than anything, so try to give some space.

2.Showing the song "with transformations"

3. Showing the song while the children are relaxing.

4. Demonstration of the song with the help of metric movements (claps, slaps).

5. Showing the song in combination with hand movements along the phrases.

In all variants, songs are shown without musical accompaniment, children involuntarily memorize the melody and words, and gradually begin to sing along themselves.

Feel the live music together

That is, if your child does not invite the audience! So much of the music our kids experience these days is on the phone or tablet. Give your child a special gift to experience live music with you. This gives you the opportunity to talk about it together: what did you like? Just as your child is critical of music, even if you're not a musician yourself, it's so important that the music is fun and interesting.

Download funny music games to your devices

They are fun, educational and easy to digest. Your small man will know her musical alphabet by heart in the blink of an eye. Even keyboards that are not full 88 keys are useful for singers, especially younger ones. The voice is a musical instrument that is essentially itself human body so being able to go to an external tool for help and support can be really helpful.

Song learning options

Stage 1 (1-2 lessons)

Getting to know the song

Methodical methods: conversation, performance of the song as a whole, explanation of the nature, means of musical expression.

Stage 2 (from 3 to 6 lessons)

Learning a song, working on vocal and choral skills, sound formation, diction, singing breathing, intonation.

Musicality of B.M. Teplov considers it as "... a component of musical talent, which is necessary for engaging in musical activity, unlike any other and at the same time necessary for any type of musical activity"

Getting kids to understand vocal language like "space" or "registers" can be challenging. Pretending to be concrete animals like an owl to show off an open, floating, and well-supported sound can be a lot of fun and encourages your child's teacher to be the teacher. Check with your child's teacher for more exercises.

Methodical methods:

Stage 3 (1 - 2 lessons)

Consolidation, repetition.

Methodological techniques

The main activities at the speech stage.

Stage 1 (1-2 lessons)

Getting to know the song

performed by the teacher or recorded.

Methodical methods: conversation, performance of the song as a whole, explanation of character,

Synopsis of directly organized vocal activities in the middle group “raindrops”

If you or someone in your home smokes, then consider only smoking outside or in the garage. Secondhand smoke is harmful in many ways, especially in the voice. Be a parent who attends big concerts and concerts. Knowing your mom and dad in the audience means the world to a child.

You, as a parent, could be the most important part of your child's vocal education. The trust and confidence your child instills in you every day is so precious. Use it wisely to motivate, nurture and guide your young singer and she will learn much more than just how to carry a tune.

means of musical expression.

Stage 2 (from 3 to 6 lessons)

Learning a song, working on vocal and choral skills, sound production,

diction, singing breathing, intonation.

Methodical methods: explanations, clarifications, imitation method, hand gesture,

clapping rhythm, singing in syllables, musical phrases, game tasks.

Stage 3 (1 - 2 lessons)

Consolidation, repetition.

Methodological techniques: singing in rows, subgroups, in a chain, in roles, with soloists,

without musical instrument, with attributes, staging songs, musical

riddles (guess the song by rhythmic pattern, singing of a musical instrument).

Learning to sing while playing.

At this stage and in the future, it is very important to apply game ways formation of coordination of hearing and singing voice.

We play "Names - echo" singing voice:

1. The teacher sings the name of the child in a convenient (primary) sound for everyone, the children repeat,

then the sound is taken a semitone higher.

2. The teacher sings the name of the child on one sound, fly sing on the same sound, but affectionately,

then sing the sound a semitone higher.

3. The teacher sings the name of the child in two small sounds

thirds (from top to bottom).

4. The teacher sings the name of the child on two sounds of a small third - the children repeat, but sing in

different pace, kindly.

You can sing the names of toys, the words "mom", "hello", etc.

At this stage and in the future, it is very important to apply game methods of forming

Singing skills include working on vocal and choral skills.

Vocal skills are the interaction of sound production, breathing and diction.

Choral skills are the interaction of ensemble and tuning.

The basis of vocal and choral technique is the skill of correct singing breathing, since the quality of the sound of the voice depends on it. Breathing exercises play important role in the health care system for preschool children. The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons are:

    Strengthening the physiological breathing of children (without speech).

    Strength training for inhalation and exhalation.

    Development of expiratory duration.

The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself, one’s body, makes it possible to charge with vivacity, maintain high performance. In addition, breathing exercises have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body.

For breathing exercises, I use imaginary objects (smell a flower, puff like a steam locomotive) and Handout(feathers, snowflakes, butterflies, etc.

I do breathing exercises figuratively - game form.

To sing beautifully, you need to develop the skill of expressive diction. To do this, I use: exercises of articulation gymnastics, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, speech games and exercises, finger games.

The main goal of articulatory gymnastics is the development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation. Articulatory gymnastics (Kulikovskaya, Kartushina) helps: eliminate tension and stiffness of the articulatory muscles; warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility; develop facial expressions, articulatory motor skills; develop expressive diction.I conduct articulation gymnastics using illustrations, presentations, toys and pictures.

Finger games are another necessary technique in the classroom. In my work I use finger games with singing (GUSEVA, E.A. PODDUBNOY) The synthesis of movement, speech and music pleases children and allows you to conduct classes most effectively.

The result of the work is to increase the level of development of children's speech, singing skills, improve musical memory, attention.

From valeological chants all music classes begin. Simple texts (including from Lazarev's "Hello" program) and melodies consisting of sounds major scale within the fifth, cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the surrounding world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom, prepare the voice and body for singing and movement.

When working with children, I use valeological chants (O. Arsenevskaya, M.Yu. Kartushina). I start all my music lessons with them. These are simple songs that set a positive tone, improve the emotional climate, cheer up, and prepare the voice for singing. For example: " Good morning!”, “Hello palms”


Working on purity of intonation great attention I devote to chanting, i.e. I include singing exercises, which are an excellent auxiliary material in teaching children to sing and contribute to the development musical ear and voices. The systematic use of these exercises contributes to the development of a natural, easy sounding voice and purity of intonation.

I use the technique of game chanting Evtodieva A.A.

Game chanting is multifunctional:1. Thanks to visibility (which is important for children with visual impairment) and game situation, it develops children's figurative imagination, children's conscious comprehension right choice voices in connection with voicing familiar characters, i.e. pure intonation.

2. Forms self-control, the ability to analyze your singing and the singing of your comrades;

3. Develops diction, articulation, breathing in singing;

4. Develops Creative skills children, builds skills theatrical activities, since game chanting involves acting out theatrical sketches using various facial expressions and gestures of the characters, singing by roles.

5. Game chanting can smoothly transition into musical game, dance, repetition and consolidation of musical and rhythmic movements, playing music for children.

Objectives: to prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to strengthen fragile vocal cords children, prepare them to sing.

Habitual species musical activity, developing the creative abilities and musicality of the child, can be diversified with health benefits. For example, I start every musical lesson with a life-affirming valeological chant that gives positive attitude kids all day long. I combine listening to music and learning lyrics with playing massage, self-massage or finger play, passive music therapy. Before singing songs, I do breathing, articulatory gymnastics, phonopedic and health exercises for the throat and vocal cords in order to prevent colds. speech games I accompany with musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical (noise and melodic) instruments.

In the system of musical and recreational work, I use the following health-saving technologies in my work: songs-chants (vocal therapy), respiratory and articulation gymnastics, phonopedic exercises, game therapy and game massage, finger games, speech games.

In vocal pedagogy, the development of all vocal skills is considered in interconnection and sequence. Correct sound formation, breathing, diction during singing will contribute to the development of purity of intonation in children. Great importance in the work on singing, preparatory exercises take place - chants, as a result of which vocal skills are acquired. I consider this work to be divided into the following stages:

    The first stage: mastering the posterior syllables “ha-ka”, “ku-go-ku” allows you to strengthen the back muscles of the larynx.

    The second stage - contrasting exercises - a new quality should appear in the sound, the voice should become more elastic. work in progress with front-lingual syllables "zi-ze" - contrasting back-lingual. In contrast to these sounds, a light high sound and a heavier sound are worked out.

Work on the formation of vocal and choral skills gives positive effect if it is combined with motor, visual and muscular sensations of the child.

To do this, I use musical and didactic games in my work: in order to develop pitch hearing, form purity of intonation and expand the range of voice, I use the exercises “Ladder”, “Guess the flower”, “Swing”, “Repeat the sound”.

For the development of timbre, diatonic hearing " Musical riddles”, “Define the instrument”, “Quietly, loudly sing”, etc.

To develop a sense of rhythm "Define by rhythm", "Lay out a rhythmic pattern."

As a voice warm-up in the classroom I use " musical patterns» according to the program of Tyutyunnikova T.E. The purpose of which, the formation in children of auditory - motor - visual ideas about musical space(up - down), musical time (long - short).

Thus, the use of didactic games, graphic records, modeling methods contributes to the development of musical ear and voice, visual functions, facilitates the perception of sound.

"Warm-up" (children sing a lingering sound and show it with their hands) Hand show-. “Two friends” (Once upon a time there were two friends: one like this - a line of sound above, the other like this - a line of sound below), “Small and big waves” (singing and drawing waves - big and small).

Working on sound formation exercises, at the same time I teach children diction, expanding the range of voice, using nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes and teasers. We also use onomatopoeia techniques (wind howling, cuckoo singing, dog barking, seagull cry, etc.) and adults singing syllables right at the children's ears. For articulation, diction (strengthening the corresponding muscle complex), I use the pronunciation of tongue twisters, short quatrains, pronunciation in a whisper short phrases, individual words.

Everyone knows that not only the intelligibility of the content of the song, but also the artistry of its performance depends on the expressive pronunciation. In practice, this task is achieved with the help of intonation exercises. For example, we can give the following game exercise: children are given the task to pronounce the same phrase with various shades: joyfully, sadly, scary, mockingly, like a commander.

When teaching children to sing, I develop all vocal skills: vocal settings, sound production, diction, breathing, purity of intonation. In addition, singing has a positive effect on the health and development of the child: it activates mental abilities, develops aesthetic and moral ideas, hearing, memory, speech, sense of rhythm, attention, thinking, strengthens the lungs and the entire respiratory apparatus.

Working with children, I constantly monitor compliance with the rules for protecting the voice, so that the children sing in a natural voice, without forcing sounds, do not speak too loudly, I try to monitor my speech, avoiding raising their voice. Scream, noise spoil the voice, dull the hearing and adversely affect the nervous system of children. When working with parents, I explain the harm of loud singing, loud talking, especially on the street in damp cold weather, and also warn them not to allow children to drink cold water, eat hot ice cream in order to avoid colds, diseases of the vocal apparatus.

I do not encourage children to sing adult songs with large range that they hear. Incorrect, false performance of such songs does not contribute to the development of a child's ear for music, and their especially loud performance harms the baby's weak vocal cords.

At music lessons, before learning or performing songs, I work on preparing the vocal apparatus and the whole organism for this type of musical activity. In my classes, I use such health-saving technologies as self-massage, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, and chanting.

These exercises allow you to fully prepare the vocal apparatus and the entire body of children for working on a song, which prevents overstrain of fragile vocal cords in the process of singing. It becomes easier for children to learn and perform songs, as all vocal skills and ear for music are activated. In addition, in the process of performing these exercises, the health of children is strengthened.

Game self-massage

Self-massage is useful not only for a sick person, but also for a healthy person. Massaging certain points of the body, we unconsciously send positive signals to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, and other organs. Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improves blood and lymph circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, and tones the central nervous system. In addition, it uplifts the mood and improves the well-being of a person.

I teach the simplest massage techniques in the game.

The goal is to teach children how to properly perform play massage to have a beneficial effect on internal organs: the heart, lungs, intestines, impact on biologically active points of the body.

When conducting a massage, it is important to teach children not to put pressure on the points, but to massage them with soft finger movements.

Having a massage certain parts bodies, stroking, kneading, rubbing, light tapping are used.

The fingers can be stretched, kneading, or perform circular movements. Thumb the hands are associated with the lungs and liver; index - with the digestive tract, liver, large intestine; medium - with the heart, blood circulation; nameless - with the nervous system and health in general; little finger - with the heart, small intestine. In the center of the palm is a point of increase in activity.

Head massage improves blood circulation, relieves headaches. Massaging the head, children can “run” along it with their fingers, ruffle or smooth their hair, “draw” spirals from the temples to the back of the head. These exercises cannot be performed for children with increased intracranial, ocular, arterial pressure, with diseases of the nervous system and brain.

Ear massage is performed by friction heated palms and fingers - rub, pull in different sides earlobes, stroke ears, stroke ear curls, etc.

Acupressure of biologically active points according to A.A. Umanskaya is performed by light pressure and stroking with the fingertips to improve the course of nervous processes, relax the muscles of the face, and relieve emotional and nervous tension. Such a massage increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs of the Child. It is very effective in preventing colds.

Articulation gymnastics

The main goal: the development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, preparation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

The tasks of articulatory gymnastics in music classes:

    form the articulation of various sounds;

    to fix the articulation structures of various sounds in syllables, words, phrases;

    improve the mobility and accuracy of the movements of the tongue and lips (activation of the movements of the tip of the tongue, the implementation of differentiated movements with the tip of the tongue, delimitation of the movements of the tongue and lower jaw);

    increase auditory memory and attention;

    learn to highlight strong beats in a chain of syllables;

    develop musical memory, memorizing lyrics;

    improve diction;

    develop a sense of rhythm;

    improve spatial orientation in coordinates: right-left, up-down, sideways, forward-backward.

Articulation exercises are silent and with the participation of the voice. In my music lessons, these exercises are performed counting with claps to the music, as well as in combination with breathing and voice exercises. Articulatory gymnastics should not be tiring and last no more than 3 minutes before singing. We perform exercises with children while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the legs and arms are in a calm position. The child should clearly see the face of an adult and, if possible, his own face in the mirror.

In the process of performing articulation exercises, I monitor the accuracy of the children's movements, the pace of execution, symmetry in relation to the right and left sides of the face, and the preservation of a positive emotional mood in each child.

Articulation exercises are based on the system of V. Emelyanov

Breathing exercises play an important role in the system of health improvement of preschool children.

The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons:

    Strengthen the physiological breathing of children (without speech).

    Form the right speech breathing(short inhale - long exhale).

    Train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

    Develop a long breath.

Breathing and articulatory gymnastics. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development.

Types of breathing :



    Mixed breathing


    “Sound clutch” (Rotation of the fingers of one hand in the fist of the other, while the sounds are sung: m, n, c, h, g)

The health of children largely depends on the correct breathing. At music lessons, I teach children to breathe correctly, to monitor their posture. For breathing exercises, I use imaginary objects (smell a flower, puff like a steam locomotive) and handouts (feathers, snowflakes, butterflies, etc.) Proper breathing leads to a sharp increase in all reserve capabilities of a person. The use of breathing exercises brings a tangible result in reducing the diseases of children.

In my work I use breathing exercises by B. Tolkachev and A. Strelnikova, E. Kosinova, Kulikovskaya, V. Tsvyntorny .

A feature of the work on breathing is a gradual and individual increase in loads under the supervision of a teacher. Some of the exercises are performed to the count, some to the music.

When learning exercises, I first show it with explanations, then I invite the children to repeat the exercise with me, controlling the actions of each child

As a speech material in the classroom, I first use vowel sounds, then syllables, words, phrases. Gradually, the duration of speech exhalation in children increases.

In working on the development of singing skills, I am greatly assisted by the "Musical Primer" and "Music in kindergarten» N. Vetlugina, “Teach children to sing” by T.M. Orlova, “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises” O.N. Arsenevskaya.

Children master all these exercise songs by ear, compare individual sounds in height, determine which sound is higher, which is lower, chants help children understand the movement of sounds, etc. You can also use exercises aimed at the correct singing formation of vowels and correct pronunciation consonant sounds - "Nursery rhymes".

Thus, vocal exercises make it possible to achieve positive results in the development of singing skills in older children. preschool age, preparing the vocal apparatus for the performance of a song, develop an ear for music, and also cheer up.

Singing lessons develop in children:



    sense of rhythm


    talent for improvisation

    stimulate speech activity (improve diction and staging of colloquial speech)


Muses. V. Karaseva

Target: Continue to teach children to distinguish and independently determine the direction of the melody. Hear and accurately intonate repeated sounds at the beginning of a song. Exercise in pure intonation of the gradual and spasmodic movement of the melody. Learn to sing expressively, conveying the playful, playful nature of the song.

Petya walked along the path, he found a pea.

And the pea fell, rolled and disappeared

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh - peas will grow soon.


Muses. E. Tilicheeva.

Target: Learn to distinguish between high, medium, low sound within a quint. Pure intonation, singing a melody, based on a major triad. Develop palmar tonal hearing. Learn to find independently the lower sound from the upper, middle


"Musical Echo".

Muses. M. Andreeva

Target: Exercise children in pure intonation of the minor third down and clean

quarts up, with musical accompaniment and without it.

The fox walked through the forest.

Muses. T. Popatenko

Target: Cause in children emotional responsiveness to the Russian folk

joke. Exercise in pure singing 6.2 and part 5

The fox walked through the forest, brought out the calls of the song,

The fox tore the stripes, the fox wove the bast shoes.

"Sing clean."

1. Performance of songs learned in the classroom for a syllable: “la”, “du - du”. "tili - tili".

2. Execution of songs in a chain.

3. Singing in rows / element of competition

4. Singing familiar songs, transposing the melody a semitone higher,


Tasks for the development of song intonation expressiveness.

Exercise 1.

Perform the goat's song from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" either on behalf of the goat or

by wolf:

Goats, kids,

Open up, open up

Your mother has come

Milk brought...

Task 2.

Perform the song of animals from the fairy tale "Teremok" either on behalf of a mouse, or on behalf of a frog, bunny, fox, etc.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Task 3.

Ask your friend for a toy in a singsong voice so that each time you can determine with what attitude or in what state he asked for it: politely, impatiently, resentfully, begging, etc.

Task 4.

Invite the child to ask questions on behalf of Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka from the fairy tale “Three Bears” by L. Tolstoy so that the audience can guess which of the bears is asking and how, they relate to what they are asking about.

Task 5.

The teacher suggests that two children perform a scene where they, on behalf of any of the characters (hare, fox, bear, etc.), ask each other questions and answer and answer them with the appropriate attitude towards each other:

2 child 1 child

Who are you? - I'm a hare!

No, you are not a rabbit. - No, rabbit! .-

No, not a rabbit. - No, rabbit.

No, not a rabbit. - Who am I then?

You? You are a mouse. - Am I a mouse?

Yes, you are a mouse. - Okay, let me be a mouse

Am I a frog? But you are a frog.

I'm not a frog. - Yes, you are a frog.

Well, okay, and you are a hare, and I am not, a frog,

hare. Let's not quarrel

I was joking.

Choral singing develops the communicative qualities of the individual, contributing to positive interaction with the outside world. The choir is, first of all, a collective. Only in friendly choral group an atmosphere of creativity, mutual assistance, responsibility of each for the results of a common cause is created.

slender, pure singing in unison lays the foundations of the ensemble - integrity, unity of sound. In singing in chorus, I try to teach children to listen to themselves and merge with the general singing, to make sure that not a single voice stands out. This can be achieved by focusing the attention of children on the simultaneous introduction, maintaining the general tempo, the simultaneous beginning and end of singing phrases.

In the process of singing - solo or choral - the singing apparatus is strengthened, breathing develops, the position of the body during singing (singing set) contributes to the development of good posture. All this has a positive effect on the overall health of children.

Singing is a very important part harmonious development preschooler!

I constantly use the health-saving technologies described above in my music lessons before starting work on song repertoire. As a result, children have become better, better learn musical material, there is a tendency to reduce the number of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and acute respiratory infections, the indicators of their general physical development. The guys became more liberated. Pupils of our kindergarten now sing not only in the classroom, but also in an informal setting on their own, take an active part in city competitions.

The results of diagnostics carried out at the end of 2012-2013 testify to the high level of development of singing abilities. school year in comparison with 2010-2011: in senior group high level development of singing skills increased by 14%; in the preparatory group for school, a high level - increased by 16%.

One thing follows from the foregoing: the perception of a song, its reproduction will be brighter, more significant when modal hearing, coordination of voice and hearing, a sense of rhythm are developed. learned to listen to each other, began to enjoy singing.


    N.A. Vetlugina "Methodology musical education in kindergarten"

    O.V. Katser "Game method of teaching children to sing"

    O. P. Radynova, A. I. Katinene, M. L. Palavandish

"Musical education of preschoolers"

    T.E.Tyutyunnikova "Donotkino" part 2 "Square Orange"

    S. Zheleznov K. Zheleznova "ABC - nursery rhyme"

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institution "Development of singing skills of preschool children"

One of the powerful means of influencing the spiritual sphere of a person is singing- the most accessible performing type of musical activity for preschool children. In singing, the whole complex of musical abilities is successfully formed: emotional responsiveness to music, modal feeling, musical and auditory representations, mental abilities are activated. The perception of music requires attention, observation, because when listening to music, the child compares the sounds of the melody, accompaniment, comprehends their expressive meaning, compares the music with the text. Improves while singing physical state. Correctly delivered singing organizes the activity of the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, develops a pleasant timbre of the voice; correct posture affects even and deeper breathing; singing with movements forms a good posture, coordinates walking.
Singing is one of the ways of communication and self-expression of a child, natural, simple and affordable. In order to make singing a favorite pastime for children, I suggest methodological techniques successfully used in their work.
It is known that singing is the only kind of music in which the instrument is a part of the human body, and at the same time one of the most important and least controlled: the respiratory organs. The movements that take place inside, in terms of tempo, rhythm and style, depend on emotional state, human mood. Therefore, learning to sing is learning to control breathing and singing emotional mood. After all, if breathing is subject to emotions, then emotions can be subject to breathing, and you can automatically create a breath of excited and calm states, subordinating singing, speech, and well-being to it.
For the development of singing technique, exercises are used that can be applied in this sequence.
1. Exercises for the development of breathing.
2. Exercises for the development of articulation and diction.
3. Exercises for the development of sound formation.
4. Exercises to expand the range.
5. Exercises for the development of sound science.
There are a lot of exercises, but first, for the free sounding of the voice, you need to sit or stand straight, do not raise your head high, put your legs straight, that is, take the correct singing attitude.
Before singing, the music director can remind the children of the correct position of the body with the poem "Back - Reed" by M. Kartushina.
It is difficult for preschoolers to keep their back straight for a long time, so dynamic pauses are used to change positions and rest: “Bear - Bear”, “Wind”, etc.
To improve the functioning of the respiratory apparatus, strengthen the external and internal muscles of the respiratory organs, you can offer exercises from the complex of paradoxical breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova, which are given in a playful way and are liked by children. The essence is in an active short breath, attention on exhalation is not fixed, it happens by itself. Exercises such as “Palms”, “Cat”, “Pump”, “Ears”, “Hug your shoulders” have proven themselves well. Children also like sound breathing exercises, such as: the game " Balloon”, when children blow off the balloon, pronouncing the sound “ssss”, and inflate it with the sound “f”; a similar game for kids “Inflate, a bubble”, a finger game “Balloon”, as well as visual exercises according to B.S. Tolkachev and M.L. Lazarev (“Rooster”, “Hedgehog”, “Mosquito”, “Beetle”) .
In exercises for the development of singing breathing, the following logic is preserved:
- Singing two-bar chants.
- Singing songs and chants at an average tempo in 2/4 time.
- Singing songs and chants with gradually lengthening phrases.
- Singing chants with pauses for proper breath taking.
In order to achieve clear and precise diction, the music director should teach children to clearly pronounce consonants and sing vowels clearly, which requires a constant tone from the articulation apparatus, which can be achieved with the help of exercises such as vocal articulation. These include songs - games where the music director sings the sing-along, and the children are responsible for the character: "Raven", "Owl" (D. Ogorodny's model), voiced articulatory gymnastics ("Motorcycle", "Brook", etc.) . Musical fingerplays combine singing with active articulation and movement fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the formation of pronunciation ("Mice", "Teremok", "Funny Vegetables", etc.). For the development of diction and articulation, it is good to pronounce and sing tongue twisters at a different pace, character, using sounding gestures (claps, slaps on the knees) - according to the method of K. Orff. These are “Three Magpies”, “From the clatter of hooves”, “The caramel ship was carrying”, “Carousels”, etc.
Considering the range - the sound volume of the voice from the lowest to the highest sound, it should be noted that preschoolers have a small singing range due to the unformed voice apparatus.
When learning to sing, the range, as a rule, expands towards both the lower and upper registers.
Among the singing skills Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to sound formation: to sing in a natural, high, light sound, without tension and screaming. Screaming singing distorts the natural timbre of the voice, negatively affects the intonation, the voice acquires a throaty sound. The sound quality depends on the correct formation of vowels. For this purpose, the children were offered exercises that were reduced to the repetition of vowels: first single, and then connected (A, A - A, A - A - A, A - O - U - I).
The most difficult singing skill is the purity of intonation. Some children sing “purely” by nature, while others need special training. The purity of intonation is associated with the development of hearing: modal feeling and musical-auditory representations, sensations of the melody's attraction to stable sounds. In the work on the purity of intonation, much attention is paid to singing, that is, singing exercises are included in musical classes, which contribute to the development of musical ear and voice. Folk songs and jokes are used as chants.
In addition to vocal exercises, in the work on the purity of intonation, a technique is used - singing without accompaniment (a cappella). Early singing a cappella“walks” with the support of an adult’s voice, then without support. Difficult places are played by the musical director on the instrument, and then sung without accompaniment.
It should be noted that the most suitable material for classes with children is folk songs, songs, round dances, since their melodies are simple, they can be performed without accompaniment, which contributes to the development of singing skills.
On musical lesson singing makes up almost 30% of the volume of all tasks.
Singing are:
1. Exercises for the development of voice and ear for music;
2. Learning new song;
3. Consolidation, repetition of a previously completed song.
The work on the song can be conditionally divided into three stages.
I stage- introductory. There is a holistic perception of the listened work. The music director seeks to arouse children's interest in the song, to evoke positive emotions with a bright and expressive performance. A conversation about the emotional and figurative content of the song helps to set the guys up for expressive performance, the choice of sound formation, diction, breathing corresponding to the nature of the song (the character is affectionate - you need to sing drawlingly, melodiously, etc.).
II stage- learning a song. Children master the skills of sound production, breathing, diction, purity of intonation. Learning a song takes place in stages: the melody is learned in parts, phrases, in slow motion. They usually begin to learn from simpler, memorizing fragments, for example, a chorus. While learning a song, it is best to offer children to sing first with piano accompaniment, playing along with the melody, then without an instrument, with the help of a musical director, and finally, sing a capella on their own. The most difficult stage is the work on the expressiveness of the performance: you need to clearly pronounce each word, make semantic stresses, convey the nature of the song. This is facilitated by the use of a conductor's gesture: to show dynamics, accents with your hand, which helps in working on the pitch as well.
Stage III- repetition of the song. At this stage, children freely perform the learned repertoire, as they already have the singing skills acquired at the second stage. If the guys like the song, then they remember it for a long time, include it in games and perform it not only in the immediate educational activities but also outside of it.
Thus, singing as a type of musical activity consists of singing and auditory exercises, chanting, as well as tasks for distinguishing pitch and rhythmic relationships; gradual learning of a song, aimed at its consistent assimilation, at the development of musical abilities in general.
Singing is the most accessible form of performance. In the process of singing, both the musical abilities of children and mental processes. Learning to sing is a very long and difficult stage. High professionalism and skill are required from the teacher for the full realization of the child's needs for singing, for the development of spiritual and moral qualities and the personality of the preschooler as a whole.
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