Feminine energy: how to awaken it and develop it for harmony with yourself. How to restore feminine energy

Each of us has our own ways of receiving vital energy. But how effective are they? Coffee, energy drinks, chocolate and other sweets are all more likely doping than real strength. To regain your vital energy for real and for a long time - this is what Dr. Sherab Barma, one of the most famous doctors in Tibet, teaches us.

Energy is the power of the mind. Your own brain can both take and give you strength. This means that it must be strictly controlled. Teach him discipline, constantly remind him that the most important point in life - current, most important person- the one who is in this moment in front of you.

Don't overwhelm your children with too high expectations and don’t deprive yourself of energy by worrying too much about them. Your child has his own karma, different from yours. But his soul chose you as a parent, because it felt that it was you who could teach her good things, help her reach new level. Your task is to show your baby where the road is, and he will choose the direction himself.

Win chronic fatigue by asking yourself if you are thinking too much. Bad thoughts are the main vampires of energy. Or are you trying to control everything? This is also harmful - especially for women. Women and men think differently. Men are simpler - their minds are not able to pay attention to details. And that’s all the women do. Therefore, your own mind can become a source for you great wisdom, as well as emotional instability and suffering. To stop thinking about nonsense, start breathing more consciously - inhale slowly with your stomach and exhale just as slowly.

Boost your energy levels with a relaxing meditation. There is no need to be afraid of the word “meditation”. To master its simplest options, you don’t need either money or a lot of time. And you don’t have to be a Buddhist or do intense yoga. Just learn to slow down your mind and your energy will be replenished regularly. A few minutes a day will be enough. For example, learn to focus your attention on something that helps you relax. A beautiful object - imaginary or (which is better) real - will do. For example, an apple or a bottle of wine is something you can focus on (a candle is not the best option). It is better to choose a green or blue color, they are very beneficial for the eyes as they have a cooling property. The eyes are connected by energy meridians to the liver, which is associated with the element of Fire, so they constantly need cooling. Look at this object without stopping, focusing all your attention, all your thoughts on it and, as it were, absorbing its shape, texture, shades of color. You won't even notice how your mind will calm down.

The basis of high vital energy is balance the five basic elements that make up man and the entire universe. In Tibetan philosophy and medicine these are sa (Earth), chu (Water), me (Fire), lung (Wind) and namka (Space).

The earth has big influence for cell formation muscle tissue, bones, nose and sense of smell.

Water is responsible for the formation of blood, bodily fluids, tongue and taste.

Fire – for body temperature, build, eyes and vision.

The wind is responsible for breathing, skin and touch.

Space - behind the body cavities, ears and hearing.

Three main life beginnings bodies are wind, mucus and bile. They must also be balanced. We believe that the main causes of illness, including low energy levels, are the “three poisons of the mind”: ignorance, attachment and anger. Wind (tsa lung or prana) is very important element, which is most associated with the energies of the mind and nervous system. The imbalance of this element is main source physical and emotional problems.

Don't forget that every person's body is constantly changing. Every day millions of cells die and are born again. This is a natural process, similar to the growth of a tree.

First, the grain will fall into the ground, and if the soil is fertile, there is enough sun and water, the grain will germinate and gradually turn into strong tree. In the spring the buds open, in the summer the tree blossoms, in the fall it bears fruit, and in the winter it slowly falls asleep to begin a new cycle of development in the spring. IN human body undergo similar processes. It must be constantly renewed in accordance with natural rhythms. Everything in life is interconnected. Man is part of the cosmos. Therefore, everything you eat, drink and inhale affects the balance of elements in your body and your overall energy levels.

Each person has his own constitution, in which all three vital principles are present (as a rule, with a predominance of one) or only two elements are combined. It is believed that choleric people correspond to the Bile type, phlegmatic and melancholic people correspond to the Mucus type, and sanguine people correspond to the Wind type. People who have a predominant Fire element (this is the Bile constitution - a dense physique and a decisive, hot-tempered character) have good digestion, strong immunity and consistently high energy. The predominance of Water and Earth (people of the Slime constitution, who have large round shapes and a slow temperament) reduces the strength of the digestive fire - such people need to take more care of their health and save energy. Wind people (thin, active, fickle, prone to mood swings and nervous breakdowns) have an extremely restless mind and are therefore prone to frequent loss of strength.

Energy is what you eat. There is no such thing as good food. There is only food that is suitable for you, your psychophysiological type, taking into account seasonality and place of residence (about proper nutrition You can read it on the portal manla.ru, dedicated to Tibetan medicine. – approx. MC). Only such food will give you energy. For example, I know that meat is not my food, it takes my energy, but others absolutely need it.

Assess the strength of your digestive fire. The energy level depends on it. It is extremely important how well your kidneys work. Tibetan medicine believes that digestion and kidney health are directly related. We believe that the kidneys not only cleanse the body, but are also responsible for the accumulation and circulation of vital energy in general. If your digestive fire is weak, your kidneys receive little fuel and you feel an overall lack of energy. This happens often in today's nervous world.

Early rise, stretching and warm water. Tibetan doctors advise living and eating in accordance with your type of constitution. But general recommendations the following. Get up early, preferably at 5-6 in the morning, warm up the body with stretching, yoga or breathing exercises and meditation. Start the day with a glass of warm boiled water. Cold mineral water is too rough, especially for an empty stomach - it activates the elements of Fire, Earth and Water in the body. For people with a Fire constitution, this is good, but for everyone else (and this is the majority of people), warm is still preferable. boiled water, it will help start digestion and immediately increase energy. The main thing is that the water is freshly boiled, and not left in the kettle from the evening.

Breakfast should be warm and nutritious, but not too heavy. And never drink warm or hot food with cold drinks! By the way, in Tibet we consider eggs and fish, as well as eggs and dairy products, to be incompatible products. In the West, people eat sandwiches and other hard-to-digest foods fresh from the refrigerator for breakfast - and this takes away their energy. To digest this cold, heavy food, your still-unawakened stomach will need remarkable strength. And there's still a whole day ahead! Even if this food is healthy and of high quality, you most likely will not digest it. Keep a break between meals - it is better if it is four hours. Otherwise, toxins are formed in the body and energy is lost. Eat lighter foods first, then those that are digested more slowly (for example, eating fruit after a heavy lunch or dinner is harmful).

Raw food and juice diets are bad. The only people for whom this fashionable diet can be good are Fire people with ideal digestion (I repeat, there are very few of them left on earth), as well as those who live in very hot climates. For others, this is not only a loss of vital energy, but also a generally dangerous thing, not only for you, but also for your offspring (such nutrition increases the risk of having weak children - physically and mentally). Be careful with fasting too, this is not a story for everyone.

Drink as much water as your body asks for. I think a liter a day is enough. Alcohol - if consumed in moderation - is also not bad, especially for people whose Wind is off the charts. For example, 25–50 ml of something stronger before bed or half a glass of good red wine is an excellent sedative. It’s easier with sports, it overloads the liver, which is associated with the energy of Fire. If too intense physical activity the liver “burns out” - this weakens the body.

Sex can both give and take energy. It is important to focus on the time of year. In spring and autumn, it is better to have sex no more than once every three days, in summer - once every 10-15 days (in summer, the element of Fire predominates, sex also increases fiery energy, and if you do it too often in the heat, it will take too much strength from the body ). And in winter, when the body strives to accumulate as much energy as possible and sperm is dense (therefore this time of year is best for conception), you can love each other without restrictions - this will be a great warm-up.

Everyone is born with their own level of power. It's a karmic thing. But energy, just like karma, can be controlled. We create our karma (translated from Sanskrit this word means “action”) here and now. In Tibet they say: “Living mindfully eliminates suffering.” By the way, we do not believe in the existence of energy vampires. We call this concept “namto” - negative thoughts and illusory ideas generated by our own restless mind.

The main source of strength is peace in the soul. If you have money, access to the best quality food, expensive medicines and vitamins, but no peace in your soul, then your energy levels will be low. And in general, it doesn’t matter who and how you work and how much you earn. The main thing is your inner state.

Dr. Sherab Barma- the son of a lama doctor, studied with Tibetan lamas, graduated from two medical universities, founded two large clinics in Nepal, as well as a research center for the collection of medicinal herbs. Master of Tibetan massage, compiler of unique recipes for medicines and medicinal cosmetics. Participated in the creation of series documentaries National Geographic "Science of the Mind" about traditional Tibetan medicine.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

Your life may seem pretty good to you, but at the same time, you, like many women, may well have lost touch with your feminine energy. Do you want to feel the taste real life? Do you want to regain your femininity? Then these will come in handy simple tips. Feminine energy is something that exists inside every woman, but at the same time it can quietly doze off and not show itself outside. Do you want to wake her up? Do you want to achieve incredible femininity? Then you will have to work on yourself a little. Unfortunately, feminine energy is often considered the less important of the two main energies in Western society. In fact, there is no main one among them, because male and female energies are halves of a single whole. They complement each other and create balance. If there is unbalanced energy, masculine or feminine, this can result in serious problems, because balance is actually extremely important. How to let it out feminine energy? How to constantly replenish its supply?


Feminine energy is the energy of movement. Oceans, hurricanes and others weather conditions- everyone is a metaphor for her, since they are always in motion, constantly changing. If you're stuck in your office and haven't been particularly active in Lately, it's time to get your body moving. This could be anything - a walk in the park, stretching in a yoga class, or even dancing in your underwear in your bedroom to your favorite music. Either way, your feminine energy is activated along with the movement.

Take off your jeans

Since feminine energy is pure movement, it does not like to be closed or limited. Women don't like being told what to do or how to feel, just like a hurricane would never want to be tamed. Jeans and pants tend to be restrictive. It's time to arrange a kind of “detox” and wear only skirts and dresses for at least a month. See how you feel. Do you think it's easier to navigate through life this way? Do you feel less restricted and more feminine? Soft, flowing fabric is a reflection of moving feminine energy.

Make time for women

Spending time consciously with other women can seriously recharge your feminine energy. When you are in the same company exclusively with people of the same gender, something incredible happens. It is much easier for you to drop your masks and be who you really are.

Have more orgasms

If men quickly lose their masculine energy if they ejaculate too often, then women, on the contrary, benefit more the more they experience orgasms. Everyone can see what happens to girls and women who experience orgasms frequently and on a regular basis - they become more creative, feel better emotional connections, have better intuition, and these are just a few of the improvements - the full list is endless.

Make receiving a priority

Masculine energy is penetrating power. Feminine energy is energy aimed at receiving, at opening. When you receive love, attention, strength, your inner energy well is filled. And it's not just about sex (although it also plays important role). You can receive through a massage, a pedicure, or even a meal prepared by someone else. In the case of a massage, for example, you breathe calmly and relax, which allows the hands of the massage therapist to penetrate the layer of your stress, which has an extremely positive effect on your feminine energy. So get out your calendar and schedule yourself some receiving sessions.


Women form bonds primarily through verbal communication, while men prefer touch. It's no secret that women, once they reach puberty, become much more concerned about becoming effective and fluent verbal communicators with their peers. Thus, the feminine energy in you is replenished through expanded contacts with loved ones - mom, dad, brothers and sisters, close friends, and so on. So turn off the TV, call someone you haven't talked to in a while, and share what's going on in your lives. Don't set any goals for yourself - just tell what happened to you and listen to what happened to them.

Pamper yourself

Men are more likely to get lost in thoughts, while women are more likely to get lost in feelings. So if you want to replenish your feminine energy, you need to pamper your senses. To pamper your sense of taste, eat a bar of chocolate, drink red wine, or treat yourself to any other favorite food. To pamper your sense of touch, go shopping and touch all the soft and pleasant fabrics of different clothing items. Choose a place where you can pamper as many of your senses as possible - and go there. Get out of your head and come fully to your body, consciously addressing each of your five senses.


Masculine energy is destructive, while feminine energy is creative. To bring something bright into your life, you can start drawing, writing poetry, composing song lyrics, cooking delicious dishes for yourself and for others and so on. And there is no need for your poem, your dish or your song to be good - they just have to be created by you. Forget about expectations and just create for the sake of creating.

Feminine energy is tenderness, peace, harmony, but at the same time strength and determination. Feminine energy serves as a kind of “battery” for unstable male energy, acting as a constant source of wisdom and integrity.

Basic female chakras

Svadhisthana (2nd chakra - located in the ovary area and is responsible for receiving pleasure in any of its manifestations);
Anahata (4 chakra-chakra love and understanding, compassion and acceptance);
Ajna (6th chakra - responsible for female intuition and providence)

Where do blocks appear in the energy flow?

The modern world teaches women independence and constructive aggression. From childhood, girls are instilled with the idea of ​​gender equality, creating fertile ground for gender competition.

This state of affairs negatively affects the soft feminine energy, which should inspire a man, and not act as a counterweight to his ego.

As a result of adaptation to the world of social attitudes, representatives of the fair sex drown out their energy. Because of this, a woman faces problems in personal life, and the feeling of unfulfillment and lack of fullness provokes constant depression. In a word, the yin and yang system fails.

How to awaken feminine energy?

Classic practice

  1. Squeeze and unclench intimate muscles for 3 minutes every morning.
  2. Imagining a small energy well in the area of ​​svadhisthana (2nd chakra), move with stroking movements from the center of the chakra to the chest and back. In this way, you will force the energy to “cleanse” the body and fill the entire being.
  3. Lying on your back, place your palms on your stomach. Then make 36 movements counterclockwise and 24 along the way.
  4. Place your hands on your chest, covering your nipples with your palms. Stay in this position, imagining energy circulating between your chest and palms. If performed correctly, the exercise should make your chest area warmer.
  5. Place your hands on your stomach and stay in this position for 3 minutes.

Practice body reflexes

To practice, play background music to help you relax. After this, tune in to a slight wave of excitement and begin to follow the recommendations:

  • The first stage lasts 10 minutes. Lie on your back with your legs bent. Rock your pelvis up and down with small thrusts. After each movement, the body should feel relaxed.
  • The second stage also lasts 10 minutes. Now the pelvis rises higher and higher, and thoughts concentrate on the uterus. Movements and breathing should not be restricted.
  • The third stage lasts 20 minutes. The pelvis is raised all the time. In the area of ​​the uterus, mentally create a pulsating ball of energy. Bring your knees in and out very smoothly (with small jolts, reminiscent of a pulsation). The installation should be in a receiving position, like a woman during intercourse. Breathe deeply and through your mouth, concentrating completely on the uterine area.
  • The fourth stage is descending and takes 5 minutes. By spreading your knees, smoothly and carefully lower your pelvis.
  • Stage 5 is the completion of practice. It takes 10 minutes. Lie in a comfortable position and relax with your arms outstretched, palms up. Feel the warmth that spreads throughout your body and imagine that the uterus is filled with energy that gently pulsates.

Awakening Practice

This practice is performed in the shower or in bed when the body is relaxed. A woman should wear a minimum amount of clothing (ideally, no clothing at all). Practice helps to remove blocks and develop femininity, as well as learn to move into a state of arousal. Both exercises are performed for 10 minutes.

Exercise 1
Take a comfortable position and start stroking your hands. Gradually move to the shoulders. Next, focus on the breasts, squeezing and stroking them until the nipples become firmer. Then switch to your stomach. All movements are performed with eyes closed.You need to touch yourself the way your beloved man would. Exercise also promotes self-acceptance and getting rid of complexes.

Exercise 2
Use your fingertips to draw imaginary pictures on your stomach. Movements should be light and almost imperceptible.

How to develop feminine energy?

1. Self-care
The element of ladies is beauty. Woman paying attention to her appearance, caring and nurturing your body, feeds your internal energy source. What do ladies do first when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after this nourishes the feminine principle. Devote at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. “Male shoulder”
Don't be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex lift a woman’s spirits. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without masculinity, like a man without a woman).

This exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male doesn’t like being a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel important is many times higher than the value of a dictator's partner.

A woman is creativity. She needs self-expression. This could be anything from painting to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts members of the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds release in “birth” creative ideas, which means the chakras function unhindered and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

Every day, worries and problems fall on us and almost completely fill our lives. As a result, we lose a lot of energy and rarely restore and replenish it. This leads to a decrease in joy from life, and there is simply no time left for love. In the evening, you want to get to bed, put your head on the pillow and lose yourself in sleep. What love and joy there is here.

And so every day... Life passes in constant solutions to problems, and happiness and joy are left “for later”. But at the same time, many women complain that men have stopped paying attention to them, as if they were wearing an invisible hat and their life has turned into a gray, dull existence.

It's all about the lack of feminine energy, to which men react. Surely you have noticed that there are periods when men do not notice you at all, but as soon as you fall in love, they immediately begin to hover around you. This is due to the fact that your level rises and your field is filled with love and erotic charges. The people around you feel this and cannot pass by you, since your field attracts them.

When you are in love, you feel positive energy within you. Life transforms and begins to play bright colors, my heart is warm and joyful, stress and depression pass by. But you can wait a long time for love to visit you, so you need to awaken this wonderful energy in yourself on your own.

Feminine energy: how to awaken it...

Step one. Reconnecting with yourself.

Modern people, as a rule, rarely touch each other. We try to touch other people as little as possible, and do not tolerate other people's touches. As a result, tactile sensations freeze in us, and we simply stop enjoying them, and our body begins to get sick, grow old and bring only negative emotions. It is important to establish a sensual relationship with yourself and learn to receive joy from tactile sensations. How to do it? There are special exercises:

This is interesting:

Touch. Take a feather or fresh flower and lightly stroke your body with it. Relax and enjoy yourself. Using gentle rotational movements, touch the body lightly, starting from the cheek, moving to the neck and chest and going down below. Soon you will feel how energy has awakened in you and flowed through your body.

Taste. Place several types of natural products on a plate (spices, fruits, honey, jam, etc.). Blindfold yourself and start trying one product after another, monitoring your sensations. Feel how they change, not only in your mouth, but throughout your whole body.

Smell. Buy aroma oils whose smells you like. Soak cotton wool in them and, with your eyes closed, begin to inhale each aroma separately. Observe the sensations in your body.

Nature. Being filled with energy from nature is right and natural. Observe what your body reacts to most strongly: rain, wind, sun or rainbows. What is your favorite thing to look at? Water, mountains, fire or sky... Look at it and absorb the energy.

Practice, observe. Soon you will begin to feel incredible pleasure from the release of energy that has been suppressed in you.

Step two. Liberation from the burden of the past.

Having experienced love disappointment, a woman often closes her soul and decides that she will never love anyone else. She suppresses her emotions and does not allow herself to feel. The burden of “uncryed” grievances is especially heavy. This is when a man offended her, but she said to herself: “I’m strong, it doesn’t hurt me at all,” suppressing her emotions. But the problem is that these repressed emotions will periodically emerge from your subconscious and significantly ruin your life.

Firstly, you need to allow yourself to experience certain emotions without getting stuck in them.

Secondly, you need to cry and talk it out. You can go to church to see the priest, you can talk with a loved one and a sympathetic person, or go to an appointment with a psychologist. As a last resort, you can talk it out and cry on your own, saying it all out loud or writing about your experiences in a diary. It is important to “let off steam”, ease the soul and not suppress all these emotions by deceiving yourself.

Thirdly, you need to psychologically and energetically break away from the person who offended you. To do this, you need to imagine that there is a white thin thread stretching between your hearts, with which you are tightly connected with your offender and any movement causes you pain. Mentally take the scissors and cut this thread, saying: “I forgive and let you go. And forgive me. You are free! I am free!".

Step three. Falling in love.

You need to fall in love. In whom? For starters, into yourself... And then, at least into the cat). If your feminine energy is asleep, then this is not due to the absence of a loved one, but due to general mental ill-being. There is no need to deprive yourself of love and joy of life just because there is no man next to you at the moment. Love for yourself and for life works wonders, read about this in the article. Remember that like attracts like, and when you send vibes into the Universe true love, warmth and kindness - she answers you the same!

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Activated sexual energy will change your life! A simple meditation will awaken the goddess in you!

Creative sexual energy rules the world!

“Everything that happens in spiritual life, everything outstanding achievements in poetry, music, painting, literature, war, science, art, philosophy and so on are associated with the awakening of Shakti¹.” R. Kumar

Women and men carry different energies, in the East they are called Yin (female energy) and Yang (male energy). In every person, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man, these energies are present, but to varying degrees.

The predominance of Yin ensures femininity, and Yang – masculinity.

There are women with a clear superiority of male energy; they are assertive, energetic, often wear trousers and have the makings of a leader. There are also feminine men with a soft and meek character. Everything depends on the predominance of one energy or another.

What does the sexual energy of Shakti give?

IN ancient india believed that every woman can manifest the hypostasis of the goddess Shakti. The feminine energy Shakti symbolizes sexual energy in body.

Unfortunately, not every woman is ready to open up to her sexuality and make sex something more; sometimes her upbringing, taboos and shame hinder her.

But if a woman discovers the sexual energy in herself, she will receive the blessing of Shakti, and her life will be filled with love, success, wealth and happiness of creativity, since Shakti is also the energy of creation and creation.

A unique meditation will help you discover the inexhaustible source of sexuality in the body.

Meditation “Appeal to the Goddess Shakti”

To perform this meditation² you need:

1. You need to sit back and relax.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

4. As you exhale, you should imagine a green flowering hill, from which you can go down the marble stairs. When going down the stairs, you can count the steps: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The stairs lead to a beautiful white temple.

5. Having entered the temple and raising your hands to the sky, you should turn to the Goddess Shakti: “Oh, great Goddess, incarnation feminine, appear in all your splendor and power. Come and illuminate the world with your presence. Om, Shakti, Shakti, Namah.”

6. When Goddess Shakti appears in a blaze of dazzling light, she should be asked to enter the body and awaken sexual energy. You can turn to the Goddess with any request.

7. You must definitely thank Goddess Shakti, after which you can open your eyes.

At the end of the meditation, it is better to lie down for 5-10 minutes, relax and feel the new energies and changes in the body.

Olga Sazonova

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Women will find it useful for cleansing and beauty