Strange pencil drawings of animals and people. A selection of cute pictures “I miss you”

It’s annoying to realize that your loved one is now far from you - and it doesn’t matter that this is caused by his long-term business trip or work on shift. Or maybe now you are different ends planet, simply because you met online, and your romance so far lasts only on the Internet?

When words are not enough, when you want to tell a man: “I love you madly and am waiting for you” in a non-trivial way, our cool selection will come to the rescue - for now these are pictures of “I miss you” in different variations. It could be funny photos with funny inscriptions, or more romantic and beautiful pictures for your husband.

How to simply express your feelings by sending a photo to your beloved man with the caption “Smile! I love you!" or many other inscriptions presented below.

It seems that you can admire these beautiful, touching pictures for an eternity. It’s so easy to download cool photos for free with the inscription “Waiting”, “I hug you tightly” and the like, and then send them to your other half.

Despite the fact that men most often turn their noses up demonstratively when they receive photos of such content, in fact they are still pleased to receive such a sign of attention from their beloved. Especially when you can communicate only through correspondence in social networks yes Skype.

When sending the images you like, you can add an approximate phrase under your message: “ . And I want to show you pictures about how much I miss you, I want to hug you. Smile, because separation is not forever, as long as we both remain in this world. I look forward to our meeting."

Thus, your recipient will receive not only beautiful picture, but also sincere, pleasant text that will touch his heart. And all the electronic “kisses” and “hugs” will become real, all you need is time and the desire of both partners to meet each other.

They often say “Smile, why so sour? A business trip or shift work is not the end of the world, your husband will return, he won’t go anywhere.” But how can you live a whole week or two without someone with whom you have been living side by side for several years? This cannot be understood by people who are not in strong relationships.

When you are used to chatting on the phone every morning, even while at work, exchanging at least a couple of phrases with wishes Have a good day and the obligatory fleeting “Kisse,” when in the evening, returning home from work before him, you routinely write to a man while preparing a delicious dinner for two: “I’m looking forward to seeing you,” separation even for a week becomes a real test. His things are everywhere, everywhere. Everything reminds of him, every detail of your home.

What can we say about reckless and young lovers who for the first time learned what love is and this storm of emotions that overcomes them both! It’s not like a week, they can’t live a day without SMS messages, correspondence on VKontakte or Facebook, and sometimes words are so damn lacking to show how much you miss a person, what gives such an unforgettable charge of endorphins and sensations when, it seems, every part of your body sings with joy.

This is our destiny - to love and miss our other halves, even if they went to the nearest store for an hour.

Often, lovers, as they say, wither before our eyes, and at such moments you want to support them kindly, tell them: “Smile, because soon you will meet again.”

Pencil drawing - beautiful art. It's hard to believe that with this simple tool you can create entire paintings on paper.

Even if you don't intend to become professional artists, ability to do pencil drawings may be useful to you later. For example, when you have children. The ability to draw will help in their upbringing and training. Drawings of animals in this case will come in handy. Of course, drawing beautifully is not so easy, but if you try, everyone can learn it.

Pencil drawings of animals for beginners: photos

To finalize your drawing, erase all auxiliary lines and mark the shadows in the picture.

Pencil drawing of a dolphin for beginners

Drawing this amazing animal is not at all difficult. The most important condition for receiving beautiful drawing dolphin - maintaining proportions.

The first stage of drawing a dolphin is that right now you should put it into your future drawing his grace and plasticity. To do this, you will have to try to depict the arched body, elongated muzzle and fins as accurately as possible.

At the first stage, draw the top line of the oval-shaped body, and also mark the location of the fins and tail.

At the second stage, be careful with the proportions of the torso and head. Almost parallel to the upper contour of the body, which you drew in the first stage, draw a line for the abdomen. At first, you can use simple straight lines for this, placing them at an angle.

If you are sure that you have correctly preserved all the proportions, you can begin to give the dolphin streamlined shape. To do this, you have to smooth out the contour, that is, the angle formed by the two lines should become smoother, and the straight lines themselves need to be slightly curved.

Remember that the main goal of our drawing is to show the grace of the animal. This effect can be achieved by using smooth lines and maintaining proportions. First of all, we must ensure the exact proportions of the head and fins.

Speaking of fins. They should not be too large or small in relation to the size of the entire picture. Try to ensure that the fins are depicted in your drawing as accurately as possible. It will be better if you draw the fins in a certain sequence: first draw the fin that is on top, then the two side fins, and then the caudal fin should take its shape in the drawing (remember that the caudal fin is divided into two parts). Then you need to make the dolphin’s nose more rounded and draw the line of its mouth.

In order for the drawing to gain volume, it is necessary to apply shadows and correctly position the light. To do this, you should use shading. As soon as the dolphin acquires its visible volume, you can consider your drawing complete. If you are not satisfied with a simple drawing of a dolphin, come up with some kind of landscape that will surround it. Then you will get the whole picture.

Drawing a cat in pencil for beginners

The cat is one of the most common pets. In addition, cats can be found on the pages of many fairy tales. It is not surprising that this particular character is often found in children's drawings.

Like any animal, a cat should be drawn step by step to make the image more reliable. The structure of the drawn cat is based on three circles. You need to start the image with a circle intended for the animal’s head. You should also add a few lines to this circle to get the correct shape of the muzzle.

The next detail will be a large oval, which will later become the body of the purr. The last part will not be completely round in shape. You need to draw two curved lines that will be connected at the bottom, which is a line. This figure is a blank for the cat's hips.

Now start working on each detail individually. The first such detail will be the head. You need to outline the shape of the animal's head. Don't forget to draw a few lines on the front side of the neck and head that serve as visible fur. The animal must have ears and cheeks. Draw them. Using the previously drawn contours, sketch out the eyes and mouth of the cat.

On the cat’s ears, draw lines that will help you directly design ears. You also need to add some fur and fluff on the cat's forehead. The mustache should be an integral part of the animal's design.

Start drawing the front paws. To do this, first mark the support from which they will come out. When the base of the paws is outlined, draw a small bone that comes out of the cat's chest.

To make the drawing complete, you have to outline back the animal's body, back and front paws. Then draw the cat's tail and hind legs. Now you can delete all auxiliary lines that are no longer needed in the drawing.

When the linear drawing is completed, do not forget to add a little light and shade to it, which will make your creation more attractive.

Drawing an animal with a pencil is not so difficult. The main thing is to observe all the proportions and stages of the drawings. You will succeed!

The hare doesn't always have white fur. He changes his gray “fur coat” to white only in winter, so as not to stand out in the snow and not attract the attention of foxes and wolves.

In this lesson we will draw a gorilla monkey step by step. If you need a drawing of a monkey of a different species, you can draw it from a photograph.

Let's try to draw this amazing and beautiful animal correctly. This is a very graceful animal and a novice artist should first of all draw on the grace of a jaguar.

This picture of a beaver was made by me on a tablet and you can use it to color the beaver with paints. But first let's draw a beaver with a simple pencil step by step.

You can only draw a tiger from a picture or photo. You will not be able to see the Ussuri tiger live. This is an endangered species of animals (no more than 500 individuals), and besides, the tiger is a keen predator. There are several types of tigers, but for our drawing we will choose the Ussuri tiger, which lives in the Far Eastern taiga.

The koala bear is a very cute animal and therefore in any picture the koala always looks so cute and kind that it brings a smile to every person. If you know how to draw animals, be sure to try drawing a koala.

Drawing a giraffe will not be difficult for you online lesson, if you have previously tried to draw animals from photos, such as a horse or a zebra.

Drawing a bear requires some preparation and practice in drawing animals. The point is that, in addition to external resemblance, first of all, in the drawing of an animal you need to reflect its character.

Drawing of a king cobra made on graphics tablet, can be a good picture to decorate your computer desktop.

Typically, foxes have a small body size and short, stocky legs. Their body is slightly elongated like that of a dachshund. All this must be remembered in order for children to learn how to draw this animal correctly.

The wolf's grin can express the character of the wild animal in your drawing. Wild animals are always dangerous for people, and realistic pictures of animals need to take this into account. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a wolf step by step with a pencil.

The elephant has a very large body and different limbs from other animals. His large ears, simple in appearance, are very difficult to draw to match reality. But the parts of an elephant that are easy to draw are its legs and torso.

When a deer is alarmed by something, its legs should be slightly bent, ready to jump. Drawing a deer, even step by step, can be difficult for beginners, since you must be able to reflect the grace of its movements and forms.

Color pictures of a non-existent animal - a dragon, and even in the Chinese national style, are certainly difficult to draw. In fact, a dragon is a symbiosis of a lizard and a bird, and in the drawing of a dragon it is necessary to reflect the plasticity of these two animals.

The drawing of this animal may not work out from the first drawing lesson. Then take a closer look at your cat first and even draw it, then it will be easier for you to draw a lion.

For this animal drawing lesson we will choose a tarantula spider. This spider has hairy limbs and a black and white body, so the drawing does not need to be colored with paints; it is enough to do the tonal coloring with a soft simple pencil.

The snake inspires many panic fear, because some snakes are very poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the reptile family that uses poison for self-defense.

Kangaroo is a unique animal. Firstly, kangaroos live only in Australia, and secondly, the kangaroo mother has a “bag” on her stomach to feed the baby, in which it sits until it grows up. Distinctive feature This animal's features are huge, powerful hind legs and a long, thick tail.

Drawing for children with a simple pencil is best done in stages, first outlining only general outlines frogs. And then, step by step, draw the whole picture.

Bees have a lot small parts, which complicates drawing, but drawing a bee is a good lesson for children who are interested in drawing, as it develops attentiveness and the ability to maintain proportions.

If you need to illustrate a fable or draw this insect for a biology lesson, I suggest you do this task together.

How to draw this unusual animal, for example, to illustrate the cartoon Hedgehog in the Fog or for a drawing on the theme “From the Life of the Forest,” because it has so many needles? Let's try to do this step by step with a pencil. And perhaps this lesson will seem very easy for you.

This lesson is designed for children who want to draw a panda. The drawing was made step by step with a simple pencil. If desired, he can help you draw a panda from the famous cartoon.

The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey the character of this animal in the picture, first of all you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension.

(3 pcs.)

Separation is an inevitable part of any relationship, from family and friends to love. But this is not a reason to forget about loved ones. Even if you are not together now, why not remind yourself by posting a funny, touching picture on the virtual wall of a friend or relative? Everyone is pleased to hear from loved one the words “I miss you,” even if it’s on an e-card. For family and friends“I miss you” cards are universal: they are suitable for friends, relatives, even work colleagues. And in a couple’s relationship, be it young lovers or spouses celebrating their silver wedding, such pictures are simply irreplaceable. Cute virtual cards – great way to show that even separation cannot be an obstacle to truly close relationships. Have you left to study or work in another city, and rarely come to visit your parents? Mom and Dad will be happy to sometimes receive cute virtual cards from you with words of love and support. Parents can also send a picture with the caption “I love you and miss you” to their child living separately. Such a small sign of attention requires little time and at the same time allows you to show your love to your family.

Miss You cards are great for friends. For example, you and your friend found yourself in different cities. Is this a reason to forget about old friendships? In addition to calls, electronic messages and rare meetings, you can send a friend a nice virtual postcard with the words “I miss you.” This is a great way to show that your friend is dear to you and you are sad when they are apart. Also, such a postcard will become a very witty friendly joke. Your friend went to the store to buy beer and never returned? Urgently send a sad postcard “I miss you” to his virtual wall! Your friend will read it, feel ashamed, and quickly return to laugh with you. For loved ones“I miss you” pictures are suitable for a couple in love at any stage of the relationship. You just started dating, spent several unforgettable days together, and new meeting Is everything postponed? Not everyone dares to write “I love you” to a person with whom they only went to the cinema a couple of times or walked in the park? The “I Miss You” card looks neutral and at the same time allows you to more accurately express your feelings. Lovers in a relationship cannot do without regular exchange of messages. Of course, you missed your boyfriend or girlfriend terribly after sitting in the office for half a day. Send your significant other a gentle message, brightening up the time while waiting for the meeting. And if you and your partner have quarreled, then a “I love and miss you” postcard posted on the virtual wall will be the first step towards reconciliation. Don’t think that virtual cards are exclusively youth entertainment. It is also not shameful for adult men or women to send romantic wishes to each other good morning or make your partner laugh funny pictures. Is it bad to bring joy to your soulmate? All that remains is to choose a picture, download it for free and send it to your loved one along with your tenderness.