White beam black ear humanity. "White Bim Black Ear": analysis of the work of Troepolsky G.N.

Work by G.N. Troepolsky speaks about good and evil, friendship between man and animal. The main character is the dog Bim. The hunting puppy was given to a new owner, Ivan Ivanovich, just a month from birth. Bim had a color atypical for his breed, so he was not accepted into the pack of other relatives. Despite all the difficulties, the dog remained kind and cheerful, because his very best was always next to him. best friend- master. It seems to me that by this the author especially wanted to show the dog’s fortitude and fortitude.

Ivan Ivanovich was a very kind man who worked as a journalist and fought in Patriotic War. He truly loved Bim and always took him hunting in the forest.

So three passed happy year, but soon Ivan Ivanovich became very ill, and he had to part with his beloved pet due to the necessary heart surgery. Bima is entrusted to a neighbor.

The owner’s farewell words sounded sad, but Bim could not understand their meaning. The dog could only wait an unbearably long time, remaining in the dark about the reasons for the absence of his best friend.

Soon, the melancholy of parting with Ivan Ivanovich becomes completely unbearable for Bim, and he decides to take a dangerous step - to try to find the disappeared owner on his own. The dog jumps out of the apartment of the neighbor who was looking after him and goes out into the street.

The path turns out to be full of severe trials, and Bim has to face more than once evil people and cruelty. However, during the trip the dog also meets compassionate and sympathetic people, who helped in different ways, but could not take him to themselves. As a result, Bim ends up in a dog shelter.

Ivan Ivanovich, having undergone treatment, finds out the address and with hope urgently goes to the shelter where Bim was sent after the capture. Unfortunately, by that time the dog had already been killed due to the slander of an evil neighbor. The owner comes to the forest where he often walked with Bim, and in memory of him shoots in the air four times: for each year of the dog’s life. Ivan Ivanovich bitterly mourns his friend, recognizing his unshakable loyalty and perseverance.

The dog sincerely, until the last seconds of his short life, continued to search for his beloved friend. Even as he died, he scratched at the door of the van for a long time with hope. How little he wanted - just to be close to his owner!
The author of the story raises the issue of protecting nature to readers, but not only. Conveying the world through the eyes of the purest and most devoted being, he reveals philosophical problems humanity. Thus, the author points out the corruption and selfishness of some people. Cruelty and indifference are revealed by the attitude of the callous people who met Bim in his search for a friend. The author's book has gained well-deserved success and has been reprinted numerous times and translated into many languages ​​around the world.

It is no coincidence that the author’s idea that Ivan Ivanovich sought salvation from the cruelty of the world in a calm forest. So, this particular place personifies sincerity and innocence, something that human vices have not yet been able to destroy.
I believe that all people can seek salvation from cruelty on their own and by working on themselves. Until individuals are able to understand the importance and value of nature, they will not be able to truly love the manifestations of life and understand their value.

The dog, being the main figure of the book, did not live his life meaninglessly and left a good memory of himself. He managed to make friends with the guys looking for him, and also helped Ivan Ivanovich find good friends.

The book, through demonstrating the many torments and sufferings of two friends - a man and a dog - showed not only the cruel reality, but also something more. Bim's life teaches that true loyalty and friendship are not afraid of any difficulties and can be worth a whole life.

5th grade, 7th grade, arguments

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"Be Human"
V. Shukshin

Target: awaken interest in the story, evoke a feeling of compassion and pity for all living things, and help students understand. what is mercy, to promote the education of moral qualities.

Equipment: portrait of G. Troepolsky, drawings by students, Exupery’s statement “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

Lesson epigraph:

“...The reader is a friend!..
Just think! If you write only about kindness, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and in the end will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly...”
G. Troepolsky

Lesson progress

І. Biography of G. Troepolsky.

Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky

Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky was born on November 29, 1905 in the village of Novospasovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region.

G.N. Troepolsky is a prose writer, publicist, playwright. Born into a family Orthodox priest. He spent his childhood in the village and learned peasant labor at an early age.

In 1924 he graduated from the three-year agricultural school named after K.A. Timiryazev in the village of Aleshki, Borisoglebsk district, Voronezh province and, unable to get a job as an agronomist, went to teach at a rural four-year school, teaching until 1930.

Many years of his life are associated with Ostrogozhsk, where for almost a quarter of a century, he, an agronomist by profession, carried out breeding work and managed a variety testing site, where he managed to develop several new varieties of millet.

Troepolsky begins to keep various records: hunting notes and observations, landscape sketches.

Troepolsky essentially became an aspiring writer at the age of 47. “Troepolsky brought his theme to literature: “... pain for the land, for the fate of its sowers and guardians, for the steppe expanse and high sky, for the blue veins of rivers and rustling reeds...” - this is what V.L. said about Troepolsky. Toporkov in the article “Knight of the Russian Field”.

In the mid-50s, Troepolsky, based on “Notes of an Agronomist,” created the film script “Earth and People.” The film was directed by S.I. Rostotsky.

In 1958-61 the novel “Chernozem” was written.

In 1963 - the story “In the Reeds”.

Troepolsky dedicated this story to A.T. Tvardovsky.

ІІ. – What does the word mercy mean?

– Mercy is the willingness to help someone out of compassion and philanthropy.

ІІІ. Did you like the story?

IV. What do you think is the main idea of ​​this story?

The answers were:

  • The main idea of ​​the story, in my opinion, is great friendship and good mutual understanding between man and dog, as well as kindness, devotion and humanity.
  • The story shows what can lead to knackering and indifference to the fate of a dog. The work once again proves that a dog is a man’s friend.
  • A person must always remain a Human: kind, capable of compassion, always ready to help all living things.
  • The story “White Bim Black Ear” by G. Troepolsky tells about the fate of a dog, about its loyalty, honor and devotion. Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something extraordinary, just as not all people have devotion to each other and fidelity to duty. By humanizing the suffering animal, the dog Bim, the author shows people who have lost the humanity in themselves.

The writer himself defined the purpose of his work as follows: “In my book sole purpose– talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, devotion.”

V. What breed was Bim, how did he get to Ivan Ivanovich?

– He was born from purebred parents, setters, with a long pedigree. For all his merits, there was a drawback that affected his fate. It must be “black, with a brilliant bluish tint - the color of a raven’s wing, and always clearly defined by bright red-red tan marks.”

Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with reddish tan marks and even slightly noticeable red speckles, only one ear and one leg are black, really like a raven’s wing; the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. They wanted to drown Bim, but Ivan Ivanovich felt sorry for such a handsome man: he liked his eyes, you see, they were smart.

Ivan Ivanovich fed Bim a pacifier with milk, and he fell asleep in his owner’s arms in his arms with a bottle of milk.

VI . Why do you think Bim became a kind, faithful dog?

- Bim became good dog thanks to Ivan Ivanovich. By the age of two he had become an excellent hunting dog, trusting and honest. Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because “everyone understood everyone and each did not demand from the other moreover what he can give." Bim firmly understood: if you scratch the door, they will definitely open it for you; doors exist so that everyone can enter: ask and they will let you in. Only Bim did not know and could not know how many disappointments and troubles there would be later from such naive gullibility; he did not know and could not know that there are doors that do not open, no matter how much you scratch at them.

VII. Tell us about Ivan Ivanovich. What kind of person was this?

According to the students, Ivan Ivanovich - big soul a person who loves nature and understands it. Everything in the forest makes him happy: the snowdrops, which seem like a drop of heaven on earth, and the sky, which has already sprinkled the forest with thousands of blue drops. He addresses people in his diary with these words: “O restless man! Glory to you forever, who thinks, who suffers for the sake of the future! If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality. Go quickly: in a few days there may be no snowdrops, and you won’t be able to remember the magic of the vision given by nature! Go get some rest. “Snowdrops are fortunate,” people say.”

Students gave examples from the text of how Ivan Ivanovich raised Bim, how he went hunting with him, what commands he taught the dog.

VIII. What captivated you most about Bim?

– Most of all, Bim captivated me with his loyalty, devotion and love for his owner. When Ivan Ivanovich was admitted to the hospital, he could neither eat nor drink, he walked the streets all day long in search of his dear friend. Stones were thrown at him. they beat him, he was starving, but he was waiting for his master to return.

– I was greatly impressed by the scene where Bim cried over the owner’s letter, like a man.

– I liked Bim because he was very understanding, caring dog, even without words, but by his eyes he understood whether Ivan Ivanovich was good or sad.

IX. What is Bim's purpose in life?

- Search and wait for the owner.

X. Bim trusted people. When did he start to lose faith in man?

“He bared his teeth for the first time and bit Gray.”

Viewing a fragment from the film by S.I. Rostotsky "White Bim Black Ear".

Episode: "Bim at Seryoy's."

- Bim could distinguish good people from the evil ones. “Auntie and Snub-nosed are simply bad people. But this one... Bim already hated this one! Bim began to lose faith in man.”

XI. Which episodes made the most impression on you?

Student answers.

“I read and cried when Bim ran after the train, I was very tired, and the woman gave him water to drink. Bim drank almost all the water from the mitten. Now he looked into the woman’s eyes and immediately believed: good man. And he licked and licked her rough, cracked hands, licking off the droplets falling from her eyes. So for the second time in his life, Bim learned the taste of a person’s tears: the first time - the owner’s peas, now these, transparent, shining in the sun, thickly salted with inescapable grief.

– The episode that made the greatest impression on me was when Bim’s paw hit the arrow. Bim jumped on three legs, exhausted and disfigured. He often stopped and licked the numb and swollen toes of his sore paw, the blood gradually subsided, and he licked and licked until each shapeless toe became perfectly clean. It was very painful, but there was no other way out; every dog ​​knows this: it hurts, but be patient, it hurts, and you lick, it hurts, but be silent.

“I felt very sorry for Bim, when the hare disappeared from sight, Klim became furious again: he came close to Bim and hit him with all his might in the chest with the toe of a huge boot. Bim gasped. How the man gasped. “Ooh! – Bim cried out long-drawnly and fell. “Oh, oh...” Bim now spoke in human language. “Oh... For what?!” And he looked with a painful, suffering gaze at the man, not understanding and horrified.

“I was struck by the inhumanity of Semyon Petrovich, Tolik’s father, who tied Bim to a tree in the forest at the end of November, unwrapped the bundle, took out a bowl of meat from it and placed it in front of Bim, without uttering a single word. But after walking away a few steps, he turned around and said: “Well, be it. Like this".

Bim sat until dawn, chilled, sick, exhausted. He chewed through the rope with difficulty and freed himself. Bim realized that now there was no need to go to Tolik, that he would now go to his own door, nowhere else.

XII. How did Bim get into the iron van?

Why did Auntie do this to Bim?

- Aunt hated Bim. She wanted to take revenge on him for not giving her his paw in Ivan Ivanovich’s apartment, he was scared. The guest did not believe Aunt that Bim could bite her (he once licked her hand - not from an excess of feelings only for her personally, but for humanity in general). When the van drove up to the house, Aunt said that Bim was her dog, she had chewed the end of the rope on her neck and was biting everyone.

“Why did you show your teeth? If you don't know how to handle dogs, you wouldn't torture them. She ate the frog’s snout herself, and brought the dog – it’s terrible to look at: she doesn’t look like a dog,” the dog catchers told Aunt.

Watching a fragment of “In the Van” from Rostotsky’s film “White Bim Black Ear.”

Bim dies, but he short life had a positive effect on many destinies - it made Tolik and Alyosha friends. Tolik's parents changed their attitude towards Bim (they wrote advertisements in the newspaper, looking for a dog). Young Ivan, a dog breeder, left his occupation forever.

“Ivan Ivanovich felt warmth within himself, in the emptiness that was left after the loss of his friend. It took him a while to figure out what it was. And these were two boys, they were brought to him, without knowing it, by Bim. And they will come again, they will come more than once.”

XIII. What thoughts and feelings did the story evoke in you? Reading students' essays.

– When I read this story, there were tears in my eyes, and my soul was sad and sad. I hope that people, reading such books, will become kind and humane not only towards animals, but also towards each other.

– I really liked the story. I even almost cried when they beat Bim with a twig and threw stones at him. He died at the hands of cruel people. But in life he realized that not all people are as good as Ivan Ivanovich, Stepanovna, Tolik, Lyusya, Alyosha, Dasha.

The story deeply touched my soul, and I realized that in life you need to be kind and good, like the owner of Bim.

– Troepolsky’s story “White Bim Black Ear” helped me become kinder and more merciful to all living things. When kindness becomes a need for everyone, when there are no evil and indifferent people, life will become much better. Be Human! Do not do evil, because it will boomerang back to you.

Troepolsky's story made a deep impression on the students and made them think about many moral problems.

Students at home completed illustrations for individual episodes of the story. By using fine arts wanted to show their feelings, emotions towards living beings.

Students' story based on their illustrations for the story.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” is not only about kindness, callousness, nobility and meanness, but also about careful attitude to nature.

This word is an appeal to the readers of the story:

“Blessed is he who managed to absorb all this from childhood and carried it through life without spilling a single drop from the vessel of soul salvation given by nature!
On such days in the forest, the heart becomes all-forgiving, but also demanding of itself. Peaceful, you merge with nature. In these solemn moments of autumn dreams, I really want there to be no untruth and evil on earth.”


Why does the author kill Bim?

I read G. Troepolsky’s sad book “White Bim” black ear". This book tells about the sad fate of a dog.
Bim is a smart and cute dog, but he had a non-standard color. Setters are usually black, raven in color, with reddish spots. And Bim is white, with a black ear and a black paw, and his other ear is red. Bim has kind and smart eyes.
Ivan Ivanovich, Bim’s owner, was a participant in the war, and a shrapnel hit him in the chest. Ivan Ivanovich often felt bad, his heart ached. And when Ivan Ivanovich became very ill, he went to the hospital. From that moment on, Bim's troubles began.
When Bim wandered in search of his best friend, master Ivan Ivanovich, he exposed his life to danger and injury. During the search, Bim became disabled: his paw was pinched on the arrow, the evil Gray guy hit him hard on the head and posted advertisements stating that Bim was mad.
On his way, Bim knew a lot of good and bad people. He was in a village hunting, where he was injured by the evil hunter Klim, who kicked him hard.
At the end of his adventures, near the house, Bim met an uncultured aunt who sent him to the slaughterhouse. There he met his death. Bim died from long agony and longing for Ivan Ivanovich.
But Bim did not live his life meaninglessly. His traces remained on the ground. Perhaps Bim is the kindest, patient, loyal, purposeful, intelligent dog. Bim made friends with the guys who were looking for him when he was wandering around looking for a friend. He helped Ivan Ivanovich find new acquaintances. Bim influenced many people, including Tolik’s parents. They allowed their son to keep a dog at home.
I don't really like this book because I love animals, and in this story an innocent dog is tortured. But perhaps the writer wanted to talk about real events. G. Troepolsky killed Bim in order to create serious literature. Bim couldn't die an ordinary death dogs because he himself is unusual. He is smarter than other dogs. And Bim thinks almost like a person.
Sad books can sometimes help solve a problem. When people read such books, their hearts do not become stone.

From the site administration

The story “White Bim Black Ear” is one of the most touching and heavy works Russian literature. And yet it is studied in junior school. And often children are tasked with preparing a written review of a book they have read. We bring to your attention one of these works: “White Bim Black Ear” - an essay written by a 4th grade student.

I really love dogs. I have a dog at home named Mouse. She is small and agile. And also gray. Just like a mouse. She is my best friend. And when I read the book “White Bim Black Ear,” I constantly thought about my cute dog. It was very difficult for me to read such a story. She made me feel great pity for Bim, as well as for his owner Ivan Ivanovich.

I believe that main character the story is exactly White Bim Black Ear. Although he is not a person, but just a dog, he knew how to worry, make friends and truly love. This goodie.

Ivan Ivanovich is also a positive hero. He is kind, smart and honest. Once this man fought with the Nazis and was wounded in the war. Since then, a fragment has remained in his chest.

Ivan Ivanovich took Bim into his house when the puppy was only one month old. The former soldier immediately liked this tiny creature. A friendship began between a man and a dog. Ivan Ivanovich looked after the baby, devoted a lot of time to him, and took him hunting with him. He took care of the puppy like a mother takes care of her child. And when Bim grew up, he repaid his master boundless love and devotion and tried to help him in everything. They understood each other even without words. When I read the book, sometimes I even forgot that Bim was just a dog. He was so smart and understanding. And Ivan Ivanovich didn’t care that his pet was different from other dogs of the same breed. The color of the coat did not matter to him, because it was not the main thing.

Terrible times came for White Bim when his owner was hospitalized. Because of a shrapnel in his chest, Ivan Ivanovich died, but his favorite did not know this. How long had he believed and hoped that the owner would return! How he grieved and cried! My heart was breaking with pity for the poor lonely dog. And then Bim decided to look for his owner. He ran for many kilometers, and once even got injured on railway. His paw was injured. But this did not stop his faithful friend.

Some people came to Bim's aid. And others showed themselves to be vile, cruel and ruthless. At the very end of the story, Uncle Sery posted advertisements in which he wrote that Bim was mad. And the dog was sent to the slaughterhouse. This is the saddest episode of the book, which is impossible to read without tears. How Bim whined and scratched about iron doors! How he wanted to escape the trap! It was as if he felt that he was being taken to his death.

G. Troepolsky's book ended very badly. Ivan Ivanovich died. He also died true friend. What did the author want to tell us with this? Why didn't he at least leave the dog alive? Probably the writer wanted to show what anger, cruelty and indifference of people lead to. He also hoped that after reading his book, people would begin to treat dogs better and would not offend them, much less kill them. After all, these animals are our best friends! How can you kill a friend?

When I read G. Troepolsky’s story “White Bim Black Ear,” I felt very, very sad. It's sad how evil and callous people can be.

You, of course, remember that at the center of the story is the story of tragic fate Scottish Setter Bim, left alone with troubles in this complex world. Having grown up in the apartment of Ivan Ivanovich, who surrounded the puppy with care and affection, Bim found himself powerless in the face of cruelty and hypocrisy.

Pensioner Ivan Ivanovich is an example wonderful person, who not only saved the unfortunate puppy from death (he let down his entire breed by being born with the wrong color), but also became a true friend for Bim, support and protection. Kind and humane, the main character raised a puppy. And Bim turned into a good one hunting dog. The naive, cheerful dog learned to understand people. But in the first part of the story, he was not very upset by the clashes with the neighbor who hated him, because the reliable Ivan Ivanovich was nearby. And Bim perceived the world around us through the prism of his owner’s intelligence, his love for nature, and his caring attitude towards the puppy. And Bim really appreciated all this, loved his owner, was devoted and faithful to him. Then it seemed that bright and wonderful world it will always be like this around.

How terrible was Bim’s disappointment when he was left alone. I read the pages of the story, which describe the dog’s encounters with heartless people, and cried. I felt sorry for the main character. I felt a sense of shame for the actions of adults. The shrill aunt becomes Bim's worst enemy for no reason. Her hatred leads the dog to tragic death. The greed of Gray, a collector of dog collars, makes me seriously doubt his integrity. The cowardly Klim, who beat the dog for disobedience, leaves him to die in the forest. A tram driver makes money by selling a Bim that does not belong to him.

G. Troepolsky shows many such heroes, cruel, cynical, angry towards the dog. You become very disappointed in people when you read such works.

The little heroes of the story: Alyosha and Tolik - fell in love with a setter, but various reasons they couldn't keep it. Bim experiences pain and resentment thanks to the attention and care of the boys, neighbor Stepanovna, and girl Lucy. Fortunately, we met Bim and good people. But they could not save him from death. A grumpy neighbor who wants to clear the dog from her yard gets her way.

The sad ending of the story teaches us mercy towards animals. After all, they are always devoted and faithful to people. It hurts to look at abandoned kittens and puppies, at homeless dogs and cats. Behind each of them there are people who doom them to suffering.

The fate of the main character of the story, the Scottish setter White Bim Black Ear, reminds us that people are becoming cruel. No matter how the world changes, there is always a place for good and good deeds. And, to my great regret, our contemporaries are cruel both towards people and towards animals. But people can stand up for themselves! What about animals? Their fate is in our hands! We need to be more merciful and humane! And don’t forget that we are all “responsible for those we have tamed”!