Arguments for writing. Ege Russian language

The problems captured in the headlines are, so to speak, the direction for writing on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Arguments that are correctly chosen to reveal the topic are the basis of the work, it is on it that the inspectors first of all pay attention, counting points. In this collection you will find both, and you can also download it in table format at the end of the article.

  1. In the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful" Happiness, according to the author, lies in good deeds and the desire to be useful and necessary to another person. To do good - the main objective personality, the achievement of which brings joy and satisfaction. It is unacceptable to build life on the basis of exclusively personal desires, because the life task of people is much wider. It is in their power to change and transform the world into better side, create something new and share it with others. The more you give, the more you get in return. "The most big goal in life - to increase the good in those around us. And good is, first of all, the happiness of all people. simple formula happiness according to Likhachev, which makes you think about the true purpose of life and truly important values.
  2. Heroes of the play by A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard» they talk about the nature of happiness, remember it as an unattainable dream, and yet each of them is deeply unhappy. For each of them, happiness is defined differently: for some, it is possession material goods, achieving success in business; for others - peace of mind, enjoyment of memories, experiences of past love. Obsessed with the search for bliss, they are still limited by spiritual lack of freedom, misunderstanding own life in which they feel dissatisfied and lonely. However, happiness is what each of them unconsciously strives for, wanting to experience or regain a sense of complete satisfaction for the first time. For Ranevskaya, Gaev, Lopatin and other characters in the play, the search for the good is closely connected with the contradictions of the past and the present, with the impossibility of finding it due to internal and external circumstances, the fragility of desires and goals.
  3. The story of A. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin yard» at first glance, it is dedicated to the everyday life and life of a simple Russian village, where people work, live their lives, obey established laws and habits. Among them, Matryona is an exceptional heroine. In conditions of consumer relations, human indifference, moral desolation, people forget about the true benefits and values, giving preference to selfish petty happiness, embodied in objects and things. And only Matryona retains spiritual purity and joy of life, despite the fact that many trials fell to her lot: the loss of loved ones, hard labour, disease. The heroine finds solace in her work. Hardships and hardships do not make her callous and cruel, on the contrary, her happiness lies in the desire to be needed, to help people, to give everything without demanding anything in return. Her love for her neighbor is active and disinterested. In this openness to the world, true happiness is manifested.
  4. In O. Henry's novel "The Gift of the Magi" Della and Jim married couple. They are in cramped circumstances, experiencing material difficulties, but this does not prevent them from loving each other faithfully and tenderly. Each of them is sure that his personal happiness lies in the happiness of the other, therefore, sacrificing their own interests, they do not feel bitterness at all, on the contrary, they rejoice at the opportunity to give a holiday to a loved one. Della sells her hair to buy a watch chain for Jim, who sells the watch to give her a comb. By sacrificing the most beloved and dearest things to their hearts, the heroes gain immeasurably more: the opportunity to bring happiness to the one you love.
  5. In the philosophical fairy tale-parable of A. De Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" the search and comprehension of happiness become one of the ultimate goals of the journey little prince. It turns out that in order to be happy, one must not be lonely. The main thing is to find a friend to take care of, whether it be a lamb in a box, a Fox or beautiful flower. The closeness of a sincere, real and devoted comrade - necessary condition in order to be happy. Taking responsibility for the one you love, helping and empathizing with him are the components of joy, without which life is like an endless dead desert. Happiness is felt with the heart, and, as a rule, it is found in simple human joys.

Imaginary happiness

  1. In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry" the problem of happiness is by no means solved through selfless service to one's neighbor. Obviously, to each his own! Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsh-Gimalayan has everything he dreamed of for so long: own house in the village, a carefree landowner's life without labor and worries, and most importantly - gooseberries, which the hero eats everything free time. But such a simplified happiness is false: spending time in idleness, Nikolai Ivanovich launches himself, loses moral character ceases to live a full spiritual life. And besides, he paid too dearly for such a seemingly simple joy: he married a rich widow, whom he later brought to death. Avarice and pettiness became the main components of his character. Having become rich, he became content, but lost the opportunity to find a genuine inner harmony, immeasurable by material units.
  2. Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, the hero of the story by N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat"- a small and ordinary person. He does not need much: he reverently and responsibly performs his penny work, lives from hand to mouth, but, in essence, is quite satisfied with fate. The habitual course of its existence violates the need to purchase new overcoat. Bashmachkin's reverent attitude to his acquisition is so great that the long-awaited new thing occupies all his thoughts, subjugates all his actions and impulses. ordinary thing becomes the meaning of life and the happiness of this little man obsessed with the material component of being. Bashmachkin perceives such a miserable existence as happy until random robbers take away his favorite overcoat from him. The story makes you think not only about the importance and necessity of compassion and helping your neighbor, but also about the true causes of happiness. The official misunderstood him, and therefore fell victim to his mistake.
  3. IN philosophical novel O. Balzac "Shagreen leather" the desire for happiness and external well-being leads the main character Raphael de Valentin to death. His path from poverty to wealth was long and difficult: rejected by his beloved woman, having no means of subsistence, he decides to commit suicide. However, fate gives him a choice: he enters into a deal with the owner of the antiquities shop and acquires a wonderful talisman. A patch of pebbled leather fulfills his desires, instead taking away precious minutes of life. Now Rafael has everything: recognition, money, luxury goods. Having got the opportunity to live the way he wanted, the hero realizes that external well-being is of no value to him. Life becomes beautiful and meaningful only when he meets true love- young beauty Polina. But the time allotted for him to search for and achieve happiness is hopelessly lost. Too late Raphael realizes that true values are by no means in wealth, but in the variety of bright and disinterested human feelings.

Finding Happiness

  1. IN novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" the search for happiness becomes one of the key themes. Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Helen Kuragina, Nikolai Rostov, Fyodor Dolokhov and other heroes are people who are very different in character and life attitudes. Each of them understands happiness in his own way: Bolkonsky seeks it in military triumphs and glory, Pierre in knowing and accepting himself, Helen Kuragina in a marriage of convenience. Many of the characters, faced with the conventions of society and simply life's difficulties, change their beliefs, abandon those views and aspirations with which they were full on early stages own life. Their ideas about happiness are also changing: Pierre finds joy only after meeting Natasha, Bolkonsky is disappointed in the idea of ​​a feat in the name of glory, finds true joy in love and compassion for one's neighbor. Author's position in the novel is obvious: the answer to the question of happiness is individual for each person. It all depends on the degree of openness of the soul, its readiness to know and accept the other.
  2. Sometimes the search for happiness is hampered by everyday difficulties, overcoming which takes a lot of strength. IN stories by A.P. Platonov "Potudan River" Red Army soldier Nikita Firsov returns home after several years of absence. Home village and the home environment as a whole has changed a lot, they have become lonely and deserted, devoid of their former happiness. Nikita tries to build new life on the ruins of the old He works in the workshop, helps his father. The day after his return, Firsov meets Lyuba, a childhood friend with whom they had a childhood reverent relationship. The heroes fall in love and decide to build a family together. But, exhausted by hunger and want, work and everyday difficulties, they cannot build the happiness they need so much. Nikita, overwhelmed with a sense of dissatisfaction, misunderstanding of his place in life, decides to run away to a neighboring city. There he lives and works until his father finds him. When he returns, he finds Luba, dying and sick. Pity and love overwhelm him, he understands that he has never experienced such a need for happiness as now. His search ends at the moment when the hero realizes that the main goal is to share pain and joy with others, to protect and protect the neighbor who needs him.
  3. main character novel by G. Flaubert "Madame Bovary" also spends his life in search of happiness. Brought up on romantic novels about love, sublime stories about depth human heart, Emma Bovary leaves the monastery and returns to the village to her father, where she encounters absolute vulgarity and routine, breaking her ideas about the lot of a woman. In an attempt to escape from an environment that is disgusting to her, she marries a provincial doctor, thereby hoping to make her idealistic dreams come true. But the tragedy of the heroine lies in the fact that she is faced not only with the vulgarity of the philistine world, but also with her own vulgarity, which, due to her upbringing and environment, she is unable to eradicate in herself. The search for happiness, the desire to experience a real sublime feeling pushes Emma to betray her husband. Her protest against established traditions and habits lowers her lower and lower. Plunging into the bourgeois existence she hates, she loses the opportunity to be happy.
  4. In M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" the characters are carried away by reflections on the nature of happiness. People living in miserable conditions talk about the destiny of man, good and evil, the meaning and joy of life. Behind each of them is a genuine human tragedy: Baron, Actor, Kleshch, Ashes, Nastya and other heroes live on social day. They are forever cut off from society, but do not lose hope in gaining well-deserved happiness. Many of them mentally return to the past, they are resigned to their existence, while others make a desperate attempt to fight for their future. They are looking for support and understanding from the wanderer Luke, who accidentally looked into the rooming house. Luke is trying to save the heroes from cruel reality, taking them to the world of beautiful illusions, where the highest truth for a person is the truth in which he himself wants to believe. But the severity of reality destroys the hopes of the heroes, and the search for happiness is overshadowed in the play by the motive of the unfulfillment of the final desires of the characters.

Is it possible to be happy at the expense of others?

  1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» The path to the long-awaited happiness became a difficult test for the heroes, in which not only their mutual feelings, but the personal qualities of each of their characters were tested for strength. Fight for the happiness of two loving hearts- Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev - overshadowed by severe obstacles: the parents' ban on marriage, the Pugachev rebellion, the betrayal of Alexei Shvabrin. Shvabrin is an exceptional character in his goals and actions. His path to happiness lies through betrayal and lies. He proposes to Masha, but is refused, so he seeks to denigrate her in the eyes of Peter in order to stop their mutual inclination. Not having achieved what he wants, he goes to betrayal and goes over to the side of the enemy out of spiritual cowardice and personal motives. He tries to get what he wants by resorting to deceit and threats, which means he chooses an erroneous and unworthy path, shameful for a real person. At the expense of the grief of other people, he tries to build his own happiness, but he fails to succeed.
  2. Molchalin is one of the heroes comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"— proud of his rapid promotion. He dreams of building successful career, become an influential person and succeed in life. A poor nobleman from the provinces, he lives in Famusov's house and in as soon as possible takes over from him as a secretary. However, Molchalin achieves results not by virtue of his merits, but thanks to his ability to serve higher ranks. He treats with trepidation and envy influential people, trying to attract their attention to himself in order to curry favor. This hero is a pragmatist and a cynic. To become happy, he needs wealth and recognition of society, so he begins to care for Famusov's daughter, Sophia. But sincere feelings the hero does not feel for her, but only uses her to achieve his mercantile goal. The path to happiness for him lies through servility, humiliation and flattery. However, his cunning plan becomes public knowledge, and Molchalin is defeated.
  3. IN novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" the heroes also try to build their own happiness, but in an attempt to figure out what it consists of, each of them faces a number of difficulties. Raskolnikov, Sonya, Svidrigailov, Marmeladov and other characters are trying to understand and accept life. Rodion cognizes her through the prism of his vague theory, Sonya sees her path in sacrificial and selfless help to her neighbor. Court counselor Pyotr Luzhin wants to achieve a high position in society. To be happy, it is enough for him to feel like a benefactor and ruler in the eyes of other people. He is flattered by the servile admiration of those below him. Therefore, Luzhin wants to marry Dunya Raskolnikova. By taking a poor girl as his wife, he hopes thereby to acquire a devoted and grateful servant to him. In this understanding of happiness, the pettiness, prudence and soulful meanness of the hero, unable to do good deeds from pure heart. He does not achieve his goal and runs from shame, because potential relatives have seen through his rotten nature.

The unattainability of happiness

  1. Main character novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" escapes boredom in the countryside. Tired of secular life, he is trying to find new meanings away from the society he hates. But Onegin fails to escape from himself. He kills his friend Lensky in a duel, rejects Tatyana's Love, and all because selfishness and spiritual cowardice make him unable to take responsibility for another person. Despite this, Eugene is a noble and deep personality, eager to fill his life with worthy goals, to find an excuse own existence. But in his search for happiness, he encounters its ultimate unattainability. Having met Tatyana at the ball, whose love he once rejected, the hero falls in love, but he is no longer able to make the girl happy. For Onegin himself, the opportunity to be happy is irretrievably lost.
  2. IN novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" the problem of the ultimate unattainability of happiness is one of the main ones. Grigory Pechorin is an outstanding personality, strong, active, but initially deprived of the opportunity to be happy, due to his isolation from the rest of society, insolvency and helplessness in the face of life. Pechorin wants to find happiness, trying to find it in books, in war, in communication with other people. But constantly rejected by others, the hero becomes hardened and disappointed in the search. Realizing once that happiness is unattainable for him, he does not value life at all, living it as he has to. Due to the natural human weakness he still unconsciously reaches out to people, each time hoping to find love and understanding. But deep down he is still alone. The search for happiness becomes for him a constant, but meaningless exercise, doomed to failure.
  3. In Kuprin's story "Olesya" the unattainability of seemingly close happiness becomes the life drama of the characters. Ivan Timofeevich, who accidentally drove into the wilderness, meets charming girl leading a solitary life away from people. The characters don't look alike, but that doesn't stop them from falling in love passionately. It would seem that finding mutual joy is not so difficult! But the harshness of the real world, with its conventions and limitations, violates the idyllic existence of the characters. The inhabitants of the nearby village, accustomed to living a primitive, traditional life, reject Olesya for being different from them. The sincere love of the characters turns out to be powerless in the struggle between sublime happiness and cruel and merciless reality.
  4. V.G. Korolenko in his essay "Paradox" very ambiguously outlined the problem of happiness. "Paradox" is a philosophical parable that reveals to the reader the relativity of happiness, its ultimate unattainability. In the center of the story is a boy from a wealthy family. Together with his brother, they often spend time in the garden, having fun and playing. One day, many people come to their yard, begging. In order to earn a living, they demonstrate unusual tricks to a curious public. One of them is Jan Krystof Załuski. From birth, he has no arms, and the body itself is devoid of proportions. The hero's paradox is that, despite physical ailment, he preaches the philosophy of the joy of life. A person for whom happiness, it would seem, is unattainable, talks about it as an invariable component human destiny. “Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight,” says Załuski. With his sudden appearance, he taught the children an important lesson. However, at the end of the story, the hero ends the aphorism expressed earlier: “But happiness, alas, is not given to everyone.” This, in his opinion, is the inconsistency of existence: a person desperately strives for harmony and joy, but he is not able to achieve absolute happiness.

We are all in a hurry. Every day.

Many people like it. Being busy is kind of social status. A person in a hurry looks important.

I think this game should be stopped. Stop measuring those who are busier, who are in a hurry. I believe that we should relax, learn to enjoy this world, this life, and not try to become more productive, watching how this life just passes by.

Why being busy is a fool's trap

If you are busy, it will never end. You can't get rid of the constant flow of work because to-do lists never end. Emails come in all the time. People are calling, everyone needs something. Meetings never stop. We are like squirrels in a wheel, running aimlessly, just to please the boss, or to earn someone money.

The squirrel in the wheel will always run. Always - because she has no purpose.

Do you know what? The journey has a purpose. And we are already in end point. After all, what is happening to us right now is our life. This is what makes sense. Is being busy the purpose of your life? Maybe if something more?

I believe that we should replace all this fuss with something that has value for us. Something that matters. And even if we do something important, we don't have to do it all the time, leave time for relaxation, for pleasure, for happiness. Otherwise, there is no point in living.

We need to rediscover what it means to do nothing. Sit still. Enjoy the silence. It is necessary to leave more free space between classes, and not stick them together in one continuous piece of fuss. Let's stop rushing and be happier.

How to become less busy

It all starts with a decision - I want to be less busy. I no longer want what I have now.
If you have a flexible work schedule
Make two lists. In the first, describe your ideal work day - everything that you like about your job, that you would like to do. In the second - all the things that you need to do, all your obligations. Then start removing commitments that are not on your ideal day. Call the people you promised to do something to and just say you won't do it. People will be disappointed, but it won't kill them.

After that, start following your ideal day. Be sure to leave enough space between tasks so you don't have to rush. Leave one big gap so that you can spend time with your family, or play sports, or your favorite thing, or just relax.

Look at your to-do list and think about what you could remove or delegate. Or just postpone. Each day choose three things to focus on. Set aside one piece of time for email and to complete small tasks so that this work does not distract you later.

Disconnect from the Internet for a period of time. When you go somewhere, turn off mobile phone, or leave it at home. Then no one can interrupt you when you communicate with living people in real world. Remove anything that diverts your attention and interrupts you so you don't have to refocus.

Avoid meetings. Seriously. They just take time.

Prefer single-tasking over multi-tasking, focus on the important things, not a bunch of little things. If you find yourself opening a new tab in your browser, just bookmark this page so you don't get distracted from the main document.

Enjoy the tranquility. Relax. Take a nap. Breathe deeply.

If you are full time
Consider what you can do from the above. Perhaps you can do more than you think. Create the perfect day, get rid of obligations, streamline your to-do list, be single-tasking, remove things that distract you. Most people can do all of this.

Also, talk to your boss. Tell them that you want to be more productive, and that distraction and constant meetings get in the way. Stop you from achieving more. Tell your boss what you want to achieve and how you would like to change your schedule to achieve it. Try to negotiate.

Or consider changing jobs if you are unable to control your workday at all. Well, yes, this is a serious decision, but it is possible, and even useful. At least think about it.

After all, no matter what you do, you can always get out of the rush just by changing the way you think. Live in the present and don't get distracted by other things. Stop, take a deep breath, enjoy the present. Learn to see what is right in front of you and be at peace with what you are doing.

And then raise your fist and, with the quiet laugh of a conqueror, threaten this ever-hurried world.

Can a person appreciate what he has? Is the world around us so gray and monotonous? Boris Yekimov's text makes us think about the problem of people having stopped enjoying life.

To draw readers' attention to this problem, the author tells about a hero whose life consists in a monotonous cycle of actions. The everyday life of the hero is so boring that he is no longer "happy with anything, even winter and snow." The hero is surrounded by laziness in the form of "tired people" and solid negativity presented in the media. It would seem an absolute routine, if not for the dialogue of two girls who were nearby. It was their conversation about the gifts that one of them is going to give to her relatives to make them happy that inspired the hero, he began to look at the world with a “light heart”.

Boris Yekimov believes that in the hustle and bustle of our lives, we have ceased to enjoy this life and notice the beauty in it. Human joy drowned in daily worries and endless problems.

I fully share the position of the author, as I personally encounter a similar problem. Sometimes such monotony simply leads to depression, apathy or even frustration. A favorite pastime, communication with people or the achievement of a goal can save you from the dullness of everyday life.

In Chuck Palahniuk's novel "Fight Club" main character is an office worker who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to the dullness of his life. The attending physician advises the hero to attend anonymous courses for cancer patients so that he can see the real suffering of people and realize the value of his life. Indeed, after he attended such courses and talked with cancer patients, his life begins to improve, because his problems no longer seem so global. Gradually, the hero begins to acquire harmony in himself. Problems prevent a person from enjoying life, but when you realize that everything is not so bad, you begin to enjoy what you have.

The heroine of the epic novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, Natasha Rostova, despite her appearance, is a happy person. This is evidenced by her admiration for beauty. moonlit night. So strong that even the disappointed Prince Andrei comes to life, listening to Natasha. What makes a girl happy is that she knows how to see the beauty around her and is able to enjoy every day.

Thus, happy is the one who knows how to enjoy the little things and is aware of the pettiness of everyday problems.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

It was one of those autumn days when debilitating melancholy crushes the heart, when dank dampness penetrates the soul and there, as in a cellar, it becomes dark and cold. The wind blew gusty, and the still-heavy water in the puddles began to be covered with black pimples.


There are moments in life when everything falls into a heap: unfinished work crushes, some obligations seem unbearable, the weather is annoying, you don’t want to see friends, relatives ... Why, you won’t look in the mirror once again. But it happens differently: you rejoice that a new morning has come, you are grateful to every ray of the sun that looked into your window, to every drop of rain that fell from a gloomy spring cloud. What defines human joy? What helps a person to enjoy life? It is these questions that arise after reading the text of I. Novikov.

The main problem posed by the author in this text is the problem of the source of joy. It is not difficult to see that, growing up, many people stop enjoying life in the way that children can do. But joy is a great charge of energy and positive, so necessary for a person to fully function.

The position of the author is clear. He thinks that only happy man can rejoice in everything that surrounds him, in everything good times that life gives us, not noticing unpleasant little things, not allowing ourselves to become "an integral part of the dreary bad weather."

Despite the heavy, overcast beginning, the text can be called expressive and emotional. The writer uses a variety of means of expression. He easily conveys all the melancholy of his attitude with the help of gloomy metaphors (“wrapped in dirty gray bandages of morning drizzle”), flavored with the same dull epithets (“doomed-sour half-smile”, “stupefyingly gray, radiculite dusk”). A joyful, life-affirming character friendly family we adopt with the help of homogeneous predicates (“circled, clapped, laughed”).

It is impossible not to agree with the author. A person who can see beauty in small things is really rich. Such a person does not need to look for ways to entertain himself, to please him - he does it so well. Not someone for us, but we ourselves take away the joy of life, focusing on the negative aspects.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that there are many reasons for joy, you just need to learn how to detect them. And then everything will be fine.