How to unlock all artifact skins in WoW Legion. Tomb of Sargeras

I've always been a bit suspicious of Khadgar, especially after he's so well and too perfect at the beginning of Warlords, and all his actions in this expansion have always raised questions. Partly because of how well he knew Gul "dan, and vice versa - because there was neither much friendship nor enmity between them. And also, with what determination he tortured his old girlfriend Garona.

And remember his attitude towards us. We took on the roles of champions, heroes, and glorified messengers hunting for powerful magical artifacts as Khadgar desperately tried to hunt down Gul'dan. the good of Azeroth.

Time to put on our tinfoil hats! The following text consists of hypotheses regarding Khadgar's personality and actions. These assumptions are just theories and should not be taken for granted or official lore.

Path of Khadgar

Khadgar's arrival was just too lucky. When the Iron Horde broke through the portal to the Blasted Lands, Khadgar appeared with all the knowledge he needed. He sent us through this portal so that we can close it from the inside and save our world. Khadgar looked alarmed at Gul'dan's release, but told us it was a small price to pay for Azeroth's safety.

And we trusted and followed him throughout the journey through Draenor. Between military strikes against the Iron Horde, we played cat and mouse with Khadgar and Gul "Dan. Several times we had a chance to see Khadgar's heated arguments with Jaina Proudmoore, where he tried to try on the Alliance and the Horde, and unite them against a common enemy - Guldan.

But everything went to hell with the advent of Garona. Cordana Felsong most likely fell under the influence of the Orb of Dominion, but even before that, she was suspicious of Khadgar's activities and even reported this to the Guardians. After the end of Warlords, Khadgar knew that the fight against Gul'Dan wasn't over yet.

Pillars of Creation

The Tomb of Sargeras audio drama brought me back to the idea that Khadgar is fine again. He pursued Gul'dan and tried to stop him from completing the Legion's mission. Khadgar intended to immediately warn Stormwind of the Legion's return and find a way to stop it.

In the process, he once again argued with Jaina Proudmoore, insisting that the Horde return to the Kirin Tor over her protests and oust the organization's leader. Of course, this raises some questions, but Khadgar clearly wanted to do what was best for Azeroth. If we are to defeat the Legion, all factions must work together.

Shortly thereafter, we learn of the existence of the Pillars of Creation, powerful artifacts capable of closing the Legion's portal. To find out more about them, Khadgar goes in search of the book in Karazhan and summons the spirit of Alodi's first guardian. Needless to say, after that they threw all their strength into searching for the artifact.

But once again, something haunts me, and suspicions about Khadgar are growing again, especially after the events in the Emerald Nightmare.

Whisper Il "gynot

The second boss of the Emerald Nightmare was Il "gynot - a manifestation of all the horrors of the Emerald Nightmare. And at the meeting, he tells us some interesting phrases. Consider those associated with Khadgar.

  • Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.

Sounds pretty simple, right? But why do we have five? We can assume that we are talking about five dragons, but they are no longer there, so most likely we are talking about the five Pillars of Creation. But we do not open anything with them, but on the contrary, we use them to close the Legion portal.

  • The lord of the ravens will turn the key.

You can dig in the direction of Lord Kur "talos Ravencrest purely because of the coincidence of names, but in fact, we are talking about Medivh, or his successor Khadgar, who has the ability to turn into a raven. Khadgar was determined to collect the Pillars of Creation, since when I heard about them from Magni Bronzebeard. Speaking of which…

  • The king of diamonds has become a pawn.

But here, not everything is as simple as it seems. Because when we visited Ulduar and found Magni, he was attacked by the Legion. But a little earlier, we were attacked by servants of the ancient gods. Which means Yogg-Saron is still active. If Magni has become a pawn of the ancient gods, then what are we looking for here?

Narrowing the circle

This addition is just littered with references to some kind of circle or cycle. It was first mentioned by Echoes of Medivh when Khadgar and I tried to get the book in Karazhan. The echo told us:

  • What was foreseen happened. The circle is drawing to a close. Sentinels, take care of our "guests!".

And the Echo of Medivh isn't the only one talking about him. Oddly enough, Il "gynot also mentions him, saying the phrase: "Your arrival was predicted in the rings. The long circle is almost complete." Since then, the thought of a circle has been bugging me. What kind of circle? What was foretold? Defeat of the Legion?

It is unlikely. There have been several cycles in the history of Warcraft. Factions fight, then work together, peace is achieved, conflict erupts again, and again, again and again. The very invasion of the Legion to some extent can be considered a cycle - first there was the War of the Ancients, then the Third War, and again we are fighting with someone.

But that's not all, there is also a phrase that can shed light on the riddle with the circle.

Third death

  • With her third death, she will announce us.

Who is this mysterious "she", and what does the third death mean? There are many people who think it's most likely Sylvanas Windrunner, but I don't agree with them. Why? Yes, because Sylvanas has already died three times. The first time, at the hands of Arthas, once more when she jumped from the top of Icecrown Citadel, and the third time when Lord Godfrey shot her in Silverpine Forest.

It seems to me that something more global is hidden here. I think "she" is the planet itself, all of Azeroth. When Aman "Thul tried to tear Y" Shaarj away from Azeroth, he inflicted a wound on the whole world, flooding the surface with blood. I think it was the first death. But the Titans managed to save Azeroth, and imprison the remaining old gods.

Then the War of the Ancients began, and Queen Azshara tried to open a portal to let Sargeras in. Malfurion managed to stop him in time, but not without consequences - the explosion from the collapse of the Well of Eternity destroyed the earth and stained the sky. The seas rushed to fill the wound in the earth, forming the continents as we know them today. I consider this a second death.

Shortly after the shining halls of Zin-Azshari fell into the sea, Queen Azshara and her loyal followers were turned into naga. The eternal prisons of the ancient gods were weakened by the explosion, and their influence slowly began to spread throughout the world.

What will happen the third time? We are about to realize this, as the third death is at hand.

Turning the key

If the closing of the portal meant to bring Sargeras to Azeroth nearly ripped the world apart the first time, what should we expect now? Today's events are much bigger than the War of the Ancients. A portal has been opened in the Broken Isles to let the Legion in, and the Nightwell is used to fuel it. Kagdar wishes to close the portal, but we know perfectly well what happened last time.

I think if we manage to cope with this task, Azeroth will not be in trouble. The dungeons will be destroyed and the old gods will break free. And if you think that the War of the Ancients and the invasion of the Legion is the worst thing that could happen, then compared to the Dark Empire, these are just childish pranks.

Khadgar's Gambit

Suspicions about Khadgar are still relevant. On the one hand, he acts for the good of Azeroth and is ready for anything for him. But, on the other hand, there is a huge amount of evidence against him. The fact remains that Khadgar appeared too perfectly in the alternate Draenor, and oddly enough, Ghul'dan slipped away despite his best "efforts".

It was Khadgar who appointed Jaina as leader of the Kirin Tor, according to prophecy, but he didn't bat an eyelid when she stepped down as leader. He seemed to know about the attack in Ulduar. It was he who found the book on the Pillars of Creation, and activated Karazhan's defense system.

Does Khadgar really have good intentions? Or is he just being manipulated by the ancient gods? Or is he a manipulator? In any case, I don't think that defeating the Legion is the end of our troubles... it's just the beginning. And if we succeed in our mission to save the world, we may unleash even greater horrors that even the Legion pales in comparison.

After thousands of years, she turned this place into the Tomb of Sargeras, hoping that the seals could neutralize the Fel that filled the remains of the titan's avatars. Although all five Pillars were used by the Highborne of Suramar, four of them ended up outside the magical barrier that protected part of the ancient city. By the beginning of the new invasion of the Burning Legion, which began from the Broken Isles, each of the relics was in one of the localities, including Highmountain, Azsuna, Stormheim and Val "shara.

Information about these artifacts was known to Dalaran magicians and recorded in a tome, which was entrusted to protect the Guardian of Tirisfal. The tome was in Karazhan's library, and Khadgar read it when he was still Medivh's apprentice. Magni Bronzebeard, who had turned into a diamond statue during the Cataclysm, awakened and told Khadgar that the Pillars of Creation would be needed to close the portal in the Tomb of Sargeras. Khadgar remembered that he had already read about them and went to Karazhan to get the right book. In Medivh's tower, he assumed that Sargeras already knew about the plan with the Pillars, as the demons were also trying to break into Karazhan. Khadgar was able to defend the castle and take possession of the tome in which the artifacts were described. This book was called Remarkable Relics of Ancient Azeroth and was written by Alodi, the first Guardian.

Since the tome contained no information about the whereabouts of the Pillars, Khadgar decided to appeal to the author of the book, whose spirit was forever linked to the Forge of the Watcher, which guarded the Kirin Tor. Alodi did appear as a ghost and revealed that his research had led him to the Broken Isles, but he did not discover the exact location of the artifacts. Khadgar decided that Dalaran would be moved to the Broken Isles and would become a pivotal point in the war against the Legion. In the Guardian's Chamber, located in the central part of the city, a hall was allocated to store the Pillars of Creation after discovery. Heroes of the Alliance and Horde set out to explore the Broken Isles to collect relics.


  • Aegis of Aggramar : Halls of Valor , Stormheim
  • Tidestone of Golganneth: Eye of Azshara, Azsuna
  • Hammer of Kaz "mountain: Neltharion's Lair, Highmountain
  • Tears of Elune: Val'shara
  • Eye of Aman "Tula: The Night Citadel, Suramar

Hammer Kaz "mountain

Hammer Kaz "mountain in the Guardian's Chamber

Legion to World of Warcraft.

Hammer Kaz "mountain(eng. Hammer of Khaz "goroth) is named after the titan, who was the greatest blacksmith, and grants its owner power over the earth. After the War of the Ancients, the artifact ended up in the treasury of the black dragon Neltharion inside his lair, from where it was taken by Khaln Highmountainto expel For thousands of years, the Hammer was kept by local tauren, but they did not dare to use it.With the start of a new invasion of the Legion, the spirit walker Tarhorn received a message from the spirits, which indicated that the artifact be handed over to the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, who intend to close the portal in the Tomb of Sargeras.

Aegis of Aggramar

Aegis of Aggramar in the Guardian's Chamber

The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

Aegis of Aggramar(Eng. Aegis of Aggramar), named after the defender of the Pantheon and bestowing unprecedented protection on its owner, eventually fell into the hands of the guardian Odin, who was in the Halls of Valor along with his army of the Valarjar. The aegis was to be given to the most worthy warrior who had gone through many trials, and many tried to achieve this. The Alliance and Horde have arrived in Stormheim, intending to take possession of the Pillar of Creation to close the portal to the Tomb of Sargeras. Although both factions had their own special goals, the heroes began to pass tests, in which they were assisted by the mysterious vrykul Xavi.

The initial trials were conducted by Vigilante Yotnar of Aggramar's Vault. The vrykul, Bloodtotem tauren, and Mightstone drogbar gathered here to claim the artifact. The Vrykul were led by the God-King Skovald, who was willing to take the test by any means, even if it was against the rules. Skovald made a pact with the Burning Legion and received demons as allies. The vrykul began to tap into fel energy, granting them new powers.

Finally, the demons and vrykul began to lay siege to the Gates of Valor, through which one could enter the Halls. The heroes battled the opponents and Skovald himself, but he managed to slip away before he could be killed. The God-King made his way to the Halls of Valor, where new trials awaited him. Xavi, who helped the heroes all this time, turned out to be the embodiment of Odin's own guardian, who invited the heroes to enter the Halls and try to get the Aegis.

In the Halls of Valor, the heroes went through several more trials, including a battle with the gatekeeper, val "kira and a huge wolf. Finally, they convinced Odin that they were worthy to take possession of the Aegis of Aggramar, but the God-King Skovald suddenly burst into the hall. Although Odin informed him that the decision had already accepted, the vrykul tried to take the artifact by force and was killed. Odin liked the battle he saw so much that he decided to personally fight the heroes before they left the Halls of Valor with Aegis. The Guardian was defeated and declared that he had not fought a worthy opponent for a long time. The Aegis of Aggramar was taken to Dalaran and placed in the Guardian's Chamber.

Tidestone of Golganneth

Tidestone of Golganneth in the Guardian's Chamber

The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

Tidestone of Golganneth(eng. Tidestone of Golganneth), named after the lord of heaven and oceans from the Pantheon, was kept in the famous Academy of Nar "thalas, located in Azsuna. Prince Farondis, who ruled here, dared to oppose the will of Queen Azshara during the War of the Ancients and decided to destroy in Zin -Azshari to close the Legion's portal and ward off trouble from Azeroth.To do this, Farondis needed the Tidestone from the Academy, but many of the inhabitants of his palace remained loyal to the queen.Vandros told Azshara about Farondis's plan, and she was not slow to punish the prince.Demonstrating the terrifying power of arcane magic , the queen destroyed the Tidestone of Golganneth, thereby unleashing a wave of dark energy that engulfed Azsuna and its inhabitants.Since then, the elves of Azsuna could no longer experience the release that death brings.Their souls continued to roam the land aimlessly, and they blamed this of his prince.

The fragments of the Tidestone again fell into the Academy of Nar "Thalas, where they were stored in the eastern wing until the beginning of the new invasion of the Burning Legion ten thousand years later. Queen Azshara sent her nagas, led by the mistress of the waves Atissa, to Azsuna to deliver the fragments to her. in time, the hero, following the instructions of Farondis, entered the Academy, where the ghosts continued their studies.He pretended to be one of the students and received the key to the east wing, having fought with the headmistress Aley Azuremoon.When the hero collected all the fragments, he was overtaken by Atissa and her commander Parjesh. captured the hero, they took the shards of the Tidestone so that Azshara would personally restore it.

Although Prince Farondis freed the hero, who then destroyed Atissa, Warlord Pargen managed to escape through the portal along with the Pillar of Creation. A band of heroes traveled to the Eye of Azshara, an island located in the southern part of the Broken Isles and captured by the naga. Azshara had already managed to restore the Tidestone, but it was protected by the sorceresses, who summoned a huge monster to defeat the entire coast of Azsuna. The heroes managed to interrupt the ritual and destroy the Wrath of Azshara before it could gain strength. The Tidestone of Golganneth was taken to Dalaran and placed in the Chamber of the Guardian.

Tears of Elune

Ysera, who informed about the Emerald Nightmare and that only the Tears of Elune obtained from her temple would save Cenarius. The hero went there and saw that the temple was under siege by the demons of the Legion and the creatures of the Nightmare. Entering the vault at the eastern edge of the temple, the hero met with the projection of Xavius, who first took possession of the Tears of Elune.

In pursuit of Xavius, Malfurion and Ysera fell into a trap. Xavius ​​struck the green Aspect with the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare using the Tears of Elune and ordered her to destroy the entire Val "shara, starting with the defenders of the temple of Elune. Ysera attacked them and after a long battle was destroyed by the combined efforts of the defenders. Dying, she asked for forgiveness for what happened A lunar eclipse began, and fetters of energy stretched from the heavens that freed Ysera's spirit, leaving only the Tears of Elune, used to corrupt it and cleansed of the Nightmare, from the body.The tears were taken to Dalaran by the nightborne.

The artifact, located inside the Night Citadel, fell into the possession of Gul "dan from an alternative Draenor, who swayed the nightborne Suramar to the side of the Legion. He tried to use the Eye to summon Sargeras to Azeroth. The embodiment of the power of the Eye of Aman" Tula is a chronomatic anomaly that arose from a whirlpool of pure energy at the base of the Nightwell. Emissions of energy from this anomaly distort the time stream like the relic itself.

In view of the release of the announcement of a new addition to World of Warcraft, we decided to review the information that is already available, and along the way to express our opinion about some aspects of the upcoming addon. This review will consist of an analysis of the plot component, and will hardly affect the change in game mechanics. And so, let's go.

Prelude to the addon

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what is actually happening. The alternative Gul'dan, after the collapse of his plan to gain absolute power and the death of Archimonde, was expelled through the portal to our Azeroth with the sole purpose of launching the Legion's invasion of these lands. A short time later, he discovers the location of the Tomb of Sargeras, turning it into a gateway to the Twisting Nether, starting an invasion. Gul'dan also finds the body of Illidan, which was transferred to the crypt of the guards of Maiev herself. This was supposed to be a kind of punishment for the eternal torment of the soul or imprisonment: suddenly, being a demon, he would again return to the Twisting. But, anyway, Illidan is resurrected by the warlock, while gaining freedom.

Destination: Broken Isles

When the Legion invasion, called by the developers the largest in the history of Azeroth, begins (and we are aware that during the War of the Ancients there were a lot of them), with bad news for all the peaceful races of Azeroth, Archmage Khadgar urges them to take the fight. And the heroes are undoubtedly rushing to the islands, trying to find a way to prevent the invasion and save their home.

What awaits the heroes on the continents of the hiding archipelago? The Broken Isles are positioned as a continent, in contrast to the same Pandaria, often called an island. And now a brief digression into history.

Once upon a time, the powerful sorceress Aegwynn, the so-called guardian of the Order of Tirisfal, managed to call into this world part of the power of the lord of the Burning Legion - Sargeras. She cut off his access to the Twisting Nether and killed him, placing the body of this incarnation in a tomb, burying him at the bottom of the sea. A lot of time and events have passed since then, but it was important that the warlock Gul'dan during the first invasion of the orcs into Azeroth got to her and raised her from the bottom of the sea, intending to take possession of the hidden power. But the demons guarding this place tore the warlock to pieces, preventing him from fulfilling his plan. And despite the fact that during the third war the tomb was destroyed by Illidan (let's say not completely), now it's time for the alternative Gul'dan to complete his plans.

Oddly enough, the tomb is located not too far from the ancient Kaldorei settlement of Suramar, the home of the night elf trinity Maulfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan. And, apparently, these places did not sink under water during the Great Schism. The Sacred Grove is also nearby, where Cenarius first passed on his knowledge to Malfurion, teaching him the art of druidism. Today, the corrupted world tree Sholodrassil grows in the vicinity of this grove.

Illidan, Illidari and Mardum

The Lord of Outland, Illidan, about 9 years ago, sent an elite detachment of his demon hunters to the mysterious world of Mardum, so that they obtained a certain artifact, the Sargerite Key. Illidan himself remained in the Black Temple in order to buy them time. Once in Mardum, the Illidari learned that this reality was once created by the titan Sargeras to capture the demons with whom he constantly fought. But after the mind of the titan was clouded, he returned to that world and tore it apart, thereby releasing the demons into the wild and forming their invincible Burning Legion from them.

On one of the fragments of Mardum, the Sargerite Key artifact was stored, which was necessary for Illidan to fight the Legion, because, in fact, with its help it was possible to travel between the worlds captured by demons. It was on this fragment of Mardum that the Illidari made their way to the officer of the demons that the old-timer key, simultaneously improving their own skills and absorbing demonic forces. There was no other way, because they could return only with the help of this artifact. In the operation on Mardum, they were also assisted by the elite forces of Illidan, who were able to call for help.

When the Illidari reached their goal, they returned to the Black Temple, but alas, their master had already lost. The heroes who overthrew the traitor left, and only Maiev and the guards were at the lifeless body of Illidan. No matter how hard the hunters fought this elf, they didn't stand a chance. Maiev knew all too well the weaknesses of the demons and was able to easily capture the veh who returned from Mardum. She imprisoned Illidan's body and the bodies of his associates in crystal prisons, preventing them from being released. The immortal soul of the traitor did not have the opportunity to be reborn again. All the captives were taken to the Casemates of the Guardians and doomed to eternal imprisonment.

Assault on the Broken Shore

Years later, Khadgar, who pursued Gul'dan, lost the fight with his nemesis. An Ork Warlock opened a portal for the Burning Legion from the Tomb of Sargeras, and the invasion began. In fact, all that was left for the archmage was to warn the rulers of the Horde and the Alliance about the threat looming over the world, to which they immediately responded by heading to the Broken Shore at the head of strike teams.

However, when the landing took place, it turned out that the mission was almost suicidal. The first who arrived to give battle to Gul'dan and his minions - the Argent Crusade - were defeated in full force, and Tirion Fordring was captured. The heroes reached the Broken Shore only with the third wave and found the remnants of the warriors that fought led by the rulers of the factions. The Horde and Alliance tried their best to catch Gul'dan, but they were unable to do so. Each step was accompanied by losses and a feeling of relentless hopelessness.

After another battle, Gul'dan appeared to their eyes, who tried to break Tirion - a hero whose connection with the light overcame even the Lich King himself. But the warlock summoned the colossal demon Kros, who broke the defense of the great paladin. Before the eyes of mortals, the symbol of their struggle and hope fell into a pool filled with foul water. Both factions, crushed by the fall of the mighty paladin, rushed after Gul'dan and caught up with him at the portal of the Legion. The Alliance took a position directly in front of the portal, in order to prevent the demons from moving forward. The Horde positioned itself on a ledge where Sylvanas' dark rangers provided air cover for the Alliance and held off reinforcements from another portal.

But the power of the Legion was unstoppable. Gul'dan called into battle every demon the heroes had ever defeated. He showed the defenders the futility of their battle. The sense of hopelessness only intensified.

The horde began to be pushed back, their leader was wounded, and all who fought were threatened with imminent death. Vol'jin asked Sylvanas to save the Horde, after which the Dark Lady called on the Val'kyr for help. There was no point in further fighting. It was necessary to retreat, and the Val'kyr carried the wounded heroes away from the battlefield.

At the same time, the Alliance, left without cover from the cliff, began to push. Cries of betrayal by the Horde were heard in the ranks of the Alliance, because they did not see what was happening on the cliff. In any case, all that was left was to leave the battlefield. The battle was lost.

But Gul'dan didn't intend to let them go so easily. They summoned a giant Felbot from the Twisting Nether to stop the ship from leaving. And at that moment, the king of Stormwind decided to sacrifice himself in order to save the rest. It jumped off the ship, leaving Genn Greymane's letter to Anduin, and crashed into the Felbot. However, in the end, even though the Fel Reaver was destroyed, Varian was mortally wounded under the onslaught of demons. Gul'dan, once again reminding that the battle is pointless, took the life of the king.

In Stormwind, the people learned of the death of their king. In fact, the son of Varian, Anduin, became the ruler. During the memorial service for the ruler, Jaina lost her temper. She was among those who fought the demons alongside Varian, and she accused the Horde of betrayal. Despite the fact that Velen and Anduin tried to convince her of the inadmissibility of hostility in the face of a common enemy, she left the throne room and went to Dalaran.

No less dramatic events unfolded in Orgrimmar. Vol'jin, who was unable to heal his wounds from fel poisoning, called all the rulers and appointed Sylvanas as the new leader. The spirits of Loa whispered to him about this, and the troll, having considered such a step, left the fate of the Horde in the hands of the Dark Lady. Death overtook the leader, and a funeral pyre was lit outside the gates of Orgrimmar.

Liberation of the Illidari and kidnapping of Illidan

It just so happened that Gul'dan, after defeating the combined forces of the Alliance and the Horde, rushed to the Vault of the Guardians. He needed Illidan, or rather the power contained in him, which he had absorbed many years ago at the Tomb of Sargeras. He was helped to enter the Casemates by the guard of Cardan, who, even during the campaign on Draenor, fell under the destructive influence of filth.

Hell unfolded in the Casemates. Maiev, seeing no other choice, freed the Illidari to help her deal with the invaders and the monsters that had escaped their captivity. But despite the fact that the elf hated the minions of Illidan, the Legion was a much more important opponent for her. Together with the forces of the Illidari, Maiev tried to prevent the theft of the traitor's body, but she failed. Gul'dan took the crystal prison, and the hunters only had to get out of this place. Maiev herself followed Gul'dan into the portal.

The Illidari made their way to the exit, where they were met by Khadgar, who invited them to join the Horde and Alliance. After all, their knowledge and abilities were the most powerful weapon in the fight against the Burning Legion.

When the hunters arrived in the capitals of their new factions, they discovered the presence of demons in the mortal cities. Using their sight, the hunters prevented the attack on the leaders and gained faction loyalty to them. Alas, the demons were already everywhere. Each inhabitant, under the influence of the whispers of the Doomsayers, could fall under the control of the Dreadlords. Even in the capitals these days it was not safe.

In addition, there were massive demonic incursions across Azeroth that needed to be repelled.

Dalaran, the Kirin Tor, and the Pillars of Creation

At the same time, the mages of the Kirin Tor did not sit idly by. Jaina brought Dalaran to Deadwind Pass, to the tower of Medivh Karazhan, where Khadgar sought the secrets of defeating the Legion. Only Alliance representatives were present in Dalaran, as the Horde had been expelled from the Kirin Tor during the Pandaria Campaign, when the mages of Aethas Sunreaver essentially contributed to the crimes committed by Garrosh Hellscream.

Khadgar discovered the demons in the tower that sought to gain control of it and its secrets. The magician himself, having gone mad during Medivh's absence, found out about the Pillars of Creation in the library. His further path lay in Ulduar.

Together with the heroes, Khadgar was transported to the ancient city of the titans, where he met Brann Bronzebeard and the guardian mechagnome Mimiron, who were looking for a certain harbinger. After battling the Faceless Ones and the tentacles of Yogg-Saron, a group of heroes made their way to the harbinger, who turned out to be the revived Magni Bronzebeard. Magni told the heroes where to find these Pillars of Creation.

The archmage decided to make Dalaran an outpost of the resistance forces and returned to him. He tried to get Jaina to let the Horde into his territory. While the Council ultimately approved of this decision, Jaina could not accept it. She left the city, warning everyone that this was a huge mistake.

After some time, demons attacked Dalaran. Under the onslaught of the Legion, all that was left for Khadgar was to teleport the city. This time to the territory of the Broken Isles, where the storyline of World of Warcraft: Legion begins.

Class Halls

Meanwhile, representatives of various classes and orders decide to move away from the strife between the factions and, rejecting their differences, unite together in the so-called class strongholds. Each of them had their own task, which in one way or another influenced the outcome of the war.


The war went on across Azeroth, but the main fighting was localized on the territory of the Broken Isles. The main goal of the heroes was to get the so-called Pillars of Creation - artifacts of incredible power that can tip the scales in the direction of the defenders.

Feeling threatened by Sylvanas, the king of Gilneas set out to interfere with her plans, and thereby avenge what he thought was a cowardly escape from the battlefield, and he had enough personal motives. The Dark Lady, even at the head of the Horde, pursued her own goals and was going to get Odin's Val'kyr at her disposal by colluding with the sorceress Helya. Using a special artifact, she managed to enslave Eyir. But Genn, who arrived on time, destroys all these plans, and as a result, the enmity between him and Sylvanas only grows.


In the wild thickets of Val'sharah, sensing the approach of the Burning Legion, the presumed dead Xavius ​​enters the scene. He manages to seize control of the Tear of Elune, one of the Pillars of Creation. By drawing out Ysera along with Cenarius, he destroys one of the most powerful forces that can resist the invaders.

An organized attack on the Emerald Nightmare, which began to spread rapidly throughout the world, managed to put an end to Xavius ​​and his intrigues. Cenarius, like many other wild gods who fell into a trap, managed to be saved. Ysera fell in this battle. One powerful ally, unfortunately, has become less.


As the four Pillars of Creation were obtained, the search for a fifth began. The path led to the city of Suramar, where the nightborne elves lived in complete isolation for a long time. During the War of the Ancients, led by Grand Master Elisande, they cut themselves off from the rest of the world with a huge dome. Using the Nightwell, their people survived for 10,000 years, ignorant of what was happening outside.

But when a new invasion began, and Gul'dan had already delivered an ultimatum to their people, the Supreme Magister, guided by his visions, decides to join the Legion in order to save his people from extinction.

Naturally, some of the Nightborne nobility were not happy with this decision. But, being in the minority, she was expelled from the city and cut off from the source of magic. The further fate of the Darkened, which they became, seemed to be predetermined. Slow death and madness. But with the support of the heroes, there was also hope.

Using the knowledge of the druids to suppress magical hunger, talented Shadowed engineers and scouts, old connections in Suramar, and clandestine activities in the face of constant guerrilla attacks, Suramar managed to return block after block to control. But the Nighthold remained impregnable.

Moreover, Gul'dan was going to use the Eye of Aman'Thul, the Pillar of Creation that served as the basis of the Nightwell, to open a portal and transfer the spirit of Sargeras into Illidan's body. It was impossible to delay.

Army of the Light

Meanwhile, help came from a completely unexpected quarter. The heart of Xe'ra's naru fell on Azeroth, and with it a message from the so-called Army of the Light. Khadgar's old allies, Turalyon and Alleria, were in her ranks and intended to help in the fight against the Legion.

It also became clear that Illidan was far more important than previously thought. The demon hunters have organized a campaign to collect the pieces of Illidan's soul together. After all, he was a demon, and the final death threatened him only in the Twisting Nether. And since a ritual was already brewing at the top of the Nighthold that would end their master once and for all, it was impossible to delay the offensive.

Assault on the Nighthold

Teaming up with the Kirin Tor and the faction representatives of the night elves and blood elves, the nightborne launched an attack on the citadel. Planned step by step, the heroes reached the very top, where they fought with Gul'dan. In that battle, the warlock died, and Illidan escaped the fate of becoming a receptacle for the dark titan and, finally, returned to the world of the living, determined to repel the forces of the Legion.

It seemed that during the battle there was a turning point, and the advantage was on the side of the resistance forces. However, events were just beginning to pick up pace. General of Sargeras' army, Kil'jaeden, deployed everything he could and staked on the Tomb of Sargeras. The armies of the defenders were forced to react and fight the demons in the depths of the ancient station of the titans.

Attack on the Tomb of Sargeras

Uniting in the so-called Legionfall Army, the offensive began. Fighting off the incessant invasions and air attacks from the ships of the Legion, they had to literally fight their way through the ranks of the infernal host.

Using the power of the Pillars of Creation, they managed to open a passage into the depths of the tomb, where the defeated avatar of Sargeras and Kil'jaeden himself lurked. In the battle with Illidan, the heroes of Azeroth and Velen, who would once be the co-ruler of Argus with him, Kil'jaeden realized that he was beginning to suffer defeat, and he had to retreat. However, after him, the heroes entered the ship that headed for Argus. A fierce battle ended in the orbit of the demon world with the death of the Legion general and another defeat for Sargeras.

It seemed that retreat from the falling ship was the only right decision. Thankfully, Illidan opened a portal to Azeroth with the Sargerite Key, and Khadgar could take everyone home. But the former lord of Outland had his own vision on this matter. Argus, hidden for so long in the chaos of the Twisting Nether, has finally been found. The Burning Legion could not be given a chance to counterattack, and the portal that led to Azeroth remained active. The next step is an expedition to its surface and a strike at the very heart of the Burning Legion.

Battle for Argus

The draenei-built Vindicare ship was capable of delivering allies to Velen's former homeland, and the tide of the war took an unexpected turn. The heroes were ready for perhaps the last campaign in their lives. All or nothing.

Arriving at Argus, they immediately received a strong rebuff. Even the Army of Light that was supposed to join the attack was suffering terrible losses. But, despite this, under the strict guidance of Illidan and Turalyon, with the support of some miraculously surviving, but broken local residents of the krokul, the heroes managed to gain a foothold in several bridgeheads. Let's leave out all the disagreements between Xe'ra and Illidan, Alleria's unity with the Abyss and the like. The main thing is that the offensive was going on, and the final was visible.

Having assembled the artifact Crown of the Triumvirate (a symbol of the power of ancient Argus) and unleashed a Vindicare cannon into one of the walls of Antorus, the Burning Throne of Sargeras, the army from Azeroth was ready to step into the unknown.

Antorus, the Burning Throne

The horrors of the Legion appeared before them in all their glory. The leaders of the armies, the terrible demons, the production facilities of the war machines of Sargeras, capable of pulverizing all the worlds of the Great Dark Beyond. It was impossible to leave them in action.

But what shocked the heroes even more was the dark titan's secret trump card. The enslaved souls of the creators, who fell in ancient times at his hands, carefully collected in order to recreate their power, but already under his complete control. The Dark Pantheon could not be held back by any force in the universe.

Step by step, making their way to the very heart of Antorus, the forces of resistance freed the souls of the titans from dark influence. At the end, Argus was waiting for them - the soul of the world, who served as the source of energy for the entire campaign of the Legion.

The Titans have returned from oblivion to end their fallen brother. It remained only to cleanse the soul of Argus from corruption. She was transferred to the Throne of the Pantheon, but her soul could not be saved. Sargeras went all in. Argus was reborn as a Death Titan capable of holding his own against his brethren. A twisted and formidable enemy was the last stand before Sargeras, who finally reached Azeroth.

In fact, it was Azeroth (the soul sleeping inside the planet) that was his real target. He saw her during the War of the Ancients, when he nearly passed through a portal in the Well of Eternity. He knew about her power and sought to win over to his side. With plans to create the Dark Pantheon failed, this was his last chance. While the heroes fought against Argus, the sinister essence of the fallen god covered Azeroth.

It was only by a miracle that Argus was defeated. With the full support of the other Titans, the heroes struck the final blow. The God that never came into the world has fallen. All that remained was to end Sargeras and his Burning Crusade.

The forces of the Pantheon headed towards Azeroth, and prison awaited Sargeras. As the guardian of his evil essence, Illidan remained on the throne. The dark titan returned to his brothers against his will, thus ending the era of fear and destruction. Finally, the Burning Legion was defeated.

But it just couldn't end like that. With the last of his strength, Sargeras, following to the end his conviction that the Lords of the Abyss could get into the hands of such a powerful ally as Azeroth, pierced the planet with a defiled blade. This wound is what will become one of the causes of further events. Events of the Battle for Azeroth.

In this issue, we will talk about the fifth Pillar of Creation, the Eye of Aman'Thul, and at the same time put an end to the debate about what it looks like. And let's also think about the fate of the empty pedestals of artifacts in the Dalaran gallery and why not all the titans left the Pillar of Creation in Azeroth. And previous Legion news releases are available at .

The Eye of Aman'Thul is one of the Pillars of Creation, the five titan artifacts bestowed upon the Keepers to order Azeroth. Over time, the Pillars fell into the hands of mortals, and it was they who were used by Elisande and her Highborne associates to close the demon gate in the temple of Elune in the city of Suramar. And the heroes will have to use these artifacts again to close this demonic portal, reopened by Gul'dan in the depths of the Tomb of Sargeras.

So. I'd like to talk about plot details related specifically to the Eye of Aman'Thul. It is known that with the help of this eye, the Nightwell was created, feeding the Nightborne with its magic for many thousands of years. This already shows the potential of arcane magic subject to this artifact. Indeed, the power of the Nightwell he created was so great that with its help the stellar augur Etreus called upon the energies of distant worlds in order to use them in battle. But the eye also allows its owner to gain very great power in the narrower field of the art of arcane magic - chronomancy. It is logical to assume that it is in this artifact that the origins of the Nightborne's skills in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bmagic lie, given that even the lower level of the Nightwell was patrolled by the Chronomatic Anomaly - something like a powerful elemental of arcane magic that owns chronomancy.

With the Eye of Aman'Thul, Elisande was able to see the different currents of the future, and it was the certainty that the Burning Legion would win anyway, gained from her visions of the future, that forced her to lower her shield over the city and surrender to the demons. Later, with the help of this eye, she was able to literally freeze in time the army of elves that came to the aid of the Nightfallen. And already in the battle with the heroes, the power of the Nightwell allowed her to turn back time, and as a result, even summon herself from the past at the hour of her own death.

But one important question still remained: “But what does this eye look like?” As it turned out, this is not the crown of the Supreme Master Elisande, but two giant stone circles covered with blue runes. The Eye is located on an open terrace atop the spire of the Nighthold. The eye is built into the floor of the center of the hall, and under it is a hemisphere. It can also be noted that around the Eye of Aman'Thul on the terrace, an intricate and delicate design is carved, through which arcane magic flows. It must be some kind of power circle created to keep the Nightwell running.

It is at this point that Gul'dan will perform his ritual at the hour when the heroes come for him: the warlock will direct both the Fel subject to himself and the power of the eye itself into the crystal with the body of the Betrayer. In the first half of the battle, Gul'dan will attack from the sphere that this Pillar of Creation forms around him - while two circles of the eye will rotate around the magic shield, for the possibility of this rotation a hemisphere was made inside the floor. Of course, Gul'dan will take advantage of this and channel the artifact's powers against the heroes during the final battle, even transforming himself into a fel-burning giant for a time. But adventurers in this fight will also be able to use the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul: with its help, they can accelerate the passage of time around them to strengthen their combat spells and protect themselves with magical shields and spheres from the energies of the Pillar of Creation. This is probably the merit of Khadgar or Elisande, who decided after her defeat to help the heroes stop Gul'dan.

After defeating Gul'dan, the Eye of Aman'Thul will be transferred to Dalaran, as has already been done with the rest of the Pillars of Creation. It will be located on the floor in the center of the gallery. And this entails the question: “Why do we need two more empty pedestals?” There is a completely reasonable option with the fact that they are simply not used in the future. However, it does not necessarily mean that it is correct.

The simplest and most logical option at the moment is that on one of the pedestals they will put the Heart of Light, which already had to be returned to Dalaran by Khadgar. And on the second pedestal, you can hoist the player's artifact at the end of the add-on.

An alternative option is some new artifacts that are still unknown to us. There are several arguments against this plot twist. First, there are only five Pillars of Creation, and they will all be collected and used in the Tomb of Sargeras. Secondly, after the battle for the tomb, the pillars may fall out of the plot. But it's still possible that somewhere beyond Azeroth there are their own Pillars of Creation. The fact is that the Pantheon during the period of ordering Azeroth included six titans, there are only five Pillars of Creation, and only four of them are named after the titans: the Eye of Aman'Thul, the Tidestone of Golganneth, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth and the Aegis of Aggramar.

I am leading to the fact that other titans could create similar artifacts. It can be assumed that they left them on the planets, which they streamlined even before the discovery of Azeroth. At Sargeras there was also a similar artifact - the Eye of Sargeras. There is already a similarity in name with Aman'Thul. Sargeras left the Pantheon before Aggramar discovered Azeroth, but it is possible that the eye of the fallen titan served a good purpose in the past. But this we do not know: the eye could have been created by the ruler of the Legion after he fell into darkness. It is also unknown if this artifact can be classified as similar to other Pillars of Creation. And besides, this eye has already been destroyed. But in general, Sargeras did not limit himself to one eye, so on his orders the Scepter of Sargeras was created for a new invasion of Azeroth after the War of the Ancients, and he himself created the scythe of Ulthalesh, a dungeon for the souls of demons that refused to join the Legion.

With Eonar the situation is slightly different. It is possible that one of the five pillars still has a connection with her - the Tears of Elune. This artifact has healing power, and when it was cleansed of the corruption of the Nightmare, a pedestal of flowering plants immediately appeared under it. Healing and the forces of nature are all associated with Eonar, the Guardian of Life. Besides, the Tables of Creation are artifacts of the titans. But I'm not saying that the Tears of Elune have nothing to do with Elune itself. After all, it was the goddess of the moon who cleansed them of the corruption of Xavius. And don't forget about the incident with the Heart of Light, which confirms the connection between tears and Elune:

“It was believed that only the naaru descendants of Xe'ra could launch the Heart of Light, the last of which was O'ros of the Exodar. This opinion was shared by both the prophet Velen and the forces of the Burning Legion in this matter - it was in order to prevent the inhabitants of Azeroth from using the Heart of Light that they attacked the Exodar in order to kill O'ros. It seemed that all was lost. But in an ancient cosmology tome, Khadgar stumbled across a passage indicating that Elune had created the primordial naaru during the great alignment of Light and Shadow. He theorized that if Elune had indeed created Xe'ra, then Elune's Tears, one of the Pillars of Creation, would be able to open the heart. And so it happened.”

Therefore, I have the following two theories about the origin of the Tears of Elune. First, this crystal was created by Eonar, but later received the blessing of Elune and found a connection with her. Second: the crystal was originally created as a kind of tribute to the members of the Pantheon to Elune. But both options are just theories. However, the connection between Elune and the titans is also indicated by the passage :

“The mystics of the tribe began to worship the goddess of the moon, Elune, whom they believed to be connected to the very Well of Eternity. They claimed that during the daytime the deity slumbered in the depths of the source. The former trolls also learned the name "Kalimdor" and other Titan-created words from communicating with Elune and examining the strange artifacts scattered around the source's periphery."

And the last titan who did not receive his own Pillar of Creation in Azeroth - Norgannon . One might assume that the Discs of Norgannon were his "pillar", but this is not the case. Contrary to popular belief, these discs from Uldaman were not created by him, but by the Guardians. When the titans left Azeroth, the Keepers mourned the passing of their creators, but were also proud to be entrusted with the honor of protecting Azeroth. To commemorate that fateful day, Loken and Mimiron created a set of enchanted discs that would record the history that unfolded across Azeroth. And if the Pantheon ever returned to Azeroth, the titan-forged would have a chronicle for them of what happened in their absence. It is not surprising that these disks were named after Norgannon, since he held the title of Guardian of Star Magic and Knowledge.

These disks remained in Ulduar and were "witnesses" to the fall of Loken, which is why Tyr wanted to take them from there: in order to learn more about the betrayal of his kinsman and his plans. In the end, Tyr and his associates succeeded. After the death of the noble Tyr, Arcedas and Ironaya founded Uldaman, which became the new repository for the Disks of Norgannon. Loken also created the Tribunal of Ages: a machine containing a false history of Azeroth that did not mention his betrayal. But the archive created by Loken turned out to be corrupted, and the information in it was distorted even beyond his understanding.

This is only a theory, but it is possible that these Discs of Norgannon were not just named after the titan of the Pantheon, but were some variation of his own disc. With this disc, he was depicted not only in an illustration from a non-canonical WoW RPG, but also in the Saga comic. Given the nature of this titan, this disc likely had a connection to arcane or stellar magic, or was a more advanced version of the Guardian's history discs. But this is in the event that the developers decide to keep this precious disk to this titan, and not delete this detail from history.

Thanks again to the readers who support the blog on patreon : pitet, dervesp, Vladimir Kravchuk, Maxim Zuev, Vemy, Denis Matveev, zymko, Leorik, Fadj, Sergey, Dyshik and Narga Cosplay.

Tomb of Sargeras Mythic is now open to US players and has already seen the first results: 4 bosses killed, including the Sisters of the Moon. European players have not yet entered the race, the more interesting each new achievement will be!

The Demonic Inquisition and Goroth were the first to be killed by the Easy Guild:

And Harjatan and the Sisters of the Moon are the Big Dumb Guild.

We are waiting for the European raiders to join the battle and see what achievements they will please. And, of course, we are rooting for the Exorsus.


Meanwhile, Blizzard continues to release hotfixes aimed at balancing classes and improving the lives of players.


  • Ice Spike: Icicle's accumulated damage no longer benefits from the caster's damage buffs.
  • Ice spike: +50% damage.

Black Rook Hold

  • Illysana: Fixed a bug that caused the fire trail from Dark Rush to be invisible.

Tomb of Sargeras
Sisters of the Moon

  • Feigning death no longer causes Captain Yatai Lunar Strike's Aether Shot to fail.
  • Aether Shot now attacks instantly instead of being canceled if the target uses an immunity ability like Ice Block or Divine Shield.

vigilant maiden

  • The visual effects of the orbs of light have been improved to make them more visible to color blind players.


  • Kiljaeden now enters a frenzy 10 minutes into combat.


  • The Convergence of Fates correctly reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis for Demon Hunters.
  • Nautical Star of the Mother of the Deep - has an internal cooldown of 8 seconds, the proc for paladins and healer priests is slightly reduced.
  • The Skull of Nithogg and the Skull of Shartos can now be found in Odin's final chest in the Trial of Valor by warriors exalted with the Valarjar. Skulls can also be found in the Sky Citadel Treasure Chest.
  • Forest Maelstrom Amulet - No longer increases versatility in dungeons.
  • Tome of Weakening Sanity - The critical strike buff is 2x less effective on melee specializations.
  • Shirvallah's Warmaces can now drop from Helya in Trial of Valor.


  • If the Demon Hunter cancels Defending the Felhammer during the scenario, he can retake it from Korvas in Mardum.
  • The Black Tome is now always visible if you have not completed the associated quest.
  • During the shaman quest Infernal Appearance, the Earth-Tearing Defiler no longer gets stuck in evaid.

The above item changes mean that it will be much easier for warriors to obtain the Dragon Slayer Artifact skin (given that we haven't seen Nithogg in quite some time). Note that the drop rate is not 100%.


But that's not all! Whether this is due to the departure of Brian Holinka or just a couple of mows, scores, buffs and nerfs, Blizzard continues to make a lot of changes to the PvP balance. And here is another portion of such changes that should be active tomorrow:

Death Knight

  • Grave fever: -33% damage.
  • Base Strength: +5%.

Demon Hunters

  • Chaos Strike and Annihilation: -5% damage (was -15%).
  • Base Versatility: +5%.
  • Base Agility: +3%.


  • Base Intelligence: +5%.
  • Damage dealt in PvP: -5%.
  • Quick recovery: +40% healing.


  • Base Versatility: +30%.
  • Base Speed: +25%.


  • Soothing Mist: -20% healing.
  • Way of the Crane: Heals for 175% of the damage dealt (was 200%).
  • Base Intelligence: +3%.
  • Damage dealt in PvP: -5%.


  • Polar Arrow and Ice Spike: -10% damage.
  • Flurry: -5% damage.
  • Base Intelligence: +3%.


  • Flash of Light: +15% healing.


  • Base Intelligence: +5%.
  • Damage dealt in PvP: -5%.
  • Holy Light and Holy Shock: +10% healing.


  • Sacred Debt reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Protection and Sacrifice by 33% (was 50%).


  • Base Versatility: +50%.
  • Base speed: -10%.
  • Base Crit: -20%.


  • Damage dealt in PvP: -3%.
  • Base Intelligence: +5%.


  • Damage dealt in PvP: -5%.
  • Base Intelligence: +3%.


  • Base Intelligence: +3%.
  • Base Versatility: +10%.
  • Dark Mania: Gain 4 Insanity every 2 seconds (up from 3).
  • Mind Damage: Steal 3% haste (was 1%), max 12% per target or 24% total.


  • Poison Bomb: -40% damage (was -30%).


  • The vanish cast by Rogue Gambit is canceled when the target starts casting spells.
  • Base Agility: -5%.


  • Base Agility: -5%.
  • Stormstrike and Windstrike: -5% damage.


  • Corruption and Agony: -15% damage.
  • Absolute Corruption: Increases the duration of Corruption by 24 seconds (was 40).
  • Unstable Affliction: +10% damage.
  • Soul Drain: +15% damage.
  • Gate Master: Allows you to use a Demon Gate every 15 seconds (up from 30).


  • Defensive Stance: Reduces warrior damage by 20% (was 10%).
  • Base strength: -4%.
  • Base Versatility: -3%.

New this week

The main new content in WoW this week is the opening of the Tomb of Sargeras Mythic mode, as well as the first LFR Wing. Casual players can kill three bosses: Goroth, Harjatan and Lady Sashjin. Moreover, the T20 set drops from the last two bosses: gloves and greaves.

In addition, Velen and Khadgar issue two new quests: to kill Kiljaeden and to seal the Tomb of Sargeras. The second quest seems to be a bit buggy, so don't despair if you can't use the Pillars of Creation.

And in the class hall there are new missions, the reward for which is: a quest item that sends us all the same way - to the Tomb of Sargeras =).

PvPs are waiting for a new brawl in the Temple of Kotmogu: throwing the sphere to other players and accelerated resurrection will add “pepper” to the familiar Battlefield.

World boss - Withered Jim. Another chance for players to get the coveted Unstable Arcane Crystal.

And yet - there is an event in the Dungeons of the Legion. For completing 4 Mythic Dungeons, you can get a chest with loot from the Tomb of Sargeras at the Heroic level!