New Year, New Life: How to Write a Personal Development Plan. Your personal development plan

In this publication, I would like to deviate a little from the usual financial topics in order to talk about self-development and tell what it could be personality development program. Analyzing the statistics of the site and communicating with readers, I noticed that motivating articles about that, etc. are very popular, especially among regular readers. Therefore, I decided to pay more attention to the development of this topic and continue the series of articles about self-development.

So, today we will talk about what a personal development program is and why it is needed. Any person, any person in the course of his life can change, and these changes can occur both for the better and for the worse. Under the best changes, I mean the acquisition of some new useful knowledge, skills, abilities, under the worst - respectively, the loss of existing useful knowledge, skills, abilities. But also, in my opinion, even a stop in the development of personality can be considered a negative factor.

If a person stops in his development, he will inevitably begin to lose something in some areas of his life (work, business, relationships, hobbies, etc.). Now nothing stands still, therefore, in order to be successful, constant development is necessary. The absence of such development means inevitable losses, the longer it is absent, the stronger these losses can be.

There are people who think about their development and strive for it, there are those for whom it happens on its own, for example, due to professional activities, hobbies, etc. In addition, sometimes personality development can occur without any signs visible to the person himself: he does not notice changes in himself, but learns about them only from others. It depends on the degree of self-awareness of a person: the higher it is, the more he is able to objectively assess the changes taking place in his personality.

Which person will develop his personality more effectively: the one who takes some actions for this, sets goals and objectives for himself and achieves them, that is, is engaged in self-development, or the one who does not even think about it? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

Personality development will be more effective for people who are engaged in self-development: they will be able to achieve better results than those who let the development of their personality take its course.

Then another question arises: what needs to be done for the development of personality? For this, as in any business, it is best to act according to a certain plan, to have a certain program of action. In this case, it can be called a “self-development program” or a “personal development program”. Let's take a look at what it could be.

So, a personality development program is a certain set of measures intended to achieve certain results in the self-development of the personality as a whole and its individual areas in particular. I bring to your attention the most general, simplified program of personal self-development, presented in the form of a diagram:

As you can see, it consists of 5 stages:

1. Goal setting;

2. Introspection;

3. Personal development plan;

4. Practical implementation;

5. Analysis of the results.

Let us consider in more detail what these stages of the personality development program include.

1. Goal setting. First of all, it is necessary to determine what exactly you need a personal development program for, that is, what goals you want to achieve in the end. At this stage, you need to “draw” yourself a certain ideal image of the person you would like to become. It is advisable to set goals for yourself in all the main directions of personality development at once:

- Personal life;

– Work, career, earnings;

– Intellectual development;

– Health, physical development;

– Hobbies and hobbies;

– Getting rid of bad habits, etc.

Goals need to be formulated as clearly as possible so that it is specifically visible what you are striving for. In addition, these goals are also important as a motive, an incentive for achieving them. Having thought well and “drawing” this image for yourself, you will psychologically want to become it, you will have more desires and positive energy, which will become your assistant in self-development.

Goals can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Moreover, the presence of goals for one period does not relieve you of the need to set goals for another, longer or shorter period of achievement.

I strongly recommend that when setting goals in your personal development program, do not take into account stereotypes imposed by anyone (parents, teachers, acquaintances, people around you, etc.). You should strive to become exactly the kind of person you want to see in yourself, and not someone else. Otherwise, you may be deeply disappointed, and you will have to start all over again, but an irreplaceable human resource - time - will already be lost.

2. Introspection. After the goals are set, we move on to the second stage of the personality development program - introspection. If at the previous stage you “drawn” for yourself the image of the ideal “I”, now you need to “draw”, on the contrary, the real “I” - the way you are at the moment. You need to see and highlight all your positive qualities that will help you move towards achieving your goals, and negative ones, which, on the contrary, will slow you down and which you will have to fight.

Here, on the contrary, in order for introspection to be as objective as possible, it is necessary to compare how you see yourself and how others see you. By the way, this is not always easy. The fact is that your friends or acquaintances may, for reasons of ethics, “not notice” your negative qualities and shortcomings, then you yourself will not even notice them. But here you can use one trick: think about how you see your friends, your social circle. A person is always drawn to his own kind, so it is very likely that the shortcomings that you see in the people around you are a mirror image of your own shortcomings.

At the stage of self-analysis of the personality development program, you need to determine and fix the starting point, the initial data with which you will compare the result achieved in the future.

3. Personal development plan. The third step is to draw up a specific action plan with which you will achieve your goals. Let's call it "Personal Development Plan". Based on your identified strengths, consider how you can use them to get rid of weaknesses, eliminate negative qualities, and strengthen and strengthen positive ones even more.

For example, if we are talking about achieving some financial goals, it is necessary to draw up, on health promotion, a plan for classes, training, switching to proper nutrition, etc.

The personal development plan should contain not only a list of specific activities, but also specific deadlines for the implementation of each of them and the definition of factors by which it will be possible to believe that the goal has been achieved.

4. Practical implementation of the plan. When the plan is ready, we can assume that your program of self-development, the program of personal development has been drawn up, and proceed to its practical implementation. That is, to carry out all the points of the planned plan in the sequence in which it is provided.

Any change is always difficult at the first stage. However, over time, these difficulties disappear. There is a so-called “Rule of 21 days”, which says that any new, inconvenient and undesirable action for you will turn into a habit after 21 days. Therefore, try to endure the initial difficulties and develop as many good habits as possible, which will begin to appear in just 3 weeks. And when you see some first, even minor successes, it will surely inspire you and motivate your self-development even more.

It is also necessary to understand that not all actions will necessarily give some kind of result, and this is quite normal. says that 20% of actions produce 80% of results and vice versa.

In order to carry out your personal development program more effectively, you will have to get rid of the so-called. "time wasters" - activities that do not bring any benefit, but take time. Well, for example, “hanging out” in social networks or empty chatter on the phone (every person will surely have their own “time wasters”). The time freed up in this way can be spent on more useful activities that your personal development program provides.

Also a good help in the implementation of the plan will be making new acquaintances and connections with people who are better than you in what you are striving for, or who are striving for the same thing as you. Firstly, they can become positive examples for you, increasing your motivation. Secondly, together it is easier to move towards the goal than alone. Thirdly, the more other people will be involved in the process of your self-development, the more difficult it will be for you to refuse it, because then you will fall in their eyes. Thus, look for new useful acquaintances among people who have something to learn, whom you would like to be like.

The practical implementation of a personal development program is the most difficult stage, but only it can lead you to the desired results. No matter how well and competently you plan your self-development, theory without practice, as you know, is blind.

5. Analysis of results. And, finally, like any process, a personality development program requires summing up, analyzing the results. It is far from a fact that you will achieve everything that you have planned on the first try. But still, you need to analyze all your actions, find in them what helped or, conversely, prevented you from achieving your goals.

If the goal is achieved - great, then you can set a new, more ambitious goal, and build a plan to achieve it, because, as you remember, self-development, personal development should never stop.

If the goal is not achieved, you always have more attempts that you can make, taking into account the analysis and correction of your mistakes.

Self-development can hardly be called a simple process, but it can certainly be called interesting and exciting. Developing his personality, a person constantly learns something new, acquires new skills and abilities, experience, and sooner or later all this will definitely help him in life, make life brighter and more interesting.

Stay on: the materials of this site will certainly help you in self-development, increase your financial literacy and teach you how to use your personal finances as efficiently as possible. See you soon!

Personal development: more than just motivation and positive thinking.
Personal development occurs when you finally decide to change your life for the better. But the whole process can be formed not only from positive experience or official seminars. Even negative experiences can help a person find the right direction in life.
Most personal development coaches try to focus our attention on self-motivation and positive thinking as the two most important ingredients that ensure success in personal development. Yes, in some ways they are right, but a holistic approach to self-development goes far beyond these two factors. Then you will learn about what else you need on your path of personal development.

Personal development plan.
First you need to have a system in place to achieve your development goals. It makes no sense to talk about how much you desire to achieve self-awareness or the development of your personality. You need to accept the system and see a vivid image. As you know, personal development covers a wide variety of areas of interest, and you can easily get lost if you don't have a plan. You need to put down on paper everything that you intend to do with your life and where you want to be after completing the program that you have planned.
Always remember that only by having a definite plan of action will you be able to determine whether you have become better or whether the circumstances of your life have improved. Done right, your plan will serve as a base against which you can measure your progress.

Decisive step.
You may have sufficient motivation or positive thoughts, but if you do not take action today, your personal development will never become a reality. Remember, personal improvement does not come overnight, time is of the essence. So start acting right now, otherwise you may lose the chance to improve yourself. Take a risk. Life is supposed to be an adventure, so if you don't get out of your comfort zone, you will be left to rot in the current situation.

Be open to change.

The operative word in personal development is the word "change". If you can't manage change, you won't be able to improve yourself. But, it can be argued that changes will occur, even if you do not welcome it. Would you rather change under the influence of factors over which you have no control? It is obvious that it is better to be ready for external changes or to personally lead the changes in your life. This way you will know what action to take.

Sit on the shoulders of giants.
If you want to accelerate your personal development, you need to learn from the people who were in your shoes before you. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel, all you have to do is learn from other people's experiences, especially those who have been successful in their quest to be better. In order to save you time and effort, you can always hire coaches or personal development mentors. You can also read a book or listen to audiobooks about self-development.

Take responsibility for your personal development.
You are what you allow yourself to be. In other words, the things that define you today happened because you let them happen. If you've been lazy or indifferent all these years, you have no one to blame but yourself for where you are right now. Even your environment cannot be held responsible for who you are now. The key to your development is in your hands, and only you can use it. So, the manifestation of the initiative for self-development should come from you, and only you are responsible for the entire result that you get from an individual development program.

How to start a personal development program?

The start of a personal program can be achieved by increasing awareness of your current life situation. A clear understanding of your starting point is essential to creating a successful personal growth plan.
Although personal enthusiasm for development may include a general desire for greater growth and a shared understanding of the areas of life where personal development must occur, a diligent process of awareness raising and life planning should include self-evaluation in every aspect of daily life.

Self-assessment for life awareness.

So, as we have already found out, we need to make a level of self-esteem in each of the areas of life. Psychological tests can help us with this.
In addition, it will be useful to make a list of assigned roles and responsibilities for each of the areas of life.
Limit the list to ten or twelve items that are the most important and consume the most time and energy.
Do not forget about those areas of life that are not important now, but desirable in the future.
Further, it is necessary to give an assessment of satisfaction for each area. Use a score from one to ten points. Where ten points are completely satisfied, and one point is completely dissatisfied.
If you are honest with yourself when doing these tests, you will be able to develop a sufficiently accurate and detailed view of life in order to begin effective life planning.

Ideal life plan.

The life plan should include a vision for the future - a life goal that is planned to be achieved.
Your vision of life purpose is a combination of all the "perfect dozen" scenarios for each of the ten areas of life with which you assessed awareness, satisfaction, assigned roles and responsibilities.
When setting a life goal, it is important that you can visualize the outcome. Therefore, when creating a goal for each of the areas of life, you should see yourself there with sufficient detail and accuracy without making any special efforts. For example, your professional life goal might include phrases such as: respect, recognition, joy, well-paid, and a perfect balance between work and family life.

Planning goals in personal development.

Research shows that the best goals are challenging but achievable goals. It has been found that goals that are too easy are not motivating, on the other hand, goals that seem too difficult are also not motivated, as the chances of success are reduced. The best goals are those that are challenging but achievable and also provide the most satisfaction when achieved.
If your current life area satisfaction score is low, ranging from three to four out of ten possible, it is possible that your vision of an ideal life in that area may be too far from being achieved. Which may seem impossible and lead to de-motivation.
In this case, one should not jump above oneself, but it is desirable to develop a set of life goals that reflect modest personal growth and the level of growth that can be imagined and realized.

Beginning a personal development program.
The beginning of personal growth planning is done through life awareness through detailed self-assessment. After that, you will be able to formulate ideas for your plan, which will serve as your overall life goal.

Set clear goals for yourself

A personal leadership development plan should be specific and realistic. He must mobilize all your abilities and demand your full commitment. Here are a few ground rules, learned from practice, that will help you develop such a plan.

Set clear goals for yourself. People sometimes fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for. Try to mentally imagine the end result you want to achieve and write it down in as much detail as possible.

Set realistic deadlines. Remember: those habits that you have formed throughout your life cannot be changed in one or two days. Persistent and systematic work is needed to change one's own mental patterns and stereotypes of behavior. "The road will be mastered by the walking one" - said the ancient sages. Get ready to work hard. Your current behavior is the result of many years of learning, so the new behavior will replace the old rather slowly. Change requires constant attention and realistic deadlines.

Determine how you will judge your success

Determine by what criteria you will judge your success. Develop a system of intermediate goals. In this way you can control your progress and give new impetus to your personal plan. Leadership development is ongoing. As soon as one goal is achieved, new areas of application of forces need to be set.. Continuous rise to leadership positions often involves hard work and constant self-improvement.

Be content with modest progress, especially at first
. It is often said that a big oak grows out of a small acorn . An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely succeeds. Success fuels success. Steady but modest progress is consolidated and becomes a feature of the attitude of this person to work.

a list of key goals important for developing leadership skills at an early stage

To facilitate the task of drawing up a plan, we suggest that you complete the following exercise.
The following is a list of key goals that are important for developing leadership skills at an early stage. Select at least three goals from the list below to include in your self-guided leadership development program. Supplement them with your personal goals that are important to you.

1. Complete at least two training courses or self-development trainings during the year. For example, effective business communication, leadership, public speaking, personal time management, decision making, etc.

2. Talk - formally or informally - with recognized and respected leaders to listen to their ideas about leadership and understand how they came up with them. Attention! Of these leaders, no more than half should work in your industry or profession!

3. Ask your acquaintances or co-workers what they value most and least in the behavior of leaders. Record and analyze their responses.

4. Read at least one book on leadership during the year and develop at least five practical steps based on it.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What are my career goals?
(b) What purpose in life do they serve?
c) What importance do I place on achieving these goals?
d) When will they be reached? What is my program of action?
e) Where am I now? Where will I move next?
f) How can I improve my work efficiency?
g) Who are my most valuable advisers and critics?

6. Get accurate information about how the organization you work for evaluates your potential. Find out how your superiors and co-workers rate your leadership qualities. (Warning: You may need a little courage to talk to your boss about this!)

7. If your current job doesn't give you leadership development opportunities or it doesn't use your full potential, choose another area where you can add to your leadership track record. Changing the situation will stimulate you and make you tense.

8. "Knowledge is power." Choose one long-term training program (at least four weeks) that will deepen and expand your knowledge in a specific area - financial management, marketing, human resources, etc. - and leadership in general. Develop a plan to convince your company that your training in these courses is in their interest.

What goals have you chosen?

Have you set dates for assessing progress?

sample personal development plan

Personal development program - building awareness.
Take a look at the following nineteen week personal development plan and then modify it to suit your personal interests.
A proven success factor for successful people includes having a personal development plan and sticking to it. The following personal development plan example will help you create the structure and template for creating a personal improvement plan. Focusing on one aspect of personal growth each week of the nineteen weeks will help you reap the benefits of cumulative growth.
Personal development begins with raising awareness.
Self-awareness is a major component of personal growth. The first half of this plan is dedicated to strengthening self-awareness. The second half extends personal growth to the outside world.

Week One - A personal development plan should begin with an honest and detached outlook on life. What areas of life work well? What areas deserve improvement? Based on current reality, develop a vision for life.

Week Two - Discover and clarify the purpose of life this week. Each person has goals in life, a set of behaviors and qualities, finds the meaning and purpose of life. Reflect on this for a week and write down your personal understanding of your life purpose under the heading "My Life Purpose."

Week Three - This week, the enthusiasm for personal growth should be focused on personal virtues and passions. What activities do you always enjoy, are easy and give excellent results? Make a list under the heading: "Personal strengths and passions."

Week four - learn to meditate. Take a class, read a book, or learn about meditation online. By the way, on our website you will find information about meditation.

The second month of the personal development plan.
The first month of personal development is over, it's time to move on to even greater self-awareness. Be open to intuition and new understanding, refrain from judging the past.

Week Five – Learn the art of living in the present moment. Life is a series of present moments, lived and lost.

Week Six - This week practice self-awareness of behavior and personal qualities. This week, keep track of the qualities or characteristics that have been demonstrated in the course of daily activities. Do they align with your personal vision for the development of the first week?

Week Seven - Focus on core beliefs and values. Beginning with the phrase "I believe that," identify any deeply rooted beliefs. Repeat these steps with "These are my core values."

Week Eight - This week you must face your fears and overcome their limitations. Personal growth is often associated with leaving your personal comfort zone. Recognize the fears that are limiting your growth and resolve to move forward with courage.

Continued personal growth, month three.
This month we will introduce some personal development tools.

Week Nine - Dedicate this week to only positive things. Refrain from all forms of negative behavior, including negative talking, degrading jokes and gossip, criticism, whining and complaining. Recognize the negative manifestations, and then look for opportunities for improvement.

Week Ten - Learn to effectively set goals by following a vision and personal development plan. Research the SMART process and apply it to this plan.

Week Eleven - Be thankful and grateful this week. Express gratitude and appreciation for life and all the blessings you have.

Week Twelve - Take care of yourself this week. Make a decision to take care of your physical and mental health on a daily basis. Make certain commitments and set goals.

Personal development plan, shift to the outside world.
It's time to shift the focus from inner work to the outer world.

Week thirteen - increasing self-awareness of the use of working time, starting with keeping a journal of time and activities. Briefly record all activities, keeping records to free up time. At the end of each day, determine how much time you spent maintaining your personal development plan.

Week Fourteen - Become a generous listener. Listen carefully to understand spoken words and basic emotions. Learn to listen by mentally repeating the words spoken by the interlocutor.

Relationship improvement and more.
This month introduces aspects of personal development that may seem difficult. Be courageous and see further growth.

Week Fifteen - Focus on improving relationships. The greatest satisfaction in life comes from relationships. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of every relationship you have.

Week Sixteen - Practice generosity. Be a generous giver. Being generous to other people is an easy way to become happier.

Week Seventeen - Set personal boundaries. It is important not only to define personal boundaries, but also to learn how to communicate them to others.

Week eighteen is the week of forgiveness and apology. It's time to make a long overdue apology for behavior that was offensive to others. This is also the week of forgiveness, forgive yourself and other people.

Week nineteen - think about the last few months of personal growth. Notice where you've made good progress and where you've been growing quite slowly. Create your own personal development plan for the next four months by modifying this sample plan.

An effective personal development plan.
A personal development plan serves as the foundation for personal development, which is a proven factor in the success of successful people: having a vision, a plan, and implementing the plan. Modify the example of this plan for even greater efficiency.

Plan Ideal Future

Bonus "Ideal Future"

Take a pen and a sheet of paper. Imagine your ideal future. There are several characteristics of a quality life.

First, income. Write where the money will come from. Think of two categories: passive and active income. Passive cash flows are created capital, royalties, income from a business that operates without you, investments. Active incomes appear with your direct participation. This is your own work in business, work on projects, grants - ideally something that you love to do.

Secondly, emotions. They are the salt of life, a powerful engine. Write down what emotions you would experience in an ideal life. This is satisfaction from self-realization, joy from the dawn of a new day, harmony with the world, cheerfulness from playing sports, joy from communicating with a child - everyone has their own emotions. The main thing is that they be positive, make life rich, bright and lively.

Thirdly, skills and knowledge. Focus on skills. Knowledge by itself does not give much, and skills bring concrete results. It's more about business skills.
List them. Everyone has their own skills: the ability to influence people, speak in public, sell, create a successful business, and so on.

Fourth, joy. There are three types of satisfaction: from consumption, from ongoing events, from achieving a goal. There is a fourth type - from what brings joy to others. Write down what would bring you joy in your ideal life.

Fifth, the environment. Write where you live: in the capital or a provincial town, near the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, not far from the lake. Maybe in the summer you live in one place, and in the winter in another. Describe what is in the house, what you see from the window, what kind of furniture is in the house, how many rooms it has, what the bedroom, living room, kitchen look like. Think about what kind of car you have, where you will go on the weekend, where you will spend your vacation. Describe everything to the smallest detail.

Sixth, relationships. What they are with their parents, children, with a loved one, with friends. How do you see them in an ideal life?

Seventh, health and sports achievements. Everyone wants to be healthy and look good. Write about all this. What sports do you do, how often, what results have you achieved in your ideal life.

Eighth, time. What are you spending it on? If you have everything but no time, there is nothing. Time, money, mobility are the three components of success. Time is a valuable resource. Write about your ideal day, what you spend your time on.

Ninth, values. What do you bring to the world, what will you leave behind? Write it down.

Review a description of your ideal future every day. This will become your source of energy to help you move forward. People often think that if you make a lot of money or work around the clock, everything will be fine. This is wrong. Everything must be done in parallel.
Every day, doing something, you should ask the question: does this bring me closer to an ideal life?

Personal development plan- a plan that includes processes related to the personal development of a person, his spiritual and intellectual growth.

Highlight five to eight areas of life that you consider important. Possible options: work, home, children, relationship with a husband, hobbies, self-care or other. Draw each direction as a radius radiating from a common center. Next, evaluate by points how satisfied you are with your success in this area: by 2, 5 or 10 points? After going through all the aspects, set aside the segments corresponding to the scores. Close the line segments into a circle-like curve. So, you got a "crooked" wheel of life balance.

With the help of this exercise, you can more clearly see where the most problematic area is, and what requires immediate intervention and development.

2. Determination of the format of work with the plan

  • structure plan using planning with business organizer
  • diary notes like "diary of success" or "diary of achievements"
  • graphic design in the form of a wish card, mind map
  • wall calendar or board with entries and short-term steps.

3. Writing a detailed plan

  • setting a general development vector for the long term
  • description of short-term steps for 1-1.5 months
  • scheduling for the week

This method of solving a problem from the desired result to a description of the steps that contribute to its achievement is called Franklin method, named after its creator.

Unlike traditional planning, which involves moving towards the goal step by step, the proposed method is more efficient and active. Because in this case, he uses not only the planned efforts, but also uses all resources to achieve the desired. Seeing the end result in front of you, you use both your personal talents and the current situation, and create additional conditions for implementation even under adverse conditions.

If your goal is simply “personal development as possible” and write a small step every day in the plan, such as “learn German for 15 minutes”, you will not achieve a result. Because use time and resources on a residual basis.

Preparing for a personal development plan

  • Make a two-week plan to clean up tails and unresolved issues
  • Summarize the results for the previous period.

Think back to your biggest success of the past year and your total failure. Here it is also useful to perform a search for resources: “what is good that pulls me up” and error analysis: “what needs to be changed”.

  • Write two or three important goals, prioritize. Start implementing the most important

Work according to plan

  • For goals (what to achieve), include training in the area.

If you have not yet achieved what you want, then you are missing something to implement. Perhaps you do not have enough knowledge or practical skills. Fill in the gaps with books, videos, and other multimedia resources. Take courses, sign up for a consultation with a good specialist.

  • For cheerfulness, turn on resource things: affirmations, a CD with music that sets you up for work.

Create special rituals for a good working mood. Get yourself some musical accompaniment or read your success diary or some other tuning action. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes, get inspired and act!

  • Cross off what you have done to move forward. Write new goals.

Well motivated list of completed tasks. See how much you have already done. Believe in the power of planning. Without this step, it is impossible to succeed in personal development.

  • Build habits.

According to the main principle of the fly lady home management system, it takes a month of daily repetitions to form one habit. Introduce one new good habit every month.

  • Find like-minded people.

Look on the thematic forums for a support group. Those who collectively pass the tasks of thematic training. Or start an online service with reminders and assignments.

A good way to implement the plan - pinarik calendar. Perhaps this way of planning personal development will suit you. It is a lined countdown calendar. Shows how much time is left before the end of the term. You can enter in hours or days.

The method well sobers up from empty dreams. Shows how fleeting our life is, how much time is wasted and how little is left for action.

  • Ten ways of self-development, social network


    Leader's recommendations

    (according to the results of work )


    (according to the results of the Assessment Center)

    Other qualities, professional skills that need to be developed from your point of view

    Increase leadership skills: employees are not sufficiently involved in the work on the project

    Management and development of subordinates - 1.5

    In task setting situations, pay more attention to the personal motivation of employees.

    Skills to involve employees in solving a common problem

    ^ COMPETENCES that require development \ Development goals for this year: By the end of this year, develop the skill of motivating others to solve the tasks set: be able to motivate each of your direct subordinates, based on knowledge of their leading needs, be able to conduct motivating conversations.

    Other development goals:






    ^ Development in the workplace

    1. Write mini-portraits of your colleagues with whom you often interact (characteristics, what he is successful in, what drives him in his work, what he expects from me).

    2. For each of these people, to understand: how the interaction is going on now, what problems exist in the interaction, describe the possible options for motivating these people.

    3. After each meeting with one of them, make additions to your notes (what new things did you learn about this person).


    during a year

    ^ Special assignments (projects)

    Lead the implementation of 2 "cross-functional" projects in which, without having administrative powers, I will have to organize and motivate employees of related areas to solve the task.

    Until the end of March and further until the end of the year

    ^ Learning from the experience of others

    Choose a leader who has developed motivation skills. Observe his style of working with subordinates. Analyze and adopt the most successful "techniques" that he uses to motivate different people.

    01/03/06 and beyond until the end of the year

    ^ Search for feedback

    Choose a person from your environment who can regularly give feedback on how successful my interaction with subordinates is, as well as on how my motivation skills are developing in general.

    From 03/15/06, at least 2 times a month



    “100% motivation: where is his button?”, S. Ivanova

    “Motivation in the style of ACTION. Delight is contagious, Klaus Kobjel

    During a year

    ^ Trainings and seminars

    situational guidance

    Control Master

    3rd quarter 2006

    Date of completion FEBRUARY 15, 2006 Employee signature __________________

    Efficiently organizes working time, plans his work, takes consistent actions in order to ensure the achievement of company goals

    ^ Workplace development:

      • Study SWOT analysis and determine the scope of its application in your work

      • Conduct an audit of your own goals for this year. Assess the significance of their achievement for the entire Company as a whole.

      • When drawing up a plan for the next six months, highlight those goals that show your desire for outstanding results.

      • Write down the planned results of the work of today, this and next week, this and next month, this and next quarter, this and next year.

      • Prescribe the criteria for achieving the goals facing the unit today.

      • Formulate the result expected from the work of a subordinate ......

      • Determine the tasks that your subordinates are capable of performing. From Monday, start delegating those tasks that are highlighted in the list.

      • Focus on actions that will lead to the desired result

      • Accurately predict the time spent on each stage of work (previously 2 weeks to record the time spent on tasks)
    ^ Feedback search:

      • Discuss with your immediate supervisor ____________ your own style of solving professional problems. Find out how much your results related to delegation and planning your work have improved.

      • Discuss with your immediate supervisor __________ plans for the future (individual, your department, etc.). Adjust them according to the recommendations.
    Special assignments (projects):

      • By February 15, develop and implement a system in your unit from March 1……

      • Analyze your participation in the last successfully completed project and highlight your contribution.
    Self-study (literature):

      • Explore the Eisenhower window, the principle of "important-urgent"

      • Polly Bird Time Management. Planning and time control.

      • J.K. Smart "Delegation", Julie-Ann-Amos "Delegation of authority"

      • F. J. Guillard, D. N. Kelly "Transformation of the organization."
    Trainings and seminars:

      • Time management.

      • Delegation of authority, effective team management

      • Master of Management.

      • Finance for non-financiers

    After reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of where and how to move in self-improvement (I hope so). Here you will find a detailed plan for self-development in all areas of life, but this is not the most important thing. It is much more important to understand the need for self-development itself and develop an adequate attitude towards it. We will do all this in this article.

    Self-development is popular today and this term has even become somewhat “hackneyed”. From this, the value of the process itself can fall, and this is the danger. Self-development is not entertainment and not a means of “killing” time. It has very specific tasks, which were once mentioned in an article about.

    Therefore, even at the very beginning of your self-improvement, trace your attitude towards him. Think about what it represents for you at the moment. Maybe it's just a fashion trend, or for you it's like a lifeline for a drowning man. It is better to approach the process of working on yourself consciously, realizing that without this it is basically impossible to become successful and happy.

    But there are other options. Fate forced me to engage in self-development, literally destroying all my illusions at one fine moment. True, this is not the most pleasant scenario. It is better to start yourself, realizing the importance of the process, and not wait until life drives you into a corner.

    Drawing up a plan as a reasonable beginning of self-development

    Whatever we start doing, we must have an understanding of what we want to achieve in the end. If we do not have a clear understanding of the ultimate goal, then it will be much more difficult to achieve it. Next, when we have decided on the goal, we need to draw up a plan to achieve it.

    When there is a plan to achieve a certain goal, then we can clearly see what, when and how much we need to do in order to achieve what we want. It is even better when our goals and plans are associated with specific numbers: time, money, quantity, etc.

    Here is a specific goal and a plan to achieve it:

    I want to learn to speak English fluently in 1 year. You need to master at least 1500 English words. To do this, you need to visit a tutor 2 times a week, for which you need X money per week. After 8 months of studying with a tutor, you need to leave for England for 3 months to immerse yourself in the language environment. It also needs a teacher. And so on.

    I gave an approximate plan for achieving the goal, in reality it may differ. I think you get the gist of it.

    So in self-development in all of us, we must have goals and plans to achieve them. Somewhere the plan will be easier, somewhere more difficult, but it should be.

    But even more important than the goals is understanding why this is all necessary. You literally have to ask yourself the questions:

    Why do I want to develop myself? What do I want to get as a result?

    Then you need to answer them. This will be an additional motivation for you, and in difficult days it will force you to act.

    Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to clearly follow the plans for self-development, it is not so easy. But if you want health, happiness and success, then you need to strive for this.

    Self-development plan at four levels of life

    We will consider self-development on the basis of all important areas (levels) of life. In another way, it is called the wheel of life or the wheel of life balance. But one way or another, we will include all important areas in the plan: health, relationships, work, personal and spiritual growth, rest and more.

    So, there are four levels of life on which you need to develop in order to achieve harmony and happiness:

    1. Physical;
    2. Social;
    3. Intellectual;
    4. Spiritual.

    On the physical level important: cleansing, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, breathing exercises, daily routine, food restrictions, harmonious sex life, being in nature, regular rest, getting rid of bad habits.

    On a social level the following areas should be worked out: purpose in activity, relationships with parents, husband or wife, children, grandchildren, development of one’s male or female nature (qualities), making money, improving the fate of the Family, building harmonious relationships with others, the ability to live for the benefit of others and the world in general.

    Intellectual level includes setting and achieving goals, working with emotions, calming the mind and controlling feelings, getting out of the influence of a false ego, changing fate, understanding the main goal of human life, realizing one's true nature (spiritual), harmonious life with the rejection of everything unfavorable, receiving education and training in general, learning languages, obtaining scientific degrees, etc., studying the Holy Scriptures, regularly visiting Holy places.

    On a spiritual level we study the nature and qualities of the soul, increase unconditional love in the heart, develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, inner peace, detachment and other exalted qualities, learn to live in the present moment, see God everywhere and in everything, accept fate, strive for absence pride, selfishness, desire for fame, resentment, condemnation, claims and criticism.

    All directions of self-development are described in detail. Based on these directions, we will build a self-development plan that will be enough for you for the next few years, at least.

    Self-development program for 3-5 years

    Of course, I do not know at what level of development you are now. Therefore, this plan will take into account the needs of beginners in self-development and those who have been working on themselves for some time.

    Here, actions will not be scheduled for months or weeks - it is better to do this individually, based on personal qualities and lifestyle. Below you will find a list of specific self-development goals, the achievement of which will bring you a big breakthrough in life.

    Self-development plan (all important goals for working on yourself):

    Physical layer:

    • Learn to get up before 6 in the morning, ideally at 4-5 o'clock (heading to help);
    • Go to bed at 21-22 hours, maximum 22-30;
    • Start taking a shower every morning and every evening ();
    • Cleanse the intestines 1-2 times a year, then according to the circumstances (read about);
    • Go to the bath for the purpose of recovery at least 1-2 times a month (article about);
    • Do not eat after 18-19 hours, do not overeat;
    • If possible, refuse meat, flour products, white sugar, preservatives ();
    • Start fasting on water or freshly squeezed juices 2 times a month (on Ekadashi);
    • Completely abandon alcohol, tobacco, coffee and other drugs (section will help);
    • At least once a week to be in nature (2-3 hours): in the forest, on the river, the sea, in the mountains;
    • At least once a week, take a break from everyday affairs and devote time to self-development, spiritual practices;
    • Be sure to rest from 4 weeks a year, preferably more;
    • Start doing regular physical exercises: running (), swimming, brisk walking, cycling, skiing, etc.;
    • Learn to do breathing exercises (pranayama, qigong, etc.);
    • Refuse casual sexual relationships;
    • Refuse pornography, erotica, computer () and gambling, financial fraud.

    Social level:

    • Find a purpose in an activity and begin to gradually develop in it (article:);
    • Improve relations with parents, make bows and prescribe them (read:);
    • Study the laws of happy relationships and learn to apply them in life (section and section);
    • Start the harmonious upbringing of children, grandchildren, if any (heading to help:);
    • Thoroughly calculate how much money is needed to meet the needs of life;
    • Thinking about how you can reach the required level of income is more important for men (read:);
    • Learn how to handle money properly, especially for women (read:);
    • Men to develop: intelligence, generosity, asceticism, determination, responsibility, courage ();
    • Women to develop: love, humility, flexibility, wisdom, purity, fidelity ();
    • Think about how you can benefit others and the world as a whole with your life.

    Plan for self-development at the intellectual level:

    • Learn to set and achieve goals ();
    • Prescribe goals at 4 levels of life;
    • Learn to track emotions so as not to fall under their influence;
    • Be sure to work on calming the mind (read about it);
    • Learn to control feelings, and not try to satisfy them in material ways;
    • To study what fate is and how to change it (heading:);
    • Realize the main goal of human life ();
    • Write down the main goal of life;
    • Realize your true nature, different from the body and mind (an article about can help);
    • A man should think about how he can become a more sought-after specialist (receiving additional education, advanced training, learning from a guru);
    • First of all, a woman should think about creating an atmosphere of love and comfort in the house, about relationships with her husband and raising children;
    • Start meditating every day, starting with 5-10 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of the practice;
    • Studying spiritual treatises and scriptures is VERY IMPORTANT;
    • If possible, visit Holy places, clean and energetically powerful corners of the Earth.

    Spiritual level:

    • To study the qualities and nature of the soul, that is, one's own nature;
    • Understand that Unconditional Love is the highest value and strive to increase it in the heart;
    • Develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, detachment, inner peace;
    • Learn to live in a state of "here and now", that is, to do everything consciously, focusing on activities in the present moment;
    • Learn to accept fate (study:);
    • Strive to see God and His Will everywhere and in everything;
    • Eradicate pride, selfishness, greed, envy, lust, anger, resentment and other vices;
    • To live without condemnation, harsh assessments, criticism, claims;
    • Start praying or reciting mantras every morning.

    In matters of spiritual growth (where to start, etc.), articles from the rubric will help you figure it out.

    What plan of self-education and self-improvement do you personally need?

    Here is a general plan for self-development. It is usually different for every person. It is necessary to take into account the gender of a person, his standard of living and development, his aspirations and desires, his capabilities and more. Based on all this, one can build individual development plan for an individual person.

    If you need a self-education and self-improvement plan that suits you, then you can contact me, during which we will draw up your individual self-development program.

    By the way, there are several unusual ways to work on yourself, which are described in the article:

    http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/plan-samoobrazovaniya-cheloveka.jpg 320 640 Sergei Yuriev http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergei Yuriev 2018-09-27 05:00:12 2018-09-27 16:37:18 A detailed plan for human self-development at four levels of life