The most unusual people from the Guinness Book of Records. The biggest mouth in the world

Ice man and other strange people.

An X-ray woman, a bodybuilder with muscles like the Hulk, a man who can eat a plane - it seems that we are talking about comic book heroes. But it turns out that such people exist in real life. In our review 15 are incredible strange people who have something to surprise others.

1. The man with the longest hair in the world

Vietnamese herbalist Tran Van He is the man with the longest hair in the world.

Although the length of his hair was never measured (the hair was too intertwined and matted for this), Vietnamese herbalist Tran Van Huy was known as the man with the longest hair in the world. Presumably their length was 6.8 meters. According to his wife, Tran had not cut his hair in over fifty years and had only washed his hair a few times. last time 11 years before his death in 2010.

2. The man with the biggest mouth in the world

The man with the biggest mouth in the world.

Francisco Domingo Joaquim is ordinary person from Angola with an unusual ability - he has the largest mouth in the world. An Angolan can stretch his mouth 17 cm and calmly fit a can of cola in it.

The most tattooed woman in the world.

On June 29, 2011, a 53-year-old woman named Cynthia Martell was found dead in her home. Only after her death it turned out that 97 percent of her body was covered with tattoos.

4. Iceman

Ice man.

Wim Hof ​​is a Dutch world record holder and adventurer who earned the nickname Iceman for his phenomenal ability to withstand low temperatures. For example, he once sat in icy water for one hour and fifty-two minutes.

5. A person who constantly holds his hand up

Man with raised hand.

Sadhu Amar Bharati first raised his hand in 1973 in honor of God Shiva and has not lowered it to this day.

6. A woman with herself thin waist in the world

The woman with the thinnest waist in the world

Michelle Kobke, a 26-year-old woman from Germany, managed to reduce her waist from 65 to an incredible 40 centimeters by wearing a corset around the clock for three years. Even though her waist is already much smaller than most catwalk models, Michelle wants to reduce it to 35cm.

7. The woman who remembers everything

The woman who remembers everything.

Jill Price claims that she remembers every detail of her life, down to what time she woke up, what she had for breakfast and who she met near the house on any day of her childhood. The woman herself considers this a curse, because she remembers all the things that she would really like to forget.

8. Half-cyborg woman

Half-cyborg woman.

Eileen Brown, from Boldon, England, has had more than a dozen surgeries over the past two decades. She only has real “natural” joints in her left hip and left elbow.

9. The Soldier Who Hid in the Jungle for Almost Thirty Years

A soldier who hid in the jungle for 30 years.

Forty-three years ago, Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who fought in World War II, was found in the jungles of Guam. For three decades, the Japanese, unaware of the end of the war, fought alone, attacking American bases and the Philippine police. Onoda surrendered only after his commander contacted him and gave the order to stop resistance.

10. The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk.

Brazilian builder Romario Dos Santos Alves wanted to be like the Hulk so much that he began injecting himself with a deadly mixture of oil, alcohol and lidocaine. As a result, the 25-year-old Brazilian nearly had both of his grotesquely swollen arms amputated.

11. Grandma “Devil's Horn”

Grandmother with a horn.

In 2010, the world was shocked by the news that a 101-year-old Chinese woman had a real devil's horn growing on her forehead above her left eye. Also, a second horn soon began to grow above his right eye.

12. Girl with X-ray vision

Girl with X-ray vision.

Natasha Demkina is known in Russia as the "X-Ray Girl". She claims to be able to see people's insides through their skin. Natasha put even the most notorious critics to shame with the absolutely accurate medical diagnoses she gave people.

13. Omnivore

Omnivore by Michelle Lotito.

Over the course of forty years, Frenchman Michel Lotito ate about nine tons of metal. At the age of 9, Lotito ate a glass glass. According to doctors, the walls of the stomach and intestines, which are 2 times thicker than those of an ordinary person, allowed Michel to have such unusual hobby. Every day he consumed about a kilogram of inorganic items. And once Lotito ate an entire Cessna plane in 2 years.

15. The man who hasn't slept in over 40 years

The man who hasn't slept in over 40 years

Usually a person can go 5 days without sleep, otherwise irreversible changes may begin in the body. In the Vietnamese province of Quang Nam there lives a man who has attracted the interest of scientists from all over the world. Hai Ngoc claims that he has not slept a wink since he fell ill with fever in 1973.

Wow. You can find many unusual things in the world. I present to you the most unusual people who can cause a smile, surprise or even shock.

The biggest mouth Francisco Domingo Joaquim

This resident of Angola is the holder of the title “The World's Largest Mouth.” The size of his mouth is 17 cm, which allows him to insert and remove a 0.33 liter can 14 times in 1 minute.

Rubber boy
Jaspreet Singh Kalra

At the age of fifteen, this guy became known as "Rubber Boy". He can turn his head 180°.

The man who doesn't sleep
Yakov Tsiperovich

About 70 different films were made about this man from Belarus (Minsk), because Yakov Tsiperovich after clinical death Not only did he not die, but he even stopped sleeping. After numerous examinations, scientists and doctors confirmed this fact, but could not explain it.

Inseparable friends
Sambat and Chomran

Under the bed of a boy named Sambat, his mother discovered a very small snake. Then Sambat was only 3 months old. Since then, the boy and the snake Khomran have been inseparable friends: they eat, sleep and play together.

Woman with horn
Zhang Ruifang

This 102-year-old woman from Henan Province, China, is famous for the real horn that grew on her forehead. The anomaly surprises scientists, especially since the horn has been constantly growing for several years (it has already reached a mark exceeding 7 cm).

Anvil Man
Gino Martino

The American artist and wrestler can shock you with his ability to break objects such as concrete blocks, iron bars and baseball bats with his head. Doctors say that Gino has a super-strong skull.

The most long hair
Tran Van Hay

A Vietnamese man had the longest hair in the world (6.8 m). He had his hair braided in thick braids since he was 25 because it was so convenient for him. Chiang Van Hei died when he was 79 years old.
Read also: 10 stories unique people with unusual abilities

Man with raised hand
Sadhu Amar Bharati

Hindu Sadhu Amar Bharati in 1973 raised his right hand above his head, bowing to the god Shiva. Since then he hasn't put it down.

Airport like home
Mehran Karimi Nasseri

This Iranian refugee lived from 1988 to 2006 in the terminal of Charles de Gaulle Airport (France). It was Mehran Karimi Nasseri who came up with the idea for the famous film “The Terminal”.

Longest nose
Mehmet Ozyurek

The owner of the longest nose, as recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is Mehmet Ozyurek, a resident of Turkey born in 1949. In 2010, his nose was determined to be 8.8 cm long.

Best karateka
Masutatsu Oyama

Legends were made about the owner of the 10th dan of karate, an outstanding master, the creator of the Kyokushinkai style and karate teacher Masutatsu Oyama. This is a man who broke 4 bricks or 17 layers of tiles with the edge of his palm.
Behind the back of the great karateka there were about 50 fights with bulls, of which he killed three without any weapons, and broke the horns of 49 bulls.

The fattest man
Carol Ann Yager

This woman is the undisputed record holder for the most weight in history. Carol Yeager's weight at the age of 20 was 727 kg. With such weight, she could not even move, so several special devices were created for Carol.

The man who remembers everything
Jill Price

A woman who remembers literally everything in her life to the smallest detail, starting from adolescence. Jill Price remembers when she woke up, what she ate, any songs, smells or places she was. If you think this is "cool", then Jill perceives her gift as a curse.

Using self-hypnosis
Alex Lenkei

He decided to use his mind rather than anesthesia. Using self-hypnosis, Alex Lenkay can block all pain after and before surgery, while being fully conscious.

The most alive of the dead
Lal Bihari

We are talking about a farmer born in 1961 who lives in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Lal was mistakenly officially dead from 1976 to 1994. With his own death certificate in hand, he fought the Indian government bureaucracy for 18 years to prove that he was the living one.
Lal Bihari even founded the Association of the Dead for the victims of such terrible mistakes by Indian officials.

Embryo in embryo
Sanju Bhagat

He suffered from a strange condition known as fetus in fetu (fetus in fetus). Sanju Bhagat had a twin brother in his belly for many years. At first, doctors assumed that it was a tumor, but after operating on the unfortunate man, they removed parts of the dead baby.

Japanese inventor
Yoshiro Nakamatsu

The famous Japanese inventor claims that he holds the lead in the world in the number of inventions (more than 3,000). Perhaps Yoshiro Nakamatsu's most famous invention is the computer floppy disk. A main goal scientist - to live more than 140 years.

The man who eats metal
Michael Lotito

For the first time, a 9-year-old French boy ate a TV. Then Michael Lotito became adept at swallowing rubber, metal and even glass.
He outdid himself and got into the Guinness Book of Records when he ate an entire plane, although it took him two years. Doctors note the fact that Michael is still alive only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of an ordinary person.

Tooth King
Radhakrishnan Velu

A Malaysian man is famous for being able to move various vehicles himself and only with his teeth. The largest load that Radhakrishnan Velu pulled was an entire train, consisting of six carriages and weighing 297 tons!

As children, we heard the following phrase more than once: “Smile from ear to ear, even if you sew on a string.” The adults said this to the child, who smiled widely and shamelessly. For some reason, a wide open mouth, with bare teeth, and lips curved in a smile evoked just such a reaction.

What a smile!

Just think: mouth to ear! The imagination pictures the largest mouth in the world with a long, arched grin. Such a sight even gives you goosebumps.

Crocodiles and pelicans have mouths up to their ears, but among people it is difficult to imagine such individuals. The huge mouth could only belong to fantastic characters from thrillers and fairy tales. For example, the Joker or the main character of the film "The Man Who Laughs". This fact is reassuring, since an overly wide smile looks unattractive.

Mr and Miss Smile

Among famous actors, politicians and pop singers, there are some personalities who can boast of a voluminous oral cavity.

Mick Jagger, leader of the Rolling Stones, is distinguished wide smile in half the face. The big mouth adds some piquancy to the appearance of the famous rocker.

U Hollywood actress Julia Roberts used to have a huge complex about this. IN adolescence she believed that she had the biggest mouth in the world. She felt ugly duckling, was embarrassed to laugh and always hid her smile.

Steven Tyler has a very impressive mouth and lips. His appearance would not have looked so extravagant if not for this detail. Compared to Julia Roberts, he really has the biggest mouth. Steve, not embarrassed by this fact, smiles “with all 32 teeth” and expressively sings and grimaces.

Who laughs out loud?

The variety of external data among people and their other characteristics is amazing. Among the strangest people in the world, there are several individuals who have certain “defects” or features of appearance. One has the biggest mouth, huge ears or an impressive nose. The bravest unusual personalities They not only overcame their inhibitions, but also flaunted their photographs. They are proud of their body and enjoy life with a calm soul.

Francisco Domingo Joaquim lives in Angola and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The Angolan has become famous for his extraordinary appearance - he is the owner of the largest mouth in the world.

Francisco can easily put a can of Coca-Cola into the largest mouth in the world, and with the help of his hands he is able to stretch his lips by 17 cm! A can of Coca-Cola easily fits into the wide mouth of a young Angolan without causing him any harm or discomfort. The stretched lips completely cover the surface of the tin can.

In 2012, a superpower in the form of a large oral cavity allowed Francisco to become the owner of a diploma and a Guinness Prize.

When you see a photograph where a man demonstrates the unique capabilities of his mouth, at first glance it seems that this is the work of a skilled Photoshop master.

Those who have the opportunity to witness such a miracle do not experience much delight. But Joaquim doesn’t care about the opinions of others. The largest mouth in the world brought him enormous popularity.

The native of Angola can perform incredible tricks with his mouth. A 20-year-old young man named Francisco Domingo Joaquima from the city of Sambizanga does truly shocking things with his facial muscles.

A couple of years ago, videos appeared on the popular YouTube hosting service, the main character of which was an Angolan. The videos have become extremely popular among Internet users. So much so that representatives of the Guinness Book of Records became interested in the man.

Mouth to ears, even sew on strings

A little later, Francisco became a hero worldwide famous book records. His mouth was called the largest in the world. To the place where ordinary people they put food in, an Angolan resident places objects that are completely inappropriate for a meal. For example, a record holder can easily put a Coca-Cola can into his mouth. Moreover, before my eyes amazed spectators a fantastic man was able to take out and put a 0.33 liter jar into his mouth 14 times in one minute. And at the same time, Zhokim managed to talk with his mouth full. Now Francisco is trying to do the same with a half-liter container. When this trick is successful, another 10 packs of cigarettes will go into the largest mouth on the planet.

And at one of the giant mouth competitions, which took place in Italy, Francisco Domingo Joaquima confirmed his reputation in front of everyone. Participants were required to place bottles, coffee cups and plates into their own mouths. True, not simultaneously, but in turn.

And in this test young man There were no worthy competitors. Francisco's mouth was then measured. It was exactly 16.99 centimeters. It is worth noting the fact that the Angolan’s mouth can stretch anywhere, in any direction. As the record holder himself admits, he has long dreamed of getting into the Guinness Book of Records. Therefore, as soon as his name appeared on the pages of a reputable publication, he became immensely happy.

Well, before getting under television cameras and standing before the experts from the Guinness Book of Records, Joaquim demonstrated his unusual abilities in stadiums and markets hometown. In addition to the fact that a guy can put a tin bottle and other kitchen utensils into his mouth, Francisco can also “kiss” himself on any part of his face. A young man covers his lips with ease own face. He stretches them to unimaginable sizes, so from the outside it seems that an ordinary person is simply incapable of doing such things.

To become a record holder, Joaquim made no effort. He never exercised his facial muscles or tried to stretch his mouth to its maximum extent. The young man's skin was highly elastic from birth. Therefore such unusual ability already at a conscious age he decided to turn it to his advantage.

Francisco Domingo entered the Guinness Book of Records

By the way, a fact that almost every inhabitant of the planet can envy. Francisco Domingo, whom, by the way, his friends call Chiquinho or Chinho, has never gone to the dentist. And at the same time, his teeth are almost perfect. This is proven by photographs from which you can study the oral cavity.

Mister fantastic

There are still people on the planet who have abilities that, in general, are not suitable for life. For example, a UK resident named Harry Turner can stretch his skin like rubber. The young man is better known under the pseudonym Toffee Man. The man has already hit the pages famous book Guinness World Records, as soon as he demonstrated the following ability: he was able to pull the skin from his own abdomen to a record 15.8 centimeters. At the same time, only the skin was pulled back, and not the fat folds. The latter are simply absent in a person with a dystrophic physique.

Harry Turner owes his unusual “talent” to a rare disease. It's called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. This is a systemic connective tissue disease that affects not only the skin, but also ligaments and even internal organs.

Useless superpowers

In fact, Mr. Rubber Mouth and Toffee Man have no way of using their abilities in real life except to please the public. There are other skills that practical application don't have. And there is no point in turning such talents into necessary skills. Here are a few more superpowers that are completely useless given to humans.

Steel balls

A man named Yong Hsuen showed the world his possession ability. ancient technology Kung Fu "Steel Eggs" Shaolin monk showed that he can endure strong blows in the groin area. This defensive tactic is also called “turtle shell.” A style master can retract his testicles into his body, thereby hiding them in a kind of shell.

There are no more than ten masters in the world who know and master this technique. And during the demonstration of his ability, Yong received more than one strongest blow between his legs, and at the same time he only smiled and joked. By the way, before the performance the young man underwent a medical examination. It showed that Hsuen's genitals were perfectly functioning and in place. Therefore, there can be no talk of deception in the experiment.

The Great and Terrible Belcher

But another young man, Paul Hann, acts in a completely uncultured manner. He burps in public. And he does it quite loudly. The sound equivalent of his burp is 108 dB (to imagine how loud this is, it is worth knowing that the sound of a moving train is about 90 dB, that of an electric drill is 100 dB, and that of an airplane taking off is 120 dB). Paul’s strange ability was immortalized in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, such talent has already brought practical benefit. The Belcher said that he once saved a girl who was being attacked by a robber. Hann made his original sound, sparing no effort. And the robber ran away from his victim. However, the girl was also scared and ran to another room.

Tennis racket conqueror

And another useless ability. The acrobat "Captain Frodo" can put himself through a tennis racket (the place where the net is stretched). The Frenchman works as an acrobat, juggler and sword swallower in a traveling circus and says that anyone is capable of this.

And for such a trick, it is enough to independently move and return the joints to their place. True, the procedure is quite unpleasant and painful.
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In his homeland he is known as "Rubber Boy": his body is so flexible that he can turn his head almost 180 degrees. However, this is just one of the many wonderful tricks this gutta-percha boy can do with his body.

2. Francisco Domingo Joaquim

A young man named Francisco Domingo Joaquim from the city of Sambizanga does truly shocking things with his facial muscles. The Guinness Book of Records even called his mouth the largest in the world. In the place where ordinary people put food, the record holder could easily put a Coca-Cola can. Francisco's mouth measures exactly 16.99 cm.

3. Zhang Ruifang

101-year-old Chinese resident Zhang Ruifang For several years he has been observing an increasing growth of unknown origin on his own forehead. And everything would be fine, only these harmless bumps very much resemble devil’s horns. And if one horn can still be attributed to coincidence and cruel joke Mother Nature, then a new symmetrical growth on the other side of the forehead, which began to grow later, will simply shock those around him.

4. Gino Martino

Gino Martino - American professional wrestler and a performer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to break a variety of hard objects with his head, including iron bars, baseball bats and concrete blocks. His skull could even withstand bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, Gino's unusual physical ability is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

5. Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland performing under stage name“Zamora, the King of Torture,” has demonstrated to the world for decades his unique ability - his exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and these are just a few of the dangerous stunts he performed throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness Book of Records record holder.

6. Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He has run marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath of 1 hour and 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he received the nickname “Ice Man”. The man claims that he has reached a state in which he does not feel cold at all, solely thanks to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Vim is indeed capable of conscious control of his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

7. Yakov Tsiperovich

Ordinary electrician Yakov Tsiperovich turned into a real “biorobot”. His first wife tried to poison him with a deadly poison, but the man was saved. After his experience, Yakov had to relearn how to control his body, which felt completely different. When Yakov tried to lie down in bed, some force lifted him and did not allow him to remain in an upright position, as if he had a balancing mechanism of a tumbler. Tsiperovich got tired like an ordinary person, he wanted to sleep, but as soon as drowsiness fell on him, a sound like a click was heard in his head, preventing him from falling asleep.

Today Tsiperovich, who is 54 years old, lives in Minsk. Yakov has not slept for 33 years and at his advanced age he looks no older than 35.

8. Chang Van Hei

Vietnamese resident Tran Van Hei had hair 6.8 meters long. But, unfortunately, he never declared this to the Guinness Book of Records.

79-year-old Hay lived in Kien Giang province (South Vietnam) and worked with medicinal herbs. He began growing his hair at the age of 25 for a very simple but surprising reason - every time after cutting his hair he became very ill. He did not turn to doctors, but simply stopped cutting his hair and began to weave a braid, which over the years began to resemble a thick rope.

9. Sadhu Amar Bharati

The Sadhu's hand is a bony, dried-out thing, because for 40 years now, since 1973, he has not used it. He raised it above his head as a sign of worship before the god Shiva.

Sadhu lived ordinary life until 1970. He worked, he had a wife and family, three children. Of average income, the Sadhu was an ordinary Indian. But one fine morning the Sadhu realized that he no longer belonged either to his family or to himself - he belonged to God.

And he set off along the roads of India, and after several years of wandering, he made a vow and raised his right hand up so as not to lower it for the next forty years. The year was 1973. They say he raised it as a sign of humility and renunciation of his sins, but there are also those who claim that he raised his hand in protest against wars on earth.

So, with it raised up right hand, Sadhu Amar Bharati has lived for forty years many years. Over these decades, his hand, which he did not use at all, dried up and took the form of a lifeless stick, consisting of bones and dried skin.

10. Mehmet Ozyurek

Mehmet Ozyurek's nose from Turkey, the organ was solemnly measured on the set of the Italian program “Lo Show dei Record” and turned out to measure 8.8 cm (from forehead to tip), which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010.

Doctors say that Mehmet owes his long nose to rhinophyma, a rare skin disease that is accompanied by the growth of elements of the skin of the nose. It is possible that someday he himself will break his own record, since his nose continues to grow little by little.

11. Masutatsu Oyama

Legendary karate master, the founder of the Kyokushinkai style, tenth dan holder Masutatsu Oyama was one of the most famous representatives of martial arts. Oyama struck according to the principle of Japanese fighters “one blow - one death.” Even if the opponent managed to block the blow, this block was not enough; the master’s blow swept away everything in its path.

Oyama broke 17 layers of tiles and 3-4 bricks at a time with one blow with the edge of his palm. And he fought with bulls fifty times, killed three bulls with his bare hands and broke the horns of 49 bulls, also with a blow from the edge of his palm. He wanted to fight more tigers and lions, but he was not allowed to treat animals so cruelly. Oyama himself later admitted that one should not kill animals to demonstrate one’s strength.

12. Michelle Lotito

Frenchman Michel Lotito It’s not without reason that in their homeland they called it “Monsieur Mangetout”, which in Russian sounds like “Monsieur will eat everything.” Between 1959 and 1997, it literally consumed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower.

What is the reason for Lotito’s manifestation of such a shocking ability? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as “pica” - an eating disorder that is expressed in cravings for inedible substances. This, along with the unusually thick mucous membrane of the stomach, allowed Lotito to consume huge amount metal, which he, by the way, cut into small pieces, doused with vegetable oil and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

13. Carol Ann Yager

Carol Ann Yager

Carol Ann Yager is the heaviest woman and one of the heaviest people in the history of medicine. Yeager's maximum weight of 1,600 pounds (727 kg) has not been documented; according to official sources, her maximum weight is 544 kg with a height of 170 cm.

Carol has suffered from an eating disorder since childhood. According to her, the trigger for this eating disorder was sexual aggression from close friend her family. Although in subsequent interviews she indicated that there were other factors that influenced her eating habits and led to such severe obesity: they were “skeletons in the closet” and “monsters”. The girl could not move independently because her muscles could not withstand such a strong load.

Carol Yager is also a bereaved woman. heaviest weight in a natural (non-surgical) way. The loss of 236 kilograms was officially recorded during three months without surgical intervention.

14. Jill Price

Jill Price, a 42-year-old California resident, remembers every event in her life in chronological order since she was 12 years old. She remembers literally every little detail, including the program running at that moment on TV or events that happened in the world. Just name the date and it will tell you what day of the week it was and list everything that happened that day.

Many people envy her gift, but super memory is not a gift for everyone. Just imagine that you are experiencing the events of your life over and over again, as if they had just happened. In addition, in every person’s life there are things that are better not to remember. Experts have not yet found a cure for Jill’s memory.

15. Alex Lenkey

Englishman Alex Lenkey, practicing self-hypnosis since the age of 16, having refused traditional pain relief, he hypnotized himself during surgery for osteoarthritis. During the operation, which lasted 83 minutes, the hypnotist opened the wrist, removed a piece of bone the size of a nut, and also manipulated the patient's tendon. According to him, at this time he heard everything that the surgeon said, as well as the sound that accompanied the cutting of the bone, but did not feel any pain.

Alex Lenkay had previously had a hernia removed under hypnosis, and once hypnotized his son, also Alex, to reduce the pain in his broken arm.

16. Yoshiro Nakamatsu

Japanese Thomas Alva Edison, mad scientist, one of the five greatest inventors in history - this is what people call this 85-year-old Japanese man, who publicly claims that he not only invented the famous floppy disk 20 years earlier American company IBM, but also became the record holder for the number of inventions, bringing their number to 3.3 thousand.

This eccentric Japanese takes a philosophical approach to the process of invention itself: he compares the creation of each new creation to a five-story pagoda. The first one is mental strength, because it is she who helps a person follow the difficult path of an inventor. The second step is healthy body. Then - study. At the same time, according to Dr. NakaMats, a real inventor must be equally savvy in both technical and humanities. After that comes the ability to experiment and, of course, talent.

17. Jonathan Lee Riches

Jonathan Lee Riches- an inmate at the Kentucky Federal Penitentiary on charges of fraud using electronic means communications, as well as by the number of lawsuits filed in American district courts by one person on various grounds.

In early 2006, Jonathan filed his first lawsuit, and over the next seven years he filed more than two and a half thousand lawsuits. For being so active civil position the guy got into the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most controversial personalities in history, and Jonathan, being true to himself, responded by suing the Book. And in 2012, he filed new lawsuits, this time accusing rapper Kanye West and actress Kim Kardashian of terrorism.

World record for continuous masturbation- 9 hours 58 minutes - belongs to Japan. This guy showed off his unique abilities at the annual Masturbate-A-Thon in San Francisco.

Sato has a girlfriend who is calm about her boyfriend’s hobby and even supports his desire for success. Every morning the record holder begins with training masturbation lasting a couple of hours. Regular training is the whole secret of success, Sato said. He takes masturbation seriously, like a real sport.

19. Amu Haji

The anti-achievement in the Guinness Book of Records was set by 80-year-old Iranian resident Amu Haji, who hasn't washed for 60 years. During this time, he not only never went to the shower or bathhouse, but also did not go near water at all.

Hajj lives in a dugout hole in the south of Iran in the Fars province near the village of Dejah. In winter, when it gets very cold in his home, he moves to a brick shack that local residents built for the old man.

The Iranian stopped washing himself when he was young. Hajj says he refused to perform hygiene procedures due to emotional failures and psychological trauma. Now the man is afraid of water. He is sure that he will get sick immediately after washing his hands or washing his face.

20. Jake Schellenschlager

In his high school in Baltimore, 14-year-old Jake Schellenschlager practically does not stand out from the crowd of other eighth graders. But in the gym, a teenager transforms into a real athlete. The boy has been professionally involved in powerlifting for more than 2 years. On at the moment Jake lifts weights that are more than twice his body weight. Many powerlifting fans are simply shocked by the teenager’s abilities. To achieve success in this difficult sport, the boy spends several hours every day in the gym: lifting barbells, weights, and doing pull-ups. This week, the boy broke his personal and world records by lifting a barbell weighing 300 pounds (136 kilograms). This weight is more than 2 times Jake's body weight. This figure is incredible for his weight category, as well as his age.