Shemyakin court, what are the techniques of satirical depiction. What satirical images (grotesque, hyperbole) are used in the story? give examples of using these examples in the text

From February 19 to November 19, 2018 state government institution Krasnodar region « Management of specially protected natural areas Krasnodar region» with the support of the ministry natural resources Krasnodar Territory and Krasnodar Regional art museum them. F. Kovalenko is holding a photo competition “Nature in the Lens”.

The competition is dedicated to the conservation of the nature of the Krasnodar region and education careful attitude To environment through the art of photography.

The competition is aimed at drawing attention to the amazing, diverse nature of the Krasnodar region through documentary photographs taken by both amateur photographers and photography professionals.

Objects of wild flora and fauna must be filmed in natural conditions and only in specially protected natural areas of the Krasnodar Territory.

The person should not be present in the photo.

We invite everyone to take part!

Address of the organizing committee: Krasnodar, st. Severnaya, 275/1, room. 206.

1. General provisions

1.4. An Organizing Committee has been created to coordinate the work of the photo competition. The functions of the Organizing Committee include: approving the composition of the competition commission of the photo competition, conducting an information campaign, organizing the presentation of awards to the winners of the photo competition.

1.5. Organizing committee address: Krasnodar, st. Severnaya 275/1, room. 206 e-mail: [email protected]; contact phone: 8(861) 210–55–59 - for any questions about the competition.

2. Conditions for participation in the photo competition

2.1. Anyone can take part in the photo competition, regardless of age, gender, place of residence, occupation and hobbies, including professional and non-professional photographers.

2.2. The photo competition accepts photographs of any genre on the topic “ Nature through the lens» made in specially protected natural areas of the Krasnodar Territory. The list of protected areas is posted on the website of the State Institution KK “Management of Protected Natural Areas” (

2.3. Photographs must be in JPG or TIFF format, preserving EXIF ​​data, with an image size of at least 2074 pixels larger side, file no more than 20 MB. It is recommended to save the original image parameters that were obtained from the camera. It is not allowed to make changes to the image or elements that change the essence of the photographic document (photomontage).

2.4. Competition entries (photos) are accepted through:

Links to download photographs and accompanying application (Appendix 1), by email: [email protected]

On electronic media and disks (CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R).

2.5. The competition photograph must contain the name of the natural monument on which the photograph was taken. For example: “Kadosh Forest Park”.

2.6. The number of works submitted to the photo competition by one participant is no more than 5 photographs.

2.7. Photos may be rejected from the photo competition based on the following reasons:

The photographs do not correspond to the theme of the Competition;

The photographs were not taken in a protected area;

Using images of people in photography;

The file format specified in the provision is not followed;

Low artistic or technical quality of photographs;

Lack of accompanying application.

3. Procedure for holding a photo competition

3.1. Reception competition works produced during the period

3.2. The evaluation of the works submitted for the photo competition is carried out by an expert commission upon completion of the acceptance of works.

3.3. When evaluating submitted photographs, the following criteria are taken into account:

Originality compositional solution(found original form topic presentation);

General perception;

Originality of the idea and content of the work;

Image quality (sharpness, image clarity).

Compliance with the theme of the photo competition.

3.4. The printing and design of the works selected for the exhibition are carried out by the author (participant of the Competition). At the end of the exhibition, the photographs of the participants will be returned to the authors.

3.5. The results of the competition are formalized by the appropriate decision of the Competition Jury and published on the website of the State Public Institution KK " Management of protected areas».

4. Awarding the winners

4.1. Participants of the competition presented 10 best works(according to the expert jury), will be awarded diplomas and valuable gifts from the State Public Institution of KK " SPNA Management KK».

4.2. The most interesting and relevant works to the theme of the competition will take part in an exhibition at the Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after. F.A. Kovalenko.

5. Intellectual property rights

5.1. By taking part in the Photo Competition, the participant grants the Organizer the right to distribute photographs (copying, exhibition, public display), including posting on the Internet.

6. Responsibilities of the parties

6.1. The organizer undertakes:

Monitor and coordinate the conduct of the photo competition;

Summarize and award the winners of the competition;

Disseminate information about the competition and its results.

6.2. The participant guarantees:

Legal Compliance Russian Federation, the rules of the Photo Contest described in these Regulations, ethical attitude towards the environment;

That the photograph was taken in a specially protected natural area of ​​the Krasnodar Territory.

Appendix 1.

Application for participation in the photo competition " Nature through the lens»


Email address, contact phone:

Camera specifications:

Place and date of shooting (can be linked to a map).

Application completion date:

State government institution “Management of Specially Protected Natural Areas”, with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory and the Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after.
02/28/2018 Yeisk Guide

The story ridicules bribery and the greed of judges; lack of an orderly legislative system in the state.

The heroes of the story “Shemyakin Court”, the priest and the “city resident” whose father died, evoke sympathy. They lost their close relatives, went to court to seek a fair punishment for the offender, and found the bullying of a corrupt judge.

The expression “Shemyakin court” means an unfair, corrupt court.

The main technique satirical image in the story is grotesque. It aggravates life relationships in the story; shows both the comedy of the situation and the tragedy at the same time human destinies. The court's decisions are raised to the level of absurdity: Shemyaka offers to give her butt to the wretched priest until she gives birth to a new son; offers to give a rich farmer a horse to a poor farmer until it grows a tail.

Hyperbole - artistic device based on exaggeration; is used in the story to show how unfair the judicial system is. Example: “I decided to put myself to death and threw myself from the bridge into the ditch... Having thrown myself, I fell on the old man and strangled my father to death...”. If he could still crush the priest’s child to death (for example, the child was an infant), then it is impossible to kill an old man by falling from a bridge, and even remain healthy himself. This is a gross exaggeration. Hyperbole can be called the pulling out of a horse's tail, the constant commission of manslaughter by a poor man, the probability of which, even individually, is practically zero.

Grotesque- a technique characterized by the use fantastic images, as well as generalizing and sharpening life relationships through a bizarre and contrasting combination of the real and the fantastic, verisimilitude and caricature, hyperbole and alogism. Example: “I took my wood and tied it by the horse’s tail.” Even without a clamp it was possible to fit the logs to the horse. However, the poor man acted too illogically.

Shemyaka's decisions are incompatible with the judge's decision. Therefore, they can be called grotesque: the proposal to wait until the horse grows a new tail; a proposal to repeat the situation with the death of the father of a city resident, who was being taken to the bathhouse, and also jump on the poor man to try to kill him; the decision to force the poor man to correct the death of the priest's son by living with the priest as a wife until they have a child to replace the murdered one.

2. How the problem of educating a true citizen is revealed in the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin "Minor"?

The question of false and true education is contained in the title.. It’s not for nothing that in modern Russian the word nedorosl means dropout. After all, Mitrofan did not learn anything positive at the age of sixteen, although his mother hired teachers for him, but she did this not out of love for literacy, but only because Peter 1 commanded so. Prostakova did not hide this “... at least for the sake of appearance, learn , so that it reaches his ears how hard you work!..”
Positive, intelligent heroes, such as Pravdin and Starodum, said: “... have a heart, have a soul and you will be a man at all times...” They despise cowardly, unjust, dishonest people. Starodum believed that it is not necessary to leave a child a lot of money, the main thing is to instill dignity in him. "...The golden idiot is everyone's idiot..."
A person’s character is formed in the family, but what kind of person could Mitrofanushka become? He adopted all the vices from his mother: extreme ignorance, rudeness, greed, cruelty, contempt of others. Not surprising, because parents always main example for children to imitate. And what kind of example could Mrs. Prostakova set for her son if she allowed herself to be rude, rude, and humiliate those around him in front of his eyes? Of course, she loved Mitrofan, but in this regard she spoiled him greatly:
- Go let the child have breakfast.
- He already ate five buns.
- So you feel sorry for the sixth one, beast?
What zeal! please take a look.
"... Mitrofanushka, if studying is so dangerous for your little head, then for me, stop..."
The influence of his mother and serfdom seduced Mitrofan - he grows up ignorant.
The teachers also could not give Mitrofan a decent education, because they were just as half-educated. Kuteikin and Tsifirkin did not contradict or force the undergrowth to study, and he is not interested in this process. If something didn’t work out, the boy gave up and started something else. He had already studied for three years, but had learned nothing new. "... I don't want to study, I want to get married..."
Mrs. Prostakova prefers to these teachers the former German coachman Vralman, who does not tire her son, and if he is tired, of course, he will let the tired child go.
As a result, the beloved son makes his mother faint with his indifference to her feelings and betrayal.
"...That's evil worthy fruits"This remark from Starodum says that such upbringing leads to heartlessness, to an irreparable result. In the finale, Mitrofan is an example of heartlessness.
I think the problem of education was, is and will probably always be. That's why to the modern reader The comedy "The Minor" will be interesting and useful. She will reveal the consequences of the unworthy upbringing given to the main character. It will make both young readers and their parents think.

The Tale of Shemyakin court is an example of witty and thoughtful satire. She denounces greed and self-interest, bribery and stupidity.

Questions and tasks

1. Who are the heroes of the story “Shemyakin Court”? Which one is right? Whose side is the author on?

The heroes of the story are:

    two peasant brothers - poor (poor) and rich;


    a randomly met townsman;


We can say that each of them is right. It is not the poor brother's fault that he is meager in property. The rich man is also right, because the horse was unfairly spoiled. The priest experienced great grief - his son died right in the house. And the townsman is right - his father died by accident.

What are the crimes of the hero of the story? Which hero is punished?

The Hero's crime is that he does not know how to get out of his poverty. the horse's tail was torn off because he tied the cart to it - he even had x There was no pool, but my brother didn’t want to give it to me. He accidentally ran over Popov's son because he wanted to eat and fell off the shelf. He also killed the townsman's father by chance - he jumped from a bridge to take his own life.

Almost every hero, except the wretched one, is punished: the rich man gave money for a horse, the priest - so as not to give the wretched butt, and the city dweller - in order to avoid an absurd death as a result of revenge. The judge was also partially punished for his greed - he did not receive a penny. However, everyone who has read the Tale of the Shemyakin Trial understands that all these punishments are unfair. Each of the heroes is right, but they all got it for nothing.

2. Who is the story making fun of? Which character evokes your sympathy and why?

The story of the Shemyakin trial ridicules the greed and corruption of the judge. Sympathy arises for all the other characters, except for the wretched one, perhaps. He should be silent and go home, but he asks for money from the rest.

3. What kind of court do they say: “Shemyakin court”?

About the most unfair thing, which not only does not resolve the situation, but also aggravates the situation.

4. What techniques of satirical depiction (grotesque, hyperbole) are used in the story? Give examples of the use of these techniques in the text of the story?

Hyperbola (exaggeration) is used in the story to show how unfair the judicial system is. Even a strong exaggeration is not capable of causing surprise in the reader.

Example: “I decided to put myself to death and threw myself from the bridge into the ditch... Having thrown myself, I fell on the old man and strangled my father to death...”. If he could still crush the priest’s child to death (for example, the child was an infant), then it is impossible to kill an old man by falling from a bridge, and even remain healthy himself. This is a gross exaggeration.

Grotesque - a technique characterized by the use of fantastic images and alogisms for illustration real events. They are used to draw attention to certain accents.

Example: “I took my wood and tied it by the horse’s tail.” Even without a clamp it was possible to fit the logs to the horse. However, the poor man acted too illogically.

Develop your gift of words

2. What impression does the story make on you? Prepare a detailed answer, including the expression Shemyakin court, like a saying.

The story of the Shemyakin trial makes a sad impression and gives rise to a feeling of total injustice and stupidity. Despite the fact that it is written with a fair amount of irony, one cannot help but feel sorry for the heroes. The hopelessness of their situation reflects the life of many of the writer’s contemporaries.

In modern public structures This state of affairs has partially remained. And from time to time we have to experience this very Shemyakin court.

3. Look at the illustrations for the story “Shemyakin’s Court.” Select at your discretion several episodes depicted on them. Retell them close to the text of the story.

The story of the Shemyakin trial can be learned from the pictures.

2nd: He (the poor man) took a horse, and having collected a full load of firewood, tied it to the horse’s tail. Then he hit her with a whip so that she would pull the load, but she jerked and her tail came off.

3rd: He came to his rich brother to return his horse. He saw that she was without a tail, and without thinking twice, he went to the city to beat the poor man with his forehead.

4th: A poor man from the floor saw that his brother was having dinner with the priest, but he was not called, and fell down. Fell and crushed little son butt to death.

5th engraving: The poor man realized that his brother and priest would take him away from the white world, and decided to take his own life. He rushed down from the bridge. And one of the townspeople walked under him - he was taking his father to the bathhouse to wash. The poor man, falling, crushed the old man to death.

The word "grotesque" comes from a French term meaning "comic", "funny", "intricate", "bizarre". This is the oldest technique in literature, which, like hyperbole, is based on exaggeration, sharpening the qualities of people, as well as the properties of natural phenomena, objects, and facts of social life. But in the grotesque, exaggeration has a special character: it is fantastic, in which the depicted is completely taken not only beyond the limits of the so-called life-like, but also acceptable, probable from the standpoint of plausibility. in which the grotesque arises (we will present examples to you later) is a fantastic deformation of existing reality.

Origin of the term

The term itself appeared in the 15th century to designate a type artistic imagery, very unusual. In one of the grottoes Ancient Rome During the excavations, an interesting and original ornament was discovered, in which fantastically different human, animal and plant forms were intertwined.

Where is grotesque used?

Along with hyperbole, the grotesque is widely used in fairy tales, legends and myths. Examples of it in these genres are very numerous. One of the most striking in the fairy tale is the image

Writers, when creating characters based on the grotesque, use both artistic convention exaggeration. Moreover, it can be realistically substantiated (for example, in Khlestakov’s description of St. Petersburg life, which is the result of this hero’s passion for lying). In Lermontov's works this technique is used for a romantic depiction of events and heroes. It is based on the possible, but the exceptional. The boundaries between the real and the fantastic are blurred, but they do not disappear.

The basis of the grotesque

The impossible, the unthinkable, but necessary for the author to achieve some artistic effect forms the basis of the grotesque. This is, therefore, a fantastic hyperbole, since ordinary exaggeration is closer to reality, while grotesque is closer to a nightmare, where fantastic visions excite the imagination logical explanations are not amenable and can become a terrifying “reality” for people. The emergence of grotesque imagery is associated with the most complex mechanisms that the human psyche has. The unconscious and the conscious interact in it. The images based on exaggeration that so impress us in works created by domestic writers, it is not without reason that they often appear in the dreams of characters. The grotesque is used very often here. Examples from literature can be given as follows: these are the dreams of Tatyana Larina and Raskolnikov.

Fantastic elements of Larina and Raskolnikov's dreams

Tatyana Larina's dream (work "Eugene Onegin", fifth chapter) is filled with images of monsters that are grotesque. With horror, this heroine notices in a wretched hut a fantastic dance, the depiction of which uses the grotesque. Examples: “a skull on a goose neck”, “a crayfish riding a spider”, “a mill dancing in a crouch”.

Also fantastic, the image of a laughing old woman is created, which can also be classified as grotesque. The psychological equivalent of truth is the delusional visions of the hero: his battle with evil, which was embodied in the image of a “evil old woman,” ultimately turned out to be just an absurd struggle, similar to the one carried out with Don Quixote. Only evil laughs wildly at Raskolnikov. The more furiously he desires to kill him, the more he grows closer to him.

Connection with realistic images, situations, events

Created by various authors based on the grotesque, they seem to us absolutely absurd, implausible from the standpoint of common sense. Their emotionally expressive, striking effect is often enhanced by the fact that such imagery interacts with realistic, quite ordinary, plausible events and situations.

Realistic elements in the dreams of Larina and Raskolnikov

Elements of reality in both of these works are grotesque, and not only in them: examples from literature presented by the work of other authors also prove the presence of two elements in it (fantastic and realistic). For example, in Tatyana’s nightmare, the characters turn out to be, along with terrible monsters, the easily recognizable Lensky and Onegin.

In the dream of the hero Raskolnikov, the motivation grotesque image and the situation from the episode in which the laughing old woman is depicted is quite real. This is just a dream-memory of the main character about the murder he committed. There is nothing fantastic about the ax and the criminal himself.

The use of the grotesque by satirical writers

A combination of ordinary public and everyday situations with grotesque imagery by various satirical writers. Thus, the images of the mayors of the city of Foolov, one of whom has an “organ” instead of brains, and the other has a stuffed head on his shoulders, were created in “The History of a City” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

This story is also filled with some grotesque, incredible situations (wars against those who refused to use mustard; “wars for enlightenment,” etc.). All of them are brought to the point of absurdity by the author, but for Russia they depict quite ordinary conflicts and contradictions between the people and the tyrant government.

We talked briefly about Examples from fiction others can be cited. They are quite numerous. Thus, a very popular phenomenon is the grotesque. Examples in the Russian language can be supplemented with works by foreign authors, since this language is used very actively in their works.