Types of wind musical instruments. What types of wind instruments are there?

The wind instrument occupies an important place in the culture of all peoples. It is unknown why, but almost every nation had its own musical instrument of this type. What is so special about wind instruments and why do they not lose their fans? Let's figure it out.

What is this?

Wind instruments belong to the family of musical instruments in which the source of sound is an air column. By the way, this explains the very name of the instruments: the word “spirit” is used to mean “air.” In order for a wind instrument to “speak”, you need to blow a stream of air into it.

The capabilities of instruments of this kind are unique. They can be used both in orchestras (wind, jazz, symphony) and for ensembles and solo performances, or in the avant-garde directions of modern music.

History of origin

Before considering the types of wind instruments, and also trying to understand how you can learn to play them, you need to remember how they arose.

An ancient man probably learned to blow a horn or a shell for the first time. These were the first primitive wind instruments that were used by hunters or shamans for occult purposes. Gradually, man learned to process metal, and this radically influenced not only his tools and weapons, but also wind musical instruments. Although metal was now used as a material, the shape of the instruments remained virtually unchanged and imitated natural forms.

The ancestors of today's brass instruments can be considered the first postal horns, as well as signal trumpets and hunting horns. However, the sound palette that could be extracted from such instruments was rather meager, if not primitive, and depended entirely on the talent of the musician. And the reason is that such instruments were not yet equipped with a valve mechanism. Despite the primitivism, this scale served as the basis for the creation of fanfares.

Improving the quality of metalworking had a positive effect on the development of music. Now every wind musical instrument could receive a trumpet of given sizes. As a result, they received the name natural.

The capabilities of wind instruments could be radically expanded only in the 19th century, when a ventilation mechanism was invented. It was he who largely influenced the playing technique.

How to learn to play?

It is necessary to start learning a wind instrument depending on age and physiological characteristics child. The fact is that there are age restrictions for it.

The first instrument a child learns is the recorder. It helps to develop breathing, as well as to comprehend the basics of musical notation. This instrument is also good because it is the basis for learning other types of wind instruments.

At about 8-10 years old, a child can switch to a more adult wind musical instrument. Most often it is an oboe, saxophone, transverse flute or clarinet. A little musician will be able to master the trumpet, horn and trombone after ten years.

Brass band: instruments and features

Such an orchestra consists of a group of musicians, each of whom plays wind instruments. Depending on the composition, the brass band can be small brass or mixed (small, medium, large).

If the orchestra consists only of clarinets, altos, tenors, baritones and basses, then it is classified as a small brass orchestra. Depending on which instruments are attached to them, other types are formed. Both woodwinds (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon) and brass instruments can be added.

A small brass orchestra can handle simple music, such as marching or dancing. To play more complex repertoire, it is necessary to use a mixed orchestra.

Main types of copper instruments

Often parents cannot make a choice: which wind instrument is right for their child? In order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to have all the information relating to them. Since copper instruments are now widely used, we will talk about them.

There are several types brass instruments:

  1. Valve. Such a wind instrument has three or four valves in its design, which are controlled by the musician himself. It also has an additional crown, which not only increases the length of the instrument, but lowers its action. This family of brass instruments includes trumpets, tubas, saxhorns and horns.
  2. Backstage. Such instruments have a retractable blowpipe - a drawstring. It makes it possible to control the length of air that enters the channel. The musician's movements cause the sound to rise or fall. A classic example of a rocker instrument is the trombone.
  3. Natural. From such an instrument it is possible to extract only those sounds that belong to the natural scale. These are the bugle, the horn, the fanfare, the alpine horn, and the signal horn.
  4. Valve These instruments are distinguished by the fact that they have holes in their body. While playing, the musician closes or opens them. Valve instruments were widely used in the 18th century, but were gradually abandoned. This is primarily due to the inconvenience of their operation. This type includes serpent, cornet and valve trumpet.

The benefits of wind instruments

Scientists have long proven that playing wind instruments has a positive effect on the human respiratory system. This type of art is worth doing for those people who suffer from asthma or chronic bronchitis. In addition, playing such instruments helps treat nervous disorders. If children begin to play wind instruments, they soon become calmer and more balanced.

Brass name musical instruments many of us are familiar with it from school

There are hundreds of different names for wind musical instruments in the world. Their sound may be very different from each other, but they work on the same principle. They sound when air begins to vibrate in the cavity of the instrument's tube or tubes, the register being determined by the capacity of that cavity. The smaller it is, the higher the sound, since air vibrations in it occur more often than in a tube with a larger cavity.

The names of many wind musical instruments are familiar to everyone from school: trumpet, oboe, saxophone, clarinet, bagpipes, horn, duduk, horn, organ, harmonium, flute, bugle.

Types of wind musical instruments

Tools are usually divided into:

  • copper;
  • wooden;
  • keyboards.

If the first two names are historically justified by the material from which the instrument is made, then the term “keyboard winds” hides instruments with special device. They consist of various tubes into which air enters using bellows driven by feet or hands. The most famous keyboard wind instrument is the organ.

Today, to determine the classification, it practically does not matter what material the tool is made from. If previously they were made, for example, from wood, now they can also be made of glass, metal, plastic, clay, and if in the past they were made of copper, now they are made of any metal alloy, brass is especially popular. Interestingly, in the Baroque era there were brass instruments made of wood, covered with sheet copper. That is, in order to classify an instrument as one or another type, they take into account not only the material, but also the method of sound production.

Brass musical instruments

To get musical sound from a brass instrument, you need to blow air into the tube. When you change the position of your lips and with different volumes of air blown out, the tone and strength of the sound will change.

Popular brass musical instruments:

  • pipe;
  • French horn;
  • flugelhorn;
  • saxhorn;
  • cornet;
  • bugle;
  • trombone;
  • helicon.

Many of these instruments are required to be included in a symphony orchestra. There are also many solo compositions for them. Brass instruments are widely used in jazz. The most famous musicians who have achieved virtuoso playing on brass, these are Louis Armstrong, Chet Baker, Lee Morgan, Lester Bowie and others. Considered one of the best trumpeters of our time American musician Christian Scott.

These instruments are often used in experimental music. Norwegian trumpeter Nils Petter Molvær was able to achieve an interesting combination of hip-hop, techno, and ambient, which is accompanied by playing the trumpet.

Among the domestic wind players whose work is associated with brass instruments, we can mention Arkady Shilkloper.

History of brass instruments

The ancestors of brass instruments are the first signal trumpets and hunting horns, which were used to call people or warn of danger. After the improvement of production techniques and various crafts, more complex models of instruments were created. They could already make not one, but a significant number of sounds.

Video about brass instruments

A new stage in the development of these instruments began at the beginning of the 19th century, when the valve mechanism was invented. Thus, today there are several families of copper instruments:

  • Natural. Only sounds of the natural scale (horn) are extracted.
  • Valve. They are equipped with special valves that allow you to manually adjust the air volume in the instrument, and therefore increase or decrease the register. This family belongs to most brass instruments (trumpets, tubas, horns).
  • Equipped with a retractable tube (scene), which also regulates the air volume (trombone).
  • Valve They work on the principle of wooden instruments, when a musician plays them by closing and opening holes made in the body with his fingers (Russian horn).

Woodwind musical instruments

This group includes those instruments that produce sounds under the action of the performer, filling its cavity with air and opening or closing holes in the body of the instrument with his fingers or valves. Most folk instruments fall into this category.

Woodwind musical instruments are represented by a wide variety:

  • saxophone;
  • flute;
  • oboe;
  • bassoon;
  • clarinet;
  • pipe;
  • duduk;
  • recorder;
  • bagpipes;
  • pathetic.

Woodwind instruments are an integral part folk music. They are mandatory in a symphony orchestra and are often used in brass bands. Many composers have written solo concerts for woodwinds, especially in the Baroque and Classical eras.

Film composers also often turn to these tools. Great love uses an oboe. It sounds, for example, in the main theme for the second episode of the film saga “ Star wars" Greek composer Eleni Karaindrou, who wrote the music for most of Theo Angelopoulos' films, makes extensive use of the oboe and saxophone to convey a certain color to the music.

The saxophone is another popular jazz instrument. Famous performers: Gerry Mulligan, Charlie Parker.

History of woodwinds

The first woodwind instruments have been known since ancient times. The ancient Greeks used the aulos, and the Egyptians played the memet. Many peoples created their own unique instruments: duduk in Armenia, surnay in Kazakhstan, khitiriki in Japan, bagpipes in Scotland, zhaleika in Russia. The Hungarians know the instruments tarogato and toroxip. The Romanian and Moldavian wind musical instrument, the chimpoi, is very similar to the bagpipes and works on the same principle, when the sound is produced using bellows and tubes into which air is forced, and through which the air comes out, producing certain sounds.

Video about woodwind instruments

Already in the 12th century, the oboe was played in Europe. This is evidenced by tapestries and paintings preserved from that time, which depict musicians with this instrument.

Today all woodwinds are divided into:

  • Reed. They absorb air through a special tongue or cane. There are instruments with a single reed (saxophone, clarinet) and double (almost all folk wind instruments, oboe, bassoon).
  • Labial. In such instruments, such as the flute, the air hole is located across the body, and vibration is created inside the tube when cut air flow edges of the hole.

Keyboard wind musical instruments

Wind keyboard musical instruments are quite complex. The sounds appear from the vibrations of the reeds; the musician activates them using keys, valves or pedals.

Main keyboard winds:

  • organ;
  • harmonium;
  • electric organ;
  • orchestrion;
  • melodic harmonica;
  • hydraulics

Such instruments have also been known since antiquity. For example, the history of the organ goes back several thousand years. It is believed that the first mention of it was in the third century BC. Similar tool depicted on some ancient coins. It is known that a tool most similar to modern organ, appeared in the fourth or fifth century AD, and began to be used in Christian worship several centuries later.

The first musical scores known to today's researchers were written by Adam of Ileborg in the mid-15th century. Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George Frideric Handel, Franz Liszt, Anton Bruckner, and others dedicated their works to the organ.

The best organ manufacturers traditionally lived in Italy, France, and Germany, although even earlier Byzantium was famous for the production of these instruments, but over time it lost this position. After 19th century the best masters The French are considered to have been able to create symphonic organs that were very powerful and voluminous in sound.

The organ is the largest wind keyboard musical instrument today, and playing the organ is very difficult. The Wanamaker instrument is considered the largest among the organs. Now he is in one of the Philadelphia shopping centers, but was originally created in Los Angeles. This instrument has almost 400 registers, and there are exactly twenty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-two pipes in it.

The sound of which wind musical instrument do you like the most? Share your opinion on

During lessons at a music school studying symphony orchestra instruments. We started with a brass group. At home I wanted to reinforce the names of instruments and their voices with my son. Collected in one place photo of wind instruments And music performed by them. You can listen to the instruments online. I hope it will be useful to someone, and it will take much less time than ours.

Wind musical instruments are divided into wooden And copper. Initially, this classification was due to the material from which they were made. Now this division is very arbitrary, for example, the flute and saxophone are made of metal, although they belong to woodwind instruments.


Woodwinds: Listen to the sounds of instruments

  1. Flute| Listen online
  1. Clarinet| Listen online

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  1. Oboe | Listen online

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  1. Bassoon | Listen online

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Brass instruments: listen to the sounds of instruments

  1. Pipe| Listen online

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- (aerophones) a group of musical instruments whose sound source is vibrations of the air column in the bore (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (material, design, methods of sound production, etc.). IN symphony orchestra… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (aerophones), a group of musical instruments whose sound source is vibrations of the air column in the barrel (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (material, design, methods of sound production, etc.). In the symphony orchestra... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

A family of musical instruments in which the source of sound is a column of air enclosed within them; hence the name (from the word “spirit” meaning “air”). Sound production in D. m. and. carried out by blowing air into the instrument... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wind musical instruments- music instruments in which the sounding body is an air column enclosed in the instrument tube, and its vibrations occur when the performer blows air. Depending on the method, wind instruments are divided into two main groups... ...

wind musical instruments- ▲ musical instrument lingering sounds. wooden: flute. syrinx. ocarina (glazed). saxophone. saruzofon. Duda. pipe horn. horn. pathetic. pipe bagpipes. trembita. musette. piffero. grasshopper sniffle. squeaker reed: oboe. clarinet... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Music group instruments, in which the source of sound is a column of air enclosed in the barrel bore (tube). Name D. m. and. comes from ancient pyc. words spirit (air). See Aerophones... Music Encyclopedia

Musical instruments Stringed Plucked bowed Winds Wooden Brass Reed ... Wikipedia

Woodwind musical instruments- wind instruments, in which vibrations of the air column in the tube are caused by blowing air through a special reed (reed), or directly through a hole in the head of the instrument. They are divided into two groups: 1) Labial (labial), which have ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Strings Plucked Bowed Winds Wooden Brass Reed ... Wikipedia


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Wind instruments- This is a type of musical instrument whose origins go back to the primitive system. Thus, it is believed that the first wind musical instrument was a bone, into which ancient people blew to produce sound, and then began to drill holes to change the sound. In general, it should be noted that they have always had a special influence on their listener. It was thanks to brass music that people could unite into a single whole, disconnect from all their experiences and for a while be transported to a world of euphoria and joy. Now it is impossible to hold a parade, a holiday or a simple folk festival without a brass band.

Nowadays, a wind musical instrument is often used for orchestral playing, but at the same time, the orchestra can be either symphonic or jazz. Precisely because a whole team of musicians is needed to play many compositions on wind instruments, wind instruments are less widespread than, for example, keyboard instruments or guitars. Nowadays, most people who know how to play the wind instruments are students music schools, or professional musicians, but meeting “self-taught” people is almost impossible.

At the same time, all wind instruments are easy to transport, easy to hold and comfortable to play.

To obtain sound from the wind instruments, air is used, which is blown into the required hole and creates an oscillation of the air column in the barrel of the instrument. The most important characteristic Any musical instrument, be it a trombone, a cornet or a viola, is the tone that gives a completely sounding column of air. This indicator depends on the length and size of the pillar. The tone on a wind instrument is changed by changing the length of the column or by adjusting the volume of air that enters the column (this method is also called overblowing). To change the length of the column, a voice machine is used or by opening and closing a hole in the instrument tube.


If we talk about the classification of wind musical instruments, they can be divided into: wooden and copper. Wooden ones include, for example, an oboe, and copper ones include a trumpet. The names of these categories tell us about the material that is used in the manufacture of the instrument. Nowadays, individual instruments are made of metals or plastics instead of wood.

The most popular woodwind musical instruments are:

  • The clarinet, which, thanks to its large range, provides the musician large selection games with melody.
  • Flute possessing high sound and allows you to perform magnificent solo parts.
  • Bassoon, for playing low sounds.

Among the copper musical instruments it is worth highlighting:

  • A saxophone that no one can do without jazz orchestra.
  • Trombone filling the orchestra with bass sound.
  • Fanfare, which is a mandatory attribute of any special event.

To summarize, I would like to note that in our time the popularity of wind musical instruments is not as great as it was several centuries ago. But at the same time, we can say with confidence that not a single symphony or jazz orchestra will ever be able to do without them. Therefore, if you want to plunge into the world of spiritual harmony, then be sure to take the time and listen to several works written for brass bands, believe me, this will not only give you a surge of strength, but also guarantee peace of mind.