How to understand that a shy girl likes you. Signs that a girl likes you

Men don't like it when women reject them. There's nothing worse when the girl of your dreams refuses to go on a date with you. You actually thought she liked you. It is obvious that you did not notice something or misunderstood the signs she was giving you.

From a man's point of view, women are very evasive and inconsistent (which is very confusing) when they express their interest in a man (well, if it happens that you are actually a handsome guy with pockets full of money, then they will call you anyway). And yes, women often send us conflicting messages because they themselves are not sure what is going on in their heads.

All a man needs is a set of clear feminine hints or signals that will tell him that a woman definitely likes you.

Do such signs exist? Actually yes. Here are some signs that a woman might want you to ask her out.

She always tries to catch your eye

Suddenly you started noticing her presence everywhere you usually hang out: passing her in the hallway at work; she "accidentally" meets you; she tries to be closer to you in the club.
With all these actions, she is trying to make you notice her, and gives you the opportunity to make your move first. The problem with this female strategy is that to many guys it all seems obvious, and they themselves miss the chances, knowing that there will be other opportunities. Men act directly, but women do not. So the next time a woman keeps getting in your way, know that she is doing this for a purpose.

She does everything right so as not to offend you in any way.

Many people say that the body cannot lie. We are naturally equipped with a set of nonverbal flirting signals that people use when they are interested in someone. These signs range from the expansion of the iris when a person looks at the object of his desire, to the more obvious ones - smiling and touching.

Here are a few hints to watch out for:

She points her legs, feet and shoulders in your direction.
When talking in a group, she almost always turns to you.
She plays with her hair.
She restlessly fiddles with her jewelry (for example, an earring) or the temple of her glasses.
She doesn't take her eyes off you when talking or when she drinks.
She repeats the movements after you (for example, if you put your hand on the table, she immediately does the same).
She smiles back at you.

If you notice some of these signs, you can rest assured that you have the green light.

She's never too busy for you

This most important rule: If a woman is interested in going on a date with you, she will free herself from all her affairs. This means she will give you her work phone number or address email, she will quickly answer or call you back, and accept your invitation to go somewhere together, and if she really has things planned for the day you have specified, then she will answer something like: “I can’t this Saturday, but on I'm free next Saturday if you don't mind."

From a girl who is interested in you, you will never hear phrases like “I’m very busy right now” or “Let me check my schedule” or “I just broke up with my boyfriend, so I don’t want to start a new relationship right now.” Even if she is currently dating someone, she will still try to keep the possibility of future contact open.

She's curious about everything about you

A woman interested in you wants to know everything about you (that's why she talks about you with her friends). She will ask about your family, your surroundings and your tastes in food, music and films. It often happens that she makes a list of your interests in order to imitate your preferences and not do what you don’t like. If you're crazy about traveling hot air balloon, then suddenly it turns out that she likes it too.

She uses Soil Probing

"Probing" is one of the methods that women use to find out financial situation men. This involves a set of seemingly ordinary questions hidden behind makes a lot of sense. When a woman meets a man she wants to go on a date with, she learns about where he works, where he lives, and what kind of car he has, all as part of a normal conversation. If you give the “correct” answers, then other signs of attention from the girl will follow. But if you don’t meet her “standards,” then that’s the end of it.

She's trying to get into your plans for the future.

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Nobody likes this situation when you are courting a girl, spending your savings, time to entertain her, and in the end she invites you to remain just friends. So I want to have an idea of ​​whether the girl likes you, in order to avoid such a scenario. How do you understand that a girl likes you and not someone else?

Of course, every girl is individual and there is no 100% chance of knowing whether she loves you or not, but still, what can tell you about some of the signs of a girl’s sympathy that are inherent in her? genetic level and manifest themselves after puberty.

How to understand that a girl likes you

Some signs that a girl likes you:

The girl begins to behave strangely in front of you, she may drop something, accidentally hit a neighbor, stumble, perform senseless actions, etc. This is the result of the fact that in your presence she is afraid of ruining something, saying or doing something wrong. this brings confusion to her actions. She can tell you anything, her actions will always show her sympathy for you.

A girl can use typical feminine tricks to attract your attention. Even openly flirt with you. Seduce the opposite sex without saying anything specific in plain text.

Try to catch a girl watching you, it's good sign that she cares about you. If you do not have such an opportunity to watch the girl, then you can ask some friend about it.

Body language is probably the most reliable way to find out that a girl likes you. She may shout at you, call you names, criticize you in front of other people, etc., but facial expressions and body language can tell you the opposite. By understanding some of the nuances, you will be able to recognize that everything negative words addressed to you, these are just attempts to hide true feelings. A sudden rush of blood to the face at the moment when you are nearby is a reflex sign of sympathy for the guy.

We have pointed out some ways to understand that girls like you based on observation. You can move on to methods with direct participation young man. Try not to catch a girl being flirtatious, but how to provoke her? It’s worth trying to be the first to analyze the girl’s reaction.

In the relationship between a man and a woman, the main thing is sincerity and openness. If you care about a person, be honest with him and everyone will be happy.

Signs that a girl doesn't like you

Most girls, due to their upbringing or innate tact, are not able to frankly tell a man that he does not meet their ideas about an ideal partner. So how do you know if a girl likes you?

Only by certain actions and behavior can you guess that you do not have to claim the role of a lover. For slow-witted men, here are several techniques that women who do not want loved ones and long relationship.

Telephone conversations between you occur only on your initiative. She never calls you back, although you regularly dial her phone number.

People tend to look into each other's eyes and even lightly touch each other if they have mutual interest. And in a conversation you rarely manage to catch her eye, and she diligently moves away from you. Apparently she is more attracted interesting objects, and you are considered only from the point of view of an alternative option in case no one is nearby.

You exhaust your sense of humor, but despite all your efforts to cheer her up and make her laugh, everything is unsuccessful - she is not funny. Repeated invitations to visit a museum, cinema or theater, or take a walk in the park remain unheeded. She simply ignores them because, according to her, all her evenings are busy.

If after several meetings you hint at a serious relationship and hear in response that she is not ready for one, know that you could not interest her as a man and are not part of her plans for the future.

After a long friendship, you don’t dare tell her about your feelings, and she carefreely describes to you the virtues of other men. You're out of luck. You have become just " good friend"and no more.

A similar conclusion can be drawn if the object of your affection is trying to introduce you to other girls and arrange your personal life. This generous, friendly gesture symbolizes a woman's lack of interest in you.

What to do if you notice similar painful signs in the behavior of the girl you are interested in? How to understand that it’s not a girl, does it make sense to continue to fight for her and waste time? Or is it better to soberly assess the situation, add her to your list of friends and turn your attention to other representatives of the fair sex?

Marriages are made in heaven - and for one of them, you, with your shortcomings and advantages, are definitely a handsome prince. It's up to you to decide.

When a guy likes a girl, his goal is to find out how mutual the sympathy is. The behavior of the fair half is unpredictable, as a result of which men sometimes go crazy trying to get to the bottom of things. There are a number of verbal and non-verbal signs that will help you understand whether a girl likes you or not.

Signs from the outside will help you understand whether a lady is interested in you. The sympathy of girls is manifested in matters of a personal nature; in a similar way, representatives of the fairer sex show sympathy. The girl animatedly asks about pets, vacations or relatives? Great, one-zero in your favor.

Don't confuse ladies who flirt with everyone. Such persons set out to make as many guys fall in love with them as possible. Pay attention only to standing girls, try to find out the true motives of behavior.

As a rule, when a lady asks about the interests of a young man, she also begins to engage in similar activities. Such manipulations are carried out in order to appear closer to the object of desire. This good sign, please note.

Method No. 2. Bring her into an open dialogue

When a girl feels sympathy, she tries to be extremely open. You can check this by asking a couple of personal questions. In cases where she hesitates, gets offended, or tries to avoid answering, she doesn't care about you. If a girl gives a detailed answer, shares her innermost thoughts, experiences and inadvertently tells sad stories from life, two-zero in your favor.

It is important to understand whether she is trying to evoke pity or whether she really feels sympathy. Modern world full of hypocritical people, those who seem like gray mice may turn out to be devils in the flesh. Be careful.

This method is not suitable for quiet and reserved girls. Such people do not share their thoughts, do not discuss pressing problems, and do not bother others. If the object of desire is of this type, you will immediately understand it. Some ladies are open to absolutely everyone, others are closed even to those closest to them. If you really think the liking is mutual, be patient. Ask personal questions, bring the girl into a frank dialogue.

Method No. 3. Decipher hints correctly

Pay attention to veiled phrases. The lady said that the third part of her favorite film has been released, but all her friends are busy? She's trying to hint that you invite her to the movies. Many girls cannot openly take the first step; cowardice encourages them to show cunning.

There are often cases when a lady says that she urgently needs to move, but there is no friend with a car. Offer help, become an indispensable friend. There is a great risk that insincere people will begin to use you for their own purposes. However, if you have not made a mistake in your beloved, this should not happen.

Try to interpret hints correctly, do not intertwine every word with a manifestation of sympathy or lust. Perhaps the girl perceives you as a friend, which will affect in a sad way, if you ask her out. Feel the soil up and down.

Method number 4. Follow the girl's friends

Young ladies do not know how to keep good news to themselves. They can't wait to chat with their friends about the object of their passion. If you turn out to be your lover, the girls you know will stop behaving as before. When you appear, they will begin to whisper, cast cheerful glances and a sly smile. You may well perceive such a sign as a sign that the girl likes you.

There is a way “from the opposite”: acquaintances cast sidelong glances at you, wanting to show that you are worthless. It can also manifest itself in vile whistling, which characterizes girls in an unattractive light. Watch for changed behavior, it will reveal all the cards.

Method No. 5. Judge by your eyes

When a guy and a girl are in the same company and at the same time feel sympathy for each other, their behavior changes. Does the lady often meet your gaze and smile shyly? This is a good sign, smile back, approach and talk to her. If a girl pays all her attention to another guy, it means she likes him, not you.

Watch your gaze, if a lady likes you, she will often glance at you when communicating with other people. When you install eye contact, analyze the facial expression that says more than a smile or words. If there is a light, act. Focus her attention completely on you.

Method number 6. Become an active user of social networks

Pay attention to the statuses; as a rule, they reflect internal state user. If you fell in love with best friend, which has not yet posted your joint photos, now the situation may change. If you like her back, she will post pictures on Instagram, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki; visit her page regularly to check this.

Perhaps the lady will start liking, commenting on posts and writing more messages than usual. Such manipulations are a manifestation of sympathy on her part. Become an active user, post it on the wall interesting quotes and popular music, thereby getting the girl interested.

Method No. 7. Determine the degree of flirting

When communicating, does a girl touch you and lean lower, “not hearing” the last phrase spoken? She definitely likes you. Flirting can manifest itself in the form of continuous girlish giggles, mutual jokes, and kisses on the cheek “by chance.” Such behavior means that the girl likes you, she is showing herself as a conqueror.

Do not confuse flirting with overt sexual overtones. There are representatives of the fairer sex who only want to sleep with a guy. Their actions are similar to raiders; they pursue the enemy on their heels. IN in this case the enemy is you. Beware of such persons, they are frivolous, flirting for such ladies is only a means of seduction.

An important feature of the method is that not all girls love and know how to flirt. Some people can't imagine what it's like to walk up to a guy and make a few jokes about his appearance. So don’t put everyone under the same brush, find out what type your beloved is.

Perhaps she blushes, constantly adjusts her clothes and hairstyle; such behavior represents covert interest. Come and chat, is she still blushing? She definitely likes you! When a girl says goodbye, smiling like a fool, it means that the conversation with you has turned her head.

Method No. 8. Learn to understand nonverbal gestures

A person draws information from non-verbal sources, so at this stage it is important to learn how to correctly interpret a girl’s body language. Indifferent people have their arms crossed over their chests or behind their belts when talking. If a lady is fiddling with the hem of her shirt or smoothing her dress, she likes you.

Pay attention to your demeanor: interested young ladies behave extremely confidently, wanting to draw the guy’s attention to themselves. Another option is possible: the lady is trying in every possible way to pretend that she does not notice you, although she glances in your direction 10 times a minute. Agree, funny, but cute. She tries to look hard to get, waiting for her conqueror.

Nonverbal signs will give answers to questions if you are familiar with the girl’s character. She behaves reservedly with others, but when she is with you she resembles a fiery flirt? The sympathy is mutual. It is worth taking into account the fact that many ladies seem indifferent due to their inexperience in communicating with guys. Go up and press her against the wall (not in a vulgar gesture), look at the reaction. Does the girl start to mumble, blush and squirm? Congratulations, she likes you!

Method number 9. Notice changes in a girl's image

Follow appearance ladies, she will want to change her wardrobe in order to attract your attention. The girl will begin to frequently apply makeup, do her hair and wear heels. She will dress up in flirty dresses and seductive skirts. This doesn't mean promiscuity similar actions the ladies show sympathy.

Do you think she always looks beautiful? Look out for minor changes. Perhaps the lady will tone her hair, grow her nails, or change her clothing style. When, when you see a girl, you want to say “Wow!”, it means that she has succeeded in her feminine machinations. Observe the object of passion, notice important details and be sure to give compliments.

Changes do not have to be something global. This could be a change of perfume, unusual boots, innovations in makeup. Girls dress up for their rivals and men, keep this in mind. When a lady is absolutely sure that she will meet you in a common company, she will preen herself, you will notice it.

Girls are contradictory people. They can show their passion in every way, but think about something completely different. young man. Get to know her better, come from afar, watch her facial expressions, gestures, and demeanor. Ladies are unique by nature; no psychologist has come up with a single approach; rely on your own intuition. In cases where the sympathy is mutual, do not rush to take your beloved to the den. Don't forget about the candy-bouquet period, without which the relationship is doomed to failure.

Video: how to understand that a girl likes you - 10 secret signs

Modern men are sometimes shy in front of the spectacular and attractive girl. Perhaps this is from self-doubt, from uncertainty that she might like him. How do you know if a girl likes you? More than one man asked himself this question.

Hair. If a girl feels sympathy for a man, with all her ostentatious calm, she will certainly come into contact with the hair. At the moment of conversation with the object of her adoration, she can automatically twirl curls around finger, too often straighten your hair. The woman herself may not control her behavior, even if she tries hard, her hands will go to her head.

Lips. One of the true indicators of sympathy will be licking lips. This doesn’t have to be outright flirting; light, barely noticeable movements can let the guy know that the lady doesn’t mind continuing the acquaintance and, perhaps, considers the young man in context serious relationship. The main thing is not to miss your chance.

Poses. You should definitely watch the girl’s posture at the moment of communication. How she sits, where she holds her hands, how often she changes her position. The main sign of sympathy are the so-called open poses . That is, the girl does not cross her arms or legs, she does not try to hide, she does not turn away. If her face is open, she looks into her eyes and tries to be closer, you can try to build a relationship with such a girl. She may not be in love, but there is definitely sympathy.

Communication. It is worth paying attention not only to behavior and gestures during a conversation, you need to notice some points regarding the quality of these conversations. If the girl is open, she is not shy about talking about any personal topics, which means she is “hooked.” In this case, only one thing is required from a man - not to miss the moment that floats into his hands. You definitely need to support her so that she feels supported and interested in herself.

Proximity. To answer exciting questions, need to do some experiment. While communicating with a girl, you need to sit closer to her, perhaps put your hand on her shoulder or knee. This should be done unobtrusively. By carefully observing the girl at the moment of tactile contact, you can draw certain conclusions for yourself. If a girl is calm and accepts attempts to get closer to her, this can only mean that she likes it. So you can continue your attempts and reach new level communication.

Imitation. Symptoms of easy love or sympathy - copying gestures, or imitation. Imitating a person is not always a sign of flattery; most often it is a manifestation of sincere and warm feelings. Therefore, you need to note for yourself all her attempts to repeat any gestures or body movements.

Nervousness. A girl in love will definitely have visual signs of a nervous state when the object of her adoration appears. Naturally, a representative of the fair half of humanity wants to look excellent in front of the person she cares about. When talking with her friends, she behaves freely and at ease; as soon as a guy she likes appears on the horizon, she instantly starts to get nervous, frantically adjust your clothes or hairstyle. Her story will definitely lose its clarity and logic, she will get confused about words, forget some details. You just need to observe her behavior from the outside.

Jokes. A man may not have an unsurpassed sense of humor, but the only one who cares about him is sure to will laugh at every attempt at a joke. You can conduct an interesting experiment by telling her a few bad jokes, which should not make an ordinary person laugh.

Mobility. It is not necessary to have spy qualities to find out the necessary information about a girl, regarding address, phone number, email, and so on. For the beloved man she won't hide behind seven castles. The object of adoration will definitely have all the necessary information, right down to passport details. A girl will never refuse a telephone conversation or correspondence with her loved one. No matter how scheduled her day is, she will find time for her lover, even to the detriment of her interests.

Eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. If you look into them, you can learn a lot. The eyes cannot deceive. If in the girl’s gaze one can read only indifference and composure, then there is no need to have any illusions. A future with such a girl is hardly possible. If a girl is in love, you can read tender, warm feelings in her eyes, no matter what she says. The pupils may be slightly dilated.

A trick with a smile. A good way to test a girl's feelings is to smile at her. The smile must be sincere, only then can you get a sincere reaction in return. The reciprocal smile of a girl in love should be soft, warm, and her eyes will certainly sparkle.. This is a signal for action. If the answer is a tense, cold smile, then this is not the same story. Don't waste your time.

Girlfriend. For every girl, a friend occupies one of the important places. She shares with her hidden secrets and desires. If a girl has a crush, then the very first person she will share it with is her friend. A man should make observations on the topic of how her friends treat him. Naturally, when a girl talks about the guy she likes, about how handsome, good, kind and smart he is, her friends will be curious to look at this handsome guy. If girls look at a guy with genuine interest, then everything is going according to plan. The most main mistake, which is often committed by men - flirting with a girlfriend. Under no circumstances should you do this.

Telephone conversation. You need to follow the dynamics telephone conversation. A girl in love, no matter what mood she was in, no matter how busy she was, for the object of her adoration will always find enough time for conversation. Even if there is a pause in the conversation, and there seems to be nothing to talk about, the girl will try her best to find clues to continue the conversation. This is a sign that a girl likes a guy.

Society. A good way to check feelings is to communicate in big company. Here it is worth carefully observing her behavior. Naturally, there is a place for both women and men in the company. And if the girl will give preference to communication with a certain man, turning to him for any reason, even the most trivial, means there is a reason to doubt your impeccability. Perhaps the girl’s sympathies are directed towards another object.

The main question that arises when meeting someone or trying to take the first step is the response! How do I know if a girl likes me? You need to know this! After all, starting from the emotions that you evoke in a girl, further communication will be built. And when it's sunk, all that's left to do is pick it up right time and place.

In this case, there are several situations when you need to find out whether a girl likes you or not

You just met

When a company is new and there is a choice, it is important not to confuse between the one who liked you and the one who is indifferent to you, otherwise it will be difficult to return that first sympathy.

In fact, the girl makes a decision in the first seconds of communication - whether you are suitable for her or not, her choice is mainly influenced by her, then there will only be confirmation or refutation of interest in the dating process.

Eye contact

When communicating, she often looks at you, this is immediately clear, because... someone from the company may completely ignore you. At the same time, you must also make eye contact. In fact, this is often enough to determine whether a woman likes you.

Read also:

There is a trick from psychology and NLP, it is quite difficult to track, at least I only had it once - these are dilated pupils. When we look at an object of excitement, our pupils involuntarily dilate, but these fine adjustments can come in handy. Look at yourself in the mirror and see this effect (Like you like yourself more than anyone else).

Facial expression

A girl should smile! If she just looks at you, that's good, but if she sits with a stone face, then you should be wary and ask yourself the question: what am I doing wrong?

A slight smile is the second sign that she likes you.

Head tilt

The girl tilted her head like a dog? Plus for karma! The next signal of interest in you has been received. This doesn’t always happen, but it’s a bright gesture and it lasts long enough, as if she’s admiring you, it’s hard not to notice. You see him and you can be sure that the girl likes you


Since childhood, when we want to look beautiful, we straighten our hair, comb our hair, put order on our heads in one word. In girls, this manipulation is especially developed.

Therefore, as soon as a girl straightens her hair, throws it behind her ear, throws it back - it signals that she is preening for you, trying to please herself. Even a simple pat on the head is fine!


Women's lips will tell you when you need to act! If you're keen, of course.

I once made a promise to myself, as soon as I see that a girl is looking at my lips, I turn off my head and immediately kiss her, naturally, if the moment is right. And I remember when it didn't work. Yes, sometimes you need to grab her by the throat so she doesn’t run away! But she said that she liked you - so do it!

Gestures, non-verbal signals

The rest will be done by body language: she is turned towards you, she does not cross her arms over her chest, unless she is cold, of course. Crossed arms are a defensive position, it may mean she doesn’t agree with you or the topic of conversation is uncomfortable, you need to interest her with leading questions about her favorite activity or cats and the posture will immediately change.

Another small sign of attention is the toes turned in your direction, a small but signal.

Well, the most important thing is touch! If a girl touches you herself, pushes you, hits you lightly (sometimes hard, there are cases), it is important that it is playful - chic! These are signs of trust, and when there is trust, half the way has been passed, you just need to wait for the moment!

But her gestures and movements depend on you, and we smoothly move on to the next factor...

Reaction and emotions

The most important thing in a love game is the reaction to your actions, because no matter how she looks and gives signals of interest, you know! A lady should react emotionally, because then how can you understand that a girl likes you?

It is important to involve your interlocutor in your game, because initially you must show emotions or provoke the girl. A technique that works great is a provocative joke in the style: “You girls can’t be trusted, you don’t know what you want!”, “I know these feminine things of yours, if only…” - a common provocation! The girl should react emotionally to such a statement! But you should proceed from the context of the conversation, because... The topic of dialogue is of great importance.

You've known each other for a long time

Here the situation is identical, all the signs will be the same! But if you are in the friend zone, then the significance of the signals is erased, since she does not consider you a future boyfriend, fiance, husband..., but she likes you, she trusts you and a lot of things connect you... Well, this is stupid female logic, I don’t even dare to dig there, because it’s useless!

In short, the friend zone is also a tool of sympathy that you need to learn to use! An article needs to be written about this.

Classmate, classmate

Women in a class or group behave similarly with other guys, then how can you understand that a girl likes you? In fact, everything is obvious! I always caught it when one of my classmates showed signs of attention to my friends or me!

  • The first is asking for help. A kind of sign that you should support her, because she is the weaker sex and she needs support and in that spirit. Only here it is important not to get confused, because girls often take advantage of and manipulate men because they understand that they like you - there is a separate word for such people.
  • The second is the desire to help. Here the situation is the opposite, a girl takes care of you, lets you write off, covers, protects you - a good sign, you need to offer to do something together, I’m sure she will agree!
  • Third is laughter. No matter how stupid the joke is, she will laugh, or at least smile. This is an elementary gesture in front of someone you want to please, remember how you yourself laughed at your teacher’s stupid jokes - yes! This is an identical situation.
  • Fourth - her friends. Girls in a team always share secrets and discuss boys, i.e. her friends probably know what kind of guys your chosen one likes, and whether that includes you. They will give it away, just ask!

In life, I realized one thing - nothing is done by accident or just like that! You should accept this as an axiom (an axiom is a statement that does not require proof, because it does not need it) and understanding people will become much easier.

How do you know if a girl likes you? Wait for any stupid sign of that. She looked at you and smiled as you walked by - act immediately. Soot that a spark flashed and she felt it! This is the only way you will understand how to determine interest, when all your guesses are checked.

One life experience

Everything can change at any second! Here the girl calls you, comes to you, looks after you, you like each other. Here in one moment - everything! Zero! As a result, another guy appears who doesn’t find anything in her at all and you’re screwed.

And the side of the coin can be the opposite. You were absolutely indifferent to the girl, even though you looked after her, bought her gifts, invited her somewhere, in short, showed interest in a certain way. Then he scored, and she realized that she had missed you and now she regrets it. What I mean is that it also makes sense to define indifference, and even imitate it towards the lady you like.