Liz Taylor and Richard Barton. Romance with stones: Elizabeth Taylor's most famous and expensive jewelry

A woman is a mystery, an avalanche of passion that burns everything in its path. A predator who breaks families and souls. An angel whose gaze and voice makes men's hearts skip a breath. Great actress who can transform in an instant from a street prostitute into Egyptian queen. Today she is tender and vulnerable, and tomorrow she is a furious fury with the jargon of the last port sailor. Elizabeth Taylor was married eight times, twice to Richard Burton.

Overture of Happiness

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton met on the set of Cleopatra in Rome. By that time behind star actress there were four marriages, many novels, three children and a long-awaited Oscar. Barton was known as a notorious ladies' man and the life of any company. On the set of the film, passion that was far from being on stage overwhelmed both of them. They no longer acted in love scenes, but lived. And then they retired for a long time in the dressing room. The whole bohemia was already trumpeting about the affair between Liz and Richard, but their legal spouses left the situation without comment.

Knowing the ardent natures of their unfaithful halves, Sybil Barton and Eddie Fisher hoped that by the end of filming the passions would subside and the stars would return to their orbits. Soon the crew of Cleopatra went to Ischia to film the scene sea ​​battle between Octavian and Mark Antony. There, on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea, a photograph was taken that spread all over the world: SHE in a swimsuit, black hair fluttering in the wind, HE lying down kissing her. Two packs of Marlboros lie at their feet.

On Olympus of glory

Having settled all the formalities with divorce, the lovers immediately registered their marriage. Elizabeth, in a chic yellow chiffon dress, with lilies and hyacinths in her hair, with eyes shining with happiness, told reporters: “This is forever!” And soon they left for Toronto, where the next day Barton played Hamlet. When the performance ended, the actor led Elizabeth onto the stage by the hand. He solemnly once again pronounced the Prince of Denmark’s remark addressed to Ophelia: “I say: no more marriages!” The whole hall could not hold back the sobs...

This is how not only a family was born, but also a real brand. Now Liz entered into filming contracts with the condition that her husband would also star in the films. In 1967, the couple earned two hundred million dollars. Now Rich, the son of a miner, the twelfth child in the family, could afford to buy a plane and a yacht. It seemed that he was making up for the losses of his hungry childhood by surrounding himself with luxury.

Mr and Mrs Barton began collecting Monets, Picasso, Van Gogh and Rembrandt. They each had a Rolls Royce: a silver one for him and a green one for her. They invested large sums in real estate: in Tenerife for growing bananas, in Ireland for breeding horses. We bought a villa, Casa Kimberly, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, plus three houses – his in Seligny and Hampstead, England, and her chalet in Gstaad.

Barton purchased the 33-carat Krupp diamond for three hundred five thousand dollars (it is now worth two million). Then he “outmaneuvered” Aristotle Onassis himself, outbidding him for a Cartier diamond for one million one hundred thousand. “This diamond was to be worn by the most beautiful woman in the world,” Barton wrote in his diary. “I couldn’t allow Jackie Kennedy or Sophia Loren to be considered that way.”

Requiem of Love

Over the years, the Hollywood diva has not become younger or more beautiful. And Richard's unbridled sexuality exploded at the peak of his age. Moreover, there were hundreds of young and available starlets around. By that time, Elizabeth had received her second Oscar, and Burton, who was trying to win the prestigious award, failed. Spoiled by easy success, he returned to his old habits. Binge drinking and drinking inexorably led to a breakup.

Richard was no longer shy in his expressions towards his wife: “bitch”, “thorn”, “fat”, “monkey tits”. Soon the couple announced their divorce. Barton held a press conference, where he sat with a glass of vodka in his hand. “Everything was going towards this, everything was going towards this,” said the actor. - You know, when two hot-tempered people unleash their anger on each other, anything can happen. Besides, women are strange creatures. Who will dare to say what is going on in their heads?

For Elizabeth it was ordeal. This was the first time she had gotten divorced not to be with her. new love, but because she could no longer tolerate rudeness, betrayal and a constantly drunk husband. But the paradox: she never stopped loving him. The actress tactfully remarked to the press: “We need to live separately for a while, perhaps we will find ourselves again.”

For some time, Elizabeth and Richard started affairs, trying to forget each other. Barton was even planning to marry a Yugoslav princess. But every time persistent paparazzi tried to resurrect the details of their marriage in the broken couple’s memory, tears welled up in Liz’s eyes, which she tried to hide with sunglasses.

Richard stated that none of the latter love adventures it failed to turn into a lasting connection. Everyone was sure that this was not the end of the relationship between Liz and Dick. And so it happened. One day, while discussing projects together, they met and hugged tightly. Both cried... For the second marriage, at the request of the actress, the couple went to Africa. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the leader of the local tribe.

After two weeks, it became clear to both that you cannot step into the same river twice. Officially, for some time they continued to be husband and wife, but they hardly communicated with each other. Before his death, Richard sent a letter to Elizabeth, saying that she was the only woman and the love of his life, but he never received an answer.

Instead of an epilogue

When Taylor was asked if she could fall in love again, the beauty replied: “Of course! Sexual and with good feeling humor." But who knows who she was thinking about at that moment?..

The magnificent Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor is known not only for her outstanding acting talent, “hot” temperament, bright appearance and collection of luxurious jewelry, but also numerous romance novels, which the whole world watched with interest.

Passionate and beautiful woman In my entire life I have been married 8 times! Moreover, she married the same man twice. His name is Richard Burton, and this is the most beautiful and brightest Hollywood lovestory of the twentieth century...

First meeting

Like many acting couples, Elizabeth and Richard first met on the set. It was 1962, filming took place in Rome: Taylor was chosen to play the role of Cleopatra in the film of the same name by Joseph Mankiewicz, and Barton received the role of Mark Antony. Elizabeth at that time was already famous actress, and Richard was not yet popular in Hollywood, but the man managed to become a real star London theater scene.

Barton was already married then. The actor even took his wife and two children with him to the shooting. Elizabeth was also not free: her husband, Eddie Fisher, was waiting for her at home.

Liz didn’t remember the first meeting with the love of her life at all, but the actor was very impressed.

“She was so beautiful that I almost laughed out loud. Elizabeth was amazing. Magnificent. She sucked in like a black hole. And she didn’t care about me.”

Richard Burton

Passion flared up suddenly during the filming of one of the first love scenes. Members of the film crew immediately noticed that sparks were flying between the actors playing the main roles: kisses lasted longer than they should have according to the script, Richard and Elizabeth constantly disappeared somewhere between filming, and then began to miss filming days altogether due to... for your dates.


The lovers had a furious temperament: they often quarreled, heatedly reconciled, and then, without saying a word to anyone, disappeared again for several days. To be alone, they had to run away from the whole world: from work, friends and legal spouses. One day Richard and Elizabeth ran away with film set and went to a villa in Porto San Stefano. The public might not have known where the actors are and that their romance is developing in full swing if it weren’t for the nosy paparazzi who captured the celebrities’ vacation on a rented yacht.

On March 15, 1964, Barton and Taylor, under the surname Smith, checked into the Ritz Hotel in Montreal and on the same day became legal spouses.

As wedding dress Costume designer Irene Sharaf created a soft yellow chiffon dress for the bride. Elizabeth decorated her head with flowers: lilies and hyacinths.


Elizabeth and Richard were truly happy. Both assured that it would be forever. It was a relationship for show, but it was sincere.

“Since childhood, I believed in destiny for every person, and if it really exists, then my destiny is Richard Burton!”

Elizabeth Taylor

Their couple has become a kind of brand. The whole world wanted to know what was new with the Taylor-Bartons. And this was only to the advantage of the actors. When one of them was offered a role, they set a condition: filming would take place if their spouse also took part in this film. Thanks to the fact that their romantic tandem also became creative, in 1967 the Taylor-Barton family earned $200 million. They invested in expensive real estate, works of art and jewelry, which the actress adored so much. Having grown up in a miner's family, Barton could now afford to buy a silver Rolls-Royce and give a green one to his wife.

The man idolized his wife. One day he beat Aristotle Onassis at an auction and bought a Cartier diamond worth one million one hundred thousand dollars for his Liz.

“This diamond should be worn by the most beautiful woman in the world. How could I allow Jackie Kennedy or Sophia Loren to be considered such?”

From Richard Burton's diary


The actors' strong relationship and their all-consuming love survived many trials, but ultimately, over time, still turned into ruins. The main reasons for their breakup were called successful career Elizabeth (who had already received as many as 2 Oscars, while her husband unsuccessfully competed for this award with more successful rivals), the infidelities of the actor, who periodically left his aging wife for young aspiring actresses, as well as the explosive characters of both. Quarrels sometimes reached such proportions that not only neighbors heard the details, but the whole world read them in the press the next morning. Richard went on a spree, started drinking, and Elizabeth threw him hysterics and kicked him out of the house. Ultimately, both allowed themselves to publicly humiliate each other with dirty insults. When Taylor's patience ran out, she proposed a divorce.

One more try

No one wanted to believe that the most beautiful Hollywood couple broke up. And how quickly the actors’ new romances ended further fueled the rumors: Elizabeth and Richard still love each other.

“All I care about now is whether you are happy. And who you are with is not so important. Never forget about your virtues, do not forget that your sharp tongue hides a wonderful and puritanical lady. Don't forget that you are probably the greatest actress in the world. I love you and always will. Come back."

From a letter from Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor

Neither of them built any new strong relationships. One day they met again. They discussed work, got into conversation, hugged tightly, and a few weeks later flew to Africa to remarry. The ceremony took place in the presence of the leader of an African tribe.

The second attempt was unsuccessful: the couple quickly realized that remarriage was a reckless impulse. They could not live together and practically did not communicate all this time. A second divorce followed 16 months later. Despite the presence of more and more novels and even marriages in their lives, Liz and Richard continued to periodically call each other and sometimes met.

Before his death, Richard Burton wrote Elizabeth a letter in which he called her only love his life, and Elizabeth in hers last interview she said: “At first sight in Rome, we were always madly in love with each other.”

86 years ago, on February 27, 1932, the legendary beauty and talented actress Elizabeth Taylor. Besides wonderful roles and she also became famous for her amazing beauty whirlwind romances. One of the most discussed was her relationship with British actor Richard Burton.

About 7 years ago, Elizabeth Taylor made her last love letters public legendary actor Richard Burton, who passed away in 1984. The couple married each other twice, but their relationship always remained passionate.

To write the book “Fierce Love. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton", Sam Keshner and Nancy Schoenberger looked at 40 previously unpublished love letters, which chronicle the long, tumultuous Hollywood romances of yesteryear.

The novel by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton is often called the novel of the century. His characteristic features are wastefulness, drunkenness, debauchery, incredible jewelry and passionate love, who bewitched the world for 16 years while they were together. When the couple reunited, Elizabeth was at the height of her popularity and Richard was being hailed as Sir Laurence Olivier's successor on the London stage.

It all started with a kiss scene during the filming of Cleopatra. The couple continued to kiss even after the director said, “Cut!” Since then they have become inseparable.

At the time of their meeting, Taylor had already earned a million dollars for her role as Cleopatra and had been married four times. With her second husband, Michael Wilding, she had two sons: Michael (pictured with Elizabeth) and Christopher (foreground right), and with her third husband, Michael Todd, she had a daughter, Elizabeth, known as Lisa (not pictured).

When their relationship began, both actors were not free. Barton was married to Sybil Williams, a native of Wales, and Elizabeth was married for the fourth time. Her husband was Eddie Fisher, whom she said she stole from American fans.

In front of everyone, the couple took a walk on a yacht, and the paparazzi recorded every moment. The lovers attracted public attention after a scandalous photo in which they were basking on a ship off the Italian island of Ischia.

In their book, Keshner and Schoenberger examined the love language that Elizabeth and Richard used in their letters to each other. In one of his first letters, Barton wrote to his lover: “I am turned on by your smell... your round belly and soft inner thighs, your baby’s bottom, your lips, the somewhat aggressive twinkle in your eyes when you are very excited, when you are with your Welsh lover.” .

Taylor and Barton would sneak away and make love wherever possible. She said about him hypnotic charm: “Just imagine Richard Burton whispering something in your ear while you make love. All problems and troubles immediately disappear.”

Six days after the actress's divorce from Eddie Fisher, Taylor and Barton got married at the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal. The bride's yellow chiffon dress was accessorized with an emerald and diamond brooch that Barton gave her for her 32nd birthday.

Hopelessly in love, Barton wrote: “In my poor and painful youth, I dreamed of only such a woman. And now, when from time to time the dream comes back to me, I reach out my hand and realize that it is here, next to me. If you haven't met or known her, you've missed out on a lot in your life."

The intensity of passions increased, and there was strong evidence, which included addiction to alcohol and infidelity. In one of the letters, Barton wrote: “I know that sometimes I am a terrible liar, but please believe that I have never betrayed you in either word or deed. I love you too much."

Taylor is in New York celebrating her 32nd birthday with Barton, who is playing at the time main role in the Broadway production of Hamlet directed by John Gliefeld. The cake says: “To our Mascot, the leader of our team, love and happy birthday. Colleagues".

During their marriage, Taylor and Barton starred in several films together. famous films. For his performance in the film "Who's Afraid" Virginia Woolf? Elizabeth received her second Oscar, and Richard was nominated for this film award for the sixth time. The roles they played on screen often reflected their real-life relationships.

After divorcing in June 1974, the couple reconciled and secretly married again 16 months later in national park Chobe in Botswana. Their second marriage was much shorter than the first, and the actors separated less than a year after registration. But they stayed good friends until Barton's death in 1984.

Many years later, Taylor will tell you what place Barton occupied in her heart: “At first sight in Rome, we were always madly and deeply in love with each other.”

85 years ago, on February 27, 1932, the legendary beauty and talented actress Elizabeth Taylor was born. In addition to her wonderful roles and amazing beauty, she also became famous for her whirlwind romances. One of the most discussed was her relationship with British actor Richard Burton.

About 7 years ago, Elizabeth Taylor published the last love letters of the legendary actor Richard Burton, who passed away in 1984. The couple married each other twice, but their relationship always remained passionate.

To write the book “Fierce Love. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Sam Keshner and Nancy Schoenberger look at 40 never-before-seen love letters that chronicle the long, tumultuous Hollywood romances of yesteryear.

The novel by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton is often called the novel of the century. His characteristics include extravagance, drunkenness, debauchery, incredible jewelry and a passionate love that bewitched the world for the 16 years they were together. When the couple reunited, Elizabeth was at the height of her popularity and Richard was being hailed as Sir Laurence Olivier's successor on the London stage.

It all started with a kiss scene during the filming of Cleopatra. The couple continued to kiss even after the director said, “Cut!” Since then they have become inseparable.


At the time of their meeting, Taylor had already earned a million dollars for her role as Cleopatra and had been married four times. With her second husband, Michael Wilding, she had two sons: Michael (pictured with Elizabeth) and Christopher (foreground right), and with her third husband, Michael Todd, she had a daughter, Elizabeth, known as Lisa (not pictured).

3.Illegal relationships.

When their relationship began, both actors were not free. Barton was married to Sybil Williams, a native of Wales, and Elizabeth was married for the fourth time. Her husband was Eddie Fisher, whom she said she stole from American fans.

In front of everyone, the couple took a walk on a yacht, and the paparazzi recorded every moment. The lovers attracted public attention after a scandalous photo in which they were basking on a ship off the Italian island of Ischia.


In their book, Keshner and Schoenberger examined the love language that Elizabeth and Richard used in their letters to each other. In one of his first letters, Barton wrote to his lover: “I am turned on by your smell... your round belly and soft inner thighs, your baby’s bottom, your lips, the somewhat aggressive twinkle in your eyes when you are very excited, when you are with your Welsh lover.” .

5.Love affair.

Taylor and Barton would sneak away and make love wherever possible. She said of his hypnotic charm: “Just imagine Richard Burton whispering something in your ear while you make love. All problems and troubles immediately disappear.”

6.Exchange of vows.

Six days after the actress's divorce from Eddie Fisher, Taylor and Barton got married at the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal. The bride's yellow chiffon dress was accessorized with an emerald and diamond brooch that Barton gave her for her 32nd birthday.

7.Hollywood Kingdom.

Hopelessly in love, Barton wrote: “In my poor and painful youth, I dreamed of only such a woman. And now, when from time to time the dream comes back to me, I reach out my hand and realize that it is here, next to me. If you haven't met or known her, you've missed out on a lot in your life."

8.Sad events.

The intensity of passions increased, and there was strong evidence, which included addiction to alcohol and infidelity. In one of the letters, Barton wrote: “I know that sometimes I am a terrible liar, but please believe that I have never betrayed you in either word or deed. I love you too much."

9.Birthday wishes.

Taylor is in New York celebrating her 32nd birthday with Barton, who is currently starring in John Gliefeld's Hamlet on Broadway. The cake says: “To our Mascot, the leader of our team, love and happy birthday. Colleagues".

10. Hype.

During their marriage, Taylor and Barton starred in several acclaimed films together. For his performance in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Elizabeth received her second Oscar, and Richard was nominated for this film award for the sixth time. The roles they played on screen often reflected their real-life relationships.

11. Together again.

After divorcing in June 1974, the couple reconciled and secretly married again 16 months later in Chobe National Park in Botswana. Their second marriage was much shorter than the first, and the actors separated less than a year after registration. But they remained good friends until Barton's death in 1984.

Many years later, Taylor will tell you what place Barton occupied in her heart: “At first sight in Rome, we were always madly and deeply in love with each other.”

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

A woman is a mystery, an avalanche of passion that burns everything in its path. A predator who breaks families and souls. An angel whose gaze and voice makes men's hearts skip a breath. A great actress who can transform in an instant from a street prostitute into an Egyptian queen. Today she is tender and vulnerable, and tomorrow she is a furious fury with the jargon of the last port sailor. Elizabeth Taylor was married eight times, twice to Richard Burton.

Overture of Happiness

Elizabeth Taylor at the beginning of her career.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton met on the set of Cleopatra in Rome. By that time, the star actress had four marriages, many novels, three children and a long-awaited Oscar. Barton was known as a notorious ladies' man and the life of any company. On the set of the film, a passion that was far from being on stage overwhelmed both of them. They no longer acted in love scenes, but lived. And then they retired for a long time in the dressing room. The whole bohemia was already trumpeting about the affair between Liz and Richard, but their legal spouses left the situation without comment.

Knowing the ardent natures of their unfaithful halves, Sybil Barton and Eddie Fisher hoped that by the end of filming the passions would subside and the stars would return to their orbits. Soon the film crew of Cleopatra went to Ischia to film the scene of the naval battle between Octavian and Mark Antony. There, on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea, a photograph was taken that spread all over the world: SHE in a swimsuit, black hair fluttering in the wind, HE lying down kissing her. Two packs of Marlboros lie at their feet.

On Olympus of glory

Richard Burton.

Having settled all the formalities with divorce, the lovers immediately registered their marriage. Elizabeth, in a chic yellow chiffon dress, with lilies and hyacinths in her hair, with eyes shining with happiness, told reporters: “This is forever!” And soon they left for Toronto, where the next day Barton played Hamlet. When the performance ended, the actor led Elizabeth onto the stage by the hand. He solemnly once again pronounced the Prince of Denmark’s remark addressed to Ophelia: “I say: no more marriages!” The whole hall could not hold back the sobs...

This is how not only a family was born, but also a real brand. Now Liz entered into filming contracts with the condition that her husband would also star in the films. In 1967, the couple earned two hundred million dollars. Now Rich, the son of a miner, the twelfth child in the family, could afford to buy a plane and a yacht. It seemed that he was making up for the losses of his hungry childhood by surrounding himself with luxury.

Celebrity couple on the set.

Mr and Mrs Barton began collecting Monets, Picasso, Van Gogh and Rembrandt. They each had a Rolls-Royce: a silver one for him and a green one for her. They invested large sums in real estate: in Tenerife to grow bananas, in Ireland to breed horses. We bought a villa, Casa Kimberly, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, plus three houses – his in Seligny and Hampstead, England, and her chalet in Gstaad.

33 carat Krupp diamond.

Barton purchased the 33-carat Krupp diamond for three hundred five thousand dollars (it is now worth two million). Then he “outmaneuvered” Aristotle Onassis himself, outbidding him for a Cartier diamond for one million one hundred thousand. “This diamond was to be worn by the most beautiful woman in the world,” Barton wrote in his diary. “I couldn’t allow Jackie Kennedy or Sophia Loren to be considered that way.”

Requiem of Love

Together, but are they happy?

Over the years, the Hollywood diva has not become younger or more beautiful. And Richard's unbridled sexuality exploded at the peak of his age. Moreover, there were hundreds of young and available starlets around. By that time, Elizabeth had received her second Oscar, and Burton, who was trying to win the prestigious award, failed. Spoiled by easy success, he returned to his old habits. Binge drinking and drinking inexorably led to a breakup.

Richard was no longer shy in his expressions towards his wife: “bitch”, “thorn”, “fat”, “monkey tits”. Soon the couple announced their divorce. Barton held a press conference, where he sat with a glass of vodka in his hand. “Everything was going towards this, everything was going towards this,” said the actor. - You know, when two hot-tempered people unleash their anger on each other, anything can happen. Besides, women are strange creatures. Who will dare to say what is going on in their heads?

Always beautiful!

This was a difficult ordeal for Elizabeth. For the first time, she divorced not in order to be close to her new love, but because she could no longer tolerate rudeness, betrayal and a constantly drunk husband. But the paradox: she never stopped loving him. The actress tactfully remarked to the press: “We need to live separately for a while, perhaps we will find ourselves again.”

For some time, Elizabeth and Richard started affairs, trying to forget each other. Barton was even planning to marry a Yugoslav princess. But every time persistent paparazzi tried to resurrect the details of their marriage in the broken couple’s memory, tears welled up in Liz’s eyes, which she tried to hide with sunglasses.

Richard Burton: how to forget you, Liz.

Richard said that he had not been able to turn any of his recent love affairs into a lasting relationship. Everyone was sure that this was not the end of the relationship between Liz and Dick. And so it happened. One day, while discussing projects together, they met and hugged tightly. Both cried... For the second marriage, at the request of the actress, the couple went to Africa. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the leader of the local tribe.

After two weeks, it became clear to both that you cannot step into the same river twice. Officially, for some time they continued to be husband and wife, but they hardly communicated with each other. Before his death, Richard sent a letter to Elizabeth, saying that she was the only woman and the love of his life, but he never received an answer.

Instead of an epilogue

Cheerful Elizabeth.

When Taylor was asked if she could fall in love again, the beauty replied: “Of course! Sexy and with a good sense of humor." But who knows who she was thinking about at that moment?..