Oleg Kuvaev, we are all doomed people. The problem of man's true purpose

“We are all doomed people,” he thought as he walked. - We are doomed to our work. Desert fathers and blameless wives, beauties and millionaires - everyone is doomed to their role. We are doomed to work, and this, an enema without a mechanism, is the best and highest doom in the world.”

Epithalama! The boss is coming,” Valka Karzubin said loudly near the tent.

They still had to, swearing, cursing fate, look for the third food barrel during the July snowfall. Valka Karzubin still had to moan at night from the ache in his hands, unaccustomed to wet work. They still had to get out to the upper reaches of Vatap, Gray Water, and sail along the river for a month, crossing tundra tracts on their routes. They had to go out to the deserted estuary and cross the stormy autumn sea. They had routes to the interior of the coast, had to listen to the whistle of the wind in the sand dunes and had to work in the ruined Nauda Bay, which smelled of hydrogen sulfide. They had to remember the crimson sunsets that filled the sky and the swaying of a lonely broom on the pebble spits. We had to sit at Foggy Cape for a week, trying every day to go around it. Each time a strong wind threw them back, they silently climbed ashore, lit a fire from the driftwood, dried out and again pushed the whaleboat onto the water. And again the wind flooded them and threw them back behind the rocks.

Only the fury of the end of the season gave them strength at this time. They had to remember this summer until the end of their days, because it was reminded of itself by the interruptions of the heart, the night sweat of the body. Maybe it was last summer according to the old Severstroy method - “do or die”.

...Years have passed since then. Chinkov's prediction came true: they discovered a cluster of gold placers in the Territory with very difficult conditions and rich content. This required luck, personnel and luck again. This required persistence, ruthless, risky calculation of Chinkov. And Kutsenko's scent. And the fear of death before dawn, characteristic of core workers, is common among those who bore the brunt of their first labors. This required the calluses and sweat of hard workers with and without nicknames. Whatever it was, the state received a new source of gold.

The village has long received city status. It is built up with five-story block houses. But still, in winter and summer, it is shaken by dusty southerners, and the round house of the tin discoverers still stands, sandwiched by construction. But soon this house will be demolished, like the house of Mark Putin was demolished, because the reverent legends of the first times dissolve in the visiting crowd, as they dissolve in water good wine- without sediment.

...If there was a force in the world that would return everyone connected with the gold of the Territory, who died on the routes, disappeared in the “bitch corners,” lost on the mainland, went into the prosperous standard of “life like everyone else,”

They would all repeat these years. Not in the name of money, since they knew what money was while working in the Territory, not even in the name of debt, since real debt sits in the essence of a person, and not in verbal formulations, not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of that unknown, in the name of which begins and ends individual life person. Maybe the point is not to show much excitement when meeting, not to say that “we should get on the phone somehow and...” So that you can simply say “remember?” and delve into the sweet heaviness of memories, where rivers, hills, sweat, cold, blood, fatigue, dreams and holy feeling are mixed required work. So that in a moment of doubt you will be supported by the past years, when you did not cheapen, did not flow thoughtlessly with water along prepared gutters, but knew roughness and beauty real world, lived as a man and a person should live. If you have learned to look for a person not in the smooth opportunist, but in those who try life on their homely skin, if you have resisted the hypnosis of acquisition and safe, cozy truths, if you know with a grin that the world has many faces and one hundred percent virtue has so far been achieved only in legends , if you believe in the raw fury of your work, you will always hear from a distant time the cry of a hard worker named Kefir: “But we can, guys! By God, we can!”

Today is the consequence of yesterday, and the cause of the coming day is created today. So why weren’t you on that tractor sleigh and it wasn’t your face that was burned by the frosty February wind, reader? Where have you been and what have you been doing all these years? Are you satisfied with yourself?..

In Russian language lessons in 11th grade, thanks to the increased number of hours, you can now practice writing essays to your heart's content. We write them according to the texts that are in open jar FIPI data, we work in the table, getting accustomed to the algorithm. I plan to post the results of the work on my website. This will be a kind of “piggy bank” of essays.

Here is Kuvaev's text.

« Years have passed since then. Chinkov's prediction came true: they opened the node

gold placers Territories with very difficult occurrence conditions and rich content. This required luck, personnel and luck again.

This required persistence, ruthless, risky calculation of Chinkov. And Kutsenko's scent. And the fear of death before dawn, characteristic of those with heart disease,

who bore the brunt of the first work. It took callouses and sweat

hard workers with and without nicknames. Whatever it was, the state received

new source of gold.

The village has long received city status. It is built with block

five-story buildings. But still in winter and summer it is shaken by dusty southerners

and the round house of the tin discoverers still stands, sandwiched by construction. But soon this house will be demolished, just like Mark Putin’s house was demolished, because

legends of the first times dissolve in the visiting crowd, just as

there is good wine in the water - without sediment.

...If there was a force in the world that would bring back everyone associated with the gold of the Territory, who died on the routes, who disappeared in the “bitch’s dens”,

lost on the mainland, gone into the prosperous standard of “life like everyone else”,

They would all repeat these years. Not in the name of money, since they knew that

such money while working in the Territory, not even in the name of duty, since

real duty sits in the essence of a person, and not in verbal formulations, not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of that unknown, in the name of which it is conceived and passes

individual life of a person. Maybe the point is not to show much excitement when meeting, not to assert that “we should somehow

call and…” So that you can just say “remember?” and delve into the sweet heaviness of memories, where rivers, hills, sweat, cold, blood are mixed,

fatigue, dreams and a sacred feeling of necessary work. So that in a moment of doubt

you were supported by the past years, when you did not cheapen, did not flow thoughtlessly

water through prepared gutters, but knew the roughness and beauty of the real

peace, lived as a man and a person should live. If you have learned to search

man is not in the smooth opportunist, but in those who try life on their own

unsightly skin, if you have resisted the hypnosis of acquisition and safe, cozy truths, if you know with a grin that the world has many faces and one hundred percent virtue has so far been achieved only in legends, if you believe

into the brute fury of (your) work - you will always be heard from afar

time, the cry of a hard worker named Kefir: “But we can, guys! By God,

we can!”

Today is the consequence of yesterday, and the cause of the coming day.

created today. So why weren’t you on that tractor sleigh and it wasn’t your face that was burned by the frosty February wind, reader? Where were you, what did you do?

have you been doing all these years? Are you satisfied with yourself?...


The material is based on the article
newspaper "Zarya Yany" No. 119 dated October 14, 2004


We are all doomed people...
We are doomed to our work...
And this is the best responsibility in the world...

While preparing a report on kularite, I had to communicate with geologists, industrialists, and gold miners. And in our conversations about discoverers, the names of I. Nekrasov, M. Romanov, S. Reshetnikov, G. Nazarov, L. Kotlin, and many others were often mentioned. These are the famous geologists who discovered Ustyanye. The surname L. Kotlin was familiar to me (the son of Leonid Dmitrievich lives in Deputatsky). And he himself is well known and remembered in Ustyanye. I couldn’t afford to miss this opportunity... I had to ask my son about his father, and then call him on the phone in Voronezh. And so, this essay was born.

Leonid Dmitrievich arrived in the Arctic in 1949. True, he arrived not in Deputatsky, but in the village of Batagai. He worked as a geophysicist in the Yansk geological exploration expedition, which was engaged in research in Ust-Yanya and was based in this village. I walked around the entire area, visited Deputatsky several times; the village was just beginning to be built at that time. Knows everything about opening every site in the area. He is one of those who discovered the Kular deposit. Currently lives in Voronezh, preparing to celebrate his eightieth birthday...

Geologists believe best years of his life, years spent in reconnaissance parties, search expeditions and field work. These are years filled to the brim interesting work.

Studying the history of the birth and development of the Deputatskoye tin deposit and the village of the same name (and not only it, but any other Zapolyarny village), you begin to realize how difficult this birth was, how wonderful our history is, and how many people took part in it . The first who came to the Ust-Yana land were geologists. Now, fifty years after the founding of the village of Deputatsky and almost sixty years after the discovery of this deposit, kind words you remember the people of courageous profession who were the first to arrive in this region. Which were not stopped by either the bitter frosts, or the “darkness” of mosquitoes, or wild animals. And to this day, dozens of geological bases, tordochs, camps, geological and topographical signs can be found in our region. Now, living in warm and comfortable apartments and admiring the land of eternal winters, we involuntarily remember those who conquered and discovered this region, who breathed life into it. Now geologists have drilling rigs, all-terrain vehicles, helicopters, cars, research institutes and satellites. And in those days there were only horses and deer, a geological hammer, a modest chemical laboratory and fire in the heart.

Leonid Dmitrievich was born in 1924 in the Vologda region. I didn’t even suspect that I would become a geophysicist. He had an unlimited sense of humor, knew how to tell interesting stories, play the accordion, draw and take photographs. With such abilities, he could easily predict the profession of an artist. Leonid Dmitrievich himself dreamed of becoming an artist. But fate decreed otherwise.

Leonid Dmitrievich went to the front in 1943. He was conscripted from the Pukhovichi Military Infantry School, where he trained as a sniper. At the front he served in a sniper unit. In one of the battles near Kaluga he was wounded. One bullet hit the arm, the other hit the thigh. The one that got into the hand was removed immediately. But I had to “carry” a bullet in my thigh until 1945. So I went through the whole war with her.

After the end of the war he returned to Vologda region, but a year later he left for Kuban, where he worked as a tractor driver on one of the collective farms. He became interested in the tractor business, and in 1947 he went to work at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. At the beginning of 1949, I went to work in Magadan. Entered the training and production plant. Instead of three months, he studied for six; instead of one specialty, he received three: radio operator, topographer and geophysicist.

I arrived in Batagai in November 1949,” says Leonid Dmitrievich. - There was no heating in the village, everyone was heating the stoves. The frost was minus fifty. And I’m wearing a leatherette raincoat and a cap. Luggage includes a suitcase and accordion. I went to the House of Culture, there was a huge stove installed in it. There were several people in the club, some also geologists. To defuse the situation a little and cheer up the people, I decided to play. He stretched the bellows of the button accordion, and it fell apart. Following them, the sleeves of the cloak fell off. In general, the concert did not work out. But it was fun...

In those years, the development of the North was carried out by the geological trust "Dalstroy". In our region, subsoil exploration was carried out by the Yansk Geological Exploration Department, based in Batagai, where I came to work. Dalstroy greatly expanded its activities before the war. The country needed metal. Created on the basis of the camps and headed by the NKVD, and later the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this organization founded its “country” in the North, in which “its own people” lived. As my friend, geologist Slava Levin, said, “A native Dalstroite is a hybrid of a free romantic, a criminal, a political adventurer, corrected by security officers in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, plus Stalin’s order. The result is simple-minded, but cruel, brave, but merciless, strong in wildlife, but a hardworking man, helpless in the civilized world, who could be trusted with everything except alcohol."

Yakutia amazed me with its taiga power. Batagay appeared in 1939, and in those days continued to be built. Near the village there is a camp where the convicts lived. There were up to three hundred people in the camp. They all worked on village construction sites. Upon arrival, I was given 20 prisoners under my command. There were no particular difficulties during the work. The men were disciplined, competent, and not afraid of difficulties. They put nooses on hares, and killed partridges with pebbles. So there was always meat. We also had weapons: a carbine and a Nagan revolver, for protecting maps and secret documents. But I never had to use them, except to scare a bear.

How was your relationship with the convicts?
- Pretty good. We all understood that some of them, unlike us, did not come here of their own free will. That’s why we were friends with them and respected them. One of the geologists, Igor Sopko, got a squad of real hardened criminals. But he addressed everyone by their first name and patronymic, which was surprising to hear, since many had forgotten their references and names over the years. And he didn’t give offense. The convicts respected him.
Another geologist is Viktor Lebedev. Romantic, dreamed of distant countries, about adventures and travel. He is kind and cheerful by nature. He treated criminals with the utmost respect and courtesy, and addressed everyone as “you.” But in anger he was terrible. For this he was loved and revered. The convicts helped us a lot in our work. Among them there were very literate people. Some, after receiving civilian status, studied at educational institutions, became geologists and returned to the Arctic to work. Although there are cases when criminal elements continued their dirty deeds in the Arctic. They attacked food carts and robbed bases. But this is rather an exception. And so basically work and work.

And I had to work both in winter and summer. IN summer period assisted geological parties in searching for metals. In the fields they lived in log huts, sometimes in double tents. We slept in sleeping bags made of rabbit fur. The guys found mammoth tusks and used them as stools. It was only later that they realized that the tusk was money, and then the primary task was work. The country needed tin and gold. With the onset of frost, they returned to the village and studied the samples obtained. They analyzed and theoretically looked for places of possible deposits. And in the summer they went on reconnaissance again. And so on year after year. Over the years I have walked all over Ust-Yanye. My wife Galina Ivanovna and I walked to the village of Tenkeli.

How did you meet?
- Since geology was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the North was just beginning to be developed, the northerners had many benefits, including holidays. You could go to any sanatorium, any resort freely. People had to work hard, and accordingly they were given the opportunity to rest. And in Yalta, while undergoing treatment, I met Galina Ivanovna. We talked and met for a while, and then I told her, I’ll take you to the North. And he took it away. In Batagay she worked in kindergarten. We have two sons Alexander and Yuri. But not one of them connected his life with geology. The eldest is a motorist. The younger one has connected his life with airplanes and works at Deputatsky Airport. In childhood, during summer holidays, he often went with me to work in the field. I cut clearings in the forest, installed landmarks, topographical markers, and took soil samples.

Why did you choose the profession of geophysicist and not geologist? Besides, you can sing, act, and draw beautifully; could you choose acting?
- We have one goal - to search for mineral deposits, but the search methods are different. The motto of geologists, as the ancients said, is “With a mind and a hammer.” They take samples, drill wells, explode, drill into the ground. But their main tool is a geological hammer. And they cannot look deep underground. Geophysics, thanks to instruments and various methods, allows you to look many kilometers down and tell what is under the surface of the earth. This is achieved thanks to physical properties rocks. This is what got me interested. Although, in principle, geology and geophysics are not far from each other. And the discovery of metal deposits is our mutual merit, so that it’s a sin for me to complain about the profession.

And the fact that I did not become an artist or an artist is also not scary. But the ability to play the button accordion and have fun was useful to me in reconnaissance games. After work you get so tired that you have no strength. And you play something soulful, sing a song and life becomes easier.

Baklakov walked deliberately noisily, in full view. But Zhora did not notice him. Up close, he very much resembled a hermit who had retired from the world. He noticed Baklakov when there were five steps left. Zhora's hand rushed to his belt.

Don't be stupid! - Baklakov shouted.

Zhora stood up, and Baklakov noticed with surprise that Zhora did not have a pistol.

What the hell kind of cowboy are you? - said Baklakov. - I can tie you up as if you were sleepy. Where's the gun?

“In my backpack,” Zhora answered embarrassedly.

Disarmed due to the cancellation of Severstroy? Zhora Apryatin did not answer anything, only with the awkward haste of herds he stuffed the book into his field bag.

On the route? Book? - Baklakov was surprised.

It’s so simple,” Zhora muttered. Baklakov unceremoniously extended his hand. But Zhora did not give the book. He put it on his knees with the title down.

Grandfather sent it. Writes: useful.

Like vitamins? - Baklakov smiled cheerfully.

To improve the soul. I wrote to my grandfather about the chief engineer. It turns out that in Buddhist times he taught them a course in geomorphology. And my grandfather sent me a collection of Gautama’s teachings. He writes that student Chinkov, if he remembers him correctly, cannot bear the nickname Buddha. This is contrary to the truth. - Zhora perked up, took the book and opened it at random. - Just don’t laugh, Seryoga.

“Never in this world does hatred stop with hatred, but the absence of hatred stops it,” Zhora read in a guttural voice.

Sometimes it’s useful to give change,” Baklakov commented.

“Serious people don’t die. Seriousness is the path to immortality. Frivolity is the path to death. Frivolous people are like dead people,” Zhora read, blushing from forced solemnity.

So, by the way, it is. “A strong thought,” Baklakov sighed.

- “A well-spoken word from a person who does not follow it is as fruitless as beautiful flower with a pleasant color, but lacking aroma..."

Don’t talk about lofty goals, but lead by example. Every party leader should know about this...

Have you hit God? - asked Baklakov.

What does God have to do with it?

Well! I'm not Gurin, I'm a simple guy. But it seems like you are explaining religion to me.

For every person there is one religion: don’t be cheap, don’t be cunning, don’t be a fool, work,” answered Zhora.

Do you know: Gurin broke his legs?

In a foppish way. It's stupid and very unfortunate. A?

“Everything is going as it should be,” Zhora said sadly.

Let’s close the shoot,” Baklakov sighed. - I need to hurry to the east. The Vatap River is waiting for me.

“Come on,” Zhora agreed. - Soul is soul, events are events, and work remains work.

A line of fog was creeping from the highlands into the Losinaya Valley. An hour later she covered them, and the sheets of the map, the metal of the hard drive and the stones were immediately covered with drops of moisture.

...A week later, Baklakov went to his party’s base. Everything was repeated, and he felt the usual state of tirelessness. Baklakov was very pleased with the route and the fact that he met Zhora Apryatin. There will be no conflict on the western border of the route. Maybe he will be lucky and meet Semyon Kopkov. “But if there is luck at the beginning of the route, then bad luck will be in the middle or at the end,” thought Baklakov.

Their tent stood in a valley, one edge of which was blue from the color of the lavas that made it, the other green. Sitting on the slope, Baklakov professionally peered at the contours of this funny valley. He saw Kutsenko, Karzubin and Sedoy. They came from the headwaters of the stream. Judging by the loaded backpacks, they also went on a multi-day adventure. They approached the tent, looked into it, and all three began to look at the mountains. Apparently, they expected that Baklakov had already returned. Baklakov sat motionless, and it was impossible to see him against the background of the stone. Kutsenko took off his shoes. With his keen vision, Baklakov saw his square feet. Kutsenko always took off his shoes after the route. Karzubin went to the stream with the kettle, and the noise of a primus stove came from the tent. There was early evening silence, and the sounds came very clearly and distinctly. Baklakov got up and began to run down the slope on light legs.

“We are all doomed people,” he thought as he walked. “We are doomed to our work. Desert fathers and blameless wives, beauties and millionaires - all are doomed to their role. We are doomed to work, and this, an enema without a mechanism, is the best and the highest doom in the world."

Epithalama! The boss is coming,” Valka Karzubin said loudly near the tent.

They still had to, swearing, cursing fate, look for the third food barrel during the July snowfall. Valka Karzubin still had to moan at night from the ache in his hands, unaccustomed to wet work. They still had to get out to the upper reaches of Vatap, Gray Water, and sail along the river for a month, crossing tundra tracts on their routes. They had to go out to the deserted estuary and cross the stormy autumn sea. They had routes to the interior of the coast, had to listen to the whistle of the wind in the sand dunes and had to work in the ruined Nauda Bay, which smelled of hydrogen sulfide. They had to remember the crimson sunsets that filled the sky and the swaying of a lonely broom on the pebble spits. We had to sit at Foggy Cape for a week, trying every day to go around it. Each time a strong wind threw them back, they silently climbed ashore, lit a fire from the driftwood, dried out and again pushed the whaleboat onto the water. And again the wind flooded them and threw them back behind the rocks.

Only the fury of the end of the season gave them strength at this time. They had to remember this summer until the end of their days, because it was reminded of itself by the interruptions of the heart, the night sweat of the body. Maybe this was the last summer according to the old Severstroy method - “do or die”.

...Years have passed since then. Chinkov's prediction came true: they discovered a cluster of gold placers in the Territory with very difficult conditions and rich content. This required luck, personnel and luck again. This required persistence, ruthless, risky calculation of Chinkov. And Kutsenko's scent. And the fear of death before dawn, characteristic of core workers, is common among those who bore the brunt of their first labors. This required the calluses and sweat of hard workers with and without nicknames. Whatever it was, the state received a new source of gold.

The village has long received city status. It is built up with five-story block houses. But still, in winter and summer, it is shaken by dusty southerners, and the round house of the tin discoverers still stands, sandwiched by construction. But soon this house will be demolished, just as Mark Putin’s house was demolished, because the reverent legends of the first times dissolve in the visiting crowd, like good wine dissolves in water - without sediment.

...If there was a force in the world that would return everyone connected with the gold of the Territory, who died on the routes, disappeared in the “bitch corners”, lost on the mainland, went into the prosperous standard of “life like everyone else”,

They would all repeat these years. Not in the name of money, since they knew what money was while working in the Territory, not even in the name of debt, since real debt sits in the essence of a person, and not in verbal formulations, not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of that unknown, in the name of which begins and passes the individual life of a person. Maybe the point is not to show much excitement when meeting, not to say that “we should get on the phone somehow and...” So that you can simply say “remember?” and delve into the sweet heaviness of memories, where rivers, hills, sweat, cold, blood, fatigue, dreams and the holy feeling of necessary work are mixed. So that in a moment of doubt you will be supported by the past years, when you did not cheapen, did not flow thoughtlessly with water along prepared gutters, but knew the roughness and beauty of the real world, lived as a man and a person should live. If you have learned to look for a person not in the smooth opportunist, but in those who try life on their homely skin, if you have resisted the hypnosis of acquisition and safe, cozy truths, if you know with a grin that the world has many faces and one hundred percent virtue has so far been achieved only in legends , if you believe in the raw fury of your work, you will always hear from a distant time the cry of a hard worker nicknamed Kefir: “But we can do it, guys! By God, we can!”

Today is the consequence of yesterday, and the cause of the coming day is created today. So why weren’t you on that tractor sleigh and it wasn’t your face that was burned by the frosty February wind, reader? Where have you been and what have you been doing all these years? Are you satisfied with yourself?..

Escape Rules


If I am not for myself, then who is for me?

But if I am only for myself, why am I?

An ancient question

Have you dreamed of becoming, for example, a traveling photographer?

I dreamed. Wander through the villages with a box of ancient “Photokor” and a loose tripod. In the red corner of the hut, seat disabled war veterans, women with sun-bricked faces and solemnly washed boys. “Attention, I’m filming... one, two, three, thank you.” And, as a result of an art that is close and understandable to the masses, on the walls of the mossy huts that were Batu’s contemporaries, on the walls of the brand new state farm cottages, framed copies of the varnished reality you made are hung. They are colored pink, blue and green.

One popular song There are such lines: “Do good throughout the whole Earth, do good for the benefit of others.” These words serve as a call for us, people living today, to do good deeds not for selfish reasons, but in order to make our lives better. Thus, the author of the song seemed to indicate a common goal for all people. A similar question about what is the common task of humanity is answered in the above fragment by the famous Russian Soviet writer, geologist and geophysicist Oleg Mikhailovich Kuvaev.

The question of what is the common goal of people does not lose and will not lose its relevance over time, but no matter how many philosophers and writers try to shout to us, the main thing remains with us, and this main thing is to hear them and understand them .

It is surprising that O. M. Kuvaev finds an answer to a philosophical question related to eternal questions, in a completely unexpected place (at a festival of the geological department) among the most ordinary people, however, this is precisely what attracts the reader: he sees the same ordinary people, hard workers who, in essence, are no different from him. That is why the reader follows with understanding the thoughts of the “eccentric, pioneer of long-distance routes” Kopkov. To the mouth common man, who clearly has not yet seen a lot in his life (places, people), Kuvaev puts in such difficult thoughts: “But why, I think, has the world been structured in such a way since ancient times that we ourselves hasten the death of our neighbors and our own?”

Kopkov seems to open his eyes to life not only to his colleagues, but also to us, those who first met him, but Kuvaev manages to convey the emotional upsurge of the hero, so that the reader begins to feel a certain solemnity of the moment when Kopkov discovers what the meaning of life is people, and says: “This has higher meaning, this is the general and specific purpose.”

O. M. Kuvaev trusts Kopkov to express his thoughts, and the answer to the question posed is contained in the words: “So, the common task of people and yours, Kopkov, in particular, accelerates this evil. General task ancestors, you and your descendants." Kuvaev sees a single goal for humanity in the fight against evil.

I cannot but agree with Oleg Mikhailovich, since I also believe that we can make the world a better place only when we all begin to resist evil.”

War is evil in its purest manifestation, it enters the house without knocking and takes away dear and dear people, and the war must be ended first. Thus, the outstanding poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko reflected on the essence of war in his poems. His thoughts are expressed most clearly in the poem “Do Russians Want War?” In it, the poet addresses all villains with the fact that, yes, we know how to fight, but war is grief, and no one wants it. Yevtushenko says that our soldiers fought not only for their country, but for all the people of the world, so that they could see peaceful dreams, but the soldiers themselves did not want war. Yevtushenko rejects war, he is for world peace, and his poem “Flowers are better than bullets” is dedicated to this.

But that is evil in war, but what about evil in everyday life? Here only we ourselves are able to cope, because our life is only in our hands. We, people, must live according to conscience, according to honor, we must live in harmony with nature, then we can change life for the better. An example of a hero who lives according to his conscience is the hero of Boris Vasiliev’s work “Don’t Shoot White Swans.” Egor Polushkin – ordinary villager, but it is about him that we can say: “A man of a golden soul.” Egor is kind, honest, if he does a job, he does it skillfully and with love, he loves beauty and nature, and teaches his son to love it. For Yegor, a burned anthill is already a painful grief; he believes that everyone has the right to life, so he approaches the position of forest caretaker with responsibility. Egor is one of many who feel personal responsibility to life itself, but there are even more of those who are conscientious about its benefits, so Egor Polushkin dies, but he raised an honest son who will continue his work, which means that sooner or later “strength the spirit of goodness will overcome meanness and anger.”

In our lives there are many examples of people who do not spare their lives in order for the world to change for the better, they become an example for us, and then, like a thread, we all unite in a single desire to defeat evil. People, the matter is only up to us, it is in our power to overcome vices, in our power to improve the world, we can all together overcome evil if we begin to fight the devastation in our heads, we begin to see the beautiful, we begin to appreciate life itself.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2018-01-30

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