And I love the village! "Rural residents", analysis of Shukshin's story Rural and urban residents in Shukshin's stories.

In such situations, Shukshin's heroes can even commit suicide ("Suraz", "Husband's wife saw off to Paris"). No, they can not stand insults, humiliation, resentment. They offended Sasha Ermolaev (“Resentment”), the “inflexible” aunt-seller was rude. So what? Happens. But the hero of Shukshin will not endure, but will prove, explain, break through the wall of indifference.
However, Shukshin does not idealize his strange, unlucky heroes. Idealization generally contradicts the art of the writer. But in each of them he finds something that is close to himself.
The relationship between the city and the countryside in Shukshin's stories has always been complex and contradictory. The man of the village often responds to the urban "bragging" of civilization with rudeness, defending himself with harshness. But, according to Shukshin, real people are united not by the place of residence, not by the environment, but by the inviolability of the concepts of honor, courage, nobility ...

    Vasily Shukshin is not only a writer, but also an outstanding director, who has many excellent films to his credit. The main theme of his work is the village and its life, the character traits of its inhabitants. He knew about all this firsthand, since he himself was ...

    V. M. Shukshin was the successor of the best traditions of classical Russian literature. He always believed that the main thing in the life of the Russian intelligentsia is the desire to help people. And he wanted to help people find the truth, to preserve true spiritual values. Heroes...

    “Everything surrounding the artist should be the object of his research; to eradicate human vices, one must fully understand their nature; people should know the whole truth, no matter how bitter it may be.” Vasily Shukshin Natives of the Russian hinterland...

    About thirty years ago there was no man who sang of life with all its sounds, colors, smells. This is Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Shukshin made 5 films, released 7 books, played two dozen roles - in general, enough to go down in the history of Russian ...

The village became the cradle from which Shukshin's creative life began, which gave impetus to the development of his amazing creative powers. Memory, thoughts about life led him to the village, here he recognized "the sharpest clashes and conflicts" that prompted broad reflections on the problems of modern society. Shukshin saw the beginning of many historical phenomena and processes in post-war activities. After the war, he moved to the city, like many at that time. The future writer worked as a mechanic in Vladimir, built a foundry in Kaluga,

In such situations, Shukshin's heroes can even commit suicide (“Suraz”, “Husband's wife saw off to Paris”). No, they can not stand insults, humiliation, resentment. They offended Sasha Ermolaev (“Resentment”), the “inflexible” aunt-seller was rude. So what? Happens. But the hero of Shukshin will not endure, but will prove, explain, break through the wall of indifference.
However, Shukshin does not idealize his strange, unlucky heroes. Idealization generally contradicts the art of the writer. But in each of them he finds something that is close to himself.
The relationship between the city and the countryside in Shukshin's stories has always been complex and contradictory. The man of the village often responds to the urban “bragging” of civilization with rudeness, defending himself with harshness. But, according to Shukshin, real people are united not by the place of residence, not by the environment, but by the inviolability of the concepts of honor, courage, nobility.

  1. In Shukshin's stories, the reader finds consonance with many of his thoughts. The stories describe everyday events. Such stories could happen to almost anyone. However, it is in this routine that the deepest meaning lies hidden ....
  2. Anyone who is familiar (from photographs, television shots or portraits) with the face of Vasily Shukshin will surely agree that it is completely different from thousands of other faces, no matter how similar his fate, ...
  3. Oh-oh-oh, will, my will! My free will. Will is a falcon in the sky. Will is a sweet land. Song An original artist and person, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin saw and appreciated individuality in people, ...
  4. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, as an artist, was touched by any manifestations of life, he did not divide what he saw and heard into main and secondary, but believed that everything that exists in a person’s life is important and deserves ...
  5. Everyone who wrote and spoke about the work of Vasily Shukshin could not, without surprise and some feeling of confusion, not say about his almost incredible versatility. After all, Shukshin the cinematographer organically penetrates Shukshin the writer, ...
  6. Shukshin is not interested in any manifestations of characters and not in any ways of depicting them. A detailed and even description of the feelings and actions of the characters is alien to him. His favorite type of depiction is aphorism, bold and...
  7. In Russian literature, the genre of rural prose differs markedly from all other genres. In Russia, from ancient times, the peasantry occupied the main role in history: not by the strength of power (on the contrary, the peasants were the most disenfranchised), ...
  8. Film stories by V. Shukshin organically enter the mainstream of Russian literature, brightly and originally reflecting the general trends of its development: the novelty of the interpretation of an ordinary character, in which the writer discovers essential qualities, analyticity in the image ...
  9. V. M. Shukshin was born on July 25, 1929 in the village of Srostki, Altai Territory, into a peasant family. There he spent his military childhood. From the age of 16 he has been working on his native collective farm, then...
  10. Philosophical questions in the works of Shukshin. Villager in the city. Breakage of consciousness. "Freaks" Shukshin. The work of Vasily Shukshin is known to everyone. Peru of this outstanding person owns more than a hundred stories, two novels, several stories ....
  11. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a famous writer of the end of the last century. He himself came from the people, and therefore he wrote all his works about the people. Shukshin's stories are not even stories, but ...
  12. The work of the writer, film director and actor V. M. Shukshin attracts attention with the sharpness of posing the eternal problem about the meaning of life, about the enduring spiritual values ​​of a person - his moral ideals, honor, duty, conscience. IN...
  13. Interest in the personality and fate of V. Shukshin, the wide recognition of his books and films are due to the close, blood connection between the personal fate of the writer and the fate of his heroes. His art is so intricately intertwined...
  14. On our Earth, man is the highest rational being. I consider it a great honor; but at the same time, the responsibilities of a person are great. Everyone must perfect himself, purify his soul,...
  15. 1. Rural motives in the life and work of Shukshin. 2. The original heroes of Shukshin's prose. 3. Comic and tragic in "village" stories. 4. The earth is a poetically meaningful image of Shukshin's work. Contemporary rustic...
  16. “.He was thirty-nine years old. He worked as a projectionist in the village. He adored detectives and dogs. As a child, I dreamed of being a spy.” Thus ends the story. And only in the end do we find out...
  17. Vasily Shukshin is not only a writer, but also an outstanding director, who has many excellent films to his credit. The main theme of his work is the village and its life, the peculiarities of the character of its inhabitants. Wallpaper...
  18. What does a dream mean in a person's life? Apparently, a lot, because people hold on to their dream very tightly, protect it from the encroachments of others, believing that life will become ordinary without it...

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was born in 1929 in Altai into a peasant family. Military childhood, work on a collective farm, attempts to settle in the city, changing many working professions - all this tempered the character of the future writer and enriched him with invaluable life experience. In 1954, Shukshin entered VGIK, met director I. Pyriev, studied at the workshop of M. Romm and S. Gerasimov, on the same course as Andrei Tarkovsky. He worked as an actor and director, was awarded many awards for his cinematic activities. In parallel with the main work, he began to write stories.

Shukshin became one of the creators of rural prose. The writer published his first work, the story "Two on a Cart", in 1958. Then, during fifteen years of literary activity, he published 125 stories. In the collection of short stories "Villagers", the writer included the cycle "They are from the Katun", in which he spoke with love about his fellow countrymen and his native land.

The writer's works differed from what Belov, Rasputin, Astafiev, Nosov wrote within the framework of rural prose. Shukshin did not admire nature, did not go into long discussions, did not admire the people and village life. His short stories are episodes snatched from life, short scenes where the dramatic is interspersed with the comic.

The heroes of Shukshin's village prose often belong to the well-known literary type of the "little man". The classics of Russian literature - Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky - more than once brought out similar types in their works. The image remained relevant for rural prose. While the characters are typical, Shukshin's heroes are distinguished by an independent view of things, which was alien to Akaky Akakievich Gogol or Pushkin's stationmaster. Men immediately feel insincerity, they are not ready to submit to fictitious city values. Original little people - that's what Shukshin did.

In all his stories, the writer draws two different worlds: a city and a village. At the same time, the values ​​of the first poison the second, violating its integrity. Shukshin writes about the opportunism of the townspeople and spontaneity, an open look at the world of the village peasants.

The protagonist of the story "Freak" is Vasily Knyazev, a thirty-nine-year-old mechanic. Shukshin's manner of beginning his stories is remarkable. There is no introduction as such, the writer immediately brings the reader up to date: “The wife called him - Freak. Sometimes kindly. The weirdo had one feature: something constantly happened to him. The speaking name tells us that the hero is different from other people, his behavior is atypical. Examples and event outline only confirm this fact. At the same time, many episodes of the stories, including the Freak, are autobiographical. Shukshin describes events from his own life, the realities known to him, talks about his native land for the writer. For example, a strange case when Chudik drops money and then cannot pick it up happened to Shukshin himself.

The eccentric is strange for city dwellers, the attitude of his own daughter-in-law towards him borders on hatred. At the same time, the unusual, immediacy of Chudik and people like him, according to Shukshin's deep conviction, makes life more beautiful. The author talks about the talent and beauty of the soul of his weirdo characters. Their actions are not always consistent with our usual patterns of behavior, and their values ​​are amazing. He falls out of the blue, loves dogs, marvels at human malice, and as a child wanted to become a spy.

About the people of the Siberian village the story "Villagers". The plot is simple: the family receives a letter from their son with an invitation to come to visit him in the capital. Grandmother Malanya, grandson of Shurk and neighbor Lizunov represent such a trip as a truly epoch-making event. Innocence, naivety and spontaneity are visible in the characters of the heroes, they are revealed through a dialogue about how to travel and what to take with you on the road. In this story, we can observe the skill of Shukshin in terms of composition. If in "The Freak" it was about an atypical beginning, then here the author gives an open ending, thanks to which the reader himself can complete and think out the plot, give assessments and sum up.

It is easy to see how carefully the writer relates to the construction of literary characters. Images with a relatively small amount of text are deep and psychological. Shukshin writes about the feat of life: even if nothing remarkable happens in it, it is equally difficult to live every new day. material from the site

The material for the film "Such a guy lives" was Shukshin's story "Grinka Malyugin". In it, a young driver performs a feat: he takes a burning truck into the river so that barrels of gasoline do not explode. When a journalist comes to the hospital to see the wounded hero, Grinka is embarrassed by words about heroism, duty, and saving people. The striking modesty of the character borders on holiness.

All of Shukshin's stories are characterized by the manner of speech of the characters and a bright, rich stylistically and artistic style. Various shades of live colloquial speech in Shukshin's works look in contrast to the literary clichés of socialist realism. The stories often contain interjections, exclamations, rhetorical questions, marked vocabulary. As a result, we see natural, emotional, living characters.

The autobiographical nature of many of Shukshin's stories, his knowledge of rural life and problems gave credibility to the troubles that the author writes about. The opposition of the city and the countryside, the outflow of young people from the village, the dying of villages - all these problems are widely covered in Shukshin's stories. He modifies the type of a small person, introduces new features into the concept of the Russian national character, as a result of which he becomes famous.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • depiction of folk life in Shukshin's stories
  • what Shukshin writes about in his stories
  • What did Shukshin's freaks bring to Russian prose?
  • 53. The image of the life of the Russian village and folk character in the works of V.M. Shukshina
  • the image of a little man in the prose of V.N. shukshina

The terms "village prose" and "village writers" are conditional names, but they formed a stable circle of topics that were covered by such talented writers as Viktor Astafyev, Vasily Belov, Viktor Rasputin, Vasily Shukshin. In my works. They gave a picture of the life of the Russian peasantry in the 20th century, reflecting the main events that influenced the fate of the village: the October Revolution, civil war, collectivization, famine, military and post-war hardships, all kinds of experiments on agriculture. With love, the writers created a whole gallery of images of villagers. First of all, these are the wise old women of Astafyev, Shukshin's "freaks", patient simple peasants.



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Depiction of Russian village life in stories

V.M Shukshina.

Developed by teacher: L.A. Loseva

Reviewed and approved at the meeting

cycle commission

and philological disciplines

protocol __________ dated ____________

Chairman of the PCC _______ O.A. Khalezina


Outline of the lesson

Subject: "The image of the life of the Russian village in the stories of Shukshin"

Discipline: literature

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational:give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"village prose"; to acquaint with the biography and work of V.M. Shukshin.

Educational:the formation of a civic-patriotic worldview of students through the study and analysis of works that tell about the life of the Russian village, about the small homeland.

Developing: develop the ability to analyze works of art of a small genre; reveal the universal content of the studied works; argue and formulate your attitude to what you have read.


To acquaint students with the historical features of the "thaw" period;

To acquaint with the concepts of "village" prose, "urban" prose, "village writers"

- analyze the stories of Vasily Shukshin: “Freak”, “Mother’s Heart”, “I Believe”, “Countrymen”, “At the Cemetery” and others.

Equipment: portraits of writers, fragments of the film "Kalina Krasnaya", projector, computer, screen, collections of stories.

Methodological techniques: use of ICT, lecture, analytical conversation.

During the classes:

  1. Teacher's word:As an epigraph to the lesson, I would like to take the words of the Soviet writer Viktor Astafyev, who summed up the “village prose” by writing the following words:“We sang the last cry - about fifteen people there were mourners about the former village. We sang it at the same time. As they say, we cried well, at a decent level, worthy of our history, our village, our peasantry.”

The terms "village prose" and "village writers" are conditional names, but they formed a stable circle of topics that were covered by such talented writers as Viktor Astafyev, Vasily Belov, Viktor Rasputin, Vasily Shukshin. In my works. They gave a picture of the life of the Russian peasantry in the 20th century, reflecting the main events that influenced the fate of the village: the October Revolution, civil war, collectivization, famine, military and post-war hardships, all kinds of experiments on agriculture. With love, the writers created a whole gallery of images of villagers. First of all, these are the wise old women of Astafyev, Shukshin's "freaks", patient simple peasants.

Today we turn to the work of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1927-1974). He himself comes from a peasant family, his homeland is the village of Srostki in Altai. Shukshin managed to see and experience a lot in his life: he served in the Navy, worked as a loader, locksmith, teacher and even a school principal. Then he graduated from the directing department of VGIK. He became known as an outstanding actor, director, screenwriter.

2. Presentation prepared by students about life and work

V.M Shukshina.

3. Viewing an episode from the feature film "Kalina Krasnaya", where the writer plays the main role of Yegor Prokudin.

4. Analytical conversation on this story.

Do you like or dislike the main character and why?

What is the attitude of the villagers towards the former prisoner (parents, Lyuba's brother, daughter-in-law, chairman of the collective farm)?

Why, despite the deceit, did Lyuba fall in love with E. Prokudin?

What does the final scene make you think about?

5. Stage reading and analysis of the story "Mother's Heart" or the story "Vanka Teplyashin". What unites these two stories with the story "Kalina Krasnaya".

6. The word of the teacher.

The heroes of Shukshin's story are village people who encounter the city or townspeople who find themselves in the village. All heroes have different characters and different fates, but they are often united by kindness, sincerity, philanthropy, even some spontaneity. Shukshin's first collection was called “Village Residents” (1963). In a word, they can be called “freaks”, because their actions are often difficult to understand for prudent and practical people. Freaks, like white crows, stand out among those around them with an extraordinary character with an ordinary (ordinary) appearance.

7. Analytical conversation. Analysis of the stories of V. Shukshin according to the plan:

What Shukshin stories have you read?

What "weirdos" do you remember?

What do they think, reflect, what do they strive for?

What are they dreaming about?

Why are "freaks" not like fellow villagers?

What did you like or dislike about the "weirdos"?

What made you think?

8. Analysis of the story "Crank" (1967). WITH stage elements.

The protagonist Vasily Egorych Knyazev, who was 39 years old, received the nickname "freak" from his wife, who sometimes called him so affectionately. But his actions often caused misunderstanding of others, and sometimes even angered, driven to rage.

Homemade, creative work.The hero's monologue about himself.

Presentation by the student who prepared this story.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the story "Sending a telegram"

9. Analysis of the story "Cut off".

The main character is a vain, ignorant, ambitious villager who is constantly trying to prove to himself and his fellow villagers that he is no worse, but smarter than any city. O native, who came to the village. The purpose of his life is to “surpass, cut off”, cheat, humiliate a person in order to rise above him.

Home preparation.Scene from the story "Cut off": a dispute with a scientist who came from the city.

Summary of the lesson: Shukshin's innovation is associated with an appeal to a special type - "freaks", causing rejection by others with their desire to live in accordance with their own ideas about goodness, beauty, justice. A person in Shukshin's stories is often not satisfied with his life, he feels the onset of universal standardization, boring philistine averageness and tries to express his own individuality, usually with somewhat strange actions. Such Shukshin heroes are called "freaks". Sometimes eccentricities are kind and harmless, for example, in the story "Freak", where Vasily Yegorych decorates a baby carriage, and sometimes eccentricities develop into a desire to rise above another person, for example, in the story "Cut off".

Shukshin is looking for sources of wisdom in the ability to feel the beauty of nature, life, in the ability to please people, in spiritual sensitivity, in love for the earth, for one's neighbor.

“Well, work is work, but the man is not made of stone. Yes, if you caress him, he will do three times more. Any animal loves affection, and a person, even more so ... You live and rejoice, but rejoice others.

From the letter of the old woman Kandaurova (story "Letter").


Talking about Shukshin in our time means talking about those life values ​​that all Russian literature nurtured and cherished. V.M. Shukshin is a man with a great Russian soul.

Throughout his work, he does not go beyond the rural theme. Shukshin is close to Russian writers, contemporaries and predecessors, with his heartache for Russia, in which the barbaric devastation of villages is taking place.

Shukshin expressed the popular idea of ​​labor, which is carried out for the sake of life, but not for the sake of wealth. The people who chased the ruble have never been respected by the people. That is why it hurts old Baikalov, the hero of Shukshin's story "Ignakha Has Arrived", that his son, Ignatius, is wasting his heroic strength in the city on empty amusement of the public. The Russian peasant cannot respect such labor. It is bitter for the father that his son is now attached to material goods - an apartment, money ... The rich gifts of his son, who left the village, do not please the old people.

Love for the native land, for its people, loyalty to them to the end - this is what is most important for Shukshin and his heroes. All his life the writer yearned for his homeland, for his native home, for Altai. The native village, the very way of life in it, the simple and warm atmosphere of the parental home, the atmosphere of love, understanding, respect, order and harmony in everything - that's what he recalled in his stories.

With the image of the native land, Shukshin also associated the image of a woman. It is, first of all, a mother. The writer was not inclined to exaggerate or underestimate the national merits of a Russian person. Shukshin wrote only about what he saw and what he got used to from childhood. The writer said that hardly anyone can endure as much as a Russian woman can endure.

The author in his stories describes the fate of the heroes, their lives. So, in the story about the peasant Alyosha Beskonvoyny (“Alyosha Beskonvoyny”), who, in spite of everything, every Saturday heats the bathhouse, there are actually no events. It is all description, disclosure of everyday circumstances. But how much is told in this work about time, and about life, and about the indestructible perseverance of the peasant, and about his spiritual generosity, kindness.

The story "Autumn" is a drama of the ruined lives of three people. In the lines of this story there is a lot of piercing and poignant pain about failed love, the realization of which occurs already after the coffin of the beloved woman, when nothing can be corrected or changed. Now everything has passed, times have changed, but love has remained.

A man in the village, on the ground, doing his usual work, in his usual life, weighed down by worries and hardships - this is a figurative arsenal of Shukshin's stories. The author's constant feeling of sympathy for these quiet and inconspicuous workers, although among them there are not quite meek people, and not quite good characters.

With the advent of the first stories of Shukshin, the concept of "Shukshin's hero" came into use. In the explanation, they talked about "a man in tarpaulin boots", that is, a resident of the rural hinterland, as well as about "freaks" with their various oddities described by the author. The Russian person in the writer's stories is contradictory and unpredictable. This can be seen in the stories "Uncle Yermolai" and "Stepka".

In the story "Styopka", a young guy who had three months left in prison ran away and, without hiding, came home to the village. He knew that they would certainly be caught, that he would spend not three months, but years, but he escaped anyway. Because I missed home. “I am refreshed now. Now you can sit, - Styopka said to the policeman who arrested him. “And then dreams tortured me - every night the village dreams ... It’s good for us in the spring, right?”

It should be noted that Styopka's father's name is Yermolai. In Shukshin, both names and surnames pass from story to story - the Baikalovs, the Knyazevs. This is no coincidence. Shukshin's stories, novellas, screenplays, and films are combined into a novel, into an integral panorama of Russian life, which depicts both rural and urban characters, and here you can find not only different human destinies, but also different times.

The more you read Shukshin's stories, the more you feel that their source is the wounded heart of the writer, his restless conscience. The same restless conscience that became the motivating beginning in the work of many of Shukshin's predecessors and contemporaries: Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Uspensky, Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn, etc. And the Russian people have always attracted the writer precisely with their "great conscientiousness."

V.M. Shukshin lived a short life. But his books, films, the very outstanding personality of the artist remained in the memory of people. Most of Shukshin's stories are unexpected in plot, depict original characters, acute life situations. For this writer, it was important, first of all, to show the beauty of the souls of rural residents, the harmony of social relations formed by the world, the conditions of life on earth.

Analysis of the story by V.M. Shukshin "Crank"

The talent of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is outstanding, standing out from other talents of that era. He is looking for his heroes among the common people. He is attracted by unusual destinies, the characters of extraordinary people, sometimes contradictory in their actions. Such images are always difficult to understand, but at the same time, they are close to every Russian person.

It is this character that Shukshin draws in the story "Freak". The wife calls the protagonist a freak. He is a typical village dweller. This is how the eccentricity, clearly noticeable to others, becomes his main problem and misfortune: “The Freak had one feature: something constantly happened to him. He did not want this, he suffered, but every now and then he got into some stories - small, however, but annoying.

This whole, rather small, in fact, story is a description of Chudik's vacation trip to his brother in the Urals. For the hero, this becomes a big, long-awaited event - after all, they have not seen their brother for 12 years. The first incident happens on the way to the Urals - in a store in a district town where Chudik buys gifts for his nephews, he accidentally notices a fifty-ruble note on the floor: “Such a green fool, lies to herself, no one sees her. The weirdo even trembled with joy, his eyes lit up. In a hurry, so that someone would not get ahead of him, he began to quickly think about how it would be more fun, witty to say this, in line, about a piece of paper. And the hero does not have enough conscience to raise it silently. Yes, and how can he do this, when even “hooligans and sellers did not respect. I was afraid." But, meanwhile, "respected the city people."

The natural honesty, often inherent in all villagers, pushes Chudik to again unsuccessfully joke (he did not know how to joke at all, but he really wanted to). The hero drew the attention of everyone to himself and to be misunderstood - the queue was silent ...

The weirdo put the money on the counter and left. But on the way, he discovers that the "piece of paper" was his. But the hero is embarrassed to return and pick it up, although this money was withdrawn from the book, which means that it has been accumulating for quite a long time. Their loss is a great loss, so much so that they have to return home. The weirdo scolds himself aloud for a long time when he walks down the street, quietly - when he rides the bus. “Yes, why am I like this?” - the hero is perplexed. At home he got hit on the head by his wife with a slotted spoon, withdrew the money again and again went to his brother.

The main character is strange and incomprehensible to the reaction that he causes in almost all the people he meets on his life path. He behaves naturally, the way he thinks, it is necessary to behave. But people are not used to such openness and sincerity, so they look at him as a real weirdo.

Here the Freak is already on the plane. He is a little afraid, because he does not quite trust this miracle of technology. He is trying to talk to a new neighbor, who is more interested in the newspaper. Landing soon, the stewardess asks to fasten your seat belts. Although the neighbor reacted to Chudik with hostility, he nevertheless, carefully touching him, says that it would be worthwhile to buckle up. The self-confident "reader with the newspaper" did not obey, fell down... And he should have thanked the caring Chudik for taking care of a stranger, but instead he yelled at him because he, helping to look for his false teeth, touched it with his hands (what more?). Another would be offended in the place of the hero - such gratitude for the care. And Chudik invites a neighbor to his brother's house to boil, disinfect his jaw: "The reader looked at Chudik in surprise and stopped screaming."

At the airport Chudik writes a telegram to his wife: “Landed. A lilac branch fell on my chest, dear Pear, do not forget me. Vasyatka. The telegraph operator forwards the text to the short “Flew. Basil". And again, Chudik does not understand why he should not write such things to his beloved wife in telegrams.

Chudik knew that he had a brother, that he had nephews, but he could not even think that he also had a daughter-in-law. He also could not have thought that she would dislike him from the very first day of their acquaintance. But the hero is not offended. And, wanting to do a good deed, and such that an inhospitable relative would like it, the next day she paints a baby carriage. And then, pleased with himself, he goes to buy a gift for his nephew.

For this, the daughter-in-law, who did not like the art of a relative, and kicks him out of the house. Neither he himself, nor even his brother Dmitry, understand why Sofya Ivanovna is so angry at ordinary people. Both come to the conclusion that she is "obsessed with her responsible". It seems that this is the lot of all city people. Position, position in society - this is the measure of human dignity, and spiritual qualities - in last place.

And further: “The Crank came home when it was raining steamy. The weirdo got off the bus, took off his new shoes, ran across the warm wet ground - a suitcase in one hand, shoes in the other. He jumped up and sang loudly: Poplars, a, poplars, a ... ".

And only at the very end of the story, Shukshin says that the Chudik's name is Vasily Yegorych Knyazev, that he works as a projectionist in the village, that he loves detectives and dogs, that he dreamed of being a spy as a child. Yes, and it’s not so important ... The important thing is that this hero does what his heart tells him, because it is such a decision that is the only correct and sincere one.

It is worth noting that the heroes are never idealized by Shukshin. It shows the person as he is. The hero is taken from a rural environment, because, according to the author, only a simple person from the outback retained all the positive qualities that were originally given to a person. The village dweller has that sincerity, kindness and naivete, which is so lacking in modern urban people, with characters born of progress and criteria for evaluating a person dictated by a degrading society.

Analysis of the story by V.M. Shukshin "I choose a village for residence"

The story begins with a laconic, but very capacious phrase, which, in fact, consists of the whole life of the protagonist: "Someone Kuzovnikov Nikolai Grigorievich lived quite normally and lived well." We learn about this man that in his youth, back in the thirties, he moved from the village to the city. He lived there all his life, adapting himself to city life.

Nikolai Grigorievich approached the issue of his work with truly rural ingenuity, cunning, resourcefulness. All his life the hero worked as a storekeeper. It cannot be said that he did not steal, but he stole in moderation, he did not take too much. And he justified himself by saying that it was wrong to talk about conscience with a “bare ass”. It is much calmer when you have something behind your soul for a “rainy” day. And then, so much goodness passed through the hands of Nikolai Grigorievich that it never occurred to anyone to call what he took theft. Except, "some brat with a law degree."

And everything in the hero's life was calm and prosperous, but lately, in his old age, he had a strange whim. On Saturdays, when it would be possible to spend the day with his wife, in the evening Kuzovnikov went to the station. There he found a "smoking room" - a place of communication for village peasants who came to the city on their own business. And among them the hero began strange conversations. Allegedly, he chooses a village for his residence - he wants to return to his roots and consults with the peasants where it is better to go.

There have always been a great many advisers. Everyone tried to present their village more advantageously. A discussion of everyday issues of “life and being” in the village began: how much a house costs, what kind of nature is where, how things are with work, and so on.

Gradually, the conversations flowed into a different direction - a discussion of people, urban and rural, began. And it always turned out that the townspeople lost: they were more dishonorable, evil, ill-mannered, boorish. It was in this part of the conversation that Nikolai Grigorievich turned from a listener into an active participant: “After all, why do I want to leave! .. That's why I want something - there is no more patience.” And we understand that the true reason for the hero’s daily campaigns lay precisely in this - he just needed to pour out his soul, to feel another communication, warmer and more sincere, coming from the village peasants.

The author tells us that Kuzovnikov himself behaved wickedly and boorishly at work. But his soul demanded something else: warmth, participation, kindness, good-naturedness. What is so lacking in a city where, in pursuit of a beautiful life, people forget about their souls. But the human essence requires love and warmth. And in the conditions of the city, this need can “result” into such “whims” as Kuzovnikov’s.

It seems to me that his campaigns have turned into a certain meaning of life for the hero - he would have made them, in spite of any prohibitions, secretly. Because there was nothing else, in fact, in the life of Nikolai Grigorievich.

All of Shukshin's work is based on the image of the facets of not only the human character, but also the contrast of rural and urban life. Based on the title of this story, we understand that the writer is on the side of the village. “I choose a village to live in” is not only a process, but also a result. Between the city and the countryside, between the urban and rural worldview, philosophy, man, the author and his hero choose the village as the stronghold of life, the basis, the roots of human existence in general.

Analysis of the story by V.M. Shukshin "Cut off"

How much there is in our country that can be sung in hymns, songs, poems and stories! And many devoted their lives to the glorification of our country, many died for its imperishable, bewitching beauty. So it was during the Great Patriotic War. Many books have been written about beauty and the duty to this beauty - our Motherland ...

But the war passed, and over time, bleeding wounds on the body of our land began to heal. People began to think about other things, tried to live in the future. So stories and poems about love without war, about the life of people on a peaceful land, are gradually returning.

Therefore, at that time, the topic of the village became so relevant and close. Since the time of Lomonosov, the Russian village has sent to the city many savvy, intelligent and active children who take life and art very seriously. Many writers have devoted their best lines to this subject. But I especially like the stories of Vasily Shukshin, who in his works covered not so much the outer side of life in the village, its way of life, but the inner life, the inner world, so to speak, the background.

The writer turned, first of all, to the character of the Russian person, tried to understand why he is like that, and why he lives like that. All the characters in his works are villagers.

Shukshin's stories are filled with genuine humor and, at the same time, sadness, which shines through in every remark of the author. Therefore, sometimes the writer funny tells us a sad story. But, despite this, his work is filled with a healthy, cocky and exciting optimism that cannot but infect the reader. Therefore, Shukshin's work is popular to this day, and I think that it will never fade.

In the work of this writer, the life of the artist himself and the creation of his imagination are so intricately intertwined that it is impossible to make out who appeals to humanity - the writer Shukshin or his hero Vanka Teplyashin. And the point here is not only in the actual coincidences of the stories "Vanka Teplyashin" and "Slander". When the material is taken from living life, such coincidences are not uncommon.

The fact is that behind the episode from the life of the hero and almost to the smallest detail a case from the biography of Shukshin himself, there is one person for whom the truth of life is the main criterion of art.

The originality of Shukshin's work, his amazing artistic world are based, first of all, on the unique personality of the artist himself, who grew up on popular soil and managed to express the whole direction of the life of the people.

Vasily Shukshin began with stories about fellow countrymen, as they say, ingenuous and unsophisticated. But, turning to a close and familiar, he found the unknown there. And his desire to tell about people who are close resulted in a story about the whole nation. This interesting study was included in the collection "Villagers". It became the beginning of not only a creative path, but also a big theme - love for the countryside.

For the writer, the village is not so much a geographical concept as a social and moral one. And therefore the writer argued that there are no "village" problems, but universal ones.

In more detail, I wanted to consider Shukshin's story "Cut off". Its main character is Gleb Kapustin. At first glance, it is simple and clear. In his free time, the hero amused himself by “shorting down”, “cutting off” the village natives, who broke into the city and achieved something there.

Kapustin is a blond-haired man of about forty, "well-read and sarcastic." The village men deliberately take him to visit guests in order to enjoy the fact that he "settles down" the next, supposedly smart, guest. Kapustin himself explained his peculiarity: “Do not bully yourself above the waterline ... otherwise they take on too much ...”

He "cut off" another distinguished guest, a certain candidate of sciences Zhuravlev. This is how their conversation starts. As a warm-up, Gleb throws the candidate a question about the primacy of spirit and matter. Zhuravlev raises his glove:

“As always,” he said with a smile, “Matter is primary…

And the spirit - then. And what?

Is this included in the minimum? - Gleb also smiled

Questions follow, one more outlandish than the other. Gleb understands that Zhuravlev will not retreat, because he cannot be hit in the face in the dirt. But the candidate will not understand in any way why Gleb seems to have "lost the chain." As a result, Kapustin failed to drive the guest into a dead end, but he looked like a winner.

So, the "victory" is on the side of Gleb, the men are happy. But what is his victory? And the fact that the struggle of minds was on an equal footing, although the candidate simply considered Kapustin a fool who did not need to be messed with.

And the moral of this story can be expressed in the words of Kapustin himself: “You can write “people” hundreds of times in all articles, but knowledge will not increase from this. So when you are already leaving for this very people, then be a little more collected. Get ready, right? And it's easy to be fooled."

This is what it is, Shukshin's village. Smart and cocky, but at the same time, serious and thoughtful. And this feature of the villagers was able to emphasize and elevate the Russian writer Vasily Shukshin.