How to meet a girl on the Internet? Some tricks and tricks when meeting a girl What to do to start a relationship with a girl.

To better understand the behavior of girls, it is useful to know the basics of female psychology, certain features that are unknown to the majority of the male population.

First of all, you must understand that for girls in relations with the opposite sex, everything is an order of magnitude easier than for us. Remember that completely lonely girls do not exist in nature. Perhaps you would be happy to meet a girl who no one is interested in, but who would like to find a guy, but there are simply no such people, just like there is no dry water or cold fire. Here the saying is appropriate: "A holy place is never empty." Why? - you ask.

On the one hand, any girl, even not very beautiful, is always looked after by guys, they try to start a relationship with her, to achieve her, in other words, they look after her. For the beautiful - even more so. You may want to argue with me, wanting to prove that you know girls who have no suitors, who are completely alone and nobody needs them, but it’s completely in vain. They have candidates, you just don't know about it. Most of these loners keep these gentlemen at some distance from themselves, but do not drive them away openly. Perhaps they do not respond to courtship, or they do not respond fully enough for it to turn into regular meetings, or they maintain a certain distance, allowing the guy to get closer to her up to a certain limit, but when he goes too far, she stops him, or another option. But, one way or another, for any girl, even beautiful, though not very, there is always a demand, especially in our time, when, due to a decrease in the birth rate in the late 80s and early 90s and taking into account the fact that most often in pairs, the partner is older than the partner, there is a shortage of girls. And if you ask those guys if they consider her their girlfriend, you will hear answers that they either do or don’t think yet, but expect to achieve it in the near future. And if you ask a girl who these guys are for her, she will answer that they are either just friends, or acquaintances, or maybe even no one at all. Marvelous. But we looked at the situation from the male side.

The fact is that any normal girl has an intuitive desire to always have someone. She simply cannot be aware of being alone, it is excruciatingly painful for her, therefore she always needs someone, and such, as a rule, is found very quickly. It is not at all necessary that there is a serious relationship, because the girl just wants to realize that she is not alone.

Consider the softest option. For some girls, even the fact that they liked some young man is enough. The guy may not know about it, meet with another, but the girl will still think about him, she will love him, as it were, while satisfying her intuitive desire to have someone. She has a boyfriend, even in her thoughts, in her dreams, even though he does not know that she "loves" him, but she is no longer alone. What do you think such a girl would say to her very close friend if she asked if she had a boyfriend? She will probably say yes, but they are not dating yet, or she will say that she does not, but there is a very good boy whom she loves and wants to have a relationship with in the near future. If the same question is asked to her simply by a friend - not a close one - or someone else, of a lower rank (for example, a friend or acquaintance), then she will naturally say that she does not have any boyfriend and she is completely free. Now you understand what's the catch? After all, too often girls told you that they were lonely!

Let's consider a tougher option. The girl was abandoned by the guy. As soon as she recovers from her experiences, she immediately begins to look for a replacement for him and finds her pretty quickly. Someone - the next day, someone - after a few, but most often - almost instantly. The fact is that not a single girl suffers from a lack of male attention. In addition to a boyfriend, she has from a couple to a hundred friends, and as soon as she is abandoned, her attention immediately switches to one of them. In addition, often even a "not free" girl has many suitors who are just waiting for the moment when she is "freed". If she really wants a relationship, then she is unlikely to wait long, and a new guy will appear with her relatively quickly. Moreover, not "like a guy", but a real one, that is, they will meet, communicate, maybe even have sex.

Just as a flower cannot live without water, so a girl cannot be alone. We can say that there are no absolutely lonely girls.
You ask, what should a lonely guy do, because it turns out that he has no chance of finding a girl, since everyone is "busy" ?! It's not all bad, comrades. Another feature of female psychology is the presence of a comparison mechanism. Any guy who tries to get used to her, she compares with her "like a guy" according to criteria that are significant to her, and if she finds that the new candidate is better, then he becomes her new "like a guy", and if you're lucky, then real. So, if you surpass whoever she considers the best, then you are lucky.

You may not know, but the vast majority of girls are tired of attacks on their person. They are constantly, in any place and at any time trying to get to know them, they are always and everywhere trying to start a conversation on any occasion, they smile endlessly, say compliments, show various signs of attention, and the girls are so tired of this that they already stop thanking their friends. well-wishers, and even, on the contrary, pray that they lag behind them. They are more likely to punch you in the face, shouting, "Get the fuck off me!!!" - than they will sincerely thank you for your sincere compliment, since such are showered on them, as from a cornucopia. But this is only half the trouble. The problem is that almost all signs of attention are exactly the same. They hear hundreds of times a day that she is beautiful, sexy, well-dressed, fashionable, has a sense of humor, smart, interesting, that a mole on her left shoulder really suits her, and so on. Imagine what a torment it is - every day from different guys dozens of times to hear the same thing! Girls simply do not have time to reject candidates, and often already do it automatically, as they are used to the fact that ninety-nine out of a hundred young people behave in exactly the same way.

Maybe you don’t understand why, if girls and guys are about the same, less than two people rarely apply for one girl? Let's explain. Everyone knows that men are more active and proactive than women, especially when it comes to relationships. In our culture, it is considered more normal when a man initiates an acquaintance, shows more initiative in the process of communication than a woman, takes her to the cinema, restaurants, somewhere else, calls first, he offers her to marry him, and not she to marry him on it and so on. Due to the fact that the male sex is more active, guys often do not limit themselves to dating one girl, but recruit several beauties at once, following the principle "don't put all your eggs in one basket." If it doesn't work with one, you can try with another. If nothing comes of it, there is a third. Often guys do not hesitate to develop relationships with several girls at the same time. But it is obvious that there would be enough girls for everyone only if everyone chose one, but in the conditions of such competition, a significant part of the male population remains single. We can see the same thing in the wild. In the population of any animal, only a small percentage of males (say, ten or thirty) fertilize all females, and all the rest, often more than half, die virgins. In this respect, humanity has not gone far from its smaller brothers. If polygamy were also legalized, then there would be many more bachelors.

I believe that this knowledge will be enough for you to, relying on them, understand why men so often fail on the love front.

I'll start by answering the question "Where is the best meet"?". It would be wrong to get to know each other constantly in one place where beautiful girls can live. You can get acquainted anywhere: in a park, in a bar, in public transport, in supermarkets, in nightclubs, etc.

You probably more than once had a chance to meet a stunning beauty in your life, at the sight of which the surrounding men salivated and the lower jaw drooped, which, in principle, happened to you, and no one dared to approach to meet a girl. Because most men are afraid of beautiful girls. The same majority are looking for a bunch of excuses just not to get to know each other, consoling themselves with the thought: “She is too beautiful, which means she is very fastidious. become". Such men are accustomed to go with the flow. They hope that fate itself will provide them with a convenient opportunity to meet a worthy and beautiful girl. But this article is not for inert guys, and the advice given in it will not help them learn how to meet girls.

If you ask a friend seducer women's hearts "how to meet a girl?", most likely, he will not answer sincerely. In response, you will hear only superficial, if not significant aspects of this issue. First, why does he need competitors? Secondly, probably he, too, at one time, was answered the same way, and then he himself had to delve into all the subtleties of seducing women. So decide: how important is it for you to learn how to meet girls? At the same time, you must understand that if you limit yourself only to your social circle (acquaintances, classmates, fellow students, employees), you deprive yourself of any alternatives regarding meeting new girls. As a result, you can only start a relationship with a more or less pretty girl you already know from the above social circles, or she herself will impose these relationships on you, which will quickly get bored. It remains only to endure and wait for the next candidate to appear on the horizon. Being in an uncertain state of expectation, you suddenly meet the girl of your dreams and, literally, fall at her feet, praising her to the skies. By doing this, you unconsciously, from the very beginning, label yourself as "needy" and, naturally, you cannot control the course of events that affect the development of relations with the girl you like. Therefore, you will no longer be a leader in a relationship.

The sad thing is that many men suits this way of tying relationships: it’s easier, because so far there is no other option. It is a completely different matter when a guy knows how to get to know a girl correctly, constantly practices, gains his invaluable experience in communicating and seducing women. From this, confidence grows stronger in front of beautiful girls. Women are very greedy for self-confident men. Self-confidence is a very important quality of a real man.

No need to wait on fate present- when she deigns to accidentally introduce you to the girl of her dreams. It's time to act. If you are reading this article, then this is already a sign of fate, calling you to take decisive action and learn how to get to know girls as soon as possible.

So, that's far incomplete a list of, nevertheless, very important recommendations that will help you effectively seduce the most beautiful women:
- Always remember that meet girls can be everywhere. Another thing is important: not where, but how to get acquainted.
- During communication with the fair sex, as often as possible try to use humor where it is appropriate. Humor disarms women. Having made the girl laugh, it will be easy for you to enter into her confidence.

At acquaintance with a beautiful girl, never be afraid to be rejected. Pacify your pride, and do not look for excuses for your own refusal to meet a girl. The fear of beautiful women is present in all men, but only a few are able to overcome it.
- Whatever beautiful was not a girl, she is the same person as you. Having spoken to her in order to get to know her, conduct a conversation as if you were communicating with your friend or sister. But first, tune in to a positive wave.

Always suppose the possibility of an unsuccessful approach to the girl, while believing and hoping for a successful acquaintance. Don't take another failure to heart. Any failure brings a considerable share in the acquisition of experience in communicating with women. The main thing is to draw appropriate objective conclusions, on the basis of which to build new models of behavior and communication with women. Remember, the reasons for refusal can be different, not related to you in any way: menstruation (PMS - postmenstrual syndrome), a quarrel with parents or a girlfriend, etc. Never be rude to a girl, even if she responded with rudeness to your attempt to get to know her. Always leave with dignity and in a positive way.
- Doesn't matter, met whether you are just or already talking with a girl on a first date - talk about yourself as little as possible, dodge her tricky questions about your former passions. In other words, keep your mystery. As soon as the girl receives exhaustive answers to questions regarding your person, she will quickly lose interest in you. Women love riddles.

During communication with a girl, try to often address her by name. So you will quickly locate the lady to yourself.
- Do not tactfully ask or imply a question about her age.

If you are decided meet a girl, but your friend is next to you, first think of a reason why you urgently need to leave his company so that no one bothers you when you meet a girl. If the girl you like is in the circle of her friends, then you can use a friend as a distraction: approach a friend and get to know a group of girls, and in the future he will have to distract her friends, thereby giving you the opportunity to talk alone.
- Girls h sensitive to falsehood and lies - if you don’t know how to lie, then don’t try. You tell her a compliment, speak sincerely, do not be false.

Don't mumble when communicate with women - speak articulately. If you have problems with diction - practice at your leisure. Do not shift from foot to foot - this is also an indicator of uncertainty. Also, do not frighten off the "birdie" with excessive gestures.

First impression develops in appearance, according to the first words, the girl makes further conclusions about the guy according to his upbringing, etiquette and attitude towards her. But first things first.


It is known that any person adds up his first impression of another person in just a few seconds. Perhaps, it is possible to obtain information in such a short period of time only from visual and auditory signals.

Therefore, the appearance and manner of speech are very important criteria for success with women at the initial stage. The appearance of these two parameters is more primary and should be thought about first.

Most of the appearance of a man is his clothes, and in general, girls very carefully study what a guy who wants to meet is wearing. Tastes and preferences may be different, but there are universal canons, following which a man will like most women.

Need to pay attention to a few particulars:

  1. Type of teeth. There is no need to strive for an exaggerated ideal, but the teeth should be in order - even, everything is in place, without stuck pieces of food, without dark plaque.
  2. Type of nails. Everything is quite simple here - the nails should be neatly trimmed, not resembling stumps.
  3. Hair and body hair. The rule here is approximately the same - accuracy, normal hair length. A very important point is the hairstyle. Before choosing a particular haircut style, you should discuss this point with the hairdresser.
  4. Figure. Inflated athletes look at us from the pages of posters, hinting at the ideal of male beauty. In life, everything is somewhat simpler. It is necessary to eliminate the fat hanging from the abdomen, hips and buttocks, if any, to work quite a bit on the relief of your body and a pleasant picture for fastidious female eyes will be provided.
  5. Shoes. Whatever the shoes, cleanliness will always remain parameter No. 1 for it. Keeping your shoes clean is a must, make it your daily routine, akin to brushing your teeth. Women always pay attention to shoes, even if it is not obvious.
  6. Socks. Nothing pretentious - no patterns, plain, not too low and not too high.
  7. Pants or jeans. First of all, trousers should be ironed, neat and clean. In all other respects, you can trust your own taste, but there are several rules in choosing trousers that are common to all elegant men:
  • normal length (up to the heels of the shoes);
  • without ornament (cell, stripes, and so on);
  • not too narrow and not too wide;
  • predominantly in classic style or casual style.
  • Belt. The choice of a belt in the first place should be determined by the choice of shoes. The colors of these things must match. In addition, it is very important to achieve a combination of the color of the belt and the color of the trousers. The optimal length of the belt can be calculated as follows - it must be fastened to the third hole. Huge buckles with labels inscriptions are bad manners, which must be abandoned.
  • Sweater, shirt or t-shirt. The choice of this detail depends on the situation, but by definition everything should be clean and tidy. Huge branded inscriptions do not decorate a man too much, betraying his banality and vulgarity.
  • Refusal of fakes. You don't have to pretend - you have to be. High-quality clothes of an average company always look better than a fake for an expensive thing. If it is not possible to purchase fashion flagship items, it is better to refuse them. A fake can be calculated and this will have a very bad effect on the reputation and overall impression of a man.
  • Blazer. This thing also should not look pretentious, pockets should not be protruding and stuffed to the top with little things. The bottom button should always be left open.
  • Accessories. Headwear, scarves, gloves, ties - all this must be chosen taking into account the style of the main clothing, since accessories perform the function of complementing the image.
  • Decorations. Most jewelry does not make a man more beautiful. Earrings in the ears, piercings and bracelets look pretty ridiculous. The best decoration is a watch. They should not be plastic and too massive.
  • perfume. The choice of perfume is a strictly individual task. No need to be influenced by advertising, agitation of fashion sites and take the most popular. The task of perfume is to make a man unique, so it is better to choose what you like.
  • Video on how to meet a girl, advice from girls.

    How to impress a girl on the street?

    Street dating is not only the most exciting, but also the most effective. The street offers a huge selection of girls - a real man has a place to turn around here.

    However, in order to impress a lady on the street, you need to know the specifics of such acquaintances. In order not to make unforced errors, it is very important to follow certain rules.

    ? Psychologist's advice:

    • pay attention to the mood, it should not be bad, and the girl should not look gloomy;
    • make an appropriate compliment, you do not need to praise the girl for the missing qualities, you should only notice what the girl is really remarkable for;
    • do not rush with your proposal, you need to give the girl the opportunity to see and become interested in herself;
    • try to keep the conversation going if the girl reacted to the compliment;
    • simulate a situation for acquaintance, namely, involve in your problem (send SMS, brush off your back, etc.).

    Rules of male etiquette

    In order to make a lasting impression on a girl, it is very important to be well-mannered and know at least a few rules of etiquette. Good breeding is a rare masculine quality in the modern world, and this makes it very valuable.

    Basic rules of male etiquette in communication with a lady look like this:

    1. Greeting with a nod of the head. It is impossible to ignore the nods of other people, even strangers.
    2. No need to use a lot of appliances at lunch in a cafe or restaurant. You should limit yourself to traditional forks and spoons.
    3. It is forgivable for women to be late for a meeting for about 15 minutes, you need to take it calmly.
    4. Accompany the lady should be on your right hand. The top courtesy will be an offer to take one's hand, bent at the elbow.
    5. You always need to let the girl go ahead, opening the door to the room for her.
    6. Before you sit down at the table, you need to move the chair for the lady, and then sit down opposite her. If a man’s companion wants to leave for a while, you should always get up from the table with her.
    7. You can not rest your elbows on the surface of the table if it is not a bar counter.
    8. You should smoke only with the permission of the lady.
    9. You need to use colognes regularly with a subtle smell of perfume.
    10. It is an absolute taboo to leave a girl alone at a party and join friends.
    11. It is customary to give traditional roses only to beloved women.
    12. You should always give a hand to a girl at the exit of public transport.

    A gallant and well-mannered man is able to conquer any woman, but very it is important not to overdo it with manners Don't be obsessed with them. You can start with a few rules and gradually bring the knowledge of etiquette to automatism.

    What should I do if I can't meet a girl? Psychologist's advice for dating in different places:

    1. Activities within the social circle of a man. Parties, Holidays organized by friends often bring together a lot of new, unfamiliar girls. There is no need to invent anything here, since a girl at such meetings will already subconsciously consider men “her acquaintances” and will gladly make contact.
    2. Work or study. Communication methods are also very simple - colleagues or classmates will easily find a common topic and develop the conversation into something more.
    3. Dance and sports schools. Here there is an opportunity to get to know each other during a joint activity - a dance or a sports exercise.
    4. Trainings and seminars. In such places, girls are quite inclined to get acquainted, as they want to quickly find new connections among people with similar interests.
    5. Night clubs. In many ways, the goals of women and men in these places are the same. The girls come to have a rest, they are in a great mood and are disposed to communicate.

    1. A girl wants dating no less than a man, and a gallant and unexpected approach will cause her genuine delight. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted even when there is no readiness, mood or nothing to say. The very fact of the manifestation of male courage is able to conquer a woman's heart.
    2. You can use a non-trivial phrase - "And my friend and I argued ..." or "What do you think ..." and others.
    3. There should be no restrictions on the place of acquaintances. This must be done everywhere - in a cafe, on the street, in a shopping center, trolleybus, queues.
    4. You should not retreat immediately if the girl did not respond to the offer with consent the first time. Perhaps she is just flirting and expecting original moves from a man. For example, if there is a refusal to meet on the street, you can catch on to this and invite the girl to meet in a cafe.
    5. Never miss girls. In the case of an approach, the chances of a man are at least 50%, in the case of missing a girl - definitely 0%.

    The desire to meet women is a natural and most beautiful feature of male nature. However, the social behavior of men is filled with fears, self-doubt and leads to the rejection of personal happiness next to the woman of their dreams.

    Another video with tips for dating girls.

    You can talk for a long time about ways out of the state of grogs, build dozens of theories and hypotheses. This is all quite useful, but a man must take out one most important thought from the knowledge base - only he can make his life better through practice and daily development.

    Young guys often find it difficult to approach a girl, to interest her. With low self-esteem and a small vocabulary, it will probably turn out a little, because girls prefer interesting and active people with whom there is something to talk about, who can be of interest not only for their irresistible sports appearance. The question of how to communicate with girls is very relevant for many boys.

    What to do to start a relationship with a girl

    How to combine the desire to meet a girl with your embarrassment in front of her? Do not be shy and be unsure of yourself, that's the most important thing. If, nevertheless, embarrassment is present, then any interesting reason will do, which would help divert the girl's attention from her own person. You can concentrate her attention on a book, for example, on a phone, on other things. If there is no way to focus on any of the subjects, eternal topics are quite suitable: literature, sports, music, study or work.

    However, we must not forget that a conversation is not an interrogation at all, it should be as relaxed as possible.

    Here is a small list of questions that one way or another can be raised:

    • Do you like music? What styles? From what?
    • What kind of literature do you prefer? Do you have a favorite hero?
    • Do you watch sports? Do you like team games? Are you a cheerleader?
    • Are there any favorite places? How often do you go there?
    • How do you feel about animals? Cats or dogs, or maybe fish?

    To start a relationship with a girl, you should try to be interesting for her, and therefore, it would be nice to find questions that may relate to her hobby. The conversation should be drawn out, and therefore be figurative and laid-back. Unbeknownst to the girl, you can switch to her dreams. It will be amusing for her to tell, if not about the secret, but about some of them. After all, not every day and not every person who met her can be interested in them, dreams. You can avoid awkward pauses by moving from one topic to another.

    To continue a relationship with a girl, you need not only to feel confident, but also to demonstrate this confidence, but not at all with bravado or clowning, but with the ability to maintain a lively interest in yourself. A good sense of humor, backed up by competent speech and interesting conversations on various topics, will not hurt, because the lack of these skills will not be blocked by cool clothes or prestigious devices that a young man may have.

    Psychology of communication with a girl

    Men are aware of the fact that there are certain rules regarding relationships with the opposite sex, which are very desirable to follow, these are:

    • positive behavior, because positive emotions exclusively attract normal people;
    • do not complain about your problems with work, friends, management;
    • you should not run after the girl, because women quickly cool off towards the one who has already been conquered by them;
    • you should not limit yourself to communicating with only one chosen one, because many contacts can teach much more, and healthy competition will not hurt, it will be interesting for the girl herself to compete for the location of someone who is self-confident, but not to self-confidence, assertive, but not to obscene ;
    • do not avoid presenting, albeit small, but gifts, flowers;
    • compliments also do not hurt, especially if they do not reach the level of vulgar flattery;
    • it is important not only to speak yourself, but also to be able to listen, and, most importantly, to hear. You should never refuse questions that could enable the interlocutor to speak;
    • you should communicate actively, sincerely showing your joy from meetings, you should not delay dates so much that despondency and boredom appear;
    • all-round development with the expansion of horizons, reading books and the ability to share them in the most unexpected form, will always do a good service;
    • you need to understand your goals from communicating with a girl: friendship or exclusively intimacy. A long-term relationship with a high probability turns a boy and a girl into friends.

    What does a guy pay attention to before starting to communicate with a girl? Naturally, on her appearance, and if her appearance did not attract the young man, then he will simply pass by without even honoring the girl with a look. If, on the contrary, the appearance of the young lady turned out to be attractive, the guy can talk to her, showing easy flirting and his interest.

    Detachment and lack of interest in the conversation is unlikely to continue, but the mutual interest shown may well turn into a closer relationship. You should not press hard, but you can take an interest in the girl's life, her interests, and immediate plans.

    A sure sign to spoil a possible relationship, especially if there are prospects for the future, is to start with deceit, even if it is easy, with exaggeration. The psychology of communication with a girl implies that when talking with her, accents will be correctly placed, and not only verbal, but also non-verbal, because gestures, postures, facial expressions, especially gaze, play a significant role in communication.

    The acquaintance that has taken place requires continuation, and this is the first date. It's good to remember some of its rules:

    There is no need to build abstruse phrases, it is best to build your speech from simple, naturally pronounced sentences. What you should not do is to discuss any other women, because this may adversely affect mutual understanding.

    Dating a girl on the Internet

    Modernity presents many additional opportunities, one of them is a virtual acquaintance with a girl on the Internet with the potential to transfer it to reality.

    To get acquainted, it is necessary, just as in real life, to make some efforts. After all, who might be interested in platitudes like: “How are you? What are you doing?" Before applying, it’s a good idea to look at the statuses of a future Internet passion, because they can tell a lot about it, making it easier to find points of mutual common ground.

    You should not rush to send any free "gifts" and winks, most often they are only annoying. It is necessary to set clear goals for virtual dating, whether there are plans to transfer it to the real world. In the case when one of the girls who attracted attention did not answer, do not despair, because the world is large and many-sided, there will definitely be one in it that will respond and be interesting.

    If the correspondence turns out to be interesting and there is a desire to continue in real life, then it is not advisable to delay this moment for a long time. Most often, correspondence that has exceeded a two-month milestone rarely continues in real life also due to the fact that over such a long period, a certain perception of a person is most often formed, which may not coincide with reality at all and deeply disappoint upon meeting.

    That is, it is not at all necessary that a wonderful virtual communication can develop into something more serious. Real life is still much more complex and multifaceted than life on the Internet.

    A lot of guys get in trouble just because they have no idea there is such a thing as psychology of communication with a girl. If a young person has certain problems with speech, and sentences that consist of more than three words are not easy for him, then his chances tend to be zero. He will not be able to invite you on a date, or even get to know each other. The girl will instantly get bored in the company of such a prince. Even if you are well dressed and have an attractive appearance, learn how to carry on a conversation. Below we will try to clearly explain all the essence of the psychology of communication with girls.

    1. It is important to be able to establish contact

    Connection - this is the most important of the moments, it depends on how close you are. This is the link between you, it should seem to the girl that you know each other for more than a day. After the communication has already begun, you need to make sure that it does not suddenly stop. One of the old proven ways is flirting, since the basis of the psychology of communicating with a girl is emotions. What is the difference between flirting and simple conversation? Flirting - communication is more intimate, and humor, within reason, will not hurt here. Gently, unobtrusively weave compliments into your speech. She should feel that you are showing interest in her, but this should be done in a veiled way. Be sure to let her know that you are not interested in friendships, that you need her as a woman. If she understood everything correctly and agrees, then the girl will always find a way to let you understand this. On a date, you don’t just need to talk about something, you need to show signs of attention to the girl all the time.

    2. Learn to find key points correctly!

    It is important to find the right clue. Select an important phrase from everything she said and, starting from it, build a further conversation. Be sure to listen to everything she says and think over the further conversation. When talking with a girl, be sure to use the information that you received from her. She will definitely notice this and make sure that you are listening to her, this is important for her. After all, she wants you to perceive her as a person, and not just as a sexual object. Be sure to tell her about yourself so that she understands that you are establishing a deeper connection. There must be a strong emotional connection between you. Women appreciate receptive and interesting interlocutors.

    Another important point in the psychology of communication with a girl. Be sure to add your leads so that the girl has the opportunity to continue the conversation herself. Well, for example, tell about something without going into details so that she can ask.

    3. Having interesting topics to talk about

    This moment is important. If you see that a girl is bored and only pretends to listen, then you need to urgently pick up new topic of conversation. When a girl is not interested in you, you will immediately understand this. She will stop looking at you, start looking at the walls, passers-by, poking around in the phone, looking at the clock. If at least one sign appears, do something right away, otherwise you will suffer a complete fiasco.

    4. Prepare some interesting questions!

    If something is wrong with the conversation, then you are not interested in her. After all, you are the leader in maintaining the conversation. We urgently need to change something. You should always have a few interesting questions in reserve that you can ask a girl, regardless of the general topic of conversation.

    5. Collect information!

    Try to find out as much as possible about her in order to understand what your new passion is like. You should know what she is fond of, what she strives for, how she lives in general.

    6. Do not try to lie!

    If there is no desire to talk about something, it is better to say so or change the subject. Even if you are a master at lying, this lie can then play a cruel joke on you. Especially if you're hoping for a long-term relationship.

    7. Learn to listen!

    Do not try to interrupt her, you must listen carefully to everything she says. Girls always feel subtly when you listen to them, and when you just pretend.

    Well, that's basically all that can be said on this topic. These are the basics of the psychology of relationships with girls. If you manage to put all this into practice, then there should not be any special problems in communication.

    What to talk about with a girl? - video