February 14 mentally ill. How do Germans celebrate Valentine's Day?

It's no secret that on February 14 in Germany, in addition to the world Valentine's Day, they also celebrate the day of the mentally ill people. The Germans, as representatives of one of the most punctual and scrupulous nations in the world, seriously believe that such a feeling as love is a form of serious mental illness.

Saint Valentine for them as a direct patron of mentally ill patients in psychiatric hospitals. In Germany, it is customary to decorate the buildings of such medical institutions with red ribbons, and special services are held in churches and temples for their souls. If on Valentine's Day somewhere in the vastness of Germany you find a building decorated in such a manner in front of you, you can be sure - this is a psychiatric hospital.

To be honest, perhaps this is fiction, since there are practically no authentic facts about this. But what any German knows is that before World War II, the country did not celebrate St. Valentine's Day at all. As they say, in those days this tradition was brought from America either by the British, or by the Germans themselves, but the gifts in the form of the notorious Valentines were taught to everyone by the Americans. Perhaps they were so fascinated by the beauty of German women, which made them melt and cut hearts out of paper, but it was the Yankees who rooted this tradition in Germany. Well, globalization, marketing and the media have done the rest.

The Germans and the celebration of Valentine's Day is a completely predictable concept, and is celebrated in the same way as everywhere else. Surprises, confessions, mountains of flowers and plush toys for your loved ones. Shops, restaurants, cafes and other places of mass congestion of people dedicate promotions, discounts, sales and much more to this day. Television, radio, newspapers and magazines do not lag behind in this. So on February 14, to everyone's surprise, the above-described Germany is in love and romantic as never before. There is another interesting fact: on February 14, 2010, thousands of German couples staged a so-called flash mob. They went out at a certain time at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and began to kiss, thereby arranging a “mass kiss”

Mass kiss in Germany

What is certainly not different in Germany is the tradition of hanging locks with the names of lovers on railings, bridges, crossings and fences. There are many such “permanently locked” bridges.

But it is considered surprising for residents of other countries that in Germany on Valentine's Day it is customary to give a pig made of porcelain, glass or chocolate as a sign of good luck and a wish of love. Also the Germans there is a tradition to give gingerbread with a wish in the form of a heart. The words are different, but mostly something like "You are my sweetness", "I love you very much." In general, these gingerbread cookies are mostly a gift for Christmas, but Valentine's Day is also a holy holiday, only with slightly different beliefs.

Traditional German hearts for Valentine's Day

In general, Valentine's Day in Germany is practically no different, for example, from the same Latvia or Belgium. You just need to get used to their colors a little, and then their holiday will no longer seem so strange, and psychiatric hospitals will no longer shock with their decorations. Each country has its own laws and stereotypes.

DIY valentine:

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A bit of history

Valentine's Day is named after two of the many early Christian martyrs named Valentine. In some dioceses of the Catholic Church, the memory of St. Valentine is celebrated on this day. The history of Valentine's Day dates back to the Lupercalia of Ancient Rome. Lupercalia is a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata and the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of flocks, which was celebrated annually on February 14th. In ancient times, infant mortality was very high, In 276 BC. e. Rome almost died out as a result of an "epidemic" of stillbirths and miscarriages. The oracle informed that in order to increase the birth rate, a rite of corporal punishment (flogging) of women with the help of sacrificial skin is necessary. After the feast, young people took whips made from the skins of sacrificial animals and went out into the city to flog women. These festivities became so popular that even when many other pagan holidays were canceled with the advent of Christianity, this one still existed for a long time.

In 494 a.d. e. Pope Gelasius I attempted to ban the Lupercalia. The holiday, which came to replace the Lupercalia, was assigned a heavenly patron - St. Valentine, whom in 269 AD. e. Roman emperor Claudius II ordered to be killed for his preaching work among young people. He was executed on 14 February. He was later canonized by the church.

Valentines - love messages - are also directly related to St. Valentine: according to legend, the cruel Roman emperor Claudius II decided that a single man - without a family, wife and obligations, fights better for his homeland, and forbade men to marry, and women and girls - to go out marry the men you love. And St. Valentine sympathized with unfortunate lovers and secretly consecrated the marriages of loving men and women. This soon became known, and Valentine was thrown into prison, where he met the warden's beautiful daughter, Julia. Before his death, a priest in love wrote a declaration of love to his beloved girl - a Valentine's card.

In the world

For the Germans, February 14 is primarily the Day of all crazy people, because St. Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill. On this day, special services are held in German chapels with prayers for the repose of Valentine's soul and for the health of patients with mental disabilities. Orderlies and doctors on this day decorate hospitals with scarlet ribbons and small images of angels.

In Japan, this holiday became widespread in the post-war period, when European trends began to influence the culture of life. The main gift is chocolate, but not the stronger sex makes such gifts, but vice versa.

In the United States, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated later than in Europe - since 1777. In the 50s of the XX century, sweets began to be packed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes. Also, a week before the holiday, American schoolchildren cut hearts out of papier-mâché, paint and make various inscriptions. These hearts are given to lonely, unfortunate and sick people, reports qwester.ru.

In Israel, this holiday does not take on such a scale as in Catholic countries, but in recent years, parties and romantic evenings have been held in Israeli restaurants, especially in Tel Aviv, on Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, red is recommended for ladies, and men should not forget to give their girlfriends scarlet flowers and chocolates. Interestingly, Israel and the Palestinian Authority supply more red flowers to Europe on Valentine's Day than on March 8.

Ukraine on this day celebrates the Day of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Armed Forces of the country.

In Bulgaria and Serbia, February 14 is the feast day of the vine-growers of St. Tryphon, whose patron he is. Numerous rituals are associated with this holiday in both countries. Serbs believe that winter ends on this day.

And in Islamic countries this holiday is not celebrated at all - Islam perceives it extremely negatively.

In Russia, the holiday is secular in nature, the attitude of the Catholic and Orthodox churches to this holiday is ambiguous. The religious community believes that the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day is based on the Roman pagan holiday Lupercalia. Currently, the Catholic Church celebrates on this day the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs.

February 14 is also an unofficial holiday for all computer scientists. On this day, back in 1946, the scientific world first saw a really working computer capable of performing practical tasks - ENIAC (ENIAC I: Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator - Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator), writes the site estpovod.ru. The first electronic digital computer was radically different from what we have now - it weighed about 30 tons and occupied an entire room. ENIAC worked successfully until October 2, 1955, when it was turned off and dismantled.

February 4th is International Book Giving Day.

About future

Scientists have set a new date for the end of the world - February 14, 2013. No one has ever seen a celestial body, but scientists say that it flew by at the end of 2012. And the end of the world will come as a result of the change of poles. Nibiru will begin to move away from the Earth in its orbit only after July 1, 2014, according to the website 2012over.ru with reference to monavista.ru.

Every year, couples in love celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. People call it Valentine's Day. Various legends are associated with the history of its appearance, the holiday is shrouded in mystery. Basically, it is given a romantic meaning.

Valentine's Day is a holiday of tenderness, sincere love. Couples exchange gifts, girls are presented with flowers, sweets, and various pleasant trifles. The symbol of the holiday is "valentine", a card in the shape of a heart.

How did Valentine's Day come about?

The appearance of Valentine's Day is associated with events in the life of the priest Valentine. Whether such a person actually existed is not known for certain.

Who is Priest Valentine

Legend has it that Claudius II was Emperor of Rome in 269. He wanted to conquer the whole world, so he gathered a powerful, invincible army of legionnaires. The emperor believed that women, children, family life in general make warriors vulnerable, so he forbade them to marry.

A young priest named Valentine lived in Rome at that time. He felt sorry for the couples in love, in which the man is a legionnaire, which means that he falls under the order of the emperor, so he secretly married them. Soon Claudius II found out about the tricks of Valentine, ordered to seize him and lock him in prison until the day of his death. While the priest was imprisoned, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter.

Before his death, Valentine wrote a love letter to the jailer's daughter, signing "Your Valentine". The priest was deprived of his head, and after many years he was canonized by the Catholic Church. In 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14, the day of the execution of a priest, a holiday - St. Valentine's Day. The people have a tradition on this day to exchange "valentines" - cards in the shape of a heart with short love messages.

The legend of the three martyrs Valentine

The appearance of the holiday on February 14 is associated with three Valentines who were martyred in the name of Christ.

In the earliest Roman chronograph of 354, nothing is said about them, but according to ancient legends, they all died no later than 270.

According to history, three Valentines were faithful to Jesus Christ, refused to renounce their faith in Him, so they accepted torment and died. One of them is a priest and doctor of Rome, the second is the bishop of Terni (Italy), the third could take the post of bishop of Rome.

Valentine's Day is a pagan holiday

One of the legends says that the pagan holiday of Lupercalia could have been replaced by Valentine's Day in 496. Allegedly, the corresponding order was given by Pope Gelasius I.

Saint Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill

The Roman Catholic Church considers Saint Valentine the patron saint of the mentally ill. There are icons on which a priest heals a young man who has epilepsy or a mental disorder. People with such problems were previously considered mentally ill.

How February 14 is celebrated in different countries

Italy- lovers receive sweets as a gift.

Poland– Traditionally, citizens come to the relics of St. Valentine in the Poznań metropolis. There is also an icon of a priest, ranked among the miraculous.

USA- in addition to the “valentines” we know, Americans give their “halves” marzipan. There is also a tradition to give red and white caramel: red is the color of passion, white is the color of purity.

Japan- there is a tradition of shouting out love confessions from a special dais. Basically, gifts are given to men, and women receive them exactly one month later - on March 14th.

Jamaica- weddings are held on a holiday, while the newlyweds are naked.

France- in this country, men give jewelry, write love poems.

Saudi Arabia- The holiday is not celebrated here, otherwise you will have to pay huge fines.

Germany celebrates the Day of Mentally Ill People on February 14, it is symbolic that it is in the country where such patients were most tortured and destroyed that they are now given the most honor.

Not all countries honor February 14 as Valentine's Day. For example, in the USA it is also Condom Day, in Japan it is Naked Men's Day, and in Germany it is the day of the mentally ill people. Moreover, it is interesting that the Germans consider St. Valentine the patron not so much of lovers as of mentally unhealthy people. It is on February 14 that in the chapels of Germany, priests hold a funeral service for the soul of St. Valentine and for the health of mentally ill people. On this day, people decorate all specialized hospitals with figurines of angels, as well as scarlet ribbons.

Is there a relationship between Valentine's Day and Mental Illness Day?

Many people find something symbolic in the fact that both Valentine's Day and the Day of the Mentally Ill - February 14 - are celebrated on the same date. Most often, skeptics pay attention to this, as well as people who cannot stand this kind of holidays. By the way, Valentine's Day itself sometimes provokes the occurrence or exacerbation of various mental disorders. This happens due to the increased feeling of loneliness in people who do not have friends, family and loved ones. Since such a social state often occurs in people with mental disorders, there is nothing strange in the occurrence of a large number of exacerbations on that particular day.

And what about the attitude of society towards mentally ill people? Yes, Germany is now celebrating, but a few decades ago, the government of this country issued cruel decrees, according to which there were only two ways for patients in psychiatric hospitals - either physical liquidation, or non-core clinics, where they were used for various anatomical and pharmacological research. Now, as if paying for the cruelty of its predecessors, the current German government did not follow the modern European trends of total savings in psychiatric hospitals, served under the guise of caring for patients, they say, they are better treated with their families. For this reason, for example, in Italy, without exception, all specialized hospitals were closed, and in England - 50%. Now local law enforcement and social services are faced with enormous problems - patients during periods of exacerbation were hospitalized simply nowhere. But the German Ministry of Health decided not to save on patients and left a sufficient number of beds. And besides, as much as 20% of the entire budget of the medical ministry is spent there on the treatment and care of psychiatric patients. For comparison, in Ukraine this figure varies depending on the region from 2 to 7%.

February 14 is the day of the mentally ill in Germany?

Is it true that February 14 is the day of the mentally ill in Germany? :)
Tanya, Omsk

True :D
and also St. Valentine's Day: love: patron saint of student dorms: tss:

All lovers are mentally ill

Truth. it's a disease. :kiss:

So here is half of the psychic. And every day and in life: D: rofl:

Marina's message was modified on 8.2.2013 04:16

Good evening forum users :)
I read the question, the answers, smiled and .. wanted to pass by already. But something made me stop and clarify :)

Where does this information come from that February 14 is the Day of the Mentally Ill?
For fun, you can say so - than being in love is not a mental illness? All the signs are there)) They joked, laughed and forgot. But not all. Some on a damaged phone transmit this information as reliable further.

The fact that February 14 is the Day of the Mentally Ill is mentioned only on Russian-language sites, and they, in turn, indicate the source of the material - the Internet (but without links). Or not listed at all.

What do German-language sites tell us?
Every year on October 10, at the initiative of the World Mental Health Federation and with the support of the World Health Organization, World Mental Health Day is celebrated. It is also called World Day for the Mentally Ill.

To be honest, I did not study the WHO website, but it was enough for me that this information (along with Wikipedia) was confirmed by the Federation of Psychologists in Sweden. As well as Russian-language sites.

Love and be loved!

added by Marina at 8.2.2013 01:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Good evening, forum users
I read the question, the answers, uh...

Love and be loved!
I mean, keep hurting? :D thanks! :rose:

))) Well, here you can discuss for a long time about whether falling in love is a synonym for love.
But even if you do not go to extremes, then yes. Life needs a source of euphoria. And everyone is crazy about something or someone. And now, if for someone, then ideally - it should be mutual.
So go crazy and take care of each other.

but it was enough for me that this information (along with Wikipedia) is confirmed by the Federation of Psychologists in Sweden
But it’s better not to build on the Swedish experience ... don’t and God forbid anyone follow their path in this direction!

added by Marina on 8.2.2013 14:40 static/image/common/back.gif
))) Well, here you can discuss for a long time whether it is in ...

Well, as if without love, there can be no love. The question is what is meant by these two concepts. Hm. So I thought...:hm What are they for me? And I don't know what to answer.

added basmach at 8.2.2013 14:48 static/image/common/back.gif
But it’s better not to build on the Swedish experience ... not on ...

So we believed you, harem man: D

added by @barcelona on 8.2.2013 16:14 static/image/common/back.gif
so we believed you, harem worker

Yes, I'm not talking about their Swedish family or the Swedish syndrome ... They really do things in terms of psychiatry on a grand scale: you live your usual life there, as it were, but you just have to take a step to the right - to the left and that's it - you can end up in a fool. It is believed that the people are law-abiding because of their love for the king - pipes, fools, the people there are terribly afraid: D

:O wow... I didn't know. all my life Sweden was considered to be something ideally tripled, steadily calm, but this is how it is ... Or are you kidding?!: O

Yes, a cool topic, the first time I hear about this. But I can say about myself and my wife confirms that I am mentally ill: D
Sometimes I can scream for no reason, sometimes I feel sad, sometimes I don’t understand simple truths. If only I could put it all together and confirm my diagnosis at the official level, that is, they would give me a certificate and not force me to work: wall:

Sometimes I scream for no reason sometimes I feel sad sometimes I don't understand simple truths
Well, why shouldn't such a big man yell at his little wife? :D You just dissolved or you were dismissed :crazy:

basmach's message was changed on February 8, 2013 19:36

Added by @barcelona on 8.2.2013 16:23 static/image/common/back.gif

Yes, what kind of jokes are there ... everything is serious. You just follow, follow and understand that in matters of psychiatry, many countries are nowhere, and especially in terms of medication. So, in Europe, and especially in Germany, every day can be considered the day of the mentally ill: D

added by @barcelona on 8.2.2013 16:23 static/image/common/back.gif
Wow... I didn't even know. Sweden has been considered all my life...

Did you mean Switzerland?

added pont34 on 8.2.2013 16:49 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, a cool topic, the first time I hear about this. But about ...

That is, if I understood you correctly .. do you want to have more days off for one day than others?))) .. I mean February 14 will officially be a red day for you: D .. this is no longer a disease but a trick))))

added 123456 at 8.2.2013 19:58 static/image/common/back.gif
Did you mean Switzerland?

)) and Switzerland is also good, you can’t say anything)): beer:

message 123456 modified on 8.2.2013 20:16

added by @barcelona on 8.2.2013 16:13 static/image/common/back.gif
Well, as if without love, there can be no love. Question...

I don’t know, but for me falling in love and love are two different things, in the initial stage these feelings may be similar, but then there is still a difference ... although .. as I like to put it - in our sick society))) - only love remains, since - only love begins its trials, people immediately give up, fight in tantrums of pride, and here you can definitely think about whether February 14 is the day of love or people with psychological disabilities))))

added 123456 at 8.2.2013 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif
In... And Lenchik is here. Are you working on two fronts, girl? Hello.

Well .. I have to .. although there I am more of a reader and then sometimes))) ..
..I almost recognized all of my people here, but you are not.. who are you?: D

Guess three times. Old man.:wall::rose:

added 123456 at 8.2.2013 20:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Guess three times. Old man.

BA!!! Zhenya hello !!!: * I already lost you))

added by Lenchen at 8.2.2013 20:26 static/image/common/back.gif
BA!!! Zhenya hello!!! I already lost you))

You might think she was looking for a beautiful: rose:

well so..s OK disappeared...on skype it's muffled...thinking about you all the same..worried:-[;)
..Although recently I’m no longer in OK either .. freaked out: D

added by Lenchen at 8.2.2013 20:34 static/image/common/back.gif
Well, Duc .. with OK disappeared ... in Skype it’s deaf ... I’m still thinking about t ...

I deleted my account. Well, if at least in a personal, how are you?

And where is the personal? :-[

added by Lenchen at 8.2.2013 20:40 static/image/common/back.gif
And where is the personal?

One nickname of the one you want to strike, there is an icon. At the top of the site on the right near your nickname there are two letters LS

Thank you David :)

added by Lenchen at 8.2.2013 20:51 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks David))

Happy to serve :D:rose:

added by Lenchen at 8.2.2013 20:21 static/image/common/back.gif
Well .. I have to .. although there I am already a reader more and then ...

That's what the old man says. :D
But what an old man he is, if I remember from that forum that we were born in the same year and on the same day: beer:

if I remember from that forum that we were born in the same year and on the same day
Then you apshipsya, Seryoga

added basmach on 8.2.2013 19:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Well, why shouldn’t such a big man yell at a little wife ...

I want help :D

Well, the same thing was said to me "to serve" 8) Are you a friend, al hto? (: 1_1:)

basmach's message was changed on 8.2.2013 20:57

added pont34 on 8.2.2013 20:54 static/image/common/back.gif
I want help

You'll have to take my word for it ... he's like a grandfather to your age: D

added basmach on 8.2.2013 20:58 static/image/common/back.gif
You'll have to take my word for it ... he's like a grandfather to your age

So he confused with someone, but who then will be in May, on the day of the border guard

added basmach on 8.2.2013 20:56 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, druh, but in theory, friends serve their girlfriends. Or no?

Nope .. you're wrong .. as they say .. not in service but in friendship ... David since when did you begin to confuse life priorities?: beer:;)