Vomiting in a child without fever Komarovsky. we are in social networks

IN Lately Many parents turn to pediatricians with the same question: why did the child have diarrhea and vomiting without fever? Such symptoms do not necessarily signal the development of pathology. What do experts think about this?

Most often, such unpleasant phenomena as loose stools and the gag reflex appear in young children. Various reasons may contribute to this. Mostly, diarrhea or vomiting occurs as a result of overeating or dysfunction of the digestive tract. Such symptoms can also be observed in infants. As practice shows, vomiting and loose stools appear as a result of exposure to various factors. This largely depends on the age of the baby.

For infections caused by blood transfusions and blood products, the incubation period can vary from 10 hours to 60 days. Pre-patent period: It is associated with the pre-erythrocytic period of malaria infection in the human liver. It includes the time from inoculation of sporozoites in the capillaries to the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites in insufficient numbers that can be detected by hemoscopy. This period also varies depending on the species and type of Plasmodium infection, the number of plasmids inoculated, and the host immune response.

Subpatent period: includes the period of the exo-erythrocyte cycle. Patent Period: This period covers the detection of Plasmodium by hemoscopy, often associated with clinical manifestations. Malaria in a semi-immune person. . A semi-immune person is one who has previously had outbreaks of malaria.

Treating specialists identify a number of reasons why a baby may develop gag reflexes and diarrhea without an increase in body temperature. These include:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic reaction to a particular food product;
  • overfeeding;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • change in the climatic zone of the baby’s stay, etc.

Let's take a closer look at each cause and find out what accompanying symptoms may occur. An intestinal type infection can occur with or without fever. The presence of such pathogenic microbes in the baby’s body will be indicated by the following symptoms:

Some patients have prodromal symptoms several days before the onset of a malaria crisis. The patient feels uncomfortable, with headache, muscle pain, asthenia, anorexia, low-grade fever and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Such symptoms are nonspecific and occur in many other infectious diseases.

An acute attack of malaria is characterized by a set of febrile paroxysms that represent three periods: cold, heat and sweat. Symptoms are associated with a sudden increase in body temperature and are characterized by a feeling of intense cold and chills, marked by generalized tremors. Headache, nausea and vomiting may occur. The pulse is thin and fast, the skin is dry, and the lips are bluish.

  • the urge to vomit appears randomly and is not associated with food intake;
  • loose stools are characterized by a pungent odor, mucous impurities, foam and, as a rule, have a specific unusual shade;
  • the baby develops colic, which causes him to be restless and capricious;
  • the baby refuses to eat and drink;
  • After a few hours, your body temperature may rise.

Most often, food poisoning in children occurs as a result of consuming fermented milk or low-quality store-bought products. In infants, poisoning can occur due to consumption of mother's milk. With the development of such a pathology, the following symptoms appear:

The warming period lasts from 2 to 6 hours and begins when the chills stop. The patient begins to feel a warmth that can become “unbearable”, and the face becomes flushed, the pulse is full, and the skin is dry and warm. There is an increase in headache and persistent nausea and vomiting. During this time, the patient may become delirious and seizures occur, especially in children.

The sweat period lasts from 2 to 4 hours. The fever gives way to a “crisis” that ends the discomfort. After sweating, which is intense, the patient may be left with a slight headache, exhausted, but relatively well. The total duration of the paroxysm is from 6 to 12 hours. One of the characteristics of malarial paroxysms is that they occur at regular intervals, depending on the type of Plasmodium infection. Regularity is valid only in the case of infections whose parasites synchronously end their schizogony.

  • gagging is observed mainly after eating;
  • stools are loose, frequent, may be bloody and have a strong, disgusting odor;
  • sharp and severe pain and cramps appear in the abdomen;
  • the baby becomes sleepy and capricious, and also refuses to eat and drink.

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Malaria in a non-immune subject. . The first "attacks" in a non-immune individual do not represent typical malarial paroxysms, since schizogony is not synchronous until the host immune system begins to recognize the various parasitic forms. A person usually presents with a unique symptom of fever, which may be continuous, subcontinental, remission, or intermittent with remissions. It is important to keep in mind that in these patients malaria has a great potential for evolution with complications and that when paroxysms occur in their typical form, that is, when synchronization occurs in schizogony, the patient may already be in a clinical situation with complications.

As you know, a child’s body is constantly developing, so it is most prone to allergic reactions. Most often, the development of allergies is provoked by food. The appearance of a gag reflex and diarrhea becomes the primary sign of an allergy. The following symptoms may also be observed:

Severe forms occur in non-immune individuals, pregnant women and children. Febrile paroxysm is not common. The patient has a persistent fever, which may not be very high and does not cause chills or sweating. The headache is intense, vomiting and delirium often occur. Typically, more than 2% of red blood cells are parasitized with intense anemia. If the patient is not treated properly, he or she may develop into an emergency situation where signs and symptoms are accentuated and complications arise.

The most common sites involved are the kidneys, lungs, brain, liver, and blood. In children over 5 years of age, malaria has the same evolution as in adults. However, in children preschool age characteristic features Maroarny paroxysm is not observed, which often leads to diagnostic error.

  • rashes on the skin;
  • hives;
  • swelling of the airways.

Dysbacteriosis can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Disruption of the normal concentration of beneficial bacteria in the intestines can be due to various reasons, including the use of antibiotic drugs. If vomiting and diarrhea are associated with the development of dysbiosis, then the baby will certainly exhibit accompanying symptoms:

A pregnant woman can develop malaria with complications twice as often as non-pregnant women. In the first half of pregnancy, the abortion rate is observed at 30% of the possibilities, while in the second half there is evidence of maternal immunosuppression with a large evolution of malaria. The causal mechanism of congenital malaria is unknown. It is assumed that infected, non-susceptible pregnant women may have a central lesion with the passage of protozoa. There is a possibility of fetal blood becoming infected during childbirth, in which case malaria is considered to be caused.

  • rumbling intestines;
  • appearance white plaque on the tongue;
  • pain and colic in the abdomen, especially after eating;
  • rash on the skin accompanied by itching;
  • decreased appetite or its complete absence.

The above-described conditions of the child’s body necessarily require complex treatment.

The clinical features of congenital malaria are the same as for other infections acquired through the placenta. The newborn may have a mild fever, irritability, and anorexia. Malaria can be transmitted by inoculation of fresh blood through contaminated needles used by drug addicts or by work-related accidents involving medical personnel. It can also be caused by blood transfusion and its derivatives.

Any of the 4 types of human malaria can be caused by transfusion. The incubation period can vary from 10 hours to 60 days, depending on the type of Plasmodium, the number of parasites injected and the response of the host. The most common symptoms are recurrent fever, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, mild jaundice, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Paroxysm is rarely observed. In immunocompromised patients, the disease is difficult to diagnose.

As practice shows, vomiting and diarrhea in a baby can occur as a result of exposure to factors that are not dangerous to its health. These include:

  • overfeeding;
  • food indigestion;
  • a single dose of excessive amounts food products or mother's milk;
  • eating new foods, in particular when feeding children fruits, vegetables, etc.;
  • transfer stressful situation;
  • sudden climate change.

If vomiting and loose stools appeared as a result of a sharp change in climate, then this is due to the adaptation of the child’s body to the new conditions of his stay. In this case, these unpleasant phenomena will go away on their own, but parents should always have pharmacological medications for vomiting and diarrhea on hand.

And some symptoms should not be taken lightly. While itch cream is enough to soothe most common mosquito bites, others require special treatment, especially if you are unknowingly allergic or the bug is carrying a serious illness.

Also watch for the first signs of an allergic reaction: tight throat, chest pain, high pulse, dizziness, nausea. If you experience these symptoms, go to the emergency room immediately to get the most appropriate treatment and avoid anaphylactic shock. If you're planning to spend your vacation in areas where insects are particularly active, here are some tips on whether you should take your bite to the doctor.

Often, the appearance of diarrhea and a gag reflex in a baby can be associated with experiencing a stressful situation. IN childhood This is how the nervous system reacts to negative external factors. In this case, you should protect the child from a conflict or stressful situation. If necessary, you can give him pharmacological drugs, but only after agreement with the treating specialist.

If a red circle appears around the bite, see your doctor because you may have contracted Lyme disease. Simple antibiotics are enough to cure the disease, which causes extreme fatigue and can be very embarrassing if misdiagnosed, as singer Avril Lavigne recently did.

Its bites may be among the most common, but they are not trivial and can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya or West Nile virus. If you develop heat, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, severe sweating and chills for up to two weeks after the bite in a country where there is a risk of malaria, will you look into emergencies.

How to treat a 2 year old baby?

Before starting treatment for diarrhea and vomiting in a baby aged two years, you should consult with your doctor and find out the reason for the appearance of such symptoms. If the appearance of loose stools and gag reflexes is associated with overeating or food poisoning, then parents should immediately take the following measures at home:

Now located on French territory, it can also be a vector for certain diseases. In case of fever, headache, eye pain, rash, nausea, fatigue, joint and muscle pain and limited bleeding, consult your doctor.

The best way to limit the risk of insect bites and protect yourself. Before you travel to a humid tropical country, ask about insect precautions. If you are at risk of malaria, take the necessary medications. Then plan on mosquito nets, repellents, and lightweight long clothing to easily identify every insect that lands on it.

  • balance your baby’s diet and feed him only the right foods;
  • exclude carbonated drinks and juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fatty foods from the diet;
  • provide plenty of fluids, especially herbal teas (the best way to cope with vomiting and diarrhea are decoctions of St. John's wort, mint, fennel and immortelle).

If vomiting and loose stools appear against the background of the development of dysbiosis as a result of taking antibiotic drugs, then the baby needs to restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, for which it is allowed to take pharmacological probiotics and prebiotics. These include pharmaceutical products Hilak-forte and Linex. It is not recommended to take pharmacological drugs without consulting a treating specialist.

Many infectious agents can contaminate water and food or be transmitted through manual contact. They cause most digestive disorders to be very severe. Exposure to these agents is important for all travelers, even under normal living conditions. This risk becomes constant in adverse or opportunistic conditions. Precautions regarding water, food and hand washing are important and should be known to all travelers. Some may be offered.

Traveler's Diarrhea, Tourist Traveler's diarrhea is a very common feeling. One traveler in two suffers. They are caused by various infectious agents, viral, bacterial or parasitic contaminants, food and water. Kind or harsh, they always ruin the trip! They can be serious in young children, the elderly, or those who are frail as a result of the dehydration they cause.

If the baby's diarrhea and vomiting do not go away, it is necessary to resort to medical care. Perhaps the baby develops an intestinal infection or the body becomes intoxicated.

What can you give to children 3 years old?

For the treatment of diarrhea and gag reflex, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, older children can be given solutions prepared on the basis of pharmacological powders for the stomach. If it is not possible to purchase such a powder, then you can make it yourself using ordinary table salt and granulated sugar in a ratio of 1:5 per 1000 ml of warm boiled or purified water.

Vaccination is recommended from the age of 1 year and for all young people. This is indispensable for people with liver diseases. For people over 50 years of age, a preliminary serological test will be carried out to determine whether vaccination is required. Typhosis An infectious disease caused by a bacterium. Vaccination is recommended for long stays, adventures or in conditions of poor hygiene. Vaccination is possible from the age of 2 years.

Measures are necessary for all travelers and the entire country. The absence of malaria or yellow fever does not exempt the traveler from these protective measures. They are also concerned with vaccination and preventive treatment. Thailand is a Group 3 country for all these border areas with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Malaysia. This prescription should be the subject of consultation with your doctor or travel medicine specialist prior to your departure. Prevention is not essential if you are outside these areas.

The baby should be given this solution one teaspoon at a time. In case of diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to replenish the water balance. The child can be fed astringent fruits, for example, bananas or pears. If loose stools persist and the gag reflex intensifies, you should urgently call a doctor at home. It is not recommended to give a child pharmacological drugs, for example, Loperamide, since they eliminate the effect itself, that is, diarrhea, but do not fight the cause of its occurrence.

Yellow fever There is no yellow fever. Vaccination, however, is required for all travelers over 1 year of age from an infected country. Most often asymptomatic, this condition may rarely progress to severe encephalopathy. Transfer represents special interest for Northern and Northeastern Thailand. The risk to the traveler is low. However, protective measures against mosquito bites remain indispensable.

Vaccination should be recommended for long stays or in rural areas, especially during the rainy season. Fever and fever are mostly benign, Dengue can in some cases develop into a severe hemorrhagic mode. Taking aspirin is contraindicated. There is no vaccination or special treatment. However, you should consult your doctor.

Famous doctor Komarovsky E.O. Always happy to inform parents about children's diseases and correct actions with the manifestation of various symptoms. In case of vomiting and diarrhea in a baby, according to Komarovsky, the following actions should be performed:

  • give your child plenty of fluids;
  • with the permission of the treating specialist, give the baby a pharmacological agent that will slow down intestinal motility and maintain the balance of microflora;
  • exclude from the diet the product that caused such a reaction in the body.

Komarovsky urges parents not to self-medicate and under no circumstances give their baby antibiotics. If gag reflexes and diarrhea do not go away within 3-4 hours, this is a serious reason to contact a medical facility.

Russia, Ipatovo

Thus, as an alternative to antibiotics, it is proposed to use so-called eubiotics - beneficial intestinal bacteria, which should be “released” into the intestines, hoping that they themselves will “drive out” the uninvited guest.

Another proposed treatment intestinal infections is based on the fact that almost all bacteria have natural enemies - special viruses that infect bacteria. Such viruses are called bacteriophages, or simply phages. Preparations containing certain phages have already been developed, actively produced and used: “salmonella bacteriophage” - for the treatment of salmonellosis, “dysentery bacteriophage” for the treatment of dysentery, etc.

Nevertheless, we have to sadly admit that, despite the theoretical logic and attractiveness, practical use both eubiotics and bacteriophages do not lead to recovery faster than the same diet and drink.

It is not surprising that in the vast majority of countries in the world these drugs are not used (and are not produced or registered), since their effectiveness cannot be proven medical science not yet able
How can I understand???

09/12/2010 00:18

Good evening! I didn’t know which section to write in, because my problem is not clear-cut. Even at the age of 3, I noticed a small lymph node in my child, above the navel, the doctors say that this is normal, then geography appeared on the tongue, they said , that it will outgrow. Now we are 4 years old, everything has remained unchanged, but the following problem has appeared: Over the last month there have been 3 cases of vomiting and all with the same symptoms, when he eats at lunch, he wakes up from vomiting and nausea at lunchtime. We checked for Ultrasound, which showed the following result: Mesenteric adenopathy, lymph nodes, up to 24 mm. Appendicitis up to 6 mm. All other organs are healthy. The doctor said that it was either dysbacteriosis or worms. They took a blood test for the formula, as well as a stool test for coproscopy and Urine test. All tests are good, no worm eggs were found. The doctor prescribed everyone to drink Pirantel for three days, 2 weeks - Berash drops, and then 10 days of Bifiform.
Please tell me what this could be in a child, how can I figure it all out and what should I do?????

18/06/2010 21:05

Svetlana, any advice??? You need to see a doctor, urgently! You could very well have contracted some kind of salmonellosis, but it doesn’t go away in three days (I know what I’m talking about, my husband hasn’t left the toilet for a month, now just the word “salmonellosis” changes his face). You need to at least get pap smears to make sure you don't have anything serious. Because heat + diarrhea may well end in dehydration + an IV, do you need it? And even in another country? Pay for the tests, don’t skimp at this point. The same salmonellosis, if left untreated, can be fatal. Now is not the time for you to skimp on your health. Get well!

18/06/2010 14:05

It’s better to drink REHYDRON - it’s a powder for solution. Indication - Restoration of water-electrolyte balance during diarrhea and vomiting, as well as overheating.
Only if you are vomiting, you need to drink a little and sips every 10 minutes. And the baby takes a teaspoon every half hour.

We're drinking now too...

And “ENTEROSGEL” is also good - a sorbent that helps with disorders and symptoms.

17/06/2010 12:31

Dear mothers!
I wrote to Evgeny Olegovich, but have not yet received an answer, and the question is very urgent!!!
If anyone knows, please help! The problem is below in the text.

My family and I are now on vacation in Crimea. My daughter is one year old.
On Friday, June 11, while in Koktebel, we couldn’t resist visiting a local restaurant of oriental cuisine. We were attracted by the opportunity to admire the dormant volcano Kara-Dag, but the fact that the food was served to us in
dirty plates, they decided not to pay attention (they didn’t want to poison their vacation with scandals)..
Payback for carelessness came on Monday, although heartburn was already tormenting
on the weekend. My husband started having diarrhea two hours later, in the evening I felt weak, had chills, had a fever and was vomiting all night and
diarrhea. I am breastfeeding my daughter. On Monday and Tuesday her stomach was just churning, and on Wednesday she started having repeated diarrhea. This morning, that’s all
ok, but at noon, after breastfeeding, vomiting and diarrhea began, which lasted all day. The child has no temperature. I have
Tuesday - my stomach is shaking, but there is no diarrhea, on the contrary, there have been no stools for the last three days (I sit on water so as not to lose milk and nothing
I eat - it’s not difficult, because... heat in the shade +32 C). My husband constantly has repeated diarrhea, there is no fever or vomiting. There are black grains in my daughter’s stool, the color of the stool itself is yellow-green. The child’s appetite is good. But we force her to drink, although the child usually drinks lots of plain water willingly.
Potassium permanganate is not available here. Now the whole family takes furatsilin orally and charcoal, which does not help.
We are leaving soon, we want to “get back on our feet” before leaving, because... It’s already hard for a child in the heat, and they can even take you off the train in this condition.

How do we feed, water and treat a child?
Please answer!

Svetlana, Russia, St. Petersburg