Scenario concert program little prince. Scenario of a musical fairy tale for the school theater "The Little Prince"

olga merenkova
Scenario of the event "The Little Prince and his friends"

Scenario of the event "The Little Prince and his friends"


Goals: expanding the horizons of preschoolers, the formation of ideas about ecological balance; learn to draw conclusions based on their own observations; develop communication skills, teach to take care of the riches of nature, arouse children's interest in the fate of our Earth, arouse a sense of concern about man's attitude to nature, both his native land and the Earth as a whole.

Equipment and materials: costumes for: Little Prince, Baba Yaga, 2 gnomes, Traffic light, Forest Fairy, Chamomile, Grass Witch, Cat Basilio, Hare, Bear; slingshot, lighter, artificial Christmas trees for the forest, mittens, bucket, hatchet.


Forest Fairy: The Little Prince

Boy Girl

Forest gnome 1 Forest gnome 2

Traffic light Hooligan 1

Hooligan 2 Basilio

Hare Bear

herbal witch

Event progress

Vedas. There are miracles in the world

It blooms like a poppy, the dawn in the distance and beckons Today is a holiday on our blue planet.

Love your native land of childhood

Passionate love, without borders

And know that at the call of the heart A little prince has come to you Allow me to introduce him to you Blue-eyed, slightly upturned nose With a sword, with a light yellow scarf

With a shock of sunny hair.

The prince appears: - I left my asteroid,

To help you in a good deed. After all, for a great goal it is worth

We work day and night

For the sun to shine bright

And our day has not faded in the mist, we will have to do a lot

For the sake of life on earth.

It's all about us kids We can do miracles Save the animals, clean up the rivers Plant gardens, grow forests!

Andrew: - Hello! I think I recognized you! You are the little one

a prince who circled many planets. Will you live on earth?

Mal. prince: - No, everyone should live on the planet on which he was born, which he loves. But I flew to visit you, and I would like to know more about your planet.

Julia: - We are very glad to have guests. Well then, let's go!

1 action.

Andrew: - And here is the river. Swimming? Maybe we can fish? / throws a fishing rod for the first time - pulls out an old shoe, the second time - a torn umbrella, the third time - Baba Yaga. /

Baba Yaga: - There was a clean river, it was even called Transparent, but it became

dirty - Multicolored. It was high-water - it became low-water: the plant drinks a lot of water, and then it drains the dirty water back into the river. Everyone gets angry: no washing, no washing, no thirst to quench, no fish to catch!

Yulia: /hiding behind Andrey/ - Grandmother, who are you?

Baba Yaga: - Disgrace! Haven't you read fairy tales, girl? I am Baba Yaga.

And now, because of the people who spoiled the river, I am the Colorful Baba Yaga. I washed a dress in this water, you see who she looked like. And there are rivers that are blocked by dam walls. One hydroelectric dam on the river - more, all right. But when there are several of them, this is already a disaster. In captivity, the river slowly dies. Its living water gradually becomes "dead" - no drinking, no bathing. My friend Vodyanoy ran away from this one. Oh, you people, stumps!

Andrei: - But not all people treat nature badly! Of course, rivers must be protected: water is the beauty of all nature. So the poet Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky wrote:

Landscapes appeared

Trees and birds

And even mammoths.

Then the hippos

Elephants, crocodiles,

And our distant ancestors - Gorillas.

And if we appeared on Earth,

They would contact us immediately.

Would tell us:

Protect the environment!

Especially the greens

Especially water!

Baba Yaga: - Complicated! And you, I see, people wow! Come visit me, in a hut on chicken legs. The forest is my home.

What are forests?

What are forests?

This is our land

century beauty,

They contain not only crossbills,

And not only mushrooms, -

They are our dreams

And a piece of fate.

Many songs sung

About forest beauty

The forest teaches trust

And also kindness.

Always gives us something

The forest is impossible not to love.

Julia: I'm afraid, Andryusha. What if she eats us?

Andryusha: It can't be. I think that the modern Baba Yaga is a vegetarian. Right, grandma?

Baba Yaga: The boy is smart. Let's go, let's go, I won't offend you!

Two gnomes come out.

1st Forest Gnome: Shh! Do you hear? / listens / Someone is walking through the forest


2nd forest gnome: /crouches to the "ground" and listens, speaks in a whisper/

Not one person is walking along the forest path, but a whole group of people!

2nd: /grabs his head/ It seems that these are children! Quicker!

Rather inform the forest dwellers!

1st: We announce the alarm!. Quicker! Quicker! We run forward along the path. /They rush to run and collide with an ecological traffic light/.

Traffic light: Stop! You scare! You will scare the whole forest! What's happened? Gnomes: /interrupting each other/:

Here along the path. moving group of children

They make noise and litter

Last time, the same group of children kindled a huge fire and burned out the entire clearing.

Once they trampled the whole anthill.

Traffic light: Calm down! No need to raise an alarm! These children want to make friends with the forest! I, an ecological traffic light, will help the guys learn how to follow environmental rules and travel through the forest in such a way that

so as not to harm animals, plants, or ourselves. So, forest gnomes, meet the guests!

/Children and the Little Prince come out/

Gnomes: We are always glad to be friends!

We invite you to visit us.

Anyone who wants to know for sure

How to protect nature

How to behave in the forest

So as not to bring harm to yourself,

Neither trees nor flowers

Neither frogs nor foxes

No grasshoppers, no birds.

After all, at any time of the year

Waiting for the defenders of nature!

/ The song "From a smile" sounds /

Traffic light: Who does not know so far:

I am a green traffic light.

I carry my service

In this fabulous forest!

Everyone, I'll turn on the green light

Who will give the correct answer!

Gnomes: Dear traffic light! Please show how you work! Traffic light: Each of my signals on a forest path means almost the same thing as on the roadway:

Red, light - harm to nature!

Yellow - watch out!

The light is green - how beautiful! - The forest will tell you: "Thank you!"

ABOUT! Where are you? /refers to 2 boys who have appeared from nowhere, who are heading past him/.

Boys: Where - where. To the forest, of course!

Traffic light: Are these your friends? /Addresses the Little Prince and children/

Children: No.

Traffic light: I see that the guests are very strange / saying these words, he takes a slingshot out of the pocket of one boy and shows it to the guys /.

Gnomes: Well, well, show us what you came with, and the guys will light a traffic light on each of yours, what you can and cannot go into the forest with.

/ The boys untie the backpack and take out items from there, accompanying them with comments. /

1. Lighter.

Boys: We wanted to make a fire.

Traffic light: Why?

Boys: Well. so simple. Maybe bake potatoes.

Gnomes: So, let's let this thing into the forest?

What's the signal? Why? /children's answers/

2. Work gloves.

Boys: we were going to break spruce branches to build a hut and collect garbage in the clearing where we stop.

Traffic light: What signal? /yellow/ Why? /children's answers/

3. Small plastic bucket.

Boys: Last time we planted several wild rose bushes along the edge of the ravine, and today we wanted to water them.

Traffic light: What kind of light is on? /green/ Why? /children's answers/

Well, well done! Just remember these signals, and never forget? The Little Prince: I am friends with nature - At dawn, you understand

Life is so interesting! Sleep only owls - sleepyheads,

I value every bee, Feed the yellow squirrels

Every bird song In a pine from the palm of your hand.

And love nature - Do not ruin bird nests -

Nothing is easier, Respect freedom.

You just have to wander like a master, guard

Early morning in the grove. On Earth nature!

Forest Fairy: Hello, kids, girls and boys. Hello Little Prince. I am the Forest Fairy. I came to tell you that our smaller brothers need protection and protection. It is necessary to protect and preserve animals, plants, rivers, lakes, and seas. Everything that nature has created needs our protection.

But I did not come alone, with me - my forest friends.

Chamomile: Many beneficial herbs

On the land of the native country

Can deal with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal Witch: I want you, my friend.

Give more flowers to the bouquet.

/holds out poisonous flowers/

Chamomile: Oh, this witch! Either a poisonous root slips, or inedible grass. And so he strives to do something nasty.

Herbal Witch: I've changed my mind, guys!

Let's go to the forest together

Gather sage and mint

We will pick tender lilies of the valley,

We put them in the water at home.

Chamomile: We know these plants

We protect and protect!

From dashing ones like this one

Bouquet collectors

In the Red Book they

Have been listed for a long time.

/The cat Basilio appears/

Basilio: The birds have a Christmas tree. The guys have a tree. And I want to have a Christmas tree too.

I'll take a hatchet and go into the forest to cut a Christmas tree.

/goes saying/

Prickly, green I will cut down with an ax.

From the forest fragrant I will take to my house.

/ Approaches the Christmas tree, swings an ax, from under the Christmas tree Hare /

Hare: Why are you, cat,

Came to the forest with an ax?

We are not waiting for guests with an ax

After all, these Christmas trees -

Basilio: I will not quarrel with you, Hare. I'll go further. There's a Christmas tree even better, I'll cut it down.

/ As soon as Basilio swings his ax, the children and Mal appear.

Prince/ Julia: What are you doing here, Basilio?

Why do you have a hatchet?

Don't you dare cut down the trees.

Without them, the animals will have nowhere to live.

Come on, give me an ax here,

Otherwise we'll wake Toptygin,

For him to talk to you

And he understood well.

Medved: And I woke up anyway

Guys, what's the noise?

Andrey: How not to make noise to us, Mikhail,

When some bully

Going to chop down the Christmas tree

In the green forest, ours.

Bear: What are you thinking, prodigal cat?

Why did you come to our house?

Come on, get out of here with an ax!

Basilio: And I want a Christmas tree like the guys have, and even more beautiful.

Julia: Don't you know that for the holiday we have been making beautiful New Year's bouquets for a long time. There is even a contest like this “Instead of a Christmas tree - a New Year's bouquet?”

Little Prince: I also want to learn how to make New Year's bouquets. Children: We invite everyone who wants to learn to visit us next year.

The Little Prince: May the day of February be glorious

And eternal in future years

And let the air shine in the cities more transparent than watercolors!

Andrew: It's all about the Man!

He can do miracles

Save the animals, clean up the rivers

Plant gardens, grow forests!

Little Prince: I am glad that on this Day we are together.

You are patriots, God knows!

Save the planet - a matter of honor,

And your highest civic duty!

/all sing in chorus/

There are many barriers in life

On an unknown path.

There are hundreds of thousands of poachers - They can't get away from retribution!

To see the sky in bright stars,

As a gift to future years, we need to return clean air

Big and small towns!

There are a lot of questions in the world,

And we could solve them

Whenever there was a day on the planet,

And the National Year of the Earth!

Let the miracle work all year round,

And even better - every year!

And then the world will be reborn

And everyone will find happiness!

Library holiday script
"The coast of light and goodness ...". "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Script writer Kochurova Olga Vasilievna,
librarian-bibliographer of the school of aesthetic education "Green Rostock" in Abakan

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Photo source - book: Saint-Exupery, Antoine de. Southern postal. Night flight. Planet of people. Military pilot. Hostage letter. A little prince. The pilot and the elements./ Antoine de Saint-Exupery; translation from French; intro. article by Mark Gallai; artist G. Klodt. - M.: Fiction, 1983. - 447 p.

(Advice to library reading leaders. First of all, it is necessary that the children themselves or their parents read the fairy tale and know its content. Draw illustrations for the fairy tale. Think about the answers to the questions received in advance. Use all kinds of technical means to demonstrate the drawings of Exupery himself. You can organize a puppet show performance.Tune the children to a thoughtful reading of a fairy tale with the creation of illustrations for it.Questions can be given to the children in advance so that they think about them and prepare answers to them.In short, if the organizers put their soul and all their heart and love into holding this thematic holiday, then your efforts will undoubtedly come true, and children will forever fall in love with this wonderful wise fairy tale... Maybe for many children it will become an assistant in such a difficult life of ours)

Presenter: Dear children, take a close look at the portrait in front of you. This is a portrait of an amazing man, the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He lived a short life, only 44 years old. But he left behind such a bright light that will warm people's hearts for many, many years to come. By origin, Exupery was a count, His parents come from old aristocratic families. Antoine lost his father early, and the boy gave all his love to his mother. His mother taught him to love music, art, but, most importantly, taught him to respect a person, to see the whole world in every person. Antoine was very fond of books, poetry, but technology also fascinated him. Not immediately, but still he chose the profession of a pilot. In just one year, he passes the most difficult exam for a civilian, and then a military pilot.

And he began to describe his impressions of flying in essays, short stories and novellas.

He said: "For me, flying and writing are one and the same."

At that time, engines and aircraft were very unreliable, the pilots suffered terrible accidents. And Antoine himself has repeatedly crashed and received serious injuries. His life often hung in the balance, but all the same, sick and wounded, he got on the plane and again went flying.

Flying, seeing the Earth, one of the most beautiful planets in the universe, and writing novels, singing hymns to the Sun, Air, Light and the Human Brotherhood - all this merged into one in the fate of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

When the war against fascism began in 1940, Exupery gave his all to defeat this terrible evil. He hated cruelty and violence. Exupery fought against fascism both with the help of an airplane and with the help of a pen.

But on July 31, 1944, Saint-Exupery did not return from combat reconnaissance. He accomplished a feat, and, as it were, disappeared into the vast sky.

And shortly before his death, Exupery wrote the philosophical tale "The Little Prince", which people all over the world loved and still love.

(Demonstration of the book "The Little Prince")

Presenter: Saint-Exupery himself drew the drawings for his fairy tale. They are touching, tender and made with great love, just like children's drawings. And here is a review about the fairy tale "The Little Prince" written by one little reader. Let's listen to her.

Child reads: “This tale is unlike any other that I have read so far. From the very first pages, it puzzled me. It seemed kind of silly and weird. But the further I read it, the more closely I peered into the text, the more behind the outward absurdity I guessed the kind, pure and wise heart of its creator. This tale cannot be read for fun... Her poetry will be revealed only to those who read it with a quivering heart, who will see more in it than is written.

(The song “The Little Prince” sounds, there are many videos of this song on the Internet. At the request of the organizers of the reading, you can choose any one, we chose the recording of the song performed by Eduard Khil)

A little prince.
(Words by N. Dobronravov, music by Mikael Tariverdiev)
Who invented you, star country?
I have been dreaming for a long time, I dream of her.
I will leave the house, I will leave the house -
A wave is breaking right behind the pier.

The most important thing is not to frighten away the fairy tale,
Open windows to the endless world,
My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing,
My sailboat rushes on a fabulous path.

On a windy evening, the cries of birds will be silent.
Starlight I notice the light from under the eyelashes.
Quietly towards me, quietly towards me
The gullible Little Prince will come out.

Where are you, where are you, happiness of the island?
Where is the coast of light and goodness?
Where with hopes, where with hopes
The most tender words roam.

Presenter: Dear children, and we are now let's go together on a journey through the pages of this wise fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince".

(The journey must be built using illustrative material. These can also be pre-made dolls of fairy tale characters. Samples of dolls are presented HERE - on the website "Church of the Holy Trinity in Khokhlakh". You can, of course, use the drawings of the author of the fairy tale Exupery himself on the screen. But dolls are still desirable, because children love puppet theater. You can use Exupery's drawings, showing them from behind a screen. There are many options, if only for children it was interesting)

Presenter: So. Far, far away in the vastness of the Universe, a tiny planet is spinning, on which an amazing baby lives. Although his planet is small, only the size of a house, the kid diligently put things in order - cleaned volcanoes, and most importantly - weeded out harmful weeds - baobabs, because if the planet is small and there are a lot of baobabs, they can tear the planet to shreds.

Look, children, what can happen to the planet if a lazy person lives there. (Demonstration of Exupery's drawing)

Presenter: The little prince spoke.

(A child comes out dressed as the Little Prince and reads or tells)

A little prince: There is a hard and fast rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. Be sure to weed out the baobabs every day.

Presenter: Dear children, beware of baobabs!!! Little Prince, how did you live on your planet?

A little prince: On my planet, I really liked to admire the sunsets. But I was lonely, I missed a friend. But then one morning, as soon as the sun rose, a wonderful miracle happened. Rose appeared on my planet.

(The host, to the music, shows all the children a live rose flower, and then puts it in a vase. A fragment of an audio fairy tale sounds in the recording, which can be found at this link After the words "what a difficult character this rose has" - you can show the dance of the ROSE with a live rose in her hands)

Presenter: Unfortunately, the Little Prince and Rose could not understand each other, could not understand that each of them is responsible for each other. The little prince was offended by Rose and decided to fly away from his planet on a big trip. And he went to wander with migratory birds.

(Demonstration of the drawing and the song of the Little Prince in the recording sounds:
I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying.
And I'm scared, and fun.
I want to know the whole world
And I'm in a hurry

This song, as it were, means the flight of a baby from planet to planet. From behind the screen, or the King appears on the screen)

Presenter: The king lived on the first asteroid.

King. And here is the servant! Come, I want to see you.

(Little Prince yawns)

King. Etiquette does not permit yawning in the presence of a monarch. I forbid you to yawn!

Prince. I accidentally. Your Majesty, I have been on the road for a long time, and I am very tired.

King. I command! Sit down!

Prince. Your Majesty, let me ask you.

King. I command! Ask!

Prince. Your Majesty, what do you rule?

King. Everyone! (shakes hands)

Prince. And the stars obey you?

King. And the stars! The stars obey instantly.

Prince. Please, do me a favor, tell the sun to go down.

King. You will have sunset! It is only necessary to wait for favorable conditions, for this will be the wisdom of the ruler. Tonight it'll be... at seven forty in the evening. And you will see how exactly my orders are carried out.

Prince. It's a pity! Well. I have to go.

King. I command! Stay! I will appoint you Minister of Justice.

Prince. But there is no one here to judge!

King. Then judge yourself. This is the hardest part. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

Prince. I can judge myself anywhere. And I have to go!

King. Then I appoint you as an ambassador!

Prince. Strange people, these adults...

I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying.
And I'm scared, and fun.
I want to know the whole world
And I'm in a hurry.

(Ambitioner appears from behind the screen)

Presenter: On the second planet lived the Ambitious.

Ambitious. Here is the admirer!

Prince. Good afternoon. What a funny hat you have.

Ambitious. This is to bow when they greet me. Unfortunately, no one looks here. Clap your hands.

Prince. It's more fun here than at the old king's. (And he began to clap his hands. And the ambitious man began to bow, taking off his hat).

Ambitious. Are you really my enthusiastic admirer?

Prince. Why, there is no one else on your planet!

Ambitious. Well, give me pleasure, still admire me!

Prince. I admire, but what joy does this give you? Goodbye! Really, adults are very strange people...

I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying.
And I'm scared, and fun.
I want to know the whole world
And I'm in a hurry.

(Drunkard appears from behind the screen)

Presenter: The Drunkard lived on the next planet.

A little prince. Good afternoon What are you doing?
Drunkard. Drink.
A little prince. For what?
Drunkard. To forget.
A little prince. What to forget?
Drunkard. I want to forget that I'm ashamed.
A little prince. Why are you ashamed?
Drunkard. Good to drink!
A little prince. Yes, really, adults are very, very strange people.

I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying.
And I'm scared, and fun.
I want to know the whole world
And I'm in a hurry.

(The Lamplighter appears from behind the screen)

Presenter: The other planet was very interesting. She was the smallest. On it only the lantern and the Lamplighter were placed.

Prince. Good afternoon. Why did you turn off the lantern now?

Lamplighter. Such an agreement. Good afternoon.

Prince. And what is this agreement?

Lamplighter. Extinguish the lantern. Good evening.

Prince. Why did you turn it on again?

Lamplighter. Such an agreement. Once it made sense. I put out the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I had a day to rest and a night to sleep...

Prince. And then the deal changed?

Lamplighter. The deal hasn't changed. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster year after year, but the agreement remains the same.

Prince. And how now?

Lamplighter. Yes, like this. The planet makes a complete revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to breathe. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

Prince. That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!

Lamplighter. Nothing funny here, we've been talking for a month now. Good evening!

Prince. This man may be absurd, but he is not as absurd as the King, the Ambitious, and the Drunkard. Still, his work makes sense. When he lights the lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he puts out the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. It's really useful because it's beautiful. He is not funny because he thinks not only about himself. Here's someone to make friends with. It is a pity that his planet is so small - there is too little space for two.

Presenter: The little prince also visited the planets where the Dealer and the Geographer lived. About the Dealer, the kid thought that he reasoned in the same way as the drunkard, because he did not see the point in his work. And the Geographer advised the traveler to visit planet Earth.

I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying.
And I'm scared, and fun.
I want to know the whole world
And I'm in a hurry.

Presenter: The little prince traveled for a long time through the sands and mountains of the Earth. It turned out to be huge and deserted. And, finally, he ended up in a garden where many roses bloomed and met an amazing creature - the wise Fox.

(Listening to the recording of the conversation between the Little Prince and the Fox and demonstration of Exupery's drawings during the conversation).

Presenter: And now a year has passed since the Little Prince went on a trip. He returned to the desert. He walked and walked and stumbled upon the pilot and his plane, which crashed. The pilot was very kind and pure of heart. He understood the soul of the Little Prince and befriended him. But the pilot ran out of water. And then the kid said.

Prince. I'm also thirsty. Let's go find a well.

Pilot. (Desirable as a pilot - a young man, you can invite a high school student to help) So you also know what thirst is?

Prince. Sometimes the heart also needs water... You know, the stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although you can't see it...

Pilot. Yes, sure…

Prince. Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden ...

Pilot. Yes. Whether it's a house, the stars or the desert - the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes...

Prince. I am very glad that you agree with my friend Fox.

Presenter: The pilot carried through the desert all night in the arms of the Little Prince. The pilot walked and thought, looking at him.

Pilot. I carry a fragile treasure… there is nothing more fragile on our Earth… the most touching thing about this sleeping Little Prince is his fidelity to the flower, the image of the rose that shines in him like a flame of a lamp, even when he sleeps… he is even more fragile than he seems . Lamps must be protected: a gust of wind can extinguish them ...
Presenter: At dawn they reached the well. It was a real village well. There was a collar, and a bucket, and a rope ... The little prince touched the rope, began to unwind the collar. And the gate creaked like an old weather vane that had been rusting for a long time in the stillness.

Pilot. I'll draw water myself, you can't do it.

Prince. I want to take a sip of this water. Let me drink...

Pilot. And I realized what he was looking for! I raised the bucket to his lips. He drank with his eyes closed. It was like the most beautiful feast. This water was not easy. She was born from a long journey under the stars, from the creaking of the gate, from the efforts of my hands. She was like a gift to my heart.

Prince. On your planet, people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and they don't find what they are looking for...

Pilot. They don't find...

Prince. But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water ... But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.

Pilot. Yes, sure…

Prince. I'm glad you found what was wrong with your car. Now you can go home... And I will come home today too... It's much further... and much more difficult...

Pilot. Baby, I want to hear you laugh more...

(The Little Prince's laughter sounds in the audio)

Pilot. This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful and saddest place in the world. The same corner of the desert is drawn on the previous page, but I drew it again so that you can see it better. Here the Little Prince first appeared on Earth, and then disappeared.
Take a closer look to be sure to recognize this place if you ever find yourself in Africa, in the desert. If you happen to pass here, I implore you, do not hurry, hesitate a little under this star! And if a little boy with golden hair comes up to you, if he laughs loudly and does not answer your questions, you will certainly guess who he is. Then - I beg you! - do not forget to comfort me in my sadness, write to me as soon as possible that he has returned...

Presenter: Our journey through the fairy tale "The Little Prince" is over. But I think that the image of the Little Prince will now remain in your hearts for a long time. And now, let's share our impressions and opinions. (These are questions that will help reveal the aesthetic perception of the tale among readers):

  1. What epithet would you use to express the general mood of the story? (tender, or sad, or sad, just beautiful)
  2. What did you remember or think about while listening to the story? (answers are personal, very different)
  3. What episodes and lines of a fairy tale could you read to your best friend to please him?
  4. How would you start a film based on this fairy tale if you were the director?
  5. What does the drawing of an elephant in a boa constrictor have to do with the whole fairy tale? (You can't see the most important thing with your eyes...)
  6. What can you say about the author of the book, based only on the content of this tale? (Children's opinions about the author of the fairy tale: “He loves children, appreciates true friendship.” “He is pure.” “He knows how to dream and is looking for a person with whom he could share a dream.” “He is lonely.” “He knows how to tame people and be tamed himself2 "He looks at the world with bright and clean eyes." "Kept his childhood in himself.")
  7. How to explain the creation by a military pilot in the midst of a war of a fairy tale that does not contain anything military? (Answers to this question may be as follows. “This tale speaks of the causes of the war. The reason is in the disunity of people, in their misunderstanding of each other, in their prudence, in greed.” “In the tale, one feels a call for peace, for the unity of people, to universal domestication, responsibility for everything that happens". "The fairy tale reflects the yearning of the pilot for his homeland. As the prince could not live without his planet, so the pilot without his homeland, which he was forced to leave").
  8. How do you understand the words: “Only the heart is vigilant”?
  9. Why did the Little Prince want to befriend the Lamplighter?
  10. How do you understand the words of the Fox: "You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed"?
  11. The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is loved all over the world. Why do you think?
  12. What questions did you have while reading the story?

Presenter: Well done guys, you answered questions wonderfully, which means that the fairy tale touched your soul and your heart. And this is the most important thing. If it will be difficult for you to do some things, then remember the Little Prince and think about what he would do in your place.

Prasolov Alexey (1930-1972)
I remember the fairy tale of Saint-Exupery,
Like a wise dream that not everyone dreams of.
In the middle of the desert at the hour of the dull dawn
Hear the voice of the Little Prince.
He was looking for a rose in the sultry twilight
On a distant, abandoned planet.
And for five thousand roses did not give on Earth
One unique in the world.
She could be pinched in separation -
Who are afraid, who are afraid of four
Naive in the childish audacity of the thorn
From all the unkind in an unreliable world! January 29, 1963

And now let's look at the wonderful space music "Silver Dream" of the Soviet group "Zodiac" your drawings-illustrations for the fairy tale "The Little Prince", and let each of you remember your best friend, all that is good in our life.

Scenario Appendices:

Drawings by students of the School of Aesthetic Education "Green Sprout", made under the impression of reading the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

The drawings, of course, are naive and far from perfect, but the children drew, which means they thought about the Little Prince, felt and sympathized with him and the whole fairy tale.

Tips for teachers and librarians to deepen the perception of schoolchildren of Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" (Source: Tikhomirov I. "The Little Prince" of Saint-Exupery in the perception of high school students. / I. Tikhomirov. / / About literature for children. Issue 15. - Leningrad: Children's Literature, 1970. - 174 p.

Great love for people is the leitmotif of all the books of the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The critic called Exupery "The gardener in the desert." Why?

He was a poet of flight in the infinity of the sky and in the realm of spirituality. The fairy tale "The Little Prince" was published in the USA in 1943 in English. A funny, heartfelt story. It sounded like a call to love of life and high humanity. Exupery himself wrote:

“The threat of death is terrible because it can respond with pain in the hearts of loved ones.”

"A friend is someone who needs others."

“They die only for what makes life worth living.”

"We unite in a smile."

"I don't want my fairy tale to be read for fun." For what?

A feature of a fairy tale is a huge emotional and semantic capacity, giving scope to the reader's imagination and fantasy. The tale is as tender and poignant as the music of Alexandra Pakhmutova in the song "Tenderness".

“The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes” is the key to the perception of a fairy tale, its password: the most important thing in it is not what lies on the surface, but what is hidden, “encrypted” inside its images.

The fairy tale contains a huge source of awakening in the aesthetically undeveloped reader of his artistic possibilities. One should follow the path of revealing and awakening a holistic aesthetic feeling, emotional excitability, creative imagination, figurative vision.

P. Dax said: “One must be able to read in the simple words of this tale a lot of real pain, the most heartbreaking drama that has ever befallen a person ...”.

Maurice Waxmacher wrote: “The allegory of the tale is simple and extraordinarily multilayered. It should not be scrupulously deciphered, it must be taken in its entirety, in one gulp, at once: the wisdom of its hints comes through the music of words, through the softness of the transitions from joke to thought, from a cheerful smile to sad memories, these halftones are thin and smiling, like elegant watercolors with which they decorated its author."

Association of a fairy tale with poems by Mikhail Lvov:
To be with everyone everywhere -
with all my heart, with all my passion
Until the last minute!
There is no separate happiness
There is no separate truth...

Answering questions, readers were divided into two categories: some considered it "boring", others - "beautiful". On this occasion, S. Rassadina said: “All good, subtle, smart readers are good in their own way. All bad ones are similar to each other.

Therefore, before reading a fairy tale, a recommendatory conversation is necessary to destroy the reader’s attitude to the “usual” and prepare him for creative perception, in its “artistic” unusualness.

There are two stages in reading a fairy tale:

Stage 2 - the stage following the reading, correcting perception.

Methods of installation on emotional activity:
1. Read aloud one of the episodes: the meeting of the pilot and the prince, the conversation between the Prince and the Fox, the farewell of the Pilot to the Prince, the Pilot's memories of the Prince.

2. Expressing their impression, born of a fairy tale, readers awarded her with such epithets: beautiful, sincere, pure, sad, bright, calling, touching. What epithet would you come up with?

Good episodes of the fairy tale:

A little prince. Drawing by Nadia Rusheva

  • Rose's declaration of love for the Little Prince.
  • Conversation of the Little Prince with the Fox.
  • The episode with the well in the desert.
  • Farewell to the Pilot and the Little Prince.

Wise lines of a fairy tale:

Fox from The Little Prince. Drawing by Nadia Rusheva

  • …for adults to understand better. After all, they always need to explain everything.
  • ... Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and interpret everything to them.
  • If you go straight ahead, straight ahead, you won't go far...
  • Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them about a new friend, they will never ask you about the most important thing. They will never say: “What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognized the person. When you say to adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they could not imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: "I saw a house for 100 thousand francs, - and then they exclaim - What a beauty!"
  • Children should be very lenient towards adults.
  • And I'm afraid to become like adults who are not interested in anything but numbers.
  • ... It's very sad - when friends are forgotten.
  • There is a hard and fast rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. Be sure to weed out the baobabs every day.
  • On the planet of the Little Prince, like on any other planet, useful and harmful herbs grow. This means that there are good seeds of good, useful herbs and harmful seeds of bad, weed grass. But the seeds are invisible. They sleep deep underground until one of them decides to wake up. Then it sprouts; he straightens up and reaches for the sun, at first so sweet, harmless. If this is a future radish, or a rose bush, let it grow in health. But if it is some kind of bad herb, you must uproot it as soon as you recognize it. And now, on the planet of the Little Prince, there are terrible, evil seeds ... these are the seeds of baobabs. The soil of the planet is all infected with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet. He will pierce it through with his roots. And if the planet is very small and there are many baobabs, they will tear it to pieces.
  • If you give free rein to the baobabs, troubles will not be avoided ... Beware of the baobabs!
  • …You know… when it gets really sad, it's good to watch the sun go down.
  • I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious person! I am a serious person!”… But in fact he is not a person. He is a mushroom.
  • If you love a flower - the only one that does not exist on any of the many millions of stars - that is enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say: “Somewhere there lives my flower…”
  • How to call so that he hears, how to catch up with his soul, eluding me? After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears ...
  • Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it.
  • I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent. But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet
  • ... kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them all people are subjects
  • Power must first of all be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. I have the right to demand obedience because my commands are reasonable.
  • Then judge yourself... This is the most difficult thing. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.
  • Vain people are deaf to everything but praise.
  • Maybe this person is stupid. But he is not so absurd as a king, an ambitious man, a businessman or a drunkard. Still, his work makes sense. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful."
  • …he grew to like this man who was so true to his word.
  • ... he alone, in my opinion, is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself.
  • … Among the people is also lonely.
  • …People? .. They are carried by the wind. They don't have roots, which is very inconvenient.
  • And people lack imagination. They just repeat what you tell them...
  • …If you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... If you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others ... your walk will call me like music ... You see, there is wheat ripening in the fields ... Wheat fields do not tell me anything. And it's sad! But you have golden hair. And how wonderful it will be when you tame me! Golden wheat will remind me of you. And I will love the rustle of ears in the wind.
  • You can learn only those things that you tame ... People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me.
  • You need to be patient... It's better to always come at the same hour... For example, if you come at 4 o'clock. From three o'clock I feel happy. And the closer to the appointed hour, the happier. At 4 o'clock I will already begin to worry and worry. I know the price of happiness! And if you come every time at a different time, I don’t know what hour to prepare your heart for ... You need to follow the rites.
  • ... vigilantly only one heart. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
  • …you are always responsible for everyone you have tamed.
  • The little prince went to look at the roses.
    “You are nothing like my rose,” he told them, “you are nothing yet. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This was before my Fox. He was no different from 100,000 other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world ...
    You are beautiful, but empty ... For your sake, I would not want to die. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it was her, and not you covered with a glass cap. I blocked her with a screen, protecting her from the wind ... I listened to how she complained, and how she boasted, I listened to her, even when she was silent. She is mine.
  • Only children know what they are looking for ... They give their whole soul to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them.
  • But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water.
  • Water is also necessary for the heart ...
  • Do you know why the desert is good? .. Somewhere in it springs are hidden ... Suddenly I realized why the sand mysteriously radiates.
  • Once a little boy, I lived in an old, old house. - they said that a treasure was hidden in it. Of course, no one ever discovered it, and maybe no one ever looked for it. But because of him, the house was as if bewitched: in his heart he hid a secret ...
  • ... Whether it is a house, stars or desert - the most beautiful thing in them is what you cannot see with your eyes.
  • The most touching thing about this sleeping Little Prince is his fidelity to a flower, the image of a rose that shines in him like a flame of a lamp, even when he sleeps ... And I realized that he is even more fragile than he seems. Lamps must be protected: a gust of wind can extinguish them ...
  • ... People get into fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for ... Therefore, they do not know peace and rush first one way, then the other ... And all in vain ...
  • I figured out what he was looking for! I raised the bucket to his lips. He drank with his eyes closed. It was like the most beautiful feast. This water was not easy. She was born from a long journey under the stars, from the creaking of the gate, from the efforts of my hands. She was like a gift to my heart.
  • … People grow 5,000 roses in one garden… and they don’t find what they are looking for… But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water… But the eyes are blind, you have to search with your heart.
  • ... When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry.
  • Each person has their own stars. For one, those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved. To my business they are gold. But for all these people, the stars are dumb. And you will have very special stars.
  • If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it is good to look at the sky at night. All the stars are blooming... It's like water. When you gave me a drink, the water was like music, and all because of the collar and the rope ... It was very good ...
    You will look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star on which I live, where I laugh - and you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars that know how to laugh ... As if instead of stars I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells.
    You know, it will be very nice. I will also look at the stars. And all the stars will be like old wells with creaky gates. And each will give me a drink. You will have 500 million bells, and I will have 500 million springs.
  • You will think that I am dying, but it's not true ... it's like throwing off the old shell. There is nothing sad here.
  • ... the whole world becomes different for us because somewhere in an unknown corner of the universe, a lamb, which we have never seen, perhaps ate a rose unfamiliar to us. Take a look at the sky. And ask yourself, is that rose still alive or is it gone? Suddenly the lamb ate it? And you will see - everything will be different ...

The ecological project "The Little Prince" based on the fairy tale of the same name is wonderful.

Acquaintance with the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Theme of the event. Life and work of A. de Saint-Exupery.

Goals of the event.

  • To acquaint with the life and work of the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery;
  • To give the concept of a philosophical work, where there are many wise thoughts, reflections on the eternal issues of human life: friendship, responsibility, devotion, love, life and its values.



Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

Secondary school No. 4 of Kurganinsk

Summer recreation camp "Gloria"

Literary Lounge:

"Visiting the Little Prince"

Material prepared

Primary school teacher:

Kochetkova Elena Gennadievna

“Only children know what they are looking for”

A. de Saint - Exupery

Introduction to creativity

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Promotion : “I got up in the morning, washed myself, bring yourself and your

Tiny planet in order"

Theme of the event. Life and creativity of A. de Saint-Exupery.

Goals of the event.

  • To acquaint with the life and work of the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery;
  • To give the concept of a philosophical work, where there are many wise thoughts, reflections on the eternal issues of human life: friendship, responsibility, devotion, love, life and its values.

Equipment :

  • portrait of the writer;
  • book by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
  • illustrations of students for the fairy tale “The Little Prince”;
  • record player.
  • computer, interactive whiteboard.


I'm not very sure that I lived after my childhood passed.

A. de Saint-Exupery

... All adults were once children, only few of them remember this.

A. de Saint-Exupery

Event progress

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

Where are we from? We come from childhood, as if from some country ... so thought one of the most amazing people - a dreamer, pilot, writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whom his friends simply called Saint-Ex! (reading epigraphs for the lesson).

“I’m not so sure I lived after childhood passed.”

“... All adults were once children, only few of the bottom remember this.”

2. Communication of some facts from the biography of A. de Saint-Exupery

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is an extraordinary person. This is a poet, thinker and professional pilot. He was born in Lyon, in the family of the Comte de Saint-Exupery, lost his father early and grew up under the spiritual influence of his mother. A variety of talents and interests, which marked his whole life, showed up in him from childhood. Inexhaustible in inventions and pranks, the first instigator in noisy games and improvisational children's masquerades, he could sit motionless for hours in front of the fireplace and daydream, looking at the fire. He began writing poetry early, pensive and melancholy; He drew well, played the violin well. But his biggest passion since childhood is technology. The work of mechanisms, the coherence of machines enchants him, like poetry, like music. He is always inventing something, making a telephone out of tin cans, he dreams of becoming the owner of real, “adult” cars.

Antoine receives his first air baptism at the age of twelve. The French aviator, famous at that time, lifts it into the air over the city of Amberier.

The first works of the writer - the story "Southern Postal" and "Night Flight" - about the life and work of pilots. Love for people is filled with his best story - "Planet of People".

When the Second World War began, he was declared unfit for aviation service, but still continued to fight. After France was captured by the Nazi troops, Exupery ended up in exile in America. The pilot again sought the right to fight for peace on Earth. Already elderly, wounded (Exupery himself could not put on his overalls and climb into the cockpit), he could still fly and conduct reconnaissance: on July 31, 1944, he took off, but his plane did not return to base. (For a long time he was considered missing). Only in the 50s, in the diary of a former German officer, a documentary entry was found confirming his death. In 1986, the Society of Friends of Saint-Exupery managed to find an eyewitness to his death, who turned out to be a 15-year-old teenager. Exupery made a reconnaissance flight, there was no machine gun on board, and the pilot was practically defenseless against the Nazi fighter. The aircraft caught fire and began to descend towards the sea. Saint-Exupery did not live long and did not write very much, but he managed to tell people the most important thing.

3. The song “Tenderness” sounds. N. Dobronravova, music. A. Pakhmutova

The earth is empty without you...

How can I live for a few hours?

The same leaves fall in the gardens,

And somewhere everyone is in a hurry taxi ...

Only empty on earth

Alone without you

And you, you fly

And you

Give the stars

Your tenderness...

It was just as empty on the ground

And when Exupery flew

Likewise the leaves fell in the gardens,

And the earth could not come up with

How can she live without him?

While he was flying


And all the stars to him

gave away

Your tenderness...

The earth is empty without you...

If you can, come soon

4. The teacher's story about the work "The Little Prince"

Exupery dedicated his work to his best friend, Leon Werth. The wonderful fairy tale-parable "The Little Prince" tells about fidelity, friendship, responsibility, respect for a person. And its main character is the Little Prince. It is difficult to completely decipher all the moves of this wise and sad tale, it is difficult - and hardly necessary. The wisdom and charm of her allusions cannot always be expressed in words; she comes to us through the music of intonations, in a gentle transition from humor to serious reflection. Even in the most difficult moments, do not lose faith in the triumph of good. But do not be passive, fight for the victory of everything good and real, do not be indifferent to what is happening in the world, even if what is happening, it would seem, is not directly related to you. Take the whole world into your heart, do not let the flowers die, love children, keep in yourself the childish purity of your outlook on life. Such a moral lesson - gently, without intrusive edification - is taught by the "Little Prince". But what of the spiritual qualities is lost by adults? What makes a kid from a distant planet so wise with all his lovely naivete (or because of it)?

4.1 The story of the journey of the Little Prince.

During his journey, the Little Prince discovered several planets where very different adults lived: a businessman, a king, a lamplighter ... Each of them had their own customs, interests, and affairs.

A huge number of people live on Earth. There is a lot in common between them, they all, one way or another, communicate, interact with each other. But everyone has their own world, unlike all the others. This world consists of friends and relatives, your own home and favorite corners of nature, work and favorite activities. Everyone has their own worries, moods, memories and past, hopes and dreams... All of this, taken together, let's call the planet of each person.

We will discover the planets of other people.

This is not only interesting, but also very important. After all, learning about a person more and more, we enrich ourselves with new life experience. It is easier for us to guess how to please this or that person than to help him; our communication with others becomes richer, mutually beneficial. Moreover, unlike the Little Prince, we do not have the opportunity to leave forever, to isolate the planet of one of us that we did not like. We can "break" humanity into planets of individual people only conditionally - in a game or a fairy tale. Reality requires us to have positive interaction with each other and all together - with our planet Earth.

When you see these words Me and the planet you remember the Little Prince flying in the universe on his tiny asteroid. There are only two of them in the endless starry space: the Little Prince and his planet. How important it is for each of them to be such that the other lives well next to each other. How necessary it is to take care of each other, help, protect, love ... All of us living on Earth are very similar to the Little Prince, because each of us also has only one planet. We cannot choose another for ourselves, just as the Earth cannot find another humanity for itself. Man and his planet are also only two of us in the Universe. Let's measure our I by this measure. Let us imagine ourselves alone with the planet, in conditions of absolute responsibility for its and our own well-being. “What am I, what should I be, so that the Earth would thank me for every hour of my existence?”

  • It is time for everyone to answer this question today.
  • Answer and work on your Self.
  • Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • Maintain and improve your health.
  • Provide environmental conditions for their life - work, rest, food.
  • Protect yourself from adverse influences from the outside, resist them.
  • Get rid of the harm caused to oneself by some bad habits, laziness, ignorance.
  • Take care of the ecology of your soul, free it from evil, fill it with kindness.

“If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, this is enough to feel happy ...” - or something like this the Little Prince once said. The world around us is full of secrets and wonders. You can read about something, ask more knowledgeable people about something. But there is something in nature that you can only feel, experience, feel, let through your soul. “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” This wisdom was learned by the Little Prince from the Fox he had tamed. Let's try to follow this truth. Let's listen to our planet, the voices of animals and birds, flowers and trees... It's only in fairy tales that they speak the human language. In reality, it's different.

It is not true that a person cannot understand their language. Deaf-mute, lonely, helpless people remain in their indifference, callousness, selfishness. You can hear and understand nature with your heart.

Just as the Little Prince had a girlfriend on his asteroid - a rose, campers find friends from their squad, or maybe from another squad.

“I know one planet,” the Little Prince once said, “there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone…”

The little prince often admired the sunset. Once in one day he saw the sunset 43 times ... Let's ask ourselves: “And how many times have I watched the sunsets and sunrises of today? Have I not become like that man hardened to beauty? Am I not noticing neither the dew, nor the rainbow, nor the amazingly colored butterflies, nor the bizarre shapes of the clouds? Seeing and understanding the beautiful is a very important quality for a person. Only those who can appreciate the uniqueness of the beauty of the surrounding world, nature, are able to cherish this miracle of the universe - our living planet. It is equally important to create beauty with your own hands. To convey the beauty of the surrounding world and the planet chosen by the program participant by means of fine arts, artistic expression, music is the first thing that this vertical implies. The second is not just to convey the beautiful, but to multiply it in your work, to create beautiful, thanks to your imagination and fantasy. The third chain of affairs can be indicated by the words: "Let's make the world around us more beautiful with our own hands." “Thorns have been growing on flowers for millions of years. And for millions of years, lambs still eat flowers. So isn't it a serious matter to understand why they go out of their way to grow thorns if the thorns are of no use? the little prince once exclaimed. Being among us, he would probably be surprised at what we pass by every day, do not notice, what we do not think about, doing certain actions, being immersed in our worries. “Isn't it a serious matter,” he would say to one of us, “to understand why the plantain tries to grow exactly where a passer-by is sure to step on it. Or, - he would say to others, - why do sparrows bathe in city dust, while there are beautiful clean parks and forests not far away ... ". Indeed, in order to interact with the outside world without harming either oneself or nature, in order to take care of the representatives of the animal and plant world, of one’s planet as a whole, one desire to do just that is not enough, there is little sympathy for all living things. In order for our interaction with others to be environmentally literate, we need knowledge. Rising to the heights of ecological culture, we will seek knowledge for salvation. We will seek knowledge that will help us preserve our planet in our environment.

Familiar words from Bulat Okudzhava's song. Let's continue them: "Let's join hands, friends, so as not to disappear one by one ..."

This is exactly what can happen to us if we fail to unite and coordinate our efforts in the struggle for survival and the prevention of an ecological catastrophe. It's great if each of us becomes the Little Prince on a certain, separately taken territory - our own planet, and the Earth turns into a mosaic of such planets, surrounded by the care and attention of their owners.

4.2 Reading the poem by E. Yevtushenko “There are no uninteresting people in the world”

* * *

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like the histories of the planets.

Each has everything special, its own,

and there are no planets like it.

And if someone lived unnoticed

and was friends with this invisibility,

he was interesting among people

by its very lack of interest.

Everyone has their own secret private world.

There is the best moment in this world.

There is the most terrible hour in this world,

but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies

with him his first snow dies,

and the first kiss, and the first fight...

He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain

machines and artists canvases,

yes, much is destined to stay,

but something is still missing!

Such is the law of the ruthless game.

Not people die, but worlds.

We remember people, sinful and earthly.

And what did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,

what do we know about our only one?

And about his own father

we, knowing everything, know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be returned.

Their secret worlds cannot be revived.

And every time I want again

from this irreversibility to scream.

5. Conversation with students

  1. Think about the connection between the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupery and this poem by the modern poet E. Yevtushenko?
  2. Do you remember what a fairy tale is? Why did the author turn to this genre?
  3. Describe the Little Prince. What is its main rule?
  4. In his fairy tale, the writer poses an important problem of values. What is valuable for the Little Prince?
  5. Who does the hero meet during his journey?
  6. How does the Little Prince evaluate them?
  7. The theme of responsibility in a fairy tale. What should a person be responsible for?

6. Listening to wise expressions from a fairy tale

It is much harder to judge oneself than others.

Only children know what they are looking for.

It's good where we're not.

Only one heart is vigilant.

The most important thing is what you can't see with your eyes.

Water is also needed by the heart.

Each person has their own stars.

The only true luxury on Earth is the luxury of human interaction.

You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.

Power, above all, must be reasonable.

7. Summing up

Teacher's word.

Exupery's work is called a philosophical tale. The word "philosophy" is used as a synonym for the word "wisdom". In the fairy tale of the French writer, there are many wise thoughts, reflections on the eternal questions of human life. The Little Prince is not only the image of a particular hero, but also a symbol of the child in general; a rose is not just a flower, it is a symbol of a beloved, but capricious being; The fox is a symbol of nature, friend; the baby's asteroid is a symbol of the planet, and it is also a distant world of childhood for many adults.

8. Try to formulate the idea of ​​a fairy tale

The world of childhood is fragile and pure, children are immediate miracles that live relying on their feelings, listening to the voice of the heart. Adults often lose their ability to imagine, stop paying attention to the beauty of the world and thus limit themselves. Therefore, adults and children are two worlds, two different planets, and only a few are able to return to the land of childhood.

Teacher's word.

Exupery's tale can be taken literally: it was a fantastic adventure of a pilot in the desert - a meeting with the inhabitants of a distant planet, the Little Prince. And you can perceive this story as a meeting of the pilot with himself, with his own childhood. And if you keep a childish spontaneity and purity in your soul, who knows, maybe you will someday meet the Little Prince.

The song "The Little Prince" sounds. N. Dobronravova, music. M. Tariverdieva.

Who invented you
Star country?
I have been dreaming for a long time
I dream about her.
I will leave the house
I will leave the house
Right next to the pier
The wave is beating.

windy evening,
The cries of birds will be silenced.
Starry I will notice
Light from under the eyelashes.
Quietly towards me
Quietly towards me
Will come out gullible
A little prince.

The most important---
Don't scare the story
To the boundless world
Open windows.
My sailboat rushes
My sailboat rushes
My sailboat rushes
On a fabulous journey.

Where are you, where are you
Island happiness?
Where is the coast
Light and good?
Where with hope
Where with hope
The most tender
Words roam.

abandoned in childhood
old friends,

Life is a swim
To distant lands.
farewell songs,
Far harbors ---
In everyone's life
My own story.

Who invented you
Star country?
I have been dreaming for a long time
I dream about her.
I will leave the house

I will leave the house -
Right next to the pier
The wave is beating.

9. Assignment to the detachments.draw pictures for the storywrite a letter to the little prince.

We draw illustrations for a fairy tale

Maintain and improve your health

Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you

The only true luxury on earth is the luxury of human


Analysis of the extracurricular activities

The event was very exciting and interesting. All the children listened attentively to the story about the writer's work. The detachments listened to the song "Tenderness" op. N. Dobronravova, music. A. Pakhmutova, it sings about the famous French pilot Exupery. The detachments responded with great interest to the questions posed, shared their opinions, and gave examples from life. The event had a very good effect on the active and creative activity of the children. Drawings were drawn for the Little Prince, letters were written where the children offered him friendship, their support. Everyone had a desire to travel with the Little Prince. All squads now try to follow the wise expressions from A. de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince". It was concluded that we must protect our planet, love people, be kind, sympathetic. Take care of the world around you, love animals, birds, flowers. Maintain and improve your health. That, despite the fact that many people live on the planet, they have a lot in common, they all, one way or another, communicate with each other and everyone has their own world, unlike the others. This world consists of friends and relatives, your own home and favorite corners of nature, work and favorite activities.


  1. Foreign literature. Manual for an optional course for students in grades 8-10. Under. Ed. S.V. Turaev - 4th ed. Dorab. - M .: Education, 1984.
  2. Foreign literature for children and youth. Proc. for institutes of culture. At 2 p.m., h 2 / n N.P. Bannikova, L.Yu. Braude, T.D. Venediktov and others. Ed. N.K. Meshcheryakova, I.S. Chernyavskoy M., Enlightenment, 1989.
  3. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Planet of people. A little prince. Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book. Publishing house, 1982.
  4. Zolotareva I.V., T.A. Krysov. Lesson developments in literature 8 cells. 2nd ed. Correct. and additional M., “VAKO”, 2004.
  5. Turyanskaya B.I., Komisarova E.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Vinogradova E.A. Literature in 8th grade. Lesson after lesson. 3rd ed., M .: “Trading and publishing house“ Russian word - RS ”, 2002.


Antoine de Saint-Exupery


During the journey, the little prince meets with different adults - with the king, a drunkard, a businessman, a geographer, a lamplighter ...

Children's drawings

Bugara Denis

Kochetkova Tatiana

Ledeneva Marina

Do you want to improve your computer skills?

One example of the use of triggers in a presentation is a test when a question and several answers are given: when you left-click on the wrong options, they, for example, disappear from the slide, and when you click on the correct answer, pleasant music or an answer is played " is placed in the basket. Triggers help to program the action of the presentation when clicking on a specific answer option.

Read new articles

The direction, apparently, first of all will require reasoning about love. Simply because this is the most common type of relationship between a man and a woman. But there are also variants of hatred, friendship and service relations. It makes no sense to list all possible versions of works that touch on the theme of love. However, it is advisable to take into account when preparing for the final essay that the topic can relate to both mutual, “correct” love, and unrequited or “criminal” love, that is, illegal. It is worth considering in advance how to disclose such topics and on what material. If, for example, the writer intends to consider “criminal” love as a variant of desirable self-expression, then it is worth referring to the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” (Margarita is married, but loves the Master); if the graduate considers such love unacceptable, he can refer to the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin".

Antoine and Consuelo

The story of the Little Prince based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Stage editing by Natalia Pashinskaya

Krasnokamenskaya school, Yalta, Crimea


Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Consuelo, his wife, aka Rosa

A little prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupery sits at a table on stage and writes. Music sounds. Consuelo appears, she closes his eyes from behind.

Antoine: Now I guess. Who could it be? Maybe….

Consuelo: Yes, yes, yes ... Good morning Tony. You write everything

Antoine:(not looking up) Uh-huh.

Consuelo: And draw me a lamb.

Antoine: I can not draw.

Consuelo: And you try.

Antoine: I already tried once. And adults advised me not to draw anymore.

Consuelo: Yes, I know this story with a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. But I ask you to draw a lamb.

Antoine: Consuelo, I must urgently finish this manuscript.

Consuelo: Draw anyway. Na-ri-sui…

Antoine:(Looking up from the typewriter) How beautiful you are ...

Consuelo: Like who?

Antoine: Like a morning flower, like a sip of spring water...

Consuelo: (turning to the image of the Rose). I am Rose. Ah, I hardly woke up ... I beg your pardon ... I'm still completely disheveled ...

Antoine: How beautiful you are!

Consuelo: Yes its true? And mind you, I was born with the sun. Looks like it's time for breakfast. Be so kind, take care of me...

Antoine: Oh, definitely.

Consuelo: You know, let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws!

Antoine: What tigers? Why tigers?

Consuelo: Tony, that's not what you're talking about.

Antoine: What should I say?

Consuelo: You have to say what the little prince said: there are no tigers on my planet.

Antoine: There are no tigers on my planet, and besides, tigers don't eat grass.

Consuelo:(offended) I'm not grass.

Antoine: Excuse me...

Consuelo: No, I am not afraid of tigers, but I am terribly afraid of drafts. You

no screen? When evening comes, cover me with a cap. you have too much

Cold. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from... (Coughing) Where is the screen?

Antoine: I wanted to follow her, but I couldn't stop listening to you!

Consuelo: Then Rosa coughed harder: let his conscience still torment him!

Antoine: Although the little prince fell in love with a beautiful flower and was glad for him

serve, but soon doubts arose in his soul. Empty words he

took to heart and began to feel very unhappy.

Consuelo: Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them

and breathe in their fragrance.

Antoine: My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it. This talk of claws and tigers... They should have touched me, but I got angry...

Consuelo: It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds.

Antoine: She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pathetic tricks and tricks, I should have guessed the tenderness.

Consuelo: Yes, flowers are so inconsistent!

Antoine: But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet.

Consuelo: And the Little Prince decided to travel with migratory birds.

Antoine: And when he watered for the last time and was about to cover the wonderful flower with a cap, he even wanted to cry.

Farewell, he said.

Consuelo: I was stupid, forgive me. And try to be happy.

Antoine: And not a word of reproach? Where does this quiet tenderness come from?

Consuelo: Yes, yes, I love you. It's my fault you didn't know that. Yes, it doesn't matter. But you were just as stupid as me. Try to be happy... Leave the cap, I don't need it anymore.

Antoine: But the wind...

Consuelo: I'm not so cold... The coolness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower.

Antoine: But animals, insects...

Consuelo: I must endure two or three caterpillars if I want to get acquainted with butterflies. They must be lovely. And then who will become me

visit? You'll be far away. And I'm not afraid of big animals. I have claws too. Don't wait, it's unbearable! Decided to leave - so leave. (Song)

The little prince is sad. Fox appears

Fox: Hello.

A little prince: Who are you? How beautiful you are!

Fox: I am Lis

A little prince: Play with me. I am so sad...

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.

A little prince: Ah, I'm sorry. And how is it to tame?

Fox: This is a long forgotten concept. It means: to create bonds.

A little prince: Bonds?

Fox: That's it. You are still just a little boy for me, just like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I'll be the only one for you in the whole world...

A little prince: I begin to understand. There was one rose ... probably she tamed me ...

Fox: Very possible. There is nothing on earth that just happens.

A little prince: It wasn't on Earth.

Fox: On another planet?

A little prince: Yes.

Fox: Are there hunters on that planet?

A little prince: No.

Fox: How interesting! Are there chickens?

A little prince: No.

Fox: There is no perfection in the world! My life is boring. I hunt chickens, and people hunt me. All chickens are the same and people are all the same. And my life is boring. But if you tame me, my life will be like the sun. I will distinguish your steps among thousands of others. Hearing human footsteps, I always run and hide. But your walk will call me like music, and I will come out of my shelter. And then - look! See, over there, in the fields, the wheat is ripening? I don't eat bread. I don't need spikes. Wheat fields mean nothing to me. And it's sad! But you have golden hair. And how wonderful it will be when you tame me! Golden

the wheat will remind me of you. And I will love the rustle of ears in the wind... Please... tame me!

A little prince: I'd love to, but I don't have much time. I still have to find friends and learn different things.

Fox: You can only learn things that you tame. People don't have time to learn anything anymore. If you want a friend, tame me!

A little prince: And what should be done for this?

Fox: We must have patience. First, sit over there, a little way off, on the grass, like this. I will look askance at you, and you keep quiet. Words only make it difficult to understand each other. But every day sit down a little closer... It is better to always come at the same hour. For example, if you come at four o'clock, I will feel happy from three o'clock. And the closer to the appointed hour, the happier. At four o'clock I will already begin to worry and worry. I know the price of happiness! And if you come every time at a different time, I don’t know what hour to prepare your heart for ... You need to follow the rites.

A little prince: What are rites?

Fox: This is something that makes one day different from all other days, one hour from all other hours. For example, my hunters have this ritual: on Thursdays they dance with the village girls. And what a wonderful day it is Thursday! I go for a walk and go all the way to the vineyard. And if the hunters danced when they had to, all the days would be the same and I would never know rest.

A little prince: Well, I'm already very close. Have I already tamed you?

Fox: Yes.

A little prince: But I have to leave now. The time has come for our farewell.

Fox: I will cry for you.

A little prince: It's your fault. I did not want you to be hurt, you yourself wished me to tame you ...

Fox: Yes, sure.

A little prince: But you will cry!

Fox: Yes, sure.

A little prince: So you feel bad about it.

Fox: No, I'm fine. Remember what I said about the golden ears. Go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you a secret. This will be my gift to you.

(the song of farewell to Rose sounds, Roses appear)

A little prince: You are nothing like my rose. You are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. You are beautiful but empty. You won't want to die for you. Of course, a passer-by, looking at my

rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you. But she is dearer to me

all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. Her, not you

covered with a glass jar. He blocked her with a screen, protecting her from

wind. He killed caterpillars for her, only left two or three to

butterflies emerged. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I

listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine.

The roses disappear, the Fox appears.

A little prince: Goodbye...

Fox: Goodbye. Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

A little prince: You can't see the most important thing with your eyes

Fox: Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.

A little prince: Because I gave her all my soul...

Fox: People have forgotten this truth, but don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

A little prince: I am responsible for my rose... The stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although it is not visible... And the desert is beautiful... Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden ...

Antoine appears

Antoine: Yes. Whether it's a house, the stars or the desert - the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.

A little prince: I am very glad that you agree with my friend Fox. On your planet, people grow five thousand roses in the bottom of the garden... and they don't find what they're looking for...

Antoine: They don't find it.

A little prince: But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water ...

Antoine: Yes, sure.

A little prince: But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.

Antoine: Yes, sure...

A little prince: It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it is good to look at the sky at night. All stars are blooming.

Antoine: Yes, sure...

A little prince: At night you will look at the stars. My star is very small, I can't show it to you. That's better. She will be just one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars ... All of them will become you

friends. And then, I'll give you something...


Antoine: Oh baby, baby, how I love it when you laugh!

A little prince: This is my gift... it will be like water...

Antoine: How so?

A little prince: Each person has their own stars. To one - those who wander - they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved. But for all these people, the stars are dumb. And you will have very special stars ...

Antoine: How so?

A little prince: You look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star where I live, where I laugh,

Consuelo appears.

Consuelo: and you will hear all the stars laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh!

The little prince laughed.

A little prince: You will always be my friend.

Consuelo: You will want to laugh with me. Sometimes you will open the window like this, and you will be pleased ... And your friends will be surprised that you are laughing, looking at the sky. And you will tell them: "Yes, yes, I always laugh, looking at the stars!" And they'll think you're crazy.

A little prince:(laughs) It's like instead of stars I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells...

Antoine: All this is mysterious and incomprehensible. The whole world becomes different for us because, somewhere in an unknown corner of the universe, a lamb, which we have never seen, perhaps ate a rose unfamiliar to us.

Take a look at the sky. And ask yourself: "Is that rose alive or is it already

No? What if the lamb ate it?" And you will see: everything will be different...

Consuelo: And no adult will ever understand how important this is!