Ukrainian TV presenters. Adorable Ukrainian James Bond girl

You may not know it, but you definitely know a few hotties. Ukrainian origin, representatives of pop culture. Ukraine has always been famous for beautiful women who could hypnotize a man from any country in the world. Remember the story of Roksolana or Anna Yaroslavna. And now this country has something to boast about in the field of beauty, sexuality and charm.

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Having become famous in her country as a child, Tina Karol is now one of the sexiest beauties in Ukraine. Proficiency in playing the piano and unique voice allowed Tina Karol to be one of the most recognizable faces of Ukraine in the 2000s. She is now younger and more attractive than ever. By the way, Tina is still a soloist of the song and dance ensemble Armed Forces Ukraine.

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She is known both in Ukraine and throughout European Union. Ruslana is probably the most famous of Ukrainian pop stars. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Istanbul in 2004, Ruslana is also a successful political and public figure.

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It would be unforgivable to ignore Yulia Tymoshenko in such a list. This is one of the most famous prime ministers of Ukraine and the most famous prisoners. Yulia Tymoshenko, no matter where she is, always knows how to create a visual impression. The whole of Ukraine is following the changes in her image. And her legendary “braid” will forever remain in history.

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If you didn’t know, Milla Jovovich was born in Kyiv. She's famous American model and an actress whom the whole world knows. She starred in big budget blockbusters, including The Fifth Element and the Resident Evil film series. Milla is considered one of the world's celebrities with the most beautiful eyes.

The whole country knows them by sight. Thanks to them, thousands of Ukrainians freeze in front of their television screens. We have chosen, in our opinion, the most stylish and fashionable TV presenters Ukraine, which “save face” not only on film set, but also beyond.

Masha Efrosinina

She is not afraid to experiment: classic coats with jeans, dresses with sneakers, socks under sandals and a silk scarf tied in the style of the 60s “peasant style”. The TV presenter experiments by mixing wardrobe elements from foreign designers with domestic ones. In particular, Masha can often be seen in looks from Bulguri, Prada, Valentino, Chloe, Tak Ori mixed with ELENAREVA and Poustovit. Masha also does not hide the fact that she can often purchase things at affordable Zara or HM.

Katya Osadchaya

Katya's images are a guide to Ukrainian designers: Poustovit, ELENAREVA, Navro, ARTEMKLIMCHUK, Anna October, Andre Tan, Ruslan Baginskiy and others. Every appearance of the TV presenter on camera or at social events causes a sensation due not only to her extravagant hats, but also to her chosen outfits, which characterize Katya as a very daring fashionista.

Olga Freimut

The TV presenter does not hide her love for Prada shoes and Chanel dresses. Her wardrobe contains enough outfits from Saint Laurent, Chloe and Oscar de la Renta. Freimut does not shy away from wearing clothes from Ukrainian designers. Often in the frame various programs The TV presenter appears in dresses from Olga Alenova and trouser suits by Artem Klimchuk. LUVI brand designers also sew a lot for her.

Vasilisa Frolova

A regular at all social events. It is difficult to find another person who can so skillfully play with the trends of the season in an ironic form. At the same time, it looks completely natural: the complex image does not visually fall apart into parts and looks whole. Vasilisa skillfully combines unusual color combinations and textures, plays with style. In addition, the TV presenter very organically mixes luxury brands and mass market.

Dasha Kolomiets

Man is a holiday. Actually, the TV presenter’s style is precisely in this spirit - playful, unexpected and always bright. Vintage items, floral dresses, and oversized items are especially loved in Dasha’s wardrobe. Like many others, she prefers to wear things from Ukrainian designers. In particular, the TV presenter can often be seen in outfits by Ksenia Schnaider or Flowerchic Studio.

In the new season of 2011, Russian TV presenters are hosting about 20 popular programs on Ukrainian television. The main reasons for Russian stars working on Ukrainian television comes with fees and PR, thanks to which they can receive income from “corporate events.” And Ukrainian channels choose those stars Russian show business, which are recognizable by viewers thanks to Russian programs and series broadcast in Ukraine.


Long-lived on Ukrainian channels are, already half-forgotten by viewers in Russia, the former hosts of popular socio-political programs Savik Shuster and Evgeniy Kiselev. The first one, since 2005, managed to work on several channels: ICTV, Inter, TRK Ukraine. Now his program “Shuster Live” is broadcast on “First National”.

Since 2009, Evgeniy Kiselyov has been hosting the program “Great Politics with Evgeniy Kiselyov” on the Inter TV channel.

Anfisa Chekhova was one of the hosts of the “Bachelor” program on the STB TV channel, and now hosts cooking show“Masterchef” (rating 2.7), on the same channel.

Sergey Lazarev works as a presenter in the “Maidan’s” program (rating 4.3). He commented on his activities as follows: “They don’t know me as well here as in Russia, so it’s beneficial for me to appear here every Saturday at live. And even sing your songs here for the whole country.” By the way, the jury members are also invited stars of Russian show business (Anastasia Volochkova, Philip Kirkorov).

Dmitry Shepelev (“Property of the Republic” on “Russia 1”) together with Mikhail Galustyan (“Our Russia”) work in the project “Rozsmishi Komika” (“Make a comedian laugh”) on “Inter”.

Natalya Bochkareva, star of the series “Happy Together” (TNT), was a participant in “Dancing with the Stars,” which was broadcast by STB, and then began hosting the show “Zvazheni ta Shchaslivi” (“Weighed and Happy”) on this channel.

Yulia Vysotskaya (host of the “Eating at Home” program on NTV) is a member of the jury of the “Pekelna Kitchen” (“Hell’s Kitchen”) program on the “1+1” channel, which is produced according to the British Hell’s Kitchen format.

Maxim Averin (TV series “Capercaillie”) in the 2011 season hosts the program “Minute for Victory” on the “Ukraine” channel.

Ksenia Sobchak (“Dom-2” on TNT) became the host of “Let’s get married” (“Let’s get married” on STB.

Dmitry Nagiyev hosted the “All Ours” program on the Inter TV channel (rating 4.8). similar in format to the show “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. In the 2011 season, he was replaced by Ukrainian presenter Oksana Bayrak. But soon the “1+1” channel will show the program “Mother in Law” (“Mother in Law”), which will be hosted by Nagiyev.

Otar Kushanashvili hosts the “Debriefing” program on “Inter” (rating 3.8). In an interview with, he frankly admitted that he was primarily interested in money: “I came here to teach everyone how to speak! Yes and my show " Big jackpot“Many people still remember, so I was glad to return to my favorite genre.” His fee is 10-15 thousand dollars a month. In addition, Kushanashvili is also a member of the jury of the MayDan’s project at the same Inter.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was on the jury of the “People’s Star” show on “Ukraine”, and now hosts the “Smachna Liga” program on “Inter”.


Information in open sources There is little information about the fees of Russian presenters in Ukraine. Ukrainian leading most popular programs receive up to 10 thousand dollars a month, but Russians receive much more - according to the newspaper, on average from 15 thousand dollars a month. The maximum fees went to Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who received almost a million dollars for their work in the Morning Mail program (“Inter”). Also, among Russian stars, Evgeny Kiselev stands out, receiving up to 48-65 thousand dollars. per month

It should be noted that, in principle, Russian presenters do not receive exorbitant fees by Russian standards. The amount of 15 thousand dollars in Russia famous TV presenters receive for running one “corporate event” or one program. Thus, in the spring of 2011, the fees of Anna Chapman, a person involved in the “spy scandal,” became known. For hosting the program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” on Ren-TV, she will receive 359.5 thousand rubles per month.

Most ordinary Ukrainian presenters receive significantly less than their stars. For example, on “Inter”, NTN, “Novy”, STB, ICTV, presenters receive about 10-15 thousand hryvnia (hryvnia exchange rate = 4 rubles). For “1+1” 15-25 thousand hryvnia. On “First National” stars are paid up to 40 thousand hryvnia.

“You are not welcome here.”

The massive invasion of Russian presenters did not particularly please local stars, and the main complaint is not even because they take up their places on TV channels, but dissatisfaction is caused by competition due to “corporate events.”

The presenter of the “New Channel” Masha Efrosinina told the newspaper “” that Russians do not deprive her of a piece of bread on TV, which cannot be said about “corporate parties”: “Somehow my candidacy was not chosen in favor of another Russian presenter.”

And the host of the “People’s Star” program on the “Ukraine” TV channel, Maxim Nelip, is very dissatisfied with “the flooding of the airwaves with Russians”: “Because of them, the number of offers I have has decreased. Although, please note, most of the Russian presenters who came to us are considered chewed gum in their homeland. And I’m also against the fact that singers become presenters - everyone should do their own thing.”

The presenter of the First National, Olga Sumskaya, has the same opinion: “I was invited to the STB program “Phenomenon”, and in the end they hired Larisa Dolina as an expert. At least her fee is two or three times more.”

Yuri Gorbunov (hosts “Smakuemo” on “1+1”) says he already has enough work: “But if I were the head of the channel, I would not invite Russian presenters, giving way to ours. In general, this is our mentality: it seems that everything that is foreign is better.”