When they close house 2 of the year. Mikhailovsky left not in vain

Many . They demand for a long time, to no avail, but they do not give up. They have already signed petitions, called the mayor's office, even tried to get through to the president, but things are still there. But soon everything will change...

Former project participant Stepan Menshchikov brought sad news to the near-Doma world. Or is it still joyful? Decide for yourself - breaking news! Moscow City Hall plans to close House 2! True, not all, but one of the main sites, known to everyone under the name "glade".

Will the participants have to go home?

The reason was the intention of the mayor's office to build a highway that will pass through the telestroy clearing. There is no official confirmation of this information, but deforestation has already begun. So maybe that's why they closed the city apartments for repairs and more and more often they talk about a complete reboot of the Island of Love on the air on sloka? Maybe now the participants will have to make room, or even go home?

Former participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Rustam Solntsev commented on the news about the closure of the project "Dom-2. Love Island". According to the showman, the participants who did not know why they came to the program are to blame for what happened.

“Several times I went to Love Island as an expert,” Solntsev explained to the website correspondent. “Personally, I have no complaints about the guys - they talked, tried to build relationships. But there is such a thing as a rating. And apparently, the topic is no longer a channel – viewers need something new The last time I was there was last week – the authors of the program at the execution place asked the participants: “What are you doing here? Why is there no pair?


The showman remembered that even the participation of strippers did not help the project. “The guys were the main grooms, but they didn’t stay on the project for even two weeks. They just didn’t pull it. Perhaps they admired themselves more than the girls - and there was someone to look at the island! I think the participants still brought the Island to the closure, who had no idea what to do on the project, did not know what to do with their lives. But you just need to have an interesting life - and people will be interested to look at you, "Rustam concluded.

Recall that it recently became known that the management of the TNT channel decided to close the second season of the show "Dom-2. Love Island" ahead of schedule. The producers of the program felt that the project participants did not want to do what they were brought together for - namely, to build love.

The star of the "Island" Marina Mexico in the microblog confirmed that the second season of the project was a failure, and expressed the hope that the third "bombs not childishly." The tanned beauty said that she would continue to lead the Seychelles News for the time being.

They not only build love, but also earn money. Well, or they make money. And a lot. "Dom-2" is the longest-running project of Russian television, it has been on the air for 13 years. Rumors about the closure of the show have disturbed fans more than once, but the scandalous construction continues to live and generate income for its creators. Why the Dom-2 empire is indestructible - the 360 ​​TV channel understood.

The scandalous project was tried to be closed more than once. For the first time - just a year after the broadcast. In 2005, a group of Moscow City Duma deputies demanded that the broadcast be stopped, and the presenter Ksenia Sobchak be prosecuted for ... pimping. Nothing succeeded. Opponents of the show were immediately accused of trying to introduce censorship and infringement on the democratic foundations of society.

In 2009, a new trial ended with the transfer being no longer shown during "children's" time - from 16:00 to 23:00. But a year later, the show returned to the daytime air. And now it comes out in the morning, afternoon and evening.

How much do they earn at Dom-2?

It is known from open sources that in 2015 the project owners earned 2.5 billion rubles from the project. This is not counting the salaries of the participants and the cost of producing the show itself.

The first source of income is advertising on the air and hidden advertising. Advertising blocks during the show are held at a separate price list and bring millions of rubles to the channel. If you have watched the project at least once, you probably noticed how the participants, as it were, by the way, praise either super diet pills, or miracle shampoo, or cream, or lemonade. Such "hidden" advertising costs more than standard blocks. At night, a paid SMS-chat is still working.

Dom-2 magazine

"Dom-2" has long gone beyond the scope of television. The magazine of the same name is constantly increasing its circulation. Now it is 200 thousand copies per month, the average cost of one is 80 rubles apiece. Income - consider yourself.

In addition, there is an electronic version. You can subscribe online. Plus advertising in the magazine itself. One U-turn after the 20th lane costs 530 thousand rubles.

And also social networks, which in recent years have turned into independent full-fledged platforms for promotion. Olga Buzova's Instagram is a prime example. The page has nearly 10 million followers. Advertising prices start from 120 thousand rubles per post. And the official website of the project has a huge traffic.

Tour participants

Dom-2 is a whole entertainment industry. The project participants record albums and tour with their hits throughout the country. With such a rhythm, it is not even clear when they find time to build love. And do they find ... At the moment, almost 750 people have gone through the show, and there are a little more than 10 couples who have registered a marriage, and this is for 13 years of the project.

Became known the timing of the closure of the scandalous TV project “Dom-2″

The Network has been discussing the closure of one of the most scandalous reality shows in the history of Dom-2 for more than a year, however, until recently, no one could name the exact date of this historical moment. Now they are talking about the fact that next year the show will “definitely be closed”, but this is not entirely true: the TV project will simply move to a new site, as officials who need the territory occupied by the project insist on it.

So, Vladimir Zhidkin, head of the department for the development of new territories, spoke about the move of the TV project:

“During the design of the road, a land plot was confiscated. The designers have not heard that there is a set of "House-2". Now there is a normal procedure for the withdrawal of this land. The owner was offered a number of compensatory measures,” said Zhidkin.


Even this summer, it became known for certain that during the design of the road, the experts either did not take into account, or did not want to take into account the site of the Dom-2 television project, which is located exactly somewhere "in the middle of the future road." It was because of this that rumors began to arise about the closure of the television project, however, so far no one plans to close Dom-2: the show has a huge amount of time on the air of the TNT channel, besides, its ratings still hold on - albeit at heights as before.

The same Vladimir Zhidkin notes that the management of the Dom-2 project planned to move back in 2018, however, they postponed it to the next year - 2019. The problem lies in the fact that the site occupied by the territory of the show is closely adjacent to the future track. By the way, a non-residential building with an area of ​​seventy-two square meters has already been taken away from the television project "Dom-2" for the needs of the construction of a new road.

Now, the information about the "moving" of the scandalous TV show "Dom-2" varies: the department says that it is scheduled for the next year, 2019, as mentioned above. And the former participant of the TV project and the current TV presenter Andrey Cherkasov says that no one plans to move anywhere:

- "House-2" remains in the place where he stood. They won’t take us - we are stronger than the Izmail fortress ... The road will pass nearby, touch our territory a little, - said the host.


Meanwhile, life on the TV set is literally in full swing: netizens are discussing the future wedding of Alexandra Cherno and Iosif Oganesyan. The relationship of the guys was initially built on scandals, and the criticism of the "haters" only added "points": the fact is that Joseph is a very "puny" guy, at the same time that Sasha came to the project, to put it mildly, a very magnificent girl. Fans of the show immediately nicknamed her "fat", and each time they showered angry comments as soon as Cherno appeared in front of the cameras in lingerie or a swimsuit.

In fact, according to skeptics, it was thanks to the outstanding forms that Sasha managed to stay on the show "Dom-2" for so long: the viewer is used to seeing monotonous "rubber Zines" on the screens, which everyone strives to make "chest, lips, ass and hair" , and Cherno, despite her fullness, nevertheless favorably stood out from the “conveyor line” of beauties. Of course, the behavior of the girl also had to correspond to the format of the show, and that is why, according to some netizens, Cherno does not always behave "adequately".

October 22, Sasha was in seventh heaven with happiness. She and Joseph finally applied to the registry office. The marriage registration will take place in Moscow on December 22, 2018. However, in the evening, the bride and groom quarreled to the nines. Pyshka suddenly decided that her skinny chosen one was unhappy next to her. Apparently, in order to rectify the situation and explain to Oganesyan how much he should love her, Cherno decided to make a scandal.

Another squabble between Joseph and Sasha did not surprise the fans of "House-2". Many admirers of the TV set are sure that even a month after the wedding, Cherno and Oganesyan will part. Someone even takes pity on the young man, saying that he does not see who he is marrying.


Meanwhile, Olga Buzova, the brightest host of the Dom-2 TV project, once again told the whole country about her disappointment in love. So, the show "Married to Buzova" recently ended, in which Denis Lebedev won. However, as soon as the fans only hoped for a moment that now Buzova would be truly happy, the beautiful picture collapsed overnight.

Information appeared on the Web accusing the chosen one of the TV presenter and singer of fraud: judging by the correspondence published by some publications, Lebedev is a real gigolo and a scammer who just wanted to use Olga for his own purposes. Buzova herself wrote to fans in despair that she once again trusted the wrong man, and that all the information about Denis presented to the public was true. According to the singer, the man himself confessed everything to her, and even tried to somehow explain, but she no longer wants to “take” him back.

Nevertheless, Denis Lebedev sincerely hopes for the favor of fortune (and Buzova), therefore he does not lose hope of reuniting with her. Olga Buzova, in turn, writes in the comments on social networks that she even hired security to somehow get rid of the "stubborn" boyfriend.

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Regularly, speculations on the topic “Dom-2 are being closed” appear on the Internet. The project has existed for more than 12 years and, despite its high popularity among the audience, the quality of the reality show is getting worse from year to year - even the most devoted fans among the audience cannot dispute this.

If in past years there were mainly rumors that the owners of the TV set would update the rules and change the composition of the participants / presenters, then with the beginning of 2018, more and more information appears that Dom-2 is being closed.

There are no official comments and confirmations of these rumors yet - the producers, employees and participants of the project are still silent on this matter. It is clear that in their case there is a ban on the disclosure of any information related to the show. However, those who left and who were “left” from the project willingly comment on the situation. Indeed, among them there are many people who are still aware of the situation on the project.

In particular, Konstantin Ivanov recently spoke on social networks about the future of House-2. According to his information, the telestroke will be closed in the near future. Kostya says that the project is in such a fever that in order to increase the ratings, the show is trying to return old participants. However, not all "old-timers" will agree to follow the new rules.

Dom-2 will be closed in 2018

Ivanov said that he had already been invited to the project, but he preferred to stay at home for the New Year holidays. However, soon his girlfriend, Alexandra Gozias, paired with Sasha Gobozov, should appear at Dom-2. They will stay on the project for a week, and then the current participants will choose the one who will remain in House-2 to look for new relationships.

According to the plans of the producers, by the time of the voting, Sasha should have already started a relationship with a new girl, and Gozias would have been sent home. Kostya did not agree to this option, since he and Gosias had just reunited after a quarrel and he would like to be on the perimeter with his beloved.

According to Ivanov, at present, the Dom-2 project remains afloat only thanks to scandals, showdowns, vulgarism and intrigues that the project creators impose on the participants in order to maintain ratings. Naturally, it will not work to keep the viewer with such rigged dirt for a long time.

Mikhailovsky left not in vain

A change in leadership could also mean the beginning of a project's death throes. On the eve of the New Year, Dom-2 left the main producer, the man who stood at the base of the reality show - Alexei Mikhailovsky.

Mikhailovsky himself explained his decision by the need to build his own family life, however, the audience of Dom-2 is sure that everything is not so simple here. Probably, Mikhailovsky did not tolerate the arbitrariness of rich sponsors and that. that they were trying to impose their vision of the project on him.

Thus, over the 12 years of its existence, Dom-2 has turned from a reality project created so that people can find their soul mate within the walls of the perimeter into a scandal show where participants change partners like gloves, wandering from bed to bed, get married for the sake of high-profile divorces, and even pregnancy and abortion are turned into a dirty and base hype.