Monsieur knows a lot. “Monsieur knows a lot about perversions!”

It was planned to build three submarines performing the tasks of cruisers. The first was named after the famous corsair Robert Surcouf. She was launched on October 18, 1929. The length of the boat was 110 meters, the crew numbered 150 people, the displacement was 2880 tons on the surface and 4304 tons underwater. Surcouf became the world's largest submarine. This record was broken only by the Japanese in 1944. The fuel supply on board was enough for ten thousand nautical miles of cruising (18,500 km), supplies ensured autonomy for up to 90 days. The underwater range was 130 km; the boat could dive to a depth of 80 m.

Surcouf at sea

The most unconventional move was to arm the boat with two 203 mm guns placed in a rotating armored turret. They could be charged directly under water, aimed at periscope depth, and then quickly surfaced - and boom! The rest of the armament consisted of torpedo tubes. Defense against air attacks was provided by two 37-mm cannons and two large-caliber machine gun mounts. The Besson MB.411 seaplane, specially designed for Surcouf, was responsible for reconnaissance. It was stored in a sealed hangar on the deck and could be launched into the air in just four minutes. In case of boarding, a supply of small arms and a motor boat were stored on board, and among the compartments a forty-bed punishment cell for prisoners was optimistically built.

In 1930, France had to sign the London Treaty maritime treaty, where submarines have already been remembered and limited on all sides. So the construction of the next boats was canceled, but Surcouf still remained in service. The French knocked out a clause for him in the treaty.

And in vain. The boat had a lot of shortcomings. Firstly, it swayed monstrously, especially when diving. Secondly, preparation for the dive took more than two minutes, and for a submarine this is a lot. Finally, the idea with the guns failed: when the tower rotated, water poured into it. The suppliers sent separate curses to the management: the phenomenal design required everything that was needed for repair and operation to be ordered individually.

Gun turret close up

Pirate name did not bring good luck to the submarine cruiser. He miraculously escaped from the Germans who occupied France to Great Britain, despite the malfunction of the steering wheel and one of the engines. The British happily commandeered the boat, but were unable to convince the crew to stay. Only 14 people agreed to work; the rest had to be recruited from volunteers of the Free French movement. Almost all of them were merchant seamen and did not have the necessary qualifications to operate such a complex ship. In addition, during the capture, the crew proudly destroyed the documentation, so it became almost impossible to figure out what was what. The moral character of the resulting personnel was downright shameful, and “Surcouf” did not bring any benefit during military campaigns.

Unloading an aircraft from the Surcouf hangar

Finally, at the beginning of 1942, they decided to transfer the boat to Pacific Ocean to help the American Navy. He helped by his absence. On the way, Surcouf went missing. Official version says that it sank after colliding with the American transport Thomson Lykes at night. There are also unofficial ones. For example, that American aircraft sank it by mistake, or that the British secretly destroyed the unreliable ship because they had every reason to suspect that the crew might hijack the boat and surrender to the Germans. Who knows, maybe they even went off to engage in sea robbery - that would be epic.

In fact, the local opposition must be preserved and cherished like a fragile flower. Do not offend under any circumstances, carry in your arms and give milk from the nipple on time. Because if these people didn’t exist, the rest would have to invent them. The main thing is to speak, express, write, dream and create freely. And only then will they say and do such things that any person in their right mind will recoil, wash their hands in the manner of Pontius Pilate and say the biblical: “Well, damn it, you give.”

While they were sitting behind the Sanaevsky plinth, they more or less looked like people. Severely offended, but still humanoid. But something happened in the atmosphere - either the head got fried, or the Lubyanka irradiators were turned on at full power, or the money at the Congress cash desk became bad, but some strange fuss began. As they said in Donetsk - “It climbed out.”

Then it turns out that the founder of an incorruptible journalistic project stupidly threw money at her own co-founders. It’s amazing how people teach us about life and profession with democracy. Then suddenly the libertarian party comes out to fight pension reform. Well, you know that not only real libertarians, but also their wretched clones, among other things, have an extremely negative attitude towards state institutions, and even more so for retirement - as a pathetic handout from the state. And they cannot allow any pensions.

So the number one joke for today is, of course, crusade for promotion retirement age Liberte parties. Fraternite and Egalite are quietly crying in their corner.

Well, okay, they laughed at the under-party and seemed to calm down, but the leaders of this funny formation promoted themselves so much that people goodwill we involuntarily took a closer look, who is Mikhail Svetov, who positions himself as an oppositionist?

Since everyone is already used to it open sources Nowadays they bring as much information in 15 minutes as Lavrentiy Pavlovich’s entire MGB department could not collect in a year, so we went there. And there are gardens. Thickets. Paradise and manna from heaven.

Well, the guy tells the whole Internet about himself that he dreams of violence against minors. Well, maybe he read Sacher-Masoch with the Marquis de Sade, although I don’t remember anything about children - they were all adults. Responsible for themselves. Well, he collects everything about little naked girls - maybe Nabokov, his mother, influenced him to the point of madness.

True, in some particularly progressive countries you can be “accepted” right after the Indian who checks your passport at Heathrow, not to mention JFK. They love them there. And they accompany you arm in arm. You love London, right? Do you love America, America? Louder! That's it.

Well, in short, whoever needs it will find a complete set of screenshots. There was even one from " Open Russia", where in the article about Svetov they also wrote about pedophilia. We even decided that we finally have a healthy wing of the opposition, which does not want all sorts of characters to stain the bright banner of the fight against the regime with their pervert bed habits. However, no, an hour later the publication was taken down.

That is, a handshake solidarity turned out to be more powerful than mental health. Therefore, they stood in solidarity. Or did they suddenly remember about V. Bukovsky, a respected man, who had child porn downloaded onto his computer by the satraps of Iron Felix?

And where are these satraps now and where is the dissident himself? After all, it is only with the Russian court that the opinion “37, punitive forces, etc.” is conveyed, but such tricks do not work with the English court.

Well, it’s interesting that the deeper into the opposition forest, the more perverts there are. I wonder if this is somehow connected with each other - deep mental illness and oppositional activity? No, well, of course, we all forgot about the prominent white-ribbon figure who butchered his little wife like a ram. And no one answered for school No. 57 - the institute of pedophilia. But because everything is normal - everyone is their own.

People with the right views and quality genes. Let the redneck go to work and fuck his wife for the rest of his life. Because for these citizens, no matter where they work, as long as they don’t work, and the word “morality” sends them into a fit, because they are very nervous. Thin. Like the ice on which they love to run so much, laughing and launching balls.

I look at all this with the deep sadness of a follower of the culture of sex, drugs and rock "n" roll since the very time when it was still fashionable for the first time. And this is what I can sing to you about this with a Stratocaster:

In libertarianism, the most important thing is not that the freedom that a person should have has no limits. This is not even discussed. The main thing about it is that for everything that a person can do within the framework of this very freedom, he must pay for himself - with health, psyche, prison. And don’t drag strangers into your madness.

But supporters of a comfortable “libertarianism for their own” cannot accept this in any way, which, in fact, places themselves outside of real libertarianism. So - there are complete fakes all around, like one naked dead woman.

I propose to start with the prison, and from there everything will roll on smooth rails. Good for the majors. And it will be for you and Liberta, and Fraternita, and Egalita.

any word all words in the phrase 10 20 50 100

relevance average score number of grades total grade

total found: 1000

No texts were found for the "by phrase" mode, the result is for "any word"

Our man is in France for the first time and decides to run into
Try a French restaurant.
But I confused it with a brothel, and there are also tables there,
They drink coffee, everything is generally civilized.
He sits down, which means he is at the table, and the master (M) approaches him.
(M) - Monsieur wants a girl?
Ours - Nope..
(M) (with interest) - Then, probably, a boy?
Ours - Oh, what are you talking about...
(M) - What then does monsieur want?
Ours - Yes, I would like a rabbit, and with mayonnaise..
(M) (admiringly) - Oh!! Ms. e understands a lot about perversions!!

A climber who has been lost in the snow for a week comes across
to a high mountain brothel. Madame meets him at the door:
- Monsieur, do you want a woman?
- No, no, no, no...
- Monsieur, do you want a girl?
- No, no...
- Monsieur, do you want a boy?
- No, give me chicken baked in dough.
- Oh, monsieur understands a lot about perversions!!!

Foreign husbands. Popular models.

Many domestic consumers increasingly prefer
foreign husbands. When choosing a two-legged friend, it is important not to make a mistake. Here
the most popular models today.

It is widely believed that they do some things like rabbits, but we hurry you
It's disappointing - that's how they eat.

Unpretentious in food, eats straight from the refrigerator. But you'll be tired of doing the laundry
his flags.

Taking on an Arab alone is difficult. It's better to team up with three friends.
But he will overwhelm four people with housework - cleaning his machine gun, burning
American flag...

Life with him is a continuous carnival with songs and dances. If you get tired of it,
just give him a tambourine.

Negro (political correspondent: "afro-mazy").
He is very good in bed: from morning to evening he lies in it and does nothing.

The main advantage is that he knows the fashionable language. Don't be afraid that he's a pedant
- this is not a perversion at all, and it is not transmitted to Russians.

Inquire about the presence of a technical inspection and the mileage of the brothels. Not
take one with low mileage - it’s more expensive for you.

Economical choice. Doesn't take up much space. It is important to make sure that this is not
Taiwanese fake.

The man decided to buy a parrot. I went to the market and looked at one
From the counters there is a cage with a parrot and the price is $1000.
Well, he asks why it’s so expensive?
There they answer that the parrot is very smart, knows a lot of words and easily
is studying.
The man paid, brings the parrot home, sets up the cage and waits. Parrot
is silent. The guy waits for an hour, two - no sense. He begins:
- Well, talk, go ahead... Gosha is good, Gosha is good.
The parrot is silent.
This goes on for several days. The man is completely desperate, sits angry with
with red eyes, looks at the cage and shouts in anger:
- Gosha is good, Gosha is good!!
- Man, tell me, what are induction and deduction?
The man looks with dumbfounded eyes:
- Wow! Why were you silent before??? Yes, I don’t know such words!
- Well, who would talk to such an asshole?

Take off your panties and turn around.
- No, Dima, I don’t want it in the ass.
- Don’t be afraid, Natasha, it doesn’t hurt.
- And Lenka said it hurt.
- Lenka was spinning, I couldn’t really hit it, so it turned out to be painful.
- I'm shy.
- Natasha, we have known each other since school. And in general, I should be embarrassed
No need. For me it makes no difference whether you are a man or a woman.
-Can you not look?
- How will I get there if I don’t look?
- And you feel it.
- You can think of it too, by touch... Okay, open your mouth. Here, swallow it... Only
the pill is nonsense. The injection is more reliable. Go tell it there so that the next one
came in.
How sick of all this I am!
It's a damn job giving flu shots to those women from the textile factory...

America. Texas. One farmer's ranch.

A farmer drives around his property in a jeep and listens to the radio along the way.
The news is broadcast on the radio:
- Russian scientist Sergei Vypendreshkin from the village of Lukoshkino, while at
myself at home, lying on the sofa, I came to the conclusion that to reduce injuries
American farmers need to move from raising cows to
breeding rabbits..."

Well, no damn thing! - thought the farmer, - we’ve never had one, from the sofa
didn’t get up, doesn’t know anything about our cows, but keeps coming up with his advice,
his mother!
Then the farmer sees one of his cows lying down in the middle of the road.
He slows down the car and starts honking at the cow to get out of the way.
But she doesn’t even listen.
Then the farmer gets out of the car, approaches the cow from behind and gives it
good kick. She jumps up and kicks the farmer in the face with her hind hoof.
... An hour passes. The farmer, having come to his senses, feels his broken
bloody nose and black eye...
- Yes... Rabbits, their mother... These Russians are always really nothing until the end
They can’t tell.


January 30, 2006 How I hate those extended nails of hers. Again
hurt. Everything hurts.
February 3. This one was watching lesbian porn. I saw a lot of ours. That's it for them
It's good there... I came twice. Fine. The second time was out of envy.
February 5th. This one made a noise. Some drunk guy with two-day stubble
he breathed fumes on me for a long time, then scratched me all over with his cheeks and fell asleep
pressing it with his forehead. It never came to language. This one started crying and so did I.
I wanted to, but I can’t.
February 6. This one was looking at me in the bathroom mirror. She said that I
small. Bitch.
February 10. The neighbor downstairs is leaking again. This one bought some new ones
gaskets They smell like chamomile. I'm suffocating.
February 14. Wow! Wow! This girlfriend was given a vibrator. Seems
I'm finally starting personal life. I'm shuddering with anticipation!
February 15. It's much better than her fingers with extended nails, but
certainly inferior to language. Although this may be a matter of practice. Overall he
very cute, trembles so touchingly.. We agreed to chat
someday when Eta falls asleep.
February 20. How tired I am. Why can't I control myself?
Why am I completely dependent on her insatiable libido? Tired of cumming
with a wave of her hand. I want independence. I talked to my neighbor, she promised
help - work on vaginal orgasm, if it works, I'll take it
February 23. This one boomed again. Much better this time. A LOT!!!
At first I thought that everything would go to the neighbor. But on the second run I was a little
not licked to death. I'm still dizzy.
February 25. I thought that I was essentially lucky. Take to
For example, my neighbor - they constantly shove something at her, I couldn’t stand it...
February 27. We visited the gynecologist. No attention to me. I'm starting slowly
hate your neighbor - why is all the attention only to her, although pleasure
more from me???
February 28. I'm still angry, I don't talk to my neighbor and I can't finish this one
I give.
March 1st. Ah, spring.. The mood is so romantic that while Eta was sleeping
I just finished out of some kind of existential delight. This one thinks
that it was all because she was dreaming about Brad Pitt. Stupid! Yes, I prefer Sean Penn
March 3. In the morning I was shouting to each other in my heart with my distant neighbor. Him too
not sweet. His life in general is shit...
March 8. On corporate party the boss pressed this one into a corner in
toilet, rubbed me with his finger for a long time, all to no avail. Maybe I'm frigid? This
The truth is she still pretended that she had finished, but I can’t be a hypocrite!
March 9. The neighbor downstairs has another flood. How annoying this is. Is this really
will it last a lifetime? I started to scold her, but she called me names
I'm a nerd, but I have nothing to object to. Withdrew into himself.
March 10. Because of the neighbor's flood, Eta agreed to let the boss in
only to a distant neighbor. How indignant he was later. He doesn't like it
case. But is she really asking, she’s a damn selfish... And the boss -
asshole, doesn't pay any attention to me at all.
March 13. This one cried all day because of the breakup with her boss. And I'm glad.
In the evening we consoled ourselves with a vibrator. Feel better.
March 25. This one seems to be in love. I can feel it. They are only
They kiss, but everything inside me is already freezing. How nice it is.
March 30. Everything was!!! He is very attentive and sensitive, he did everything right,
I was already flushed with pleasure! I told my neighbor that at this rate
Cunnilingus will need to be renamed clitorilingus! Jealous of me.
Apparently, nothing comes of vaginal orgasm.
April 17. The progress is obvious. They don’t forget about me, neither does the neighbor
happy, says that This One managed to find some strange thing in her
point. She is optimistic about the prospects for vaginal orgasm. I
For some reason I am also in a positive mood. Apparently, when This one is happy, I
automatically good.
May 30. Dear Diary, I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time. A month later at These
wedding. I don’t know what benefit this will do to me, but everyone is happy - including the neighbor
below, and a distant neighbor. I heard a rumor that they were coming internal changes V
This one. The neighbor says that she will have a hard time. But we're all together
We hope for the best.
What else remains?...

Human fantasy is truly a limitless thing, and when it comes to sex, even a professional “mass entertainer” would envy the ingenuity, resourcefulness and imagination of the average citizen. As they say, the toastmaster is good, and the competitions are interesting. And who else, if not the representatives the oldest profession to know what kind of perversions are in use among the people today, and what, so to speak, costs.

Today we decided to prepare for you a selection of anonymous stories from girls lung behavior about the craziest things a client has ever paid them for, from the vastness of a popular English-language social network Reddit.

Essay on “Why I Love Sex?”

“I started my career as a sex worker when I was only 19 years old, and don’t judge me for it, I had my reasons. If we talk about strange clients, then once I came across a guy about 40-45 years old. In the tone of an authoritative university teacher, he demanded that I write an essay in literary English on the topic “Why do I love sex?” at least 300 words. At first I thought it was some kind of prelude to role-playing game about a teacher and a depraved poor student, but no. He sat next to me for more than an hour, watched me write, corrected spelling and lexical errors. I never had sex with him, but at the end, when he was paying, he said that the topic was not covered, and in general, I should work a little on my grammar.”

"Poor little dead stripper"

“A friend of mine worked as a bouncer at a cheap strip club, and he said that the bosses there didn’t particularly mind the local girls giving clients little “private shows” (if you know what I mean) after the performance. This guy, my friend, was, although kindest soul man, but in appearance he looks like a real gangster face. So, one of the local ladies had a rather creepy regular customer, who paid very well, so she agreed with my friend that for 30% of the “fee” he would wander around and insure her in case of an emergency. Why such precautions, you ask? It's just that this crazy guy was paying this girl almost four hundred bucks to lie on the bed with her head in his lap while he just stroked her hair and kept saying, "Poor little dead stripper."

Religious ecstasy

“I usually specialize in sadomasochism, you know, “mistress on call.” So, I had one regular client who paid for me to splash boiling water in his face and at the same time read passages from the New Testament. This is simply a grand prix in terms of the degree of abnormality. Compared to this guy, even the psycho who paid me to dress in all blue and pretend during sex that I was the girl from the Willy Wonka cartoon who turned into a blueberry pales in comparison.”

Honest taxpayer

“One guy paid me to take dictation to fill out his tax return without panties. 300 USD/hour.”

Literary connoisseur

“A friend of mine told me about a guy who paid her to stand in the corner, facing the wall, completely naked except for her combat boots, and read James Joyce’s Ulysses out loud.”

Who doesn't like dentists?

“I worked as an administrator in a sadomasochistic brothel, and we often had one unusual client. He paid girls to pretend he was giving them dental exams, but instead of teeth it was their toes. Yes, yes, this is very strange. He ran an electric toothbrush over their feet.”

“The ABC of Health” with Malakhov

“The story is not exactly about prostitutes, but it’s still very strange. I worked as a DJ in a strip club, and we often had a strange, intelligent-looking guy who would pay strippers $200 to go to the toilet and pee in a cup for him. The girls loved him very much, because for them it was just free money. One time he took over from a new (and, by the way, stupid) girl, whom her colleagues didn’t like too much for her complete lack of brains, and for good reason. This man approached her, gave her money and a glass, but she didn’t want to go to the toilet, so she just gave the glass to our security guard. She returned the filled container to the “client”, he sniffed the contents, a very upset and disappointed expression appeared on his face, he looked at her and said: “But this is male urine!” After that, he turned around, left, and never came back. When the other dancers found out about this, they almost lynched this fool.”

And let it be my version, so what? 1526 words.
Hard day at work. Tear and throw. Kill. Just tear it apart. Stupid bastards. No strength.
- I'll come today! In the evening! Get ready!
- Yes. Bye.
- What the hell, fuck!!! And I hung up, what the hell?!!!
And continue to tear and throw, suppress and rule! To be a king, to be a god, to rule, to lead, to find fault, to seek compromises, to make deals, to survive this damn day!!
After work, run to the car and rush off to a remote area, so that, swearing with impatience in traffic jams, imagine how she will open the door in her stupid T-shirt, which is three sizes too big for her, a man’s and not his, and when he asks “ whose?”, she will grin at the corner of her mouth and remain silent, driving him to white heat! Imagine how he would press her against the wall and, tearing off this T-shirt, bite her neck, how she would make an imperturbable face, how her panties with kittens would fly into the wall.
Having overcome everything, he gets to her house, flies up to the 6th floor without an elevator, and impatiently presses the bell. But she is in no hurry, as always, she barely drags her feet.
And then, slowly, the door opens, and he no longer knows what he wants more: to fuck her or to fuck her, because a purple unicorn meets him on the threshold. She's wearing a plush suit with a bunch of buttons, a tail, a horn and a hood, completely covering her body, which now looks like a shapeless ball, and he doesn't even know how to approach it, and even suddenly went crazy.
-What the hell are you wearing? - he asks, menacingly and impatiently. -Where is your T-shirt? - he asks, not understanding.
She ignores his tone and doesn’t even change her face, however, as always:
- These are kigurumi - Japanese pajamas. It is used for costume performances and as home wear. A T-shirt under it, it’s freezing cold at home, I’m warming up,” she says, as if she were giving a lecture and mocking him at the same time.
- Isn’t it possible to do something more ordinary?!
“I like it,” she replies, meaning “fuck you.” - Let's go, I'll give you some tea.
And, without asking his opinion, he goes into the dim interior of the apartment, leaving front door open.
“Are you kidding me!!!” - he thinks and quickly goes inside. He tears off his outerwear and shoes and rushes into the small, dark kitchen. She is sitting at a round table and reading a thick book, somewhere a kettle is slowly boiling. She ignores him and turns the pages with pale fingers. He can't stand it and may even let out a growl as he rips the book out of her hands and drags her away from the table. He continues to growl, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her towards the bedroom. She kicks him on the back and grumbles something, but he doesn’t care anymore. How can you not pay attention to him?! Everyone falls at his feet. And why did she stop him?! Who the hell knows!!!
He throws her on the bed, but carefully so as not to hurt herself, and orders:
- Take off your clothes!!! Otherwise I’ll undress myself and all that’s left is the unicorn’s legs and horns - his hands are already itching, and not only them.
“Fuck off,” she says in an indifferent tone. - Cold.
“I’ll warm you up,” he says. She looks at him skeptically. He gives her consent, sits down next to her and pulls the hood off her head. He kisses her greedily on the lips, clasping her neck with one hand, trying to sort out the buttons with the other. He listens with satisfaction to her quickened breathing and bites her lower lip. He can't get to her body. I want to touch her, but there is fur all around. Out of impatience, she tugs at her pajamas, tries to tear them, knowing that she will hiss “I do it myself” and slowly unbutton the buttons. But she, as always, does not act as he expects, she pushes his hands away, gets out of bed and, with a calm face, unfastens the buttons, and does it slowly, as if bored. He barely has the patience not to rip off that damn unicorn. But he waits because he wonders what she will do next. She unbuttons all the buttons completely and the unicorn falls in a crumpled heap at her feet. She is completely naked and she is not wearing any T-shirt, and he begins to guess about something, but the desire to possess overshadows everything for him, he no longer thinks about anything except the cherries of her nipples, standing out against her pale skin.
Well?.. - he hears her lazy and malicious voice. - Someone promised to warm me up?
He breaks the brakes... A moment later he is already fulfilling his plan: she is pressed against the wall and he digs into her neck. Then he licks her and feels how she moves away from him. He lifts himself from her neck and looks at her:
- Well?
- Let's go to bed... I don't want to do this - carry me.
He scoops her up into his arms again and sets her down on the bed.
“Come here,” she says, and there’s something akin to tenderness in her indifferent voice, and her hands slide over his chest.
He grabs her fragile hands, pressing them to the bed, and begins to torment her breasts. Under his lips, her icy skin becomes hot like fire, he doesn’t need to look at her, he already knows that her pale cheeks are slightly flushed and that her plump lower lip is bitten almost until it bleeds, so as not to make a sound, so as not to show how nice she is. He wants to hear her moans, he wants to see that she likes him, that he is good. He bites her nipple and hears a quiet “mmm...”.
And he feels her claws scratching his palm. Her pale body beckons, you want to taste it entirely. He lets go of her hands, and they immediately begin carelessly, as if in doubt, stroking his body. These light touches leave a burning mark on him, his dick barely fits into his pants anymore, and it turns him on. He slowly presses kisses to the hollow under her ribs, her skin smells like cinnamon and tastes just as spicy. She trembles under his pressure and it’s even more pleasant than her taste. He moves lower and now his tongue travels over her round belly. She giggles under his touch and asks:
- Stop it, not the navel, it’s unbearably ticklish.
He knows about this, because it’s not the first time they’ve been in bed, but he likes it so much when she asks. That's why he does it every time. He leaves her belly alone and carefully spreads her legs and touches her there:
“I’m really flattered by how much you want me, you’re already all wet there.”
“I’ll quickly switch if you rant and not get busy,” she says arrogantly.
He doesn’t keep her waiting, unbuttons his trousers, lowering them along with his underpants, and leans towards her.
- Hey, hero-lover, have you forgotten anything? Hold your horses.
He grins, because it’s hard to forget about her obsession with condoms, takes out a foil bag from his shirt pocket and declares:
- Put it on!
She calmly takes the condom from his hands and tears the wrapper with her sharp teeth. He takes it out of the bag and takes it more comfortably in his hand.
- Not like that! - he declares. - Dress it with your mouth.
“Monsieur knows a lot about perversion,” she mutters, but obeys and after a few minutes his penis plunges into latex and the moist warmth of her mouth. He exhales convulsively, she never ceases to surprise him, calmly doing things that he did not expect. She straightens up and, looking impudently into his face, says:
- Well, let's go? I'm starting to feel cold!
- It’s okay now you’ll be hot! - he answers confidently. He lowers her onto the bed, spreads her legs with his knee and bursts into her. It’s so tight and hot inside her, she smells of cinnamon, she wraps her icy legs around him, she scratches his back, she moans restrainedly, she’s everywhere, she’s with him. He moves sharply and impatiently in her, he does not kiss her, he practically bites her, does not allow her to move towards him, does not allow her to kiss him - her prerogative is only to respond, only to complement him.
But she doesn’t give up, she still sometimes seizes the initiative, for example, she suddenly bites his lower lip and begins to lead him into a kiss. And he likes this too, he likes their struggle and the fact that he always wins. The room is getting hotter, drops of sweat have already appeared on his forehead, the smell of cinnamon is getting stronger, she is breathing faster, her nails are no longer scratching his back, they are digging into it. He is also at the limit, he feels so sweet that it can’t be better, he wants to cum, but even more he wants to cum together. He reaches his hands to her nipples and twists them. She lets out an inarticulate moan and squeezes him...
And he flies away. The world disintegrates into fragments of a rainbow.
A few minutes later they lie next to each other and restore their breathing.
“I’m going to take a shower,” she says as if nothing had happened and disappears behind the door. Without waiting for an invitation, he follows her and enters the cramped shower stall.
“I didn’t invite you with me,” she mutters.
- I’m not coming to you, I’m going to the shower.
He stands under the warm streams and feels how the terrible morning drains from him along with the water. She leaves the booth early and immediately puts on a unicorn. Well, okay, now he finds it quite erotic. Without saying a word, they go to the kitchen and sit down to round table and drink tea from large ceramic mugs. He drinks tea and waits for her to ask. She takes her last sip. And as if reluctantly asks him:
- Well, tell me what happened?
And he tells, although he knows that you won’t get pity from her. But he also knows that the lilac unicorn is on his team. And if she doesn’t feel sorry for him, then she will completely tear everyone else apart...
And this makes him feel more comfortable than ever.