Summary of the lesson “Musical adventure. Synopsis of a musical lesson for older preschoolers "The fascinating world of classical music" Based on the plays of P

Cossack Larisa Midakhatovna,

music director

MADOU № 40 kindergarten

"Gold fish"

Nizhnevartovsk KhMAO-Yugra

With the use of health-saving

and IR technologies for the preparatory group.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas:

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development.

Target: development of cognitive processes and musical abilities of children of senior preschool age through the use of pedagogical health-saving and IR technologies.


- improve vocal skills and pitch hearing in the process of singing;

Introduce children to learning songs using mnemonics;

Encourage the manifestation of children's activity in musical and speech activities;

To enrich the speech of children by including new words in the vocabulary (choir, conductor).

- develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention;

Promote the development of memory, imagination;
- improve speech and motor skills;

Develop children's creative activity, communication skills.


To cultivate a culture of listening, love for music, a desire to engage in musical activities;
- foster a culture of communication, a sense of empathy;

Encourage children to motor improvisation;

To develop the emotional responsiveness of children to the feelings and moods expressed in music.


Creating a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom, reducing emotional stress;

Increasing self-esteem of children, their confidence in their own abilities and performance results;

Formation of motivation for creative self-expression in the process of collective activity;

Reduced eye strain;




Music Center;

Multimedia complex (stationary screen + overhead projector);

Chairs for children - according to the number of children;

Fabric flowers on an elastic band - 2 for each child;

Butterflies on an elastic band - 2 for each child.

Planned result:

Establishing a friendly relationship (teacher - children);

Creating and maintaining a positive emotional background throughout the lesson;

Learning a new song with subsequent performance;

Mastering the skills of self-massage.

NOD plan:

  1. "Musical Greeting" (names)
  1. Game "Palms"

Let's clap a little

And rub our hands

And now even stronger

To get hot!

Louder, louder, more fun

Don't spare your palms!

  1. 3.
  2. 4. "Flute and double bass" music. G. Frida
  3. 5. Chants "I sing" and "Sunshine"

Riddle: Morning begins

He meets with a beam.

Shines in our window

Affectionate ... (sun )

6. Express-learning the song "Sun" using mnemonics

You sang the song beautifully!

We tried not in vain!

And while you're all working

Our eyes are tired.

7. Visual gymnastics "Ray of the Sun"

8. Innovative musical and pedagogical technology "Chorus of hands"

This form is aimed at developing:

Coordinating freedom of movement,

sense of rhythm,


Ensemble coherence,

Ability to motor improvisation.

9. Orchestra "Watch"

10. The game "Shoemaker"


Children to the quiet music enter the hall, stand in a circle.

The musical director turns on the soundtrack of the "Musical greeting"

Children quietly enter the hall to the music. They become in a circle. MR, standing in the center. sings: "Hello guys. What are your names?

Offers to say hello by "names". The child says his name, for example "Mashcha", then slams his name in an affectionate diminutive form.

MR: How nice we greeted you!

What do you think we can do here? (sing, dance, play musical instruments). Right. But first, let's stretch our arms and legs a little.

  1. "Musical Greeting" (recorded)

MR: Hello guys!

How are you feeling?

Please come out

Come closer!

(show movements: side step)

Hello guys!

How are you feeling?

Please pull up!

Smile at each other!

Let's dance and sing songs

I ask you guys to repeat after me ....

(movements on display: lateral gallop)

We will be doing

Let's not get distracted!

Let's dance and sing songs

I ask you guys to repeat after me ....

(movements according to the show: picking)

MR: Can you play here? So let's play the game "Palms".

  1. Game "Palms"

MR : Let's clap a little Clap your hands

And rub our hands Rubbing hands against each other

And now even stronger

To get hot! Rubbing hands more quickly and intensely

Louder, louder, more fun

Don't spare your palms!

What thunderous applause! And for whom can they sound? (for artists)

Let's be artists together today.

We will learn to sing and dance beautifully.

Artists, take your seats! (posture).

Children sit on chairs.

The music director pays attention to posture.

MR: So, we cheered up the arms and legs, and the fingers also want to dance.

  1. 3. Finger gymnastics "Fingers"

MR: Guys. Look at the image. Who knows what these tools are?

The children are called.

MR: Now we will listen and see. How do these instruments sound? Turn the chairs towards the screen.

Lower screen. Show video.

  1. 4. Then we listen together to "Flute and double bass" muses. G. Frida

MR: To learn how to sing beautifully, we will prepare our voice and do exercises for the neck.

  1. Chants "I sing" and the Sun "

The morning starts

He meets with a beam.

Shines in our window

Affectionate… (Sun)

Now call him affectionately. (Sun)

And now I will sing the song "Sunshine" to you

The music director performs the song "Sunshine"

MR: Guys, what is this song about?

That's right, we call the sun in this song. Show me how we can call him?

Remember what we ask to make the sun? (Look with your eyes, shine with a ray)

Are there words in the song that are repeated several times? (sun, eyes, ray)

What do you think the nature of this song is? (cheerful)

That's right, and how to sing it? ……….. (light and loud)

I suggest you learn this song today, and the pictures on the screen will help us

  1. Express-learning the song "Sun" using mnemonics.

(words and music by A. Yaranova)

The music director reminds the children about the singing posture, about the posture.

Learning takes place sitting on chairs, and the final performance is standing.

- The teacher works with slides in the "freeze frame" mode, together with the children determines the text meaning of each picture.

- The teacher, together with the children, sings a song from the pictures - a capella, adding movements.

- The teacher and children sing a song to the soundtrack with movements.

MR: You sang the song beautifully!

We tried not in vain!

And while you're all working

Our eyes are tired.

Let's do eye exercises.

  1. Visual gymnastics "Ray of the sun" (recorded)

MR: Well, our eyes are rested.

OFF THE SCREEN, turn the children back to the screen.

We sang together, so we sang like? (in chorus)

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to sing music ... with your hands? (children's answer).

Let's try? We are artists! Look, this will be our scene. We will perform a choir of hands, and flowers and butterflies will help us.

Boys, stand behind the chairs and put butterflies on their hands like this ... (show)

And the girls, take their places on the chairs, wind flowers on their hands like this ... (show) "like a mitten"

Boys wear butterflies and girls wear flowers.

And I will be the conductor. You will look at me and do as I do. Look...

For 1 part of the music, only girls perform movements, for the second - only boys, and for the third part of the music - the movements are performed all together.

  1. Innovative musical and pedagogical technology "Chorus of Hands"

according to the method of T. Borovik (motor two-voice)

MR: How beautiful! You are real artists! We have a wonderful choir! Leave the attributes on the chairs and sit down in your seats.

The ticking of a clock is heard.

MR : Listen, my friends... what does this sound remind you of?

Time-time is running,
And he tells you to listen.

The clock whispers like this:
TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK! (children listen)

Look, I have such an unusual watch. Imagine guys. That each of you is a watch. And your hands are arrows. Now we will take musical instruments and play "Watch" without prior learning. It is important to remember - who is in charge in the orchestra? That's right, conductor!

  1. 9. Orchestra "Watch"

MR:. And who wants to be a conductor?

The piece is performed once more with a chosen conductor from among the children.

MR: Our clock danced and got a little tired.

Offer to put musical instruments.

MR: Guys, how are you feeling right now? Can you show me your mood? (answer) I really enjoyed our meeting.

What did you find most interesting about our meeting?

Natalia Erypalova
Summary of the musical lesson "In the world of music"

Girls, I tried to hold an ordinary ordinary lesson according to the T method. E. Tyutyunnikova at the RMO and, moreover, with other people's children whom she saw for the first time. In this kindergarten there is no musical the worker had to carry all the equipment and tools herself. You know, I myself did not expect, I received a sea of ​​emotions both myself and the children. I recommend.

Project "In world of music"

Target:Development musical children's abilities through play activities.



Teaching children to hear musical breaks musical instruments.

"Dance of autumn leaves".


develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.



Methods and techniques:


Visual: pictures depicting signs of autumn, slide show "Autumn Rondo"

Practical: music games, creative tasks, learning songs "Dance of autumn leaves".

preliminary work:

Create a presentation "Autumn Rondo";

Making homemade noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for the dance of autumn leaves.

Equipment: multimedia board, laptop, synthesizer, drum, tambourine, tapes by the number of children, small and large autumn leaves, didactic material - illustrations will take autumn, noise musical tools for each child.

Orientation: Class is integrated.

Scientific basis: Using the methods of K. Orff,

T. A. Tyutyunnikova "Elementary Music Making".

GCD progress

Hello guys, my name is Natalya Alexandrovna. I invite you to plunge into the mysterious world with me music. Do you agree?

Then we need to stand all in a big circle.

(Children stand in a circle)

I invite you to greet each other and the guests.

Greeting game "Hello, palms!"

Perform movements according to text:

Hello palms,


(clap hands)

Hello legs!


(stomp feet)

Hello cheeks!


pink cheeks


(carefully tap on cheeks)

Hello sponges!

Peck, peck, peck!

(pull lips forward and smack)

Hello teeth!

Click, click, click!

(teeth chattering)

Hello my nose!

Beep, beep, beep!

(touches nose)

Hello guys!

Hello! (waving hand)

Hello guests! Hello!

(show a welcome gesture)

Guys, what is my instrument?

Children - Drum.

And my drum can speak the language music.

What did the drum just say?

Children - Walk, jump, run, freeze.

(First the teacher plays, then the child, the children perform the movements.)

And now we will be helped to move music. Only you and I will dance.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off the branches

yellow leaves fly

Right into the hands of the guys.

When the music stops, what do we do?

Children - We will freeze.

The game is being played

And I have a song about leaves, listen ...

Leaves, leaves fly in the wind

The children rustle softly under their feet

And gently swaying, lead a round dance

And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

Do you think this song can be danced?

(Children sing and dance without musical accompaniment.)

Everyone come to me, I want all the ears to tune in.

(1-2 people sing again under the piano)

Look, there are yellow and red ribbons on the table, take a ribbon for yourself. (take)

What do you think these ribbons can do?

(Improvisation of children)

And now I will sing a song, and whoever wants to will sing along and dance with these ribbons.

(Sing and dance - acapello)

Everyone will choose a couple, we will dance and sing together.

(Sing and dance - acapello)

Shall we put ribbons? Right here.

Who knows what time of year it is?

Children - Autumn.

What is she?

Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

(It gradually becomes cold, there is less light, the sky is covered with clouds, it is drizzling, the soil has become damp and cold, the leaves on the trees have changed, the leaves are falling, the singing of birds is not heard.)

Have you seen fall leaves in autumn?

Where can you see the most autumn leaves in autumn?

Children are in the forest.

How would you like to visit the autumn forest? Will you go with me?

Get in a circle. What are we going to?

Children's answers.

How about we go on horseback?

(imitation of movements :jump, clicking the tongue)

Let's sit in "cart" and listen to what we hear in the forest. You will take the tools in turn, in order to wait for your turn, you need to be patient. Here we go?

(Playing on DMI)

"Autumn Rondo"

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The wheels creak

The bells are ringing.

The wheels creak

The bells are ringing.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker knocks.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker knocks.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The squirrel on the Christmas tree gnaws everything, tsok, tsok

The red fox guards the hare.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The wind is blowing

The brook gurgles.

The wind is blowing

The brook gurgles.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

Oh, what is there, in the distance, a ravine and from the cart we are all a hitch.

We've arrived.

Guys, look how beautiful it is here.

Leaves game "Leaf fall"

He will take an autumn leaf for himself, and once again we will sing our autumn song with you.

Children sing the song of autumn leaves

Well, what did you guys like in the autumn forest?

And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

We drove, we drove, we arrived at the kindergarten!

Surprise moment.

Guys, and in parting, I want to give you autumn leaves. Look what I have. Each of you can choose a piece of paper according to your mood.

Dear teachers, you can also choose a piece of paper for yourself, if you like it - yellow, red, and if not - blue.


"IN world of music»

This event was planned according to the theme of my experience work: "Development musical abilities of children through play activities” as an experiment.

OD participants are children of senior preschool age. The children don't know me.

For this event, a preliminary Job:

Creating a presentation;

Selection and production of noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for musical activities with children.

Prepared musical material:

Cut for listening and performing musically- rhythmic movements

Song "Dance of autumn leaves".

When planning the OA, the following tasks:


To consolidate the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn.

Teaching children to hear musical breaks, contribute to the development of the game and improvisation of melodies on noise musical instruments.

Learn the first verse of the song "Dance of autumn leaves".


To develop in children a sense of rhythm and hearing.

develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.

Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking.


Cultivate love and interest in music.

Cultivate independence, activity, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Instill love for nature.

What I like about the program of T. E. Tyutyunnikova is that it provides the widest range of possibilities for using musical tools and, as a consequence, the manifestation musical and creativity of children.

Still impressed by the principle of T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s approach to music education for children.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the leading role in all educational areas is assigned to gaming activities. Therefore, throughout the entire educational activity, I used the game.

First, I invited the children to sing a welcome chant "Hello!", which set the children in a positive mood, contributed to the establishment of a benevolent psychological climate.

To interest children, I used the technique of a game situation - with a drum, ribbons, leaves. This stimulated children to active creative activity, attentiveness, desire to do well.

To make being more productive, used the following equipment: multimedia, noise musical instruments.

During the games, she applied a verbal and practical method, explained and reminded how to do the exercises correctly.

For the development of a common culture in children, I reminded children of the behavior when playing noise instruments (take the instruments in turn, you need to be patient to wait for your turn).

I used a differentiated approach - I asked the children to complete tasks individually, activated shy children who did it incorrectly.

The event was dynamic (which was facilitated by preliminary preparation, the change of activities did not let the children get tired.

Added a surprise at the end.

The children were attentive, interested in musical lesson, emotional because of their capabilities. Easy to make contact.

In different types musical they acted in different ways.

(Kind of activity)- was most interesting to children, therefore, found a greater emotional response from children.

I would like children to express themselves more in musical improvisation felt more confident, were not afraid to speak in public. For this, improvisation was included. Not all (All) they coped with these tasks, but in most children this condition is met.

I tried to communicate with the pupils calmly, benevolently. To interest children, I tried to be emotional, artistic at the right time.

I believe, that musical lesson passed at an optimal pace, in a benevolent psychological atmosphere, the tasks were completed by me at the required level.

Topic: "The use of innovative technologies in the musical education of preschoolers."

municipal state educational institution of the Krasnozersky district of the Novosibirsk region Sadovskaya secondary school (kindergarten)

Musical education in the understanding of society has ceased to fulfill only a narrowly specialized role: learning to play musical instruments and acquiring musical knowledge. Its main and most important goal is the development of personality and thinking through music lessons, the education of a professionally oriented music lover. “Whoever the child becomes in the future - a musician or a doctor, a scientist or a worker,” writes the famous Austrian composer and teacher K. Orff in his methodological manual called “Schulwerk” , - the task of the teacher: to educate him in creativity, creative thinking.

Program "Birth to School" , edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva provides for the development of children in the process of various activities: ear for music, singing voice, dance skills, playing children's musical instruments. Along with the existing goals and objectives, I have identified for myself others that meet the urgent needs of the child. The most significant of them can be defined as follows:

  • the creation by the music director of conditions that provide opportunities for each child to show their individual abilities when communicating with music;
  • release of primary creativity, creation of conditions for spontaneous creative manifestations;
  • assistance in the formation of inner peace and self-knowledge (emotional and mental development and psychocorrection).

New approaches to music education also require the use of completely different, most effective pedagogical technologies in the development of children's musicality. Acting as a specific type of human thinking, music has the main function - the function of human communication. In this perspective, the true role and purpose of music lies, as L. S. Vygotsky writes, in "balancing the body with the environment." In this context, the main thesis of the pedagogy of music education in recent decades looks justified: "A music lesson is an art lesson." This implies the dominance of the spiritual-practical, creative, individual attitude of a person to the world in such lessons, which makes the authoritarian approach and the teaching methods corresponding to it unacceptable. The formation of such an attitude is possible in the conditions of education by creativity, i.e., the organization of the artistic activity of children as a trinity of listening to music, performing it and creating it. Thus, turning to music as a means of educating a growing person is based on an understanding of the essence of this art form. The main purpose of music, which organically combines all social functions with the leading communicative function, is to organize the artistic communication of children. And musical creativity, in fact, should be a joyful, exciting activity, open up the possibilities for children to communicate through music. As M. Montaigne wrote: “Where there is benefit for children, there should be pleasure for them” .

Program tasks: to develop in children a cognitive interest in sound reality, the ability to perceive and analyze its content; nurture the desire and ability to cooperate; (cheerful, sad, surprised, calm, etc.).

Material and equipment: musical center, audio recordings: “The First Loss” by R. Schumann, songs “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky), melodies “Dance like me” (music by V. Zolotorev), cards with images of little men with different emotions, a cube with emotion pictograms, emoticons.

The progress of the music class

Children enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle.

Musical director (M.R.). What kind of guests are in a hurry to the hall?

Children. Twenty little guys!

M.r. Get right here. Everything is in place?

Children. Yes Yes Yes.

M.r. Guys, look out the window. Today is a friendly, gentle sun! It warms everyone, gives its warmth and good mood. Let's smile and say hello to each other.

chant song“I say hello everywhere” (lyrics by T. Borovikova, music by A. Brazhitskaya)

I say hello everywhere

At home and on the street

Even "Hello", I say

On nearby street.

Hello blue sky!

Hello golden sun!

Hello gentle breeze

Hello little oak

Hello morning!

Hello day!

I'm not too lazy to say hello.

M.r. Guys, who will say what emotions are? (This is when a person is sad, cheerful, angry, joyful.) That's right, emotions are the internal state of a person.

Today we will go on a train to travel into the world of emotions. Take your seats in the wagons!

Station "Znayka"

M.r. Guys, listen to the poem "The ABC of Mood":

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Influences no doubt

All of us are in a mood.

Who's having fun?

Who is sad?

Who got scared?

Who is angry?

Dispels all doubts

Mood ABC.

The music director conducts a brief discussion of the poem, while showing cards with images of little men with different emotions (sad, funny, angry, etc.).

Children move around the hall, singing the song "Engine" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Musical"

M.r. Here is the next stop. Here we will get acquainted with the first emotion. With what - the music will tell.

Listening to the work "The First Loss" (music by R. Schumann).

M.r. What mood does this music evoke? (Sad, sad.) This emotion is sadness. Who or what can be drawn to this music? (Rain, a sad girl, a sad bunny.) What colors would you choose for your drawing to depict sadness? (Grey, black.) It's time to move on.

Children move around the hall, singing the song "Engine" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Mysterious"

M.r. At this station you need to solve the riddle:

Joy has a friend

In the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face

It will suddenly go somewhere

It will suddenly return.

Sadness-longing is afraid of her. (Smile.)

In which cartoon did the hero sing "From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter ..."? ("Little Raccoon.") Do you know this song? (Yes.)

Listening to a fragment of the song "Smile" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

M.r. What is the nature of the song? What mood do you get when you hear it? (Joyful, cheerful.) Let's sing it too.

Song "Smile" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky)

M.r. How joyfully you sang it! Tell me when a person is happy? (When he is healthy himself, when he receives gifts, when the sun is outside.) What emotion did we meet at this station? (Joy.)

Joy - if the sun shines,

If there is a month in the sky.

How much joy in the world

Do not measure or count.

I. Tokmakova

And now with a joyful mood we go further.

Children move around the hall, singing the song "Engine" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Dance"

M.r. What do you think we will do at this station? (Dance.) What kind of music would you like to dance to? (Fast, funny, loud, jerky, playful.)

Children perform a dance to the tune of V. Zolotorev "Dance like me."

M.r. When does a person have fun? (At a birthday party when the children play games.)

Children move around the hall, singing the song "Engine" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Game"

M.r. Now we will play with you.

Musical and didactic game "Mood Cube"

Target: teaching children to purely intotone a melody, identifying emotion and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Game progress

Pictograms of emotions (joy, anger, surprise, fear, sadness, delight) are pasted on the sides of the cube. Children pass it around and sing:

Cube, pass the cube.

Choose your mood.

The one who has the cube left after singing the words throws it into the center of the circle and looks at which pictogram on the cube falls from above. Names the emotion and ends with the appropriate phrase.

For example:“Joy (sadness, fear, etc.). I am happy (sad, scared, etc.) because…”.

M.r. What emotions do we encounter? (Sadness, joy, anger, delight, fear, surprise.) Now depict the emotion that I will talk about:

Try to smile

Like a clown in the arena.


And timidly stretch

Like a little snowdrop.

Try to get angry

Like a pissed off wasp.

(They get angry.)

Try to be surprised

Looking up at the sky

(They are surprised.)

Try the neck is important

How to bend a swan -

Everyone will say: “He is brave!

And they will be respected."

M.r. What emotions did we encounter along the way? (Joy, anger, surprise.) What is your mood? (Children's answers.) Take a smiley that reflects your mood and tell us how you feel. (Children describe their feelings.) It's time for us to say goodbye. The steam locomotive is waiting for you.

Children to the music "leave" the hall.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: The development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers using various types of musical activities.



  • to consolidate in children the knowledge of basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise).
  • learn to convey an emotional state using various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures)


  • develop emotional communication skills with each other.
  • develop imagination, creative thinking
  • develop singing skills, rhythmic hearing, timbre hearing, intonation.


  • to cultivate interest and love for music, to be able to express their feelings and speak out about the music they listened to
  • cultivate collectivism and love for collective performance

Lesson type: thematic

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistically practical method, method of problem-based education and training.

Stage decoration: The scene is framed in the form of a city (houses, trees, streets). There are black clouds on the wall.

Attributes: Pictograms expressing various emotions and moods, rag butterflies, beetle masks (hats), flowers.

Program content:


"Joke" by V. Selivanov
"Sad Song" by V. Kalinnikov

To teach children to distinguish between the moods of contrasting works, to respond emotionally, to express their impressions of the music they listened to, to distinguish between means of musical expression, to develop fantasy and imagination.

speech game

"Cat's House", "Keys to the Buffet"

To cultivate a love for literature, to teach to convey an emotional state with the help of various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures), to cultivate collectivism and love for collective performance


Singing: "Poteshka" Develop the singing apparatus, singing breathing.

Song: "Who invented the song" lyrics by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Companion.

To teach children to perceive and convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the song. Play with a light sound at a brisk pace. Enter in time after the musical introduction. Pure intonation of the melody, accurately perform the rhythmic pattern. Sing moderately loudly without forcing the sound. Correctly pronounce the vowels in the words "sings", "hundred-voiced", "conductor".

Musical rhythm game:

"Beetles and Butterflies"

Listen to music, pay attention to the contrasting character, respond emotionally. To be able to expressively perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music, to show creativity, imagination in the performance of the game.

Course progress.

The children enter the room. The music director offers to perform the musical greeting "Music, hello."

Musical director.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we received a letter from the residents of the city of Mood. They got in trouble. Sit comfortably, I'll tell you everything. There are people in this city who are like us. They, like us, know how to have fun and be sad, laugh and cry, get angry and be surprised. But suddenly an evil wizard settled in their city, he overtook black clouds, poured such heavy rain that it washed away fun and sadness, fear and surprise from the faces of the inhabitants, and the faces of the inhabitants of the city of Moods became faceless, colorless, white. That's how it is now (points to the stage). The inhabitants of the city are asking us for help, to drive away this evil wizard and return their moods, feelings, experiences. Can we help them guys? (Yes).

Our assistant will be for us - music, because it is best able to convey feelings, moods, experiences.

Listen to the music and say: What does it express?

Sounds "Joke" V. Selivanov

Children's answers: music expresses fun, joy, enthusiasm.

Musical director.

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is "Joke" composer V. Selivanov

Try to choose from the icons the expression that best suits the mood of the music.

Let's come up with a name for our resident.

Children's answers: "Merry", "Joker"

Listen to another piece of music and say: What does it express?

Sounds "Sad Song" by V. Kalinnikov

Children's answers: music expresses sadness, sadness, longing.

Musical director.

Try to come up with a title for this play.

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is "A Sad Song" composer V. Kalinnikov (portrait)

Choose from the icons the expression of the mood of this piece of music

Let's come up with a name for this resident.

Children's answers: "Sadness", "Teardrop"

We will try to return the mood of two other residents with the help of a speech game: “Ding - dong”, for this we will stand in a circle

Ding dong, dilly dong
Cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Eyes bulging
Running chicken with a bucket
Fills the Cat's house.
Tuh-tuh-tuh and the fire went out

Musical director.

Guys, what emotions did you experience in this game?

Children's answers: the game expresses fear, anxiety, fright.

And now let's remember the game "Keys to the buffet"

Musical director.

Who took the keys to the buffet where my sweets are?

I took them, I took them, I took them (child's name)


Who am I!? I did not take!
I know, I know who took them.
I took them, I took them, I took them ……… (name of another child) etc.

In conclusion, the children say all together

Don't talk to us
Look for your keys.

Musical director.

What does this game represent?

Children's answers: the game expresses surprise, indignation.

Musical director.

We have returned the moods to two more residents, select the appropriate icons and come up with a name for them.

Children's answers: "Coward", "Surprise"

Children sit on chairs

We must help one more resident to restore the mood, and a song called


What does this song express, what mood

Children's answers: singing express fun, laughter, enthusiasm

Choose an appropriate icon and come up with a name.

Children's answers: "Smeshinka", "Brawler"

Musical director.

Guys, look, we have two more pictograms left, what mood do they express?

Children's answers: express evil and anger, kindness and tenderness

Remember what musical game could express exactly the mood

Musically rhythmic game "Beetles and Butterflies"

Tell me beetles, what are they?

Children's answers: evil, insidious, gloomy music is played heavily, sounds are low.

But butterflies, what are they?

Children's answers: kind, gentle, light music, melodious, gentle sounds are high.

Let's turn into beetles and butterflies, and with the help of movement, facial expressions, we will depict them. (attributes for the game)

So we helped the last residents to restore the mood, but what shall we call them?

Children's answers: "Slyuka", "Cute"

Musical director.

Guys, look at all the residents of the city, we returned the mood, returned their faces. Tell me everything you like about this city? Maybe there is something you would like to remove or, on the contrary, add.

Children's answers: remove black clouds, plant trees, plant flowers.

Look what a beautiful city we have. Guys, which of the inhabitants of the city do you like the most, maybe you look like one of them. Children's answers:

Musical director.

Guys, tell me, who was our assistant throughout the lesson and helped return the residents of the city to their mood? What could we not do without?

Children's answers: music, games helped us.

What kind of music did we listen to? And what does she express?

Children's answers: “Joke”, “Sad song” express fun and sadness

They played the game "Ding Dong", "Buffet Keys" express fear and surprise, "Beetles and Butterflies" express good and evil.

Musical director.

Guys, before you go to the group, what would you like to wish the residents of the city of Mood.

Children's answers:

And so that they always have a good mood, let's sing a spring song

"Who came up with the song" words by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Companion.

You did very well today, well done. For the next lesson, I would like to ask you to draw pictures that express different moods, maybe it will be a picture that expresses a cheerful or sad mood, or maybe it will be funny or scary. We will arrange an exhibition of paintings, you try and you will succeed.