Unusual illusions. Which way is the window open? Optical illusions in design

We are accustomed to taking the world around us for granted, so we do not notice how our brain deceives us. The reasons for such errors lie in the peculiarities of the physiology of vision and in the psychology of perception.


The Ebbinghaus illusion (1902).

Which circle is bigger? The one surrounded by small circles or the one surrounded by large ones?

They are the same

The man in the background and the dwarf in the foreground are the same height.

Muller-Lyer illusion (Franz Muller-Lyer, 1889) (transferring the properties of a whole figure to its individual parts)

Which of the horizontal segments is longer? They are the same.


There are also eerie illusions - pareidolia.

This is an illusory perception of a real object. Unlike dual images, illusions of depth perception, pictures for pattern recognition, where images are created specifically to provoke the occurrence of illusions, pareidolia occur during the perception of the most ordinary objects. For example, when examining the pattern of wallpaper or carpet, cracks and stains on the ceiling, clouds, you can see changing, fantastic landscapes, faces of people, unusual animals, etc. The basis of such illusory images are the details of the actual drawing. Pareidolia were first described by Kahlbaum and Jaspers (Kahlbaum K., 1866; Jaspers K., 1913). Some pareidolic illusions arise when perceiving some well-known images. In this case, they can be observed simultaneously in many people.

Burning Center building international trade(2001). Some see the face of the devil here

Another devil in the smoke

And here everyone famous person on Mars (NASA, 1976). This play of light and shadow has given rise to many ufological theories about ancient Martian civilizations. Late images of this region of Mars do not show any face.

Achromatic contrast

The circles are the same shade of gray.

The color at points A and B is the same: it’s impossible to believe, but photoshop confirms it

Look in the center at the black dot - the colored spots should disappear.

See the light gray diagonal stripes?

If you look closely at the point in the center for several seconds, they will disappear. Look at the point

After 30 seconds, the gray spot will begin to disappear.

Keep your eyes on the cross. Did you see green spots? But there is nothing green here.

Changeling- a type of optical illusion in which the nature of the perceived object depends on the direction of gaze. One of these illusions is the “duck hare”: the image can be interpreted as both an image of a duck and an image of a hare.

Skull illusion

Naked girl or drying stockings?

If Freud was right, then you will see not only a book here.

Take a closer look - somewhere in this picture there is a familiar face.

Look at the woman's nose in the photo for 10 seconds, then look at something light and blink - you will see a full-color photo.

These cars look different in size... but in fact they are exactly the same.

This optical illusion works on a very simple principle - our brain determines the size of an object based on the distance to it. The third car is located the farthest away - that's why it looks bigger.

Which orange circle is bigger?

In fact they are exactly the same. The thing is that when an object is surrounded by large objects, it appears smaller than it actually is.

Look at yellow dot. Move closer to the screen and the pink circles will start spinning.

Believe it or not, squares A and B in this image are actually the same color.

The thing is that our brain automatically determines color based on the surrounding shadows. Since square B is in the shadow of the green cylinder, our brain perceives it as more light shade grey.

Without taking your eyes off the image, move closer to the screen and you will see that the light will become brighter.

All the dots in this image are actually white, but some appear black.

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Even the most hardened skeptics believe what their senses tell them, but the senses are easily deceived.

An optical illusion is an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, i.e. optical illusion vision. Translated from Latin, the word “illusion” means “error, delusion.” This suggests that illusions have long been interpreted as some kind of malfunction in the visual system. Many researchers have been studying the causes of their occurrence.

Some visual illusions have long had a scientific explanation, others still remain a mystery.

website continues to collect the coolest optical illusions. Be careful! Some illusions can cause tearing, headaches and disorientation in space.

Endless chocolate

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then out of nowhere an extra piece of chocolate will appear. You can do the same with a regular chocolate bar and make sure that it doesn’t computer graphics, but a real-life mystery.

Illusion of bars

Take a look at these bars. Depending on which end you are looking at, the two pieces of wood will either be next to each other, or one of them will be lying on top of the other.

Cube and two identical cups

Optical illusion created by Chris Westall. There is a cup on the table, next to which there is a cube with a small cup. However, upon closer examination, we can see that in fact the cube is drawn, and the cups are exactly the same size. A similar effect is noticeable only at a certain angle.

Illusion "Cafe Wall"

Take a close look at the image. At first glance, all the lines seem to be curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory at the Wall Cafe in Bristol. This is where its name came from.

Illusion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Above you see two pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance, the tower on the right appears to lean more than the tower on the left, but in fact both of these pictures are the same. The reason is that the visual system views the two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.

Disappearing circles

This illusion is called "Vanishing Circles". It consists of 12 lilac pink spots arranged in a circle with a black cross in the middle. Each spot disappears in a circle for about 0.1 seconds, and if you focus on the central cross, you can get the following effect:
1) at first it will seem that there is a green spot running around
2) then the purple spots will start to disappear

OfficePlankton presents a gallery of the best optical illusions you've ever seen. There are really very interesting specimens in our gallery, so you won’t be bored.

Rotation illusion

Visualization of Tusi's Lemma

This is not a 3D image

What you see in the picture is not a 3D image, but the American city of Boston, if a giant was looking at it, the distance between his eyes would be about 200 meters. It would take a plane to take a shot like this, but you can put on 3D glasses and see a tiny city that can fit in the palm of your hand.

Water flows from bottom to top

After watching the video, you will get the feeling that when pouring water at the very bottom, the water flows upward under the influence of unknown forces. By Maurits Escher. This type of art even has the name imp art. The trick lies solely in the play of light and shadows (meaning specially incorrectly placed shadows), which create such a stunning illusion that water is flowing from bottom to top.

Gray color is white. We will prove it to you.

Edward Adelson's illusion, which breaks our brain by showing us that a white square is a gray square and vice versa. Here the illusion lies in the play of light, which for our eyes changes the idea of ​​the object.

Half glass...

3rd dimension

Movement gives our brain an idea of ​​what an object looks like, what shape it is, etc. The motion parallax effect makes us believe that a 2D image is a 3D image.


If you look at a moving contrasting background for a long time, an aftereffect is created if you shift your gaze to some object. Check it out, watch the video, and then move your gaze to any object or just look around your room.

Gene is watching you

The illusion of reverse perspective occurs when you look at a concave object when you expect to see a convex one and creates a “living tableau effect,” as shown in the video.

, but the illusions presented here are special.

All these illusions in different times participated in a competition for the best illusion of the year, and were included in the list of the most interesting.

Below you will find some more very interesting optical illusions that can trick your brain.

Optical illusions or optical illusions

10. Colored bubbles

In this optical illusion, you can see colors that aren't actually on the screen. Colored targets are replaced by ordinary colorless circles (bubbles). Although the bubbles are not colorless, they will appear colored when you look at the picture for a long time, especially if you look at the central part of it.

The most interesting thing is that you will see each bubble painted in a certain color. Its color depends on the size of the bubble. Each bubble is painted in the color of that part of the target that matches the size of the bubble.

9. Here’s another similar illusion: coloring the pictures

Look at the black dot in the center of the picture for 20 seconds. You will see how simple drawings are painted pale red and blue. These illusory colors are called "afterimages". What’s interesting is that the colors in which the figures are painted change.

8. A mesh that can restore its integrity

In the image you can see the grid, which is a little "broken" at the edges. If you look at the picture for about 20 seconds, you will see an absolutely intact mesh, without any defects. This illusion demonstrates the brain's preference for seeing ordinary, familiar patterns and patterns.

7. Control panels

Two identical rectangles become lighter and darker at the same time, but in some cases one appears to become lighter at the same time that the other becomes darker.

It's all about the gaps, between the blinking rectangles and two other rectangles that are on the left and right side each of the blinking rectangles.

This is what it looks like (watch the blinking details while looking at the center of the image):

6. Dynamic brightness gradient

To notice the effect, you should sit at a comfortable distance from the picture and begin to approach the monitor towards the center of the image. You will notice that the closer you get to the image on the monitor, the more of it is blown out.

Here are some more examples of this illusion:

Optical illusion (video)

5. Day, WhenraincollapsedonLowry(The Day it Rained on Lowry)

This picture English artist Lowry "Returning from Work." On it we see an industrial area and figures that seem to be moving, but are not going anywhere. In fact, the movement of people in the picture is an illusion.

It is worth noting that the movement of the crowd is most clearly visible to those people who are accustomed to often walking in crowds.

It is worth noting that in this illusion it seems to you that people are walking, since another version of it was added to the picture, a darkened one, in which the figures are slightly displaced. When both pictures appear alternately, it creates the illusion that people are moving.

4. Autokinetic illusion

In the world of optical illusions, the terms "autokinetic illusion" or "illusory movement" are used to describe movement in a picture in which everything is static and the viewer is aware of it. This new version autokinetic illusion, in which the object in the picture does not just move, but expands. This illusion is created thanks to parallel pointed (needle-shaped) lines.

3. Snow behind the blinds

This illusion is very simple, and at the same time it can impress anyone. It appears that the speed of falling snowflakes increases when the blinds are slightly closed. Once the blinds are removed, the snowflakes fall slower.

Optical illusion (picture)

2. Illusion of panels ( CofferIllusion) – how many circles do you see?

At first glance, you will either not see any circles, or you will only see 4. Basically, you will only notice rectangular patterns that resemble wooden doors(panels).

However, there are 16 circles in this picture. It is worth noting that this illusion is a variation of the paintings of Gianni Sarcone, who is known for his works in the pop art style ( abstract art, based on the optical effect).

1. Movement with the power of thought

Which direction is the movement in the picture? Up or down? Or maybe left or right? In fact, the movement only happens in your head.

At the very beginning there are 5 pictures that move up and down, but then all the other pictures appear in a random order, but you will continue to see movement.

To make sure that the movement is in your head, just look at the pictures and think “right to left, right to left”, after that you can think “up and down, up and down” and the picture will move the way you want.

Here are a few more illusions that can blow your mind

Crazy Circle

The spheres inside the circle appear to move in a circle. In fact, each sphere moves in a straight line (along the diameter of the circle).

This is just one example of how looking at something in more detail can reveal a hidden image.

The beautiful star that moves smoothly in the picture is actually static. Nothing is moving in this picture, all the movement is happening in your head.

Are you looking at this chair from the front or the back?

Both moving objects are the same size.

Big Monster Illusion

This popular illusion can be found in many psychology textbooks. Two monsters seem different sizes, however, they are both exactly the same in every way. Your brain automatically corrects images it perceives as distant. By doing so, it compensates for the fact that the images are larger than they should be.

The coolest optical illusions! They will help your brain switch gears and take your mind off things a bit, but be careful: as we know, overdosing on medication can be dangerous!

Simply collected here incredible collection modern optical illusion pictures, with which you will spend time enjoying the tricks and sensations produced by your brain.

Optical illusion- an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, i.e. optical illusion. Translated from Latin, the word “illusion” means “error, delusion.” This suggests that illusions have long been interpreted as some kind of malfunction in the visual system. Many researchers have been studying the causes of their occurrence.

Be careful!

Some illusions can cause tearing, headaches and disorientation in space.

Pulsating poster

At whatever point in the picture you focus your gaze, the picture never stops moving for a second.


An illusion of movement based on the work of Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a professor of psychology at the University (Ritsumeikan) in Tokyo, world famous for his many illusions of movement.


A shot from photographer Liamm, who was filming a foam sink but soon realized it was an eye staring back at him.

Four circles

Be careful! This optical illusion can cause headaches lasting up to two hours.

Ferris wheel

Which direction does the wheel spin?

Invisible chair

The optical effect, which gives the viewer a false impression of the location of the seat, is due to the original design of the chair, invented by the French studio Ibride.


Stare without blinking at the middle of the image for 20 seconds, and then move your gaze to someone’s face or just a wall.

flying cube

What looks like a real cube floating in the air is actually a drawing on a stick.

The Birth of Animation

User brusspup creates animated images by overlaying finished drawing black mesh parallel lines. Before our eyes, static objects begin to move.

Look at the cross in the center

Peripheral vision turns beautiful faces into monsters.

Ordering squares

The four white lines appear to be moving randomly. But once you put images of squares on them, everything becomes quite natural.

Volumetric Rubik's Cube

The drawing looks so realistic that there is no doubt that this is a real object. Twisting the piece of paper, it becomes obvious that this is just a deliberately distorted image.

Same or different?

How can two cigarettes be different and the same size at the same time?

This is not animation

This is not an animated gif. This is an ordinary picture, all elements of which are absolutely motionless. It is your perception that is playing with you. Hold your gaze for a few seconds at one point, and the picture will stop moving.

Aren't you tired? Then…

Brain explosion! Optical illusions on the verge of madness!

Endless chocolate

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then out of nowhere an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Our readers have figured out the secret.

Black and white or color

If you look closely at a point in the center of a black and white image for 15 seconds, the picture takes on color.

Impossible elephant

Drawing by Roger Shepard.

Illusion of color

Without looking up, look at the cross and you will see how the purple spots turn green. And then they disappear completely.

Black and white illusion

Look at the four dots in the center of the picture for thirty seconds, then move your gaze to the ceiling and blink. What did you see?

Interior illusion

Chessboard squares

Are squares A and B of the chessboard different colors? The Illusion of Color Perception Published by a Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute of Technology Edward H. Adelson in 1995.

And here is this incredible project designers David Stanfield and Al Boardman. They created web spaces where they invited all their creative colleagues to take part in supporting the project, which was called “9 squares”. As planned, each designer should imagine a 350 pixel square with an animation lasting 3 seconds, using only 4 colors. When finished, the work is combined into 3x3 squares. To the surprise of David and El, their project attracted many like-minded people, regularly adding to the “9 squares” collection.

Incredible optical illusions!