Exterior decoration. A personal diary with your own hands is an activity for young ladies. Ideas for a love theme for a girl: photo.

How to create a personal diary is a question that worries many people. And not just design, but make your personal diary one of the most beautiful and original. You can stick to one design style, or you can fill it with many different ideas. What ideas for LD to choose?

How to create a personal diary

First, let's talk about the cover of your diary. You need to remember that the cover is the face of your personal diary. She must be careful! Decorate the cover with wrapping paper, or make it in a denim style. You can decorate the cover with beads or bright, beautiful buttons.

But your journal doesn't have to be specific if you don't want it to be, it can just be a place where you write about what you want. If you're just starting out, you might not have decided what you want to write about, and that's okay. That's what we're here for, to help you with all the writer's blog moments you may have. Our advice will help you and inspire you.

Personal diary: design inside

To start a journal, all you need is the desire to write. Start by figuring out what you want to write in your journal. If you're not sure, just start writing and see where it leads. It may also be useful to set a time limit for early stages writing. Set an alarm for 10-20 minutes and start recording.

It is also very important to make the first page of your personal diary beautiful and original. Here you can paste your photo (as an avatar in social network). Can you draw something big? beautiful drawing- an invitation to visit the diary.

Keeping a diary - great way record your height and personal development. More entries will allow you to look back and see what has changed over time. The sooner you start, the more grateful you will be later. Writing can be difficult, and getting started is usually the most the hard part. If you feel like you don't know how to journal, don't stress it. You can start writing about anything. You can even write about how you can't think of anything to write about. Once you start receiving the words, they will naturally flow.

How to design a personal diary inside

How to create a personal diary inside? You can make a wide variety of interesting pages.

Pages ideas for ld:

  • page about your favorite movie;
  • favorite music page;
  • sweets page;
  • secrets page;
  • wish page;
  • dream page;
  • love is page...
  • friendship page or best friend page;
  • page of favorite poems;
  • fashion page;
  • your hobbies page.

And many, many other interesting pages! It all depends only on your imagination!

First, you need to decide if you want to start a journal. Once you've decided that you want to dedicate time to journaling, starting one is easy. This is definitely the hardest part about journaling, but it's probably the most important. If you want to keep your journal specific, decide what topic you would like to discuss during your entries. You can create multiple diaries for different topics or just have one diary that has everything. Typically, journals are personal and private thoughts, but they can also be a great way to keep track of personal thoughts about anything.

More ideas for a personal diary

From art materials Absolutely anything is suitable for creating a personal ID! And don't forget about beautiful handwriting! If it’s beautifully written, it’s always a pleasure to read!

Do you want to see photos of beautiful personal diaries? Then follow this

If a couple of decades ago diaries were kept in ordinary notebooks and decorated with beautiful candy wrappers and magazine clippings, today there are many more ideas and opportunities for keeping a personal diary. In this article we have tried to collect for you the most interesting ideas for a personal diary - simple and accessible to everyone, but no less interesting for this.

Friends. . These are just a few ideas to get you started, but if you prefer to keep your journal more general, that's entirely up to you! Starting a journal requires you to write in it frequently, but it's up to you to decide how often you want to write in it. Whether it's once a day or once a week, create a schedule that you can join. The more you can make journaling part of your routine, the more comprehensive and rewarding the practice will become.

Once you decide what you want to write in your journal, decide on a writing schedule that suits the topic. For example, if you want your journal to be shared, you might want to write in certain time every day, like right before you go to bed. If you want your writing to be more specific, like about food, perhaps you'll write in it every time you cook or find a new recipe. Make your work schedule for you and your topic.

Ideas for a personal diary: the most interesting options

Idea number one - traditional style . Text written by hand using a regular blue or black pen. This option has a right to exist, because the main thing in such a diary is your own thoughts and feelings. If you really want to, you can decorate such a diary with any picture that emphasizes the main idea of ​​the text.

Registration requirements

It's easy to get carried away and write too much when journaling. A way to stay concise and on-the-go is to set a time limit for your writing. Depending on how much you want to write, set a time frame that reflects that. Somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour is ideal. If you feel like you want to spend more time, don't hesitate.

The great thing about a journal is that you can look back and see how you have progressed over time. It is important to record every entry you write. For your first journal entry, try writing an introduction to what will be in your journal. Introduce yourself as to what interests you, what you think is important, and what you want from this dairy business.

You can paste a check from new purchase, an advertising brochure that you and your friends were handed on the street, or a used movie ticket... It all depends only on your imagination!

Idea number two - artistic style . Another idea for a personal diary is to document the events of the day using small schematic drawings. Don't know how to draw? Even better! This is great practice. Over time, the drawings will turn out better and better.

Act as if you are writing to a trusted friend

Want to learn how to write a diary? The best way write as if you are talking to your best friend. This is your personal journal, for your eyes only, so you should feel comfortable writing as if you were talking to a trusted companion. As the cliché “Dear Diary” may seem, it can actually lead you in the direction of the entry in terms of the tone in which you should write. The purpose of a journal is to discuss things honestly and openly, as if you were talking through them with your best friend or family member.

Looking for pictures for your personal diary? Watch them

We continue to consider ideas for a personal diary, And idea number three - design of thematic pages. You can decorate not the entire diary with small drawings, but only individual pages. For example, a page about your immediate plans, or a page about your aspirations and goals.

Writing in your journal should never be a chore or a burden, so be sure to have fun with it. It can be a place of solace, a place of creativity, a place of reflection, a place where your thoughts can flow freely. When you start a journal, make sure you write about things you care about and are passionate about. As long as you enjoy what you're writing and the process of it, you'll never miss an entry!

Brainstorming you are going to write about

Whatever type of journal you decide to write should refer to the entries within it. Your journal entries should be shorter narratives, and here are 8 tips to keep in mind when writing entries. Take a few minutes before you start writing to decide what you're doing. Hopefully you've already decided what your journal is, so dig a little deeper into the topic or topics you've decided to focus on and get specific information.

Idea number four - using different colored cards. Write down individual thoughts interesting quotes or excerpts from your favorite poems can be written not only on the pages of a diary, but also on colored cards made of paper or cardboard. And then these cards can be pasted into the diary.

Why do you need a personal diary?

To get a letter, ask yourself questions.

  • What did you learn today?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What do you want to fix?
  • How do you feel?
They may apply to you common life or to specific parts of it, but turn inward and ask yourself.

Your journal can be your answer to the questions you ask. This is a great way to write when you don't know what to write about. Your posts can be in different formats, depending on what you're writing about. Perhaps you are making a list of things you want to achieve in the future. Maybe you're writing about a conversation you had, or wish you had. Maybe your entry is just thoughts you had that day. Some people prefer to write short notes, others prefer to write in detailed paragraphs.

Idea number five – painting with paints. The pages of your personal diary can be colored using watercolor paints. Bright strokes, splashes and spots can diversify any text. Apply paint to the diary pages and let them dry. And then write the text. This way the text will not be blurry and the pages will look neat.

Decide what you like best and go for it. Try it out and you'll have a variety of different entries so you don't get bored. Perhaps you write about a specific topic, but you never want to write the same post. By differentiating your notes, you will also see the progress you have made and everything you have learned.

Don't embarrass yourself while you're writing.

Your diary is a no-judgment zone, so don't feel like they have to be perfect. Your notes are self-recording so you know when you're writing something, but also try to keep your thoughts in order. Your diary will become a journey as you add more entries, try to keep a narrative that you can follow. For example, try writing about events in the order in which they happened.

Read the continuation of the idea for a personal diary here