A Chinese businessman just built mansions for his fellow villagers, but the houses remained empty due to the greed of the residents. “You can’t become famous for good deeds?” Xiong Shuihua and his new city

As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. The Chinese billionaire who spent tens of millions of dollars on building villas for residents felt this the hard way. native village. But the houses remain empty, because greedy people cannot agree who will get several villas, and who will get one.

Five years ago, billionaire Chen Sheng allocated $31.9 million to build 258 luxury villas in his home village. Each three-story house has five bedrooms, two living rooms, a garage and a small garden. Every few houses have sports grounds and even a stage for various events. Construction ended in 2016, but the houses are empty.

What prevented people was not the prices of luxury housing, because the billionaire provided them with villas for free, but ordinary human greed. According to the 2013 census, the small village had 190 families. But during the construction process, new residents came to the village. Then Chen Shen built 68 more houses so that there was enough for everyone. This was a big mistake.

As soon as the construction plan was announced, village residents began to fight among themselves over who would get the housing. Some families said they were going to have many children, so they needed a second villa. Others wanted to own a few houses for when their children started families of their own. Where can young people live? They showed up right away former residents villages that had long since moved, but “suddenly” decided to return and laid claim to the houses.

As soon as Chen Shen appeared in the village, the locals attacked him with requests to decide the question of how many houses each person would get. The billionaire was so disappointed by the behavior of his fellow villagers that he did not come to the village at all for two years. That's why the villas are empty and the locals are quarreling.

In addition to houses, Sheng planned to build a pig farm and gardens near the village, thereby providing jobs. Annual income local residents would amount to 32 thousand dollars - unthinkable money for Chinese farmers. But all these plans turned into failure due to greed.

Meanwhile, empty houses have become targets for vandalism. Hooligans broke the windows and ruined the decoration. And the villas are deteriorating and require renovation.

Five years ago, billionaire Chen Sheng pledged $31.9 million to build 258 luxury villas in his home village. Each three-story house has five bedrooms, two living rooms, a garage and a small garden. Every few houses have sports grounds and even a stage for various events. Construction ended in 2016, but the houses are empty.

What prevented people was not the prices of luxury housing, because the billionaire provided them with villas for free, but ordinary human greed. According to the 2013 census, the small village had 190 families. But during the construction process, new residents came to the village. Then Chen Shen built 68 more houses so that there was enough for everyone. This was a big mistake.

As soon as the construction plan was announced, villagers began arguing over who would get the housing. Some families said they were going to have many children, so they needed a second villa. Others wanted to own a few houses for when their children started families of their own. Where can young people live? Immediately, former residents of the village showed up, who had long since moved, but “suddenly” decided to return, and claimed rights to the houses.

As soon as Chen Shen appeared in the village, the locals attacked him with requests to decide the question of how many houses each person would get. The billionaire was so disappointed by the behavior of his fellow villagers that he did not come to the village at all for two years. That's why the villas are empty and the locals are quarreling.

In addition to houses, Sheng planned to build a pig farm and gardens near the village, thereby providing jobs. The annual income of local residents would be 32 thousand dollars - unthinkable money for Chinese farmers. But all these plans turned into failure due to greed.

Meanwhile, empty houses have become targets for vandalism. Hooligans broke the windows and ruined the decoration. And the villas are deteriorating and require renovation.

For two years now, luxury villas that were built by a famous Chinese businessman for his less successful fellow villagers have been empty. Moreover, it was planned to simply donate the houses; there was never any talk of any compensation or additional payment. Unfortunately, all the efforts and good undertakings of the philanthropist did not lead to anything good, because the villagers remained in their shacks, and the new comfortable mansions simply began to collapse. And the reason why such sad events occur is simply stunning.

Unfortunately, it is known folk wisdom“good is punishable” is clearly visible in one sad story which occurred in China. Five years ago, Chen Sheng, the owner of the thriving beverage company Tiandi No 1 Beverage Inc, decided to build decent housing for his poor fellow villagers so that they could live with their families in comfortable conditions. But his rosy plans and good intentions to turn his dying native village into a prosperous community collapsed due to the banal greed of the villagers. By the way, the site contains several examples of such patronage, which was not always assessed according to its merits and only brought complete disappointment in people because of their ingratitude and greed.

The businessman allocated more than $30 million for the construction of a modern cottage village. In just a few years, 258 luxury villas were built and the territory of the entire settlement was landscaped. In order for children and adults to play sports, basketball and football courts were installed, and badminton and tennis courts were installed. In the center of the new village they organized a small stage for holding various concerts and holidays. It was also planned to create jobs so that people could live with dignity and raise their children in full prosperity.

The houses themselves are worthy special attention(and even good envy), because these are real three-story mansions with an area of ​​280 square meters. meters. They created five bedrooms, two living rooms, bathrooms and a kitchen, a dining room and a large hall. A small garden was designed near each house and a garage was built. And the local residents should have received all this splendor as a gift, if not for one thing...

The new comfortable village was built in five years, and already in 2016 people could move into brand new apartments built by the philanthropist. But for two years now, this modern corner of luxury housing has stood abandoned and deserted. For a very banal and stupid reason - because of human greed.

Despite the fact that only 190 families live in the village, the businessman ordered the construction of 68 more mansions, so that in the future, if anyone decides to move to live there, there will be decent housing for them. But the good intention turned into huge troubles and constant complaints from local residents, whose appetite and impudence had increased unspeakably by the end of construction.

Squabbles and scandals began between the inhabitants of the village; everyone wanted to get not just one villa, but several at once! People with many children began to demand houses for all their children, because when they grow up and start a family, they will need their own housing. Former fellow villagers, who had fled from an impoverished village to earn money, urgently wished to return back and also get their own house and not alone.

Not only did the villagers constantly sort things out with each other, they began to make claims against Chen Sheng, expressing their dissatisfaction and demanding additional living space for themselves (this is with 280 square meters of free luxury housing!) “One time when I arrived, everyone started making their demands, so I won’t go back there again.”, he said.

This state of affairs and the boundless greed of fellow villagers greatly disappointed the philanthropist and now he does not come to the village at all and has even suspended further construction. After all, the businessman planned to first build modern housing and improve the village, and then start creating new jobs.

So that local residents have good job And stable income, allowing him to live comfortably, he planned the construction of a large pig farm and was going to plant orchards around his home village. After all, he owns several meat processing plants and juice production enterprises, so at first he planned to purchase all the grown products here, thereby organizing a sales market and a decent income for his fellow villagers.
“Within four years, the average annual income of villagers will increase to $32,000, which is a lot of money for farmers, so they won’t have to worry about their homes or their children’s education.”, - the businessman initially spoke about his plans and the prospects of his fellow villagers.

But people, due to greed that has clouded their minds, simply do not want to accept all these free benefits and live on the proposed terms. Therefore, Chen Sheng, sad as it is, has to contemplate the empty comfortable houses that have gradually begun to collapse, and become disappointed in people, feeling the meanness of the human soul and black ingratitude. Yes, and vandals add fuel to the fire by applying their dirty hands to this luxury, breaking windows and stealing or destroying everything that a caring person created for their own good.

Such cases, unfortunately, are not isolated; a similar situation occurred with famous actor Brad Pitt, who tried to help people affected by a devastating hurricane.