Composer white dragonfly of love. Nikolai Voronov: “Why is there suddenly such an attraction to the song

(1991-05-15 ) (27 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Nikolai Alexandrovich Voronov(born May 15, 1991) is a Russian pop singer and composer who became popular thanks to the YouTube video service.


Nikolay Voronov - Muscovite, youngest son teacher of the Department of Sociology and humanities International University of Nature, Society and Man “Dubna” Alexander Yaroslavovich Voronov.

According to his mother, he composes music with three years. At the age of five he began studying piano at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. Nikolai held his first concert in Dubna. The first appearance on the “major” stage took place in 2008 at the Solyanka club. In 2008, he entered the first year of the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, where he studied in the class of R. S. Ledenev, under whose guidance he composed works in academic style(First poem for male choir with orchestra; Six pieces for violin and orchestra; Concerto grosso for string orchestra, celesta, violin, viola and cello).

According to Nikolai, he “took up pop music” when his father bought him a Casio CTK 571 synthesizer at the Savelovsky market. The first three songs he composed were called (in chronological order) - “I'm waiting for you”, “People who are right away” and “White dragonfly of love”. In 2008, the author predicted that Dragonfly would "become his hit."

Notable works

  • "Barricade"
  • "People who immediately"
  • "Chub, kamon"
  • "Casino"
  • "Fruit tenderness"
  • "Just Dancing"
  • "Country"
  • "SMS"
  • "Run"

See also

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  • (English) on Myspace
  • on RuTube
  • on YouTube


An excerpt characterizing Voronov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (musician)

“Yes, I came to you, father, and with my pregnant wife,” said Prince Andrei, watching with animated and respectful eyes the movement of every feature of his father’s face. – How is your health?
“Unhealthy, brother, there are only fools and libertines, but you know me: busy from morning to evening, abstinent, and well, healthy.”
“Thank God,” said the son, smiling.
- God has nothing to do with it. Well, tell me,” he continued, returning to his favorite hobby, “how did the Germans fight Bonaparte in your way?” new science, a strategy called, taught.
Prince Andrei smiled.
“Let me come to my senses, father,” he said with a smile, showing that his father’s weaknesses did not prevent him from respecting and loving him. - After all, I haven’t settled in yet.
“You’re lying, you’re lying,” the old man shouted, shaking his braid to see if it was braided tightly, and grabbing his son’s hand. - The house is ready for your wife. Princess Marya will take her and show her and talk a lot about her. This is their woman's business. I'm glad for her. Sit and tell me. I understand Mikhelson’s army, Tolstoy too... a one-time landing... What will the Southern Army do? Prussia, neutrality... I know that. Austria what? - he said, getting up from his chair and walking around the room with Tikhon running and handing pieces of clothing. - Sweden what? How will Pomerania be transferred?
Prince Andrei, seeing the urgency of his father’s demand, was reluctant at first, but then became more and more animated and involuntarily, in the middle of the story, out of habit, switched from Russian to French, began to outline the operational plan for the proposed campaign. He told how an army of ninety thousand had to threaten Prussia in order to bring it out of neutrality and draw it into the war, how part of these troops had to unite with the Swedish troops in Stralsund, how two hundred and twenty thousand Austrians, in conjunction with one hundred thousand Russians, had to act in Italy and on the Rhine, and how fifty thousand Russians and fifty thousand English would land in Naples, and how, as a result, an army of five hundred thousand had to different sides make an attack on the French. Old Prince did not show the slightest interest in the story, as if he was not listening, and, continuing to get dressed as he walked, unexpectedly interrupted him three times. Once he stopped him and shouted:
- White! white!
This meant that Tikhon did not give him the vest he wanted. Another time he stopped and asked:
- And will she give birth soon? - and, shaking his head reproachfully, said: - Not good! Keep going, keep going.
The third time, when Prince Andrey was finishing the description, the old man sang in a false and senile voice: “Malbroug s"en va t en guerre. Dieu sait guand reviendra." [Malbroug is getting ready to go on a campaign. God knows when he will return.]
The son just smiled.
“I’m not saying that this is a plan that I approve,” said the son, “I just told you what it is.” Napoleon had already drawn up his own plan no worse than this.
“Well, you didn’t tell me anything new.” - And the old man thoughtfully said to himself in a patter: - Dieu sait quand reviendra. - Go to the dining room.

At the appointed hour, powdered and shaved, the prince went out into the dining room, where his daughter-in-law, Princess Marya, m lle Burien and the prince's architect, who, by a strange whim, was allowed to the table, was waiting for him, although by his position this insignificant person could not count on such an honor . The prince, who firmly adhered to the distinction of states in life and rarely allowed even important provincial officials, suddenly on the architect Mikhail Ivanovich, blowing his nose into a checkered handkerchief in the corner, he proved that all people are equal, and more than once inspired his daughter that Mikhail Ivanovich is no worse than you and me. At the table, the prince most often turned to the dumb Mikhail Ivanovich.
In the dining room, hugely high, like all the rooms in the house, the household and waiters standing behind each chair were waiting for the prince to leave; the butler, with a napkin on his hand, looked around the table setting, blinking at the footmen and constantly running his restless gaze from the wall clock to the door from which the prince was supposed to appear. Prince Andrei looked at a huge, new to him, golden frame with an image of the family tree of the Bolkonsky princes, hanging opposite an equally huge frame with a poorly made (apparently by the hand of a home painter) image of the sovereign prince in a crown, who was supposed to come from Rurik and be the ancestor Bolkonsky family. Prince Andrei looked at this family tree, shaking his head, and chuckled with the look with which one looks at a portrait that is ridiculously similar.
- How do I recognize him all over here! - he said to Princess Marya, who approached him.

- How did you come up with the idea to record that same video where you sing the song “White Dragonfly of Love”?

It wasn’t me who came up with the idea, I’ve never promoted my work in my life, I thought it was wrong. It’s just that in Dubna my dad invited me to give a concert and my pop songs. And I jokingly called one of the songs a hit. Someone just told me it would be a hit and I repeated it. Later the guys from Ukrainian group "Quest pistols"with a request to perform this song, I agreed. We filmed together clip , and this song broke TV. It was played at all discos.

- Did you expect such success?

No, and I don’t think anything special happened in my life. Yes, it’s very nice, it brings money and happiness, but at the same time I understand that I can do much more. For example, I create classical music, although it is not popular yet.

- Why do you think this video became so successful?

I don't know that. My song was an accident, I just think I performed it well, and it was unusual.

- What is the crowd at your concerts?

There is no contingent as such. I recently gave a party in St. Petersburg, in which children from 14 to 16 years old participated, they were guests there, they really liked my songs. Once I conducted it for 30-35 year olds, that is, everyone likes it, completely different ages.

- How do you make a living now?

At performances.

- Do you see anyone as your competitors on Youtube or on the Internet?

I have no competitors. In general, I think that it is wrong to envy someone; on the contrary, you rather envy those who have no talent, who are too correct; if a person is more talented than you, on the contrary, it’s nice.

- Do you perform at corporate events?

Yes, they just rarely call now. Order different companies, different people who know me and my songs.

- How has popularity changed people’s attitude towards you?

I had friends and still have them, I was not friends with people who purely listen to pop music, but my acquaintances and friends are for classical music, for serious creativity, so they thought that I was talented in classical music, and they still think so.

- Fame always has reverse side. What is it like for you?

I don't see the other side. She's good and that's it - it's nice that they know you. Moreover, I didn’t do anything bad, I wrote songs, I didn’t kill a cat and recorded it on a video that was watched by a million people. And so I am responsible for myself and my actions, I think about what I do.

- What is your fee?

Translating into your money, on average I play for 8,000 hryvnia per concert. It happens less at corporate events and club performances. The largest was about 80,000 rubles.

- What are your plans for the future?

I create classical music, I make theatrical performances, if this creativity is ever known, I think it will not go anywhere, because I was always taught that classical music- This eternal music. And pop music, well, “Dragonfly”, judge for yourself, was written in 2001, so it’s already 12 years old, and 12 years is normal for a hit. The fact is that at concerts they mostly ask to play it; it made waves in its time, and without this song I wouldn’t be known, that’s for sure.

- How did popularity change your life?

I keep driving public transport, in terms of lifestyle, my popularity has changed me in better side, because I quit smoking when I went on stage.

Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song “White Dragonfly of Love,” which blew up all the dance floors more than eight years ago. Once upon a time, the iconic metropolitan club Solyanka was bursting with people who wanted to hear the hit live. Voronov was regularly invited as a guest on various programs, and the media dreamed of getting an interview with him.

Now Nikolai is 26 years old, and only memories remain of his former popularity. After the deafening furore of “White Dragonfly of Love,” the young man never recorded a single composition that would become a hit. Apparently, in an attempt to attract attention, Nikolai decided to actively maintain a channel on YouTube. The videos that Voronov records receive dozens of views - a thousand times less than in 2008.

In addition, the majority of social network users perceive his work negatively and rate his posts with dislikes. The fact is that Voronov presents very strange and ambiguous videos that are very difficult for the average person to understand. Nikolai makes videos while sitting at the computer. At the same time, the young man often exposes his torso, and the annotations to the recordings resemble the works of avant-garde literary figures and are often accompanied by obscene language.

On Voronov's page social network VKontakte is also experiencing increased activity. The young man regularly posts several posts in a row, spacing only a couple of minutes. Nikolai’s posts are also similar to the works of experimental poets.

“The roof moves slowly and quietly like a surfing mouse,” writes Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

In another publication, the musician plays on the title of Vadim Zeland’s book. Apparently this work produced extremely strong impression on Nikolai. “Reality Transurfing! Be above the blanket! Be human. (…) Trasurfing is higher. Transsurfing an animal.. Transsurfing an animal - and be above people, (...) please? Thank you?" – with these words Voronov addressed the subscribers (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed. note).

On Voronov’s wall you can also find posts in which he shares his thoughts. “I feel sorry for everyone. I want to love. Which is what I do. Which is what they all do. That’s what we all do,” Nikolai wrote in early July. A few hours later, the musician decided to touch on the topic of envy.

"At the level eternal life good feeling. You enjoy genius for 1000 years, but your life lasts 100,000,000 or whatever. He takes you into the world of your inner flowing sausage, but you finally don’t flow. He sees you, he cannot see you, unsee you, for 1000 years, he will have time for himself, it is eternal. Human. Bicycle. And what is envy? good feeling. And misunderstood words. Understood, stand up and answer. Slap your ear. Understood, stand up. I don't open up completely. I'm jealous. I see. I'm jealous. I see the words. I'm jealous. I hate Anne. I. I can’t unsee who wants to stop the earth, I’ll get off...” shared Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

The youngest son of a teacher at the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song "White Dragonfly of Love." Nine years ago, this composition blew up all the dance floors of the country, and the cult Solyanka club did not accommodate those who wanted to hear the hit live.


Voronov was invited to appear on a TV show, and the media lined up to interview the young, extravagant musician. But after the legendary song, the author never created new hits. The excitement around him began to subside, and Nikolai himself went into the shadows and began running a YouTube channel.

Now Internet users are seriously puzzled by the mental state of the once famous singer, the adequacy of which is questioned by many. The fact is that Nikolai’s videos contain profanity and seem to demonstrate a challenge to common sense. website We decided to personally find out what was happening to the young performer. In a frank conversation, the musician explained such strange behavior.

“I changed my image because I am not satisfied with the claim to everyone that is made by our so-called stars, who consider themselves superior ordinary people. Stars don't exist. We have only one principle: “Your genius is not as important as how much of a career horse you are.” This really pisses me off. What then can we say about Pushkin and Dostoevsky, who are physically dead? How should we treat them? There was no radical change in image. This is just a small change because I want to help humanity realize this global problem. They are trying to impose a disease on me, but in my person the disease is diagnosed in all of humanity. Someone believed in it and died, but I won’t die. I'm here. I can only be understood correctly if one is completely separated from me and viewed in a more mass sense, from the perspective of society as a whole, and not part of it. I never loved myself or cared about myself. I love others,” Voronov said.

To finally dispel rumors about the musician’s mental illness, website asked psychotherapist Vitaly Kekukh to give an explanation about Nikolai’s behavior. “I can assume that the problem is the following: either something happened during the pregnancy of Nikolai’s mother, for example, intoxication; or there was an injury during childbirth, asphyxia or a pinched nerve. You know what kind of obstetricians we have - they pulled the head , they pinched a nerve. These consequences are visible on Kolya’s face. His psyche is fine, and such defiant behavior is compensation for external ones. physical feature. You can feel it in his facial expressions. But he’s great, he realized in time how to take advantage of his shortcomings,” the specialist noted.

According to Voronov’s mother, the young man has been writing music since he was three years old. When he was five, he began to study piano at the Moscow Secondary Specialized music school named after the Gnessins. Nikolai held his first concert in Dubna. In 2008, he entered the first year of the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

As Nikolai recalls, he took up pop music when his father gave him a synthesizer. The first three songs he composed were called (in chronological order) "I'm Waiting for You", "People Who Are Right Away" and "White Dragonfly of Love". In 2008, the author predicted that "Dragonfly" "will be his hit." And so it happened.