Flat joke. What are flat jokes and how to deal with them

S. Dobrinsky district of Verkhnematrensky village council. Arose no earlier mid-18th century V. According to data from 1782, it was a village with 4 households. Since 1864 the village. The name comes from the flat, level terrain on the watershed...

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  • - a wave whose direction of propagation is the same at all points in space. The simplest example- homogeneous monochromatic...

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  • - one of the main methods of printing mail and stamps. In the form, the printing and space elements are in the same plane...

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  • - deformation of the body in a flat stress-strain state - plain deformation - rovinná deformace - ebene Verformung - síkbeli alakváltozás - havtgain hev gazhilt - deformacja w płaszczyźnie - deformaţie plană - râvna deformacija - deformación plana - plane...

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  • - B. in the form of a rounded small flattened papule, not different in color from the surrounding skin and slightly protruding above its level; localized on the face and on the back of the hands in young people...

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  • - deformation of the hand, in which its natural convexities are flattened and smoothed; caused by wasting of the hand muscles due to central paralysis...

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  • - K., formed by two plates of compact substance, between which there is a thin layer of spongy substance...

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  • - see Xanthelasma...

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  • - a clinical form of natural O., occurring in unvaccinated people, characterized by a severe course, severe intoxication and slow evolution of rash elements that almost do not protrude above the surface of the skin and do not have...

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  • - "... - flat polymer roll material with a mesh structure formed by monolithic ribs rigidly fastened at nodes to form cells whose dimensions are larger than the ribs forming the lattice.....

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  • - mountain of the Primorsky region, Northern Ussuri Territory, on the coast of the Tatar Strait, northwest of Cape Shitnyak; 1324 ft. heights...

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  • - stupid, unremarkable, not sublime Wed. If I smile, it’s slow, hard, My smile is not a smile, If I want to joke, it’s a flat joke: I’ll blush painfully! Nekrasov. Shyness...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - The flat wit is stupid, not outstanding in any way, not sublime. Wed. I’ll smile - slow, hard, My smile is not a smile, I want to joke - it’s a flat joke: I’ll blush painfully! Nekrasov. Shyness...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

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    January 4, 2018

    Not everyone knows how to distinguish flat jokes from high-quality humor. And all because today comedians don’t have time to do quality work. After all new program you need to write for a long time, then rehearse, but why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will look at the concept of a flat joke and give examples.


    Flat jokes are ridicule of a person, which can sometimes even sound offensive. There is another definition. Flat jokes are anecdotes and aphorisms that everyone already knows by heart and, accordingly, they do not cause laughter. Typically, this method of entertaining a crowd is resorted to by people with low intelligence, who cannot always determine in what situation they should speak and where it is better to keep their mouth shut.

    Why are the jokes flat? There are many strange synonyms in the Russian language. Some of them are the words “flat” and “vulgar”. After all, most of these jokes are indecent and vulgar. There is also a common expression that you can fit more flat jokes in your head.


    To understand exactly where the insidiousness lies in bad humor, you need to look at it from the outside. An example of a flat joke: it’s okay that the caviar is black - if only the bread was white. It's not funny. Everyone understands that black caviar is a delicacy that is not available to everyone. Therefore, speaking about her in a disparaging tone is simply inappropriate.

    Or here’s another example: a fat barrel gave birth to a son. Well, how can you laugh at this? A woman who was pregnant, even if she really looked like a barrel, still deserves respect. After all, she was carrying a child - the future of our country. And some teenagers can mock so disdainfully. There is no way to call such a joke anything other than rude.

    Flat jokes are often directed at people who have some kind of physical disability. For example, a person can insult a fat guy with the following joke: you can knock anyone over with your belly. Naturally, it will be offensive to hear about such an exaggeration of physical inferiority.

    Video on the topic

    Why do people joke poorly?

    Most often this is done by those people who lack intelligence. They don't know what flat jokes mean. They think their humor is great. After all, they watch various stand-ups and rap battles. And if their favorite artists publicly insult each other there, then why can’t they follow their example and make flat jokes? People cannot understand the difference between what is acceptable and what is rude to say or do. Today when they fall moral standards, everyone can afford a lot. Including freely insulting anyone.

    But it cannot be otherwise. Young people are brought up by television, and since it shows television programs where people make rather mediocre jokes, then viewers will follow the example of their idols. It is worth developing a sense of taste for good humor. You can make fun of your friends, but if you don’t know how to do this, but still want to joke, you should laugh at the situation, and not at a specific person.

    How to develop a sense of humor?

    The most flat jokes come from very narrow-minded people. Therefore, to learn to understand the difference between good humor and bad, you need to have high intelligence. After all, in this case you won’t have to explain what exactly is funny about the joke. Some people find jokes unfunny because they tell, for example, about historical events, about which the listener is generally unaware.

    Also, to improve your sense of humor you need to constantly practice. And always act according to this plan: first think, then speak. After all, in the process of training you can inadvertently offend very good man who did nothing wrong to you. The more you notice, notice and joke about it, the better you will get at it. And first of all, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and life situations. It will be easier for others to accept jokes from those who are not afraid to make a caustic remark about themselves.

    You should choose idols who are considered well-known comedians on a global scale. They are loved by residents of most of the planet, which means their humor is held in high esteem not only in Russia. This is the level you should strive for. You should memorize sayings, analyze the themes of those aphorisms that you liked and, having drawn conclusions from this, try to make up your own unique jokes.

    Not everyone knows how to distinguish flat jokes from high-quality humor. And all because today comedians don’t have time to do quality work. After all, a new program takes a long time to write, then rehearsal, but why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will look at the concept of a flat joke and give examples.


    Flat jokes are ridicule of a person, which can sometimes even sound offensive. There is another definition. Flat jokes are anecdotes and aphorisms that everyone already knows by heart and, accordingly, they do not cause laughter. Typically, this method of entertaining a crowd is resorted to by people with low intelligence, who cannot always determine in what situation they should speak and where it is better to keep their mouth shut.

    Why are the jokes flat? There are many strange synonyms in the Russian language. Some of them are the words “flat” and “vulgar”. After all, most of these jokes are indecent and vulgar. There is also a common expression that you can fit more flat jokes in your head.


    To understand exactly where the insidiousness lies in bad humor, you need to look at it from the outside. An example of a flat joke: it’s okay that the caviar is black - if only the bread was white. It's not funny. Everyone understands that black caviar is a delicacy that is not available to everyone. Therefore, speaking about her in a disparaging tone is simply inappropriate.

    Or here’s another example: a fat barrel gave birth to a son. Well, how can you laugh at this? A woman who was pregnant, even if she really looked like a barrel, still deserves respect. After all, she was carrying a child - the future of our country. And some teenagers can mock so disdainfully. There is no way to call such a joke anything other than rude.

    Flat jokes are often directed at people who have some kind of physical disability. For example, a person can offend with the following joke: you can knock over anyone with your belly. Naturally, it will be offensive to hear about such an exaggeration of physical inferiority.

    Why do people joke poorly?

    Most often this is done by those people who lack intelligence. They don't know what flat jokes mean. They think their humor is great. After all, they watch various stand-ups and rap battles. And if their favorite artists publicly insult each other there, then why can’t they follow their example and make flat jokes? People cannot understand the difference between what is acceptable and what is rude to say or do. Today, when moral standards are falling, everyone can afford a lot. Including freely insulting anyone.

    But it cannot be otherwise. Young people are brought up by television, and since it shows television programs where people make rather mediocre jokes, then viewers will follow the example of their idols. It is worth developing a sense of taste for good humor. You can make fun of your friends, but if you don’t know how to do this, but still want to joke, you should laugh at the situation, and not at a specific person.

    How to develop a sense of humor?

    The most flat jokes come from very narrow-minded people. Therefore, in order to learn to understand the difference between good humor and bad, you need to have high intelligence. After all, in this case you won’t have to explain what exactly is funny about the joke. Some people find jokes unfunny because they tell, for example, about historical events that the listener is generally unaware of.

    Also, to improve your sense of humor you need to constantly practice. And always act according to this plan: first think, then speak. After all, in the process of training, you can inadvertently offend a very good person who has not done anything bad to you. The more you notice, notice and joke about it, the better you will get at it. And first of all, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and life situations. It will be easier for those around you to accept jokes from those who are not afraid to make a caustic remark about themselves.

    You should choose idols who are considered well-known comedians on a global scale. They are loved by residents of most of the planet, which means their humor is held in high esteem not only in Russia. This is the level you should strive for. You should memorize sayings, analyze the themes of those aphorisms that you liked and, having drawn conclusions from this, try to make up your own unique jokes.

    A flat (joke) wit (foreign) is stupid, not outstanding in any way, not sublime. Wed. I’ll smile, slow, hard, My smile is not a smile, I’ll want to make a joke, a flat joke: I’ll blush painfully! Nekrasov. Shyness... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    joke- bulky (Chekhov); rude (A. Fedorov); daring (Nekrasov); good-natured (Serafimovich); modest (Grigorovich); poisonous (Ertel); caustic (Bryusov) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Partnership... ... Dictionary of epithets

    Noun, g., used. often Morphology: (no) what? jokes, what? joke, (see) what? joke, what? joke, about what? about a joke; pl. What? jokes, (no) what? jokes, what? Just kidding, (see) what? jokes, what? jokes, about what? about jokes 1. A joke is a phrase... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    - (foreign) stupid, not outstanding, not exalted Wed. I’ll smile, slow, hard, My smile is not a smile, I’ll want to make a joke, a flat joke: I’ll blush painfully! Nekrasov. Shyness... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Book A vulgar, rude joke. BMS 1998, 424 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    flat sharpness- a vulgar, rude joke. This expression is a tracing-paper from the French une plaisanterie plate. Associated with the fashion for high heels. Only noble people could wear high-heeled shoes; common people wore low heels. This is where the word flat comes from... Phraseology Guide

    FLAT, flat, flat; flat, flat, flat. 1. Without irregularities, elevations and depressions, with a straight and even surface. Flat surface. Flat printing (a printing method in which the reproduced image is in... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    flat- oh, oh; flat/soak, flat/ and flat/ska, flat/ski 1) Having no depressions or elevations, with a flat surface. Flat plain. Flat roof. Flat screen TV. Flat plate. Once Zhilin went down the mountain to see where the old man lived. Came off... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    FLAT, oh, oh; juice, ska and ska, sko; flatter. 1. Smooth, without elevations or depressions, with a straight and smooth surface. Flat surface. Flat roof(horizontal). P. nose (flattened). Flat chest. Flat foot. 2. Shallow, with... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Aya, oh; juice, ska, sko; flatter. 1. Without irregularities, elevations and depressions, with a smooth surface. Bogucharovo lay in an ugly, flat area, covered with fields and felled and uncut fir and birch forests. L. Tolstoy,... ... Small academic dictionary

    These are stupid jokes. What jokes are called flat?

      A good positive joke is designed to cheer up EVERYONE! A flat joke can have in a comic form, but not have a humorous content or a cheerful aftertaste. If you imagine your mood as a diagram, then fluctuations up and down from zero (states of indifference) will cause positive and negative emotions. So, a flat joke does not raise the bar of positivity figuratively high, as in the diagram. It’s not not funny, it’s as if it never happened in the best case, and in the worst case the opposite effect appears and the joke intended to amuse is offended.

      Well, in general, I adhere to the idea: Laughter at oneself humiliates, laughter at others insults, and laughter at a situation improves the overall mood!

      Smile! 😉

      There is such an expression: Neither to the village, nor to the city. So such jokes are often used quite smart people and in a respectable atmosphere. And the rest simply don’t know how to behave in this dead end. Laughing is stupid, staying silent is shameful. Because of the joke of one, everyone else feels like fools. As I witnessed the opening of a new restaurant in the city several years ago The owner of this establishment made a pompous speech. People smiled. And she ended with the words: They cooked, they decided. They sat down and ate everything. And there was silence. I have the impression that the speaker of the tirade of such expressions wants to make fools of those around him, but not himself. It is so pleasant for him to watch from the outside, as people do not can find words for his barbs.

      This can probably be said about jokes that are too straightforward, rude, primitive, unprincipled and other similar ones. This means that the joke is stupid, not funny. It can offend someone, insult someone, and cause not laughter but negative emotions.

      Flat jokes - i.e. those that do not contain subtext, any play on words or meanings. By analogy with an acute angle - sharp joke, a flat angle is a flat joke.

      Because is highly valued in people good feeling humor, then this expression is usually said in a negative connotation, as if so-and-so only knows how to make stupid jokes.

      Flat jokes are jokes that are not funny and witty. They say about such would-be comedians: I wanted to make a joke, but instead I made a joke, i.e. said something dull and boring, like a donkey endlessly repeating his I-A-AA. Usually no one laughs at a flat joke except the author of the joke. The most primitive jokes are those that concern physical disabilities person: Hey, bespectacled telescope minnow! or Fat Barrel gave birth to a son... and that sort of thing.

      Those who stupidly repeat their flat jokes are narrow-minded people who are trying to establish themselves by humiliating others. Or simply those who do not know how to distinguish what is truly funny and cheerful from what is primitive and banal.

      Flat things differ from normal ones in that they are not funny or original at all. Sometimes even very stupid. Even comedians often make such flat jokes. They dilute their performance with them.