Antique Hellas (Ancient Greece). Ancient

Ancient Hellas - the country of Greece, in short, existed in ancient times. The events that will be discussed further took place a very long time ago.

  • It was the sixth century BC. If you believe the sources of history, then farmers came to the Balkan Peninsula during the migration of people. Settled its coast. The country formed by the settlers began to be called Ancient Hellas, or briefly Hellas.
  • The country began to develop.
  • In the early Helladic time, tribal relations dominated. But the first large settlements have already begun to appear.
  • In the Middle Helladic period, the Achaeans began to settle in the south of the peninsula. Among them, relations between the clans began to disintegrate.
  • The Late Helladic era was called the Mycenaean.
  • During this period, an early class society arose among the Achaeans. Large state formations appear: Mycenae, Thebes. The original writing is being formed. Mycenaean culture dominates Hellas. At this time, the destruction of the Minoan civilization occurs. Later, the Dorians appeared on the peninsula, with their arrival the Mycenaean statehood perished.
  • In the "Dark Ages" the Mycenaean civilization is finally destroyed. Tribal relations are being revived, the transformation of which creates prepolis social structures.
  • When such structures are formed, Greek tyranny begins. Iron appears in all areas of production. There is private property. Time of Archaic Greece.
  • Classical Greece comes to replace this time. Greek policies begin to develop economically. Culture flourishes. Calculation of self-consciousness of citizens. The Greeks win victories, reflecting the aggression of the Persians.
  • There is growing conflict between new and old state systems. Peloponnesian War. The economy is undermined. The political structure is in crisis.
  • Macedonia captures Hellas.
  • The Hellenistic period was a continuation of Classical Greece. The world power of Alexander the Great is being asserted. Greco-Eastern statehood is born, flourishes and soon disintegrates.
  • All these historical moments are divided into three periods, indicated in three time aspects, which did not last very long.
  • With the collapse of this power, new Hellenistic states were formed.
  • The culture of Hellas is represented by an ancient epic.
  • People in this epic have always obeyed the gods. All the gods led a serene and beautiful life on Olympus. Different regions of Hellas had their own heroes and their own legends about them.
  • And to this day, ancient legends excite people. Beautiful films about those bygone days do not leave the cinema screen.

The general name of the territory of the ancient Greek states in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea, the coast of Thrace, the western coastal strip of Asia Minor, and also (during the period of Greek colonization in the 8th-6th centuries BC) in the territory of Southern Italy, eastern Sicily, Southern France, on the northern coast of Africa, along the shores of the straits and on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas. The history of Greece of the Bronze Age (about 3000 - about 1500 BC) is divided into three periods (taking into account the geographical principle): Minoan - for the island of Crete, Helladic - for mainland Greece and Cycladic - for the islands of the Aegean Sea (although the culture of the entire Greek world of this period is defined as Minoan). In 3000-1450. BC. on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, the Minoan culture flourished (named after Minos, the legendary Cretan king), which around 2200 spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Cities and ports were built on Crete, beautiful palaces were built (Knoss, Festus, Mallia). The palace of Knossos, which housed the workshops of artisans and living quarters, looked like a small city. After a period of prosperity (in 2000-1700), when hieroglyphic writing arose among the Minoans, there was a decline. In the 15th century civilization on Crete was destroyed, apparently due to an earthquake on the neighboring island of Thera (Santorini), which caused a huge tidal wave. In the 16th century states arose on mainland Greece: Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos. Around 1450 the Mycenaeans invaded Crete and took over the maritime trade. They founded colonies on the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, traded with Italy and Sicily. Based on the Minoan script, they developed their own writing system. In the 12th century Mycenaean civilization fell, and Greece entered a dark period of history that lasted about 300 years. In the 13th-11th centuries. mainland Greece and the islands were invaded by various tribes (Dorians, Illyrians, Thracians), which are associated with the onset of the peoples of the sea. As a result, the palaces of the Achaeans in Mycenae, Pylos, and others were destroyed. Tiryns was devastated. By the 9th c. everywhere in the occupied territories there were independent communities headed by rulers - basilei. Around the 9th c. Greece was divided between the tribes: the Aeolians - in the north, the Dorians - in Central Greece and most of the Peloponnese, the Ionians - in Attica, Argolis and the islands, the surviving Achaean tribes were pushed back to Arcadia and Achaia. In the 8th-6th centuries. in Greece policies were formed - city-states. In the same period, the Greek colonization of southern Italy, Sicily, the northern coast of Africa, etc. Outside of Greece, the Greeks established trading posts. In economically developed policies (Corinth, Athens, etc.), slavery was widespread; in Sparta, Argos, and others, remnants of the tribal system were preserved for a long time. 5-4 centuries - the period of the highest heyday of policies. It is associated with the rise of Athens as a result of the victory of the Greeks in the Greco-Persian wars (500-449) and the creation of the Delian League (led by Athens). The time of the highest power of Athens, the greatest democratization of the political system and the flowering of culture - the years of the reign of Pericles (443-429). The struggle between Athens and Sparta for hegemony in Greece and the contradictions between Athens and Corinth over trade routes led to the Peloponnesian War (431-404), which ended in the defeat of Athens. In the middle of the 4th c. Macedonia rose to the north of Greece. Its king Philip II, having won a victory at Chaeronea (338) over a coalition of Greek cities, subjugated Greece. After the collapse of the power of Alexander the Great in the so-called. during the Hellenistic period (3rd-2nd centuries), states and unions of the militarized type (Macedonia, the Achaean League, the Aetolian League) prevailed in Greece, challenging the dominance in Greece. From 146 the city (after the defeat of the Achaean Union by the Romans) Greece was subordinate to Rome (from 27 BC the Roman province of Achaia was formed on its territory). From the 4th c. AD Greece became the main part of the Eastern Roman Empire - Byzantium.

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Hellas— Hellas Greece
Geographic Encyclopedia

ELLAS ELLAS is the name of Greece in Greek.
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Many Greeks do not call themselves Greeks. They preserve old traditions and call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The very concept of "Greece" comes from the Latin word. Greece for several centuries BC was called a small place in the north-eastern part of the country. But later this name spread throughout the state. For some reason, they are called Greeks in most countries of the world, and the inhabitants of this country themselves imagined themselves as Hellenes in Hellas.

Where did the name Hellas come from?

In ancient times, not all of Greece was called Hellas. Now culturologists associate this name exclusively with Ancient Greece. In journalism, and in scientific literature, the word "Greeks" is constantly used. Hellas and Greece are identical concepts. Modern Greece did not always have the same borders. Territorial boundaries have changed over the centuries. Now some part of Greece belongs to the Turkish state, another to Italy. The lands occupied in antiquity by Italy passed to Greece. Undoubtedly, the civilization that is today part of Europe originated a very long time ago. Scientists call ancient times - antiquity. If we translate this word into Russian from Latin, we will get the term "antiquity". With Antiquity, scientists associate both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Researchers used to call the ancient and the north of the Mediterranean along with North Africa, some part of Asia, all of Europe. The places where today scientists find traces of Greek and Hellenic civilization are usually considered to be the heritage of European and Greek culture.

Greece. Where is it, what country?

The southern part of the Balkans is Greece. In this state, they are accustomed to value their wealth. Among them are not only fossils, but also water resources. The country is washed by the Mediterranean, Aegean, Ionian. The water element of Greece is beautiful. Picturesque seascapes, delightful island part. The lands of this state are fertile, but there is very little land. It is always dry and hot here, which at any time favored not crop production, but animal husbandry.

Antique myths provided the basis for the cultural traditions of this country. So, Pandora, who gave birth to several children, was married to the Supreme Thunderer Zeus. One of the sons was named Grekos. Two more - Makedon and Magnis. All historians say with one voice that Greece is named after the eldest son of Zeus. Grekos inherited courage, militancy, courage from his father. But at first, only one of the regions of the north-west of Athens was called Greece.

The eldest son of the supreme celestials never sat still. He traveled a lot, not for the sake of conquest, but more to establish new cities on empty lands. So a number of states appeared in Asia Minor. Formed Grekos and colonies in Italy. He took control of almost the entire Apennine Peninsula. It is known that the inhabitants of Italy, the townspeople, who were ruled by Grekos, were called Greeks. Other researchers believe that Greece is a Roman term, and the Greeks themselves called themselves Hellenes.

But the word "Greece" was well established in the minds of foreigners so that to this day few foreigners do not think of officially calling the Greeks Hellenes. Such a concept is typical only for the scientific world of culturologists, historians and Greek scholars. Even Aristotle wrote that the Hellenes did not always refer to themselves as such. There is evidence that in ancient times they were called Greeks. Here, apparently, ancient Greek mythology makes itself felt. Later, the Greeks had a ruler named Hellenes. Allegedly, by the name of the king, they called themselves Hellenes. But this is just another theory that has the right to life.

Let's take a look at Homer's Iliad. In the part that describes the Greek campaign against Troy, there is a mention that among the alien warriors from almost the same region, there were those who called themselves residents of the city of Gray (Greeks) and Hellenes (from a place in Thessaly). All of them, without exception, were strong and courageous. There is another conjecture about the origin of the concept of "Greeks". There is evidence that there were once several policies and cities in the possessions of Achilles. One of them was called Ellas. And the Hellenes could come from there. The writer Pausanias mentioned in his writings that Gray was a fairly large city. And Thucydides talked about Farrow as about Grey. That's what they called it before. Aristotle says that even before the inhabitants of present-day Greece began to be called Greeks, they called themselves that way in the pre-Hellenic period.

As a result of simple deductions, we can say that the Greeks and Hellenes are 2 tribes that existed in the neighborhood or practically on the same territory, and originated at about the same time period. Perhaps they fought among themselves, and someone became stronger. As a result, culture and traditions were borrowed. Or perhaps they lived in peace and subsequently united. Scientists say that both Hellenes and Greeks existed until the adoption of Christianity. Later, people who did not want to become followers of the new religion were still called Hellenes (they were more “friends” with the gods of Olympus and Zeus the Thunderer), and adherents of Christianity were called Greeks. Researchers believe that the term "Hellenes" means "idolater".

Modern painting

Outside of Greece and now it is called differently. The inhabitants themselves now call themselves Greeks, the country - Hellas with the Hellenic language, sometimes Greece. However, all Europeans are accustomed to alternate names. In the Russian sense, Hellas is Ancient Greece. The inhabitants are Greeks. The language is Greek. In almost all European and Russian languages, Greece and Hellas have similar sounds and pronunciations. The East calls the inhabitants of this country differently. In some cases, the names change dramatically. Among them:

  • Jonan.
  • Yavana (in Sanskrit).
  • Yavanim (Hebrew).

These names come from the concept of "Ionians" - residents and settlers from the coast of the Ionian Sea. According to another theory, Ion was the ruler of the Greek islands. So the inhabitants of Hellas and the coastal islands were called by the Persians, Turks, Jordanians, Iranians. According to another version, "ionan" are rounded headdresses, which the Greeks still wear to this day, protecting themselves from the sun's rays. The inhabitants of the East were the first to notice this, and now they call the Greeks Ionans. The practice of Georgians regarding the perception of the Greeks is interesting. The Greeks call Hellenes “berdzeni”. In their language, such a concept means “wisdom”. There are nationalities that call the Greeks "Romios", since a large period of the life of this state is connected with the history of the Roman Empire.

The experience of the Russians is remarkable. The ancient Russians never forgot the phrase "The way from the Varangians to the Greeks ...". The foundations of the Greek culture of that period, when the main trade routes crossed with Russia, will never be forgotten, as they are reflected in the folk epic of the Slavs. At that time they were called Hellenes in Europe, but in Russia they are Greeks. However, scientists believe that it was the Greeks who were the merchants. Goods arrived in Russia from Byzantium, which was just inhabited by people from Grey. They were Christians and brought the foundations of their faith and culture to the Russians.

And today in Russian schools they study the legends and myths of Ancient Greece, the history and culture of Greece and Rome. In Russia, it is customary to refer to the inhabitants of this country as “Greeks”. This country has always been proud of its talented poets, historians, architects, sculptors, athletes, sailors, philosophers. All figures left an indelible mark on the minds of researchers and scientists around the world. Greece influenced the development of the culture of Europe and even the countries of Asia and the East.

Modern researchers have found evidence that the Greeks called some "gryks". This is the Illyrian people. According to mythology, the progenitor of this nation just bore the name "Greek". The concept of "Hellenism" began to revive by the beginning of the 19th century in the ranks of the Greek intelligentsia. Over time, the assertion that the Greeks are not Greeks also spread to the broad masses of the people.

As soon as the Greeks did not call themselves and did not hear different appeals addressed to them. The reason for everything is the origin of nationalities, linguistic dogmas, customs, traditions. Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, Hellenes or Greeks? Now the inhabitants of this country have quite diverse roots and have the right to call themselves, according to the legends and myths that have developed in some areas.

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At this time, there was a growth of cities, which the sea power of Crete allowed to do without fortress walls. Situated in narrow valleys, on hills and mountain slopes, these cities had an irregular layout, spontaneous buildings, and terraced houses. However, the cities of Crete, or rather, the archaeological site in its place, is currently not included in the UNESCO World Heritage List

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The centers of the largest cities of Crete, Knossos and Festus, are formed by the palaces of the rulers. Numerous buildings with flat roofs are concentrated around a large rectangular palace courtyard. The plastered walls of the buildings of the Cretan palaces were decorated with carved and stamped reliefs, frescoes depicting plants and animals, acrobatic games, holidays, harvesting. In the XV century. BC, after a devastating earthquake, Crete was captured by the Balkan tribes of the Achaeans - the ancestors of the Greeks. After the fall of the Cretan civilization, dominance in the eastern Mediterranean Sea passed to the state in the south of the Balkan Peninsula with its center in the city of Mycenae (Peloponnese), the capital of the Achaean military-political union. In the Mycenaean settlements, the palaces of the rulers, together with the temples, formed a sacred site - the acropolis ("upper city"). The powerful walls of the acropolises were erected from large, neatly hewn stone blocks and covered the hill of the citadel with a picturesque contour. The length of the walls of Mycenae is 900 m, and the thickness is 6-10 m, they are made of stone blocks weighing 5-6 tons. the ancient Greeks believed that huge stone blocks were carried by mythical characters - cyclops (one-eyed giants). The entrance to the Mycenaean Acropolis is blocked by the Lion Gate (a slab with a relief image of lions above them is the oldest in Europe).

The ruins of the palace and the tombs of the Achaean kings have been preserved. One of them is the famous "treasury of Atreus", to which an open gallery 36 m long and 6 m wide leads. An earth mound was poured over the tomb itself, which is a huge helmet-shaped chamber. Homer called Mycenae "gold-rich" city. Indeed, during the excavations, archaeologists discovered masks of kings made of gold, jewelry, weapons and vessels. The second major city of the Mycenaean culture was Tiryns, whose acropolis was fortified in the 13th century. BC. because of the invasion from the north of the Dorians. A “lower” city was attached to the acropolis, a complex system of entrances was erected. The center of the Tiryns acropolis was occupied by a large megaron - an elongated rectangular structure surrounded by slender columns. The Mycenaean period of the ancient era lasted from the XIV to the XII centuries. BC. The collapse of the Mycenaean state and the decline of its culture were accelerated by the invasion of the Dorian tribes from the north. Despite the death of the Cretan Mycenaean civilization, it served as an important step in the formation of the ancient culture of the Eastern Mediterranean.

From the 12th to the 6th centuries BC. the Homeric and archaic periods of the development of Greek culture continued. Archaeological sites near the city of Vergina (Macedonia) can be attributed to this time interval. The capital of ancient Macedonia, Eges, was discovered here, in the center of which there was a monumental palace with a courtyard surrounded by columns. More than 300 burial chambers (tumuli) were found in the vicinity, the earliest of which date back to the 11th century. BC. Late burials include the tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. In the archaic period, the formation of Greek city-states takes place. At the same time, the main types of Greek temples and two order systems were formed, which served to connect the columns with the beam ceiling. More common was the strict Doric order, which embodied the artistic ideals of the harsh and warlike Dorian tribes. During the heyday of the Greek colonies in the Mediterranean, the Ionic order was formed. This more elegant style got its name in honor of the tribes of the Ionians, forced out by the Dorians from the Balkan Peninsula, and settled on the coast of Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean Sea. Samos is an island in the Sporades archipelago in the eastern Aegean Sea near the Ionian coast of Asia Minor.

During antiquity, the island was the center of Ionian culture and the birthplace of many great figures of Hellas: the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, the thinker Epicurus, the astronomer Aristarchus. From the time of its heyday, the ruins of the Ionic temple of Hera, built in the archaic era, have been preserved on the island - one of the largest in Greece. Currently, the ancient city of Samos has been renamed Pythagorean. Period V-IV centuries. BC. is called classical. This was the period of the Greco-Persian wars and at the same time the heyday of Greek culture. Most of the ancient monuments of Greece belong to this period. The most outstanding examples of classical ancient Greek architecture are concentrated in the ancient museum cities of Delphi, Olympia and Epidaurus, the museum island of Delos and the Greek capital of Athens. The most remarkable of the classical ensembles - the Acropolis of Athens (Attica) - dominates the city and its environs. The Acropolis is located on the high rock of Pyrgos, which has a length of 300 m and a width of up to 150 m. Here are the four greatest masterpieces of ancient Greek art, created from snow-white marble - the Parthenon, the Propylaea, the Erechtheion and the temple of Nike Apteros. The Acropolis was built in the 5th century. BC. under the leadership of Phidias under Pericles, who proclaimed the unification of Greece under the rule of Athens.

The central dominant of the ensemble is the Parthenon - the temple of the goddess Athena, combining the features of the Doric and Ionic orders, which demonstrated the unity of the Greek policies. In the past, the temple housed a statue of Athena made of ivory and gold, as well as the treasury of the Maritime Union of Greek cities, headed by Athens. The ensemble of the Acropolis is opened by the Propylaea (gate) with five passages, made in Doric and Ionic orders. At the entrance is a small Ionic temple of Nike Apteros ("Wingless Victory"). Behind the Propylaea, the majestic statue of Athena the Warrior previously towered. Another Ionic temple - the Erechtheion - was built in that part of the Acropolis, where, according to legend, there was a dispute between Athena and Poseidon, and is dedicated to these gods. In one of the porticos of the temple, the place of the columns is occupied by caryoids (figures of women). Delphi is an ancient city at the foot of Mount Parnassus (Phokis, central Greece), known for its oracle, which determined many decisions in the political and religious spheres of ancient Hellas. The Delphic oracle, located in the innermost part of the Doric temple of Apollo, had access only to the Pythian priestesses. Also in the temple was a sacred stone - omfal ("navel of the earth"). From the VI century BC in Delphi, the Pythian Games were held - competitions of poets, musicians and athletes.

The ruins of numerous treasuries, a theater and a stadium have also been preserved. By the beginning of the 5th century the city actually ceased to exist, thanks to which the ruins in a preserved form have survived to this day. Olympia (northwest of the Peloponnese) is probably the most famous ancient city in Greece. Since the X century. BC. the city became a place of worship for Zeus and Hera, and in the 5th century. BC. the famous temple of Zeus was built here - an example of early classic architecture. In honor of Zeus, the Olympic Games were established - a symbol of the unity of the Greek policies, according to which, starting from 776 BC, the Greeks kept counting. Olympia is a huge open-air antique museum with a large number of marble statues. In the middle of the 5th century BC. the temple of Epicurean Apollo was built in Bassae (Arcadia, west of the Peloponnese peninsula). This temple of the god of the sun and health was dedicated to getting rid of the plague of the inhabitants of the city of Figalia. There was a 4-meter statue of Apollo in the temple. The design of the temple used the Corinthian order, but now this can only be determined from the ruins. The artistic image of this most magnificent decorative order, according to legend, is borrowed from a basket through which the leaves of the acanthus bush sprouted.

Epidaurus (east of the Peloponnese)- an ancient city where the cult of the god of healing Asclepius (Aesculapius) was popular. In the IV century. BC. a wonderful ensemble was created here, including a temple, a stadium, a gymnasium and a theater. The most famous theater of Epidaurus, built according to the terrain and has excellent acoustics. 10 thousand spectators were placed on the stone steps of the theater, and each of them could hear any sound emitted on the stage (more precisely, the orchestra). Delos (Greek “I manifest”) is a sparsely inhabited island of the Cyclades archipelago in the western part of the Aegean Sea. According to ancient Greek myths, the island arose by the will of Zeus, the birth of Apollo and Artemis took place here. Delos served as a place of worship for Apollo, to whom sanctuaries were dedicated here. The Greeks gathered here four times a year, arranging various competitions in honor of the god. Later, the island gained fame as the largest slave market in the Mediterranean. Now Delos is a kind of museum of antiquity, the ruins of three temples of Apollo, the temple of Artemis, the temple of Hera, the Avenue of Lions and many other sanctuaries were found here.

Ancient Hellas. What is the "beginning of European civilization"? Hellas what is it

Hellas is Ancient Greece. History, culture and heroes of Hellas

Hellas is the ancient name of Greece. This state had a significant impact on the further development of Europe. It was here that such a concept as “democracy” first appeared, the foundation of world culture was laid here, the main features of theoretical philosophy were formed, and the most beautiful monuments of art were created. Hellas is an amazing country, and its history is full of secrets and mysteries. In this publication you will find the most interesting facts from the past of Greece.

From the history of Hellas

In the history of Ancient Greece, it is customary to distinguish 5 periods: Crete-Mycenaean, Dark Ages, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The Crete-Mycenaean period is associated with the appearance of the first state formations on the islands of the Aegean Sea. Chronologically, it covers 3000-1000 years. BC e. At this stage, the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations appear.

The period of the Dark Ages is called "Homeric". This stage is characterized by the final decline of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, as well as the formation of the first prepolis structures. Sources practically do not mention this period. In addition, the time of the Dark Ages is characterized by the decline of culture, economy and the loss of writing.

The archaic period is the time of the formation of the main policies and the expansion of the Hellenic world. In the 8th century BC e. The Great Greek colonization begins. During this period, the Greeks settled along the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. During the archaic, early forms of Hellenic art took shape.

The classical period is the heyday of the Greek policies, their economy and culture. In the V-IV centuries. BC e. the concept of "democracy" appears. In the classical period, the most significant military events in the history of Hellas take place - the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian wars.

The Hellenistic period is characterized by close interaction between Greek and Eastern cultures. At this time, there is a flourishing of art in the state of Alexander the Great. The Hellenistic period in the history of Greece lasted until the establishment of Roman domination in the Mediterranean.

The most famous cities of Hellas

It is worth noting that in Greece during the period of antiquity there was no single state. Hellas is a country that consisted of many policies. In antiquity, a city-state was called a polis. Its territory included the city center and the chora (agricultural settlement). The political management of the policy was in the hands of the People's Assembly and the Soviet. All city-states were different both in terms of population and size of territory.

The most famous policies of ancient Greece are Athens and Sparta (Lacedaemon).

  • Athens is the cradle of Greek democracy. Famous philosophers and orators, heroes of Hellas, as well as famous cultural figures lived in this policy.
  • Sparta is a vivid example of an aristocratic state. The main occupation of the population of the policy was the war. It was here that the foundations of discipline and military tactics were laid, which were later used by Alexander the Great.

Culture of Ancient Greece

The myths and legends of ancient Greece played a unifying role for the culture of the state. Each sphere of life of the Hellenes was subject to general ideas about deities. It is worth noting that the foundations of the ancient Greek religion were formed back in the Cretan-Mycenaean period. In parallel with mythology, a cult practice also arose - sacrifices and religious festivals, accompanied by agons.

The ancient Greek literary tradition, theatrical art and music are also closely connected with mythology.

In Hellas, urban planning was actively developing and beautiful architectural ensembles were created.

The most famous figures and heroes of Hellas

  • Hippocrates is the father of Western medicine. He is the founder of the medical school, which had a huge impact on all ancient medicine.
  • Phidias is one of the most famous sculptors of the classical era. He is the author of one of the seven wonders of the world - the statue of Olympian Zeus.
  • Democritus is the father of modern science, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. He is considered the founder of atomism, the theory that material things are made up of atoms.
  • Herodotus is the father of history. He studied the origins and events of the Greco-Persian wars. The result of this research was the famous work "History".
  • Archimedes - Greek mathematician, physicist and astronomer.
  • Pericles is an outstanding statesman. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Athenian policy.
  • Plato is a famous philosopher and orator. He is the founder of the first educational institution in Western Europe - the Plato Academy in Athens.
  • Aristotle is one of the fathers of Western philosophy. His works covered almost all spheres of society.

The value of ancient Greek civilization for the development of world culture

Hellas is a country that has had a huge impact on the development of world culture. Here such concepts as "philosophy" and "democracy" were born, the foundations of world science were laid. The ideas of the Greeks about the world, medicine, civil society and man also influenced the fate of many Western European states. Any field of art is connected with this great state, whether it is theater, sculpture or literature.

Hellas what is Hellas: definition - History.NES


Acts 20.2) is the ancient name (Hellas) of one of the regions on the territory of present-day Greece, which spread to the whole of Greece and to everything Greek (the term “Hellenism” and the name of the Greeks “Hellenes” originated from it).

Source: Bible Dictionary (historical-religious)


(Greek Hellas). Greek, the names of E. - Greece itself - and the Hellenes - self-name. Greeks - before, according to Homer's Iliad, they were applied to the area in the south. parts of Thessaly. In what way sowing. - Greek. the name became universal, unknown. Initially, the common name for all Greeks was the term "panhellenes" ("all Greeks").

Source: Dictionary of Antiquity. Translation from German Progress 1989


The city in Phthiotis (Thessaly), according to legend, built by Hellen, belonged to the region of Achilles; the whole region of this city, between the rivers Epiney and Asop, bore this name. Nom. Il. 2, 683. 9, 395. Nom. Od. 11, 496. Hellas and Argos (Peloponnese) together, ???´ ?????? ???? ????? ´???o? (Nom. Od. 1, 344, 15, 80), as it were, designated the limits of the country inhabited by the Achaeans of the same tribe from the north to the Peloponnese. For the later distribution of the name, see Graecia, Greece, 8.

Source: Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


Homer speaks of the Greeks as Achaeans or Panhellenes, but the Greeks of the classical period called their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes - an eponym that goes back to Hellene, according to legend, the son of Deucalion. In modern terminology, Hellenic Greece refers to the historical period between the first Olympiad, 776 B.C. e., from which the reckoning began, until the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. e. Hellenistics refers to the influence of Greek power and culture in the East that accompanied Alexander's conquests over the next two centuries until Greece was absorbed into the Roman Empire. Only the Epirus Dorians from Illyria called themselves Greeks, the Romans transferred this word to all Hellenes.

(Modern reference dictionary: Antique world. Compiled by M.I. Umnov. M .: Olympus, AST, 2000)

Source: The ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome

The meaning of the name Hellas. What does the name Hellas mean: origin, characteristics, interpretation.

What does the name Hellas mean: This name can mean - Greece, sometimes it is also translated as - morning dawn.

Origin of the name Hellas: This is a beautiful name of precisely ancient Greek origin, and initially it was Greece itself that was called Hellas, and probably from here, later, the fashion went, only to call little girls like that. And as many interpreters of names often say, Hellas in Greek means morning dawn.

Character transmitted by the name Hellas: Hellas is always a very emotional, incredibly charming and extremely sociable woman. From early childhood, this is the most that neither is just a good girl. She is always obedient and diligent, and does not bother everyone around her with ridiculous whims. She always diligently and very diligently studies at school, always goes in for sports and even often visits an art studio.

As a rule, she does not irritate anyone and almost never irritates herself. I must say that communication with her always gives many others the greatest pleasure. And she, at the same time, in turn, can become very attached to those people who are ready to make up her social circle, these are, of course, relatives, close friends, acquaintances, and some work colleagues, and various like-minded people in hobbies .In addition to this, all her life, Hellas simply dreams of connecting with such a man who will be worthy of her in almost all respects, as they say with a man who knows how to achieve a lot in this life. At the same time, it should be noted that his appearance does not have any special meaning for her at all. Ellas is always a wonderful hostess, she cooks incredibly skillfully and with great pleasure. Order and comfort reign in her cozy house.

Greece or Hellas. Greeks or Hellenes

Why do Greeks call their country differently?

Many Greeks do not call themselves Greeks. They preserve old traditions and call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The very concept of "Greece" comes from the Latin word. Greece for several centuries BC was called a small place in the north-eastern part of the country. But later this name spread throughout the state. For some reason, they are called Greeks in most countries of the world, and the inhabitants of this country themselves imagined themselves as Hellenes in Hellas.

Where did the name Hellas come from?

In ancient times, not all of Greece was called Hellas. Now culturologists associate this name exclusively with Ancient Greece. In journalism, and in scientific literature, the word "Greeks" is constantly used. Hellas and Greece are identical concepts. Modern Greece did not always have the same borders. Territorial boundaries have changed over the centuries. Now some part of Greece belongs to the Turkish state, another to Italy. The lands occupied in antiquity by Italy passed to Greece. Undoubtedly, the civilization that is today part of Europe originated a very long time ago. Scientists call ancient times - antiquity. If we translate this word into Russian from Latin, we will get the term "antiquity". With Antiquity, scientists associate both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Researchers used to call the ancient and the north of the Mediterranean along with North Africa, some part of Asia, all of Europe. The places where today scientists find traces of Greek and Hellenic civilization are usually considered to be the heritage of European and Greek culture.

Greece. Where is it, what country?

The southern part of the Balkans is Greece. In this state, they are accustomed to value their wealth. Among them are not only fossils, but also water resources. The country is washed by the Mediterranean, Aegean, Ionian. The water element of Greece is beautiful. Picturesque seascapes, delightful island part. The lands of this state are fertile, but there is very little land. It is always dry and hot here, which at any time favored not crop production, but animal husbandry.

Antique myths provided the basis for the cultural traditions of this country. So, Pandora, who gave birth to several children, was married to the Supreme Thunderer Zeus. One of the sons was named Grekos. Two more - Makedon and Magnis. All historians say with one voice that Greece is named after the eldest son of Zeus. Grekos inherited courage, militancy, courage from his father. But at first, only one of the regions of the north-west of Athens was called Greece.

The eldest son of the supreme celestials never sat still. He traveled a lot, not for the sake of conquest, but more to establish new cities on empty lands. So a number of states appeared in Asia Minor. Formed Grekos and colonies in Italy. He took control of almost the entire Apennine Peninsula. It is known that the inhabitants of Italy, the townspeople, who were ruled by Grekos, were called Greeks. Other researchers believe that Greece is a Roman term, and the Greeks themselves called themselves Hellenes.

But the word "Greece" was well established in the minds of foreigners so that to this day few foreigners do not think of officially calling the Greeks Hellenes. Such a concept is typical only for the scientific world of culturologists, historians and Greek scholars. Even Aristotle wrote that the Hellenes did not always refer to themselves as such. There is evidence that in ancient times they were called Greeks. Here, apparently, ancient Greek mythology makes itself felt. Later, the Greeks had a ruler named Hellenes. Allegedly, by the name of the king, they called themselves Hellenes. But this is just another theory that has the right to life.

Let's take a look at Homer's Iliad. In the part that describes the Greek campaign against Troy, there is a mention that among the alien warriors from almost the same region, there were those who called themselves residents of the city of Gray (Greeks) and Hellenes (from a place in Thessaly). All of them, without exception, were strong and courageous. There is another conjecture about the origin of the concept of "Greeks". There is evidence that there were once several policies and cities in the possessions of Achilles. One of them was called Ellas. And the Hellenes could come from there. The writer Pausanias mentioned in his writings that Gray was a fairly large city. And Thucydides talked about Farrow as about Grey. That's what they called it before. Aristotle says that even before the inhabitants of present-day Greece began to be called Greeks, they called themselves that way in the pre-Hellenic period.

As a result of simple deductions, we can say that the Greeks and Hellenes are 2 tribes that existed in the neighborhood or practically on the same territory, and originated at about the same time period. Perhaps they fought among themselves, and someone became stronger. As a result, culture and traditions were borrowed. Or perhaps they lived in peace and subsequently united. Scientists say that both Hellenes and Greeks existed until the adoption of Christianity. Later, people who did not want to become followers of the new religion were still called Hellenes (they were more “friends” with the gods of Olympus and Zeus the Thunderer), and adherents of Christianity were called Greeks. Researchers believe that the term "Hellenes" means "idolater".

Modern painting

Outside of Greece and now it is called differently. The inhabitants themselves now call themselves Greeks, the country - Hellas with the Hellenic language, sometimes Greece. However, all Europeans are accustomed to alternate names. In the Russian sense, Hellas is Ancient Greece. The inhabitants are Greeks. The language is Greek. In almost all European and Russian languages, Greece and Hellas have similar sounds and pronunciations. The East calls the inhabitants of this country differently. In some cases, the names change dramatically. Among them:

  • Jonan.
  • Yavana (in Sanskrit).
  • Yavanim (Hebrew).

These names come from the concept of "Ionians" - residents and settlers from the coast of the Ionian Sea. According to another theory, Ion was the ruler of the Greek islands. So the inhabitants of Hellas and the coastal islands were called by the Persians, Turks, Jordanians, Iranians. According to another version, "ionan" are rounded headdresses, which the Greeks still wear to this day, protecting themselves from the sun's rays. The inhabitants of the East were the first to notice this, and now they call the Greeks Ionans. The practice of Georgians regarding the perception of the Greeks is interesting. The Greeks call Hellenes “berdzeni”. In their language, such a concept means “wisdom”. There are nationalities that call the Greeks "Romios", since a large period of the life of this state is connected with the history of the Roman Empire.

The experience of the Russians is remarkable. The ancient Russians never forgot the phrase "The way from the Varangians to the Greeks ...". The foundations of the Greek culture of that period, when the main trade routes crossed with Russia, will never be forgotten, as they are reflected in the folk epic of the Slavs. At that time they were called Hellenes in Europe, but in Russia they are Greeks. However, scientists believe that it was the Greeks who were the merchants. Goods arrived in Russia from Byzantium, which was just inhabited by people from Grey. They were Christians and brought the foundations of their faith and culture to the Russians.

And today in Russian schools they study the legends and myths of Ancient Greece, the history and culture of Greece and Rome. In Russia, it is customary to refer to the inhabitants of this country as “Greeks”. This country has always been proud of its talented poets, historians, architects, sculptors, athletes, sailors, philosophers. All figures left an indelible mark on the minds of researchers and scientists around the world. Greece influenced the development of the culture of Europe and even the countries of Asia and the East.

Modern researchers have found evidence that the Greeks called some "gryks". This is the Illyrian people. According to mythology, the progenitor of this nation just bore the name "Greek". The concept of "Hellenism" began to revive by the beginning of the 19th century in the ranks of the Greek intelligentsia. Over time, the assertion that the Greeks are not Greeks also spread to the broad masses of the people.

As soon as the Greeks did not call themselves and did not hear different appeals addressed to them. The reason for everything is the origin of nationalities, linguistic dogmas, customs, traditions. Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, Hellenes or Greeks? Now the inhabitants of this country have quite diverse roots and have the right to call themselves, according to the legends and myths that have developed in some areas.

What does ellada mean - Definition of ellada - Word finder

Examples of the use of the word ellada in literature.

To the wife and daughter of Nikos Belogiannis, who was executed in an Athenian prison There is a beautiful land - Hellas, An ancient and glorious country.

In your opinion - here are the Greeks from Hellas, According to Veresaev - young people from universities.

The image of the sphinx, a terrible strangler from the myths of Hellas, here in Egypt, having taken on a male form, has become a favorite symbol of power and strength.

I bless my fate And all the gods of Hellas, that among the monstrous hylias you were my Virgil With living laurels on a white forehead, That, having forbidden revelry, and even shooting Until the time for the sounds of all igils, Revealed the charm of vigils for me - Protruding lip over fiction That in a light peplose or in a hood, Or even just in fawn colors - Harita, a nymph, a woman in years - You were nearby, despite stupidity, To be near, fled in boots.

Barbarians also lived on its banks, I am Hellenes who moved here from Hellas, Lydians, Carians, Ionians, Aeolians.

Is there not for you a noble Macedonian, or an Athenian, or any woman in all Hellas?

Not him, Xerxes, Mardonius wants to make Hellas a slave, but his slave.

I have no doubt that you will enslave Hellas, Mardonius, - continued Alevad, - you will do what King Darius could not do and King Xerxes could not do.

But it is impossible to return to Hellas in one jump, as required by various naturists and nudists in the West.

Did not, finally, Lycurgus abolish the destruction of private property, and with it strife and strife, so that all Sparta became, as it were, a single military camp, and is not it still, thanks to this, the happiest country, delivered from those who torment all of Hellas?


Ancient Hellas. What is the "beginning of European civilization"?

Ancient Greece is called the cradle of European civilization for a reason. This relatively small country has had a huge impact on the development of a wide variety of areas of human life. For example, the myths of ancient Greece have not lost their relevance today. As in those days, they quite clearly reflect the inner world of man, the relationship of people among themselves and with the forces of nature.

What does Hellas mean?

Another name that the Greeks called their homeland is Hellas. What is "Hellas", what is the meaning of this word? The fact is that this is how the Hellenes called their homeland. The ancient Romans called the Hellenes Greeks. Translated from their language, "Greek" meant "croaking." Apparently, this happened due to the fact that the ancient Romans did not like the sound of the Greek language. Translated from ancient Greek, the word "Hellas" means "morning dawn".

Cradle of European spiritual values

Many disciplines, such as medicine, politics, art and literature, originated in ancient Greece. Scientists agree that human civilization could not have reached modern development without the knowledge that Ancient Hellas had. It was on its territory that the first philosophical concepts were formed, with which all modern science operates. The spiritual values ​​of European civilization were also laid here. Athletes of ancient Greece were the first Olympic champions. The first ideas about the surrounding world - both material and non-material - were proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Ancient Greece - the birthplace of science and art

If we take any branch of science or art, then one way or another it will be rooted in the knowledge obtained in the days of Ancient Greece. A great contribution to the development of historical knowledge was made by the scientist Herodotus. His works were devoted to the study of the Greco-Persian wars. The contribution to the development of mathematics by the scientists Pythagoras and Archimedes is also enormous. The ancient Greeks invented a huge number of devices that were used primarily in military campaigns.

Of interest to modern scientists is also the way of life of the Greeks, whose homeland was Hellas. What it is like to live at the dawn of civilization is very vividly described in a work called the Iliad. This monument of literature, which has survived to this day, describes the historical events of those times and the everyday life of the Hellenes. The most valuable thing in the work of the Iliad is the reality of the events described in it.

Modern progress and Hellas. What is the "cradle of European civilization"?

The early period of the development of ancient Greek civilization is officially called the Dark Age. It falls on 1050-750 BC. e. This is the time when the Mycenaean culture has already collapsed - one of the most magnificent civilizations that was already known for writing. However, the definition of "Dark Age" refers more to the lack of information about this era than to specific events. Despite the fact that writing had already been lost then, it was at this time that the political and aesthetic properties that Ancient Hellas possessed begin to appear. During this period of the beginning of the Iron Age, the prototypes of modern cities are already appearing. On the territory of Greece, the leaders begin to manage small communities. A new era in the processing and painting of ceramics is coming.

The beginning of the steady development of ancient Greek culture is considered to be the epics of Homer, which date back to 776 BC. e. They were written using the alphabet that Hellas borrowed from the Phoenicians. The meaning of the word, translated as “morning dawn”, in this case is justified: the beginning of the development of the culture of Ancient Greece completely coincides with the birth of European culture.

Hellas experiences its greatest prosperity in an era that is commonly called classical. It refers to 480-323 BC. e. It was at this time that such philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Aristophanes lived. Sculptures are becoming more and more complex. They begin to reflect the position of the human body not in static but in dynamics. The Greeks of that time loved to do gymnastics, used cosmetics, did their hair.

Separate consideration deserves the emergence of the genres of tragedy and comedy, which also falls on the classical era in the history of Ancient Greece. Tragedy reaches its peak in the 5th century BC. e. The most famous tragedies of this era are represented by the works of Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides. The genre arose from the ceremonies of honoring Dionysus, during which scenes from the life of the god were played out. At first, only one actor performed in the tragedy. Thus, Hellas is also the birthplace of modern cinema. This (which is known to every historian) is another proof of the fact that the origins of European culture should be sought in the territory of ancient Greece.

Aeschylus introduced a second actor into the theater, thus becoming the creator of dialogue and dramatic action. In Sophocles, the number of actors has already reached three. Tragedies revealed the conflict between man and inexorable fate. Faced with an impersonal force that reigned in nature and in society, the protagonist recognized the will of the gods and obeyed it. The Greeks believed that the main goal of the tragedy is catharsis, or purification, which occurs in the viewer when empathizing with its heroes.

Hellas. The meaning of the name Hellas. Interpretation of the name Hellas

What does the name Hellas mean: This name can mean - Greece, sometimes it is also translated as - morning dawn.

Origin of the name Hellas: This is a beautiful name of precisely ancient Greek origin, and initially it was Greece itself that was called Hellas, and probably from here, later, the fashion went, only to call little girls like that. And as many interpreters of names often say, Hellas in Greek means morning dawn.

Character transmitted by the name Hellas: Hellas is always a very emotional, incredibly charming and extremely sociable woman. From early childhood, this is the most that neither is just a good girl. She is always obedient and diligent, and does not bother everyone around her with ridiculous whims. She always diligently and very diligently studies at school, always goes in for sports and even often visits an art studio.

Later, having matured, Hellas still does not lose her diligence and in almost everything she undertakes, she still invariably achieves quite tangible success. It is easily mastered in almost any unfamiliar environment. Hellas does not like gossip at all, and at the same time she tries not to interfere in any other people's business. Her unusually flexible and completely non-conflict nature always allows her to get along wonderfully in any team.

As a rule, she does not irritate anyone and almost never irritates herself. I must say that communication with her always gives many others the greatest pleasure. And she, at the same time, in turn, can become very attached to those people who are ready to make up her social circle, these are, of course, relatives, close friends, acquaintances, and some work colleagues, and various like-minded people in hobbies . In addition, all her life, Hellas simply dreams of connecting with such a man who will be worthy of her in almost all respects, as they say with a man who knows how to achieve a lot in this life. At the same time, it should be noted that his appearance does not have any special meaning for her at all. Ellas is always a wonderful hostess, she cooks incredibly skillfully and with great pleasure. Order and comfort reign in her cozy house.

But as a small drawback of Hellas (it must be said that does not spoil the overall picture of her description at all), it could be noted that she herself is not at all averse to arguing a little and clearly stating her own point of view, although in such cases she is often even wrong. And, of course, with such an abundance of positive qualities and virtues, this rather small sin, as a rule, is forgiven her with extraordinary ease.

From birth, Hellas is endowed with a well-developed intuition, but still she is completely devoid of certain qualities of a real fighter. She is completely unable to withstand too serious circumstances, she cannot at all show a sufficient amount of perseverance or perseverance in order to be able to overcome absolutely all difficulties. She still knows how to be content with exactly what she already has, without at all demanding something too much from this life. And it should be noted, a strange thing - it is she who always manages to achieve that very true happiness and complete harmony.