It happens that children's fairy tales are filled with much more meaning than it seems. Tales from childhood with a completely unchildish meaning

The charm of children's fairy tales cannot be compared with anything. Every child will enjoy listening fascinating stories from magical world, in which absolutely everything is possible. Exciting stories that can amuse any child, and sometimes chill the soul of even an adult, can captivate you and your child for a long time on a long journey across fabulous cities and countries dense forests and deep seas. Each of us as a child dreamed of walking next to fairy-tale characters all their adventures, such as going with Bilbo and his friends on a long journey full of dangers, battles and victories. A fairy tale for children is a great opportunity to develop children's imagination, which will be filled again and again with images different heroes, countries and worlds.

But you shouldn’t consider fairy tales to be absolutely childish fun, devoid of any meaning for adults. Take a look at those children's fairy tales, the meaning of which adults will discover throughout their lives, because the depth of ideas in these works stuns the imagination of any person who loves to think.

Read fairy tales and look for the meaning in them for yourself, because it was not for nothing that he said great classic: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.”

“Hedgehog in the Fog”, Sergei Kozlov

I will, do you hear? “I will,” said Little Bear. The hedgehog nodded.
- I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens. I will always be near you.
The hedgehog looked at the little bear with quiet eyes and was silent.
- Why are you silent?
“I believe,” said the Hedgehog.

“Is it true that we will always be there?”, Sergei Kozlov

I would like to know what I would like most? - after thinking, the Little Bear said to the Hedgehog. “I would like most of all for each of your needles to grow a bump.”
- What would grow later?
- And then you would real Christmas tree and lived for a hundred years.
- That's good... How would you talk to me?
- I would climb to the very top of the head and whisper into the crown.

“If I’m not at all”, Sergey Kozlov

Every evening the Hedgehog and the Little Bear gathered either at the Hedgehog or at the Little Bear's and talked about something. So today the Hedgehog said to the Little Bear:
- How good it is that we have each other!
The little bear nodded.
- Just imagine: I’m not there, you’re sitting alone and there’s no one to talk to.
-Where are you?
- But I’m not there.
“It doesn’t happen like that,” said the Bear.
“I think so too,” said the Hedgehog. - But suddenly - I’m not there at all. You are alone. Well, what are you going to do?..
- I’ll turn everything upside down, and you’ll be found!
- I’m not there, I’m not anywhere!!!
“Then, then... Then I’ll run out into the field,” said the Teddy Bear. - And I’ll shout: “E-e-e-zhi-i-i-k!”, And you will hear and shout: “Bear-o-o-ok!..” Here.
“No,” said the Hedgehog. - I'm not there one bit. Understand?
- Why are you pestering me? - Little Bear got angry. - If you are not there, then I am not there either. Understood?

"Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", Alan Milne

Where are you going?
- Don't know.
- Then we're on our way.

If you are a Sawdust Bear and think about business, you are sometimes distressed to discover that a thought that seemed very useful to you while it was in your head turns out to be not at all so when it comes out and others look at it.

This is the most best way writing poetry is about letting things become where they want to go.

An ambush is kind of a surprise.

At the table it always seemed to me that someone was eating too much! And I knew for sure that this “someone” was not me!

You either have a tail or you don't. In my opinion, you can't go wrong here.

"The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them what you have new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.

Cartoon "Winter's Tale"

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
“I’m waiting for you to recover,” answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As soon as I found out that you had eaten too much snow, I immediately brought all my supplies to you...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you a spruce decoction and applied dried grass to your stomach...
“I don’t remember,” said the Bear.
- Of course! - Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

Mary Poppins, Pamela Travers

Shall we too, Mary Poppins?
- Let's what?
- Live happily ever after?
- Perhaps... It all depends...
- From what?
She smiled tenderly and sadly.
- From yourself!

“Like a little fox to a little fox” Natalya Sizonenko

Little fox,” said the little fox to the little fox, “please remember that if you feel hard, bad, sad, scared, if you’re tired, just stretch out your paw.” And I will extend mine to you, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone is walking on their heads. Because the sadness of one little fox divided into two cubs is not scary at all. And when another paw holds you by the paw, what difference does it make what else is there in the world?

"Alice in Wonderland", Lewis Carroll

What are those sounds over there? - Alice asked, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
- And.. And what are they doing there? – the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen...

“There’s nothing you can do,” the Cat objected. - We are all out of our minds here - both you and me.
- How do you know that I'm out of my mind? - asked Alice.
“Of course not in his own way,” answered the Cat. - Otherwise, how would you end up here?

"The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams

“You only become Real,” the wise old Leather Horse inspired the Velveteen Rabbit, “if someone loves you for a long, long time.” Not just playing with you, but REALLY loving you.
- Does it hurt? - asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” answered the Leather Horse, because she always spoke only the truth. - But if you are Real, you are ready to endure pain.
- How does this happen? Once and done, as if you were wound up with a key, or gradually?
“Gradually,” said the Leather Horse. - You are becoming Real. This takes a lot of time. That is why this so rarely happens to those who easily quarrel, are intractable, or demand special treatment. It usually happens that by the time you become Real, your fur is already frayed, your eyes are falling out, your limbs are dangling, and in general you have a very pitiful appearance. But this will not have any meaning at all, because the one who has become Real cannot be ugly. Except in the eyes of those who don’t understand anything.

"All About the Moomins" by Tove Jansson

You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pattering on the roof.
It's very easy to be happy.

"Pollyanna" by Elinor Porter

Having familiarized her niece with the daily routine, Miss Polly rose from her chair and headed towards the exit.
- But Aunt Polly! - Pollyanna shouted in fear. - Aunt Polly! When will I live? You didn't leave me any time.
- Live? - Aunt Polly raised her eyebrows in surprise. - I don’t understand what you mean, my child? We all live until the Lord takes us to Himself. And you live, no matter what you do.
- Well, yes, yes, Aunt Polly! Of course, the entire time I'm practicing, I won't stop breathing or moving. But that doesn't mean I will live. Well, when I sleep, I also breathe, but I don’t live. When I say live, Aunt Polly, I mean that I can do what I want.

"The Wizard of the Emerald City", Alexander Volkov

We lose childhood in time, but retain it within ourselves. This is probably why we love fairy tales so much. Many fairy tales are worth reading not only at a young age, but also as adults, because they are filled with much more meaning than we think in childhood.

1. Cartoon “Winter's Tale”
- What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
“I’m waiting for you to recover,” answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As soon as I found out that you had eaten too much snow, I immediately brought all my supplies to you...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you a spruce decoction and applied dried grass to your stomach...
“I don’t remember,” said the Bear.
- Of course! - Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

2. " The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.

3. Mary Poppins, Pamela Travers
- And we will too, Mary Poppins?
- Let's what?
- Live happily ever after?
- Perhaps... It all depends...
- From what?
She smiled tenderly and sadly.
- From yourself!

4. “Like a fox cub to a fox cub” Natalya Sizonenko
“Little fox,” said the little fox to the little fox, “please remember that if you feel hard, bad, sad, scared, if you’re tired, just stretch out your paw.” And I will extend mine to you, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone is walking on their heads. Because the sadness of one little fox divided into two cubs is not scary at all. And when another paw holds you by the paw, what difference does it make what else is there in the world?

5. "Alice in Wonderland"
- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
-Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
“I don’t care...” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
“... just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.
“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. - You just need to walk long enough.

6. The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams
“You only become Real,” the wise old Leather Horse inspired the Velveteen Rabbit, “if someone loves you for a long, long time.” Not just playing with you, but REALLY loving you.
- Does it hurt? - asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” answered the Leather Horse, because she always spoke only the truth. - But if you are Real, you are ready to endure pain.
- How does this happen? Once and done, as if you were wound up with a key, or gradually?
“Gradually,” said the Leather Horse. - You are becoming Real. This takes a lot of time. That is why this so rarely happens to those who easily quarrel, are intractable, or demand special treatment. It usually happens that by the time you become Real, your fur is already frayed, your eyes are falling out, your limbs are dangling, and in general you have a very pitiful appearance. But this will have absolutely no meaning, because the one who has become Real cannot be ugly. Except in the eyes of those who don’t understand anything.

7. “Hedgehog in the Fog”, Sergey Kozlov
- I will definitely, do you hear? “I will,” said Little Bear. The hedgehog nodded.
- I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens. I will always be near you.
The Hedgehog looked at the Little Bear with quiet eyes and was silent.
- Why are you silent?
“I believe,” said the Hedgehog.

Clive Lewis wrote: “Someday you will grow to the day when you will start reading fairy tales again.” And every adult will understand this when they pick up a children's book. Because it happens that children's fairy tales are filled with much more meaning than it seems. You can re-read them many times, and each time you find something new and even deeper.

I.D. Farbarzhevich “Spruce Apple”

- It’s so good that you came, son! – the Old Fox was delighted. – I baked a strawberry jam pie. Let's drink tea.
– Are we really almost happy?! - said the little fox.
- True, my dear! After all, happiness is when everyone is at home!

Sergey Kozlov “A fine snow was falling. There was a thaw"

And in the evening, when they were drinking tea, Little Bear said:
- I don’t know when, but someday it will definitely be better.
- Of course! - picked up the Hare.
And the Hedgehog thought:
“It can’t be that everything is bad and bad - after all, it must be good someday!”

Margery Williams "The Velveteen Rabbit"

“You only become Real,” the wise old Leather Horse inspired the Velveteen Rabbit, “if someone loves you for a long, long time.” Not just playing with you, but REALLY loving you.
- Does it hurt? - asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” answered the Leather Horse, because she always spoke only the truth. - But if you are Real, you are ready to endure pain.
- How does this happen? Once and done, as if you were wound up with a key, or gradually?
“Gradually,” said the Leather Horse. - You are becoming Real. This takes a lot of time. That is why this so rarely happens to those who easily quarrel, are intractable, or demand special treatment. It usually happens that by the time you become Real, your fur is already frayed, your eyes are falling out, your limbs are dangling, and in general you have a very pitiful appearance. But this will not have any meaning at all, because the one who has become Real cannot be ugly. Except in the eyes of those who don’t understand anything.

M/f "Winter's Tale"

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
“I’m waiting for you to recover,” answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As soon as I found out that you had eaten too much snow, I immediately brought all my supplies to you...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you a spruce decoction and applied dried grass to your stomach...
“I don’t remember,” said the Bear.
- Of course! - Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

I.D. Farbarzhevich "Tales of the Little Fox"

“Little fox,” said the little fox to the little fox, “please remember that if you feel hard, bad, sad, scared, if you’re tired, just stretch out your paw.” And I will extend mine to you, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone is walking on their heads. Because the sadness of one little fox divided into two cubs is not scary at all. And when another paw holds you by the paw, what difference does it make what else is there in the world?

Sergey Kozlov, “Hedgehog in the Fog”

I will, do you hear? “I will,” said Little Bear. The hedgehog nodded.
- I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens. I will always be near you.
The Hedgehog looked at the Little Bear with quiet eyes and was silent.
- Why are you silent?
“I believe,” said the Hedgehog.

* * *

It was like this every evening on this clear day. cold autumn. And every evening the Hedgehog and the Little Bear gathered either at the Hedgehog's or at the Little Bear's and talked about something. So today the Hedgehog said to the Little Bear:
– How good it is that we have each other!
The little bear nodded.
“Just imagine: I’m not there, you’re sitting alone and there’s no one to talk to.”
-Where are you?
- But I’m not there.
“It doesn’t happen like that,” said the Bear.
“I think so too,” said the Hedgehog. “But suddenly, I’m not there at all.” You are alone. So what are you going to do?
- I'll go to you.
- Where?
- How - where? Home. I’ll come and say: “Well, why didn’t you come, Hedgehog?” And you say...
- What a stupid one! What will I say if I'm not there?
- If you’re not at home, then you came to me. I'll run home. Ahh, you're here! And I'll start...
- What?
- Scold!
- For what?
- How for what? For not doing as agreed.
- How did you agree?
- How do I know? But you should either be with me or at your home.
- But I’m not there at all. Understand?
“Then you went somewhere and haven’t returned yet.” I'll run, search the whole forest and find you!
“You’ve already searched everything,” said the Hedgehog. - And I didn’t find it.
- I’ll run to the neighboring forest!
- And not there.
“I’ll turn everything upside down, and you’ll be found!”
- No me. Nowhere.
“Then, then... Then I’ll run out into the field,” said the Little Bear. - And I’ll shout: “E-e-e-zhi-i-i-k!”, And you will hear and shout: “Bear-o-o-k!..” Here.
“No,” said the Hedgehog. – I’m not there one bit. Understand?
- Why are you pestering me? - Little Bear got angry. - If you are not there, then I am not there either. Understood?…

"Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll

Please tell me where should I go from here?
-Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
“I don’t care...” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
“... just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.
“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. - You just need to walk long enough.

“Hedgehog in the Fog” Sergei Kozlov

I will, do you hear? “I will,” said Little Bear. The hedgehog nodded.
- I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens. I will always be near you.
The Hedgehog looked at the Little Bear with quiet eyes and was silent.
- Why are you silent?
“I believe,” said the Hedgehog.

“Like a little fox to a little fox” Natalya Sizonenko

Little fox,” said the little fox to the little fox, “please remember that if you feel hard, bad, sad, scared, if you’re tired, just stretch out your paw.” And I will extend mine to you, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone is walking on their heads. Because the sadness of one little fox divided into two cubs is not scary at all. And when another paw holds you by the paw, what difference does it make what else is there in the world?

"Mary Poppins" Pamela Travers

Shall we too, Mary Poppins?
- Let's what?
- Live happily ever after?
- Perhaps... It all depends...
- From what?
She smiled tenderly and sadly.
- From yourself!

Cartoon "Winter's Tale"

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
“I’m waiting for you to recover,” answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As soon as I found out that you had eaten too much snow, I immediately brought all my supplies to you...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you a spruce decoction and applied dried grass to your stomach...
“I don’t remember,” said the Bear.
- Of course! - Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

"The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.