If a man has two mistresses, how to recognize them. How to recognize a good lover: main signs

The simplest way to test a man's sexuality German psychologists suggest. Give him some wrapped candy and watch him calmly. If a man quickly tears off the wrapper and immediately throws it away, it means that this person loves quick sex, you can’t count on foreplay.

If he starts folding different figures from the wrapper, then in bed he will probably also show ingenuity. The one who stretches the piece of paper different sides, as if trying to determine how elastic it is, he will be unsure of himself. A man carefully smoothes out a candy wrapper so that not a wrinkle remains? Surely he will be exquisite in caresses. If a man folds a piece of paper and puts it in his pocket, most likely his ingenuity will not go beyond one traditional pose.

There is an opinion that men with developed muscles are necessarily good lovers. In fact, "jocks" are not much use in bed. Apparently, all their strength is spent in the gym, and taking steroid drugs has a detrimental effect on potency.

Scientists from the USA say: the more a man looks like a monkey, the higher his sexual activity. To assess the degree of similarity, they even introduced special term- primativity (from the word “primacy”). Since sexuality was given to man initially, it is most pronounced among those representatives human race who have maintained a connection with nature at the genetic level.

An interesting fact was established by Canadian scientists. They studied the relationship between a man's hair color and his sexual behavior. As a result, it turned out the following: brunettes in bed games strive for leadership, are prone to experiments and are distinguished by a rich imagination. Blondes have a more modest temperament; they are calm, even-tempered and prefer to avoid surprises. Brown-haired men combine the features of brunettes and blondes, which makes them the most unpredictable in bed. Moreover, men with coarse, thick hair are much more active than those with soft hair.

As for determining the size of the penis, there are also several rules. American scientists are sure that the size of the penis is related to a man’s nose. If the nose is thick and fleshy, then the diameter of his penis will most likely be above average.

However, probably no other scientist has such powers of observation as women. So, recently a survey was conducted on the Internet. Women were asked to answer the question: “What is the best way to estimate the size of a man’s penis without seeing it?” More than half of women believe that the easiest way to navigate is by the shape of their hands. If your fingers are long, it means manhood above average. And vice versa. In addition, many noted that graceful fingers are a sure sign that a man knows a lot about caresses, writes news.rin.ru.

By the way, some psychologists claim that men with large penises are not at all as good in bed as is commonly believed.

The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex give great importance the size of your reproductive organ. And, as a rule, they are unhappy with them. And therefore they try their best to compensate for the “shortcoming”, that is, they become very affectionate and gentle. If the penis is large, for some reason the man thinks that this is already a gift for the woman.

By the way... Markus Kurzweiler, professor of sexology at the University of Hamburg, believes that a good lover can be recognized by 10 signs.

1. Increased hairiness and early baldness.
2. Small stature.
3. An individual scent that suits you.
4. Voice. How more beautiful voice men, the longer the sexual intercourse will be.
5. Conversation style. If questioning intonations dominate, then in bed he demonstrates extreme uncertainty. Men who skillfully give compliments, as a rule, know well what their partner needs in an intimate sense.

6. Gait. If a man does not walk, but runs around, most likely he will behave accordingly in bed. Military bearing indicates excessive straightforwardness. A dancing or imposing gait reveals a person knowledgeable in pleasures.
7. Courtship. Does a man choose a play, a movie or a restaurant? This means that in bed he always seeks to impose his will. And vice versa.
8. How he eats. If you grab everything in a row, trying to finish the meal quickly, you will not be a gourmet in the intimate sphere. If he eats slowly and tastefully, he is very skilled in sexual games.

9. How to pay in a restaurant. Misers, as a rule, are not too generous with affection.
10. The way he looks. If a man looks at your figure, mentally undressing you, then most likely for him you are another sex peak that needs to be conquered. If he always looks into your eyes, then in bed he will try to give you maximum pleasure.

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  • Five components of female sexuality >

He is smart, handsome, well-mannered. He smells nice. You have something to talk about. And it seems to you that he is able to show the highest class in bed. Is this true? Of course, you can only find out for sure in practice, and, as a rule, the first intimacy is not always indicative - we are embarrassed, awkward, stressed, which even causes offensive “misfires” in men. But then everything falls into place, and we either enjoy the company of our beloved man, or we persuade ourselves: “but he’s a good man.”

So, what should you pay attention to when communicating with a man in order to understand what kind of lover he is?

Appearance Features

It is generally accepted that brunettes are more temperamental than blondes, an abundance of body hair and early baldness are signs of increased sexual appetite, short and stocky men are more resilient than their tall and slender counterparts, and the size and shape of the main “tool” can be determined by the length of the foot, the shape of the nose and fingers in your arms.

How much you should rely on this information is up to you. Experts say that there is no direct relationship, and it is better to observe the man’s behavior and other points that will allow you to more accurately understand what to expect from him in bed.


It's a double-edged sword. Obviously a bad haircut denim jacket student days with worn-out pockets, a T-shirt that has already lost its original color - a disregard for one’s appearance speaks of two things. Or he’s a mega-cool male who doesn’t really care what he looks like, he’s so confident in himself.

Or he’s just an ordinary, dejected loser who has long forgotten what it’s like to charm a woman. To be honest, both of these types are so-so. The first one will consider that you are already lucky (you grabbed such a guy!) and will think only about himself in bed. The second one will pretty much fray your nerves with his complexes.

The opposite type is the “narcissist”. He is dressed to the nines, has a perfectly cut haircut, smells of expensive perfume, and gets his nails done at a salon. If you regularly look at yourself in the mirror, you can say goodbye to your plans to get unearthly pleasure. It is unlikely that he will try in bed for your sake; he will prefer to be “served” by him, and he will take everything for granted and for granted.

The ideal option is that golden mean. Moderately well-groomed, moderately brutal. He knows his worth, but doesn’t put a price tag on his forehead.


If your boyfriend wrinkles his nose in disgust when screaming babies appear, defiantly pinches his nose if he finds himself next to a dog, or examines the cutlery in a restaurant, carefully examining them from all sides, you can hardly expect him to aerobatics in bed.

This will be strictly regulated intercourse, most likely in the missionary position, without any improvisation. In addition, he is unlikely to appreciate your emotionality - your screams and moans will cause him not so much delight as bewilderment and a request to be more restrained.

There is a manner

If your chosen one grabs everything and swallows it, almost without chewing, you will find a hackneyed script, lack of foreplay and a frantic rhythm. If a man chooses what he will eat, and eats it savoring it, you will have to go through love adventure with a real gourmet. He knows how to please a woman, and he himself enjoys it just as much. Congratulations!

Manner of communication

A man who is constantly interested in your opinion will also expect your guidance in bed. “Delicious tea, right?”, “Interesting movie, right?”, “I would choose an omelette with mushrooms, what about you?” - in these questions one feels not so much concern for your interests as deep self-doubt.

A man who is confident in his abilities will, of course, ask you what kind of ice cream you prefer, but main line he will: suggest meeting places, activities for a date, a restaurant or alcohol to suit your taste.

New experience

A good lover is never against trying something new. This applies to everything: study, work, car, resort. A conservative who rejects any opportunity to gain new experience, or receives it with obvious displeasure, will be just as boring in bed. A good lover always enthusiastically seizes any opportunity to expand his knowledge.

Gait, gestures

By the way you behave, you can make an unmistakable conclusion about how a man will behave in bed. Fussy and twitchy or imposing and slow - watch his gait and movements. An energetically moving man will be active in love games, a “sleepy fly” will have to be “toned up”, a fussy man will make a lot of noise, but little result.

Gestures will also help determine a good lover. “Wide”, sweeping movements indicate a readiness for improvisation, a broad nature and worldview, stingy gestures or their absence indicate that a man is not characterized by “attacks” of passion, everything in his life is scheduled and subordinated to a certain order. Accordingly, he is a so-so lover, although as a life partner he may turn out to be quite worthy and reliable.


A stingy man is not capable of large gestures. This applies not only to the bill at an expensive restaurant or new handbag at a cost of your annual salary - if he is frantically counting bills before paying for anything, do not wait for a hurricane of passion in bed.


A good lover laughs loudly, loudly, throwing his head back. These are typical signs of the behavior of a high-ranking man, self-confident, open and sincere - the best set that you can imagine for bed pleasures.

But the one who is capable of disappointing you will laugh, giggling, twisting his mouth in a sarcastic grin, or covering his mouth with his palm.


An ill-mannered boor cannot be a good lover. Well, perhaps as a one-time option when you want extreme sports, and, in fact, it doesn’t matter who brings this fantasy to life. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to meet for the second time with a man who is guided by the right of brute force in relations with a woman, even if the first love battle was on the level.

And then, no one wants to blush for an uncouth rude man or a man who is simply new to good manners.

So we “watch your hands”: if hands open doors for you, hold you on the stairs, hand you a raincoat - these same hands in bed will be able to take care of your pleasure.

Sometimes even the vaunted female intuition fails. And precisely at the very moment when you simply need her authoritative opinion. For example, when you, desperately flirting with the man you like, are tormented by guesses: what is he like in bed? A forecast can be made in advance by looking at the details.

14:28 11.09.2010

Marinka is good when it comes to men. After talking with a young man, she can immediately make a verdict: what kind of lover is he and is it worth getting involved with him at all. Friends admire: “You must be a psychic!” To which Marina calmly replies: It’s not a matter of supernatural abilities, but in deduction. You just need to be able to notice little things and draw the right conclusions.”

Some signs of an ideal lover can be determined, so to speak, by eye. For example, increased hairiness, short stature, dark hair, crooked legs indicate an excess of male hormones and, as a result, an insatiable appetite in bed. Marina is keenly interested in all kinds of research on the topic of sexuality. She recently read that at the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany) they discovered that the longer ring finger for a man, the more sexual contacts he has. And American scientists from the University of Albany found that those with a velvety baritone voice are depraved! After studying a book on physiognomy, Marina realized that men with small ears pressed to their heads usually show ingenuity in sex, and those with large ears
and those who stick out are used to doing “this” simply, without any complications. Does your friend have a narrow, protruding chin? Be prepared for the fact that in bed he will gladly give the initiative into your hands. But a man with a wide jaw, on the contrary, likes to keep the whole process under control and expects submission from his mistress.

About jokers and sex giants

Julia was delighted with Oleg. Of course: cheerful, witty, the soul of any company! He gesticulated a lot, argued desperately with his interlocutor, and in the heat of discussion could even raise his voice at him. Oleg loved greasy jokes, sometimes making the girl blush with his overly frank compliments. Seeing such temperamental behavior, Julia was sure that a night with him would not disappoint. Marina, after talking with the guy, warned her friend: he is unlikely to be a marathon runner, but rather a short-distance runner. It is likely that during sex you will think more about your pleasure rather than about your partner’s feelings. Julia just waved it off. But a few days later she called Marina and sadly reported that her forecast was completely justified. Oleg looked like a real sexual aggressor, but in reality he turned out to be not a very temperamental lover.

What's in reality? Contrary to popular belief, active behavior and unrestrained emotions are not a guarantee of good sex. After all, if a person does not know how to control himself in ordinary communication, then he is probably the same in bed. A lot of talk about “this” is not at all a sign of a violent temperament in bed. A man’s fixation on sexual topics demonstrates that he is passing off what he wants as reality. Often this behavior indicates sexual dissatisfaction and inability to build trusting relationships. By the way, if a man is a desperate debater, he may well turn out to be a dictator - as in everyday life and in intimate relationships. If he tells you how to dress, what people to communicate with and what books to read, expect the same total control in the bedroom!

Stingy in love

Katya doubted whether to develop a relationship with Andrey. He seems to be a good guy, but a little greedy, although he has money. When she consulted with Marina, she pursed her lips skeptically: “You see, a miser can be stingy with affection, because he is used to receiving more than giving.” Katya did not have the opportunity to test her friend’s words in practice: he suddenly lost interest in her. Probably because of her hint that, they say, it would be possible to come to a date with flowers. But when she met Victor, she immediately noted to herself his openness and generosity. He gave Katya cute trinkets and inexpensive souvenirs - just to make her smile. And he turned out to be generous in bed! Katya introduced her boyfriend to her friends. Seizing the moment, Marina told her: “Congratulations, this is exactly what you need! When talking to his interlocutor, he looks into the eyes. Admit it: is he an attentive and sensitive lover?” Katya asked in surprise: “How did you guess?” “It’s very simple: if a man constantly looks at women with an “undressing” look, it means that for him they are only a sexual object. Vitya is not one of those!”

What's in reality? If your guy also likes to learn something new - no matter in what field: science, technology or music - we can say for sure that he is inventive in sex and ready to experiment. His favorite books and music will also tell you a lot. For example, if he is obsessed with philosophical discussions or the organ music of Bach, he may be more nervous and less powerful in bed than a fan of jazz or rock.

What do clothes say?

Roma is always dressed to the nines: a fashionable jacket famous brand, bright scarf, super stylish boots. Overall, it's nice to watch! Friends asked Marina to comment on his clothing style from a sexy point of view. She shrugged: “Well, you really think I’m a psychic! It is unlikely that a man's sexual strength can be determined by his clothing style. Although some conclusions about his character can still be drawn. After all, clothing is a kind of signal with which a person declares his personality. Roman's obsession with fashion may indicate selfishness, which will most likely manifest itself in sex. He chooses a partner much like he chooses a telephone - he looks for a stylish thing that suits his image and status.”

What's in reality? Men who dress too flashily are usually unsure of their sexual capabilities and try to compensate for this uncertainty by being provocative. appearance. In fact, they can be quite timid. But that doesn't mean it's good dressed guy- definitely an egoist. After all, if he tries to look fashionable and smell good, it means that he is not indifferent to the impression he makes on others. For intimate relationships this is very good quality. But someone who doesn’t take care of himself at all probably either dates women too rarely or doesn’t value their company too much. Although, having become a husband, he will be a faithful life partner... well, maybe a little boring.

Tell me what you eat...

Pasha won Svetino’s heart because he adored her cooking. And I must say that Sveta knows how to cook and loves it! Pasha is well versed in food and drinks, although, unlike many men, he is not prone to gluttony: he eats just enough to be satisfied. Sveta admitted to Marina that he was also in bed - wow! “Nothing surprising,” the friend replied, “one should expect skillful sexual games from such a gourmet. But those who fill their bellies with hot dogs and shawarma are unlikely to please a woman with sensual caresses.”

What's in reality? Indeed, lovers of fatty foods and overeating are very mediocre in bed - too high-calorie food does not contribute to sexual activity. Guys who are unscrupulous about food will quite possibly not be gourmets when it comes to sex: their attitude towards women is as unceremonious as towards food.

Modest, honest, in love

Yes, Marinka cannot be denied deductive abilities! Therefore, when they saw her boyfriend for the first time, her friends were simply dumbfounded. They expected that such a hairy macho would appear before them, enthusiastically talking about the hadron collider and savoring the collection wine. But Anton turned out to be a blond, long-legged, bespectacled man, dressed in an old-fashioned, shabby jacket. He felt uncomfortable in female company, blushed and stuttered, and his only hobby was fishing...

What's in reality? The friends were surprised: “Marinka, what did you see in him?” And she answered with a dreamy smile: “Girls, you still don’t understand anything? My conclusions are suitable for better understanding your beloved man and being prepared for his little quirks in bed. As for me, I like shy people. Yes, at first they are timid, but they are faithful and loving.”

This is the deduction...

His sexual appetite

According to psychologists, the most promising from the point of view of sex should be considered a sanguine person - he is active, optimistic and emotionally balanced. “Misfires” for such a lover rarely happen. Unlike a choleric person, who gets excited very quickly and, alas, goes out just as quickly. Although an explosive choleric person loves all kinds of experiments, long-term foreplay- not for him. A phlegmatic person can drive you crazy with slowness and tediousness. It is the phlegmatic who is able to memorize the Kama Sutra from cover to cover, and then search all night long on your body for a supposed erogenous zone somewhere in the tailbone area. An impressionable melancholic person can lose all his passion because of his partner’s sidelong glance, and long-term experiments in bed will lead him to nervous exhaustion. He is not very suitable for sexual extremes.

Blood type and sex preferences

As if by the way, ask what blood type is yours
gentleman. You will learn a lot of interesting things about him!

The fact is that the Japanese scientist Masahiko Nami, back in the 70s of the last century, put forward a theory about the influence of a person’s blood type on his sexuality. Believe it or not, but his version is this:

First group holders crowded sexual energy. They love to experiment in bed and make their partners literally exhaust themselves.

Those with the second group V intimate life a little cold. They will never behave cheekily. And although they lack ingenuity, this usually suits their lovers.

People with third group, at first glance, they seem calm and reserved, a little boring. But this does not prevent them from being passionate and temperamental lovers.

Fourth group blood is very rare. But its owners give others a hundred points ahead in terms of sex! True, they rarely dare to realize their sexual fantasies: they are afraid to shock or offend their partner.

A good lover can be recognized even before you meet him. This is true. And today we will talk about the signs of a good lover, debunk some stereotypes and talk about how to accurately understand whether he is ideal in bed...

Short and bald people make good lovers

There is such an opinion. Moreover, even the results of some studies confirm this. And the story about the Napoleonic complex is all about the same thing. And since there is so much talk about this and opinions that converge on one thing, the conclusion suggests itself:

A man's height really does say something.

But he’s not talking about how well a man can understand what a woman wants. What will please her and at what moment.

The most that a man's height can indicate is the strength of his attraction. Short height may indicate high testosterone levels. But it is he who determines the strength of male attraction. Low stature, as a rule, indicates that a man has an anal vector. And men with an anal vector in good condition are very caring. And sexually too. If a woman is dear to them, they will take care that she is pleased.

On the other hand, the anal can also be low if it is not in very good condition. And this is a conservative. A person who doesn’t like to change anything is one who “doesn’t walk around under a woman.” He is sure that she is lucky in that she ended up in the same bed with him, and she can’t dream of anything else. Well, he behaves accordingly.

Urethrals are no different either tall. And many women are attracted to them.

Baldness is a typical sign of a man with an anal vector. And this, as we have already learned, is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there is a high level of libido, on the other, possible conservatism.

Of course, if you know how to recognize a developed and realized anal lover, you can safely choose a bald lover in good condition. However, if you know how to do this, then you don’t have to navigate by your bald head.

In a word, you shouldn’t choose based on baldness, height or foot size. It is important to understand your sexuality and consciously choose a partner who suits your vectors and conditions. Sexual potential, sexual acceptability, level of development - that's what really matters

Rhythmic men make good lovers

But this is a bit of an unexpected sign. It is especially interesting to know how he even got into the list of signs of good lovers. And it was most likely brought here by women with the skin vector. Because skin is rhythm. People with the skin vector love rhythm in normal movement. In dancing and, of course, in bed. And both men and women.

So, a rhythmic man is a man with a skin vector. What can you say about him as a lover? Well, first of all, leather workers don’t have much high level libido. They have a special sexuality, but they attract women with anal and urethral vectors.

Skin people love tenderness, and provided that they love their partner, they can give tenderness from themselves. They are capable of long and gentle foreplay. But they are like that only when they are in good condition and loving their partner. Otherwise, they are stingy with tenderness and even with the duration of sexual intercourse.

Good lovers are romantic lovers

Of course, if you yourself are a romantic, then you will enjoy the twilight, lit candles, a path of rose petals and other elements of romance. But it is worth understanding that romance itself is a sign of the presence of a visual vector in a man. And if we consider sex as emotional intercourse, then, of course, a romantic man is capable of showing emotions and creating a special emotional connection. He will be sincerely interested in listening to your feelings and experiences. But, again, this may not give any pleasure to women without a visual vector. It may only slightly enhance sensations, but romance cannot be called a determining factor.

What determines the quality of sex?

Whether a man will satisfy you or not depends neither on his external data, nor on his physical abilities, nor even on his libido level. The determining role is played by... the smell of its pheromones. Whether you are suitable for each other in terms of the set and state of vectors.

Yes, perhaps some of a man’s skills can enhance sexual experiences. But if there is no internal, natural attraction, then no amount of “3 circular, 2 progressive and a kiss on the neck” will help.

Unfortunately, due to the loss of guidelines, today it is very difficult for us to choose the right partner with whom we want not only to go to bed, but also to wake up. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan teaches you to find just such a man, to identify him at first sight in the crowd. There are 4 different types sexuality, and when you understand them, choosing a partner no longer seems so difficult.

A systematic view of people from the inside allows us to very quickly understand which person is ours and which is not ours. With whom we will be pleased both in sex and in life, and with whom it is better to pass by and not look back.

The article was written based on materials from the training of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

When looking for a new partner, many girls are afraid of making another mistake.
Ivona writes about how to avoid this

1. He listens to your requests.

If a guy listens to your requests and responds to them (for example, you don't like being kissed on the ear), then the likelihood that the first sex will be good increases significantly. He will be sensitive and attentive, and will do everything exactly as you ask.

2. Kisses

A confident man will not kiss like a 13-year-old going through puberty when he sees a woman for the first time. His kiss will be gentle and at the same time powerful. He will enjoy this kiss, and you along with him.

3. He won't show his sexual desire ahead of time.

A guy who really wants a long-term relationship won't compliment your breasts or butt on the first date. He will be reserved and try not to show how much he is attracted to you sexually. You will never think about him that his only goal is to sleep with you.

4. You feel comfortable in his company.

You will feel confident with him, and when your relationship moves to another level, he will not disappoint in sex either.

5. He listens to your sexual preferences.

An experienced lover will not stick to his line just because certain methods of satisfaction always worked on his previous girlfriends. If you don't like the way he touches one of your private areas, he will stop doing it and try to find another way to please you.

6. He is confident

Insecure men tend to develop complexes and think too much about those parts of the body that, in their opinion, spoil everything. At the same time, a confident man will not show that he cares about, say, the size of his penis. He will simply do everything possible to make you feel good.

7. He remembers your troubles and is interested in developments.

A man who shows concern and is interested in what worries you will never be selfish in bed. He will definitely ask how your day was, how you feel after a walk in the rain, and, if you manage to get sick, he will come with a bag of oranges.

8. Surprises

He will surprise you more than once with a small gift that you never expected to receive from him. He will probably have something to surprise you with in bed.

Before you have sex, dance with him. A guy who knows how to control his body won't move like a sack of potatoes.

10. Eye contact

Whenever you tell him something, he will listen and maintain eye contact. This is especially important in order to create a trusting relationship with a person. If he looks into your eyes, it means he wants you to trust him, and in bed too.