Message about Spider-Man. Biography of the characters in the game Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

  • Real name: Peter Parker
  • Nicknames: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the Amazing Spider-Man, the Sensational Spider-Man, the Spectacular Spider-Man, » Tiger, Spidey, Webhead, Webslinger, Wall-crawler, Little Man; formerly The Amazing Octo-Spidey, Bag-Man, Bookworm, Captain Universe, Dusk, Hornet , Mad Dog #336, Man-Spider, Prodigy, Puny Parker, Ricochet, Scarlet Spider, Spider- Hulk (Spider-Hulk), Spider-Phoenix (Spider-Phoenix)
  • Personality: Hidden
  • Universe: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
  • Floor: Male
  • Position: Good
  • Height: 172 cm (5'10" inches)
  • Weight: 75 kg (167 lb)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Chestnut
  • Relatives: Richard Parker (father, deceased), Mary Parker (mother, deceased), Benjamin Parker (uncle, deceased), May Parker (aunt), Will Fitzpatrick (grandfather), May Parker (daughter, most likely deceased), Benjamin Riley (Scarlet Spider, clone, died), Kane (clone, died), other clones (died)
  • Group affiliation: Avengers, New Avengers, formerly Secret Defenders, New Fantastic Four, the Outlaws
  • Place of Birth: New York
  • Citizenship: USA
  • Marital status: Single

The bite of an irradiated spider gave student Peter Parker incredible arachnid powers. When a night burglar killed his beloved Uncle Ben, Peter, heartbroken, vowed to use his amazing abilities to protect loved ones. He learned one priceless lesson: with great power comes great responsibility!


Early years

Peter Parker was orphaned at the age of six when his parents died in a plane crash. Peter was taken in by his aunt and uncle, Ben and May Parker. He was a very smart boy who was highly regarded by the teachers at Midtown High School, but his shyness and interest in learning often made him an outcast among his peers.

Boy, spider and robber

General Techtronics Corporation held an exhibition on the safe handling of radiation, and Peter, as a true science lover, simply could not miss it. At the exhibition, he was bitten by a spider exposed to radiation in a particle accelerator. On the way home, Peter discovered that he had somehow gained incredible strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls, and immediately realized that it was due to the spider bite.

After seeing an ad offering a cash prize to anyone who could last three minutes in the ring with a professional wrestler, Peter decided it was a good way to test his strength. To avoid shame in case of defeat, he built himself a mask. Parker easily defeated his opponent and was noticed by a television producer, who convinced him to get a job in television. Having sewn a colorful suit and designed containers that shoot webs, Peter called himself Spider-Man and immediately became a sensation.

After his television appearance, Peter refused to stop the thief, saying that it was none of his business. Pete forgot about this incident and continued to bask in the glory. One evening, he returned home to find that Uncle Ben had been killed. After learning from the police that a criminal was cornered in an old warehouse, Peter went there and easily defeated him. When the criminal's face was caught in the rays of light, Parker recognized him as the same robber whom he had once refused to detain. Filled with remorse, Peter realized that with great power comes great responsibility. He soon began a distinguished crime-fighting career as the Amazing Spider-Man.

Taking on Great Responsibility

At first, Spider-Man wanted to join the Fantastic Four, but the team turned him down. Then he began to tear off all sorts ofcrimes alone, and sold the photographs taken with an automatic camera to the Daily Bugle newspaper ( Daily Bugle). Spider-Man quickly became New York's most famous resident, although Bugle publisher Jonah Jameson was forever stigmatizing him and calling him a menace. Parker's greatest fear was for Aunt May: he thought that if she found out about his superhero activities, she wouldwill have a heart attack.

Early in his career, Spider fought Chameleon for the first time ( Chameleon), Vulture, Tinkerer, Kraven the Hunter ( Kraven the Hunter), Sandman ( Sandman), Lizard, Dr Doom, Misterio and the Green Goblin ( Green Goblin). But his main enemy at that time was the insidious Doctor Octopus ( Doc Ock). It was he who gathered several of the above villains into the Sinister Six team ( Sinister Six) With sole purpose- destroy Spider-Man.

At the time, Peter was dating Betty Brant ( Betty Brant , a secretary from the Daily Bugle. Betty was very jealous of Parker and Liz Allan ( Liz Allan) who was in love with him. Aunt May and the Parkers' neighbor Anna Watson ( Anna Watson) hoped that Peter would start dating Mary Jane(Mary Jane) , Anna’s niece, but the young people saw each other for the first time only a few months later.

Studying at university and life after graduation

After graduating from school, Peter entered the Empire State University, and now he had to combine study, work and exploits. Parker soon became friends with Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin. Peter and Harry rented an apartment together, and Parker helped his friend with his studies and supported him at times when his relationship with his father became especially difficult.

The Green Goblin came up with more and more ingenious ways to deal with the Spider, and soon he eclipsed the other enemies of the Spider with his antics. The Goblin was not only the first villain, but also the first person to learn the secret identity of Spider-Man.

At university, Peter met Gwen Stacy and they fell in love. However, after Gwen's father, police captain George Stacy, died during a fight between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus while trying to save the child, the girl hated Spider and blamed him for her father's death. Peter did not reveal his secret identity to her, fearing that it would ruin their relationship.

Peter and Gwen's happiness together was short-lived. One day, the Green Goblin kidnapped her and threw her off a bridge. Spider-Man released his web and caught Gwen by the legs, but the sudden jerk broke her spine. The loss of Gwen was perhaps the worst tragedy for Peter since the death of Uncle Ben.

The fight against the villains did not end. The Spider constantly had to deal with the Rhinoceros ( Rhino), the second Vulture, Shocker ( Shocker), Kingpin, Prowler, and even with the vampire Morbius ( Morbius).

After the death of Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane provided Peter with great moral support. Peter soon fell in love with her and even proposed, but Mary Jane refused and disappeared from Peter’s life for several months.

After graduating from university, Peter continued his career as a photographer and superhero. Now he lived alone, and Aunt May decided to organize a boarding school for the elderly in her house. For some time Spider had partnerships and romantic relationship with Black Cat ( Black Cat). However, Cat was only interested in Spider-Man and not Peter Parker, and they broke up.

Symbiote, Avengers and wedding

When a mysterious being known as the Beyonder kidnapped numerous heroes and villains to organize "Secret Wars", Spider-Man was among them. During various battles, Peter's suit was badly damaged, and he decided to use the alien mechanism to repair his clothes. However, the mechanism did not work as expected, and Spider acquired a black symbiotic suit. He used this suit after Secret Wars until he noticed that it (the suit) was behaving strangely. Then Peter turned to Reed Richards ( Reed Richards) , who found out that this living suit is gradually enslaving its wearer. Reed placed the suit in a special trap, but soon the symbiote escaped and merged with Spider-Man's longtime enemy, reporter Eddie Brock ( Eddie Brock). This is how one of the most dangerous supervillains appeared - Venom ( Venom).

Spider-Man has had to fight alongside all the heroes of Manhattan, if not the world, many times. One day, having learned that all members of the Avengers team received financial benefits, he decided to join their ranks. Together with the Avengers, he eliminated the threat of Project Pegasus. However, in the end, the heroes refused to accept him into their team.

After some time, Mary Jane returned to Peter's life. After his fight with the supervillain Puma, she revealed that she had figured out the secret of Parker's double life early in his career. Soon they got married. Harry Osborne rented a loft for the newlyweds in the same building where he lived. At one time, Mary Jane's cousin, Christie, lived with the Parkers. However, Peter and Mary Jane subsequently moved to Queens to live with Aunt May due to financial difficulties.

Although the Avengers did not want to accept Spidey, they soon had to work together again to stop the supervillain Nebula ( Nebula), who wanted to destroy the entire Universe. Unaccustomed to confronting cosmic threats, the Spider became the culprit in the fact that the Nebula received the power of the Infinite Union ( Infinity Union ). Fortunately, the heroes managed to defeat the villain, but the Avengers again refused to let Spider-Man join the team. However, some time later they accepted it on a temporary basis.

Peter also spent time as a research fellow at Empire State University. During this period, he was given the power of Captain Universe so that he could defeat numerous robots, including Sentinels, designed to hunt mutants. With the threat eliminated, Peter's power as Captain Universe left him.

The Clone Saga

When Aunt May suffered a heart attack (she never recovered and died), Ben Riley, a clone of Peter Parker created by the villain Jackal, came to see her. Peter and Ben once fought, and Spider believed the clone to be dead. However, now Riley has returned with completely friendly intentions. He created his own superhero costume and began to help Parker in his adventures. The Daily Bugle nicknamed him the Scarlet Spider, and he began to use this nickname. Together with Parker, he fought the evil clone of Spider-Man - Kane, as well as the Jackal. Soon Mary Jane became pregnant, and she and Peter moved to Portland, Oregon. Pete abandoned his Alter Ego in order to devote maximum time to his family.

After the second Doctor Octopus disgraced the name of the Scarlet Spider, Riley began performing as Spider-Man. At this time, Mary Jane went into labor and was taken to the hospital. This hospitalization was set up by Norman Osborn, who kidnapped the newborn May Parker. The parents were told that the girl died during childbirth. The Green Goblin then attempted to kill Parker, but Ben Riley, who arrived in time, rushed onto the villain's glider and sacrificed himself to save Peter.

Since Peter Parker's and Kane's fingerprints matched, it was Spider-Man who was blamed for the murders committed by this first disfigured Spidey clone. To continue his crime-fighting career, Peter alternated between changing costumes and at various times called himself Hornet, Dusk, Prodigy and Ricochet. Having regained his good name, he returned to his usual image. After some time, the hero of the Golden Age, Black Miracle ( Black Marvel) gave these four costumes to different teenagers and formed them into a team called "Spinners" ( Slingers). Shortly after these events, the Avengers invited Spidey to rejoin their team, but he refused.

As it turned out later, Aunt May was still alive, and the Parkers buried a copy of her. Peter and Mary Jane returned to New York and settled in Manhattan. Peter promised Mary Jane to end Spider-Man's career, but at night he again set out on exploits. Their marriage began to fall apart. Soon, Mary Jane was in a plane crash, and everyone assumed she was dead. After some time, it turned out that she had survived, but Mary Jane refused to live with Peter.

First meetings with Ezekiel

Shortly after Mary Jane left for California, Peter met ordinary person named Ezekiel Sims. Fifty-six-year-old Ezekiel had exactly the same abilities as Spider-Man, with the exception of Spider-Sense, and was one of the co-owners of a large corporation. Sims' business partners also had abilities reminiscent of various animals, but Peter never met them.

Ezekiel hired the best private detectives on the planet to get all kinds of information about Spider-Man. He then compared the results of their independent investigations and came to the conclusion that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Thus began their very strange friendship.

Ezekiel told Peter about his connection to the totemic source of power - the spider. Because of this close connection, he was an excellent candidate for prey for the ancient mystical creature named Morlan ( Morlun). The same danger threatened Ezekiel himself, but he, like his superhuman friends, was a less pure source of totemic energy. Therefore, Sims suggested that Parker hide from Morlun in a specially equipped shelter. The spider refused and entered into an unequal battle with the energy vampire. When he realized that he could not defeat Morlun, Ezekiel came to his aid, and with an unexpected blow he was able to break the monster’s nose. In the subsequent battle, Ezekiel, as it seemed to Peter, drowned, but thanks to the obtained blood sample, Spider-Man was able to learn about Morlun's only weakness - susceptibility to radiation. He went to a nuclear power plant, where he repeated the experiment on himself that had once turned him into a superman (this time the spider was not needed, Peter simply prepared a suitable radioactive solution). This enhanced all his abilities for several weeks. In addition, a lot of radiation entered the Spider’s body, and now he easily dealt with Morlun, after which the monster, weakened to the limit, was shot by his own assistant Dex ( Dex).

After some time, it turned out that Ezekiel did not die. He reappeared in Spider-Man's life to warn of the approach of another extremely dangerous mystical creature- supervillains Tents ( Shatra). Subsequently, he more than once supplied Peter with valuable information about various enemies of occult origin.

Book of Ezekiel

By the time Ezekiel's true intentions were revealed, Spider-Man's life had already improved somewhat: Mary Jane returned to him, and Aunt May learned Peter's secret. And then one day Ezekiel reappeared in New York to warn of the impending arrival of another mystical threat - the Gatekeeper. As usual, Peter refused to hide and fought the Gatekeeper, but was defeated. When Spider woke up, he discovered that he was in South America, and Ezekiel was going to sacrifice him. It turned out that Morlun, Shatra and other mystical villains were hunting Ezekiel, and not Peter at all. And the insidious Sims, with his warnings, forced everyone to get involved in battle every time.

All these villains hunted Ezekiel because he was not worthy of his power, obtained during an ancient Mayan ritual. Ezekiel saw only one way out - to sacrifice his “worthy” competitor, Spider-Man. However, already performing the ritual of sacrifice, Ezekiel changed his mind and gave himself up to be devoured by bloodthirsty spirits.

Changing Abilities

After meeting a very strange supervillain, the Queen ( Queen), Spider-Man gained the ability to shoot webs directly from his wrists, and his Spider-Sense and other abilities were greatly enhanced. But that was just the beginning. Soon Peter died and was reborn, which further strengthened his totemic connection with the spider, and at the same time his abilities.

Friendship with Iron Man and Civil War

After quelling a riot at Raft Prison, Spider-Man joined the New Avengers and became friends with Iron Man. Stark took care of Peter in every possible way: he settled the Parker family in the Avengers Tower, supported the Spider during a difficult period of death and rebirth, and gave him a unique Red and Gold Spider Armor, which allowed him to act even more effectively. Tony considered Peter a very valuable ally and made an agreement with him: Pete became his main assistant behind the scenes.

When the government started talking about passing the Superhero Registration Act, Spider-Man and Iron Man worked together to convince politicians to reject the bill. This did not produce results, and Tony announced to Spidey that he would have to act in support of the Act in order to control the situation as S.H.I.E.L.D. officers and prevent the start of mass persecution of superheroes. Since Parker had already realized that he could trust Stark, he agreed.

At the beginning of the Civil War, Peter was one of Iron Man's most loyal supporters. He even agreed to publicly reveal the secret of his identity, and a little later helped Stark coordinate the actions of legal heroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. in the battle with Captain America’s rebels. However, he increasingly doubted that he had chosen the right path, and eventually decided to go over to Cap's side. Perhaps Iron Man would have been able to convince him, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents burst in and opened fire, and the Spider escaped. S.H.I.E.L.D. director Maria Hill sent several supervillains to capture him, and in the battle with them the Spider Armor was almost completely destroyed. The wounded Spider was discovered by the Punisher, who took him to the rebel headquarters. Peter spent the rest of the war fighting on Cap's side.

One more day

When Captain America surrendered to the authorities and the Civil War ended, Spider-Man found himself in very difficult situation. Besides the fact that he was an outlaw, now all the supervillains knew his real name. The Kingpin, who was in prison, sent an assassin who mortally wounded Aunt May. Peter and Mary Jane took her to the hospital, but the doctors' verdict was disappointing: she would live another day.

In desperation, Spider-Man turned to Iron Man for help. Tony replied that he would not help a state criminal in any way, since he did not want to risk his newly acquired position as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He defeated Peter and flew away. But returning to Avengers Tower, he paid his butler Jarvis a bonus of several million dollars and asked him to dispose of it as he pleased, hinting at the poor health of their mutual friend. Jarvis immediately went to the hospital and May received the best treatment money can buy. But this was not enough.

When Peter was already desperate to save his aunt, Mephistopheles came to him and offered a deal. He promised to cure May and settle the secret identity situation on the condition that Peter and Mary Jane would no longer be married. The couple consulted for a long time. Before Mephisto could commit his dirty deed, Mary Jane made her deal with him: she would convince Peter to accept such conditions, and the demon would leave him alone forever.

Mephisto returned to the past, on the eve of Spider and MJ's wedding. In the form of a bird, he freed a criminal who had just been arrested thanks to our hero. This criminal again reached the Spider, as a result of which he was late for the wedding. Mary Jane decided that Peter did not love her and broke up with him.

The problem with the secret identity was solved even more simply: shortly after the Civil War, at a meeting of the Illuminati, a decision was made: Doctor Strange would simply erase it from the memory of the whole world. When Strange cast the spell, Peter disrupted the process, causing Mary Jane to still remember who her would-be husband was.

Brand new day

So Peter Parker's world has changed a lot. Then numerous difficulties began with work, friends and enemies. Peter gave Jonah Jameson a heart attack, and his wife sold the Daily Bugle to tabloid king Dexter Bennett, who soon fired Parker. Peter became friends with policeman Vin Gonzalez, who hates Spider-Man. Together they rented an apartment until Vin went to prison on a ridiculous false charge. Vin's place in the apartment was taken by his cousin Michelle, with whom Peter developed an unusual relationship - sometimes hateful, sometimes romantic. Harry Osborn returned from oblivion, and Spider met his girlfriend Lily Hollister (as it later turned out, she was the supervillain Menace) and Lily's friend, Carly Cooper.

Numerous new enemies have appeared - Menace ( Menace), Screwball, Freak, Mr Negative, new Vulture ( Vulture) and many others. Old acquaintances also haunted me.

Peter began to have real problems looking for work. For some time he worked part-time for the Front Line newspaper ( Frontline) with his old friend Ben Urich, then spent some time as one of Jonah Jameson's assistants, who was elected mayor of New York.

Dark Dominion

After the Secret Skrull Invasion, one of the most influential people America became Spider's old enemy, Norman Osborn, a former supervillain nicknamed the Green Goblin, and now the director of M.O.L.O.T., the leader of his own Avengers team and the pseudo-hero Iron Patriot. Osborn decided to make a hero out of his son too, making a lightweight model of armor for Harry. But Harry did not want to become dependent on his hated father. He almost killed Norman, but was stopped by Spider-Man.


Enough for a long time Dr. Curt Connors managed to control himself and not turn into the Lizard. But at some point the disease turned out to be stronger than him. The personalities of Connors and the Lizard merged, forming a monstrous creature named Shed. The monster's body also underwent changes, and it became even stronger and more agile than the Lizard. In addition, he acquired the ability to telepathically influence people's consciousness.

Shad did what the old Lizard would never have done - he killed Billy Connors, Kurt's son. After this, he encountered Spider-Man and used his psionic powers for the first time: he tried to destroy the “monkey” (in his own words) component of Peter’s mind, so that only the mind of the lizard remained, which would primarily obey base animal instincts and the rule of the strong. Fortunately, Spider was able to resist this influence, but then Shed began to make numerous New Yorkers think this way. Chaos began on the streets.

In a difficult battle, Spider-Man defeated Shed and freed people from his influence. But some felt that the primitive instincts and the rule of the strong, proposed by the monster, were much fairer than the sanctimonious human laws. Together with Shed, they descended into the New York sewers and still live somewhere there.

Age of Heroes and the Deadly Hunt

After the Siege of Asgard, Spider-Man was finally recognized as a hero again. He joined the Avengers and New Avengers teams, and his popularity grew steadily. However, not everyone is happy about this.

The Kravinov family (the wife and children of Sergei Kravinov, the first Kraven the Hunter) decided to bring the deceased head of the family back to life. They began to catch all the people with spider abilities in order to sacrifice them. When Peter Kane's clone ( Kaine) warned him about this, Madame Web had already been caught ( Madame Web), Arachne, Arana and Spider-Woman/Mattie Franklin. Finally, Spider-Man was caught (he was lured into a trap by the Chameleon, who pretended to be Ezekiel risen from the dead).

To bring Kraven back to life, the ritual murder of Spider and Mattie Franklin was enough. However, Kraven, who rose from the dead, was not at all happy about his revival: he turned into a living corpse (though not decomposing). It turned out that the sacrificed Spider was not real: Kane stunned Peter and replaced him in the suit.

Enraged, Sasha Kravinova (Sergei's wife) inflicted a mortal wound on Madame Web. She died, leaving her gift of clairvoyance as a legacy to Julia Carpenter, Arachne. The real Spider-Man arrived at the Kravinov estate. He was incredibly angry about the death of his friends and was ready to kill Kraven, but he was stopped by Arachne, who showed him an alternative future in which Peter began killing enemies and turned into a real monster.

The defeated Kravinovs went to the Savage Land, where they are still located. Peter buried Mattie Franklin, Madame Web, and Kane. On the latter’s grave it is written: “Kane Parker. Brother."

One moment in time

Mary Jane came to Peter, and together they recalled the details of the deal with Mephistopheles. At the end of the conversation, Mary Jane kissed Peter and said that if they were not destined to be together, then he should not think only about her, because then he might not notice true love all my life. They broke up, promising not to interfere in each other's lives anymore.


After the death of Uncle Ben, Peter Parker's sense of responsibility became greatly exacerbated. Often he needlessly blames himself for something to which he has practically nothing to do. For example, he felt guilty that Electro, one of “his” villains, staged an escape from the Raft prison. However, in moments of threat to someone's life, Peter does not at all look like such a depressed whiner and maintains his common sense and wit.


Spider-Man has gained immense fame among other superheroes, villains and civilians alike. As was once noted, half of Earth-616 loves Spider, the other half hates him, but everyone talks about him. Aunt May once read on the Internet that Peter saved the lives of more than 10,000 people, not counting the defuses of bombs and feats performed together with other heroes.

Among villains, Spider-Man has a very special attitude. When in the Bar Without a Name ( Bar with No Name) bets were accepted on Spider's victory in next battle, many villains claimed that the Horseman always defeats newcomers. And when Kolpak ( Hood ) was just starting his career, one of the villains laughed at him, saying: “You haven’t even fought Spider-Man yet.”

Powers and abilities


Initial (aka current) forces:

  • Spider Sense: Spider-Man has an extrasensory sense that warns him of danger in advance by a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. This allows him to avoid most injuries. Unfortunately, sometimes Peter's strong emotions prevent him from recognizing the signals of his Spider-Sense. The nature of Sense is unknown: Ezekiel Sims called it mystical, and there are no reasonable scientific explanations. Signals can come both directly at the moment of danger, and minutes and even hours beforehim. The stronger the threat, the sooner Peter learns about it. The scent does not give an idea of ​​the nature of the threat, but it indicates the exact direction from which it comes. Sudden and very dangerous circumstances can lead to a painful reaction of the Flair. Peter's sixth sense works even when he is unconscious or asleep. It warns him about everything he considers dangerous. In particular, he reacts to the presence of observers or cameras that can record Pete dressing up as Spider, but does not react to Aunt May, even if she is about to find out about her nephew's secret. Spider-Man has become so adept at reading his ESP signals that even when his opponents blind him, he can continue fighting using his Spider-Sense.
  • Reception of radio signals: Spider Sense picks up radio waves of a certain frequency. Taking advantage of this property, Peter designed Spider Radio Beacons ( Spider Tracers), emitting signals at this frequency. It uses radio beacons to track someone.
  • Climbing walls: One of the changes in Peter's body after the spider bite occurred in the cerebellum. Now he can mentally control the attraction between atoms using electrostatic forces. This breaks the boundary between the surfaces of touching objects at the subatomic level. Simply put, the diffusion of several upper layers of atoms of different objects occurs. It is not yet known how Spider-Man's mind can influence the behavior of atoms. Until now, the ability to change the strength of their attraction to each other was limited to controlling the attraction between objects and Peter's body (mainly his hands and feet). With this ability, he can hold a load weighing several tons "docked" to his fingers.
  • Superhuman Strength: The special structure of his muscles allows Spider-Man to lift loads weighing up to ten tons. In combat, he is forced to hold back his blows (unless he is fighting someone equal or superior to him in endurance). Otherwise, his blows would be fatal to a person without superpowers. He has demonstrated that he is strong enough to knock out a person with a simple slap to the head. Also during the Secret Invasion, in a battle in the Savage Land, he defeated a Tyrannosaurus rex with one blow. Of course, Spider's physical strength extends to his legs, allowing him to make huge leaps. On the day he was bitten by the Spider, Peter almost got hit by a car, but was saved by jumping about ten meters vertically into the air (this is how he discovered his abilities). It should be noted that at that moment his powers had not yet developed to their full potential.
  • Superhuman Speed: Spider-Man is capable of running and moving at speeds many times faster than even the most trained person can achieve. He has shown that he can easily outrun a car on foot, but prefers to travel on a web.
  • Superhuman Durability: Peter's enhanced musculature produces fatigue toxins much more slowly than a normal human's. This allows him to perform at the peak of his powers for long hours. His breathing apparatus is also greatly improved: he is almost never seen out of breath, and Spider is able to hold his breath for more than eight minutes.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Spider-Man's body is significantly more resistant to various injuries than that of other people. He is able to survive impacts that would seriously injure or kill a normal human with virtually no discomfort. If Spider flexes his super-strong muscles, a non-superpowered person can do almost no harm to him with their bare hands. Peter himself said that he tries to dodge blows from opponents who do not have at least the same strength and endurance, otherwise they may dislocate or break their wrist.
  • Superhuman Agility: Parker's agility, balance, and coordination go far beyond human capabilities. Its connective tissues and tendons are approximately twice as flexible and mobile, but also stronger. Spider can break any Olympic record for exercises on gymnastic apparatus such as rings, parallel bars, etc.
  • Superhuman sense of balance: Spider-Man can maintain his balance in any position imaginable and on any support, even the smallest and narrowest.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: the speed of all conditioned and unconditioned reflexes of Peter is approximately forty times higher than that of an ordinary person. Combined with his Spider-Sense, they allow him to dodge almost any attack. In some cases, Spider-Man has been shown dodging bullets using just his reflexes, without using his Senses at all.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: While Spidey's regeneration is not as noticeable as Wolverine's or Deadpool's, it is powerful enough to recover from severe injuries, fractures, and extensive tissue damage in a surprisingly short time. Once he gained his power, he soon found that his poor eyesight improved, eliminating the need to wear glasses. During a battle with a villain named Masked Marauder, Spider-Man was completely blinded, but after two days he could see everything perfectly (although his eyes were easily irritated for another whole day). Its accelerated metabolism provides the highest resistance to drugs: the effect of even the largest doses quickly wears off without causing addiction. During a meeting with Roy ( Swarm) Peter received thousands of bee stings, but was completely fine the next day. Its resistance and recovery rate from other toxins and diseases varies, but is generally significantly higher than that of ordinary people. Spider-Man was able to fully restore his eyes, which were damaged by the acid spat in his face by the new Vulture, although the extent of the damage may have been less than he first thought.
  • Protected identity: Thanks to the magic of Doctor Strange, no one can accidentally or intentionally find out the secret identity of Spider-Man unless Peter himself wants it. Any evidence that Spidey is Peter Parker (even direct evidence in Civil War-era media) is either incomprehensible to people or leads to incorrect conclusions. It is possible to find out who is hiding under the mask only if Peter himself tells it.

Lost powers:

The mutation after meeting the Queen gave the Spider the following powers:

  • Enhanced Strength: Now the maximum weight of the load that he could lift was not 10, but 15 tons.
  • Telepathic communication with arthropods: The developed Spider-Sense helped to communicate with spiders and insects, using them as a remote source of information, and even control their behavior. One day, the spiders voluntarily hid the unconscious Spider-Man from the Tent, and thus saved him.
  • Biological/organic web production: Glands appeared on Peter's wrists that could produce and release webs. This web had almost the same properties as those released from containers, only it disintegrated not in two hours, but in a week.

After death and rebirth, Peter's powers increased again:

  • Even more increased strength: The new limit for lifting mass was 20 tons.
  • Enhanced agility, endurance, speed and reaction: In the fight with Mysterio, Spider noted a significant improvement in all these indicators.
  • Enhanced Spider-Sense: Peter was able to perceive everything that was happening around him, not just sources of danger.
  • Night Vision: Spider-Man learned to see in the dark in the presence of at least the weakest light source.
  • Feeling vibration and air currents through hair and cobwebs: This ability allowed him to find a way out from under the rubble of a collapsed building.
  • Improved Healing Factor: Recovery from any damage to the body began to occur several times faster.
  • Healing in "sleep mode": This is exactly how his rebirth happened: Peter entered an unconscious state, formed a cocoon, hibernated, was healed and received new powers. His mysterious “illness” and short-term loss of superpowers were the body’s first attempts to enter this state. It is unknown whether Peter can repeat this at least one more time.
  • Stings:Spider-Man's wrists had sharp, retractable stingers. They released a polyamine poison that could paralyze an adult for several hours. And for the almost invulnerable Morlun, wounds from these stings turned out to be fatal.


  • Unbending willpower: For many years Peter led double life full of losses and defeats, but this did not break him, and from short moments of weakness he emerged even more strong man. His will was strong enough to resist the attempts of Venom, and later the nanorobots of Doctor Octopus and the telepathy of Shed, to subjugate his mind.

Today we have a very interesting topic: Spider-Man costumes. We'll tell you what his suits are made of, how many there are, and what gadgets are used.

After Peter discovered his powers after being bitten by a spider, he saw an ad in the newspaper offering a cash prize to anyone who could last three minutes in the ring with a professional wrestler. Peter decided that this was a good way to test his strength. To maintain anonymity, he puts on old clothes and makes himself a mask.

This is what the very first Spider-Man suit looked like.

After the victory, Peter was offered to become a show business star, for which Peter makes himself the well-known red and blue suit.

The suit was made of spandex, consisting of polyurethane fibers. The fabric is very elastic - it can stretch 600% and return to its original state in a very short time. Spandex has great wear resistance, is also easy to wash and dries quickly.

Large white lenses are sewn onto the mask for good review wearing a mask. The lenses also function as sunglasses.

The suit has a standard set of gadgets:

Symbiote, “black suit”

First appearance of Secret Wars #8

Venom appears in the eighth issue of the Secret Wars event. Otherworldly (Beyond), having seen how strong the earth's heroes were, against their will he transferred a group of heroes and villains to another planet located in another galaxy so that they would fight each other. In one of these battles, Spider-Man tore his suit. He was advised to find himself new suit at one of the bases. Having found an unknown mechanism at the base that released a black sphere, the Spider touched it. Thus, he released the imprisoned Venom, which replaces his old suit, makes him stronger and gives him a more menacing black color.

The suit gave Spider-Man new abilities, such as:

  • Superhuman strength
    The symbiote significantly strengthens the muscles and skeleton of the body, making it much stronger;
  • Superhuman Durability
    The symbiote strengthens the body, allowing it to calmly survive falls from great heights, gun shots, and blows from the strongest superheroes such as the Hulk and Juggernaut. The symbiote is also capable of absorbing small caliber bullets;
  • Superhuman endurance
    The symbiote significantly slows down the production of fatigue toxins in the muscles. Thanks to this, the wearer is able to remain at the peak of their performance for 24 hours before they begin to tire;
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
    The suit allows you to heal wounds much faster than they heal in ordinary people;
  • Detection of symbiotes
    The symbiote is able to sense other symbiotes over long distances;
  • Web production
    The symbiote also allows the production of its own web, consisting of genetic material from the suit. Its strength is 58 kg per 1 mm²;
  • Camouflage
    The symbiote allows you to copy any clothing.

After Peter got rid of the symbiote, he was left without a suit at all. To avoid running home naked, Peter is given one of the spare Fantastic Four costumes and a bag is put on his head instead of a mask.

On the way home, “Package Man” stops a gang of bandits. After which journalists pounce on him, asking a bunch of questions about who he is, how he managed to stop the bandits, and whether he is trying to make fun of superheroes with his costume. Without answering questions, Peter escapes from the journalists and runs home.

Black suit

First appearance of Spectacular Spider-Man #99

Another costume worth mentioning is the black suit, but not the symbiote. After Peter got rid of the alien suit, a surprise awaited him from Black Cat, who sewed him exact copy a black suit, because she thought Spider was sexier in it.

The suit is made of the same material as the classic one, i.e. made of spandex. At first, Peter didn't wear one, but when his regular suit was torn or in the wash, Peter would wear a black suit. But after Venom visited Mary Jane, seriously frightening her, she asked Peter to take off this suit. Thus, the black suit was temporarily shelved.

Later, Peter wore a black suit to show his enemies that he was serious and was not going to joke. In this suit, Spidey behaved extremely aggressively, despite the fact that it was not a symbiote.

Wearing a black suit, Spidey nearly killed Wilson Fisk (Kingpin/Stronghead) and Sergei Kravinov (Kraven the Hunter).

First appearance Amazing Spider-Man #529

After quelling a riot at Raft Prison, Spider-Man joined the New Avengers and became friends with Iron Man. Stark took care of Peter in every possible way, even settling the Parker family in Avengers Tower. Before the Civil War, Tony Stark made an agreement with Peter: Peter secretly became his main assistant. On this occasion, Tony Stark handed Peter an armored suit made of Kevlar microfiber. Kevlar has high strength (five times stronger than steel, tensile strength σ0 = 3620 MPa). Kevlar retains strength and elasticity at low temperatures, even cryogenic (-196°C). Moreover, at low temperatures it even becomes a little stronger. When heated, Kevlar does not melt, but decomposes at relatively high temperatures (430-480°C). The gold parts of the suit are made of titanium alloy.

The spider emblem serves as the housing for the computer system that controls the suit's gadgets, namely:

  • Grid glider
    Allows you to make short flights, the computer can calculate the flight path;
  • Radio communication
    Built-in fire, police and ambulance communication lines, audio and video amplification. Including infrared light and ultraviolet light;
  • Hydrocarbon filters
    Located in the mouth area to protect against toxins;
  • Disguise
    Lightweight fabric made of metallic nanofiber makes it possible to adjust the visibility of the suit and is controlled using neurochemical sensors. Nanofiber supports other suit styles, it can accept any suit style. The suit can also blend into different surfaces;
  • Tentacles
    Three mechanical sharp tentacles are activated on the back, with which you can launch attacks. The tentacles contain cameras that project images onto lenses;
  • Armor
    The suit is able to withstand small caliber bullets;
  • Heat resistance
    The suit can withstand high temperatures.

Armored Suit

First appearance of Amazing Spider-Man #654

When Spidey lost his spider-sense and was shot by Marcus Lyman, Spidey needed to somehow protect himself. For this reason, he made himself a new armored suit that can withstand bullets even from sniper rifles.

In his suit, Spidey broke into the building where Marcus Lyman was holding hostages. The bandit tried to kill the hostages, but the Spider, in his armor, took the blow, withstanding a 5.56 mm machine gun burst. As a result, Spidey pushed Marcus outside, where dozens of snipers tried to shoot him. But Spider-Man saved the criminal, shielding him from sniper bullets, which his suit successfully withstood.

The exact material of the suit is unknown. Most likely the material is an impact-resistant polymer, which Peter invented. Underneath the black covering is Kevlar. On the head is a helmet with narrow lenses on the holes to minimize the chance of a bullet hitting the eye. Web shooters are not on the wrists, but on the forearm.

Another feature of the suit is a magnetic web that blocks any radio signals. Peter made it so that Marcus Lyman could not use the detonators.

Peter created Spider-Armor to help the Night's Watch defeat a new team of villains called the Enforcers, whose members had dangerous abilities and were a threat to all of New York. Acting as a team, they were very dangerous even for Spider. Spider-Man was in danger from the abilities of Dragon, Termite and Eel, who could easily fry or blow up Spidey, as well as from a woman nicknamed Plant, who released poisonous spores. The armor is worn over a regular suit. The armor is made of Kevlar fiber. The plates are made of titanium alloy, which increases strength and heat resistance. The plates are connected so as not to interfere with movement. The lenses are made of heat-resistant glass that can withstand high temperatures. There is a built-in filter under the mask that clears the air of toxic spores.

When the fight with the Enforcers began, the armor perfectly protected the Spider from high temperatures and explosions. But during the battle, the armor gradually broke down from numerous blows. The fatal move was made by Thermite, who melted the plates and then froze Spidey. Spider-Man broke the frozen armor. Spider-Man never used this armor again.

Costume Features:

  • Armor
    The plates can withstand small caliber bullets;
  • Heat resistance
    Kevlar and titanium can withstand high temperatures;
  • Filter
    The filter under the mask allows you to clean the air from toxic gases (spores).

Stealth suit

First appearance of Amazing Spider-Man #650

One day, the Hobgoblin broke into Horizon Labs and stole an artificially created metal, revirbium, which is almost impossible to destroy, and one day, reflecting the vibrations, almost destroyed the entire building.

To prevent this dangerous metal from falling into the wrong hands, Spider decides to steal it back, but to do this he needed to get into the Kingpin's heavily guarded tower. For these purposes, the Spider decided to develop a special suit that makes him invisible and isolates any external sounds in order to protect himself from the Hobgoblin's ultrasonic laughter, as well as internal sounds (in in this case Spider-Man's voice and breath).

The suit is made of an omi-harmonic network with the properties of bending light and sound. The suit has 3 modes:

  • Green, invisible mode
    In this mode, the suit bends light and sound, making Spidey invisible, and isolates sound. Neon lines serve to ensure that the Spider can navigate in space while in invisible mode. With the help of special lenses, he sees these lines;
  • Red, soundproof mode
    Completely isolates all external sounds, including ultrasound;
  • White
    This is normal mode, becomes a normal suit.

In addition to these properties, the suit has another feature - special anti-metal spider bugs that can destroy any type of metal.

Future Foundation Suit

First appearance of Amazing Spider-Man #658

When the Future Foundation called Spidey on a mission, he came in an old Fantastic Four costume to join their team. But the team ended up with new suits, and they also gave Spidey a new suit. Peter initially joked that he looked like an anti-Venom and people would think he was bad.

The suit is made of unstable molecules. Fabric made of unstable molecules is difficult to cut with a knife and pierce with small-caliber bullets. The suit cannot be stained, which is a big plus, since the suit is white.

Scarlet Spider Costume

First appearance of Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 #118

After long wanderings, Ben Riley, considering himself a useless clone, returned to New York with the desire to help Spidey fight crime.

Riley makes herself a costume different from Spidey's. He puts on a red leotard, the material identical to the Spider's costume (spandex). Over the tights is a blue sleeveless sweatshirt with a spider emblem on the chest.

On top of the suit are web shooters and a belt with cartridges for them. The web shooter cartridges are larger than Spidey's, increasing his web supply. One of the special features of the suits are poison darts in web shooters that paralyze enemies.

After the first battle with Venom and saving people, the journalists who watched this nicknamed Ben the Scarlet Spider.

First appearance of Sensational Spider-Man #0

One day Peter and Ben were confused. A certain Seward Trainer, who worked for Osborn, told Ben that he was the real Spider, and Peter was his clone. Shocked by this news, and also learning that Mary Jane is pregnant, Peter decides to quit his superhero career. And asks Ben to take his place. But Riley did not replace Spidey for long. Peter returned when he discovered that they had been misled.

It is worth mentioning that in this costume Ben merged with the Carnage symbiote.
When Scarlet Spider escaped from the Ravencroft Institute, he merged with Carnage, who escaped through the plumbing from the cell of his host Cletus Kasady.

Kernage gives all the same abilities as Venom, but he can also transform his limbs into melee weapons.

Ben managed to subjugate the symbiote and exposed himself to microwave radiation, trying to kill the symbiote, but it managed to escape at the last moment and returned to its previous host.

First appearance of Scarlet Spider-Man #2

Kain, an evil clone who was dying due to a failed cloning, having realized a lot, he dies for Spider, and was revived by the Spider Queen in the form of a monster. After which Peter saved him, and Kine went to wander the world.

He tries to be a hero, but he acts tough. He doesn’t think about not harming the scoundrels...
As a result, Kine makes himself a costume similar to the Scarlet Spider's, takes his name, and begins his career as a hero.

First appearance of Peter Parker Spider-Man #90

When Peter entered the Negative Zone, his suit changed, becoming black and gray. And then local residents attacked Spider, but he was saved by a hero named Dusk. It later turned out that those who attacked him were the people of the local tyrant ruler. After this, Spidey joins Dusk, who led the rebels, and fights side by side with him. Dusk soon died in a fierce battle, and at the request of the rebels, Spider-Man donned the Dusk suit.

In this costume, Spidey leads the attack and leads the rebels to victory. After this, Peter returns to his world, taking with him the Twilight suit.


One of the features of the suit is a glider, which allows you to fly short distances. Since the suit is completely black, it is almost impossible to see in the dark.

Spider-Man dons this costume in the "Identity Crisis" arc in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #91, in which he plays a mercenary to gain information from a man named Trapster. Who, on Osborn's orders, set up a murder and framed Spidey.

Since we're already on the "Identity Crisis" arc, we'll continue to reveal the costumes that Peter wore during this period. And let's start, perhaps, from the very first,
the one he tried on was the Ricochet suit.


First appearance of Amazing Spider-Man #434

Norman Osborn once framed Spider-Man by arranging the murder of a petty crook named Joey Z. To do this, he filled his lungs with webs, which Spidey uses. He also provoked Spider-Man to attack him in public. The spider was put on the wanted list, and the reward for its capture was $5 million. Spider-Man could not calmly appear on the street, since most police officers and ordinary people were trying to catch him.

In Amazing Spider-Man #434, Peter put Spider-Man's suit on the shelf and donned the new suit that Mary Jane had made for him to live up to Spider-Man's good name.

The suit is made of spandex. On top is a leather jacket with discs for throwing attached to the sleeves. The discs are made of a special alloy that allows them to bounce off hard surfaces while retaining most of the energy.

To avoid giving himself away, Peter used only his agility in this suit, jumping away from attacks and jumping from wall to wall, which is why he was nicknamed Ricochet.

Using Ricochet's suit, Peter temporarily teamed up with Spider-Man's old enemy Deliala in order to obtain information about several villains, including Black Tarantula, who was hunting Spider-Man and suspected that Ricochet's mask was hiding Spider-Man. Spider.

After Spidey and Deliala managed to stop the Black Tarantula, Peter put Ricochet's suit on the shelf.


First appearance of The Sensational Spider-Man #27

The new costume was made again by Mary Jane. Peter borrowed web shooter technology from the Scarlet Spider, making bracelets that shot paralyzing darts. Instead of a regular mask, Peter wore a helmet with protective glass. The jetpack was made by Hobie Brown, but since the jetpack was too heavy a burden for an ordinary person, he gave it to Spider.

Spider-Man's debut as the Hornet was a success. Within a few days, Hornet became a folk hero. Hornet stopped Luther (Looter), who stole money that served as a reward for the capture of Spider-Man. Hornet was then interviewed, asking "Would you stay in New York to stop Spider-Man" to which he replied "I don't think you'd have to worry about Spider-Man anymore." But the hornet’s words were twisted, and something completely different was printed in the newspapers. Because of this article, the Human Torch attacked Hornet, warning him that if he touched Spider-Man, he would regret it.

One day during a battle with Vulture, Vulture recognized Spider-Man's fighting style and his taunts, he realized that Hornet was Spider-Man and planned to reveal the truth to people. Therefore, Peter was forced to take off the Hornet suit.

After the Hornet suit, Peter puts on the Twilight Suit mentioned at the beginning.

When Peter was looking for Trasper in the Twilight costume, Osborn put a bounty on Trasper's head to keep him from spilling the beans. Spidey manages to save Trasper from Shocker. Dusk said that he helped Trapster because Norman was using him too. Dusk and Trapster became allies. One day, Trapster called Dusk with him to kill Norman Osborn, but Peter stopped him, he convinced Trapster to confess in court to what Osborn ordered to be done, so that his life would be hell. Trapster did so, and thus Spider-Man's name was partially cleared.


First appearance of The Spectacular Spider-Man #257

Prodigy - armored suit yellow, made from Kevlar fiber. On top of the suit there are shields made of durable polymer. In this suit, Peter jumped with all his might, and from the outside it seemed that he was flying.

Dressed as Prodigy, Peter stopped mercenaries who had been hired by a man known as the Riddle. Riddle wanted to kidnap the ambassador's daughter, who stole a certain glove that has great power. But Jack the Lantern took the glove from the ambassador’s daughter. When Peter found the ambassador's daughter and tried to free her, he was attacked by Jack Lantern, but before he could do anything, he was killed by Norman Osborn, who arrived at the scene.

Later, at a press conference, Peter, dressed as Prodigy, revealed that he was Spider-Man, and explained what happened. People accepted this and Spider-Man's name was completely cleared. And Peter put on his old suit.

First appearance of The Amazing Spider-Man #329

A mysterious source of energy travels the universe in search of those who need the power of this energy. This energy chose Spidey as its host in The Amazing Spider-Man #329.

Spidey received his new power after receiving a strong electric shock in the laboratory. But the electric shock partially blocked most of Captain Universe's energy abilities, and Peter was unable to use his new powers to their full potential. But Peter believed that the electric shock caused his spider abilities to increase.

One day, Spider-Man and other heroes encountered a team assembled by Loki, and with the help new strength The spider defeated them. But Locky did not stop and created Triguard (Tri-sentinel) of three Guardians, mutant hunter robots.

And at that moment, Spider-Man's full power of energy manifested itself, and he turned into Captain Universe. The full force of Captain Universe's energy gave Spidey the following abilities:

  • Superhuman strength
    Spider-Man's normal strength increased 50 times;
  • Universal Vision
    A kind of cosmic consciousness. Captain Universe can sense objects at the subatomic level or over great distances. He can also force a person to tell him what he wants to know. The information received is always true;
  • Regeneration
    Restores the wearer faster than Wolverine's regeneration;
  • Heat resistance
    The Captain Universe suit protects the wearer from various temperatures;
  • Energy Manipulation
    Captain Universe can control energy flows or convert them to various types energy. This ability also allows you to change objects at the atomic level, for example, in order to change the shape of a body or turn one substance into another;
  • Teleportation
    Allows you to teleport hundreds of kilometers.

All of these abilities will not work if the wearer attempts to use them for anything other than their mission. It was Triguard, who was very dangerous, that was the reason why Spider-Man became Captain Universe. When Peter defeated Triguard, this energy left him.

Spider armor MK 3, or “End of the World” armor

First appearance of Amazing Spider-Man #682

Before his death, Doctor Octavius ​​attempted to carry out his final plan to destroy the world. Reassembling the Sinister Six, Octavius ​​wanted to use his orbital satellites to burn most of the planet so that those who survived would forever remember his “great” name.

To fight the Sinister Six, Peter long before developed special armor adapted to all members of the Six. The suit is made from a reinforced version of the high-impact polymer that Spidey had previously developed and used in his previous armor when his spider-sense lost.

Costume Features:

  • Special echolocator
    Designed to detect the Chameleon by its special heartbeat;
  • Radio communicator
    Allows the Spider to communicate with allies and listen to other communication lines;
  • Helmet based on Octavius' helmet
    With the help of a helmet, Octopus controlled his bots. Spider uses it to take control or eliminate Octavius' robots;
  • Electrical resistance
    The suit completely isolates from electricity. Additionally, if Electro touches the suit, it will reset it, temporarily disabling his powers;
  • Jet boots
    Allows you to fly to a low altitude of 10-15 meters;
  • Enhanced Strength
    On at the moment is the strongest spider armor;
  • Ice Spider
    A cryogenic tablet capable of freezing for a short time.
  • Illusion mode with holographic visor
    Gives the ability to see through Mysterio's illusions;
  • Pink Hippo Mode
    Created to detect the main grain of sand - the Sandman's womb, after spraying a special gas.

Ultimate Spider-Man Costume

First appearance of Superior Spider-Man #1

After Otto Octavius ​​carried out his plan to exchange his dying body with the Spider, and experiencing all of Peter's memories, he realized that "with great power comes great responsibility." Saying goodbye to his past life at the grave of Doctor Octavius ​​in the body that Parker was imprisoned, he promised to be the Ultimate Spider-Man.

Octavius ​​changed the design of the suit, including changing the color to black and red. The material of the suit remains the same - spandex.

Costume Features:

  • shield
    It is located on the back of the head and is made of carbonatium (a fictional metal). Used to avoid body swapping like he did with Parker;
  • Claws
    Retractable sharp claws on the tips of the fingers, which the Spider uses in battle;
  • Improved Lenses
    Otto added a HUD display to track the target and keep an eye on his bots;
  • Improved Web
    Improved formula for the composition of the web, increasing the decay period by 2 times;
  • Spider button
    A symbol on the chest that serves as a button to activate devices and traps;
  • Spider-bots
    Octavius ​​bots created using Octavius ​​technology. Hundreds of robots with cameras and transmitters, created to monitor the entire city, making Octavius' life easier. If any incident is detected, the bots send a message to Octavius.

The design has changed again. There is more black, the spider emblem is larger, and the lenses are black.

Costume Features:

  • Tentacles
    4 sharp mechanical tentacles designed for combat with enemies. The tentacles are strong enough to lift a car;
  • Claws
    The claws have become larger. The claws also have injection ports with nanospiders, which are inserted under the victim's skin upon impact;
  • Bracelets
    Octavius ​​transferred the control panel to the bracelets;
  • Nano spiders
    Bots that are injected under the skin. They serve as both tracking bugs and miniature bombs that stun the victim when detonated;
  • Sonic web
    The thread of the web creates sound vibrations that have a detrimental effect on the symbiotes;
  • Flammable web
    Created to fight Venom.

Spider-Man costumes from parallel universes

Suit “2099”

First appearance of Spider-Man 2099 #1

Miguel O'Hara is a brilliant young geneticist from the Alchemax corporation, which decided to create a personal Spider-Man. Under Miguel's leadership, they built a gene splicing apparatus using spider DNA as its basis. After many failed tests, Miguel decides to leave the project, but an envious colleague, whose post Miguel took, slipped in a strong drug that was slowly killing Miguel.

To recover, O’hara decides to use a gene crossing machine, replacing spider DNA with human DNA, but before entering the chamber, human DNA was again replaced with spider DNA. This time everything went more successfully than in the experiments - Miguel was cured and received spider powers. Upon learning of this, Alchemax immediately began hunting him, and he had to go on the run, almost always wearing his suit.

Miguel did not have to create a new costume for himself, but only remade the costume he wore several years ago for the traditional Mexican holiday Day of the Dead. He adds a glider to it and changes the design on the chest, which originally looked like a skull. The suit is made of fabric consisting of unstable molecules. This fabric is able to withstand the claws that Spider-Man 2099 grows.

Suit “Noir”

First appearance of Spider-Man Noir #2

After Uncle Ben was killed by Norman Osborn, Peter decided to investigate on his own and expose Osborn. All New Yorkers knew that Norman had bought the police and the press, who turned a blind eye to his crimes, and Peter decided to end it. Parker followed Osborn's men to the warehouse, hoping to catch them in the act. Osborne's men took items for Norman's personal collection. In one of the boxes there was a figurine of a half-man, half-spider, which, according to the bandits, was cursed.

Shocked by this, Peter did not notice how one of the spiders climbed onto his hand and bit him. Peter loses consciousness and sees a vision where a huge spider tells him that his spider bites only kill those with evil intentions, and he will give Peter a curse... a curse of power. Waking up hanging on a web, Peter tests his powers, and decides to put an end to it immediately Osborne's act. He breaks into Osborne's office with the desire to kill him, but stops when he sees his journalist friend, whom he trusted and considered the only one who had not sold out to Osborne. Peter runs away, promising to come back for Osborne another time.

At home, Peter makes himself a suit, sews pilot goggles onto his mask, and puts on his old military uniform Uncle Ben, who was a pilot. Armed with a revolver, the noir Spider goes after Osborn.

After Peter Parker's death, Miles Morales decides to take over his position. First he puts on the Spidey costume he wore for Halloween, not much different from the classic Spidey costume. While patrolling the city, he was stopped by Spider-Woman, who demanded that he explain who he was. But Miles tried to escape, as a result of which he hit his head on the antenna and lost consciousness. Waking up in the cell, Miles talks with Fury, at this time Electro breaks free from the cell, Miles and Fury immediately join the rest of the SHIELD agents, with the help of Miles Electro are defeated. Morales is released, recognizing him as a hero, and the next day Spider-Woman meets him near the school and gives him a new black and red suit, which Fury gave him.

Morales, having visited Aunt May and Mary Jane, spoke about himself and said that he would continue Peter’s work. Mary Jane gives him web shooters and the web formula. So Miles got gadgets and became Ultimate Spider

First appearance of Spider-man 1602 #1

Peter Parqua had the suit even before he became Spider-Man. Peter worked with royal spy Nicholas Fury, and his suit was a uniform of sorts.

First appearance of Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-man #1

Peter Parker is a young member of a ninja clan called the Spiders. After an attack by the Shadow Clan led by Venom, the entire Spider Clan was destroyed and Peter was the only surviving member of the clan.

Thirsting for revenge, Peter begins to train intensively to obtain the special powers that his clan secretly possessed.

The Manga Spider costume is the special uniform of his clan. Having not yet received any special powers, Peter uses Shuko (claws on his palms) to climb walls. And instead of webs he uses spider-shaped hooks - Kyoketsu-shoge.

Spider-Man is one of the most popular comic book characters. Long before Robert Downey Jr. donned the armor, Spider-Man was the face of Marvel. The sixth film about Spidey and the first solo film within the “Cinematic Marvel Universe” is rightfully considered one of the most anticipated films of 2017.

To brighten up the wait for the film's release, we suggest you familiarize yourself with 15 interesting facts about Spider-Man that you may not have known.

Stan Lee came up with the idea for Spider-Man while watching a fly

The prototype of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was an ordinary fly on the wall. After successful start Fantastic Four in 1961, Stan Lee spent the next year thinking about a new colorful character. And an ordinary fly that flew into the office helped him in this.

Watching the winged insect crawl along the office walls, the comic book legend clearly understood what Marvel needed - a guy who could walk on a vertical surface. The first options for nicknames for the new character were Insect Man, Fly Man and Mosquito Man, until Stan Lee once again came up with the idea of ​​Spider-Man. He then commissioned Steve Ditko to whip up a costume design for an underage hero with spider powers, and presented it to Marvel chief Martin Goodman, whose response was: “This is worst idea, that I have ever heard." The rest, as they say, is history.


Peter Parker is the second “Spider-Man”

Marvel bosses thought the original concept of Spider-Man was absurd - people hated spiders, teenagers were only good as sidekicks, and superheroes shouldn't be disgusting. Therefore, in order to find out the reaction of the fan community to the new character, Spider-Man was shown in a comic book Amazing Fantasy #15. The character was well received by fans and Goodman commissioned Lee to create his own line of comics for the new superhero. Thus, in 1963 the world saw The Amazing Spider-Man #1.

Peter Parker wasn't the first spider-themed character. In the 1950s, monsters and science fiction comics were in high demand. So in the comic Journey Into Mystery #73 Spider-Man appeared, who, under the influence of radioactive radiation, transformed from an ordinary spider into a human. This character did not last long, tragically dying at the end of the issue. Since then, 13 characters (not counting Peter) have served as Spider-Man, including Gwen Stacy and.


Spider-Man is Jewish

Spider-Man is a follower of Judaism, or at least that's what is widely believed.

In superhero comics, they try not to raise religious topics; as an exception, we can only remember the Catholic. But according to Andrew Garfield, who happens to be Jewish, Peter Parker's neurotic state is an unmistakable sign of his religion, as is the fact that "he always feels like he's not doing enough."

According to the fan community, this theory is supported by the admission of Stanley Lieber (real name of Stan Lee) that, of the countless characters he has created over the years, Spider-Man is the closest to his alter ego. It's also worth noting that Stan chose the Forest Hills neighborhood in Queens, New York, which has historically been predominantly Jewish, for Peter's home. Moreover, Lee compared Spidey to David from the Hebrew Bible, who, in addition to famously defeating Goliath, was saved from death by the web of a spider.


He is a team player

In all film adaptations, with the exception of Civil War, Spider-Man is presented as a “lone wolf”, selflessly fighting one-on-one with villains. In fact, Spidey has a rich history of teaming up with other superheroes.

The plot of Spidey's first solo comic revolved around Spider-Man's demands to join the Fantastic Four. However, he changed his mind when he learned that he would not receive any financial incentive for membership in the team. When he was killed, Peter nevertheless joined the modernized version of the team, called the Future Foundation ( Future Foundation). He was also a member of the short-lived Fantastic Four with , Wolverine, and Ghost Rider. In addition, he repeatedly worked side by side with the X-Men, Misfits (The Outlaws) and, starting in the 60s, often collaborated with the Avengers.


Peter was in relationships with many women

After Peter Parker's first appearance in the comics, it was difficult to see him as a man who would be successful with women. But before even reaching the tenth issue, Spider-Man was already beating up hooligans with all his might and was in great demand among girls.

Peter dated the red-haired Mary Jane Watson for a long time, and was even married to her. True, he sold his marriage to the devil. You can also remember the school love of Liz Allen, the secretary Daily Bugle Betty Brant and, of course, Gwen Stacy. And how can we forget about his relationship with Felicia Hardy, the famous anti-heroine nicknamed ““? In addition, it is worth mentioning a couple of students from his alma mater, Debra Whitman and Marcy Kane, the latter of whom turned out to be an alien. Sissy Ironwood, roommate's sister, cousin of Gwen Stacy, Carlie Cooper, and even Captain Marvel. And this list goes on.


Peter has radioactive sperm

The 2006 story “Spider-Man: Reign” shows the life of Peter Parker from an alternate reality after 30 years. The elderly Spider-Man is retired, and Peter works as a florist. With corruption in New York at an all-time high, Peter decides to don his dusty suit once again to fight the Sinister Six. (Sinister Six). Meanwhile, Mary Jane died of cancer. The authors attributed the cause of the illness and subsequent death to Peter Parker's radioactive sperm.


Peter's parents worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.

The story of an orphaned boy raised by Aunt May and Uncle Ben, whose tragic death became the catalyst for Peter's transformation into a superhero, has long been a cliché. Unlike the story of Peter's parents described in the comics. You'd be wrong if you thought it was the same as the version in the Andrew Garfield film series that Peter's parents were scientists.

In the late 60s, it was revealed that Richard and Mary Parker were actually government agents working for S.H.I.E.L.D. They successfully completed missions around the globe, and once even saved Wolverine's life. Richard and Mary died shortly after Peter's birth in a plane crash staged by the Red Skull.


Spider-Man died 3 times

Like many superheroes, Spider-Man had to die. This first happened in 2005 in the story Spider Man: The Other. Then Morlun tore out and ate Peter's eye, and when he wanted to finally put an end to Spidey, Peter used all his strength to defeat the enemy, but later died from his wounds. And a little later he came out of the cocoon, alive and well.

In 2011 in Ultimate Spider-Man #160 Peter Parker was killed at the hands of the Green Goblin and replaced by Miles Morales, but Peter reappeared several years later.

In 2012 in Amazing Spider-Man #700 Spider-Man died for the third time, this time at the hands of . But he died half - Peter Parker died in the body of the Octopus, and Peter’s body and the consciousness of the Octopus tried to prove for another year that they could do the job of Spider-Man better. It didn't work. Most fans didn't like this outcome and Marvel brought Peter back to life with a new series.


Spider-Man saved the world from teenage pregnancy

Considering the rich history of relationships with the opposite sex and the properties of its biological fluids, you'd think Spider-Man would be the last guy to tell kids about the consequences of unprotected sex. But in 1976, Marvel teamed up with Planned Parenthood Federation of America to teach kids about teen sex. After all, there is no better way to reach sexually active teens than through comics.

IN The AmazingSpider-Man vs the Prodigy A friendly neighbor faces off against an evil alien who is deliberately misinforming teenagers about the consequences of sex. Prodigy intended to persuade teenagers to begin intimate life, arguing that pregnancy is in a great way get rid of teenage acne, as well as the fact that pregnancy does not occur after the first sexual intercourse. Luckily, Spider-Man exposed the lie and filled the villain's throat with a web. All this was accompanied by some useful advice about sex, masturbation (“it won't drive you crazy”), wet dreams and homosexuality (“being attracted to someone of the same sex does not mean you are or will ever be homosexual”).


He almost put Marvel out of business

Plot Spider Man: Clone Saga became Marvel's answer to the extremely popular DC story - Death of Superman and Batman: Knightfall.

The Clone Saga, published from 1994 to 1996, told a story according to which Peter Parker is not the real Spider-Man, but just one of the many clones. Most fans didn't like this twist. This, along with several other reasons, led to Marvel filing for bankruptcy in 1996. It was a difficult time for the company, forcing it to even resort to selling cabinets from its office. From 1994 to 1996, Marvel shares fell from $35 to $2 per share, and a third of the company's employees were laid off. These events prompted management to begin looking for new sources of income. It was then that the company turned its attention to the film industry.


He collaborated with Superman, Batman, Transformers and Obama

Not surprisingly, while living in New York, Spider-Man managed to collaborate with many characters. You can remember Daredevil's help when Peter went blind, eating hot dogs in the company of Loki, or their joint adventures with Deadpool, and various crossovers gave us even more interesting acquaintances.

Spider-Man met US President Barack Obama in 2008. Then two presidents appeared at the inauguration. By asking questions that only the real Obama could know the answers to, Spider-Man identified the false Obama, who turned out to be the Chameleon.


There were 8 animated series, 2 TV series and one musical about Spider-Man

Spider-Man's first appearance on screen occurred in the animated series of the same name, which ran from 1967 to 1970. In 1981, two animated series about Peter Parker were released, which, however, did not last long on the air, and in 1994 the animated series that became a cult was released SpiderMan: The Animated Series. Then there was Spider-Man Unlimited And Spider-Man from MTV, in which Peter was voiced by Neil Patrick Harris. And in 2012 it came out Ultimate Spider-Man, who continued the story Spectacular Spider-Man 2008 .

The serial story is much shorter. Released in 1977 Amazing Spider-Man, which was canceled after two seasons, and in 1978, Spider-Man appeared in a Japanese television series in which Peter Parker was replaced by Takuya Yamashiro. It is also impossible not to write about Spidey Super Stories, a children's educational program starring Spidey, and the musical Spider-Man: Turn Out the Dark, directed by Bono and the Edge of the popular band U2.


James Cameron was close to filming a Spider-Man movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger

In the 80s, the rights to the character went to Cannon Films - company, known for the films “Delta Force” and “Missing in Action” starring Chuck Norris. It was assumed that Tom Cruise would play Peter Parker, Bob Hoskins would play Doc Ock, and Stan Lee would try on the image of J. Jonah Jameson. If it had come to production, this movie would have been one of the craziest superhero movies ever made. Especially considering that the antagonist's story was slightly rewritten - according to this version, he was a scientist who became a vampire.

A draft of the script eventually landed on James Cameron's desk, with edits resulting in the script being rated R. Cameron wanted to film Spider-Man's love scene with Mary Jane on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, which included a discussion of spider mating rituals. Cameron suggested Edward Furlong, best known for playing John Connor in Terminator 2, to play Spider-Man, Leonardo DiCaprio to play Harry Osborn, Drew Barrymore to play Gwen Stacy, and Doctor Octopus to be played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. And this script remained just a script, but some of its aspects migrated into Sam Raimi's films, for example, the organic web. Unfortunately, Arnie was not one of those aspects.


Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal and Charlie Sheen could play Spider-Man

Despite the fact that James Cameron left the project, Sony management did not abandon the idea of ​​​​making the film, and they invited Leonardo DiCaprio to play the main role, but the famous actor ceded this right to his good friend, Tobey Maguire. In 2012, when the decision was made to reboot the series, before the role went to Andrew Garfield, Josh Hutcherson, Michael Cera, Robert Pattinson, and several other young Hollywood actors were considered for the role. And in the 90s, according to Charlie Sheen, he was also close to trying on the image of Spider-Man.

Jake Gyllenhaal was the closest to playing Spidey. He received the offer after Tobey Maguire suffered a back injury between the first and second films. Jake even began preparing for the role, but Maguire managed to recover before filming began.


Michael Jackson tried to buy Marvel to become Spider-Man

Michael Jackson was a huge Spider-Man fan and wanted to portray Spidey in the film. He approached Stan Lee several times about purchasing the rights to the film. When this approach didn't lead to anything, Michael Jackson decided to simply buy the entire Marvel company. However, the parties did not agree on the financial issue. The $1 billion asking price thwarted Michael's dream of starring in the film.

Hero of American comics Marvel Comics, who has superpowers: strength, agility, ease of movement in all directions using a “web”.

Spider-Man/ Spider-Man was created Stan Lee/ Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko/ Steve Ditko. The first Spider-Man comic was published in 1962.

Since 2010 in comics Spider-Man is a member of the superhero teams The Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

In the early 2000s, a trilogy about Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire was released. In 2012, Marvel rebooted the franchise by releasing The Amazing Spider-Man starring Andrew Garfield as the superhero.

In 2010, the musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark was staged on Broadway. Reeve Carney/ Starring Reeve Carney.

Biography of Spider-Man / Spider-Man

Peter Parker is a talented orphan living in New York with Uncle Ben and Aunt Mary. He is interested in science and goes on excursions to museums with his class. One day, during such an excursion, he is bitten by a radioactive spider. Peter undergoes an unexpected transformation. He becomes strong, agile and gains the ability to cling to walls and other surfaces. Peter develops a device that helps him master his super strength and accurately use the spider threads that his body produces. Among other things, he develops superhuman hearing and reaction speed, which often saves him in the future.

Spider-Man hides his name and appearance under a suit and mask with spider symbols. Feeling the euphoria of new opportunities, Peter begins to fight crime and becomes the subject of newspaper headlines. However, he misses the thief, who mortally wounds his uncle. The tragedy forces him to reconsider his views on the world and realize not only his possibilities, but also his responsibility.

In order to help his widowed Aunt Mary, Peter gets a job at a newspaper and is tasked with making a photo report about Spider-Man. Combining daytime work and nighttime fighting with bandits is not so easy. After graduating from school, Peter goes to university in New York. His neighbor and best friend becomes Harry Osborn. Aunt Mary introduces Peter to Mary Jane Watson.

It turns out that Harry's father is a wealthy scientist who gained superpower and became a villain called the Green Goblin. Spider-Man must fight him, although Peter knows how hard Harry will take the death of his father. During the battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, an NYPD captain, the father of Harry's girlfriend Gwen Stacy, dies.

Mary Jane, who initially does not suspect that he is Spider-Man, helps Peter cope with guilt and grief.

Interesting facts about Spider-Man / Spider-Man

Steve Ditko on working on Spider-Man: “One of the first things I did was a suit. This is a vital visual part of the character. I needed to know what he looked like before I started drawing the stories. For example, with the ability to cling to walls, he would not wear heavy boots or boots, and a secret weapon on his wrist replaced his firearm and holster. I wasn't sure Stan would like the idea of ​​hiding his face behind a mask, but I did it because it would hide his obviously boyish face. Besides, it added mystery to the hero.”

Comics with Spider-Man They immediately gained popularity, they sold in huge quantities, and the hero became one of the main stars of the Marvel universe.

Spider-Man(English) Spider-Man), real name Peter Parker, is a fictional character, a comic book superhero published by Marvel Comics, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Since its first appearance on the pages of the comic Amazing Fantasy No. 15 (Russian) Amazing fantasy, August 1962) he became one of the most popular superheroes. Lee and Ditko conceived the character as an orphaned teenager raised by his aunt and uncle, juggling the life of an ordinary student and a crime fighter. Spider-Man gained super-strength, increased agility, a “spider-sense,” as well as the ability to stay on steep surfaces and shoot webs from his hands using a device of his own invention. Marvel has released many comic book series about Spider-Man, the very first of which was The Amazing Spider-Man(rus. The Amazing Spider-Man), the last issue of which was published in December 2012. It was replaced by a comic book series The Superior Spider-Man(rus. Superior Spider-Man). Over the years, Peter Parker has been a timid high school student, a troubled college student, a married teacher, and a member of several superhero teams such as the Avengers, New Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. The most iconic image of Peter Parker outside of Spider-Man's life is that of a freelance photographer, which has been used in comics for many years. In 2011, the character took 3rd place in the list of “One Hundred best heroes comics of all time" according to IGN.


The original version featured Peter Parker as a scientifically gifted orphan teenager who lives with his aunt and uncle in Forest Hills, Queens, New York. Peter is an excellent student, which is why he is ridiculed by his peers, who call him a “bookworm.” In the issue Amazing Fantasy#15 During a science fair, he is accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider. Thanks to this, he gains “spider-like” superpowers, such as super strength, the ability to walk along walls and phenomenal jumping ability. Using his scientific knowledge, Peter designed a device that attaches to his wrists and allows him to “shoot” webs. Peter takes the alias Spider-Man, puts on a suit and hides his real face from everyone. As Spider-Man, he becomes a famous TV star. One day at the studio, he misses the chance to stop a thief who ran past while hiding from a policeman. Then Peter decided that this was “the concern of the police, not the stars.” Weeks later, his Uncle Ben is robbed and murdered, and an enraged Spider-Man sets out to find the killer, who turns out to be the very same thief he refused to stop. Realizing that “with great power comes great responsibility,” Spider-Man decides to personally begin fighting crime.
After the death of his uncle, in order to feed himself and his Aunt May, he begins to earn money, for which he is subjected to all sorts of attacks from his classmates. Peter gets a job as a photographer at the Daily Bugle newspaper and sells his photographs to editor-in-chief Jonah Jameson, who constantly denigrates Spider-Man in the pages of the publication. Parker soon realizes that combining his personal life and the war against crime is very difficult, and even tries to leave his career as a hero. After graduating from high school, Peter enters State University(fictional educational institution, similar to the real-life Columbia and New York universities), where he meets Harry Osborn, his roommate, who later became his best friend. There he meets Gwen Stacy, who becomes his girlfriend. While studying at the university, Aunt May introduces him to Mary Jane Watson. When Peter tries to help Harry with his drug problems, he learns that Harry's father, Norman, is the villainous Green Goblin. Upon learning of this, Peter even made an attempt to leave the superhero costume for a while. During Spider-Man's fight with Doctor Octopus, Detective George Stacy, Gwen's father, accidentally dies. Over the course of his adventures, Spidey made many friends and acquaintances in the superhero community, who often came to his aid in situations that he could not handle alone.
In the plot The Night Gwen Stacy Died(rus. The Night Gwen Stacy Died) in issues The Amazing Spider-Man#121-122, Spider-Man accidentally kills Gwen Stacy while trying to save her after the Green Goblin throws her off either the Brooklyn Bridge , which can be understood from the image, or from the George Washington Bridge, which is indicated in the text. Spider-Man is too late to catch Gwen in his web and, having picked her up, realizes that she is dead. In issue #121, it is suggested that Gwen died due to a sudden stop at high speed while falling. Peter blamed himself for Gwen's death and next issue got into a fight with the Green Goblin, who accidentally killed himself.
After coping with mental trauma, Peter eventually begins to show feelings for Mary Jane Watson, who has become more than a friend to him. Peter graduates from college in #185; in #194 (July 1979), he meets the flirtatious Felicia Hardy, known as the Black Cat, and in #196 (September 1979), he meets shy girl Debra Whitman.
Parker proposes to Mary Jane in The Amazing Spider-Man#290 (July 1987), and two issues later she agrees. Details of the wedding are described in the story Wedding!(rus. Wedding!) in the yearbook Amazing Spider-Man Annual No. 21 (1987). In special issues published in 2004-2005, he develops additional spider-like abilities, including the physiological ability to shoot webs without special devices, toxic stingers that extend from their forearms, enhanced night vision, levels of strength and agility. Spider-Man becomes a member of the New Avengers and, as Civil War progresses, he reveals his identity as Peter Parker to the world, adding to his already numerous problems. In the plot One More Day(rus. One more day) Parker enters into an agreement with the demon Mephisto. In exchange for restoring the status quo of his personality and resurrecting Aunt May, all memories of Peter and Mary Jane's marriage are erased. This causes changes in the time stream, such as the resurrection of Harry Osborn and the return of the Spider to mechanical web-shooting devices. IN The Amazing Spider-Man No. 647 (December 2010) Peter begins dating police officer Carly Cooper, and from the next issue he becomes one of the scientists at the Horizon Labs research laboratory, which gives him the opportunity to create new and improved suits for himself. After the death of Johnny Storm, Spider-Man, in accordance with the last will of the deceased, took his place in the Fantastic Four, which changed its name to the Future Foundation. Future Foundation).
In the plot Dying Wish The dying Doctor Octopus manages to switch bodies with Peter Parker. As a result, Peter Parker dies in the body of Doctor Octopus, and Octopus himself, having survived all of Peter's memories, becomes the new Spider-Man. He creates a new and improved suit for himself and gives himself the name Superior Spider-Man.


Due to the fact that comics about Spider-Man within the Marvel universe are selling quite successfully, the publishers decided to introduce several parallel series in which the familiar appearance of the character and the environment are partially changed within the so-called Marvel Multiverse - many parallel alternative worlds located in the same physical space, but separated by an interdimensional barrier. Examples of such alternative versions are series Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man: Reign. In addition to classic comic book versions, Spider-Man has appeared as a manga character Spider-Man: The Manga authorship Japanese artist Ryoichi Ikegami.


Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, as a result of which he received superpowers due to mutagenic enzymes in the spider's venom, which he acquired after exposure to radiation. In the original stories, Spider-Man can climb steep walls, has superhuman strength, a sixth sense (“spider-sense”) that warns him of danger, as well as an excellent sense of balance, incredible speed and agility. In the plot The Other(rus . Another) he gains additional spider-like abilities: toxic stingers on his forearms, the ability to attach someone to his back, enhanced senses and night vision, and the ability to shoot organic web without the use of any equipment, which is different from earlier versions in which he I used special starters. When you press your fingers on the center of your palm, it opens the pores on your wrists and releases cobwebs that are stronger than artificial ones.
Spider-Man's metabolic processes are accelerated several times. The skeleton, tissues, muscles and nervous system are stronger than those of an ordinary person, which made him very flexible and durable. To make full use of all his abilities, he created his own fighting style, using, for example, surrounding objects, catching them with a web or distracting the enemy with cunning and reducing his vigilance. He simultaneously uses all his abilities - his "spider-sense", speed, acrobatic and gymnastic skills, as well as his intelligence and intelligence, which, despite the lack of constant training, has made him one of the most skilled heroes in the Marvel Universe. He has worked with almost every superhero team and, thanks to his experience, defeats enemies who are in many ways superior to him in strength and abilities.
Costumes and equipment
Despite limited financial resources, Spider-Man uses special equipment. The ability to shoot webs is one of the character's distinguishing features. Initially, he did not have the physiological changes to shoot webs, and he used devices of his own invention, attached to his wrists. There was a trigger mechanism on the palms, which was triggered when the hand was clenched into a fist. Subsequently, they were improved several times, in particular, the speed of web release, accuracy and technological characteristics were increased. Later, using his skills in applied sciences, Peter developed a synthetic adhesive-polymer, similar in properties to spider webs, and used it in conjunction with starters. The tensile strength of the created "web" is equivalent to 54 kg per square millimeter of cross-section and is comparable to the strength of nylon, and is also strong enough to bind and restrain the Hulk. The disadvantage of the invention is that after some time the threads break down, lose strength and as a result evaporate.
Spider-Man's costumes have changed many times throughout the history of his existence, but the most notable are four of them - the traditional red-blue, black-and-white suit of the alien symbiote during the events of the Secret Wars (after the Civil War, Spider-Man put on a black suit made of regular fabric ), Ben Reilly's scarlet suit, and a technologically advanced armor suit designed by Tony Stark.
Knowledge and skills
Before being bitten by a spider and gaining superpowers, Peter Parker already had knowledge in the fields of engineering, physics, chemistry, biology and advanced technology, which allowed him to independently create synthetic webs, launchers and other inventions such as the Spider-Mobile. . Spider-Mobile), and special sensors that allow you to track the location of people. Peter is skilled in photography and has worked as a photographer throughout school, college, and as an adult. As a freelancer for the Daily Bugle, he sold pictures of Spider-Man to editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson, and also took any job offered to him, such as filming events where the general press had limited or prohibited access. Partly due to the stinginess of the editor-in-chief, who did not hire Peter for a full-time job, he was unable to make much money, and he published a book of his photographs and won a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph of the Sentinel, but this was later erased from his memory. After his identity was revealed during the Civil War, he was accused of fraud for selling his own photographs. Peter currently does not use a camera due to discredit as a photographer in the storyline The Gauntlet.


Spider-Man comics have been adapted into film, television, animation, graphic novels, novels, children's books, and the character has appeared in dozens of different formats, from children's coloring books to trading cards.
Spider-Man has appeared in several dozen video games, the first of which was released back in 1978 and was developed for 8-bit home computers. He subsequently appeared as a main or supporting character in computer and video games on more than 15 platforms. In addition to video games, dozens of lines of Spider-Man action figures, toys, memorabilia, and collectibles have been released; comics about him have been adapted as graphic novels, novels and books for different ages; published a daily comic newspaper The Amazing Spider-Man, which debuted in January 1977. In 1995, BBC Radio 1 broadcast Spider-Man audiobooks on radio, and over 50 episodes were released between January and March 1996.
Sam Raimi directed a trilogy of feature films in which Tobey Maguire played the role of Spider-Man. The first film, Spider-Man, was released on May 3, 2002, the first sequel, Spider-Man 2, was released on June 30, 2004, and the final part of the trilogy, Spider-Man 3: Enemy in Reflection, was released May 4, 2007.
A sequel was originally planned for 2011, but Sony later abandoned the idea and it was decided to "reboot" the franchise with a new director and cast. The film "The Amazing Spider-Man" (originally "The Amazing Spider-Man"), which premiered on July 3, 2012, gave rise to a new trilogy of films. The film was directed by Marc Webb, and Andrew Garfield played the main role of Peter Parker.

You can download coloring pages with Spider-Man (Part 1)

Spider-Man - history of appearance, comics, movies