What do dreamed sweets mean? Why dream of chocolates.

Every night a person plunges into the world of dreams. But he does not always remember what appeared to him in a dream.

So interesting, yet to see the various plots that appear in dreams. And how informative they are then to interpret.

Why dream of chocolates - it's time to interpret.

Why dream of chocolates - basic interpretations

Sweets always dream of positive changes in a person's life. It is worth interpreting the dream in full in order to understand in which particular area of ​​it positive changes will manifest themselves. Often such dreams indicate that a person needs a sweet life in reality.

If a child has such a dream- He lacks the care and affection of his parents. He needs her now more than ever. What to do if a child dreamed about how he lost a chocolate candy - it is worth comforting him and warning him, in reality he may lose his faithful friend because of his pride.

If the child sees how the candy conceals and remains in his hands- in reality he will have a lot of emotions and impressions - the main thing is to listen to the advice of elders in time and not do stupid things.

If friends dream about how they eat chocolates- in reality they are waiting for a long joint trip. This trip will be unexpected and very entertaining. It will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and new acquaintances.

See how people treat each other with chocolates- to envy in reality someone else's mutual understanding and happiness. In order to avoid this, it is worth giving yourself small gifts, allowing yourself to enjoy every day, because life is one.

Why dream of chocolates? To a wonderful and fun life. Buying sweets in a store and at the same time haggling for a long time - you do not make decisions in life regarding the moments that are fundamentally important to you. It is worth paying more attention to issues of personal life, issues of self-development and development of creative potential.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is eating a chocolate candy- Childbirth will be successful. If she dreams about how she is trying to unwrap a candy, but something is wrong, it means that in real life she makes a lot of mistakes that will later cost her a lot of nerves. These mistakes will affect the course of events in her later life.

Why dream of chocolates according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book indicates that chocolates seen in a dream promise positive emotions and positive changes in life. Perhaps a person will soon have a vacation or a legal rest after hard working days.

Miller points out that it is very important to interpret all the details of a dream, they usually contain additional clues that can explain the reason for the appearance of such dreams. It is also very important to remember the emotions that filled the dream.

If you dream that you were given a box of chocolates- success in the financial sector awaits you, you will double your material well-being. At this time, it is worth investing money in various projects. It would be good to invest in a deposit, in the creation of a new large project.

Gift box of chocolates- symbolizes dreams that are not destined to come true and be realized in life. If such a dream appeared to an unmarried girl, she is deeply mistaken in her chosen one. She attributes to him those virtues that he never possessed. The chosen one deceives the girl, and she firmly believes him.

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be complete- it is also necessary to interpret their qualities as external characteristics and taste qualities. If you dream of more beautiful chocolate forms, and even of an extraordinary shape, such a dream promises creative development, the acquisition of new acquaintances that will give impetus to your life.

If you eat sweets, and they are really tasty and very fresh, wait for new opportunities, ideas and perspectives to appear. You need all this only in order to realize your ambitions. But there is nothing wrong with that either.

If the candy is bitter, it means that there will be an unpleasant conversation with a loved one;

To see how chocolate crumbles from candy - you can be betrayed, make decisions on your own;

To see how the filling flows out of the candy - the secret becomes clear, it is worth being safe.

Buying chocolates promises the imminent arrival of relatives from afar. It will be joyful, but at first it will bring a lot of worries and troubles. The joy of an unexpected meeting will cover all possible inconveniences and initial anxieties

If you make your own chocolate- your material well-being will improve dramatically. Of course, you will have to work hard, but your work will be justified. In this situation, you should not wait for outside support.

Miller also interprets the chocolates that appeared in a dream as an opportunity to financially provide for his family and loved ones. If a businessman sees flowing hot chocolate in a dream, he will simply bathe in contracts and orders. His partners will not let him down, they will not set him up - they will offer newer favorable terms of cooperation.

To dream about how you eat stale, spoiled chocolates- be sickness and trouble. Perhaps parting with a loved one. In any case, no matter how negative the interpretation of sleep may seem, it is worth interpreting all its symbols and taking into account the mood during the dream.

Why dream of chocolates according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, chocolates dream of sweet intimate adventures. If an unmarried girl dreams about how she enjoys the refined and exquisite taste of chocolates, in reality she will enjoy her partner to her heart's content.

If a married woman dreams about how she bites off a piece of chocolate, someone will covet her family happiness. In order not to lose your family, you should be attentive to your husband and avoid weaknesses in behavior. It is worth restraining emotions and not losing your temper.

Why dream of chocolates in other dream books

In an esoteric dream book a different interpretation of what chocolates dream of is presented. It states that chocolates promise only health problems and the negative consequences of previous decisions. These decisions were made incorrectly, and therefore led to a series of troubles.

If you dream that you eat chocolate but do not get the proper pleasure from the meal, you should be afraid of a serious illness, which will have to spend a considerable amount of money. If a future mother dreams about how she treats other people's children with sweets, someone is very jealous of her pregnancy. She should save herself.

A young unmarried girl to see how she eats sweets - to a loss of inner balance. Most likely, her loneliness is caused by negative influence from outside. For a man to feed his beloved with chocolates from his hands - to quarrels and quarrels.

In the dream book of the White Magician it is said that chocolates indicate that a person subconsciously wants to get an easy life, he wants to live beautifully and expensively. But in order to realize what was planned, it is worth doing something, and not just waiting for life to start giving gifts.

Also, such a dream may indicate that a person has become a hostage to negative events, unpleasant conversations, and he simply does not know what to do next. Perhaps he has accumulated debts and he is not able to distribute them. If you dream that you are treating someone with sweets, it means that you are trying in every possible way to hide your shortcomings, to juggle the facts. This idea can be very dangerous, do not get carried away with it.

You should not meekly follow the prompts of dreams, but believing that they can change your life is also necessary. Sometimes a person hesitates which interpretation to choose. In such cases, it is worth remembering all the emotions that accompanied the dream. Perhaps, in fact, they were very positive, and even if you dreamed that the sweets were tasteless, in reality, minor troubles would quickly end and huge prospects would open up after them.

A period of problems and worries is sometimes worth going through. Your future fate depends on how well and calmly you survive this period. The main thing is not to get confused, accepting gifts and lessons of fate. Sometimes they are very important. It is also important to look for the positive in everything and not to lose heart if the dreams did not give an inspiring forecast. In any case, happiness is not far off.

Chocolates in a dream are a symbol of positive emotions, pleasant pastime and inspiration. To figure out what chocolates are dreaming of, you need to remember in detail your dream, the plot, the emotions you experienced and look at these meanings in the dream book. Each person must interpret their own vision individually, tracing a meaningful associative chain from a dream to real events, sensations and thoughts in real life.

A gift box of chocolates symbolizes material success and the opportunity to double your financial well-being. This period is favorable for the profitable investment of personal capital, the creation of a deposit, the preparation and signing of a large project. To give a box of goodies, the dream book deciphers as unfulfilled dreams and empty hopes. For girls, a similar image indicates false beliefs and deceit of the chosen one.

In order to correctly interpret why you dream of eating chocolates in a dream, you need to pay attention to their taste and quality. In most cases, such a picture is interpreted as a visit to inspiration, muse, the emergence of new, unusual and creative ideas. Delicious and fresh sweets, suggest the emergence of new projects on the horizon and opportunities for the realization of one's own ambitions. Bitter, tasteless or stale, promise in real life grief or deterioration in physical condition.

A dream in which you had to buy chocolates in a dream promises the imminent arrival of distant relatives, which at first will somewhat surprise and confuse the dreamer, but then make him happy.

Improving financial and material well-being, through great work and without any outside help, that's what dreams of cooking (cooking) chocolates.

Other interpreters of visions

Some dream books interpret in two ways what chocolate sweets dream of. Freud's dream book indicates future love adventures. Treat with chocolate - to unbridled sexual energy that can warm up anyone, even a very demanding and unapproachable person.

The esoteric dream book gives a negative meaning to a dream in which I happened to see chocolate sweets in a dream and interprets it as future health and well-being problems. Eating chocolate portends a protracted, incurable disease, on which a lot of money will be spent.

Miller's dream interpretation, chocolate sweets are interpreted as a physical opportunity to provide loved ones with everything they need. For businessmen, seeing chocolates in a dream is a very auspicious sign that promises reliable partners you can rely on. Stale sweets portend illness and disappointment, fresh ones - small joys in life, a sunny mood and success in the love field.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician interprets chocolate in a dream as a person’s subconscious desire for a beautiful and easy life; in reality, the dreamer feels like a complete slave to circumstances, bound by the shackles of obligations and debts. Treating someone with chocolates in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is trying to “rig” the facts in reality, to appease someone, so that he can use them later.


Why do you dream of chocolate sweets

Why do you dream of chocolate sweets? You ask, and the answer to your question will be interpretations from popular dream books.

Do you want to know what chocolate sweets dream of?

If you dreamed a lot of chocolates, you are expected:

  • financial success;
  • good changes;
  • wedding or replenishment in the family;
  • wealthy patron;
  • good financial deal.

Miller's dream book. What does it mean to see chocolate sweets in a dream

Miller interprets dreamed chocolate very positively: a man who sees in a dream a lot of chocolates, is someone who can take care of others, provide for his family and who knows how to choose the right partners for doing business together. However, Miller suggests that buying stale chocolate may face illnesses and disappointments in various areas. Unlike Freud, he gives a different explanation for the dream in which a person drinks hot chocolate. According to him, this is a process meaningful that the cycle of failures and disappointments is over, and you are on the verge of new beginnings that promise you prosperity and success.

Freud's dream book. What does it mean if you dreamed of chocolate sweets?

If a person dreamed chocolate candies, Freud claims that such dream can explain the experience of a person, as well as evaluate his sexual activity.

  • Human, giving chocolate, gentle in bed, and he can satisfy the most demanding partner.
  • If you dream that you are drinking hot chocolate, the psychologist advises you to take it easy on failures in the sexual sphere and not take them personally. Very often, the cause of problems is the partner’s bad mood or banal fatigue.
  • If in a dream you burned yourself with hot chocolate, a person will appear in your life who will amaze you with his temperament and evoke previously unknown emotions and feelings in you.

Hasse dream book. Chocolate candies

Hasse views such dreams as nothing more than a promise of well-being and excellent health.

What is the interpretation of sleep: chocolate candies are given by Longo's dream book

Longo similar dream interprets in his own way:

  • Human, eating this delicacy in a dream, in real life, is looking for easy ways and strives for an existence unencumbered by fuss and troubles. A person who consumes chocolate in a dream considers himself undeservedly offended, because the people around him underestimate his merits, which is the cause of an internal conflict.
  • giving chocolate to you, it is likely that it may turn out to be someone who will try to deceive you for the sake of profit, so you need to be especially vigilant in the first three days after you were treated to chocolate in a dream.
  • If it was you who ended up in this role, it means that you are also looking for an approach to a person for selfish purposes, trying to bribe and appease him in order to achieve what you want.
  • The one who is busy with the process of making sweets is a bright unusual person who likes to be the subject of discussion and envious glances.

What else can a dream about chocolate sweets portend?

A delicacy loved by many, both in life and in a dream, causes pleasure. However, the circumstances that accompany a person's actions in a dream can more clearly decipher the interpretation. If box of candies in a dream was intended for you, well-being and success await you. If you saw a picture where you acted as a partner or girl giving sweets, most likely in life your offer will not be accepted, and you will be bitterly disappointed.

If you see chocolate sweets in a dream, prepare for good or wait for problems?

You can find confirmation or refutation of your own interpretations by trusting specialists in this field, most of whom interpret such dreams as something pleasant and joyful, but there are exceptions, which can be identified by an accurate recreation of the picture and circumstances that accompany the fateful moment.



Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolates, There is chocolate

If you had a very "sweet" dream - you had a chance to eat Chocolate in a dream, you saw Chocolate or Chocolates, Dream Interpretations prepared an equally sweet forecast for you. According to Dream Interpretations, the Chocolate You Seen in a Dream Symbolizes carnal joys and pleasures. If the Chocolate that you tried in a dream tasted pleasant, Not cloyingly sweet and not too bitter, It means that in reality you are able to deliver simply unforgettable pleasures to your partner ... But the Chocolate Candies that you saw in a dream, Dream Interpretations associate with reliable comrades or partners in financial matters.

Seeing chocolate in a dream- You will be able to financially provide for your loved ones and relatives.

"Everything will be in Chocolate" - so they say When they want to give hope for the best or when they try to cheer someone up. Probably, you, too, once made similar "sweet" promises. And Chocolate in your dream just symbolizes - you will be able to keep your promise.

To dream that you are eating a delicious chocolate bar- unforgettable sex; new romance with a very hot partner.

Chocolate is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, so it is not surprising that dream interpreters directly associate chocolate with intimate relationships. The dream may have appeared under the impression of already experienced pleasures. And at the same time, Chocolate in your dream is a prediction that in your intimate life in the coming days there will be a place for unforgettable joys ...

Seeing chocolates in a dream- reliable business partners.

Chocolate and Chocolates are signs so favorable that they can portend you success in a variety of areas, including business. Chocolate Candies symbolize people who are on the same rung of the social ladder with you. You are in the same "shell" with them - and this is precisely the guarantee of your business and friendly cooperation in reality.

The dream must be interpreted only on the basis of analysis - who exactly did you treat to Chocolate in a dream? If this is a person of the opposite sex, It is obvious that your sexual interest in this person helped the appearance of the dream. But to treat a person of the same sex, a Child or an old man in a dream with Chocolate is a clear sign that in reality you treat the individual you see with great warmth and tenderness. Sleep is evidence of your inner loftiness, Spirituality and purity.

To dream that you drink hot chocolate, to dream of eating chocolate- soon meet your true love.

Although a dream can be attributed to peculiar signs, however, there is a very important aspect in its interpretation. It has been proven that chocolate is great for stimulating love and sexual desire. Moreover, your subconscious mind could recognize these feelings at an invisible (biochemical) level. Probably, in reality, very soon a new and passionate love will settle in your soul.



Miller's dream book

Make candy in a dream- means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, diligence.

To dream that you are eating a crumbly, crunchy candy- speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people.

sour candy- a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.

Promises the young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity.

If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates- then you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Candy- a symbol of children's carelessness, joy.

There are sweets in a dream- to well-being.

see candy- experience hope.

Freud's dream book

Candy, like most sweets- symbolizes your frivolity in matters of sexual relations and the desire to get maximum pleasure without worrying about the consequences.

If you buy a box of chocolates- you are frivolous about your numerous contacts and, without hesitation, enter into another relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy- says that you will be happy in love and live a secular life rich in pleasures.

However, sour candy- portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift- in reality, this means that she will have to fight the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates- this suggests that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Candy seen in a dream- are a symbol of minor worldly joys.

Eat them in a dream- a sign that you are tired of troubles and it does not bother you to brighten up your existence in any way.

Find candy in your pocket- means that in the near future some pleasant little thing can brighten up your life.

Empty candy wrapper- a sign of deceived hopes and not too deep disappointments. Such a dream encourages you to be careful not to trust other people's promises too much.

If you dreamed of a box of chocolates- perhaps soon you will have organized entertainment.

Any trouble with sweets (for example, if they are bitter or if you bite your tongue)- warn you against excessive enthusiasm for worldly joys - this can turn into harm to you.

Jewish dream book

Candies- arrival of guests.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Candies- visit of friends.

eat candy- mutual love, pleasure, joyful communication.

Buy- fate will reward you fairly for hard work and diligence.

Giving candy- you will be denied cooperation.

Receive as a gift- prosperity, well-being.

New family dream book

If you made sweets in a dream- your well-being will improve due to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat crumbly, crunchy candy- portends secular pleasures and promises love.

sour candy- a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift- Prosperity ahead of you.

Sami sent someone a box of chocolates- your hopes will not come true.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you make candy- promises the profit received thanks to your industriousness and diligence.

There are lollipops in a dream- portends a variety of entertainment in society and a general atmosphere of love.

Sour tasting candy- a sign of illness or hidden irritation.

Get a box of chocolates- for young people means that they will become objects of worship. Such a dream usually promises prosperity.

If you dream that you are giving a box of chocolates- You will make a marriage proposal, but subsequently experience disappointment.

Eastern female dream book

eat lollipops- to entertainment in the very near future.

sour candy- symbolize illness or annoyance.

Receive candy as a gift- a sign that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually promises prosperity.

If you make your own candy It means that you can achieve success through hard work and patience.

Giving candy- a sign that you will decide to get married, but then you may be disappointed in your chosen one.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Candy- a good sign, promises recovery and a long life.

Candies- you will suffer from jealousy. Collect wrappers from sweets- to senseless hoarding.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Collect candy wrappers- engage in unproductive work.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing candy wrappers in a dream- to money.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Candy wrappers- to memories of the past youth; to memories of the past.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

candy get- you will be invited to the celebration; eat- fall in love.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Make candy in a dream- means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you saw sweets- portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

Get a set of expensive sweets as a gift- so you will be invited to the celebration. To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream- a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet candy- means profit, sour- to illness and irritability, mint- Annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel- therefore, the person whose reciprocity you seek is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream- portend betrayal by imaginary friends. Chocolate candies- mean that you will find the people you need and the case will turn in full swing.

buy candy- you will be completely wasted.

Women's dream book

Get a box of chocolates- to prosperity and good luck.

Sometimes such a dream- may portend someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment.

Send someone a box of chocolates- in the near future to make an offer (business or marriage), which will be rejected.

There is a crumbly, crunchy candy in a dream- to secular pleasures and love.

Candy with sour taste- portends illness or annoyance and irritation, which replaced the former boundless trust.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing candy in a dream- to health, well-being, prosperity.

If you dream of lollipops- means you will receive a gift from your friends; if you are being fed- then you will give.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If in a dream you give someone candy- it means that you will agree to marriage, but very soon you will be disappointed in your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Candies- small pleasant moments of pleasure.

Culinary dream book

There is candy in a dream- portends the approach of exciting, intoxicating pleasures in your intimate life.

Get candy as a gift in a dream- means that you will soon experience a captivating, but risky joy.

Ukrainian dream book

Sweets, honey, sugar- to death, as they are part of the memorial service.

Collection of dream books

Candies- undeserved insult from a loved one; chocolate- an unexpected small profit.

see candy- to positive emotions; There is- problems with the pancreas; to be disgusted by eating or seeing candy- possible diabetes.

If you dreamed about candy- a dream warns you of someone's insincerity hiding under the guise of flattery.


A dream about sweets is a symbol of children's joy, carelessness, enjoyment of life. A treat in a bright wrapper promises a meeting with an interesting person who can amaze you.

What sweets did you dream about? How many sweets did you dream about? How did you get sweets in a dream? What did you do with sweets in a dream? What did you dream about with sweets?

What sweets did you dream about?

Chocolate candies

Dreamed of caramel

Dream Interpretation Felomena sees caramel as a need to take a breath and get distracted. It is possible that constant fatigue and stress will result in a serious illness. Take care of your own health.

Seeing lollipops in a dream

I dreamed of lollipops - a good sign. In reality, friends will soon make you happy. Most likely, it will be a surprise or a gift that will not leave you indifferent.

Why do toffees dream

Why dream of iris? The dream is a warning. It promises getting into an unpleasant situation. It is better to be smart and attentive so as not to be in it.

Dreamed of marmalade candies

See marmalade sweets in a dream - beware. Events in life will not go as planned, and every day you will begin to feel it more and more.

How many sweets did you dream about?

Lots of chocolates Box of chocolates

How did you get sweets in a dream?

buy candy

Receive candy as a gift in a dream

Dreaming about receiving candy as a gift is a sign that you will have fans. A dream promises well-being, stability of the financial sphere of life. On the love front, everything will also be fine.

What did you do with sweets in a dream?

Treat candy Eat candy Collect candy

I dreamed that they took sweets

Taking sweets according to the dream book means being invited to a big celebration, for example, a birthday or a wedding. The probability is especially high if you accepted sweetness from a person of the opposite sex.

Handing out candy in a dream

I dreamed of distributing sweets - in reality, you will be seriously disappointed. Most likely, your work will not be appreciated or your motives will be misunderstood.

Why dream of choosing sweets

Why dream of choosing sweets? A dream means that in real life you lack communication, but this will soon pass. You will be able to entertain yourself and find someone with whom you can talk even on completely unimportant topics.

Give candy in a dream

In a dream, you give sweets - you will need help in current affairs. Her search will not be in vain and will lead to an executive person who can be entrusted with some of the duties.


Chocolate in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a sweet, carefree life. In the near future, nothing will overshadow your mood, all desires will begin to come true and harmony and tranquility will reign in your soul. All events will be favorable and will bring a lot of joy and inspiration.

Chocolate dreams of a fruitful creative period. You will be visited by brilliant thoughts, and ideas will come true in the very near future. This sign may mean that the signs of poor health that have been afflicting you lately are not a symptom of the disease, but a signal of nervous exhaustion. A little rest will be most welcome.

If you dreamed of a bar of chocolate, it means that you will have a fun period, you will have the opportunity to take a break from the hassle and relax. You have earned this rest with hard work, and now, without a twinge of conscience, you can afford not to think about anything, but to enjoy the opportunity to have fun.

What did you do in your dream? How much chocolate did you dream about? What kind of chocolate did you dream about?

What did you do in your dream?

eat chocolate

What does the dream in which you had to buy chocolate mean?

Buying chocolate in a dream in a store after carefully studying the shelves with different types of sweets means that you can’t decide on the choice of a life partner. If you are in a long-term relationship, this vision means the beginning of doubts about the correctness of your choice.

Bargaining when buying suggests that the requirements for the chosen one or the chosen one are too high, it is better to reconsider your views on relationships than to be left alone.

Why buy chocolate in a dream

Buying a chocolate bar or bar in a dream calls for prudence. Try to control your requests in the near future and not spend substantial amounts unnecessarily. Otherwise, you risk losing most of your fortune and making enemies.

How much chocolate did you dream about?

If you dreamed a lot of chocolate

A lot of chocolate in a dream symbolizes receiving a large amount of money. A project or business that you have developed and in which you have invested a lot of money and effort will bring solid profits and provide for your family for many years to come.

If there is very little chocolate, or it is bitten or broken, losses and disappointments are coming. Carefully monitor your expenses, do not waste money.

What kind of chocolate did you dream about?

Why dream of white chocolate

According to the dream book, white chocolate always portends favorable events. This symbol can also smooth out the negative meaning of other dream signs. Now is the time to use the opportunities presented to the fullest and realize your most cherished desires.




Izolda Lenormand

for a sweet date

such one

Dream interpretation online
(according to Miller)

Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.
To dream that you are eating a crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people.
Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.
To receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises a young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity.
If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

(according to Miller)

To see chocolate in a dream means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you.
Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work.
If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments.
Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

(according to Freud)

Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.
Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.
Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.


Chocolate or chocolates - Eating chocolate and sweets in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and evoke their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life. Treating someone with chocolate or sweets - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail. If in a dream you were treated to chocolate or sweets, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.


Treats dream of a new pleasant hobby - to temptation


Chocolate candies are always a dream - to pleasure, a romantic date!!!


Seeing Candy in a dream:
arrival of guests

Box of chocolates

Dream Interpretation Box of Chocolates had a dream about why a box of chocolates is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Box of Chocolates in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration. To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends. Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Dream Interpretation - Box

Seeing in a dream some kind of box or box, inside of which there is nothing, is a disappointment. If there is something sensible and useful in the box - in reality a surprise awaits you, which will be presented to you by a person who is not indifferent to your inner beauty.

A box of an unfinished house portends a lack of funds to complete the work begun. A laundry box means that you will soon receive bad news. To receive a box of chocolates as a gift - in real life, a man who is not your type will show attention to you. If you yourself give someone a box of chocolates, then your intentions will not come true due to the dissimilarity of interests with business business partners.

A box of paints or pencils seen in a dream portends profit and wealth. To see some very small box - you will find modest family happiness in a small but cozy apartment.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

If you made sweets in a dream, then your well-being will improve due to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat a crumbly, crispy candy portends secular pleasures and promises love.

Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, you have prosperity ahead. You yourself sent someone a box of chocolates - your hopes will not come true.

The dream in which you eat sweets portends exciting experiences in intimate life.

And donated sweets dream of a risky relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Box

A sign of some acquisition or event that may affect your well-being.

The color of the box and the material from which it is made: they only matter if you paid attention to this in a dream and somehow noted this fact.

If in your dream you clearly saw that the box was made of cardboard or plastic, then this image is a sign of disappointment.

A beautiful wooden box: a sign of a useful purchase in your home.

A closed box, the contents of which are unknown, portends a surprise: pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the atmosphere of sleep.

Empty box: a sign of disappointed hopes. it looks like the event you're expecting won't happen.

Wrinkled, dirty box: indicates that your own inattention and negligence may be the cause of possible losses.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

To see sweets - to the arrival of guests.

Making sweets - to improve the financial situation due to diligence.

There are sweets - for secular pleasures and intimate pleasures.

Sweets with sour filling - to illness or disappointment.

Buy sweets - be deceived in someone, treat you with sweets - lose your hopes.

Receive sweets as a gift - to prosperity and sexual joys.

For a young man, such a dream means the hypocritical attention of some woman.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dreams about sweets portend pleasure, good news, meeting nice people and enjoying life. Of all the dreams about sweets, the only one that is unfortunate is when the candy turns out to be bitter or sour. A box of chocolates in a dream means an offer made to you or by you.

However, do not expect anything serious after such a dream in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Hanging candies in a dream is a sign of prudence that you can show in solving an important problem. Treat sweets in a dream portends a pleasant conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

There is candy in a dream - a good chance is knocking on the door.

If a married woman eats sweets - to a wedding invitation.

If an unmarried man eats sweets - to a rich and solemn wedding of his own.

If an unmarried girl eats sweets, a rich man will become her chosen one.

The patient saw that he was eating sweets - to a long illness.

If in a dream they give sweets - to a promotion.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.

To dream that you are eating a crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.

To receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises a young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

They are a symbol of minor worldly joys.

Eat them in a dream: a sign that you are tired of trouble and do not interfere with you in any way to brighten up your existence.

Finding a candy in your pocket means that in the near future some pleasant little thing can brighten up your life.

An empty candy wrapper: a sign of deceived hopes and not too deep disappointments. Such a dream encourages you to be careful not to trust other people's promises too much.

If you dreamed of a box of chocolates, perhaps soon you will have organized entertainment.

Any troubles associated with sweets (for example, if they are bitter or if you bite your tongue): warn you against being overly fond of worldly joys - this can turn out to be harmful to you.


Chocolate candy in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur chocolate candy. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what Chocolate Candy dreams mean, or what it means to see Chocolate Candy in a dream.

The mattress found its home was treated to a chocolate candy in a dream

Good morning! I walk around one of the districts of the city among private houses, I see a house, I understand that it is for sale, I talk with the hostess, it sells expensive, there are 3 large mattresses on the floor, and each mattress, in her opinion, is a home, for me it's strange, I'm leaving. I walk along the road, I see a house with a green fence, there is another one nearby, about which I remember that it consists of 3 different parts, they are so different, different material, height, like a ladder, the back is wooden, dark wood, 1 or 2 floors, the middle is gray, I don’t remember it very well, but the front part is a multi-storey brick house of 6 floors and many white windows. I go into a house with green gates, the house is not very new, but large, a kitchen, 3 separate large rooms, a large corridor, a garden, I understand that this house is mine and has always belonged to me, according to some old documents, someone gave it to me , left. People formed in the house, I remember well only a male colleague from my last job, we drink tea, I remember that I poured tea into a glass and it spilled over the table and chair legs, I don’t wipe it right away. We are talking with a colleague, I feel that he takes my foot with his foot, and looks at me no longer as a colleague, but as a woman, it's like taking my hand and holding it, only by the foot. I see a lot of chocolates, either in a vase or in a bag, a colleague takes one candy and treats me, I understand that he gave the best candy, unwrapped it, it is chocolate, and there is still a slide of grated chocolate on top, it is very beautiful and evokes warm and positive feelings

Candy goat in a dream

I am in some laboratory or clinic, I see a lot of syringes, someone donates blood for analysis; I ask why they took so much? - answers: this is for stomach cancer, therefore

I fed candy to an old friend. The last thing I remember is that a small fluffy goat, light brown in color, curled up in my arms (!)

Candy with garlic in a dream

The second time I had a dream, at first I did not attach any importance. In general, a pink candy appeared in my hands. I took a bite of it, it turned out to be very voluminous, but inside there was only emptiness and a few cloves of garlic. What is it for?

Candy in a dream

Today I dreamed about sweets, that I was at the dacha in Voskresensk, with my grandmother, and for some reason I was flying around the street racing with some people)!

Then, near the garage, I dug up the ground and found there many, many sweets, lollipops, chocolates. They were all in bright pink wrappers. For some reason, I knew that they were mine, I buried them in my distant childhood, 10-15 years ago, and it seems like you can’t eat them anymore, although they look like new ones.

And then I dreamed for sweets that I went to the store, the time was 00:08 at night!

Candy in a dream

For the second time in a week I dream of sweets, various chocolates, bars. There are a lot of them, I know that they are mine. I ate a few things.

Thank you in advance!

Chocolate ring in a dream

I sit on the bags in the waiting room at the bus station. There are a lot of people around me, vanity, everyone is going somewhere. And I'm not in a hurry - I don't have a ticket and it makes me very upset, because I don't know what to do next. My friend comes up to me and gives me a box of expensive jewelry. I was very grateful to him, because in my dream, these decorations were the ticket. He left, and I began to look at them. It was a set of 4 items: a very beautiful expensive ring, 2 identical round items (I thought they were earrings) and something oblong. At first I admired, but then I realized that all these beautiful things are made of chocolate!? Not much, but I was upset.

A lot of sweets in a dream

I had a good dream in my opinion, but I don’t know its meaning, please explain! I had a dream from July 29 to 30, I am in a very large, multi-storey, beautiful store, where there are only all kinds of different sweets on the shelves, in very beautiful packages and you can take them for free and as much as you want. I loaded several bags and took them in my hands, what is it for?

Poppy seeds and sweets from the Dead in a dream

That same friend of mine is sitting in front of me in some unfamiliar room and we are talking enthusiastically about something. And suddenly (somehow I had to say it by the way) he says to me, “Isn’t it enough that I brought you delicious sweets in the fall? ... And besides everything else, during the conversation, from my naked (!) legs, I collect handfuls of fried poppy seeds, with which my legs are for some reason abundantly strewn .... And I eat them with pleasure .... At the same time, I understand that this is ugly, and I try to somehow turn away to the side ...

In general, the sensations from sleep are somehow ambiguous, to be honest ...

About sweets in a dream

I dream that a man I don’t know gives me two packages of sweets. Then we suddenly lie in the same bed and ate one candy, and put the rest under the pillow. Kinda hid. And then we go to the store, there are also sweets, like this is his store, there are cakes, all sorts of sweet things, I have never seen such an amount of sweets.

Man, pillow, candy

Temple of candy in a dream

I dreamed about the Temple, my parish. I see the father and greet him. Not as usual, taking blessed, but as with a younger brother. I go into the lower part of the temple, into the refectory and see the tables set, sweets and cookies....

I fill my pockets with sweets and go to call the children to the table, and I myself wonder where so much food comes from, because there is no holiday !!!

Then I see myself lying on the bed with a jack with a man, I get up and leave, and he remains lying. He tried to stop me, but I left.

I am again in the refectory, cleaning up after the guests, at first I decided to wash the dishes, but another woman had already washed it, then I take a broom and start sweeping the floor from the crumbs.

I am going to close the doors (and they are so flimsy, made of pieces of thin and old iron) and leave, and men are standing behind the doors. I understand that they are going to rob the Temple.

I feel sorry for them, because they are abandoned by the priest to the mercy of fate (as it was clear to me in a dream). I honestly warned them that I was calling the police. They didn't leave. When the policeman came, they also remained standing near the Temple, although the policeman warned them that he had copied them all, and if anything, he knew who to look for.

Mirror fire candy in a dream

I constantly look in the mirror at myself in a dream and I am very beautiful there. In a dream, there was once a fire in the house, but a small one and I put it out with a fire extinguisher. Several times I dreamed about candies in a bag and I gave them with flowers and a teddy bear. Thanks in advance.

Crocodiles candy lollipops pig wind in a dream

I went to some store with my mother .. They gave us candy to try. We tried it, delicious ... They gave us a pack. We went to the beach. Let's go swimming. We swim and suddenly I see a crocodile swimming next to my mother .. I tell her this and we leave. But the crocodile does not touch us. Soon I see more and more crocodiles.. Especially near the shore.. One wanted to block our way.. But we bypassed him. They started asking someone where the crocodiles came from. They said that they are harmless and they will now live here. We even saw crocodiles being thrown into the water.

Then I already find myself in the store and buy chips)))))))) I carry a huge mountain .. I took a green candy in my mouth. Then it turned out that he treats everything. I was walking... A strong wind is blowing towards me... Suddenly I see a pig with a collar behind a stone.. Such a weak one.. I thought it was dead.. But it was moving. I returned to the store for these lollipops, because I found out that lollipops, if glued to the forehead of an animal, they will heal. Went back to the pig. She looked at her and moved on. I saw a very beautiful shiny kitten .. He sparkled straight ... A bumblebee was crawling next to him. I touched the kitten, and he is soft soft. I pasted a lollipop on his forehead .. And this kitten became even more beautiful!!! Awoke

Candy money in a dream

Good afternoon

I was looking for a bag in a dream that I lost in a dream, I see a strap from it, I look, there is no bag. There are some desks with chairs (like in school), I found them under them. I know it's mine, but it looks different. She is no longer a bag, but a large purse with a zipper, also multi-colored with drawings or flowers, like a school pencil purse. She opened the zipper - there is a lot of money, paper bills of different denominations and currencies. I know that these are mine, I just forgot about them, but now they are very much needed. Someone is with me and wants to look in, I hide, open another pocket - there are a lot of sweets and lollipops, different, beauty !! I feed everyone. Thank you!

Chocolate in a dream

I unwrap a cheap chocolate candy to eat. A very elderly man sits next to me and, seeing this, offers me a large piece of chocolate bar with waffle filling. I take it, thank him, and start eating.

I feel the taste and I understand that it is very tasty for me. In his bag I see a large chocolate bar in a bright package with candied fruits and nuts.

Misunderstandings in a dream

I dreamed about my mother at home, she was in a good mood, I was not surprised that I saw her (she is not alive), then someone came to me and I left .... Then I see standing at the elevator; I don’t understand why he goes, but he doesn’t reach the first floor for me, I decide that I will return (??? Where did I go, I still don’t understand); I go into the room, there is a lesson going on, but not in the usual form at the desk, but there are a lot of people around the table and by candlelight I cross this room and climb out the window (what is outside the window? No more dreaming); I see myself at school, as if a boarding school, everyone is the same and they walk almost in formation; I see that I eat sweets - a lot, a lot, then I brush them aside, they say I can’t better just eat nuts (chocolate sweets with nuts in a dream and I like them in life), again I wait for the elevator, then I walk around the city ....




i dreamed that I was cleaning the house and putting scattered sweets in a beautiful New Year's box and bolting scattered cotton wool into a bag. What does this mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Sveta, perhaps your dream about folding sweets suggests that you will have to streamline something in your life.


I dreamed that I was buying a lot of different chocolates, stacking them in different bags

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalya, perhaps a dream about buying chocolates promises you some kind of pleasure in reality.


I treated a guy I really like with chocolates ... but for some reason he preferred sweets in white chocolate)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, perhaps a dream about treating a guy with chocolates and choosing him in favor of sweets in white chocolate, suggests that minor disagreements are possible between you.


i dreamed that I ate a round caramel ... and I chose exactly the same candies from the vase among others ... but I didn’t feel the taste ... I just ate and that’s it ... what is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Dasha, most likely a dream about how you eat caramel sweets suggests that in reality you can experience some kind of pleasure.


I dreamed that I was eating chocolates, very tasty.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalie, the fact that you ate delicious sweets in a dream most likely indicates that well-being and success await you.


Hello Julia! Tell me what my dream is about. I, looking around, stole unwrapped candies from a cardboard box. The sweets were in the form of fruits, colorful, beautiful. I saw a boy of 10 years old and treated him to one zhmenka.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Larisa, the fact that you stole such sweets probably promises you forbidden entertainment.


Hello! I dreamed that we were sitting in an embrace with a guy (we haven’t talked in reality for a long time) and he always leaves and brings me delicious chocolates, I still remember the taste! What is it for? Thank you!


Hello! you know, I dreamed that my husband was asking me for candy and I gave him what it means.


Hello. I dreamed today that I was treating poor children with sweets, taking them out of my purse and giving them out. What could this mean? Thank you.


dreamed: how a guy who is cute to me hugs and flirts with a girl. I went to another room, returned - they are not there. in a vase lay a lot of beautiful chocolates. I stuffed my pockets with them, left a few pieces in a vase. and the same from the neighboring one)
I think .. well, let the guy be unlucky, but here are pockets full of sweets. strange dream .. I'm not greedy and I don't steal =)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that you took sweets in this dream probably indicates that you will be unlucky in love, but your personal life will still be eventful.


Hello! On holy days, I had a dream that I was taking out a suitcase full of sweets. They are such very long and large lollipops (released before). All around me, in the room, children are sitting and waiting for me to distribute candy to them. I remember that I take out sweets, they are of the same type, but in different pieces of paper, and I begin to divide them by quantity. This is where the dream ends. What does it mean? Thank you

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were a lot of sweets in your dream probably indicates that in the future your life will be filled with joys.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that you had a lot of sweets in this dream most likely indicates that your hopes for the future are too high.


Hello) I dreamed that I was sitting next to a guy I knew and we were eating one candy for two, and at the same time he smiled at me and hugged me.
What does this mean? Thank you.


I dreamed that my soul looks like a huge Raffaello candy, it glows with a soft light, so big that it doesn’t get in my way inside and sticks out instead of my chest) It’s funny to me.


I dreamed that I took out a candy from my pocket, which I wanted to treat my neighbor, but then changed my mind and put it back in my pocket


My mom and I buy chocolates at the candy store. The salesperson looks like a gypsy. We choose 3 identical medium sizes and 1 other larger one. It turns out 3.30 rubles.x3 + 4.45x1 \u003d 14 rubles. 35 kopecks. for all. (oddly enough, but I remember the numbers exactly). I know for sure that my mother paid everything. But I come alone to pick up candy. Moreover, knowing for sure that everything was paid for, on purpose, as if checking the seller, I ask her a question - whether it was paid for sweets or not. She is trying to deceive me, she says I still have to pay, but I do not give in, I say that I will call my mother now to confirm the payment. The seller becomes quieter than water, lower than the grass, and I take the sweets.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, most likely, warns you that you can be seriously shortchanged, be careful about financial matters.


I dreamed that I was eating straight from a package of Turkish delight candy! Big and small! It was very very tasty to me! Thank you!


I dreamed that out of nowhere there were sooooo many chocolates in the perfume store, and I started eating them right there, I wasn’t even afraid that they would catch me. and in the end, she stuffed her pockets with them to the brim, and left with her friend, and also took a bit of nuts, and treated her friend with nuts, and she ate sweets herself, happy! on the road where we were going, I ate sweets, and I look down, there is a book under my feet, it was called “mirror”, I picked it up, and I thought, I’ll come home right now and read this book. what could all this mean? Thank you!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was such a candy in your dream most likely indicates that a temptation awaits you, which is better to succumb to.


I dreamed that I was a guest at a wedding. The celebration is already over, and I'm about to leave, I see a bag of sweets and take out two very large different interesting sweets from it, I'm going to take them home with me, home to my mother and sister as a gift. And then the groom comes up and he doesn’t seem to like that I take sweets. But when he sees that he took only two, he allowed me to take it. What does this mean? Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

This is your dream, most likely. indicates that you will have a very pleasant time in the near future.


And I dreamed that I was at school, and Vladimir Putin was present at the lesson. I impudently go and drive him off the chair, because in another place I can’t see what is written on the blackboard. I tell him: Get up, I can't see!! There is another chair and it is also close to the board, sit on it. He replies in a calm voice: Well then, maybe you yourself will sit on it? I took and sat on that chair (all this happens during the lesson, only the teacher is not in the class). And while all the children in the class are working, I sit and chat freely with him ... We laugh. and in the end, Putin liked me so much that he gave me a whole MOUNTAIN of sweets! He said that every week he would give them to me ... The whole class is jealous of me! I’m happy, I’m sitting eating these sweets ... Then I see that the end of the lesson is coming soon, but I haven’t done anything yet! I ask the class: WHAT should I do? , everyone is offendedly silent (and when I got the sweets, I didn’t brag about them ...) I went out for the teacher and asked: What can I do. She replied: you should have listened before. And I woke up! Help! why such a dream?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The dream that you described above most likely indicates that you will brilliantly cope with a responsible task.


I dreamed that I was treating my friends with sweets (lollipops in a wrapper). Candies were taken out of a plastic bag. What is it for?


I dreamed that a young man who is not indifferent to me treats me to tea with sweets. True, he served tea only in a white saucer, although he poured it into a cup. I was a little upset about this, but I didn’t show it. She didn’t drink tea, but she ate the candy, which lay among others around the saucer in different candy wrappers. Most likely it was caramel. I don't remember the taste, I just put it in my mouth. When he turned his back to me to sit down at another table, I didn't recognize him. His figure, especially in the lower part, resembled a very fat female. He was dressed stylishly - a blue shirt and black trousers with a thin white stripe. He sat down at another table to the computer half-side to me. And when asked how he was doing, he said that it was not very good today. In reality, work connects us, and with it light flirting.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were such sweets in your dream most likely indicates that you will have a very pleasant pastime.


i dreamed that I was walking down the street and I saw friends selling sweets. I came up to say hello, and they gave me 2 big, big sweets, and then they said, take as much as you want). They had a lot of people


I dreamed that I was going to my friends on the bus and bought two bags of sweets. On the bus, I treated one granny and a few other people. And the sweets were lying on the seat, and the granny looked at me menacingly and began to ask for more, and then just did it! I took it by the handful! I quickly grabbed the rest and got off the bus. What does this mean? This arrogant old lady really pissed me off!


hello, I dreamed that my house was full of sweets, all sorts of different ones. I take a few pieces from each species and carry one guy to treat. I don't really remember what that means anymore. in a dream I treat a person who is very dear to me at the moment.


I dreamed that a man whom I really like gave a box of chocolates, I bit them and they are sweet and delicious with white filling, I hid the remaining box of those that I didn’t eat in my bag


Good afternoon I had such a dream. I am in an unfamiliar house, I see a young pleasant girl in front of me. She invites me to play some game...something like a lottery. Asks to choose one of the candies. I put my hand in the big dark box. I can only feel the candies by touch, they are all different sizes and shapes. With interest, without hesitation, I take out one of them. The girl in front of me unpacks the candy and shows the wrapper. It says: "You won 500,000 rubles." I am joyful in my sleep and contented. The girl really hesitated a little, did not want to give me the money. She began asking questions: “Why do you need them?” “To my beloved,” I answered, “And I myself felt wild happiness in a dream! Please tell me what my dream means ..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was candy in a dream most likely indicates that you will receive signs of attention from a pleasant person.


I dreamed that I came to a pastry shop and buy a lot of chocolates: I bought a box and 2 types of chocolates by weight. Moreover, she clearly felt the anticipation of the sweet and fragrant taste of chocolate.


i dreamed that I had a lot of sweets in my chest of drawers .. but all the candies were exclusively caramel .. the chest of drawers itself was divided into compartments - and in each compartment there were candies of a certain type .. there were striped sweets, and flat ones, and convex, and short .. as if I ran my hands through these sweets and sorted them out, I tried many, I remember I came across lollipops and chewy soft ones, like marmalade ... there were a lot of these compartments with sweets, and there were a lot of sweets in each compartment - it was folded the impression that there were 100 kilograms of sweets. The taste of the sweets I ate was pleasant .. but the variety of their forms was especially impressive.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there were such sweets, most likely indicates that you can receive pleasant signs of attention or material reward.


Hello! Help interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was visiting a person for whom I have feelings. We are having lunch, talking, suddenly he starts complaining that the skin on his shoulder hurts, I look, there are huge scratches ... At this moment I turn my eyes to the table and see his friend with a huge vase of sweets: all appetizing identical yellow caramels in beautiful bright candy wrappers . I'm just about to take one when my lover asks for some help and distracts me. What does it mean? Thank you in advance!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, most likely, suggests that you will be able to get closer to what will give you the real pleasure that you are so eager for.


Hello! I dreamed that my lover and I were eating sweets, something like toffee, but larger in size, eating at a table of cutlery, i.e. sweets were on plates, they ate with a fork and a knife. My lover’s little cousins ​​​​and sister were also sitting at the table with us, they also ate sweets and argued about how to eat them correctly. My lover and I watched their demand, but did not participate themselves. what can this mean? thanks in advance!


Hello! Today I dreamed that I cut it in the kitchen and on a cutting board, afraid to cut my fingers, and then I beat the meat into chops, and then I take a waffle-chocolate candy and start cutting it on the same board, chopping it with a knife. Why would this dream? But I really made chops today.

Elena D.:

I dreamed that I asked for a candy from a friend who is pregnant in real life. she gave me one, then another. I ate them.


Good day! I dreamed about my mother, she ate sweets in my dream. What could it be? Help explain, because. I'm worried about her.


i dreamed that they gave me a lot of sweets - as well as sweets. the whole balcony was in them. and I took one candy and ate


i dreamed that I opened the refrigerator and on the top shelf I saw two large boxes of Raffaello. One of them was with chocolate Raffaella. What is it for? Thank you.


Hello. I dreamed that I stole chocolate big tasty sweets from my former classmate and now girlfriend. Please tell me the meaning of this dream.


Mom At some fun (wedding or some kind of holiday), when everyone left, SHE started sweeping a very dirty floor, and then she saw sweets in a bag and started eating them. diabetes. big problems with eyes. mom is 49 years old. she reproached herself for eating them. good sleep?


I dreamed that I came to the bride to marry a prince. I already have a princess crown on my head. And I’m waiting for the prince to appear. lots of white chocolates


I dreamed that I was sharing a huge pile of jelly beans with my grandmother. They were scattered in large piles throughout the house.


I dreamed that I bought a box of chocolates in a store, I really wanted them. She came home and ate them, and not just ate, but just stuffed them into her mouth. 3-4 pieces at once.


Hello, please tell me what my dream means.
I chew candies. Like lollipops but with a liquid filling, and suddenly they stick to my teeth and I can’t tear them off. The whole dream is
murmured and woke up


DD!! In a dream, I found sweets on the top shelf, climbed there and found a lot of the most expensive sweets there and began to collect them all for myself. What is it for? Thanks for the answer!


Hello! Help decipher the dream. I imagined that a guy with whom he was in love treats his deyvutshktsu (with which he lives) with candies - 12 pcs. YACH


Hello! Help decipher the dream. I dreamed that the guy I'm in love with treats his girlfriend (with whom he lives) with chocolates, gives her 2 pieces, and then treats me with the same sweets, only pours a whole mountain into his hands. What does it mean?


In a dream, I was in a building that was not clear to me, which was completely filled with open boxes with a variety of sweets, there were an awful lot of people, including me and my friends. You could eat any sweets for free. I ate a lot of different sweets)


about the dream was in the dark
me the building that was
completely forced
open boxes with the most
various sweets,
an awful lot of people, including
me with my friends. Any
sweets could be eaten
free. I ate a lot
different sweets)


i sleep with my young man. at one moment he hugs me and I dream that we are two sweets with him. and the bed is our wrap. and we are very small in size .. and felt like a little candy


Hello! yesterday I dreamed that a guy who I really like was telling our mutual friend, that is, his relative, that he would give me a lot of sweets, and she tells me this, that he said so, and in a dream I began to think, but apparently he found out what else one gave me candy, so he also decided to give it and even said a lot, that is, more than that. I really want to know what it means, thanks!

Ludmila S:

Hello and Happy New Year everyone! I dreamed at Christmas that I found two lollipops, and a lot of wrappers from the same sweets were scattered around them. I wanted to put things in order, and collecting all the empty wrappers among the pieces of paper I found two lollipops. the husband spoke out loud his desire. What is it for? Thank you very much in advance!


I dreamed about the lady who came and gave me chocolate zucchini in a bag and said to bring them Sasha is a big lad, I was already well-wishing
she knows about us. every vipadok. Help me what it means.


I treated a guy I didn’t know, but I liked, with chocolates, we took one from a box of chocolates, I ate my candy whole, and he bit off half, gave the rest to me and I ate it. The candy was with chocolate filling (dark)


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and 3 people each gave me 3 packages of different toffees. The tusk fell out without blood. I bought flowers as if they were plastic for the grave. then I see 8 children on the bench, 4 of them with down syndrome. I also talked with their mother, and she was an insanely beautiful woman. I walked the streets alone, and there houses were not completed and there were many cellars. Well, of course, I saw the general)


We were sitting in a cafe. Besides me and him, there was another company. There were 6 of us in total.
In short, he chewed gummies. Gave my friend 4 things, then gave me 6 candies. 2 of them fell on the table. I picked them up and held the sweets in my hand, did not eat. After that, he looked at me 3 times then at the sweets in his hand and seemed to say, "Why don't you eat them?"
It's a meaningless dream, but still.


Hi all! I dreamed that I was sitting on the second floor, lowering my hand, as if knowing that there were sweets and first taking one such chocolate with marmalade inside. Then the 2nd, in my opinion roundish truffle, then the 3rd rectangular pure chocolate. I only remember the first taste. So, what is all this for?


I dreamed in a dream that I was in a store and I saw a large assortment of chocolates in front of me and I choose each in a certain amount, with the goal of giving them to my loved one later. What does this mean? By the way, at the moment I do not communicate with this person.


Hello!!! Today I had a dream that I take a candy in a very beautiful package on the table, unfold it, it looks very interesting too ... then I go up to my loved one and we bite it together, at the same time. It tasted very good too. Please tell me what this dream means. Thank you in advance!!!


Good afternoon I had a dream that I was choosing and buying different sweets for my parents in a large supermarket. What can it mean.

Also, please clarify what the dream in which I go with my late grandfather to the cemetery can mean? He passed away this year, and unfortunately I did not have time for his funeral.


Good afternoon today, on the night of January 10-11, I had such a dream: one relative I knew gave me 2 boxes of sweets and said that these gifts should be handed over to the boss and the deputy, I looked at them, but the box for the boss was a little started, a few sweets were gone and I I also decided to try the candy in another box for the deputy, and then when I give it to him, I say that they gave you a gift, though the box was opened, but now you won’t give it to anyone.


i dreamed that I was sitting with a guy who was not indifferent at the same table and he took my hand, put it on the table (palm up) and held sweets (different) in a bag, then he gently put his fist on my palm and I felt a strong warmth, I didn’t want to remove my hand (as if we were one, it was very hot, but pleasant). Then he gently unclenched his fist and left sweets on my palms and smiled gently. The sweets were delicious (sucking and waffle, chocolate, pieces 5)


I dreamed that I came to the casting. I posed for a long time in front of the mirror, and then I came to TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS. THERE WAS NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS, BUT WHEN IT WAS TIME TO READ THE VERSE, I BEGAN DISCTION PROBLEMS


I buy in the store delicious in a beautiful wrapper (I collect it myself in a bag) chocolates 1 or a little more kg


This afternoon I fell asleep and had a dream that I was in a beauty salon. I wanted to do a facial. Also, looking in the mirror, I saw myself as a blonde, although in fact I am a brown-haired woman. And then some woman suggested that I treat myself to chocolate sweets from a glass vase. I took it and started eating. Then she offered more. And then I took some more and started eating. But besides that, I put 2 more sweets in my pocket.


I saw in a dream how my cousin and I sat at the table and ate various chocolate truffles, very tasty, my sister cut them into slices with a knife. Thank you


I don’t remember the whole dream, I remember how a boy I knew treated me to sweets, then a girl ran up who was with him and with her parents, also brought me a handful of sweets ... My parents dreamed, they were young enough ... They have long been dead ... Me too - young, slender, in a long colorful skirt ... Unfortunately, I don’t remember anything else ... But we couldn’t meet our parents ...


I eat big delicious sweets in a red warm wrapper, they are chocolate and it seems to me more delicious than I have ever tried. Friends came, we started watching some strange news on TV, I shared sweets with my friends. We eat candy and watch TV. I look at one of my friends, whether the candy is tasty to him, whether he likes it the way I liked it ... but the dream ends


From Thursday to Friday, I had a dream that my husband earned a full truckload of various sweets and the car poured all these sweets into the street. It turned out 3 large slides of sweets in the yard, one of which the husband offered to take to a man he knew. I was very surprised by such a large number of sweets and why my husband easily wanted to give his earnings to a non-close person 1/3 of a hill of sweets, he didn’t even consult with me. thanks for the help


Sweets lying in a basket, the basket was not large standing on a napkin. In this basket there were chocolate and caramel sweets of the same name.


I stole sweets with my friends, I managed to steal only toffees, but my friend treated me to a chocolate candy and I ate it


In a dream, I gave my mother money (paper money) so that she and dad would go and buy me shawarma, but I don’t remember what hatels they were, I was at home and my mother came and bought me a Rafaelo, and I was upset and entered the room to be alone and there I saw a refrigerator and there was a lot of ice-cream inside, but I didn’t eat, then I left the house, it was night, and looked into the distance, then I saw a cat and fed it, and then the cat came, and then I woke up. Please help me understand what my dream means


in a dream, I saw a huge table and many people, among whom were colleagues and relatives. the table was full of all sorts of dishes, among which were sweets. At first I divided them into several “heaps”, and then I unfolded mine and bit each


I dreamed that I was handing out sweets at some kind of wedding, there were a lot of people, a huge line of people and everyone was looking at me. I think I will keep candies from enough for a long time and they are so different, but more sucking, lollipops for children.


I dreamed that the mother of our church was treating me to sweets (a lot of sweets)! I am allegedly at her house, standing over a table on which there are a lot of sweets and she pours them all into some kind of box in my hands. What is it for?


I dreamed of a guy that I liked as if I were going home and he comes up and says “Will you have candy?” I answer “No, I have it”

And one more dream with him, he seemed to press his back against the wall and kissed my hands and said something


In a dream, a gypsy woman pulled a handful of sweets from a bag of sweets and left. The gypsy had a child in her arms. There were 2 gypsies. Everything happened in a room similar to an indoor market, it was light and sunny there. But I have the feeling that the money is gone. But as a fact, I did not see it, I only felt it


In a dream, I stole marmalade sweets from my relatives, put them in a bag and hid them behind the sofa. I also had a dream a month ago that a person to whom I am not indifferent steals me and the feeling in the dream was that he was taking me away from my children.


An enclosed space that looks like an indoor market, filled with racks from floor to ceiling with sweets of various kinds (bagels, cookies, waffles, crackers, gingerbread, sweets ...). I go with my daughter and ask her to choose what she likes so she can buy it. She chose large chocolates wrapped in a bright blue candy wrapper with a yellow design.


In a dream, I gave sweets to a friend of mine. Moreover, the person to whom I gave sweets in a dream, this person is connected with my husbands. My husband has one thing to worry about, the question is not decisive, and this person to whom I gave sweets in a dream supposedly needs to clarify, so my husband is waiting for an answer from this person. This man from whom my husband is waiting for an answer dreamed of me in a dream and I gave him a lot of sweets.


I was in a strange house, but a full-fledged family lived there in a very interesting and cozy place, and for some reason I was there. We went to the waterfall, people were jumping there, it was very high, I looked down, the depression was very deep. there was a guy in the family, he attracted my attention (he was nice to me) I saw his drawing (on a piece of paper) and he was very beautiful, nature was drawn. There was a feeling that we had sympathy with this guy, we talked, he treated me to sweets, I I ate safely. Then I woke up.


i dreamed that I was preparing to eat and then I bent down to see what was under the battery and there were a lot of chocolates and I started sharing them with my friend


I collected sweets on the roof of the house and constantly walked in circles ... I remember clearly, I constantly put 2 sweets in my mouth, and they were red)


the parents of the children laid out from the boxes into packages of sweets and cookies of the type for some kind of holiday for the children. then the parents wanted to have a snack with the rest of the sweets and asked me for fish. salted fish was on the windowsill. I was going home at that time, I went with some big bag. I was about to leave my parents and woke up.


I had a dream in the morning ... a lot of people, especially girls, acquaintances and strangers, among them the former chief director of the club ... everyone is in high spirits ... everyone in the hall in my mother’s apartment and on the table is filled with a mountain of very myogo sweets ... so I see myself in in some spacious corridor with stairs and in a pale blue elegant dress, airy and almost taking off, I go ... then I notice a friend and offer to go up to the former bosses to chat and turning around again I notice a lot of sweets on the table (((


I dreamed that I was eating chocolates from a bowl, which were also doused with liquid chocolate. I remember that it tasted very sweet to me!)


hello, I had a dream that I was in a cemetery and I saw a fresh grave and I remember it was smart. And then I see my old friend at the table. She told me that she had buried her father.
I was holding some kind of container in my hands, it seems like a bucket. and she poured me a bunch of candies into this bucket. I tried one candy and I liked it .. And that was where my dream ended. What is it for? Prompt plz. Thank you, good bye.


cakes of sweets stood on the kitchen table and I began to put the sweets in my pocket, thinking if I don’t hide them now, I won’t get them tomorrow, there were different banknotes of money tied with bows on the table, I picked them up and turned them over and put them back


My friend is sick with cancer, I can’t get through to her for 3 days and I dreamed today that she was handing out sweets to children and she said I was on examination, she was so happy, smiling ...


Like I'm handing out candy to young men, I have a huge box full of candy. Someone is trying to take this box from me, but it doesn’t work, I didn’t give it away, but continued to give it away. And for some reason, it feels like there is a war going on or something, but I feel very calm


Dad recently died, and 30 days after him, mom died, 16 will be 40 days for mom. I dream of my mother alive and asking for candy. But my mother was 20 years younger than she died, I immediately woke up.


i had a dream that a chocolate candy appeared in my hand and I broke it and there were three small nuts ... thank you very much if you answer


A former young man offered me to treat myself to colored sweets in a box, I didn’t take them and they fell to the floor and crumbled


My girlfriends and I are sitting at home and we are waiting for some guy to wish him a happy birthday. And everyone has good, expensive sweets, and I have ordinary caramels, and I take a few candies from one of the girls and throw them into my box, to cover your caramels with good sweets. Please explain my dream [email protected]


I bought pink candy in the store. Then she walked joyfully with a large bag of sweets. In a dream, I cursed with someone, but I don’t remember with whom


I bought sweets and came to the car, and there was a familiar guy in the car next to me and I decided to treat him, he got into my car and began to choose sweets in the bag


The guy I like threw a box of sweets under my door (at night) and quickly left so that no one would notice him. I went to pick up the candy.


I am dressed in a beautiful fur coat and kissing with a former colleague (we were not friends), And then I remember that I forgot sweets in the room and come back for them, sweets of a very sunny color.


I was on a ship where there was some kind of holiday and there was a disabled man among the guests, before my eyes he began to dance. I came there with a package and there was a lot of chocolate and sweets in it. Everyone asked me to share sweets with them, but I did not I wanted to, but I had to. After that, they began to ask about the CLAN, the question was what part of the ship to break? And I said bow.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I took sweets. They were in bulk, in a bag. The sweets were expensive, good and, in theory, delicious. I didn’t eat them. I took them in my bosom. I tried to take as much as possible.


at the beginning, I saw the funeral ceremony from the side, a coffin with a stranger was taken out of a house I did not know., after that I began to distribute red candies in a transparent wrapper, soon, I saw a man I knew eat tomatoes and cucumbers in front of me .


Hello! I had a dream that in a clothing store, there was a vase of sweets on the table, and I started stuffing my pockets with them (stealing). Tell me why you dream of stealing sweets. I have never done anything like this in my real life.


From a common vase, I chose the most delicious and beautiful, in my opinion, chocolate sweets. And she ate everything herself, without sharing it with her brother, who asked me.


Hello) I had a dream in which the dog takes sweets from me and all this happened at work, the boss was unhappy that I was running after the dog while I was having classes, so I would like to know what this dream is for?


I had a dream. that I eat chocolates. at first the candy was old. I ate it and didn't eat it anymore. the rest were very tasty.


Good morning! i dreamed that a colleague was asking me to go and buy Alenka chocolates. I saw a colleague for a moment, but I recognized her by her voice


I dreamed of 5 huge cakes, and a bunch of sweets that lay on the floor.
near the station, when people started getting off the train, they started putting candies in bags, picking them up, at the moment when I screamed that they couldn’t be taken, snatched bags from people ... and in the same dream I had a cat without 1 eye


I dreamed that I ate sweets that were presented, of a kind and taste that I had never seen or tried in my life. Incredibly tasty and beautiful.


I had a dream about a friend who is now serving, we went to visit for something, and he saw sweets, there were a lot of them, he asked to take a little, and then he started rowing a little more than half. mixed with anger or something they say uh grabber take this a little che are you all rowing then ???


A little background: the day before yesterday I confessed my feelings to a girl, but they turned out to be unrequited. And in a dream, we stood with her at the table and ate sweets, and when the bag of sweets ran out, someone brought them and gave them to us again. And that's how the whole dream went, nothing more


I had a dream that a loved one came to me and take me sweets “Raffaello, but not in a box, but just in bulk and started to get it out of the bag, I don’t remember the details, but I think I opened one to eat


I came to my grandmother's room and in the buffet began to take sweets and put them in my pocket, they were not chocolate


I WAS AT SCHOOL THE NIGHT CLASSES WAS COMING TO THE CHANNERY THEY WERE GIVEN CANDIES “step” but no one ate them I and my friend collected these sweets in pouches I collected 4 pouches and took them home


I dreamed of mice, there were a lot of them. I work in a store and they are everywhere, even running around in a window with sausage. In the same place I see bags with sweets - cupcakes, rolls, sweets without wrappers, there are also a lot, I eat them.


i dreamed that I was buying in a store where there are a lot of sweets, sweets are very tasty, I haven’t tried them, but somehow I know that they are very, very tasty, and then I give a few to my dad, a few to some man and I save for my mom. I want these people to enjoy the taste of extraordinarily delicious sweets too.


I dreamed as if I were in a building .... I felt a slight earthquake .... then I walked around the building, it was beautiful and clean ... .. then I find sweets .... I clearly remember - pcs .... but big, right on my whole arm .... then I leave the building - and the city is quiet, clean, there are not many people ... ... then a flood (the river overflows) I run away from it .... the water is clean ... .. and I didn’t even get wet, I got out, as it were, to the upper street .... I watched how it spills into the lower streets …..was seething….but clean……and that’s it….woke up……


Hello! I dreamed of a guy that I like! At first he did not talk to me, but smiled and looked into my eyes! then he began to ask for candy. Why is this, I can't figure it out...


Hello, I dreamed that I came to the kitchen and there were a lot of chocolates, and I didn’t eat them, but I’m sure they are delicious, they are in bright wrappers, colored and bright


I have a lot of sweets in my hands. I distribute stale sweets to people and keep good identical sweets for myself.


The guy I like brought me a bag of sweets, and I stood next to him. He smiled, handed over the bag and left


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of my late grandmother in her house. She asked to sort out the sweets, which apparently lay for a very long time. The sweets were different: chocolate, kozinak, toffee, etc. When I sorted through them, I felt and understood that these sweets should no longer be eaten, but it was better to buy new sweets. Even in my dream, I was looking at a beautiful clay flower vase, with love poems on its surface. The vase was empty. I fed cats with milk (two adults and one kitten). At Epiphany, I also dreamed of my grandmother, but together with my grandfather. It was as if I was in reality visiting their house (and the house of my childhood). We looked at black and white photos, and then they asked me to pour milk for the cats. And I poured milk over the rim from a large milk can. Previously, my grandfather and grandmother often dreamed of me as if in reality. Now it is very rare and usually on the eve of big holidays.


i dreamed of a lot of sweets, we poured them out of the boxes into one pile and had to share everything equally. it all happened at work.


the patients gave a lot of sweets to the orderly, so that the nurse did not interfere with the sick, and I was very surprised that the sweets were so expensive and so much, it seemed that I ate one candy


I dreamed of several friends with whom we are sitting on the couch, and we have boxes in our hands
from New Year's gifts of sweets, and I eat from her for a couple with my former classmate, I have fun laughing with him, I see very well what kind of sweets there are and I choose and eat the most delicious ones. Why such a dream?


hello, I see that the neighbor is calling me and I am going, but on the way, my mother gives me candy, I chew this candy. By the way, the candy was chocolate, and it was also brown.


I came to visit my friend. I’m standing on the threshold. Her mother comes out and pours white candies without wrappers into my hands with red streaks of various shapes.


I dreamed that the guy I like gives candy, we were at a concert in college and he gave me candy and offered to meet


I dreamed that I was sitting indoors and sorting through a huge pile of sweets. A man comes to me and says change my money. But I don't see one and a half thousand hryvnias. But I have money of incomprehensible bills of 635 UAH. What does it mean?


I had a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday, a bright color, very pleasant, where I was surrounded at the table by several very beautiful girls, one was not very pretty, they all smiled at me. Near me lay a bunch of different chocolate sweets, caramels, etc. I began to divide the bunch into parts and then began to distribute the sweets to the girls. The brightest moment was in a dream that I gave the first bunch of sweets to that girl who was not very good, but for me she she was the dearest and closest person in the world, I felt it and clearly saw her image; she had a mole on her cheek. The girls looked at each other and were indignant at how beautiful we are and you gave her the first candy, then I began to calm them down and give them candy, they began to smile at me and calm down. Something like that. (Many things I myself can explain as I am engaged in esotericism and transcendent space, but this is something forbidden where my intuition does not give an answer and the Akashic Records are silent) I have a logical explanation for this. I want to hear your knowledge of the science of dreams.


Hello! The door of the house opened and my mother came in (she died 2 years ago) and smilingly handed me some kind of candy and I took it. Then the dream mixed up ...


I dreamed that I was just sitting in my kitchen. And then two guys I know come in, I started giving them sweets lying in a vase (caramels, different colors)


i dreamed of some kind of apartment, in the closet on the shelves there are a lot of different sweets, both chocolate and caramels, and I take everything for myself, put it in a bag, in a bag, after I put everything together I see the deceased cousin, and, the doorbell rings, to guys came to him, and he tells me ... - all marinas come to me, and I left ...


I see how I hold two little kids, a girl and a boy, then I want to buy sweets in the store and my son-in-law gives me a whole big bag of sweets from the store for free


Hello, I had a very unpleasant quarrel with my parents, during which they began to demand to give chocolates, I began to divide, and they choose the best ones .... I spat and gave them everything, and then ended up next to my friend, stuffing a few candy


I dreamed of sweets in bright wrappers, chocolate and “Korovka”, I could take them for free, and when I saw that the box was almost full, I began to shove them into my pockets, I poured what didn’t fit into the bag, but still a few pieces didn’t fit.


Hello Tatyana Miller! I dreamed that I found a lot of sweets in different packages. In some places, small sweets were scattered, but their number was simply huge. I also thought that these are the sweets that my mother and I forgot about.


I dreamed that I was sprinkled with sweets in silver wrappers. There were a lot of sweets, and the candy wrappers were very shiny and sparkling.


i dreamed of sweets without wrappers, they were blue, white and yellow, I liked the white ones, they were chewy, and I gave the rest to the girl.


I bought ice cream in a dream for my mother, her friend and myself. I bought 5 handmade pieces, in the form of figurines 2 cm, 119 rubles each. I realized that I got excited, my mother asked for an ordinary ice cream, and went to buy sweets with her own money. It was evening, the lights were on. Alien city. Someone advised to go to the market. I replied that I did not know where he was. The speaker was amazed, they say, am next to so-and-so. I was angry, repeated that I did not know where it was. Then she crossed the road and saw a rag tent with sweets. I asked the price, they said that only "Houndstooth" remained. And I see that there are chocolates in the boxes. I refuse caramel, they tell me, they say, then here. I went to the left, there are a lot of sweets in the window. I ask them to give me (I don’t remember the names), but the girl was rude to me, she says, she still didn’t give change to the woman in front. Then she began to collect a package for me, but not what I want, but assorted products, everything at the same price .. I am perplexed, but I am silent. Then I still say that I want others. I also ate one of the ice creams, it was very tasty. And I decided to eat everything, and buy my mother what she asked for. But my conscience bothered me a little


Walked through the area at work late at night. I found sweets (chocolate dragees) in the bushes and photographs of people I did not know, which I actively examined. The photos are in color and there are a lot of people in them. Apparently made for a holiday. At first I wanted to return the photos to someone, as if someone had lost them. Then she left and began to eat these same sweets. Why sleep?


my friend, I’m at my house and I gave him a bite of candy wine, I didn’t want to, and I took a couple of pieces myself in another place


I took the alarm clock. I opened the lid on the back and pulled out toffee candies in a red wrapper


i dreamed of candy-candies, multi-colored, and some of them glittered, they lay on some kind of small shelf that stood on the grass, and there was nature all around, I don’t remember whether I ate them or not, I seemed to look at these sweets and all of them They were so delicious but didn't know which one to try.


they gave me sweets, not in a box, but loose, chocolate ones, I talk to someone and eat these sweets one after another with such greed, as if I had never eaten them.


I remember very well that I ate a delicious candy (the top is covered with chocolate, and inside is something like a soufflé, in real life I like these).


Hello, I dreamed about candy. I ate one, it was very tasty, and the second I held in my hand, but the second did not look very tasty.


I dream about how a male colleague presents me with 2 boxes of chocolates and asks me to choose which one I like, and which one will be given to another colleague. He said like he was confused to please me.


A friend gives me a candy, she recently gave birth to a girl, and for several years I have not been able to figure out what it is for? scrasible in advance


A friend asked me to buy sweets for him, the store had a very large selection of delicious chocolates, but at his request I had to buy, in my opinion, not very tasty with coconut flakes


Hello, I saw in a dream that I was handing out sweets, many of them were multi-colored marmalades, and I also filled the candy box with different sweets ..


i dreamed that I was coming home with sweets to my grandmother, who had died a long time ago, and she took half of these candies from me because of this, I had a fight and left her without candy at all, why would it?


on the roof there are many different candies,
and I crawl so as not to fall and collect handfuls of those that I like in a bag, they are clear bright colors


there were sweets in large boxes, I took a package of sweets from each cow. One of them was definitely mmdems


In a dream, I was on a yacht, which
everything was covered in candy. and I slept there on the bed, on which I was covered with sweets in a thick layer ... In a dream, there was a man nearby, whom I broke up with 8 years ago


i dreamed that I was handing out chocolates to random passers-by, and the sweets themselves were large

One of the things that worries many people is the interpretation of their dreams. Dreams have become an integral part of human life. That is why many people are worried about why they dream of eating chocolates and what such a dream portends.

The dream that a person eats chocolates means an increase in profits from the industry in which he is engaged. Eating delicious fresh chocolates in colorful wrappers implies the pleasure of social communication, as well as falling in love for young people. It can also portend joy, recognition in the team and small successes in life.

Eating old sweets with chocolate covered in staleness can mean illness. If a person dreams that he is annoyed by the disgusting appearance of chocolates that have been stored for too long, then this promises him discontent and dissatisfaction in his personal life. Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - to flattery and prosperity. If the dreamer in his dreams gives someone a box of chocolates as a gift, then such a dream predicts that in real life he will make an offer to this person, but will receive an answer that will not please him and even disappoint him.

In the interpretation of dreams in which a person happens to eat chocolates, the gender of the dreamer plays an important role. Sweets often hint at intimate life, so the interpretation of such dreams is somewhat different for men and women.

If a person dreams that he himself made a chocolate candy and ate it himself, then this is a sign that soon happiness will smile at him in life, even if at the moment he does not believe in the possibility of its appearance. In dreams about sweets, there are some warnings that should be reckoned with: if the dreamer happens to hold sticky or melted chocolate candy in his hands, then this suggests that in real life he should not poke his nose into other people's affairs, even with the aim of helping or charity, as this may have undesirable consequences for him.

Apart from being a nutritious dessert, chocolate candy can be seen as a symbol of childhood and is associated with laughter and joy. Dreams about sweets allow you to measure and compare what a person would like to receive from life with what he actually receives.

For a young girl, receiving a box of chocolates as a gift portends many compliments for her. If a similar dream comes to a young man or a young guy, then it is quite possible that he will soon meet his love.

In addition, a dream in which a person eats chocolates can predict solid incomes, most of which, however, will be spent on paying hospital bills.

Also, eating chocolates is associated with romance and sensual pleasures. Such a dream can predict that joy and prosperity will come to a person after a short unfavorable period. Surrounded by pleasant people, he can surrender to the power of pleasures and pleasures.

Eating chocolates can also predict meeting new interesting people. Also, the dreamer may soon make valuable connections for work and business.

Dreams are a very interesting phenomenon in the life of every person. Dreams in which eating chocolates are dreamed, as a rule, are very favorable for a person and promise him joy in life, success on the “personal front”.

Why did you dream of eating or seeing sweets?

Surprisingly, in dreams, even the most seemingly ordinary, simple little things sometimes acquire a deep meaning, carry secrets, open doors to the future.

Those who believe in dreams and ask interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately it is possible to decipher the signs that came to dreams, and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire other meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. A symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat. What to say about dreams! In this mysterious world, everything is not just like that, everything is more complicated. And if you already dreamed about sweets - know that this makes sense and a message.

Only in order to decipher what sweets are dreaming of, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these "candy" dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in a dream? For example:

  • You just saw sweets in a dream.
  • You dream of a lot of little sweets.
  • Dreamed of a variety of sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • She is dreaming of a showcase in which sweets are laid out.
  • You make candy yourself in your sleep.
  • There is a crunchy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates from someone in a dream.
  • They gave them to someone.
  • Buy candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

"Candy" dreams can talk about different things - but, without a doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which delicious sweets appeared promises something pleasant - but that's exactly what the interpreter will reveal to us. So remember all the nuances, and find out why sweets are dreaming - they are so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if by separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat, does not touch them, but only sees from the side. What does such a dream say? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you dream of a candy, or several, the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys be not of a universal scale, but bring you a lot of pleasant and bright.

2. Seeing in dreams a lot of small sweets - caramels, chocolate balls, lollipops, and so on - is a lot of amenities, joys and surprises.

A bright streak awaits you, during which you will receive small, but very pleasant gifts from fate, just in whole bundles. Get ready to enjoy life, and better start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and be sure this dream will come true. Where the money will come from - you may not even suspect at all, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramel in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and delights await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, have fun to the fullest!

5. Seeing sweets and sweets in a dream in a beautiful window, or on the counter of a pastry shop, is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and believing in your dream is a must, but just don't live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So tasty and sweet!

Seeing sweets in dreams is, perhaps, less common than eating them, buying, giving, and so on. More often than not, we dream of action. But remember what it was like in order to find out exactly what sweets are dreaming of and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night how you yourself, with your own hands, make sweets - chocolate, caramel and more - this is good. Such a dream in which you made sweets says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live safely and comfortably.

2. Not only just to see from the side, but also with pleasure to eat a crispy, light, crumbly candy in a dream, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and enjoyment from it.

Worldly pleasures and exquisite high-level entertainment, good society and the joy of these delights. Be worthy of all this, and enjoy!

3. Such a sweet dream in which you eat delicious, chocolate sweets is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Do not close your heart from new love!

4. There is a sour candy in a dream - this is a hint that you are very irritable. Think about it, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, to become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, moreover.

5. As the dream book says, the sweets that you suddenly received in your dream as a gift from anyone are a symbol of your speedy prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual.

You will not only become richer at the financial level, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, to give others joy and light.

6. But such a “candy” dream, in which you yourself present sweets to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream interpretation simply advises to be a more real person, to look at the world soberly - and not to build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying sweets in a dream is a great sign. If you dreamed of this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted good luck in all your good deeds.

Fortune begins to simply relentlessly pursue you, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You will be lucky!

8. The dream in which you sell sweets is very good for the dreamer - it indicates his best qualities that need to be actively implemented. You have a lot of kindness and a desire to help those in need, do it - give joy, love, help other people, you will be happy from this.

Such different "candy" dreams, and they are all good and pleasant. What promises you a dream? Love or pleasure, kindness or luck - in any case, you should never have a shadow of a doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will rapidly and confidently change for the better day after day, joyful events will simply magically happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts!

What do candies mean in a dream book? If you dreamed of chocolate cognac sweets, what could this mean?

Seeing sweets in a dream is a good sign and most people perceive such visions quite positively. If you dreamed of chocolates, good news, romantic meetings and even an improvement in your financial situation await a person.

Chocolates are a symbol of well-being, a beautiful life. To see them in a dream is to face some positive changes in reality. Perhaps the dreamer expects career growth or an improvement in his financial situation.

If a person sees chocolates at home, his relationship with loved ones will improve. For lonely people to see such a dream - to a new meeting. After such a vision, one should expect pleasant surprises from fate. Most likely, a loved one will appear in the dreamer's life. At the same time, new relationships will not be fleeting. They will turn out to be very serious and may even lead to a wedding.

Seeing chocolates in the office - to improve relations with colleagues, superiors. If before that a person experienced some problems in communication, he can be sure that everything will change. Disagreements will soon be a thing of the past. If the boss gives sweets, the dreamer will be able to achieve his location.

To dream about how someone gives a lot of chocolates - in real life, wait for gratitude from relatives or friends. It is quite possible that the dreamer will finally hear from them what he should have heard some time ago, or even receive a gift.

Seeing a lot of chocolates in a dream - in reality, experience real happiness. A whole series of pleasant events will happen in a person’s life.

When a dreamer sees a large chocolate candy in a dream, this is an acquisition. Most likely, he will finally buy what he dreamed of for a very long time.

If in a dream chocolates are behind a shop window and the sleeper looks at them sadly, but does not dare to buy or cannot do it, the vision is a kind of sign indicating that the dreamer is dreaming too much.

To refuse chocolates in a dream is to miss your chance in reality. If a person is more attentive, he will be able to understand which of his acquaintances offers real help, and who only wants evil and feels a sense of envy.

Unwrap chocolates in a dream - indulge in secular entertainment in reality. A person will experience real pleasure from life and will not be able to deny himself anything.

If a person offers chocolates in a dream to one of his close friends, in real life he will start doing charity work or simply help a relative, friend.

For a woman, a dream is not considered a very good sign in which she sees how several men give her sweets at once. Such a vision portends success with the opposite sex, but it will be difficult for her to choose one among them. None of these men will have real feelings for her.

A bad sign is a dream in which a person unfolds a candy, but, to his surprise, it turns out to be not chocolate. Such a vision portends the exposure of the second half or someone close. The dreamer will understand that a loved one was not entirely sincere towards him and, quite possibly, will initiate a break.

Throwing away chocolates in a dream - in real life, deliberately refuse material wealth. Most likely, the sleeper will pay more attention to his spiritual development, and not to new purchases.

If a person dreamed of chocolates, this can be considered a good sign. Such a dream portends good luck, improved financial situation, promotion and success with the opposite sex. Only visions in which the dreamer refuses sweets, or throws them away, and also cannot buy can be considered negative.

Why do you dream of candy?

Dreams are one of the few ways to look into the future. Using interpretations, you can learn about the events, problems and dangers that lie ahead. To do this, you need to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account the main details. If it concerns sweets, then remember how they looked, what you did with them, etc. To make the information as detailed as possible, draw an analogy with events that occur in reality.

Why do you dream of candy?

Most often, such dreams predict pleasure and good news. It can also be a harbinger of a successful and fun trip. Chocolates are a symbol of making significant profits. Also, such a dream prophesies the emergence of unusual ideas that you should definitely use. For single people, there are sweets in a dream, which means that they will soon be able to start a new romantic relationship. If you look at sweets from the side, this is a warning that there is an insincere person in a close circle of friends.

The dream interpretation of what do-it-yourself sweets dream of is interpreted as an opportunity to realize the plans. For this you will have to work hard, but the result will be worth it. Night vision, where you found candy in your pocket, is an indication that in the near future some little thing will improve life.

Why dream of buying sweets?

Such a dream is a symbol of the imminent arrival of relatives from afar. Another dream book offers other information, according to which you will receive a well-deserved reward thanks to your hard work. It may also be an indication that you are completely wasting both time and money. A dream where you bought sweets can be taken as a warning that health may soon deteriorate. Buying chocolates means that in the future you should expect some kind of pleasure. For people who are engaged in business, a dream portends a successful deal.

Why dream of treating you with sweets?

If you treat another person with sweets, it means that soon you will meet a person who will become a true friend. This dream is also a harbinger of an interesting and pleasant conversation. A dream where you are treated to sweets predicts the appearance in life of a rich and influential friend who will help in solving problems. Treating another person with sweets means that you should soon expect an invitation to a date from a person with whom you have been sympathetic for a long time.

Why dream of caramel sweets?

Such a dream is positive, and in the near future you can not expect problems and quarrels. If you bought caramel, this is an unfavorable sign that promises the emergence of various anxieties and problems in the future. A dream where you eat caramel indicates the existence of health problems. It is also a symbol of mutual love.

Why do candy lollipops dream?

This type of sweets promises to receive a gift from close friends. Sour candy is a negative symbol that predicts the occurrence of a disease or some event will greatly upset. If you eat delicious lollipops, then a fun pastime is expected soon. A night vision about lollipops indicates that a loved one will soon undeservedly offend.

Why dream of a box of chocolates?

If you were presented with a box of chocolates, this is a positive sign that promises prosperity. There is also information that such a dream indicates insincerity on the part of a person who is trying to win favor. To present such a gift to another person means that you should expect a business proposal, and for women, such a dream promises to receive a marriage proposal. But it should be borne in mind that in the end everything will end in disappointment.

A dream about sweets is a symbol of children's joy, carelessness, enjoyment of life. A treat in a bright wrapper promises a meeting with an interesting person who can amaze you.

What sweets did you dream about? How many sweets did you dream about? How did you get sweets in a dream? What did you do with sweets in a dream? What did you dream about with sweets?

What sweets did you dream about?

Chocolate candies

Dreamed of caramel

Dream Interpretation Felomena sees caramel as a need to take a breath and get distracted. It is possible that constant fatigue and stress will result in a serious illness. Take care of your own health.

Seeing lollipops in a dream

I dreamed of lollipops - a good sign. In reality, friends will soon make you happy. Most likely, it will be a surprise or a gift that will not leave you indifferent.

Why do toffees dream

Why dream of iris? The dream is a warning. It promises getting into an unpleasant situation. It is better to be smart and attentive so as not to be in it.

Dreamed of marmalade candies

See marmalade sweets in a dream - beware. Events in life will not go as planned, and every day you will begin to feel it more and more.

How many sweets did you dream about?

Lots of chocolates Box of chocolates

How did you get sweets in a dream?

buy candy

Receive candy as a gift in a dream

Dreaming about receiving candy as a gift is a sign that you will have fans. A dream promises well-being, stability of the financial sphere of life. On the love front, everything will also be fine.

What did you do with sweets in a dream?

Treat candy Eat candy Collect candy

I dreamed that they took sweets

Taking sweets according to the dream book means being invited to a big celebration, for example, a birthday or a wedding. The probability is especially high if you accepted sweetness from a person of the opposite sex.

Handing out candy in a dream

I dreamed of distributing sweets - in reality, you will be seriously disappointed. Most likely, your work will not be appreciated or your motives will be misunderstood.

Why dream of choosing sweets

Why dream of choosing sweets? A dream means that in real life you lack communication, but this will soon pass. You will be able to entertain yourself and find someone with whom you can talk even on completely unimportant topics.

Give candy in a dream

In a dream, you give sweets - you will need help in current affairs. Her search will not be in vain and will lead to an executive person who can be entrusted with some of the duties.

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Summer dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to receive gratitude, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide for people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Chocolate is Dreaming:

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Spring dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chocolate - Transient joy.

Big dream book Why is Chocolate dreaming:

Chocolate - You will be visited by good ideas.

Biblical dream book of Azara Dream Interpretation: To see chocolate in a dream

Why dream of eating chocolate - To the pleasant

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What does Chocolate dream about in a dream:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Chocolate in a dream:

Chocolate - Drinking chocolate in a dream - to any loss and violence, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Solves a dream book: Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Chocolate

Dream Interpretation Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and evoke their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail. If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate - Good health.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Chocolate - Receive, buy to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink to a protracted illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Chocolate in a Dream

In a dream, why dream of Chocolate - Good health

Candy, Sweets, Candies to eat, Candies to buy, Sweets sweets, Chocolate candies, Box of chocolates

If in a dream you saw Sweets or you dreamed of a Box of Sweets, Dream Interpretations portend you the quiet joys of life. Candy and Sweets Seen in a dream Symbolize minor and transient pleasures, Which, however, will take place in reality. However, Dream Interpretations warn everyone who dreamed of Candy or Candies. These images could appear in a dream as a result of the lack of vivid emotions and impressions in your real life.

Dreamed of candy- minor joys of life.

Sweets in general are quite a positive sign, which symbolizes something pleasant, but not fateful and insignificant. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those who dreamed of sweet and tasty candies.

Dreamed of chocolates in a dream- loyal friends and associates.

Traditionally, Chocolate Candies Seen in a Dream Symbolize your friends and like-minded people. And at the same time, this image may indicate that an outwardly attractive shell is very important to you, and that you are a superficial and narrow-minded person.

There are sweets in a dream- recovery and longevity; the joy of communicating with loved ones; sexual pleasure.

Sleep carries the most favorable forecast, But only in the event that you ate sweet and pleasant-tasting Candies. Bitter, Sour or salty Candy in a dream is a symbol of unexpected disappointment where you planned to have fun.

Buy candy or sweets in a dream- desire to have fun; lack of pleasant and joyful emotions.

Dreams of this kind appear primarily at the moment when in reality you receive an insufficient amount of positive emotions. Probably, your life has become too ordinary and routine - you urgently need to "sweeten" it.

I dreamed of a box of chocolates (for a girl)- a new annoying boyfriend.

I dreamed of a box of chocolates (for guys and men)- get rejected by a girl you like.

Dreamed of a box of chocolates- a new undertaking with the support of like-minded people and colleagues; otherwise - a way to express gratitude or sympathy.

A box of chocolates that you saw in a dream can symbolize quite a lot. Perhaps we are talking about some kind of team (A box of sweets is you and your like-minded people or colleagues). For young people, such a dream indicates the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings and personal relationships. In general, a Box of Candies is a traditional way to express one's gratitude. Therefore, this dream must be deciphered based on an analysis of Who, When, Who and under what circumstances gave the Box of Candies.

Lots of chocolates to see

Dream Interpretation See a lot of chocolates dreamed of why in a dream a lot of chocolates to see? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of chocolates in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration. To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends. Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dreams about sweets portend pleasure, good news, meeting nice people and enjoying life. Of all the dreams about sweets, the only one that is unfortunate is when the candy turns out to be bitter or sour. A box of chocolates in a dream means an offer made to you or by you.

However, do not expect anything serious after such a dream in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Hanging candies in a dream is a sign of prudence that you can show in solving an important problem. Treat sweets in a dream portends a pleasant conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

If you made sweets in a dream, then your well-being will improve due to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat a crumbly, crispy candy portends secular pleasures and promises love.

Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, you have prosperity ahead. You yourself sent someone a box of chocolates - your hopes will not come true.

The dream in which you eat sweets portends exciting experiences in intimate life.

And donated sweets dream of a risky relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

To see sweets - to the arrival of guests.

Making sweets - to improve the financial situation due to diligence.

There are sweets - for secular pleasures and intimate pleasures.

Sweets with sour filling - to illness or disappointment.

Buy sweets - be deceived in someone, treat you with sweets - lose your hopes.

Receive sweets as a gift - to prosperity and sexual joys.

For a young man, such a dream means the hypocritical attention of some woman.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

There is candy in a dream - a good chance is knocking on the door.

If a married woman eats sweets - to a wedding invitation.

If an unmarried man eats sweets - to a rich and solemn wedding of his own.

If an unmarried girl eats sweets, a rich man will become her chosen one.

The patient saw that he was eating sweets - to a long illness.

If in a dream they give sweets - to a promotion.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.

To dream that you are eating a crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.

To receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises a young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

They are a symbol of minor worldly joys.

Eat them in a dream: a sign that you are tired of trouble and do not interfere with you in any way to brighten up your existence.

Finding a candy in your pocket means that in the near future some pleasant little thing can brighten up your life.

An empty candy wrapper: a sign of deceived hopes and not too deep disappointments. Such a dream encourages you to be careful not to trust other people's promises too much.

If you dreamed of a box of chocolates, perhaps soon you will have organized entertainment.

Any troubles associated with sweets (for example, if they are bitter or if you bite your tongue): warn you against being overly fond of worldly joys - this can turn out to be harmful to you.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Candy - If in a dream you give someone candy, then you will agree to marriage, but very soon you will be disappointed in your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Eating sweets in a dream portends the approach of exciting, intoxicating pleasures in your intimate life. To receive sweets as a gift in a dream means that you will soon experience a captivating but risky joy.

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration.

To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration.

To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Subscribe to the channel Dream Interpretation!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from