How to choose the right olive oil in the store. How to choose olive oil in the store - expert advice

Let's start with the country of origin. Firstly, Greek, Spanish and Italian olive oils are fundamentally different in taste from each other.

Greek olive oil- very bright and rich in taste, which is distinguished by the presence of honey notes and some fruity aromas. Spanish oil It has a sharp aroma and a bitter, peppery taste. We can say that it more than others resembles the taste of the olives themselves. To do this, the Spaniards often mix several varieties of olives at once. Italian olive oil soft, slightly sweet in taste, with a barely perceptible smell of herbs. It is in Italy that oil is produced with the addition of various spices and spices - basil, oregano, chili, rosemary, garlic and other aromatic additives.

And yes, in addition to Greece, Spain and Italy, olive oil is also produced in Turkey, Israel, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. All of them differ in taste, as it all depends on the variety of olives, as well as the climate in which they grow. Arguing which of the oils is better and tastier is a waste of time, it all depends on your taste preferences. And here's how to choose a good olive oil in the store, read our tips.

Hint #1. The inscription extra virgin on the label

This oil is considered the best, as it comes without any additives or preservatives. It can be compared with freshly squeezed fruit juice, in fact, it is such a “fresh” olive: oilobtained by pressing olives exclusively by mechanical means, i.e. without the use of chemical and biochemical additives.

Hint #2. Decide what you need oil for

Vitamin-enriched extra virgin oil is ideal for dressing salads, but it is not at all suitable for frying and other types of heat treatment. Useful substances under the influence of high temperatures turn into almost poison. If you're buying olive oil for frying or baking, then go for refined olive oil, also known as Pure.

Hint #3. Package

Proper packaging is very important. Ideally, olive oil should be in a darkened glass bottle. Such measures are designed to protect the oil from the harmful effects of external factors. It is for the same reason that olive oil is recommended to be stored in a dark and slightly cool place. If the bottle is transparent, then the oil in it, respectively, is not of very good quality.

Hint #4. Acidity

Another important parameter to consider when buying a good olive oil is the level of acidity in it. It is determined by the content of oleic acid in the oil. Your task is to buy olive oil with the lowest possible acidity.

Hint #5. Color

As we have already said, high-quality oil is sold in tinted glass bottles, through which the real color of the oil is not visible. Therefore, you can only check the color at home. But still, pay attention to this fact when you open the cork in the kitchen. Quality olive oil has a pleasant golden hue. The gray or rich green color of the oil indicates that it was made from overripe olives.

Hint #6. Date of manufacture

Olive oil is not your wine. Over time, it does not gain useful properties, but only loses quality. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. On average, approximately 18 months should elapse from the date of production to the expiration date. This is the period of time when olive oil remains useful and of high quality. Try to choose the freshest olive oil that was produced most recently.

Russians got acquainted with olive oil relatively recently, its categories, grade and selection criteria are far from known to many. This article is devoted to the topic of which brand of olive oil is better in a number of similar products.

The value of olive oil and its differences from others

The unique feature of the olive tree is that it grows on average for about 500 years and actively bears fruit throughout its life. Moreover, the age of some trees is 1500 and even 2000 years old.

These are the ones that grow on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

What brand of olive oil is best used for salads is a very relevant question, especially on the eve of the vegetable season. Salads with it are very tasty and healthy.

Olive oil contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains vitamins A, E, D, K, as well as polyphenols.

They have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, digestion and skin condition.

Compared to other types of oil, olive oil is highly digestible due to its high content of oleic acid, which is the main fatty acid in the human body.

Methods for obtaining olive oil

Raw olives are inedible and unsuitable for eating, as they have a very bitter taste. To get rid of it, the fruits are soaked in a special solution.

Despite this, the best brands of olive oil often have a specific bitter smell and taste, which not everyone likes. This should be kept in mind when choosing an oil.

The manufacturing process of the product lies in the fact that the pitted fruits are well pressed, constantly mixing the mass. After this procedure, oil is squeezed out of the olives using special centrifuges for this.

This is how the first pressing oil is obtained. It's always a little bitter.

The remaining cake is put into action again, extracting the oil of the second pressing. It is purified from impurities and bitterness with the help of chemical reagents, so it does not have an unpleasant smell and taste.

Types of oil by production methods

Depending on the marking used on the label, the oil differs in the way it is prepared. Possible markings: Virgin, Refined, Pomace.

  • Virgin is a natural oil obtained by cold first pressing. Such a product retains all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It has only one minus - it has a limited shelf life. Mistresses all over the world are sure that Virgin is the best olive oil. The brand (reviews confirm this) is in great demand.
  • Refined is also natural olive oil, but refined using physical and chemical processes. Refining takes place as follows: the fruits of the olive tree are ground and filled with a chemical solvent, an analogue of gasoline, hexane. Under its influence, oil is released from the fruit, which merges. Hexane residues are removed with water vapor, then with alkali. In the next step, the product is bleached and deodorized.
  • Pomace olive products obtained by secondary pressing using physical and chemical technologies.

virgin olive oil

  • Extra virgin olive oil with this designation produces the best brands of extra virgin olive oil obtained by cold first pressing. The acidity of such oils does not exceed 0.8 / 100 grams.
  • Virgin olive oil is the label for extra virgin olive oil with an acidity of no more than 2/100 grams. Such a product is obtained from olives that have been subjected to mechanical or physical stress, including temperature. Such oils were purified only with natural ingredients and certain technologies with water, filtration, decanting, centrifugation.
  • Ordinary virgin olive oil is also a virgin olive oil, the acidity of which does not exceed 3.3/100 grams. In its manufacture, only natural (virgin) methods were used.

Refined olive oil

This oil is obtained from raw materials of the first extraction by refining. Its acidity is 0.3/100 grams. Such a product is obtained using physicochemical technologies aimed at eliminating odor, acidity and bitter taste.

These oils are considered to be of lower quality.

pomace olive oil

  • Olive-pomace oil is a product that consists of a mixture of refined and virgin olive oil. Its acidity is 1/100 grams. A similar characteristic applies to those oils that are obtained by pressing oil cake using solvents and other physical procedures.
  • Refined olive-pomace oil oil from pomace obtained by refining using physical and chemical technologies. The acidity of such a product is 0.3 / 100 grams.

Quality Criteria

  • Acidity - means the level of oleic acid in 100 grams of the product. This indicator does not affect the taste. It is believed that the lower the acidity, the higher the quality of the oil.
  • Color. Shades of oil can be in the yellow and green ranges, depending on the variety of fruits, their maturity and processing method.
  • Aroma. Oil that has been exposed to sunlight for a long time loses its aroma. Normally, its odor is determined by a number of volatile substances - alcohol, hydrocarbon, aldehyde, ethers.
  • Taste. Natural oil has a very rich, intense, bittersweet or salty taste. A bad sign is a rancid taste, watery, acetic or metallic.
  • Best before date. The parameter to which attention should be paid here is the date of bottling. The "fresher" it is, the better the quality of the product will be. That is why olive oil is never bought in reserve. Store bottles with it in dark cabinets in dark glass containers. The shelf life of the oil should not exceed 1 year.

Another indicative parameter of real olive oil is that when it is stored in the refrigerator, it falls to the bottom in large flakes. Do not think that the product has deteriorated, as this is a very correct indicator of quality.

After the oil warms up, the flakes will disappear. However, experts do not recommend storing it in the refrigerator.

Preference should be given to dry shaded places.

The bottle cap should be very tight. Very important: oil should be stored in glass or metal jars.

A real quality product is never sold in plastic, as it is able to split the top layer of polyethylene, as a result of which harmful substances enter the food. The same, incidentally, applies to other types of vegetable oils.

The best brands of olive oil are unrefined, this should be kept in mind first of all when buying this product.

Organoleptic quality assessment

When tasting oils, professionals note that they should taste like fresh olives. In addition, the smell of freshly cut grass, plucked lettuce leaves is possible.

Even smells of chocolate and anise shades are allowed.

In order to understand the richness of the taste of this product, it is heated to a temperature of +200 C, after which it is applied to a glass plate with a thin layer and rubbed with the back of the hand. The best olive oil (brand does not matter here) meets the above characteristics.

When evaluating the color, the oil is poured into a glass in an amount of 50 ml and viewed through reflected light on a white background. It is important that not only color is evaluated, but also various color shades. It is believed that the greener the product, the higher its quality.

In fact, this is only partly true, since the color of the oil depends on the variety of fruits from which it is produced.

Therefore, it is worth focusing here on a set of indicators: color, smell, taste. If the oil has a yellow color, but at the same time it smells fragrant and has the right taste, then this indicates that, most likely, black olives were used to make the product, and not olives.

Olive oil rating

It is not so easy to answer unequivocally the question of which brand of olive oil is better. Specialists conduct complex studies to answer this question. Here are the results of one of them.

In 2014, the well-known product quality assessment agency SIC NPE Test conducted a comparative study of 11 well-known brands of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. When evaluating products, parameters such as:

  • brand authenticity;
  • compliance with the declared composition;
  • absorption of ultraviolet;
  • organoleptic evaluation of properties.

The best olive oil (brand, photos are specially presented in this article) must meet all of the above requirements. The study involved such brands as: Mana Gea, "Premiya", Borges, Maestro de Oliva, "Ellada", ABEA, Costa d'Oro, ITLV, Monini, Oscar and Ravika.

The oils of Mana Gea, "Premium", Borges deserved an excellent rating. Maestro de Oliva lost to the leaders, earning a "good" rating.

All of these products fully comply with the Extra Virgin label. Therefore, the answer to the question of which brand of olive oil is better in this series is obvious: it is the one that in all respects corresponds to its category.

The remaining 7 brands also turned out to be acceptable olive oils, but lost to the leaders in a number of parameters, as a result of which their rating is “poor”. This means they are not labeled as Extra Virgin.

Choosing the right oil

It should be noted that answering the question which brand of olive oil is best does not explain whether this oil is suitable for solving certain culinary tasks. So, for example, experienced chefs keep several varieties of olive oil on their table at once.

We will determine which of them is most suitable for certain dishes.

So, the best olive oil for salads is extra virgin olive oil. It will also be an excellent "companion" to pizza, pasta, milk porridge and other dishes that allow you to feel the taste of the product.

However, it is absolutely not suitable for frying. What brand of olive oil is best for stewing, baking and frying? Refined oil.

The fact is that Extra Virgin is rich in minerals, which break down during frying, forming carcinogens and smoke. Refined oil is purified from these substances, so it can be safely used for frying and cooking other dishes associated with high-temperature processing.

How to choose olive oil

Olive oil is almost an elixir of longevity. And this is not empty fiction.

This opinion was shared by Avicenna himself (one of the greatest healers of the second millennium). But in order for his words to be applied in modern life, it is necessary to learn how to choose high-quality olive oil. Then health will be in order ...

Signs of good olive oil

If we briefly formulate the main criteria for choosing olive oil of decent quality, we get a very small list:

  • its acidity should be below 2%;
  • the same company must produce and bottle the oil;
  • a bottle of cold-pressed oil should be made of dark glass (so that the beneficial properties are preserved as long as possible);
  • good oil in the cold should crystallize into small flakes (can only be checked in winter on the market);
  • the less time has passed since the oil was produced, the better.

We have listed the "technical" parameters of a good product, but you can also focus on indirect signs. We will talk about them further.

To each according to his needs!

Most people know that unrefined cold-pressed oil should be dressed in a salad, and a refined product is better for frying. But how to distinguish them from each other if the bottles have only incomprehensible words in foreign languages?

Remember a few names!

Word Virgin means cold pressed and maximum useful properties. If written Extra Virgin. then you have the highest quality oil.

In fairness, it should be noted that on the same level as the Extra Virgin class, there are branded oils that are produced by famous families in Europe (for example, Monini). But here you can rely only on your erudition, because it is difficult to believe the sellers ...

If the label bears the “brand” of refined olive oil, pure olive oil, light olive oil, or just olive oil, then the oil is ideal for frying, but contains almost no vitamins and nutrients.

Advice: avoid bottles labeled mix (in any language), pomace and orujo as they contain the lowest quality oil.

Color Meaning

Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to determine the quality of olive oil by color. The interpretation of this sign is only possible for tasters and true connoisseurs.

Everyone else, looking at the color of the oil, can only tell how ripe the olives were. At the same time, you should know that their ripeness does not affect the quality of the final product.

By the way, the best varieties are obtained by mixing oils from olives of varying degrees of ripeness.

A few more numbers

Finally, we will once again talk about what acidity is considered normal. For the Extra Virgin variety, the maximum is 0.8%, for Virgin - 2%, and for refined oils - 1.5%.

If the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bare exceeded, then the oil does not deserve your attention.

Now you know how to choose olive oil. Enjoy the shopping!

How to choose olive oil

The "correct" oil should not be "tired" and have an acidity above 3%.

In summer, salads made from fresh vegetables dominate on our table, which, out of habit, are seasoned with sunflower oil. But he has a good alternative - olive oil, which is no less tasty and healthy.

Today in any large store there is such a large selection of olive oil that the first time it is difficult not to get confused. Therefore, it is good to know more about how it happens and what to look for when buying.

What to find on the label

Acidity. The main indicator of quality is its acid number: the lower it is, the better the oil.

The maximum allowed is 3.3%.

extra virgin olive oil. The product of the highest quality, first cold pressed oil. It has a pleasant aroma, fruity flavor and retains all the nutrients accumulated by ripe olive fruits.

Acidity should not exceed 1%.

virgin olive oil. It turns out at the second cold pressing, has high quality. Aroma and color is not inferior to the first category.

Acidity - from 1 to 2%.

olive oil. It is a mixture of purified (refined) and natural oils.

Inferior in taste and usefulness to the first two. Acidity - no more than 3.3%.

Purpose of oil. The label also informs about what a particular type of oil can be used for.

For example, extra-class is best for salads, and for frying - with an admixture of refined.

Color, taste and smell. The manufacturer can indicate the description of these parameters on the label (this, by the way, is one of the signs of high-quality oil). Oil can be of different shades: from bright yellow to dark gold and green.

The color depends on the variety of olives (and, accordingly, in which region of the country they grow), as well as on what stage of maturity they were harvested. Green olives give the oil a more greenish tint, while black olives give it a yellowish tint. There are no clear criteria for the taste of oil, since a lot depends on the variety.

But what you definitely should not feel is rancidity or complete tastelessness (such oil is called “tired”). But in good oil you can feel a slight hint of spices. The smell is certainly pleasant, with grassy and tart notes.

Someone in it is heard apple aroma, someone - almond.

Terms and conditions of storage. In addition to these data, which are mandatory, it can also be stated that at temperatures below +7°C (eg in a refrigerator) the oil will crystallize.

Do not be too lazy to check at home later - white flakes should form in the bottle, which disappear when moved.

Manufacturer data. The address of the manufacturer is always indicated, as well as the coordinates of the importer (if any). Today, olive oil is produced wherever there is such an opportunity, but the best will be oil from the countries of the Mediterranean basin - Spain, Italy and Greece, as well as Syria, Israel and Turkey.

Naturally, there must be a barcode corresponding to the country of origin.

Special marks. The highest quality oils of Italian origin have a special mark: IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) or DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta).

The abbreviation IGP indicates a registered geographical name in which one of the stages of creating oil was carried out according to certain rules. The DOP mark means a protected region of origin for olive oil, which means that the entire stage of creating the oil took place in one region according to very strict rules.

Storage. The best option is to store olive oil in a dry and dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet. This will protect it from sunlight, which causes the product to oxidize (resulting in a rancid taste).

Also, do not keep oil near the stove. If it is more convenient for you to pour the oil from the bottle into another container, then it should be tightly closed, and do not forget to tighten the cork in the bottle itself, otherwise the oil will quickly deteriorate.

It is not worth buying this product. The average shelf life is no more than 1 year, but in any case, this information should be looked at on the packaging.

For storage, a glass container is desirable, and in no case metal.

Utility. Compared to other vegetable fats, olive oil is almost completely absorbed by the body.

It improves digestion, lowers cholesterol levels in the body, and even fights cell aging. But do not use it again after frying - all useful substances will disappear in it, and toxic ones will appear in their place. Today

Rated: 202 Rated: 4.30

How to choose olive oil

Olive oil has conquered the world with its great taste and undeniable health benefits. Olive oil is a natural remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, is good for the digestive system, has a good rejuvenating effect, and has an immunostimulating property.

But how to understand such a variety of olive oils and choose the right one?

Edit Steps

// Olive Oil Step 1.360p.mp4

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil ("extra virgin") is the highest grade of olive oil, oil of the first cold extraction. For its manufacture, only pure olive fruit juice is used. Its acidity is not more than 0.8%. That is why it is considered the best and most useful. It is recommended to use it for dressing salads, preparing sauces and dishes that are not subjected to heat treatment.
  • Virgin olive oil is also obtained from the first pressing, and it is also produced without refining, i.e. without the use of chemical solvents or hot water, can have an acidity level of up to 4%, has a less bland taste.
  • Olive oil is a mixture of refined olive oil with high quality Extra Virgin or Virgin. It has a neutral aroma and taste and is ideal for frying and baking. The price and quality depend on the brand and the proportion in which refined and high-quality oils are mixed.
  • Olive oil Olive pomace ("olive pomace") - pomace olive oil of the lowest grade, second pressing oil. Oil of this category is also blended with high quality olive oil, but the premium oil content of this mixture is very low. Olive pomace oil can be used for thermal processing of products, but still, this oil is more suitable for technical purposes than for culinary use.

Determine what you are buying olive oil for. For salad, use Virgin or Extra Virgin olive oil. You can buy a small bottle of Virgin or Extra Virgin oil and use it exclusively for salads.

For frying or baking, buy regular olive oil. For technical purposes, for example, to make furniture polish from olive oil. Olive pomace oil is suitable.

// Olive Oil Step 2.360p.mp4

  • Olive oil is best consumed within 12-18 months from the date of manufacture. Make sure you use up all the oil before its expiration date. Don't stock up on oil!
  • Try to buy Extra Virgin oil even for heat treatment of products. (The boiling point of such an oil is about 200°C, and we fry at a temperature of 160-190°C, so such an oil will not burn and smoke when heated).
  • Olive oil absorbs odors very well, so keep the lid tightly closed.
  • Do not store the oil in the refrigerator - due to low temperatures, it may lose its taste.
  • Do not store oil in metal containers.

Edit Warnings

  • Pay attention to the proportions of natural and refined oils in "blended" oils. Such mixtures may even contain cheap, non-olive oils, their share can reach up to half of the total volume of the product. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you don't get pure olive oil.
  • Cold pressed or virgin oil has a higher level of polyphenols (powerful antioxidants) due to the fact that it was produced without chemical solvents or hot water.

Edit Additional articles

In a previous article, I wrote about the benefits of olive oil. Today we will talk about how to choose olive oil. what you should pay attention to when buying, what the labeling on the labels can be and what it means.

Olive oil differs in color, smell, and taste.

The color of olive oil varies from light green to dark gold, and the taste is from light to rich and tart, slightly bitter, depending on the variety and degree of maturity of the olives. Olive oil, like many vegetable oils, can be either refined or unrefined.

So, choose olive oil. The best and healthiest is unfiltered and unrefined extra virgin olive oil. The acidity of such oil is usually up to 0.8%, in extreme cases - up to 1%.

Choose an olive oil with less acidity.

Depending on the quality, olive oil is classified into different grades.

The marking on the DOP label indicates that all operations from the collection of olives to the production of olive oil were carried out within the same region in compliance with all technological standards. DOP labeled oil can rightly be called an extra class product. I really like SerratA oil -
with DOP marking - a representative of the extra class made in Portugal.

If, while studying the label, you find the inscription "From hand-picked olives" - this means that you have the best quality oil, from hand-picked olives. As a rule, this oil is "Extra virgin" with a DOP label.

On the label olive oil good quality should be: 100% "Naturel" or "Virgin", let's say 100% "Extra-virgin olive oil". The label must indicate both the country of origin and the importing company. If you notice the word “Mix” on the label, which means “mixture”, let’s say the label says,
Oil Mix "Polivio" means you have a mixture of different vegetable oils, in which the olive content can be minimal.

quality olive oil. if it is put in the refrigerator, it forms a precipitate in the form of whitish flakes, but at room temperature it takes on its original form. This way you can determine the quality of olive oil at home.

But you need to store olive oil in a dry, cool and dark place, and not in the refrigerator.

You should not stock up on olive oil for future use, since it retains its most useful qualities for the first 5 months, and after 1 year from the date of production, it is better to use it not for dressing salads and snacks, but for frying and stewing.

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    how to choose olive oil for salads?

    Ver@ Thinker (9408) 7 years ago

    Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best. On the label, in this case, there should be the inscription Olio d'oliva l'extravergine (better if made in Italy is indicated). Only in this olive oil the acidity does not exceed 1%. And the lower the acidity of the oil, the higher its quality.

    Even better, if it is indicated that the olive oil is made by cold pressing - spremuta a freddo.

    Olive oil, unlike some red wines, does not improve over time. On the contrary, the longer it is kept in use, the more it loses its taste.

    Therefore, it is advisable to consume the entire supply of the product during the year.

    Olive oil is stored in a dry, cool, dark place, away from various kitchen odors, as it absorbs them easily. It is usually not put in the refrigerator, but in any case, you should not worry if the oil is frozen, at room temperature it will again become liquid.
    For frying, you need to choose an olive oil with low acidity (for example, with an admixture of refined oil). Extra virgin olive oil is best for dressing salads.

    Capitalina Master (1764) 7 years ago

    The oil must be in a dark glass bottle, otherwise vitamins are out of the question, no matter what manufacturer it is. The first cold pressing is the most sparing technology for vitamins.

    If I Could Fly Pro (866) 7 years ago

    The main thing is the price
    Good olive oil can't cost 100r

    Vologda Connoisseur (262) 7 years ago

    All the properties of olive oil are fully revealed if it is used correctly. In particular: Extra Virgin - suitable for all dishes, especially for salads.

    It is this category of oil that is used in treatment, Virgin - for second courses, dressings, sauces, Pomace Olive Oil - only for frying, Olive Oil - for sauteing and stewing, in short, read the label. Tip: when dressing salads and vegetables, first pour oil into the dishes, only then add salt, vinegar or lemon, then the oil creates a protective layer that allows vegetables to remain fresh and crispy.

    How to choose olive oil. 4 rules you need to know

    Every time I go to the store to buy olive oil, I get a little confused looking at all these different bottles and tins and not knowing what to choose. I don't think I'm the only one facing this problem. agreed to advise on this issue the famous taster and owner of olive groves, Senor Massi Giovanni.

    1. Hierarchy of olive oils

    Mr Massey: First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not just say olive oil, but add Extra Virgin before that. In Italy, if you go to a shop and just say olive oil, they will bring you sewing machine oil (laughs).

    Extra Virgin means oil that has been obtained by pressing olives exclusively by mechanical means (without the use of chemical and biochemical additives). This oil is of the highest quality and is usually added to ready meals.

    Olive oil extra virgin olive oil the most natural category of olive oil with perfect aroma and taste. Acidity does not exceed 0.8%.

    The International Olive Oil Council, in addition to Extra Virgin, divides oil into the following categories:

    fine virgin olive oil cold-pressed oil with impeccable taste and aroma and maximum acidity. Acidity from 0.8 to 1.5%. Semi-fine virgin olive oil cold pressed oil with a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Acidity from 1.5 to 3%. Olive oil from unripe olives first harvest oil, produced in limited quantities from fruits harvested from the finest olives.

    Olive oil consists exclusively of oil obtained from the fruits of olives. Olio virgin produced by pressing olives mechanically and Olio di sansa di olive made from leftover pulp and bone fragments, and then mixed with olive oil vergine. Due to the fact that such olive oil is practically devoid of a characteristic smell, it is best used for frying.

    Refined Olive Oil virgin oil, refined and refined.

    The percentage of natural olive juice (virgin olive oil) in it is small, the inscription on the container Olive oil should not mislead you. Flavored olive oil used in almost all national cuisines of the world.

    It gives a pleasant aroma to dishes.

    The last two categories, which will bring you just for the sewing machine, are lamp olive oil of the category vergine (Olio vergine lampante) And refined olive oil (Olio di oliva raffinato). These two categories are not suitable for human consumption due to organoleptic defects and are intended for refining or for industrial use.

    2. Mysterious letters Senor Giovanni, what do the DOP/IGP/PDO abbreviations that you see on olive oil bottles mean?

    Mr Massey: As for the abbreviations, they denote oil with a protected designation of origin / indication of the geographical area of ​​​​production. There is a third category of biological olive oil obtained by biological (environmentally friendly) production, which is also confirmed by the appropriate certificate. Tell me, how to understand if the oil is of good quality, and are there cases of its fake, as, for example, with alcohol?

    Mr Massey: In Italy, this kind of forgery is criminalized, so no. In addition, DOP/IGP/PDO and the name organic olive oil are counterfeit guarantees. Oil can be of poor quality only in two cases: due to weather conditions that led to a poor harvest or if it was not harvested on time.

    In this case, there is little pulp in the olives and the pits give bitterness. Unlike other fruits, olives do not have a clear ripening time: this year the harvest can be harvested in mid-September, and next two weeks earlier or later, and it is very important not to miss this moment.

    3. We have a road for young people everywhere Continuing the theme of wine, is it possible to say about olive oil that it is better not to take a bottle of this year?

    Mr Massey: In this sense, olive oil differs from wine. The rule the older, the tastier here should be read the younger, the more useful.

    One of the most important things when buying olive oil is the production date and expiration date, so read the label carefully. Conscientious manufacturers always put the date.

    The shelf life of the oil from the date of production should not exceed 18 months, so look for a younger oil.

    4. Storage rules Are there any rules on how to store olive oil.

    Mr Massey: Olive oil should not be placed next to the stove or in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dry dark place at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

    It also does not like light. If you look, all the bottles are made of dark glass. In Italy, olive oil is often stored in the same compartment as the trash can (laughs).

    Is it the same in Russia? No, in Russia olive oil is treated with respect: it is not so cheap to store it in such an unpresentable place.

    Mr Massey: And one more rule: olive oil should not be kept open for a long time, so that when combined with air, it does not oxidize. Open the bottle, pour in the required amount of oil and immediately close it tightly with a cap.

    Varieties of olive oil

    There are three main types of olive oil. Bottles labeled Pure contain the least healthy refined olive oil, as the refining process not only reduces the acidity of the product, but also removes antioxidants and vitamins.

    Virgin oil is a product of the secondary pressing of the olive mass. It contains useful substances, but in smaller quantities, besides, it can be significantly bitter.

    Extra Virgin oil will cost more than all other varieties of olive oil, but it is also the most fragrant and healthy. This type of oil is pressed from young olives with low acidity within a day after they are harvested.

    It does not contain dyes and preservatives, it is rich in various nutrients. Light, lite and extra-light are not varieties of oil, but advertising terms invented by marketers.

    Extra virgin oil has a subspecies - unfiltered. It is unfiltered oil with some olive pulp.

    It is believed that, despite its cloudy appearance and shorter shelf life, it is most suitable for those who are looking for the most useful product.

    Origin of olive oil

    The common belief that there are some regions that produce the best olive oil is wrong. You can buy very good California olive oil and bad Tuscan olive oil.

    In addition, it is often indicated on the bottles, for example, Product of Italy and the consumer assumes that this oil is from Italian olives, but in fact it can be pressed from any imported fruit, but in Italy. High-quality oils that are pressed only from olives of one region are necessarily marked with signs - AOC or DOP.

    The first abbreviation refers to French products controlled at origin, the second - made in the EU.
    If you are going to fry in olive oil, remember that when heated to 200 ° C, it loses its beneficial properties.

    What to look for when buying

    When buying olive oil, pay attention to its storage conditions. An expensive and high-quality product is stored in a dry, cool place, protected from light and heat. It should not stand in a brightly lit display case.

    A manufacturer will never put a good oil in a transparent package. If olive oil is sold in untinted glass bottles, it means that it is chemically processed and the manufacturer is not afraid that it will lose color and aroma, and these troubles occur with organic oil under the influence of these factors.

    Stainless steel packaging is considered less aesthetic, but more suitable for good oil, as it protects against oxidation more reliably.

    Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the oil. Dear brands, I must indicate either until what date the oil is suitable for food or the date of manufacture of the product.

    Good olive oil does not last longer than 18 months, so if you do not use this product often, buy small quantities, as much as you can accurately use in six months to a year.

    Good olive oil has a pleasant aroma, similar to that of fresh fruit. Its color ranges from light golden to golden green.

    Olive oil is tasted by pouring it on a piece of white bread Black has its own characteristic flavor that may confuse you. A quality product is slightly bitter, but pleasant, not "heavy" or greasy.

    olive oil- this is an excellent substitute for sunflower oil, for example, in the preparation of various salads. olive oil famous for its rejuvenating effect on the human body, thanks to the vitamin E it contains. In addition, olive oil good for the digestive system. It is a mild laxative.

    olive oil. like any product that a person eats, you need to be able to choose the right one.

    Olive oil, how to choose the right olive oil other vegetable oils

    Vegetable oil is in the kitchen of every housewife, including olive oil. You can add it to salads and porridge.

    Doctors believe that this product should be consumed daily, since it contains unsaturated fatty acids important for the body, such as linoleic and linolenic acids, which are necessary for building cell membranes. Need to know how to choose olive oil .

    And the sources of vegetable oil are oil plants, and most importantly among them is the olive, which is mentioned even in the Bible and the Koran. During excavations in Santorini, on the Aegean island, a petrified olive tree was found, which is already 39,000 years old.

    Olive oil was first produced 6,500 years ago and soon became so popular that it was called liquid gold. More than 3,000 years ago, the Phoenicians brought the olive tree to the coast of Spain.

    It is this country that today is the leader in the production of olive oil - 36% of the world flow is made here.

    O Olive oil is a staple for anyone who wants to be healthy. The most useful, unrefined Virgin oil is obtained by cold pressing from the pulp of hand-picked intact olives. Extra Virgin Oil is made from selected olives and only undergoes a filtering process.

    Refined oil is made from the pulp of damaged olives under the action of high temperatures (look for Pure or Olive Oil on the label). Oil pressed from the pulp (peel and seeds) is called Pomace (or Olio Di Sansa).

    It is obtained by cold pressing or steam distillation using chemical solvents.

    How to choose olive oil

    When choosing olive oil, be guided by the brand and country of origin. You can't go wrong choosing Spain, because there the quality of olive oil is guaranteed by the state, but in non-European countries production control is much weaker.

    After buying olive oil, you should examine the presence of sediment, smell, taste, color and consistency of the oil.

    ◊ A good olive oil will have a sediment and a slight bitterness - it is given by polyphenols, natural antioxidants.

    ◊ Color is not an indication of quality, but varies by region, production method, and fruit ripeness.

    ◊ Olive oil always contains solid fats. When the product is cooled, they solidify and turn into white flakes.

    The price you should be guided by is at least 180 rubles per half-liter bottle (for 2012). For salads, fragrant, unrefined Extra Virgin is better, and for frying, odorless, yellow Olive Oil (a mixture of refined and unrefined oils) .

    Advice. Like other vegetable oils, olive oil is not worth buying for future use.

    It can be stored without loss of useful and taste properties for no more than 12 months in a tightly closed glass jar in dark ice.

    The taste and color. All oils are different!

    Other vegetable oils

    And any of us can choose what he likes, fortunately, today you can find pumpkin, walnut, garlic, and olive oils in stores. (If you had money, you can buy everything). Each oil has its own character. And although all vegetable oils are useful, each contains its own unique set of vitamins and other substances necessary for our body.

    And since they differ in taste and aroma, they are also used in cooking in different ways.

    Walnut oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fats: omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which allow you to thin the blood, and this prevents strokes. Walnut oil is used to make sauces, pasta bases and green salads.

    Pumpkin seed oil is a unique complex of essential phospholipids of plant origin and fat-soluble vitamins A, E, F. Protects liver tissue, eliminates urination disorders, and prevents the deposition of plaques in blood vessels. Especially a lot of useful substances in unfiltered pumpkin seed oil.

    Suitable as a seasoning for cereals, rice, vinaigrettes, vegetables and legumes.

    Pine nut oil contains magnesium, which promotes vasodilation and normalizes blood composition. This oil helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body, is used in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis and neodermatitis. Increases immunity. used as a prophylactic against colds.

    Grape seed oil contains a strong natural antioxidant procyanide and is rich in chlorophyll, which has a tonic effect, stimulates the restoration of affected tissues. One tablespoon of this oil is enough to cover the daily requirement of vitamin E. It has a positive effect on the regulation of cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

    This oil enhances other flavors, which is why it is commonly used for fresh vegetable salads.

    Flaxseed oil is rich in omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. Moreover, omega 3 is present in the amount necessary for the human body only in this oil, here it is twice as much as in fish oil. Omega 3 allows cells to function better and transmit nerve impulses.

    Flaxseed oil also contains linolenic acid, which is especially necessary for a growing body (it is also found in breast milk). Therefore, it is especially recommended for children and pregnant women.

    This is an ideal addition to boiled potatoes, porridge. Good for dressing sauerkraut.

    Sesame oil is the champion among vegetable oils in terms of phytosterol content, a substance that can effectively lower cholesterol levels in the blood. 100 ml of this product contains 74% of the daily norm of copper, 31% of magnesium and 35% of the norm of calcium. C contains sesamolin, a natural antioxidant that rejuvenates cells, regulates oxygen metabolism in the body and strengthens the immune system.

    Helps fight stress and tension, prevents diseases of the nervous system. Perfect for deep-frying, cold and hot appetizers and second.

    Amaranth oil is a combination of 8 amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, which are not synthesized in the body. It helps to restore the hormonal system, immune status and metabolism. It plays a special role in dietary nutrition due to the content of squalene, the substance closest in composition to the human cell, which captures oxygen and saturates tissues and organs with it.

    Regular consumption of amaranth oil contributes to the effective removal of toxins from the body. Salads, cold appetizers are seasoned with this oil.

    Peanut butter is obtained by cold pressing, so it retains all the properties of the nut. Peanuts contain more protein, minerals and vitamins than beef liver, more fat. than cream, and more calories than sugar. Peanuts quickly give a feeling of fullness due to the high content of dietary fiber.

    It is considered one of the most effective choleretic agents. Suitable for frying and deep-frying, as well as salad dressing. dough additives.

    Rice oil is a natural antioxidant and a source of vitamin E. It contains a unique composition of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to tocotrienol, tocopherol, rice oil slows down the aging process and resists free radicals.

    Suitable for frying and deep-frying, stewing meat, seafood and vegetables.

    ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

    And so, all vegetable oils, in particular the more popular olive oil. very useful for our body. They must be included in the daily diet, but not more than 3 tablespoons. in a day.

    Now you know how to choose olive oil.

    How to choose olive oil?

    In this article, we will tell housewives how to choose the right olive oil. You will also learn what types of it exist and how to navigate when choosing a good olive oil on the label.

    Real good olive oil is one of the "healthiest" types of vegetable oils. For example, salads with olive oil are good for the heart, prevent the growth of bad cholesterol and slow down aging.

    But choosing the right olive oil can be difficult due to the large number of its varieties. Let's try to figure it out how to choose olive oil. and which labels to focus on.

    Types of olive oil:

    Natural (virgin) and extra-natural olive oil

    natural olive oil- this is an unrefined product, obtained only by a mechanical method, involving the pressing of olives.

    Extra natural olive oil differs from the natural level of acidity, color and taste properties. It is believed that the less organic acids in the oil, the better. For example, natural oil has an acidity of no more than 2%, while extra-natural oil has an acidity of 0.8%.

    The extra natural oil has a deep greenish color and rich aroma, which makes it especially popular in the culinary world. It is not recommended to fry in olive oil of this class, since all the nutrients and flavors will disappear at high temperatures.

    But salads with olive, instead of mayonnaise or refined oil, will be more favorable for digestion and health.

    Refined olive oil

    Refined or clarified olive oil is made from damaged olives and then refined to keep it from going rancid. Thanks to various chemical cleaning and heating, this oil has an acidity level below 0.3%, so it lasts longer than natural olive oil.

    Refined oil does not possess other positive qualities inherent in these virgin oils and does not apply to natural oils. You just have to fry in olive oil that has undergone such cleaning.

    Mixed oil (olive oil)

    This type is produced by combining natural and refined olive oils in different proportions, in order to add aroma and beneficial properties to the purified one. The acidity of such oil should not exceed 3.3%.

    Oil cake (pomace oil)

    Oil pomace, as the name implies, is made from pomace (the residue from pressing olives) by extraction. It is better not to fry in extra virgin olive oil and not to eat it, but to use it for household needs.

    How to choose olive oil by label?

    Before buying olive oil, decide for what needs you will use it. Will you make salads with this vegetable fat or add it when frying. Once you have decided which type of oil you need, check out the container in which it is sold and the label.

    It is better to choose olive oil in dark glass bottles, since dark glass prevents fat from oxidizing and losing its beneficial properties. Buying olive oil in a transparent bottle of light glass, you risk buying a rancid low-quality product.

    Labels can tell a lot about a product. You just need to know some terms to make the right choice.

    For example, if you are looking for vegetable fat for salad dressing, then the label should say “virgin olive oil” or “extra virgin olive oil”. Also, the inscription “From hand-picked olives” (translated as “from hand-picked olives”) indicates the high quality of the oil.

    And inscriptions like “Light olive oil” (light olive oil) are nothing more than an advertising move by sellers. Most likely, this is a low-quality product made by mixing several types of oils.

    Additionally, the label must contain information about the country of origin, the date and period of storage, and the importer. Having met the abbreviation "DOP" know that it says that the entire process of olive oil production took place in one officially registered place.

    And the abbreviation "IGP" will tell you that the various stages of the manufacture of vegetable fat took place in different places, for example, collection and extraction in Greece, and cleaning and packaging in Italy.

    We hope that now the question of how to choose olive oil will not seem difficult to you. You just have to go to the store, read the label and make the right choice of this "healthy" product.

    Common Olive Oil Questions (FAQ)

  • Question. I bought olive oil and put it in the fridge, and white flakes formed in it. Does this mean a poor quality product?

    Answer. Rather, on the contrary, this indicates a high quality of the product, since natural oil contains solid fats, which, when cooled, resemble white flakes.

    But when heated, they will dissolve.

  • Question. At work, we were offered to buy olive oil in metal five-liter jars. But I heard that it is better to buy it in glass bottles. Is it worth buying from banks?

    Answer. Banks of this size are subject to special processing.

    Therefore, it is safe to buy oil in five-liter metal cans, and it is also significantly economical.

  • Question. Is olive oil made from olives or olives?

    Answer. Olives and olives are the fruits of the same olive tree, the difference is only in their degree of maturity.

    From this we conclude that both olives and black olives are used in the production of oil.

  • Video how to choose olive oil:

    • Salad "Caprese" with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes Ingredients that will be required to prepare a salad with mozzarella cheese: mozzarella cheese - 400g.; tomatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size; fresh basil - a bunch of your choice; olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. for refueling [...]
    • Nice Salad Nice salad is a dish that consists of products that correspond to the culture of this city. The cuisine of Nice has always been famous for its variety of seafood and vegetables. Garlic and fresh herbs are also added to many dishes. In addition to salads, vegetables are often cooked in batter. This is enough […]

    Very valuable in its composition and unique in properties olive oil obtained from the fruit of the European olive. And for countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, this product is a matter of national pride. It is also not surprising that there is no matter how open rivalry and a long-standing dispute between them, which makes many wonder - so, after all, which country's oil is better?

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in addition to the disputing countries, olive oil is also produced in Turkey, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. And even though the latter account for a much smaller percentage of the total oil production in the world, they still have the right to claim the palm for the quality of olive oil.

    In order not to offend any of the main producing countries, we will consider the features of their products in order of the amount of oil consumed per capita per year.

    Greek olive oil

    It is the Greeks who are the undisputed leaders in the consumption of olive oil - about 24 kg per year, on average, each inhabitant of Greece consumes. But in terms of the amount of oil produced, they are in third place after Spain and Italy. This is due to the fact that the oil in this Mediterranean country is made mainly for domestic use. They do it, but do not produce, and with the help of, so to speak, semi-handicraft methods and secrets that are passed down from generation to generation.

    Maybe thanks to these old-fashioned ways, Greek olive oil is brighter and richer in taste. Also, its taste is distinguished by the presence of honey notes and some fruity aromas.

    It is in the Greek provinces - Kalamata, Laconia, Kranidi - that the most favorable climate for growing olives is what thousands of families are safely doing in their households. And conservative methods make it possible to make the largest amount (about 80%) of oil precisely first cold spin.

    Spanish olive oil

    The Spaniards are in second place in terms of oil consumption per capita - about 14 kg per year and in first place in terms of its production. And not only! The production itself is equipped and adjusted, as they say, with the latest technology. All work is automated, which allows you to produce at the lowest cost olive oil.

    As far as taste characteristics Spanish oils, then it has a harsh aroma and a bitter, as if peppery taste. We can say that it more than others resembles the taste of the olives themselves, and for this the Spaniards often mix several varieties at once, but never with other vegetable oils.

    Italian olive oil

    In Italy every year each resident consumes an average of about 13 kg. olive oils.

    And fully mechanized labor allows this country to hold the third place in the production of "liquid gold" in the world. Which, in other matters, does not exclude the existence of private farms that produce it by hand. The quality, respectively, and the price of such oil, as a rule, are much higher.

    Soft, slightly sweet in taste, with a barely perceptible smell of herbs - this is a bouquet Italian olive oils. In addition, it is here that oil is produced with the addition of various spices and spices - oregano, chili, rosemary, garlic, etc.

    So what is the best oil? The answer is unequivocal - 100% natural, but otherwise you need to rely on your own taste.

    Avicenna equated olive oil with medicine. And not in vain! There are no other vegetable fats with such an amount of useful substances and antioxidants.

    However, the product you buy at your local store may well be useless or, even worse, chemical and made from waste. In order not to be mistaken, do not pay attention to the price tag, but read the foreign words on the label.

    People learned how to make olive oil as early as the 4th or 5th century. BC BC, and since then it has become a key product of the Mediterranean - it is seasoned with salads and sprinkled on bread, fried and baked on it, fragrant sauces and fillings are made from it. Over time, the solar product also came to Russia, however, our ancestors called it not olive, but Provencal or Florentine - depending on where it was brought from. Unfortunately, now it is not easy to find oil from Provence in our stores: the French product is one of the most expensive. Italian olive oil, including from Florence, is sold more often, but it is not cheap, so it does not have mass popularity. The leaders in oil sales in our country are Spain, Greece and Tunisia.

    Virgin natural

    Surprisingly, today olive oil is made in almost the same way as in the Old Testament times - it is squeezed out of olives with mechanical presses. At the same time, no chemicals are used, unlike the production of sunflower oil, which is popular with us - its production was improved by Dmitry Mendeleev, who proposed a method for extracting oil from sunflower using ... gasoline. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean did not follow this path, did not pursue profits and retained the naturalness of their product. Virgin olive oil - that's what it is called according to the European code of food laws "Codex Alimentarius". Virgin can be translated as "virgin" or "virgin", that is, a product not touched by chemistry. When you buy olive oil, don't read the price tag on the counter or the translated information on the label (which is often incorrect or incomplete), but look on the bottle for foreign words virgin olive oil.

    The more sour, the worse

    In addition to just a "virgin" product, manufacturers also distinguish extra virgin - extra virgin olive oil, fine virgin - fine virgin olive oil and semi-fine virgin - semi-fine virgin olive oil. They differ in acidity - the most important characteristic of olive oil, which is influenced by the initial quality of the olives and the pressing temperature. The higher the score, the worse the product. Usually acidity (but, unfortunately, not always) is indicated on the label as a percentage. For example, in extra virgin it should be no more than 0.8%, in ordinary virgin - up to 2%. There is another virgin oil that sometimes has a rating of over 3%, and that is lampante virgin olive oil. Due to the high acidity, its taste and aroma are far from ideal, so it is not sold, but sent for processing. Now refined olive oil is sometimes made from it (refining reduces acidity), and earlier it was used for technical purposes and was called lamp oil (in Russia it was known as wooden oil).

    Impersonal refined sugar

    Refined olive oil can be identified by its clear yellowish color and the name refined olive oil on the label. True, if you want to get a really healthy and rich in taste product, it is hardly worth making a choice in favor of a purified one. Firstly, not too good oil is usually refined - lamp oil or low-quality virgin. Secondly, during cleaning, the product loses most of its nutrients. And his taste changes, becomes, as experts say, impersonal - olive notes are lost. This is why virgin oil is sometimes added to refined oil for nobleness and a mixed product is created. It can be distinguished by the name on the label: it is simply called olive oil - olive oil.

    Chemical "pomas"

    Along with natural, there is also a "chemical" olive oil. Only it is not made from fruits, but from what remains of them after pressing. This pasty mixture is called "pomas" (pomace), and the oil from it is called olive-pomace oil. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean do not favor him, therefore ... they are sent for export. As a result, a bottle of golden oil may well appear on the Russian and Ukrainian counters, on the price tag of which the local saleswoman will write “olive”. In order not to run into such a "fake", carefully read the foreign name. Pomas is of two types. The first is refined olive-pomace oil, which is made by refining the oil from the pomace. The second is simply olive-pomace oil, which is a mixture of refined pomace with virgin oil, which gives it some flavor and aroma.

    Remember another beautiful name for a second-rate product - orujo. So it is called in Spain, and means the same thing as pomas - squeezes. Therefore, when you see the word orujo on the bottle, know that this is far from natural olive oil.

    The darker the sweeter

    The color of olive oil ranges from dark brown to light green or light yellow and can tell you a lot about the product. For example, the shade depends largely on the color of the fruit at the time of harvest.

    If the oil is greenish, then it is obtained from unripe olives and will be slightly bitter. However, there is another reason for the “herbal” shade - an admixture of leaves and twigs that fell into the “alteration” along with the fruits.

    Violet-blue oil is obtained from more ripe fruits.

    The yellow color is provided by the finally ripened olives (we call them olives). True, the same color is characteristic of rancid fruits, so you can only distinguish them from ripe ones by taste.

    Dark brown or almost black oil is obtained from olives that have already fallen to the ground, so it is, to put it mildly, an amateur - a little sweet.

    However, it is not very easy to evaluate the taste of olive oil - tasters identify about 70 terms that describe the product. For example, the flavors of apple, sweets (but not sugar), grass, hay, lemon, light bitterness, almond, pepper and sorrel “speak” about the good quality of the oil. If you feel the taste of earth, mold, metal, salt, walnuts, cucumber or rancid, then the technology of the product has been violated.

    Oil doesn't like cold

    Having bought a good olive oil, learn how to properly store and use it. For example, keep in a cupboard, not in the refrigerator - at temperatures below 7-8º C, the product becomes cloudy and whitish crystals may form in it. If you still put the bottle in the cold and flakes appeared in the oil, do not be alarmed. It has not deteriorated and will become transparent again at room temperature. There is another typical Russian mistake of olive oil lovers - they do not cook with it, fearing that virgin will smoke just like unrefined sunflower oil. In fact, "virgin" is perfect for frying - it does not burn, does not change its taste, does not form carcinogens. It is even allowed to be used up to 5-6 times. And most importantly - virgin gives an excellent appetizing crust, only - do not spare it when frying.


    The packaging of the branded oil has a blue-yellow circle with the EU symbol and the inscription Protected designation of origin (PDO) or Protected geographical indication (PGI). This means that the product is made according to an old recipe from a special variety of olives.
    Expert opinion

    Anatoly Gendin, World Food Culture Specialist, Locator Agency

    In all countries of the Mediterranean, homemade rustic-style oil tinctures are very popular. You can make them by tossing a couple of garlic cloves or a few small but vigorous chili peppers into a bottle of olive oil. You can also put a sprig of rosemary, thyme or other herbs. It makes no sense to fry in such flavored oil, but your salads will become even tastier. Thus, even a refined product can be ennobled.

    The perfect olive oil

    1. It is called extra virgin olive oil (extra-virgin) or virgin olive oil (virgin).

    2. Has a brand - a round blue badge with EU symbols and the letters PDO or PGI.

    3. Acidity - up to 0.8%.

    4. The color is saturated, "thick" yellow, without sediment and white flakes.

    5. The country of production is indicated, there is the exact address of the manufacturer, importer and exporter.

    6. The implementation period did not exceed the second half.

    My friends, hello everyone!

    Let's talk with you today about one of the MOST valuable vegetable oils for our body - olive oil and how to choose the most delicious and healthy olive oil.

    Olive oil is truly unique.

    It is mega healthy! And they call it nothing but "liquid gold"!

    And the point here is not at all in its “golden” price, but in its USEFUL properties. Why is it so useful?

    From this article you will learn:

    What is the benefit of olive oil?

    Hippocrates spoke about the wonderful properties of olive oil for our body, Aristotle was the first to use it to treat his patients.

    And the beautiful queen Cleopatra took a spoonful of this nectar on an empty stomach all her life for health and youth! And famous for its timeless beauty! ☺

    • First of all, it is rich in useful fatty acids, the most important of which is oleic.
    • It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and is necessary to improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract: for the health of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and intestines.

    For those who have a sick heart, ONLY this oil should be on the table and in dishes! It is not without reason that among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, where its consumption is the largest in the world, cases of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels are very rare.

    • Very important! It is absorbed by the body at 100%!!! For example: sunflower - only 80!
    • Also, it is great for healing and clearing the skin.

    We can talk about the benefits for a very long time. And this is a topic for a separate and larger post.

    In this article, the question is different: how to choose the “right” olive oil? How not to buy a fake instead of real "liquid gold"? The price, after all, is not small now ...

    The right question ☺ It's worth it to deal with it thoroughly.

    What is the healthiest olive oil?

    The most useful class is Extra Virgin (or Extra Vergine) - this is the first cold pressing.

    It is unrefined, of the highest quality. It is obtained by cold pressing and does not use any chemicals.

    In fact, it turns out pure juice from olives.

    Therefore, the entire spectrum of useful substances remains safe and sound.

    Its color is green, the taste is tart, with bitterness.

    It is used exclusively in cold dishes, salads, sauces that do not require heat treatment.

    What other types of oils are there?

    Pure olive oil is a fairly high quality oil. This is a mixture of refined olive (85%) and Extra Virgin (15%).

    Just perfect for frying. It is believed that with this ratio in the composition when heated, no carcinogens are released.

    So, let's look at the main points on how to choose olive oil:

    • Bottle

    I think it's superfluous to say that the bottle should never be plastic ☺Of course, it should only be made of glass and only dark!

    • Label

    First of all, you need to study the composition on the label.

    • 1. Determine the composition of fatty acids, and, first of all, of course, the most important - oleic.

    See how much is in there. It must be at least 55%. Great if it is 83%!

    • 2. Determine the acid number.

    The acid number tells about the presence of free fatty acids. The higher this number, the worse for quality.

    For Extra Virgin, this is no more than 1.5. Ideally, if 0.5!

    • 3. Determine the peroxide value.

    For Extra Virgin - no more than 20 mmol / kg.

    What does it say? On the oxidation of fats when exposed to oxygen from the air.

    Why is this oxidation harmful? Simply put, air-oxidized oil is pure poison.

    And the higher the peroxide value, the more there is a susceptibility to oxidation.

    The lower the peroxide value, the higher the quality.

    • 4. Determine the mass fraction of moisture.

    This is a very important indicator! The lower the proportion of moisture in the product, the greater the concentration of nutrients.

    A good indicator is 0.1%. Ideal - 0.06%.

    • 5.Pay attention to the expiration date.

    Buy the freshest oil.

    After 6 months of storage, the process of loss of useful properties begins!

    Do not buy oil that is more than a year old!

    • 6. Another check you can do at home.

    Put the purchased bottle in the refrigerator. If you see that white flakes have formed at the bottom of the bottle, then you have in your hands the “original” of the best quality. Congratulations! ☺

    This is the “olive information” for today, friends ☺

    Write, information on how to choose olive oil will be useful to you.

    I really hope that this information will be useful to you in order to easily choose a really high-quality product!

    Alena Yasneva was with you, Bye, see you soon! We have a lot of exciting things ahead of us!