Michael Fassbender married Alicia Vikander. The dark side of the soul

In the fall of 2017, Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender got married in Ibiza - three years after the start of their relationship. But as the actress now admits, in their life together Spanish passions were not raging at all. The romance developed rather slowly, and at their first meeting - at the Toronto Film Festival - the stars did not even say a word to each other. During the second meeting, already at the BAFTA ceremony, they also did not speak. "We didn't chat, we just danced," the Swedish star joked.

The actors began their romance on the set of The Light Between Oceans in 2014. In October 2017, the couple held a modest wedding in Spain, inviting their closest friends and colleagues to the celebration.

For a long time Alicia lived in London, but after the wedding the couple decided to settle in Lisbon. “When I met my husband three and a half years ago, he said that after visiting Lisbon, he fell in love with this city. Several of my friends also moved there. That was the time when I started to feel at home in London, but after Brexit I thought: “Hey, you know, I want to stay in Europe!”

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender

Vikander's most serious project this year is the premiere of the remake of the action film Tomb Raider: Lara Croft. Vikander played main role, replacing Angelina Jolie in this “post”. According to the actress, she had to seriously work on herself before filming: “Three months before filming, my every morning began with an hour-long workout, then there was a lot of food: I ate five times a day. I wanted to be a strong Lara. I’m petite, but I wanted the audience to see a believable story, to believe that my Lara can really do it all.”

“Of course, to some extent Lara is a sex symbol, but for me the attractiveness of a woman or a man is that a person is not afraid to speak out and can show his individuality,” continues Alicia. “I work in an industry that creates images and fantasies and I feel like I need to show young women what that is all about.”

Alicia Vikander at the premiere of Tomb Raider: Lara Croft.

One of the most private Hollywood couples walked the red carpet together for the first time without hiding their relationship. They presented "The Light Between Oceans" in their joint film. Fassbender, 39, and Vikander, 27, have been together for two years, often relax and travel together, but never express their feelings in public. At the Venice Film Festival, the couple behaved with restraint, but affectionately: they hugged each other's waists and laughed constantly. For the premiere, Vikander expectedly chose a dress with a small floral print - this is the second year.

Alicia Vikander

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender

It is curious that it was “The Light Between Oceans” that brought the actors together. They met on the set of a film in New Zealand in the summer of 2014 and found themselves literally confined to the Ottaga Peninsula for six months. Fassbender and Vikander played married couple, living on the coast of Western Australia. He is a sailor's caretaker, returning from the war, she has just suffered a miscarriage. In a rescue boat during a storm, a couple finds a baby and adopts him, and a few years later the mother of this child suddenly appears in their lives.

Still from the film "The Light Between Oceans"

In an interview with Vanity Fair a month ago, the always reserved Fassbender and Vikander finally spoke about their relationship: “We had real chemistry on set, which is probably why the film turned out so romantic.” Fassbender admitted that the young actress immediately charmed him with her combination of gentle appearance and tough character: “She takes everything with great responsibility. Even male actors can envy such perseverance and courage. For example, she didn’t mind when we went to some kind of wilderness." Vikander, in turn, admitted that Fassbender looked after her very tenderly and acted as if he were 17 years old. In Ukraine, the drama “The Light Between Oceans” can be seen on September 22.

We held a short question and answer session with Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander in support of the release of the drama The Light Between Oceans. Tumblr users could ask any question, so sharks and James McAvoy were not included:

Michael and Alicia, "The Light Between Oceans" based on novel of the same name, can you recommend me the best book you have read?

Michael: series of books about Harry Hole.
Alicia:"1Q84" by Haruki Murakami.

Michael, do you love James McAvoy? Answer either “yes” or “I can kiss him right now.”

Michael: I love James McAvoy. Very.

If you had to live the life of one of your characters, who would it be?

Alicia: Ava in the real world.
Michael: Magneto in fiction.

Michael and Alicia, you starred in the most visually outstanding paintings last year: Macbeth and Ex Machina. The Light Between Oceans also looks amazing. What visually outstanding films do you love?

Michael:"Gone With the Wind".
Alicia: I like Macbeth.

Did you enjoy working with Rachel Weisz?

Michael and Alicia: Who is this? Just kidding, it was a real pleasure.

Michael and Alicia, would you rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

Michael: I would choose a horse-sized duck.
Alicia: Haha, I've already been asked this question. With one duck, and victory would be mine! I'd be scared of a hundred horses the size of ducks.

Question for Michael and Alicia: did you have a chance to meet M. L. Steadman? (author of the novel “The Light Between Oceans” - approx.). Did it help you better understand your characters and their actions?

Alicia: Yes, she visited the shooting location. It was very nice to meet her.
Michael: It was very interesting to meet the creator of Tom and Isabelle.

Was it difficult to work so much with children? They can be so unpredictable!

Michael: Yes, because they are unpredictable, but at the same time very inspiring. Little Florence, who is only four, for example, is wise beyond her years.
Alicia: It was difficult, they challenged you in a way!

Do you have a favorite TV series?

Alicia: Chef's Table! I'm looking forward to the second season.
Michael: “Secrets of a billionaire.”

Michael, what character traits do you and your character Tom have in common?

Michael: Loyalty.

Michael, do you have a favorite bird?

Michael: It must be an eagle or a sparrow.

Michael, if you decided to sit in the director's chair, what would your film be about?

Michael: Possibly something to do with racing.

Michael and Alicia, what was it like working with Derek Cienfrance? Will this movie be as emotionally draining as Valentine (i.e. how much wine and Kleenex will I need to watch it to the end)?

Michael: It was a fun experience! To answer your question completely - yes, and a lot.
Alicia: I found myself in the same situation as in the previous two films... And yes.

What films are your favorite?

Michael:“The Godfather”, “The Big Lebowski”, “Apocalypse”.

What is your most memorable moment from filming the film?

Alicia: Michael milking a goat.
Michael: Me milking a goat.

Michael, was Alicia the first thought that came to your mind after reading the script?

Alicia: I was very impressed and cried while reading it - this has never happened before.
Michael: I was very touched.

Alicia, what do you and your character Isabelle have in common?

Alicia: She has a very funny walk, which I think I will partially adopt. I wish I had the same energy and vitality. And the ability to steal children (kidding, kidding!).

Alicia and Michael, what are your favorite Swedish and Irish dishes respectively?

Alicia: Skagenrera on toast.
Michael: I can definitely name my least favorite dish: Irish stew. But I like Irish Breakfast tea.

Russell Crowe said about this book: "It's so sad that you literally don't know how to calm your heart." How did you rest and recover while working on such harrowing scenes?

Michael: Movie night and crayfish cooking.

What was the most popular snack during filming?

Michael and Alicia: Hot whiskey! It was cold at the filming location!

Which character suffered more: Hannah, Thomas or Isabel?

Alicia: That's the beauty of the film - they all went through a lot of suffering. And love.

Did you take something for yourself? film set"Lights in the Ocean"?

Michael and Alicia: We both got flasks from the farmer in whose house we filmed the film.

If you weren't an actor, what career would you choose?

Alicia: My friends call me a tour manager because I love planning trips with itineraries and places to visit. Therefore, the tour manager. Ha ha ha.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

Alicia: Dopey from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. He seems to know how to enjoy life.

Michael: Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

If you could spend one day with any person (living or dead), who would it be?

Michael: Jesus.

Alicia: Ingrid Bergman.

Name your favorite part of your job.

Alicia: I love escaping into a fantasy world and taking on the personalities of different characters.

Michael: Escapism.

Where did you look for inspiration for the roles of Tom and Isabelle as family and parents?

Michael and Alicia: In the series "The Brady Bunch".

Michael and Alicia, what is your favorite song at the moment?

Michael and Alicia: Don’t Look Any Further by Dennis Edwards and What’s Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner.

Do any of you consider yourself superstitious?

Michael and Alicia: We both consider ourselves superstitious.

Are any of you planning to try your hand at directing?

Michael and Alicia: Yes!

What was it like filming the film in Australia?

Alicia: We surfed, fished, camped, made a movie, ate popcorn. Funny.

Are there any actors or directors with whom you have not yet worked, but would really like to?

Alicia: Jacques Audiard.

Michael: Also Audiard. And the Coen Brothers.

Mr. Fassbender, what do you think about sharks? Mrs. Vikander, what is your favorite movie you starred in?

Michael: Sharks are inspiring and scary creatures. And my favorite movie is “Hunger”.

Alicia: I treat sharks with caution and optimism. And the film is “Ex Machina.”

How much more difficult was it for you to work with these characters compared to previous works?

Michael: This is not measurable.

Translation: Dasha Postnova and Katerina Karslidi

Life of the Stars


06.03.18 09:46

We once scribbled that the marriage of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt would soon fall apart, and we were right. Today we look at another brilliant Hollywood couple, European-born Irishman with German roots Michael Fassbender and Gothenburg-born Swede Alicia Vikander. They became a couple in 2014 on the set of the drama “The Light Between Oceans,” in which they played spouses raising someone else’s child and faced a dilemma: give it to the found natural mother or keep it for themselves. Apparently, the fact that the actors lived side by side on an isolated island for a long time, and even played loving spouses, played a role. The stars “darkened” for a long time and got married secretly - on October 14, 2017 in Ibiza. We have doubts about the strength of this union, since we have found as many as 15 reasons for the imminent divorce of Vikander and Fassbender.

Michael likes to drink

The first reason is very good: Michael Fassbender loves to drink. Here is just one case illustrating this habit of the actor. After the London premiere of A Dangerous Method, the stars went to a party in Mayfair. There, Michael pretty much “took it on his chest” and began to dance dashingly along with Keira Knightley, turning the cafe into a dance floor. He got so excited that he became uncontrollable, grabbed other actors and tried to drag them with him, then lit a cigarette right in the hall, after which he was removed from the event by security.

He is capable of domestic violence

Problems with alcohol were probably the cause domestic violence. It was rumored that Michael might raise his hand against his girlfriend, and these rumors were confirmed by the artist’s ex-girlfriend Sanavin Andrews. In 2010, she sued to obtain a restraining order protecting her and Sanavin's two children from Michael. The star's girlfriend claimed that in 2009, Fassbender dragged her next to a car and broke her nose, and in July of the same year he attacked Sanavin after a night of heavy drinking. She tried to wake up the artist, but received a blow that threw the girl to the floor.

The couple was already breaking up

The third reason for the possible imminent divorce of Vikander and Fassbender: not everything always went smoothly in their relationship. After a nine-month romance, the couple broke up, but then reunited again. However, a fresh wave of rumors swept the tabloids when Alicia Vikander appeared on the red carpet alone at the 2016 Oscar ceremony.

Michael had many girlfriends

Michael Fassbender changed girlfriends like gloves and often started affairs with his co-stars. Among his passions are Zoe Kravitz, who is also much younger than him, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Beharie, Madalina Genea, Louise Hazel, Lupita Nyong'o and Naomi Campbell.

Alicia is not “his” type

If we continue the conversation about Michael's girls, we can trace a pattern: he chooses lively, energetic, passionate, uncontrollable, even evil ladies. Campbell is known for her antics and explosive character, Kravitz is not known for her kindness and humility, Ghenea “walked” through several male stars, including Gerard Butler, and made her way into their beds with a provocative image and plastic surgery. May Vikander fans forgive us, but compared to these divas, she’s just a gray mouse - sweet, but quiet, shy, not at all the same type.

Michael is richer than his wife

Despite the fact that Michael Fassbender was always modest in his everyday life, did not buy luxury things and lived in an ordinary apartment, material well-being in Hollywood means a lot. Michael started his career before his wife, then became part of the X-Men blockbuster series and a number of others famous projects, so he is richer than Alicia. His net worth is estimated at $30 million, while Vikander's fortune is $8 million.

He often gets worried for no reason

Michael, of course, is a movie star, but in life he is withdrawn and often worries for no reason. He himself admitted in an interview that he was learning to cope with his anxiety, which tormented him with adolescence. Then anything could cause an attack of excitement: from thoughts about nuclear war to news about the spreading AIDS epidemic.

Alicia always prepares for the worst

So we found out that Michael is a hypochondriac. But Alicia also suffers from constant anxiety. When she was able to achieve success, she began to fear that it would all disappear. She is tormented by the thought that luck, fame and the demand that follows from all this will not last forever, because the entertainment industry is very changeable and unreliable, one idol is replaced by another. Vikander is aware of this and always prepares for the worst.

Michael often plays cruel characters

Fassbender often plays deviants and cruel characters, which may also speak about the character of the actor himself - he likes to appear like this on the screen. Macbeth, who clears the way to the throne with the help of murders, the alcoholic inspector Harry Hole, the tyrant plantation owner from 12 Years a Slave, the villain Magneto, the android David with the habits of a god - they are all psychopathic to some extent.

Fassbender films all the time

In another interview, the actor said that he personal life suffers from a busy filming schedule. Indeed, Fassbender is very much in demand and at the same time selfish when it comes to work: he will sacrifice the interests of others, but will remain in a project that is dear to him.

Vikander is also in high demand

Almost the same can be said about Vikander. Having received an Oscar for her role in the biopic The Danish Girl, Alicia became in great demand among directors. We'll have to see her soon new job- in the rebooted Lara Croft, and if the film is successful, a sequel is inevitable. So for peace of mind family life the star is too busy.

Too much media attention

Now that everyone knows about the secret wedding of Vikander and Fassbender, the spouses have begun to pay too much attention. Photographers and reporters follow them on their heels, which cannot but irritate such reserved people. Close interest is quite capable of “jinxing” a couple. No wonder they avoided the media and joint red carpets for so long.

A happy marriage of two talents is rare

The union of two is very talented people(and both Fassbender and Vikander have long proven their talents) usually does not lead to anything good. It happens that one of these star-spouses pulls the blanket over himself, while the other experiences “creative jealousy.” We remember very well how Brangelina’s love “burned out” - they are also both talented and did not get along, although they stayed together for quite a long time.

Vikander is a “product” of divorced parents

Alicia Vikander grew up in Gottburg with her actress mother because the Oscar-winner's parents divorced when she was just 2 months old. Weekends and summer holidays Alicia usually spent time with her father, who works as a psychiatrist, and her stepbrothers and sisters. This “juggling” between separated parents has certainly strengthened Vikander, so she can take her own divorce quite calmly.

Alicia is too determined

Vikander seriously studied ballet, but dreamed of becoming an actress. Ballet, as you know, disciplines: a strict diet, drills, worn out fingers, blood in pointe shoes. This way of life strengthened Alicia and forced her to follow her dream, although at first nothing worked out for the girl. After her role in Anna Karenina in 2011, the situation improved, the Swede was noticed and invited to London, and then to Hollywood. So Vikander is very purposeful and stubborn. Such wives are not to the taste of every spouse, especially if he is a domestic tyrant.

Irish actor Michael Fassbender and Swedish actress Alicia Vikander returned from a trip to Ibiza with wedding rings. For the celebration, the newlyweds chose the Agroturismo Can Marti eco-resort with natural water sources and solar panels. The wedding table featured only products grown in Ibiza, including from the hotel's own farm.

The holiday started on October 13 on board the yacht, continued with a modest wedding the next day, and ended on October 15 with a banquet that lasted until six in the morning. Flying off the island in their new status, 40-year-old Michael and 29-year-old Alicia looked like they were dressing, combing their hair and shaving half asleep. Although they had no strength left for happy smiles, they were probably glad that all the questions that their romance had raised for three years had been resolved.

Dancing with the Stars

Michael first saw Alicia in 2014 at a party at the Toronto Film Festival. “I considered myself a good dancer until I saw how Alicia did it,” the actor recalled. “Then I realized that both my legs were left.” In the fall of the same year, they met in Australia on the set of the film “The Light Between Oceans,” where they played spouses. Michael asked for a partner - former ballerina– pull him up in choreography. “It was cold,” Alicia says. “We danced in the morning to keep warm.”

At first, the public mistook the actors' relationship for PR. Michael said that he needed a passionate woman-fire. He always gave a clear preference to dark-skinned beauties: the list of the actor’s ex-girlfriends includes Nicole Beharie, Zoe Kravitz, Naomi Campbell...

Since Scandinavian women are not known for their wild temperaments, it was difficult to imagine that he suddenly fell in love with the quiet Alicia, who for the most part joint photos looked like a dying swan. “The work is completely different,” Fassbender objected. “Indomitable and fearless.”

After the film's release, the romance, to everyone's surprise, did not end. Then journalists began to place bets on how long the lovers would be together, because the most long relationship Michael's tenure lasted for a little over a year...

One step forward, two steps back

According to the tabloids, the first thunderstorm in paradise occurred nine months later. In May 2015, Michael and Alicia went to the Formula 1 race in Monaco, after which they did not appear in public until August. There was a rumor that the stern Viking heiress was tired of the Irishman's frivolous lifestyle.

“Alicia knew Michael loved to have fun, but she couldn’t imagine how much,” informed sources shared. “Outside of filming, he’s ready to party around the clock.”

Nevertheless, in October Alicia came to support Michael at the premiere of the film " Steve Jobs" “Fassbender has an explosive temper, they constantly fought,” said friends of the couple. “Alicia managed to smooth out conflicts, but she was tired of wasting time and nerves on this. After the breakup, Michael came to his senses and did everything to get her back.”

The lovers celebrated New Year 2016 together in Palm Springs. “We grilled meat, cooked pasta and sat down in the yard to watch the fireworks,” Vikander said. “They counted out loud the seconds until midnight, and at the first stroke of the clock they kissed.”

In September, Michael and Alicia finally walked the red carpet together at the Venice Film Festival, and two weeks later the tabloid wrote that this was their farewell tour as a couple. Allegedly, Michael, who had been jealous of Alicia for her Oscar all year, was never able to overcome his wounded pride. Even so, by October pride had thrown out the white flag.

In June 2017, Michael began to consider his next step.

“He realized that he was unlikely to find a woman who would be better suited,” friends said. – There has always been a strong element of career competition in their relationship, but now there is more excitement than envy. “Alicia never reproaches Michael for his failures or highlights her successes.”

Later they went on a trip to romantic places. We started in Paris, then visited Venice, and then relaxed on board a yacht off the coast of Ibiza. After three years of fruitless hunting, the paparazzi were finally able to offer magazines photographs of the bride and groom kissing, hugging and looking at each other with tenderness. Now it is clear that Michael and Alicia were not just traveling around Europe, but were choosing a place where they would be declared husband and wife.