Dominance, what a word. Four Rules for Dominance in a Relationship

If relationships in the family and at work, as well as the position of a person on the hierarchical ladder in these collective communities, are determined in one case by the family hierarchy, in the other by subordination and position held, in relations between a man and a woman, everything is not so simple. Each newly formed couple, whether they want it or not, has to, building their relationship, decide who will dominate. Ideally, of course, partners should be equal, but in life such couples are extremely rare, in this case, both the man and the woman are always ready to make concessions.

Dominant partner, i.e. the one who is actually the main one in the pair and whose interests are placed higher than the interests of the second is, of course, not determined in. Moreover, quite a lot of time can pass when one of the couple suddenly realizes that he is in a subordinate position and for a long time still cannot explain to himself how this happened and why.

Who can dominate

In fact, everything is simple. If, for example, you are more interested in continuing the relationship and are ready to sacrifice your interests and even principles for this, you psychologically diminish your own significance and self-esteem. Your partner simply begins to value himself higher. He, realizing himself more free and ready to be the first to break up, occupies a dominant position in relation to you.

Any dependence on this relationship: psychological, emotional, financial makes you weaker. As Pushkin wrote; “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us.” And this is true - the one who loves less is less dependent and his position is dominant. Accordingly, the less you depend on your partner, the more self-sufficient you are, the stronger you are. If you have a high status in society or you have more money, or simply because of experience and age, you will most likely not have to take a subordinate position, you will dominate in your couple.

The partner who relies on these relationships and begins to invest more in them begins to appreciate them more, because on his part so many emotional and material resources have been invested in them. The one who did not invest anything will not value these relationships as highly as the other, therefore, he will not value what he got without any effort. It is clear that in this case the one who did not invest much will dominate.

Dominance is neither bad nor good, it is one of the aspects of the system of relationships between a man and a woman, and it should be taken into account when building this system.

    Dominance (from Latin dominary - predominance) - a dominant position over other subjects and objects.

    Dominance in game theory is a situation in which one of the strategies of a certain player gives a greater payoff than another, for any actions of his opponents. The inverse concept, intransitivity, arises if some strategy can give smaller payoffs than another, depending on the behavior of other participants.

    Social Dominance Theory (SDT) is a theory of intergroup relations that focuses on the maintenance and stability of hierarchies in social groups. According to the theory, inequality in groups is maintained by three primary types of intra-group behavior: discrimination, aggregated individual discrimination, and behavioral asymmetry. TSD suggests that widespread cultural ideologies (so-called legitimation myths) provide moral and intellectual justification...

    Full spectrum dominance - the ability of the armed forces to control all types of combat space: ground, air, water, underground, space, psychological, biological and cybernetic. Full spectrum dominance takes into account both the physical combat space and the electromagnetic spectrum and information space. Control over them implies the extreme limitation of the freedom of action of the enemy in combat spaces.

    The dominance of the global mechanism of perception (Global precedence) is the effect of the prevalence of a holistic image, and not its details, in human perception. First described by David Navon in the 1977 article Forest Before Trees: The Precedence of Global Features in Visual Perception.

In any relationship, be it between a man and a woman, between friends or between parents, there is one who dominates (is the leader) and there is one who is dominated (follower).


The first rule of dominance: the one who values ​​himself above his partner and can be the first to break off the relationship tries to dominate.

Relationships are controlled by the partner who considers himself more significant, the one who values ​​himself more and feels superior to his partner. The most important thing is that he is not the best, namely, he considers himself the best. The fact is that a person who considers himself more significant is always ready to break off relationships, break them up for his own interests and easily build new ones if he needs it. Such a person is more selfish than his partner.

The slave partner always puts the relationship above his own interests, and his importance will always be lower. And here there is a very important point, an unconscious mechanism that clings, "after all, a partner can leave me and find a better one." Because of this, the person who can leave first and break off the relationship easily is always more valuable.

The dominant easily goes into conflict and always puts his decisions above the decisions of his partner. Follower - on the contrary, more often goes to reconciliation, because he always has a fear of loss. And men who always make concessions, are afraid of conflicts and do not limit the desires of a woman, do not put them in their place, automatically give her full power to manage their relationship. In these relationships, the woman dominates. But a woman does not need power, she does not want it even when she is fighting for it. And having received a rebuff, she calms down, checking the man for strength. But if she gets power, she doesn't know what to do with it.

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A serious mistake is made by men who, when a woman shakes her rights or manipulates her departure, ask her to decide if she wants to be with him or not. By this, they give her the right to manage relationships, to dominate and thereby lose relationships, because they automatically lose the last remnants of their value for a woman. And if they also begin to ask for a return or beat for pity, then they lose respect. After that, they cause disgust and pity in a woman, but not love. It is better to make a decision yourself - to quit first or to solve the situation in a different way, to take pressure and insist on your own.

The second rule of dominance is that the one who is less emotionally involved in the relationship will dominate. In a relationship between a man and a woman, the one who loves less rules.

From this it can be learned that the one who is constantly jealous, offended, throws tantrums, sobs - is always in the role of a follower. He will never dominate. And the second conclusion from this is that a woman is always more emotional and acts mainly under the influence of emotions. A man, on the other hand, is always more restrained and more rational, which means that domination is more suitable for a man and he must dominate.

The third rule of dominance: in a relationship, the person who is more self-sufficient always dominates.

Self-sufficient is someone who is independent of relationships, because for him they are only a part of life and there are other equivalent sources for receiving emotions. Therefore, even if a person loses a relationship, he will find a bunch of other sources of joy that will help him survive the loss of a relationship.

Self-sufficient people are more free than those for whom relationships are a very significant part. Because for the latter, they are practically the only source of emotions, and life becomes meaningless without them. These people go from one addiction to another, while suffering greatly.

The fourth rule of dominance: the one who invests more in these relationships is more dependent in a relationship.

This always works only because the person who invests more in relationships becomes the person who needs them more and more. After all, he put a lot of effort into them, and we always appreciate what is difficult for us to get, and practically do not appreciate what we got for nothing. And this means that the partner in whom they invest automatically begins to appreciate the efforts of his partner less, because he himself has invested nothing, and becomes more significant and dominant. If a person does a lot for a relationship, stepping over himself, through his desires, then he thereby lowers his significance, but greatly increases the significance of the relationship for himself.

You can invest not only attention, care or money. It is enough to think a lot about a person, and he will automatically become more important. The more you think about a person, the more important he becomes and the more there is a desire to possess him. If you think about it constantly, then after a while, it becomes the most important thing in life.

Therefore, the rapid giving of gifts or excessive attention practically do not work when a person begins to notice that the partner has begun to cool off. This oversaturates the person receiving and reduces the value of the one who gives gifts.



An excerpt characterizing Dominance

“I spoke and spoke in the Assembly of the Nobility,” interrupted Prince Vasily, “but they did not listen to me. I said that his election to the head of the militia would not please the sovereign. They didn't listen to me.
“It’s all some kind of mania to frond,” he continued. - And before whom? And all because we want to ape stupid Moscow delights, ”said Prince Vasily, confused for a moment and forgetting that Helen had to laugh at Moscow delights, while Anna Pavlovna had to admire them. But he immediately recovered. - Well, is it proper for Count Kutuzov, the oldest general in Russia, to sit in the chamber, et il en restera pour sa peine! [His troubles will be in vain!] Is it possible to appoint a man who cannot sit on horseback, falls asleep at the council, a man of the most bad morals! He proved himself well in Bucarest! I'm not talking about his qualities as a general, but is it possible at such a moment to appoint a decrepit and blind person, just blind? The blind general will be good! He doesn't see anything. Play blind man's blind man... sees absolutely nothing!
Nobody objected to this.
On the 24th of July it was absolutely right. But on July 29, Kutuzov was granted the princely dignity. Princely dignity could also mean that they wanted to get rid of him - and therefore the judgment of Prince Vasily continued to be correct, although he was in no hurry to express it now. But on August 8, a committee was assembled from General Field Marshal Saltykov, Arakcheev, Vyazmitinov, Lopukhin and Kochubey to discuss the affairs of the war. The committee decided that the failures were due to differences of command, and, despite the fact that the persons who made up the committee knew the sovereign's dislike for Kutuzov, the committee, after a short meeting, proposed appointing Kutuzov commander in chief. And on the same day, Kutuzov was appointed plenipotentiary commander of the armies and the entire region occupied by the troops.

We are used to hearing: "he dominates here...", "dominant man, gene..." and so on. But not everyone knows how it is to dominate. The meaning of the word will help us understand what they mean when they characterize a person, an organ, a relationship in this way.

Meaning of the word dominate

Translated from Latin, this word means "to manage someone or something." In Russian, "dominate" has acquired a slightly different meaning - predominance, basis, domination, exaltation. One way or another, this word helps to understand what is the main thing in some phenomenon or process. In the process of communication, we often meet people who seek to dominate. What is this phenomenon in our life, we will consider below.

Dominate relationships - what does it mean?

In interpersonal interaction, we see that someone is the initiator of communication, the other obeys the rules. In communication between a girl and a guy, someone will definitely start a conversation, the second one will support. As a result of interaction in different social groups, we see that control and responsibility cannot be borne by everyone, some kind of leader, that is, a dominant person, will definitely stand out.

Dominating a relationship means taking control of your own behavior, that of another person, and being responsible for that relationship. This is not a bad trait if approached wisely. Relationships between children and parents cannot do without it. In any case, the parent dominates the child. After all, an unformed personality cannot make difficult decisions and adequately respond to life situations.

In a small or large social group, it is also impossible to do without a dominant personality. It is the driving force behind the development of such groups. Many mistakenly consider dominance to be a negative quality. It should be noted who has the prerequisites in a relationship to dominate, which is not bad. Control can be moderate from the position of the master of the situation. Authoritarianism in relations, which infringes on the personality and does not allow it to develop, is not allowed. This applies to all types of interpersonal relationships, especially love ones, where two full-fledged personalities interact.

Dominance of genes

This concept is also actively used in genetics. Some genes in a living organism can also dominate. What does it mean? In one gene, alleles are present, on which variants of the development of a certain trait depend. If the allele is dominant, then this trait will develop. If the allele is recessive, then it will be suppressed by the dominant one, it will practically not manifest itself in any way, although it will be in the gene. To make it easier to understand, let's take an example.

The father of the child has black hair, the mother is blonde. The gene will contain information about two hair colors. But if the dominant allele is black, then the child will be born with that hair color. There may even be a variant of the birth of a light baby, and then his hair will turn dark.

The patterns of distribution of dominant alleles can be seen in the shape of the ears, the color of the eyes, the shape of the nail plate, the development of hereditary diseases, and so on. The same rules for the distribution of alleles can be observed in the animal world, for example, when kittens are born from cats of different colors.

Dominance in physiology

One of the bilateral anatomical structures may also dominate. What does this mean? We have two hemispheres of the brain, eyes, two arms, legs. Of these anatomical structures, one will definitely dominate. There is a concept of dominance of the eye, when you need to focus on a specific object. The first eye "leads" the second, as a result, a person can better see the object. The same applies to the hand, the hemispheres of the brain. The dominant hemisphere determines the direction of a person, his ability to logic or creativity.