Watch ghost stories near the cemetery. Are there ghosts and spirits in the cemetery

Ghost cons and gangsters

For example, in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh there is an old Greyfriars church, and next to it is an equally old cemetery, where many historical films were shot. The place is quite popular with tourists. It is they who talk about the fact that during tours of the cemetery they sometimes hear someone's indignant voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force inflicts shocks and blows on them ...

The fact is that in the XVII century. There was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, King Charles II imprisoned political criminals here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who passed death sentences on prisoners, was also buried here ...

Another "haunted graveyard" is Bachelor's Grove near the city of Crestwood (USA). This place is called so because once there lived single immigrants from Germany who worked on the Illinois-Michigan canal. The cemetery appeared in 1864. In the 20-30s. of the last century, victims of gangster showdowns were repeatedly dumped into the cemetery pond. Then they began to see the ghosts of the murdered gangsters here ...

The cemetery is quite small, and they haven’t been buried there since 1965. Young people often arrange acts of vandalism: they smash gravestones, dump out the contents of coffins ... And in one of the corners of the cemetery, next to the pond, they find traces of animal sacrifices - apparently, some sectarians are operating …

Roar from the graves

There are many "restless" cemeteries on the territory of the former USSR. One of them is located near the village of Semenovskoye, Kursk region. The local population claims that at night the dead come out of the graves and walk around the village. True, there are only three ghosts - two men and a woman. This usually happens from twelve to half past midnight.
The Moscow group of researchers of the paranormal "Extrana" was engaged in the investigation of this phenomenon. Here is the story of its leader V. Kaldin:

“Exactly twenty minutes to twelve, there was a dull noise and a distinct roar, coming directly from one of our graves. I turned on a powerful professional soundphone that picks up and records sounds from up to a hundred meters away. Gradually, noises and sounds began to be heard from all three graves. Then, on one of them, the earth stirred and began to gradually crumble inside. Our employee forgot about his camera and looked at the grave as if spellbound. When something formless began to rise from this grave, I also became numb for a few seconds and only then turned on a powerful army lantern. There was such a roar that it blocked his ears. The dead man did not expect a bright light, or maybe this light still had some effect on him, but anyway, he collapsed into the grave, and the earth itself began to fall back! I directed the beam of the lantern at other graves, and the roar from there also began to be heard more and more muffledly, and then completely stopped.

As it turned out later, our photographer still managed to click the camera several times when I directed the beam at the dead man. But the photos did not turn out, they were completely overexposed. The soundphone also did not record any sounds, not even a monstrous roar ... "

The dead are raised by radiation?

In Orel, near the railway station, there is an abandoned cemetery. The fences of many graves are tumbled down, and the graves themselves are often undermined...

The night watchman of the gypsum plant, located 40 meters from the abandoned churchyard, assures that for several years now ghosts have been dropping into his booth ... For the first time, it was a wizened old man dressed in all black. When the watchman opened the door, he silently shook his bony finger at him. The ghost smelled of rot. Light fell on his face, and empty eye sockets became visible ... The watchman slammed the door and then until morning he heard how the dogs howled. In the morning it turned out that one of them was missing ... After that, "dead men" knocked on his door more than once, but he no longer opened it. And always after their visits, one of the animals disappeared ... According to the watchman, the dead were disturbed by radiation: ghosts began to appear in May 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the radioactive cloud reached Orel ...

And the eternal fight...

A few years ago, the Belarusian village of Dubovy Log, in the Dobrush region, experienced a whole invasion of ghosts. At night, on the outskirts, from the side of Vygonovsky Lake, there was a crackle of rifles. A resident of the last house, pensioner Maria Dobyshch, later told reporters that, looking out the window, she saw gray shadows crawling and shooting around her garden. When they crawled out into the light of a lantern, the woman realized that they were soldiers in German helmets.

The "German soldiers" were also seen by other villagers. Some even tried to shoot at them with guns, but they did not seem to notice the shots ...
Valentina Kozyreva ran into a man in a half-decayed military uniform and a rusty helmet in her yard. In his hand he held the same rusty rifle. Instead of a face, the "soldier" had a skull with a grin and empty eye sockets... The woman fainted from fear, and when she woke up, there was no one else in the yard.

In the same way, the rest of the living dead disappeared into the darkness without a trace. Later, the natives remembered that five kilometers from the village there used to be a German cemetery dating back to the times of the First World War. And grave mounds were preserved in the forest ... It also turned out that in the summer of 1946, the neighboring village of Persten was attacked several times at night by some gangs that mistook for the unfinished fascists hiding in the forest or for policemen. However, in reality, they never harmed anyone and, having shot, they disappeared to no one knows where ...

edited news Agatha Black - 4-12-2012, 20:09

The question of whether ghosts exist disappears from you as soon as you carefully examine these photos. Many do not believe in the existence of parallel worlds, ghosts and ghosts. However, the line between our world and the worlds of the dead has become so thin that you can see the soul of a dead person with a camera or camera. That's just the ghosts are in no hurry to show us. They probably only appear when there is some definite meaning to it.

All provided images were carefully checked by experts who confirmed their authenticity and lack of editing. Does this mean that ghosts really exist and can be captured on camera?

Photo of a ghost in a cemetery

This photo was taken in the middle of the last century. The woman wanted to photograph the grave of her deceased relative, but when the photos were shown, everyone was horrified by what they saw: a little boy was sitting on the grave. Apparently, he clearly saw a woman photographing a grave, as he was looking directly into the lens.

Hellraiser photo

This staged photo in the style of the Wild West clearly shows a man in the background. In the photo it seems that he is either without legs or rising from the ground.

Photo of a ghost soldier

This is a real photo of a ghost, in which a dead pilot stands among the living soldiers. This photo was taken in 1919, the man behind is an airman named Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this group photo appeared.

Scary photo of a ghost on the railroad

This ghost photo was taken on a railroad track in San Antonio, Texas. The locals associate the origin of this ghost with a sad story that happened to several schoolchildren. An accident occurred at this place, as a result of which the children died under the wheels of the train.

Photo of a ghost in a car

This scariest photo of a ghost was taken by a woman, Mabel Chinnery, in 1959. On this day, she and her husband went to the grave of her mother. She took the picture on her way back from the cemetery. In the foreground is Mabel's husband, and behind her is her late mother.

Photo of a ghost behind

This picture of an old woman was taken by her granddaughter in 1997. The photo is shocking because in the background is the late grandmother's husband.

Grandmother's ghost photo

This photo was taken very recently. The woman posted it on the Internet in the hope that someone could tell her what was hiding behind her child. As she herself suggests - there is the ghost of a deceased grandmother.

Photo of the human soul

This photo captures the last seconds of a person's life. Here you can clearly see how with the last breaths of a dying man his soul leaves.

All these real photos of ghosts indicate that another world exists and it is not as far from ours as it seems to us. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2014 09:03

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible, ...

Since ancient times, mysterious stories and legends about ghosts have been associated with cemeteries. After all, it is no coincidence that every nation has strict canons of burial - so that the souls of the dead can find peace and do not return to our world.

But this does not always happen. Maybe this is due to the special energy of these places? Or are the ghosts trying to warn the living of some kind of danger that threatens us all? Or is it something else - which we still cannot understand?

Ghosts or ghosts?

Indeed: why are ghosts found in cemeteries much more often than in other places?

Researchers of anomalous phenomena suggest that one of the most likely causes of their occurrence is death associated with physical or emotional pain. Before the death of a person, the desire to end this situation in any way absorbs - and as a result, the body dies, and the soul, leaving it before death, remains in our world.

Other experts point out that ghosts in cemeteries are closely related to being buried alive. Due to a medical error, an undead person can be buried - and as a result, his spirit does not find rest.

Another opinion is that ghosts appear because the dead have unfinished business in our world.

There is also a version that the existence of cemetery ghosts is due to the fact that a person after death was not buried according to the established custom - because of which the soul cannot leave the earth and find peace. In particular, cases were noted when a disembodied shadow indicated to people the place of their death or
improper burial, and when the remains were interred in the earth according to all the rules of church rituals, it no longer bothered the living.

By the way, despite the fact that the words “ghost” and “ghost” come from synonymous words “see” and “behold”, researchers share their meanings. A ghost is usually called a phantom of a deceased person who is tied to a specific habitat.

A ghost is interpreted more broadly - it is a vision not only of a person, but also of an object or animal, without reference to a specific place. That is, any ghost is a ghost, but not every ghost is a ghost.

In our case, if we are talking about the phantoms of dead people and their appearance in certain places of burial, the meaning of the terms is the same. But at the same time, mystical cemetery visions do not have to look like people at all.

The whitish silhouette of a bandit from Togliatti

All researchers of anomalous phenomena are unanimous in one thing: the spirit of the deceased can remain in our world if something strongly binds him to earthly life - love, duty, anger, resentment, a thirst for justice.

Most recently, in May 2013, the media reported: in the city of Togliatti (Samara region), in the area of ​​​​the Banykinsky cemetery, people regularly meet with the ghost of a murdered bandit.

At first, the complaints of city residents were not given any importance, explaining them by the excessive impressionability of eyewitnesses. But the appearances of the cemetery ghost became more frequent, and the number of people who encountered him increased every day. It got to the point that the residents of the area preferred not to go out in the evenings.

The ghost appeared near the territory of a prestigious cemetery, where gangster authorities are also buried. Eyewitnesses noted that the whitish silhouette seemed to consist of fog, but the contours were clearly distinguishable.

The ghost resembled a man with a gangster appearance characteristic of the 90s: tall, strong physique, dressed in transparent sneakers and a tracksuit. Meeting with people, he silently looked at them, after which he gradually disappeared into the air.

They tried to photograph the ghost, but he was absent from the resulting pictures.

Ufologists call the sudden violent death of this person a possible cause of the appearance of a ghost - when the spirit does not have time to understand that the physical body has died and remains in our world for many years. As a rule, such a phantom is kept near the place of burial of the body.

Employees of the Banykinsky cemetery claim that at first the ghost appeared only near his grave, and only in recent years began to enter the nearby streets.

Glowing clouds on Vagankovsky

From brand new press reports: On July 25, 2015, the thirty-fifth anniversary of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, a ghost appeared on his grave. It was observed by hundreds of people who came to honor the memory of the poet and artist. According to eyewitnesses, a cloud separated from the gravestone and hovered over the flowers. Many of those present managed to capture this event on mobile phone cameras.

Now Moscow researchers of anomalous phenomena, according to their representative Irina Khokhlova, are studying these records and promise to make them public after a thorough examination. Upon closer examination, the figure of a person is clearly visible on the frames.

No one doubts that in this case some kind of anomaly took place, but at the same time there is no confirmation that Vysotsky himself appeared to the people gathered near the grave.

Earlier, in 2007, at the same Vagankovsky cemetery, mystical phenomena were recorded near the grave of Alexander Abdulov. They began on the eve of the ninth day after the death of the actor. A strange luminous cloud also appeared above the flower-strewn mound.

Later, cemetery workers observed him repeatedly. According to the gravedigger Yuri Irman (it was he who dug the grave of Abdulov), during the hours of appearance, both the cloud and the mound itself radiate heat.

An unusual glow makes the face of the actor in the portrait alive - his lips seem to move and whisper something.

Gravediggers claim that stray dogs come to Abdulov's grave on such nights. They bask in the mysterious warmth and behave as if they were guarding the artist's peace, even falling asleep next to him.

Funny company

Incredible events regularly take place in the village of Semenovskoye, Kursk Region. According to the stories of local residents, here at night the dead rise from their graves and roam the village, frightening those they meet with their appearance and loud screams.

Researchers of paranormal phenomena from the Moscow group "Extrana" became interested in this phenomenon. The ufologists who arrived in the village under the guidance of V. Kaldin found out that the festivities of the dead begin immediately after midnight. At the same time, the same dead come out of the graves - two men and a woman. The men died when they were 49 and 64 years old, and the woman died at the age of 57.

Kaldin and his comrades came to the cemetery in advance. According to them, at about twenty minutes to twelve, a dull noise was heard in the indicated graves. Then the earth stirred on one of them, and something formless began to rise from there.

The researchers began to photograph the phenomenon - and to improve the quality of the shooting, they turned on a powerful flashlight. In response, there was such a roar that the ears of those present were blocked. The light clearly had an effect on the ghost. The cloud was drawn into the grave - and the earth itself began to fall asleep back. The noise grew fainter and then stopped altogether.

Surprisingly, the researchers did not take photographs, and the included voice recorder also did not record any sounds, including a monstrous roar.

Who gets in the way of dogs?

Another well-known cemetery where ghosts regularly appear is located in Orel near the railway station. No one has been buried here for many years. The cemetery looks abandoned, there are practically no well-groomed graves on it.

Schoolchildren who visited here on a late summer evening told a strange story. They suddenly heard a rustle from all sides and noticed with horror that strange creatures resembling large hedgehogs were crawling up the grass towards them. The guys got scared and tried to run away, but the branches of trees and bushes, as if on purpose, closed up, preventing them from leaving the cemetery. As a result, the children managed to escape, but all of them were badly scratched, and these scratches did not heal for a long time.

Local residents claim that the cemetery has been restless since May 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster. The Oryol region was then heavily exposed to radiation, and it is possible that this was a kind of impetus for the awakening of mystical forces.

Local researcher of paranormal phenomena V. Starodubtsev collected testimonies of cemetery workers and found out that ghosts regularly appear here. This usually happens in July or August. One day, around midnight, there was a knock at the watchman's booth.

On the threshold stood a wizened old man dressed all in black. The watchman smelled a strong smell of rot. The light fell on the face of the intruder and was reflected in the empty eye sockets. The watchman abruptly slammed the door in front of the ghost - and immediately fell on the bed exhausted, lying in oblivion until morning.

The next morning he missed one of his dogs.

Other watchmen spoke of the same thing: sometimes someone knocks on his door. Taught by bitter experience, they do not open, but in the window they see strange shadows - many-armed and many-legged. And every time after such a visit, one of the dogs disappears.

There are hundreds of similar stories. At the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, since 1963, the ghost of a woman in a raincoat with a hood and with a black hole instead of a face sometimes appears. And at the Domodedovo cemetery in Moscow, at the grave where the crew of the crashed plane is buried, witnesses met silhouettes of crying men and girls in flight uniforms.

Official science is not yet able to explain the phenomenon of cemetery ghosts. But in view of the huge amount of evidence, it cannot also brush aside the fact of their existence.


Girl in white at the Vagankovsky cemetery.
A thin translucent girlish silhouette appears after sunset - sobs, asks for help in a gentle voice and, according to eyewitnesses, inspires such melancholy that even climb into the noose.
Grave of Aglasia Tenkova
At the Vagankovsky cemetery, one of the largest and most famous in Moscow, located in the northwestern part of Moscow, there is the grave of Aglasia Tenkova. On the grave there is a sculpture of a weeping angel. This grave produces a very strange and mysterious effect on people: those who see this grave fall into a state of light trance, after which they find themselves in a completely different place, on a different grave.
Grave of A. Abdulov

Night shooting of the grave of Alexander Abdulov, made on the eve of the ninth day after his death, captured a mystical phenomenon.
Right above the flower-strewn mound, a strange cloud sways like a ghost. It is clearly visible in the infrared range. Employees of the Vagankovsky cemetery have observed a similar glow on frosty nights more than once.
According to the gravedigger Yuri Irman (it was he who dug the grave of Abdulov), the mound radiates heat. “You look and you get shivers,” he says. - An unusual glow makes the face of the actor in the portrait alive. The lips seem to move, as if they are whispering something to us.
Candles are burning on the actor's grave, but, according to the cemetery attendants, they cannot be the cause of such a powerful heat flow. “Even dogs come to Abdulov's grave at night to warm themselves,” says Yuri. "They act like they're keeping him safe." They even fall asleep next to ... "
“The glow in the cemetery is a fairly well-known phenomenon,” says the researcher of anomalous phenomena, spectrometer Genrikh Silanov. - Explanations are different. For example, that corpse gas comes out of fresh graves. However, in the case of Abdulov, this hypothesis disappears - frozen soil blocks evaporation. There is another explanation. Believers know that a person does not disappear even after death. I, as a materialist, believe that at the moment of death, the deceased is only freed from the obsolete body and passes into a certain energy state. And the visibility of the glow depends on the energy of a person - if it was a kind, bright person, then the radiation from his grave is brighter. It is no coincidence that icon painters draw halos over the faces of the martyrs.”

Grave of Sonya the Golden Handle
The grave of Sonya the Golden Handle, she is Rubinstein, she is Shkolnik, she is Brenner, she is Blueshtein, nee Sheindla-Sura Solomoniak.
The Golden Pen was mainly engaged in thefts in hotels, jewelry stores, hunted on trains, traveling around Russia and Europe. Smartly dressed, with someone else's passport, she appeared in the best hotels in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Odessa, Warsaw, carefully studied the location of rooms, entrances, exits, corridors. Sonya invented a method of hotel thefts called "guten morgen". She put on felt shoes on her shoes and, moving silently along the corridors, penetrated into someone else's room early in the morning. Under a strong pre-dawn dream of the owner, she quietly "cleaned out" his cash. If the owner suddenly woke up - a smart lady in expensive jewelry, as if not noticing the "stranger", began to undress, as if mistakenly taking the number for her ... It all ended in masterfully played embarrassment and mutual bowing.
The last years of her life, as the legend says, the Golden Pen lived with her daughters in Moscow. Although they were ashamed in every possible way of the scandalous popularity of their mother. Old age and health undermined by hard labor did not allow him to actively engage in the old thieves' profession. But the Moscow police faced strange and mysterious robberies. A small monkey appeared in the city, which in jewelry stores jumped on a visitor picking up a ring or a diamond for herself, swallowed a valuable item and ran away. Sonya brought this monkey from Odessa.
The legend says that Sonya the Golden Hand died at an advanced age. She was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery, section No. 1. After her death, according to legend, a monument was ordered from Milanese architects with the money of Odessa, Neapolitan and London scammers and delivered to Russia.
Sakhalin local historians know that S. Blyuvshtein died of a "cold" in 1902, as evidenced by the message of the prison authorities, and was buried at the local cemetery in the Alexandrovsky post (now the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky). After World War II, the grave was lost.
There are several more legends associated with this monument. One - the most romantic - says that a girl, her fiancé and their unborn son were buried there. From that above the grave there are exactly three palm trees. Unhappy love, the prohibition of the noble parents of the groom to marry a poor girl from the people, led to the fact that the death of the latter was tragic, after which the groom also passed away. The father, in memory of his son, bride and unborn baby, erected such a monument on Vagankovo, having ordered it in Italy. Although there is a "puncture" here too - suicides were not buried at the cemetery at that time, especially 100 meters from the church. Although there is another version here: after the wedding, the young people drowned, going into a storm to ride a boat. But... but legends are legends. As the legend about "Sonya the Golden Pen" continues, people go to the cemetery, believe, pray, bring flowers ...

The silent ghost Rogozhsky cemetery.
In the old part of the cemetery at night you can hear the ringing, but not a pure bell, but a heavy one - as if someone is pouring coins. And sometimes, after this sound, incomprehensible white outlines appear - as if moving, without touching the ground, a very thin person (or skeleton) in a suit that is too big for him, and with a gun (or a wallet. Eyewitness accounts differ on this issue). They say this is the ghost of Savva Morozov, who died of a bullet wound in 1905. But whether it was murder or suicide is unknown.

Your doppelgänger Mashkinsky cemetery in Kurkino.
On the alleys of this relatively new metropolitan cemetery and nearby, you can see a person who looks like you from afar. Meeting your own ghost is a very bad omen. It is believed that the secret of the occurrence of such ghosts is in the anomaly of the area.
Although any cemetery is already an anomalous zone.

Man with a bottle cemetery in Peredelkino
This very sociable ghost swears loudly, but not evil, and offers everyone he meets a drink for friendship. On a dark evening, it can be found not only at the graves of famous writers, but also near their dachas. Especially not far from the dacha of Alexander Fadeev. The old-timers of the writer's village assure that this is precisely his ghost, Fadeev, a man who, with all his deeds, sought to refute Pushkin's "Genius and villainy are incompatible."

Kalitnikovsky cemetery and pond
Kalitnikovskoe cemetery, about which there are various sinister legends. The fact is that there is a settlement of Old Believers and the Rogozhsky cemetery nearby, and at one time there were conflicts between the parishioners. Until now, from local residents you can hear legends about drowned women and curses of the pond. There was a city slaughterhouse nearby, where cattle were driven.
These most terrible legends could not be found. Maybe one of you heard?

New Donskoye Cemetery
There is one very interesting grave here. On a high black granite pedestal is a bust of a middle-aged man. And no inscriptions on the stone! - no name, no date. It is said that the famous spy Oleg Penkovsky is buried here. Having access to important state secrets, he sold them to Western intelligence agencies, but was exposed and executed. His relatives were allegedly given away his body and even allowed to bury him in Moscow, but only on the condition that there would be no inscription on his grave.

Urban legends: Novodevichy cemetery

Lazarevsky cemetery (destroyed)
Sandunov's millions
There is such a “cemetery” legend in Moscow, which for many years has inflamed the imagination of other treasure hunters, that innumerable treasures are buried somewhere on the territory of the Lazarevsky cemetery: some merchant’s wife, not wanting to part with her jewelry, bequeathed to put them in her coffin. So she was buried. Then the grave was lost. And after the liquidation of the cemetery, it became completely impossible to indicate the place of this burial. However, most likely this is Moscow oral folk art. It is more interesting to live with such legends.
But there were such rumors by no means unfounded. They really had a backstory. The family of Sila Nikolaevich Sandunov, an actor famous at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, who remained in the memory of his descendants as the organizer and owner of the famous Moscow bathhouse on Neglinnaya Street, was buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery. Having buried their quite wealthy parents, the Sandunov brothers - Sila and Nikolai - discovered with surprise that their souls were empty. And where the parental state went is not known. But they remembered that their mother, dying, for some reason, asked very much to put her favorite pillow in her coffin. The sons, naturally, assumed that the mother kept some valuables in the pillow. They dug up the coffin, took out the pillow, and... apart from feathers, they didn't find anything else there. The frustrated brothers erected a monument over the grave of their parents in the form of a rectangular box made of cast-iron plates, topped with a cast-iron four-pointed cross, which is wrapped around by two nasty snakes. On the monument was the inscription: "To the father and mother from their son."
But actually, this whole plot with a pillow is very similar to the classic detective trick with a false trail. Having inspired her sons to look for treasures in one place, the child-loving parent thus led them away from the idea of ​​looking in other places. Or maybe she had previously ordered a coffin with a hiding place for herself, or somehow contrived? So who knows? - what if it’s true that somewhere in the park, on the site of the former Lazarevsky cemetery, Sandunov’s treasures still lie in the ground? And the Sandunov brothers themselves were subsequently buried here, near the parental cast-iron cross with snakes: Sila Nikolayevich in 1820, Nikolai Nikolayevich, a professor of law at Moscow University, a real state councilor, in 1832.

Domodedovo cemetery
The watchmen say that often at night crying and groans are heard from the 60th district. One new guard went to check. I saw a girl and men in the form of a pilot who stood at the grave and cried. As soon as the watchman came closer, they disappeared. He saw that the entire crew of the crashed plane was buried here. They say he quit the next morning.

Leonovo (m. Botanical Garden)
The legend is connected with the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.
At the beginning of the XVIII century. the village of Leonovo was owned by the young prince Vasily Petrovich Khovansky, a rich, cheerful and hospitable man. Somehow he arranged a noisy party for the same "secular" youth as he was. According to the custom of that time, the party was an immoderate booze. Everyone got drunk, and most of all the hospitable host - i.e. to complete insensibility. The guests decided to "joke" and took Khovansky to the then wooden church, put him in a coffin and began to bury him like a dead man. In the morning everyone left. Prince Khovansky continued to sleep peacefully in the coffin. In the morning, he was discovered by a priest who almost said goodbye to the world when he saw that the "dead man" was crawling out of the coffin.
All the perpetrators of the "triumph" were sentenced by Peter to death, which was then replaced by an ordinary flogging, which was carried out in his presence.
The incident was over, ep memories haunted Khovansky. He began to see ghouls and ghosts, drawing their bony hands towards him. They begged to lie next to them and take part in night orgies with them.
In order to somehow soften the higher powers, the prince decided to demolish the wooden church, a witness to his shame, and build a new stone church in its place. By 1722 the construction was completed. It was consecrated on the feast day of the Deposition of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos. The terrible visions stopped.
The son of the prince - Alexander Khovansky - was a reveler and eventually was forced to sell his estate to P.G. Demidov, who lived in it almost without a break for 54 years. Under him, a beautiful park was created, for which he ordered rare trees from Siberia, greenhouses and ponds with many fish and birds were arranged. Towards the end of his life, he fell ill with a nervous breakdown, expressed, in particular, in the fact that he “could not stand” the ringing of bells and therefore insisted on closing the temple.
It was said that he was annoyed by otherworldly voices coming from the church. Moreover, they were not just heard, they seemed to be arguing with church bells, talking, grumbling and snapping.

Show maximum concern for everything that concerns you, for your life and your property are in great danger;
to see a ghost or an angel suddenly appear in heaven - the loss of a close relative or some other misfortune;
a female ghost appears in the sky to your right, and a male ghost appears to your left, and both look joyful - a meteoric rise from obscurity to glory, but your star will not shine for long, for death will come and take you away;
the ghost of a woman in long robes is calmly moving in the sky - you will make progress in scientific pursuits and become rich, but nevertheless, there will be a shade of sadness in your life;
the ghost of a now living relative - your friends are plotting something unkind, be careful in concluding business contracts;
the ghost looks haggard - this person will die soon;
a ghost haunts you - strange, unpleasant events;
runs away from you - anxiety will be small;
for young people - be careful in dealing with members of the opposite sex.
See also Clothing.

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