How to draw a globe with a pencil for a child. The most famous photographs of the earth from space

Let's draw planet Earth. For us, it is an endless and not fully explored region, with its natural expanses, the blue of oceans and seas, the interweaving of rivers, and a jumble of harsh mountains and ridges. And far away from space he simply looks at us globe, one of countless similar planets, each revolving around its own star. How to draw planet Earth will be discussed in this step by step lesson. Let's remember how beautiful and diverse our planet is - and let's start drawing.

  1. Draw a cross across the vertical and horizontal axes. Let's surround them with a square. We will fit the globe into it.

  1. And now let’s enter the Earth itself into our coordinate system - don’t give up, this is the most difficult stage of all, it will be much easier further! Better remember your geometry lessons and tricks with compasses.

Advice: When drawing in four sectors, make the Earth’s sides more rounded - this will bring its shape closer to the real one. Compare adjacent sectors with each other for symmetry.

  1. Let's remove auxiliary lines and depict the continents - without going into details and without complicating the task for ourselves.

To do this, we will divide the globe into sectors with an approximate area of ​​1/3 and 2/3 and draw the outlines of the continents, looking at the photograph.

  1. Shade the continents and remove the auxiliary tangent line. The drawing becomes similar to the original!

  1. And like great creators, let’s place our globe in space, because it doesn’t hang out by itself in empty space (at least I’d like to believe so). Let's draw stars and a moon around the Earth. Let's shade the continents on the globe soft pencil(to do this you can roll up a piece paper napkins and rub the pencil lead in the drawing with it).

The drawing of planet Earth is ready!

Our planet is beautiful and amazing. Perhaps, with the development of space tourism, the secret dream of many people to see the earth from space will come true. Today, you can admire the breathtaking, magnificent panoramas of the Earth in photographs.

We present a selection of ten of the most famous images globe from NASA.

"Blue marble"

A widely known and widespread image of our stunning planet until 2002. The birth of this photograph was the result of long and painstaking work. From a compilation of footage from months-long studies of the movement of oceans, clouds, and drifting ice, scientists have compiled an amazing color scheme mosaic
“Blue Marble” is recognized as a universal treasure and even now is considered the most detailed and detailed image of the globe.

An image taken from a record distance (about 6 billion kilometers) using the Voyajer 1 space probe. This spacecraft managed to transmit about 60 frames to NASA from the very depths solar system, including the “Pale Blue Dot,” where the globe appears as a tiny (0.12 pixel) bluish speck of dust on a brown stripe.
The “Pale Blue Dot” was destined to become the very first “portrait” of the Earth against the endless backdrop of outer space.

Another world-famous photo is a stunning view of the Earth taken by the American crew of Apollo 11 during the historic mission: the landing of earthlings on the Moon in 1969.
Then three astronauts, led by Neil Armstrong, successfully completed the task - they landed on the lunar surface and returned home safely, having managed to leave this legendary image for history.

Unexpected for human perception photo: two luminous crescents on a completely black background of the universe. On the bluish crescent of the Earth you can see the contours eastern Asia, western waters Pacific Ocean and white areas of the Arctic. The image was transmitted in September 1977 by the Voyager 1 interplanetary probe. In this photograph, our planet is captured at a distance of more than 11 million kilometers.

The crew of Apollo 11 made two more famous photos, on which the Earth Terminator (from the Latin terminare - to stop) is visible with a rounded line - a line of light separating the illuminated (light) part of the celestial body from the unlit (dark) part, circling the planet twice a day - at sunset and sunrise. On the North and South Pole this phenomenon is observed quite rarely.

Thanks to this photograph, humanity was able to see what our home looks like from another planet. The globe from the surface of Mars appears as a planetary disk flickering above the horizon.

This image was the first to capture the landscape using Swedish Hasselblad equipment. reverse side Moons. This event occurred in April 1972, when dark side The crew of Apollo 16 descended onto the Earth's satellite, with John Young as expedition commander.

This photograph has a scandalous reputation: many experts believe that the picture was not taken on the Moon at all, but in a specially equipped studio that simulates the lunar surface. Many question the very fact of astronauts being on the Moon.

Unfortunately, only astronauts are destined to “live” observe through the porthole a fascinating picture in which our blue Earth flaunts among the dark infinity of stellar space. A ordinary people get acquainted with the images of the planet only from photographs. Therefore, many people ask the question: “How to draw the earth so that it is most similar to the real thing?” This can only be done by copying photographs. Let's consider step by step instructions recreating the image of the native blue planet.

Features of drawing without additional devices

Perhaps everyone knows that real artists, unlike technical specialists in the production of drawings, do not use anything other than pencils and brushes. All sketches are done by hand. This also applies to the image of any circles. Therefore, when following the instructions described below on how to draw the earth with a pencil, a compass or other devices (in the form of rulers, curly templates, etc.) will not be needed. Try using your eye to most accurately draw the rounded contours of the future drawing. If you follow all the steps of the proposed instructions, this is quite simple to do.

Making sketches

Let's look at how to draw the earth with a pencil step by step. At the same time, observing exact landmarks and having a good eye is not so important. It is sufficient to scrupulously and diligently carry out all stages of the work.

  1. On the sheet, use light lines to outline the future bounding contours of the globe in the form of a square.
  2. Mark its middle with a dot.
  3. Divide the resulting figure into four equal parts using two perpendicular lines, passing through the center of the image.
  4. “Cut” the corners of the square, cutting off with lines passing at an angle of 45° to the sides of the figure, approximately through their middle.
  5. Mark arcs that lightly touch the diagonal cuts.
  6. Draw the circle with clearer lines, trying to recreate the real image.

Drawing the outlines of the continents

So, the layout has been created, and you can begin to “revive” the drawing. From space, our planet looks blue and white. Actually top layer an atmosphere consisting of clouds can distort the outlines of continents. And the image does not always coincide with the globe pattern. But how can you draw the earth more realistically? To make the image believable, you can use it for copying geographical maps hemispheres. At the same time, shift the contours of the white continents slightly downward so that the equator line is an arc, slightly curved in the shape of a “boat” in the same direction. This nuance will allow you to recreate the volume and convexity of the globe. Make the outlines of the continents slightly blurred, turning into a bluish-blue ocean color.

Decorating the background

Once you have the image in all its glory, proceed to final stage. After following the suggested instructions on how to draw the earth, be sure to pay special attention design of the background of the picture. Taking a black palette as a basis, you can slightly refresh the drawing with a small whitish “haze” surrounding the planet. Lightly blend the light color over the star flecks. And make glowing yellow lights surrounding the earth different sizes and shapes. Some will appear as tiny dots, while others will appear as angular, ray-like shapes. Surely, all the described recommendations on how to draw the earth will allow you to create a drawing easily and quickly. And how realistic it will turn out will depend on patience when tinting and coloring both the globe and the background surrounding it.


Create new document size 1000x1000 pixels and fill it with black. So far everything is simple.


Take the Elliptical Marquee tool and, while holding down the Shift key (which will help you achieve perfect shape circle), give the shape of the planet the desired size. Then fill the resulting shape with the color you want your planet to be.


Now duplicate this layer twice to make 3 circles and fill them with black. Call them like mine.


So, turn off the shadow layer (as in the picture above). Now go to the ATM layer and set the following settings. Then change the layer blending mode to Screen!

This is the result you should get if you did everything correctly. Next we move on to the shadows.


Make the shadow layer visible again, and go to the menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100 (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100). Move this shadow to where it will be on your planet. IN in this case I wanted the shadow to be at the bottom of the planet, so I just moved it a little lower.


Now we will add texture. Create a new layer below the ATM layer. Combine it with the base by holding Alt keys when switching between layers. Here's the texture I used (use the Clone brush to make it brighter).

Having made the texture the size of my planet, I duplicate this layer. I make a selection for the base. I select the duplicated layer and apply Filter – Distort – Spherical (Filter – Distort – Spherical), leaving the default parameters. Then I erase the middle and this is what I got:


Now I just apply a blue photo filter. I make the colors brighter using the Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation functions (I also duplicated the ATM layer again).

And now we have come to the core of life, to an inexhaustible source of resources, to the center of our worldview and creation. The place that gave us life and, in the same way, takes our bodies into the depths of itself. You haven't guessed what all this is about yet. more beautiful than words? Today you will find out how to draw earth pencil. This is our world (as it seems to us). Blue planet, the only one known to man, as inhabited by living organisms. There are many opinions about the age of the planet, and all of them are reasoned, but classically it is 4.5 billion years old. Since its creation, the planet has revolved languidly around the sun, just as it does now.

What can I say, I envy Gagarin, as the first person who saw our native world in all its glory. And although every conscious person knows that in deep space there are billions of the same planets, more or less nice, we proudly call our ball the World, the Universe. We will meet other life in space, and we will be asked: Where are you from, strange travelers, and we will answer: We and beautiful planet Earth. And they: Oh yes, cool, cool, heard about this one, it’s good.

This is what you didn't know about our planet:

  • The Atacama Desert in Chile and Peru is considered the driest place on Earth. Not a single drop of water has ever been recorded in the center of it. But driest doesn't always mean hottest. There has been no rain in the valleys of Antarctica for millions of years.
  • Looking for solitude? You won’t find it in one place, even if you bury yourself underground. This is the city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. If you believe sociologists, then at 38 square meters. 1,660,000 people live there. In cramped conditions, but not in offence.
  • But the planet is not completely round. Due to the rapid rotation, a bulge is created at the equator, and the diameter there becomes larger than the diameter at the poles, by 43 kilometers. So our planet is flattened like a pie, but we don't pay attention to it.
  • There are people who love planet Earth so much that they are ready to sacrifice their lives for it. And not only their own. There is a Movement for the Voluntary Extinction of Humanity. As you guessed, such people consider homo sapiens a threat to all living things and take measures in the form mass destruction people cessation of procreation.

Although the planet is not perfectly round, it is usually considered and drawn as a ball. And we will do the same.

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First we need two squares, divided in half, so that we can fit the colo into them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a circle. But this is not a royal matter.
Step two. As mentioned above, we make the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. Now it will be easier to draw smooth circle. We combine the arcs so that everything turns out as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas on our ball. Anything that will fit and be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stick dots around the planet - the image of distant stars, move the pencil, depict space so that the planet does not look lonely.
Most likely, the development of space exploration will soon take man to other planets, but the Earth will always remain the only home. When you're done being God and creating planets, leave a comment and recommend me interesting topics for new lessons.

See also similar drawings.